#' Sparse partial least squares discriminant analysis with paired and unpaired
#' data
#' This function is used to compare groups of individuals from whom comparable
#' cytometry or other complex data has been generated. It is superior to just
#' running a Wilcoxon analysis in that it does not consider each cluster
#' individually, but instead uses a sparse partial least squares discriminant
#' analysis to first identify which vector thourgh the multidimensional data
#' cloud, created by the cluster-donor matrix, that optimally separates the
#' groups, and as it is a sparse algorithm, applies a penalty to exclude the
#' clusters that are orthogonal, or almost orthogonal to the discriminant
#' vector, i.e. that do not contribute to separating the groups. This is in
#' large a wrapper for the \code{\link[mixOmics]{splsda}} function from
#' the mixOmics package.
#' @importFrom matrixStats rowMedians
#' @importFrom mixOmics splsda tune.splsda
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot aes geom_density scale_fill_manual
#' scale_x_continuous theme element_blank element_rect ggsave
#' @param xYData A dataframe or matrix with two columns. Each row contains
#' information about the x and y positition in the field for that observation.
#' @param idsVector Vector with the same length as xYData containing information
#' about the id of each observation.
#' @param groupVector Vector with the same length as xYData containing
#' information about the group identity of each observation.
#' @param clusterVector Vector with the same length as xYData containing
#' information about the cluster identity of each observation.
#' @param displayVector Optionally, if the dataset is very large
#' (>100 000 observations) and hence the SNE calculation becomes impossible to
#' perform for the full dataset, this vector can be included. It should contain
#' the set of rows from the data used for statistics, that has been used to
#' generate the xYData.
#' @param testSampleRows Optionally, if a train-test setup is wanted, the rows
#' specified in this vector are used to divide the dataset into a training set,
#' used to generate the analysis, and a test set, where the outcome is predicted
#' based on the outcome of the training set. All rows that are not labeled as
#' test rows are assumed to be train rows.
#' @param paired Defaults to FALSE, i.e. no assumption of pairing is made and
#' Wilcoxon rank sum-test is performed. If true, the software will by default
#' pair the first id in the first group with the firs id in the second group
#' and so forth, so make sure the order is correct!
#' @param plotName The main name for the graph and the analysis.
#' @param densContour If density contours should be created for the plot(s) or
#' not. Defaults to TRUE. a
#' @param groupName1 The name for the first group
#' @param groupName2 The name for the second group
#' @param thresholdMisclassRate This threshold corresponds to the usefulness of
#' the model in separating the groups: a misclassification rate of the default
#' 0.05 means that 5 percent of the individuals are on the wrong side of the
#' theoretical robust middle line between the groups along the sPLS-DA axis,
#' defined as the middle point between the 3:rd quartile of the lower group and
#' the 1:st quartile of the higher group.
#' @param title If there should be a title displayed on the plotting field. As
#' the plotting field is saved as a png, this title cannot be removed as an
#' object afterwards, as it is saved as coloured pixels. To simplify usage for
#' publication, the default is FALSE, as the files are still named, eventhough
#' no title appears on the plot.
#' @param plotDir If different from the current directory. If specified and
#' non-existent, the function creates it. If "." is specified, the plots will be
#' saved at the current directory.
#' @param bandColor The color of the contour bands. Defaults to black.
#' @param dotSize Simply the size of the dots. The default makes the dots
#' smaller the more observations that are included.
#' @param createOutput For testing purposes. Defaults to TRUE. If FALSE, no
#' output is generated.
#' @seealso \code{\link[mixOmics]{splsda}}, \code{\link{dColorPlot}},
#' \code{\link{dDensityPlot}}, \code{\link{dResidualPlot}}
#' @return This function returns the full result of the sPLS-DA. It also returns
#' a SNE based plot showing which events that belong to a cluster dominated by
#' the first or the second group defined by the sparse partial least squares
#' loadings of the clusters.
#' @examples
#' # Load some data
#' data(testData)
#' \dontrun{
#' # Load or create the dimensions that you want to plot the result over.
#' # uwot::umap recommended due to speed, but tSNE or other method would
#' # work as fine.
#' data(testDataSNE)
#' # Run the clustering function. For more rapid example execution,
#' # a depeche clustering of the data is inluded
#' # testDataDepeche <- depeche(testData[,2:15])
#' data(testDataDepeche)
#' # Run the function. This time without pairing.
#' sPLSDAObject <- dSplsda(
#' xYData = testDataSNE$Y, idsVector = testData$ids,
#' groupVector = testData$label,
#' clusterVector = testDataDepeche$clusterVector
#' )
#' # Here, pairing is used. NB!! This artificial example is only present to
#' # show how to use the function. In reality, pairing should only be used in
#' # situations where true paired data is present! The only reason this works
#' # although this is non-paired data is that the number of donors is identical.
#' # As it is, the algorithm internally converts the idsVector so that the first
#' # individual in group1 is associated with the first individual in group2.
#' # This can lead to erratic problems, so make sure that either a valid id
#' # vector, with the same id occuring two times for each individual is
#' # provided, or that the individuals occur in the exact same order in both
#' # groups.
#' sPLSDAObject <- dSplsda(
#' xYData = testDataSNE$Y, idsVector = testData$ids,
#' groupVector = testData$label, clusterVector =
#' testDataDepeche$clusterVector,
#' paired = TRUE, plotName = "sPLSDAPlot_paired",
#' groupName1 = "Stimulation 1",
#' groupName2 = "Stimulation 2"
#' )
#' # Here is an example of how the display vector can be used.
#' subsetVector <- sample(1:nrow(testData), size = 10000)
#' # Now, the SNE for this displayVector could be created
#' # testDataSubset <- testData[subsetVector, 2:15]
#' # testDataSNESubset <- Rtsne(testDataDisplay, pca=FALSE)$Y
#' # But we will just subset the testDataSNE immediately
#' testDataSNESubset <- testDataSNE$Y[subsetVector, ]
#' # And now, this new SNE can be used for display, although all
#' # the data is used for the sPLS-DA calculations
#' sPLSDAObject <- dSplsda(
#' xYData = testDataSNESubset, idsVector = testData$ids,
#' groupVector = testData$label, clusterVector =
#' testDataDepeche$clusterVector,
#' displayVector = subsetVector
#' )
#' # Finally, an example of a train-test set situation, where a random half the
#' # dataset is used for training and the second half is used for testing. It
#' # is naturally more biologically interesting to use two independent datasets
#' # for training and testing in the real world.
#' sPLSDAObject <- dSplsda(
#' xYData = testDataSNE$Y, idsVector = testData$ids,
#' groupVector = testData$label, clusterVector =
#' testDataDepeche$clusterVector, testSampleRows = subsetVector
#' )
#' }
#' @export dSplsda
dSplsda <- function(xYData, idsVector, groupVector, clusterVector,
displayVector, testSampleRows, paired = FALSE,
densContour = TRUE, plotName = "default",
groupName1 = unique(groupVector)[1],
groupName2 = unique(groupVector)[2],
thresholdMisclassRate = 0.05, title = FALSE, plotDir = ".",
bandColor = "black", dotSize = 500 / sqrt(nrow(xYData)),
createOutput = TRUE) {
if (plotDir != ".") {
if (length(unique(groupVector)) != 2) {
stop("More or less than two groups are present. This is currently not
if (length(unique(idsVector)) < 8) {
warning("NB! The number of unique ids is smaller than 8, so statistical
comparison is not suitable. Use dResidualPlot instead to view
if (plotName == "default") {
plotName <- paste0(groupName1, "_vs_", groupName2)
if (paired) {
# As the algorithm does not like repeated
# ids, if the id vector contains the same
# values for the first group and the
# second, a new id vector is introduced
# here
if (identical(
unique(idsVector[groupVector == unique(groupVector)[1]]),
unique(idsVector[groupVector == unique(groupVector)[2]])
)) {
pairingVector <- idsVector
idsVector <- paste0(
} else if (length(unique(idsVector[groupVector ==
unique(groupVector)[1]])) ==
length(unique(idsVector[groupVector ==
unique(groupVector)[2]]))) {
pairingVector <- c(
idsVector[groupVector == unique(groupVector)[1]],
idsVector[groupVector == unique(groupVector)[1]]
} else {
stop("Pairing cannot be performed, as the first and second" ,
"datasets contain different number of individual Ids")
if (is.matrix(xYData)) {
xYData <-
if (missing(testSampleRows) == FALSE) {
clusterVectorTrain <- clusterVector[-testSampleRows]
idsVectorTrain <- idsVector[-testSampleRows]
groupVectorTrain <- groupVector[-testSampleRows]
clusterVectorTest <- clusterVector[testSampleRows]
idsVectorTest <- idsVector[testSampleRows]
groupVectorTest <- groupVector[testSampleRows]
if (paired) {
pairingVectorTrain <- pairingVector[-testSampleRows]
pairingVectorTest <- pairingVector[testSampleRows]
} else {
clusterVectorTrain <- clusterVector
idsVectorTrain <- idsVector
groupVectorTrain <- groupVector
if (paired) {
pairingVectorTrain <- pairingVector
if (paired == FALSE) {
dSplsdaInData <- dSplsdaPreCalculations(clusterVectorTrain,
groupName1 = groupName1,
groupName2 = groupName2
} else {
dSplsdaInData <- dSplsdaPreCalculations(clusterVectorTrain,
groupName1 = groupName1,
groupName2 = groupName2,
= pairingVectorTrain
# Here, the number of clusters that
# should be kept in the sPLS-DA is chosen
nVarSPLSDA <- tune.splsda(
X = t(dSplsdaInData[[1]]), Y = dSplsdaInData[[2]],
ncomp = 1, logratio = "none",
test.keepX = dSplsdaInData[[3]],
validation = "loo", dist = "mahalanobis.dist",
multilevel = dSplsdaInData[[4]]
# And here the sPLS-DA is performed.
# Scaling is performed internally in the
# algorithm.
sPLSDAObject <- splsda(
X = t(dSplsdaInData[[1]]), Y = dSplsdaInData[[2]],
ncomp = 1, keepX = nVarSPLSDA$choice.keepX,
multilevel = dSplsdaInData[[4]]
# Retrieve the x variates for plotting
sPLSDA_vector <- data.frame(sPLSDAObject$variates$X)
Group <- dSplsdaInData[[2]]
densityHist <- cbind(sPLSDA_vector, Group)
colnames(densityHist) <- c("sPLSDA_vector", "Group")
# Density plots with semi-transparent
# fill
ggplot(densityHist, aes(x = sPLSDA_vector, fill = Group)) +
geom_density(adjust = 0.2, alpha = 0.4) +
scale_fill_manual(values = c("red", "blue")) +
limits =
c(min(densityHist$sPLSDA_vector) -
abs(max(densityHist$sPLSDA_vector) -
min(densityHist$sPLSDA_vector)) *
0.3, max(densityHist$sPLSDA_vector)
+ abs(max(densityHist$sPLSDA_vector) -
* 0.3)
) +
line = element_blank(),
panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white")
if (createOutput) {
ggsave(file.path(plotDir, paste0(plotName, "_sPLSDA_vector.pdf")),
dpi = 300
# Retrieve the sparse loadings
sPLSDALoadings <- sPLSDAObject$loadings$X
# Here, the maximum values for the
# plotting are defined. If not added by
# the user, they are related to the
# overlap between the populations.
# Furthermore, the data is re-scaled in
# here, to be more visually
# understandable.
group1SplsDa <-
densityHist$sPLSDA_vector[which(densityHist$Group == groupName1)]
group2SplsDa <-
densityHist$sPLSDA_vector[which(densityHist$Group == groupName2)]
# Now, the border between the populations
# is defined
if (min(group1SplsDa) > min(group2SplsDa)) {
lowGroup <- group2SplsDa
highGroup <- group1SplsDa
} else {
lowGroup <- group1SplsDa
highGroup <- group2SplsDa
groupBorder <- (quantile(lowGroup, probs = 0.75) +
quantile(highGroup, probs = 0.25)) / 2
lowErrors <- length(which(highGroup < groupBorder))
highErrors <- length(which(lowGroup > groupBorder))
misclassRate <- (lowErrors + highErrors) / sum(
if (max(lowGroup) < min(highGroup)) {
message("The separation of the datasets was perfect, with no overlap ",
"between the groups")
lowestPlottedOverlap <- 0
absSPLSDALoadings <- abs(sPLSDALoadings)
} else if (misclassRate <= thresholdMisclassRate) {
"The separation of the datasets was very clear, with the ",
"misclassification rate being ", round(100 * misclassRate),
" percent"
lowestPlottedOverlap <- misclassRate
absSPLSDALoadings <- abs(sPLSDALoadings)
} else {
"The separation of the datasets was not clear, with the ",
"misclassification rate being ", round(100 * misclassRate),
" percent"
scalingValue <- thresholdMisclassRate / misclassRate
absSPLSDALoadings <- abs(sPLSDALoadings * scalingValue)
# Now, the sign is changed of the
# splsda-loadings, to make the function
# generate a similar visual output to the
# dWilcox function. Now the median for
# each group and cluster is calculated
group1Data <- dSplsdaInData[[1]][, which(
as.character(dSplsdaInData[[2]]) == groupName1)]
group2Data <- dSplsdaInData[[1]][, which(
as.character(dSplsdaInData[[2]]) == groupName2)]
median1 <- rowMedians(group1Data)
median2 <- rowMedians(group2Data)
correctSPLSDALoadings <- absSPLSDALoadings
for (i in seq_len(nrow(group1Data))) {
if (median1[i] >= median2[i]) {
correctSPLSDALoadings[i] <- absSPLSDALoadings[i]
} else {
correctSPLSDALoadings[i] <- -absSPLSDALoadings[i]
# Here, a vector with the same length as
# the cluster vector is generated, but
# where the cluster info has been
# substituted with the statistic. If a
# displayVector has been included, it is
# used here, to subset the clusterVector
if (missing(displayVector) == FALSE) {
statisticVector <- clusterVector[displayVector]
clusterVectorUsed <- clusterVector[displayVector]
} else {
statisticVector <- clusterVector
clusterVectorUsed <- clusterVector
for (i in seq_len(nrow(correctSPLSDALoadings))) {
statisticVector[clusterVectorUsed ==
rownames(correctSPLSDALoadings)[i]] <-
# Here the data that will be used for
# plotting is scaled.
colnames(xYData) <- c("V1", "V2")
brks <- seq(-1, 1, length.out = 10)
# assign each value to a bin
grps <- cut(statisticVector, breaks = brks, include.lowest = TRUE)
colors <- colorRampPalette(c("#FF0000", "white", "#0000FF"))(9)
xYData$col <- colors[grps]
colorVariable = xYData$col, plotName =
paste0(plotName, "_sPLSDA_result"),
xYData = xYData, title = title,
densContour = densContour, bandColor = bandColor,
dotSize = dotSize, plotDir = plotDir,
createOutput = createOutput
# Create a color legend with text
yname <- "Misclass-corrected sPLS-DA loadings"
topText <- paste0(groupName1, " is more abundant")
bottomText <- paste0(groupName2, " is more abundant")
if (createOutput) {
pdf(file.path(plotDir, paste0(plotName, "_sPLS-DA_scale.pdf")))
par(fig = c(0.35, 0.65, 0, 1), xpd = NA)
z <- matrix(seq_len(9), nrow = 1)
x <- 1
y <- seq(-1, 1, len = 9)
image(x, y, z, col = colors, axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = yname)
text(1, 1 * 1.2, labels = topText, cex = 1.1)
text(1, -1 * 1.2, labels = bottomText, cex = 1.1)
# Return data from the sPLS-DA that was
# needed for the generation of the graphs
if (createOutput) {
file.path(plotDir, paste0(plotName, "_sPLSDA_loadings.csv"))
file.path(plotDir, paste0(plotName, "_sPLSDA_vector.csv"))
# Now, prediction is performed, if the
# setup is train-test.
if (missing(testSampleRows) == FALSE) {
if (paired == FALSE) {
dSplsdaInDataTest <-
dSplsdaPreCalculations(clusterVectorTest, idsVectorTest,
groupName1 = groupName1,
groupName2 = groupName2
} else {
dSplsdaInDataTest <- dSplsdaPreCalculations(clusterVectorTest,
groupName1 = groupName1,
groupName2 = groupName2,
pairingVector =
# And here the preciction is performed.
sPLSDAPredictObject <- predict(
object = sPLSDAObject,
newdata = t(dSplsdaInDataTest[[1]]),
multilevel = dSplsdaInDataTest[[4]]
# Retrieve the x variates for plotting
sPLSDAX <- data.frame(sPLSDAPredictObject$variates)
densityHist <- cbind(sPLSDAX, dSplsdaInDataTest[[2]])
colnames(densityHist) <- c("sPLSDA_vector", "Group")
# Density plots with semi-transparent
# fill
ggplot(densityHist, aes(x = sPLSDA_vector, fill = Group)) +
geom_density(adjust = 0.2, alpha = 0.4) +
scale_fill_manual(values = c("red", "blue")) +
= c(min(densityHist$sPLSDA_vector) -
abs(max(densityHist$sPLSDA_vector) -
* 0.3, max(densityHist$sPLSDA_vector)
+ abs(max(densityHist$sPLSDA_vector) -
min(densityHist$sPLSDA_vector)) *
) +
line = element_blank(),
= element_rect(
= "white"
if (createOutput) {
paste0(plotName, "_sPLSDA_vector_predicted.pdf")
dpi = 300
if (missing(testSampleRows)) {
} else {
return(list(sPLSDAObject, sPLSDAPredictObject))
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