.greedyGeneDriverSelection <- function(outf, patOutMatrix, patMutMatrix, influenceGraph, nG_out, fimatrix, maxNumOfDrivers) {
## If fimatrix is not provided, just use the binary patient mutation matrix
## If fimatrix is provided, we have to limit ourselves to use only patients & mutations existing in both matrices.
if (!identical(fimatrix, NULL)) {
pats <- intersect(rownames(patMutMatrix), rownames(fimatrix))
cat(paste(dim(patMutMatrix)[1]-length(pats), "patients data removed because FI score not available\n"))
patMutMatrix <- patMutMatrix[pats, ]
patOutMatrix <- patOutMatrix[pats, ]
fimatrix <- fimatrix[pats, ]
patMutMatrix <- patMutMatrix[order(rownames(patMutMatrix)), ]
patOutMatrix <- patOutMatrix[order(rownames(patOutMatrix)), ]
fimatrix <- fimatrix[order(rownames(fimatrix)), ]
muts <- intersect(colnames(patMutMatrix), colnames(fimatrix))
cat(paste(dim(patMutMatrix)[2]-length(muts), "mutated genes removed because FI score not available\n"))
patMutMatrix <- patMutMatrix[, muts]
fimatrix <- fimatrix[, muts]
patMutMatrix <- patMutMatrix[, order(colnames(patMutMatrix))]
fimatrix <- fimatrix[, order(colnames(fimatrix))]
## KEN: 2011-12-15: this total event is different from sum(patOutMatrix) (used below)... I do not have time to investigate why.
totalEvents <- sum(.buildAggregateBipartiteGraph(influenceGraph, patMutMatrix, patOutMatrix))
coveredEvents <- 0.0
iter <- 0
## actualEvents keep track of in which patient, which outlier expression is explained by which mutation
actualEvents <- list()
res <- c()
mutatedGenes <- colnames(patMutMatrix)
mutationDegrees <- rep(0.0, dim(patMutMatrix)[2])
names(mutationDegrees) <- mutatedGenes
while (coveredEvents < totalEvents) {
degRes <- .computeMutatedGeneDegrees(patMutMatrix, patOutMatrix, nG_out, fimatrix, mutatedGenes, mutationDegrees)
mutationDegrees <- degRes$weightedDegrees
actualDegrees <- degRes$actualDegrees
maxMutDeg <- max(mutationDegrees)
maxMutDegIndices <- which(mutationDegrees == maxMutDeg)
actualMaxMutDeg <- actualDegrees[names(mutationDegrees)[maxMutDegIndices[[1]]]]
## Cannot cover any new event
if (maxMutDeg == 0) {
if (length(outf) > 0) {
for (i in 1:length(outf)) {
cat("exit prematurely!\n", file=outf[[i]], append=TRUE)
maxMutDegGene <- names(mutationDegrees)[maxMutDegIndices[1]]
if (length(outf) > 0) {
for (i in 1:length(outf)) {
cat("iter ", iter, " ) selected", maxMutDegGene, " , outliers covered by this driver: ", actualMaxMutDeg, " total outliers explained:", sum(patOutMatrix), "\n", file=outf[[i]], append=T)
if (length(maxMutDegIndices) > 1) {
cat(" ties among : ", names(mutationDegrees)[maxMutDegIndices], "\n", file=outf[[i]], append=T)
## The max is removed
coveredEvents <- coveredEvents + actualMaxMutDeg
mutationDegrees <- mutationDegrees[-maxMutDegIndices[1]]
updatedMatrices <- .deleteMutatedGene(patMutMatrix, patOutMatrix, nG_out[[maxMutDegGene]], maxMutDegGene)
patMutMatrix <- updatedMatrices[[1]]
patOutMatrix <- updatedMatrices[[2]]
## updatedMatrices[[3]] is the genesCovered list
if (length(updatedMatrices[[3]]) > 1) {
mutatedGenes <- colnames(patMutMatrix)[which( rowSums(influenceGraph[colnames(patMutMatrix), updatedMatrices[[3]]]) > 0)]
} else {
mutatedGenes <- colnames(patMutMatrix)[which( (influenceGraph[colnames(patMutMatrix), updatedMatrices[[3]]]) > 0)]
res <- c(res, maxMutDegGene)
## book-keeping for the outliers explained by this driver gene
## updatedMatrices[[4]] = those reset/cancelled outliers
actualEvents[[maxMutDegGene]] <- updatedMatrices[[4]]
gc() ##garbage collection
iter <- iter + 1
if (iter >= maxNumOfDrivers) {
list("drivers"=res, "actualEvents"=actualEvents, "totalEvents"=totalEvents)
## adjLists is the list of adjacency lists (usually called with nG_out, i.e. ordered by the rows in G)
## mutatedGenes: a list of mutation names
## mutation degree of these mutation
## returns a list of outlier event counts, value["g"] is the outlier event counts caused by mutation "g"
.computeMutatedGeneDegrees <- function(patMutMatrix, patOutMatrix, adjLists, fimatrix, mutatedGenes, weightedDeg) {
weightedDeg[mutatedGenes] <- 0
actualDeg <- weightedDeg
i <- 1
if (length(mutatedGenes) > 0) {
for (i in 1:length(mutatedGenes)) {
## mutAdjList is the particular adjacency list of that gene
mutAdjList <- adjLists[[mutatedGenes[i]]]
## pats = patients in which "g" is mutated
pats <- which(patMutMatrix[, mutatedGenes[i]] == 1)
actualDeg[mutatedGenes[i]] <- sum(patOutMatrix[pats, intersect(mutAdjList, colnames(patOutMatrix))])
if (identical(fimatrix, NULL)) {
## if fimatrix is not provided, the weightedDeg is the same as actual Deg
## This is a lot faster because of vectorization
weightedDeg <- actualDeg
} else {
## There should be a potential performance improvement here if we use vectorization.
## Accessing the matrix entries in this way is slow.
if (length(pats) > 0) {
for (j in 1:length(pats)) {
## weightedDeg["g"] = total number of outliers events of neighbor genes of "g" in all the patients whose gene "g" is mutated
weightedDeg[mutatedGenes[i]] <- weightedDeg[mutatedGenes[i]] + fimatrix[pats[j], mutatedGenes[i]]*sum(patOutMatrix[pats[j], intersect(mutAdjList, colnames(patOutMatrix))])
} else {
weightedDeg[] <- 0
actualDeg <- weightedDeg
list(weightedDegrees=weightedDeg, actualDegrees=actualDeg)
## input: deleteMutatedGene(patOutMatrix, patMutMatrix, nG_out[[g]], g)
## g is the current choice
## remove that given mutation from patMutMatrix, all events covered by it are set to non-outliers
.deleteMutatedGene <- function(patMutMatrix, patOutMatrix, mutAdjList, geneName) {
# mutatedGeneIndex = column index of geneName in patMutMatrix
mutatedGeneIndex <- which(colnames(patMutMatrix) == geneName)
# all patients that g is mutated
pats <- which(patMutMatrix[, mutatedGeneIndex] == 1)
j <- 1
covered <- 0
genesCovered <- c()
actual_events_pat <- c()
actual_events_gen <- c()
## for each patient...
for (j in 1:length(pats)) {
## coveredEvents = set of outlier expression covered by the mutation of p of this patient
coveredEvents <- intersect(mutAdjList, colnames(patOutMatrix)[which(patOutMatrix[pats[j], ] > 0)])
if (length(coveredEvents) > 0) {
## set these coveredEvents to be not outlier
patOutMatrix[pats[j], coveredEvents] <- 0
## actual_events_pat and _gen keep track of those "removed" outlier expression...
actual_events_pat <- c(actual_events_pat, rep(rownames(patMutMatrix)[pats[j]], length(coveredEvents)))
actual_events_gen <- c(actual_events_gen, coveredEvents)
covered <- covered + length(coveredEvents)
## genesCovered keeps track of the covered events (not mentioning the patient though??)
genesCovered <- c(genesCovered, coveredEvents)
patMutMatrix <- patMutMatrix[, -mutatedGeneIndex]
## cbind: combine by column
list(patMutMatrix, patOutMatrix, genesCovered, cbind(actual_events_pat, actual_events_gen))
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