silhouette_plot <- function(object, p = 1, weight = NULL,
alpha = 1, rescale = FALSE,
t.max = 0.5)
if (class(object) != "GRanges")
stop('The first object is not a GRanges object.')
if ( (p != 0) && (p != 1) && (p != 2) )
stop ('invalid value for p, It must be 0,1,2 ')
if ( (alpha < 0) || (alpha > 1) )
stop ('invalid value for alpha. It must be included in [0, 1]')
stop('Provide the value for the weight used in the classification ')
NOregisterd <- !(is.null(object$cluster_NOshift))
registered <- !(is.null(object$cluster_shift))
maxcl <- NULL
if(!(NOregisterd) && !registered)
stop('No classification provided.')
print("Silhouette for the non aligned peaks")
dist_peaks_NO_shift <- distance_peak(object, p = p)
cluster_NO_shift <- object$cluster_NOshift
# maximum number of clusters
maxcl <- length(cluster_NO_shift[[1]])
stop('No classification provided. ')
dist_matrix <- (1-alpha)*dist_peaks_NO_shift$dist_matrix_d0 +
alpha * weight * dist_peaks_NO_shift$dist_matrix_d1
silh_NO_shift <- sapply(2:maxcl,
function(x){compute_silhouette(x, cluster_NO_shift, dist_matrix)},
simplify = FALSE)
print("Silhouette for the aligned peaks")
cluster_shift <- object$cluster_shift
dist_shift <- object$dist_shift
# maximum number of clusters
maxcl <- length(cluster_shift[[1]])
stop('No classification provided. ')
silh_shift <- sapply(2:maxcl, function(kk){
templates <- sapply(1:kk, function(s)
dist_cluster <- sapply(dist_shift, function(y){y[s]})
temp <- which(dist_cluster==0)
}, simplify = FALSE)
cl_shi <- sapply(cluster_shift, function(x){x[kk]})
define_templates <- object[templates[[kk]],]
coefs_shift_original <- unlist(sapply(define_templates$coef_shift, function(x){x[kk]}))
center_templates <- summit_peak(define_templates,
define_templates$summit_spline - coefs_shift_original)
# center templates
templates_cluster <- cluster_peak(center_templates,
parallel = FALSE, n.clust = 1,
shift.peak = TRUE, weight = weight,
alpha = alpha, p = p,
t.max = t.max, plot.graph.k = FALSE,
verbose = FALSE, rescale = FALSE)
coefs_shift <- unlist(templates_cluster$coef_shift)
templates_aligned <- summit_peak(center_templates, center_templates$summit_spline - coefs_shift)
# shift original peaks with the coefficient
# estimated by the clustering algorithm
coef_shift_all <- sapply( object$coef_shift, function(x){x[kk]}, simplify = TRUE)
shifted_peaks <- summit_peak(object,
object$summit_spline - coef_shift_all)
# shift peaks with the coefficient
# related to the templates aligment
coefs_alignment_data <- sapply(cl_shi, function(x){coefs_shift[x]})
data_aligned <- summit_peak(shifted_peaks,
shifted_peaks$summit_spline - coefs_alignment_data)
dist_peaks_shift <- distance_peak(data_aligned, p = p)
dist_matrix_shift <- (1-alpha)*dist_peaks_shift$dist_matrix_d0 +
alpha * weight * dist_peaks_shift$dist_matrix_d1
shil_kk <- compute_silhouette(kk, cluster_shift, dist_matrix_shift)
}, simplify = FALSE)
# library(RColorBrewer)
if(registered && NOregisterd)
par(mfcol =c(2, maxcl-1),
oma = c(0,0,4,0), mar=c(1.5,4,1.5,1.5))
par(mfcol =c(1, maxcl-1),
oma = c(0,0,4,0), mar=c(1.5,4,1.5,1.5))
for(i in 2:maxcl)
# par(oma=c(0,0,0,0))
cluster_here_NO_shift <- sapply(cluster_NO_shift, function(x){x[i]})
# plot of the silhouette index for the non aligned data
order_data <- NULL
shil_here <- silh_NO_shift[[i-1]]
shil_ordered <- NULL
for(k in 1:i)
data_here <- which(cluster_here_NO_shift == k)
shil_ordered_here <- sort(shil_here[data_here], decreasing = TRUE)
order_data <- c(order_data, data_here)
shil_ordered <- c(shil_ordered, shil_ordered_here)
max_shil <- shil_ordered[c(1, (cumsum(table(cluster_here_NO_shift))[-i]+1))]
max_shil_sort <-, index.return = TRUE, decreasing = TRUE)
new_sort <- NULL
for(k in 1:i)
ends <- cumsum(table(cluster_here_NO_shift))
starts <- c(1, ends[-i]+1)
new_sort <- c(new_sort,
scale_col <- gray.colors(i, start = 0.3, end = 0.6, gamma = 2.2, alpha = NULL)
colors_here <- rep(scale_col, table(cluster_here_NO_shift))
barplot(height = shil_ordered[new_sort],
horiz = FALSE,
col = colors_here[new_sort], border = colors_here[new_sort],
ylim = c(-1, 1), cex.axis =1.5 , ylab = 'silhouette index', cex.lab = 1.5)
title(main = paste('k =', as.character(i)) , cex.main = 2, font.main = 1)
abline(h = mean(shil_ordered), lwd =2 , lty = 2, col ='grey12')
text(x = 1.1*length(shil_ordered),
y = mean(shil_ordered)+ 0.08,
labels = as.character(round(mean(shil_ordered),2)), cex = 1.5)
legend('bottom', fill=scale_col, border = 0, box.lwd = 0,
legend= 1:i, cex = 1.5, title = "Cluster", ncol =ceiling(i/2))
# plot aligned data
cluster_here_shift <- sapply(cluster_shift, function(x){x[i]})
# plot of the silhouette index for the non aligned data
order_data <- NULL
shil_here <- silh_shift[[i-1]]
shil_ordered <- NULL
for(k in 1:i)
data_here <- which(cluster_here_shift == k)
shil_ordered_here <- sort(shil_here[data_here], decreasing = TRUE)
order_data <- c(order_data, data_here)
shil_ordered <- c(shil_ordered, shil_ordered_here)
max_shil <- shil_ordered[c(1, (cumsum(table(cluster_here_shift))[-i]+1))]
max_shil_sort <-, index.return = TRUE, decreasing = TRUE)
new_sort <- NULL
for(k in 1:i)
ends <- cumsum(table(cluster_here_shift))
starts <- c(1, ends[-i]+1)
new_sort <- c(new_sort,
scale_col <- rev(rep(brewer.pal(i+3, "OrRd")[-(1:3)], length = i)[1:i])
colors_here <- rep(scale_col, table(cluster_here_shift))
barplot(height = shil_ordered[new_sort],
horiz = FALSE,
col = colors_here[new_sort], border = colors_here[new_sort],
ylim = c(-1, 1), cex.axis =1.5 , ylab = 'silhouette index', cex.lab = 1.5)
title(main = paste('k =', as.character(i)) , cex.main = 2, font.main = 1)
abline(h = mean(shil_ordered), lwd =2 , lty = 2, col ='darkred')
text(x = 1.1*length(shil_ordered),
y = mean(shil_ordered)+ 0.08, col = 'darkred',
labels = as.character(round(mean(shil_ordered),2)), cex = 1.5)
legend('bottom', fill=scale_col, border = 0, box.lwd = 0,
legend= 1:i, cex = 1.5, title = "Cluster", ncol = ceiling(i/2))
title("Silhouette plot", outer = TRUE, font.main = 1, cex.main = 2)
if(registered && NOregisterd)
return(list(silh_shift = silh_shift, silh_NO_shift = silh_NO_shift))
compute_average_distance <- function(dist, cl, cluster_i)
MaxCl <- length(unique(cl))
average_distances <- tapply(dist, cl, mean)
ordered_aver <- c(average_distances[cluster_i],
sort(average_distances[-cluster_i], decreasing = FALSE))
compute_silhouette <- function(id_clust, cluster, dist_matrix)
if(id_clust == 1)
stop('Silhouette index can not be computed with 1 cluster only.')
cl <- sapply(cluster, function(x){x[id_clust]})
# on all the peaks compute the average distance within and
# without the cluster
mat_dist <- sapply(1:dim(dist_matrix)[2],
cl, cl[x])},
simplify = TRUE)
# print(head(t(mat_dist)))
s <- apply(mat_dist, 2, function(x){(x[2]-x[1])/max(x[1:2])})
# print(head(s))
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