## Runs the greedy algorithm on randomized input to produce random result list of drivers for significance test
## outputFolder = NULL -> no output any file
## outputFolder = "" -> current folder
computeRandomizedResult <- function(patMutMatrix, patOutMatrix, influenceGraph, geneNameList, outputFolder = NULL, printToConsole = FALSE, numberOfRandomTests = 500, weighted = FALSE, purturbGraph = FALSE, purturbData = TRUE) {
if (weighted) {
stop("Weighted algorithm is not implemented.")
if (purturbGraph) {
stop("Purturb graph option is not implemented.")
if (purturbData == FALSE) {
stop("Purturb data option must be TRUE at this moment.")
## set maxNumOfDrivers to the number of mutations
maxNumOfDrivers <- length(which(colSums(patMutMatrix)>0))
out_fname <- c()
if (!identical(outputFolder, NULL)) {
out_fname <- c(paste(outputFolder, "randomized_result_", format(Sys.time(), "%Y_%m_%d_%H%M%S"), ".txt", sep=""))
if (printToConsole) {
out_fname <- c(out_fname, "")
if (purturbGraph == FALSE) {
nG_out <- .neighborGraph(influenceGraph[intersect(colnames(patMutMatrix), rownames(influenceGraph)), intersect(colnames(influenceGraph), colnames(patOutMatrix))]) ## genes whose expression is affected by dna mutation in g
coverageResults <- vector(mode="list", length=numberOfRandomTests)
i <- 1
for (i in 1:numberOfRandomTests) {
randomPatMutMatrix <- patMutMatrix
randomPatOutMatrix <- patOutMatrix
if (purturbData) {
## purturb the data by randomizing the gene names
randomizedOutlierNames <- geneNameList[sample(1:length(geneNameList))[1:ncol(patOutMatrix)]]
randomizedMutationNames <- geneNameList[sample(1:length(geneNameList))[1:ncol(patMutMatrix)]]
colnames(randomPatOutMatrix) <- randomizedOutlierNames
colnames(randomPatMutMatrix) <- randomizedMutationNames
if (purturbGraph) {
## purturb influenceGraph as well
infGraphNewGeneNames <- geneNameList[sample(1:length(geneNameList))[1:numColInfluenceGraph]]
colnames(influenceGraph) <- infGraphNewGeneNames
rownames(influenceGraph) <- infGraphNewGeneNames
nG_out <- .neighborGraph(influenceGraph[intersect(colnames(randomPatMutMatrix), rownames(influenceGraph)), intersect(colnames(influenceGraph), colnames(randomPatOutMatrix))]) ## genes whose expression is affected by dna mutation in g
## reuse these intersections
affectedGenesIntersection <- intersect(colnames(influenceGraph), colnames(randomPatOutMatrix))
patientIntersection <- intersect(rownames(randomPatMutMatrix), rownames(randomPatOutMatrix))
mutatedGenesIntersection <- intersect(rownames(influenceGraph), colnames(randomPatMutMatrix))
## pre-process the new matrices
influenceGraph2 <- influenceGraph[mutatedGenesIntersection, affectedGenesIntersection]
randomPatOutMatrix2 <- randomPatOutMatrix[patientIntersection, affectedGenesIntersection]
randomPatMutMatrix2 <- randomPatMutMatrix[patientIntersection, mutatedGenesIntersection]
if (weighted) {
## Not implemented
# drivers[[i]] <- .greedyGeneDriverSelection_weighted(out_fname, randomPatOutMatrix2, randomPatMutMatrix2, influenceGraph2, maxNumOfDrivers)[[1]]
} else {
runResult <- .greedyGeneDriverSelection(out_fname, randomPatOutMatrix2, randomPatMutMatrix2, influenceGraph2, nG_out, NULL, maxNumOfDrivers)
if (!is.null(runResult$drivers)) {
len <- length(runResult$drivers)
coverageVector <- vector(mode="integer", length=len)
names(coverageVector) <- runResult$drivers
if (len>0) {
for (k in 1:len) {
## nrow(actualEvents[[i]][[k]]) equals the number of events covered by the k-th driver found in the i-th run
coverageVector[[k]] <- nrow(runResult$actualEvents[[k]])
coverageResults[[i]] <- coverageVector
if (!identical(outputFolder, NULL)) {
message(paste("Log file written to: ", out_fname[[1]], "\n", sep=""))
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