### Functions:
# getResults_gtLinker
# format_gtLinker (private)
# jobName <- "3907019_gtLinker_"
format_gtLinker <- function(jobName, organism)
############## READ Files ##############
# Read metagroups
globalMetagroups <- read.table(paste(jobName, "global_overview.txt", sep=""),skip=2, header=FALSE, sep="\t", quote = "")
colnames(globalMetagroups) <- c("Size","Diameter","Similarity","Silhouette Width","Genes","nGenes","nref_list","pValue","Terms")
nMetaGroups <- dim(globalMetagroups)[1]
#write.table(globalMetagroups, file="...")
# Read gene-term sets
tablaGeneTermSets <- NULL
for(mg in rownames(globalMetagroups))
metagrupo <- read.table(paste(jobName, "metagroup_", mg, ".txt", sep=""),skip=1, header=FALSE, sep="\t", quote = "")
tablaGeneTermSets <- rbind(tablaGeneTermSets,cbind(cbind(gtSet=paste(mg, sep=""), metagrupo))) #, cbind(gtSet=paste("Mg", mg,"_gtSet", 1:dim(metagrupo)[1], sep=""), metagrupo))
colnames(tablaGeneTermSets) <- c("Metagroup", "Genes","nGenes","nref_list","pValue","Terms")
############## Basic format (global metagroups and gsets) ###################
# Remove brackets
for(col in c("nGenes", "nref_list"))
globalMetagroups[, col] <- as.numeric(sapply(strsplit(as.character(globalMetagroups[, "nGenes"]), split="(", fixed=TRUE), function(x) x[1]))
tablaGeneTermSets[, col] <- as.numeric(sapply(strsplit(as.character(tablaGeneTermSets[, "nGenes"]), split="(", fixed=TRUE), function(x) x[1]))
# Format kegg, add org prefix...
data("organisms", envir = environment())
organisms <- get("organisms", envir = environment())
organism <- "map"
# organism <- organisms[capitalize(tolower(organism)), "keggPrefix"]
# globalMetagroups$Terms <- gsub("Kegg:", paste("KEGG:", organism, sep=""), globalMetagroups$Terms)
# tablaGeneTermSets$Terms <- gsub("Kegg:", paste("KEGG:", organism, sep=""), tablaGeneTermSets$Terms)
# Interpro
globalMetagroups$Terms <- gsub("IPR", paste("IPR:", sep=""), globalMetagroups$Terms)
tablaGeneTermSets$Terms <- gsub("IPR", paste("IPR:", sep=""), tablaGeneTermSets$Terms)
############## Format metagroups table ###################
globalMetagroups <- cbind(Metagroup=1:nrow(globalMetagroups),globalMetagroups)
globalMetagroups$Terms <- sapply(globalMetagroups$Terms, function(gts)
paste(sapply(strsplit(gts,";", fixed=TRUE)[[1]], function(term)
term <-strsplit(term, ":")[[1]]
capitalize(paste(paste(term[3:length(term)], collapse=" "), " (",paste(term[1:2], collapse=":"),")",sep=""))
############## SAVE ###################
fileNameMetagroups <- paste(jobName, "formatted_metagroups.txt", sep="")
fileNameGeneTermSets <- paste(jobName, "formatted_gtSets.txt", sep="")
write.table(globalMetagroups, file=fileNameMetagroups, quote=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, sep="\t")
write.table(tablaGeneTermSets, file=fileNameGeneTermSets, quote=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, sep="\t")
message(paste("Metagroups and Gene-term sets tables saved as ", fileNameMetagroups, " and ",fileNameGeneTermSets,".", sep=""))
ret <- list(metagroups=globalMetagroups, geneTermSets=tablaGeneTermSets, fileName=fileNameMetagroups)
# jobID <- 3907019
# results <- fea_gtLinker_getResults(jobID)
fea_gtLinker_getResults <- function(jobID=NULL, organism=NULL, jobName=NULL, alreadyDownloaded=FALSE, keepTrying=FALSE, serverWeb="", serverWS="")
if(!loadInstPkg("RCurl")) stop("Package 'RCurl' is required to get the FEA results from GeneTerm Linker server.")
# Check arguments
if(is.numeric(jobID)) jobID <- as.character(jobID)
if(!is.character(jobID) && !alreadyDownloaded) stop("jobID not valid.")
if(is.null(jobID) && is.null(jobName)) stop("jobID or jobName are required.")
if(!is.null(jobName) && !is.character(jobName)) stop("jobName should be character.")
if(!is.logical(alreadyDownloaded)) stop("alreadyDownloaded should be TRUE or FALSE.")
if(!is.logical(keepTrying)) stop("keepTrying should be TRUE or FALSE.")
if(!is.character(serverWeb)) stop("Web server URL not valid.")
if(!alreadyDownloaded && !url.exists(serverWeb)) stop("Either the web server URL is wrong or the server is down.")
# Prepare jobName / folder
if(is.null(jobName)) jobName <- paste(jobID,"_gtLinker", sep="")
folder <- jobName
jobName <- paste(jobName, "_", sep="")
# Create folder
currWD <- getwd()
# Connect to server and download results
if(!is.null(jobID) && !alreadyDownloaded)
jobReady <- FALSE
firstAttempt <- TRUE
count <- 0
status_envelope_body <- paste('<status xmlns="urn:gtLinkerWS">',
'<job_id xsi:type="xsd:string">',jobID ,'</job_id></status>', sep="")
# Check wether the job is ready and wait if necessary
# status(jobID)
# 0: the job has finished succesfully
# 1: the job has not finished yet (inc. the job does not exist!)
# -1: there has been an error
# info(jobID) # Provides any error messages there might have been during the analisys.
reply <- SOAPQuery(status_envelope_body, serverWS)
# Ready
if(reply$statusResponse == 0)
jobReady <- TRUE
if(!firstAttempt) Sys.sleep(5) # To allow the server producing the files
# Error
if(reply$statusResponse == -1)
info_envelope_body <- paste('<info xmlns="urn:gtLinkerWS">',
'<job_id xsi:type="xsd:string">',jobID ,'</job_id></info>', sep="")
reply <- SOAPQuery(info_envelope_body, serverWS)$infoResponse
stop(paste("Message from server: ", reply, sep=""))
# if(reply == -1) stop("Error connecting to the server.")
# Still analyzing:
if(!keepTrying) break()
if(reply$statusResponse == 1)
count <- count + 1
firstAttempt <- FALSE
if(count == 10) keepTrying <- FALSE
# Download results (jobID)
warning("The analysis has not finished yet or the jobID does not exist.")
} else # jobReady
# Download files
downAttempt <- tryCatch({
# Download global_hash
inputFileName <- paste(jobName,"global_overview.txt", sep="")
fileURL <- paste(serverWeb, "/jobs/",jobID,"/global_hash", sep="")
if(!url.exists(fileURL)) warning("Server/URL does not seem to be correct, trying anyway...")
download.file(url=fileURL, destfile=inputFileName)
# Download Metagroups
nMetaGroups <- nrow(read.table(inputFileName,skip=2, header=FALSE, sep="\t", quote = ""))
for (mg in 1:nMetaGroups) download.file(quiet=TRUE, url=paste(serverWeb, "/jobs/",jobID,"/", mg-1,"_hash", sep=""), destfile=paste(jobName,"metagroup_", mg,".txt", sep=""))
message(paste("Results downloaded to folder '", folder, "'", sep=""))
}, error = function(e) {
}# End download
queryArgs <- list(queryArgsAsCharacter(
save(queryArgs, file="queryArgs.RData")
ret <- c(queryArgs=queryArgs, format_gtLinker(jobName, organism))
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