# This function is used by depecheCoFunction, and thus indirectly by depeche.
# Here, the optimal penalty is defined.
# "Unique" parameters
# inDataFrameUsed: the scaled version of inDataFrame. See initial part of
# depeche function for details.
# disableWarnings: Should warnings be disabled?
# For information on the other parameters, see depeche.
#' @importFrom parallel detectCores makeCluster stopCluster
#' @importFrom doSNOW registerDoSNOW
#' @importFrom foreach foreach %dopar%
#' @importFrom Rcpp evalCpp
#' @importFrom graphics box
dOptPenalty <- function(inDataFrameUsed, k, maxIter, minARIImprovement,
sampleSize, penalties, createOutput,
disableWarnings = FALSE, optimARI, nCores,
plotDir) {
# The constant 1450 was empirically
# identified by running a large number of
# penalty values for a few test datasets.
penaltyConstant <- ((sampleSize * sqrt(ncol(inDataFrameUsed))) / 1450)
realPenalties <- penalties * penaltyConstant
roundPenalties <- round(penalties, digits = 1)
dataMat <- data.matrix(inDataFrameUsed, rownames.force = NA)
# This command is reiterated the number
# of times that is needed to reach a
# minimal improvement of the distance.
iter <- 1
lastStd <- 1
stdChange <- 1
# distanceBetweenMinAndBestPrevious=-1
iterTimesNCores <- 1
allClusterCentersPenaltySorted <- list()
cl <- makeCluster(nCores, type = "SOCK")
usedPenalties <- realPenalties
usedRoundPenalties <- roundPenalties
allPositions <- seq_along(realPenalties)
usedPositions <- allPositions
# That the while loop should never terminate before 20 iterations is
# arbitrary.
while ((iterTimesNCores < 20) || (iterTimesNCores < maxIter &&
stdChange >= minARIImprovement)) {
ptm <- proc.time()
optimList <- foreach(
i = seq_len(nCores),
.packages = "DepecheR"
) %dopar%
grid_search(dataMat, k, usedPenalties, 1, sampleSize, i)[
c(2,4,5)] # This exclusion is due to a previous version keeping
# a cluster in origo, which has since been deprecated.
# Here, we name the output, and further remove half of the data which
# is solely there due to the old origo solution thing. We also turn the
# matrices into vectors.
optimList <- lapply(optimList, function(x){
names(x) <- c("ARI", "Clusters", "ClustCenters")
x[c(1,2)] <- lapply(x[c(1,2)], as.vector)
x <- lapply(x, 'names<-', usedRoundPenalties)
x[[3]] <- lapply(x[[3]], function(y){
# Before any further analyses are
# performed, any penalty that can result
# in a trivial solution are practically
# eliminated.
optimListNonTrivial <- lapply(optimList, function(x){
x$ARI[which(x$Clusters == 1)] <- 0
# Now, the new list is combined with the older, if there are any
if (iter == 1) {
optimListFull <- optimListNonTrivial
} else {
optimListFull <- c(optimListFull, optimListNonTrivial)
# Here, the average and standard deviation of the ARI for each penalty
# is retrieved
ARIList <- lapply(optimListFull, "[[", 1)
ARIVecList <- lapply(as.character(roundPenalties), function(x){
unlist(lapply(ARIList, function(y){
if(any(names(y) %in% x)){
return(y[which(names(y) == x)])
meanARIVec <- unlist(lapply(ARIVecList, mean))
stdOptVec <- unlist(lapply(ARIVecList, sd))
# Return the position of the maximum value
maxPos <- which.max(meanARIVec)[1]
# Add the standard deviation of this
# position to its mean
meanMinus2StdMax <- meanARIVec[maxPos] -
(2 * stdOptVec[maxPos])
# Now add the standard deviation of each
# of the non-minimal values to the mean
meanPlus2StdAll <- meanARIVec +
(2 * stdOptVec)
# And now, the interesting positions are
# defined. These are the ones that
# either overlap with uncertainity with
# the optimal solution, or that are very
# similar to it. In the first iterations,
# the critera are more inclusive, to avoid
# discarding solutions due to coincidence.
localIter <- ifelse(iter < 3, iter, 3)
k1 <- switch(EXPR = localIter, 2, 1, 0)
k2 <- switch(EXPR = localIter, 4, 3, 2)
usedPositions <-
which(realPenalties %in% usedPenalties &
(meanPlus2StdAll >=
(meanMinus2StdMax -
(k1 * stdOptVec[maxPos])) |
meanARIVec >= max(meanARIVec) -
((1 - optimARI) * k2)))
# Here, all penalties and solutions that
# do not overlap with the optimal
# solution are excluded from further
# optimiations, to reduce calculation
# time.
usedPenalties <- realPenalties[usedPositions]
usedRoundPenalties <- roundPenalties[usedPositions]
# Finally, another criterion on the gain
# of adding more iterations is included. Here, we also kill the
#optimization if we are running only one penalty.
if (length(usedPenalties) > 1) {
if(lastStd != 0){
stdChange <- ((lastStd - stdOptVec[maxPos])/lastStd)/
sqrt(iter * nCores)
} else {
stdChange <- 0
} else {
stdChange <- 0
lastStd <- stdOptVec[maxPos]
iterTimesNCores <- iter * nCores
fullTime <- proc.time() - ptm
"Set ", iter, " with ", nCores, " iterations completed in ",
round(fullTime[3]), " seconds."
iter <- iter + 1
message("The optimization was iterated ", (iter - 1) * nCores, " times.")
if (iter * nCores >= maxIter && stdChange >
minARIImprovement) {
warning("The maximum number of iterations was reached before stable
optimal solution was found")
# Here, the optimal penalty is selected.
# This is defined as the lowest penalty
# that yields an ARI that is not lower
# than 0.01 less than the best ARI.
optimalPenalties <-
roundPenalties[which(meanARIVec >= max(meanARIVec) - (1 - optimARI))]
# The best penalty is defined as the
# median penalty or the optimal penalty
# with the even number among the two most
# centrally placed, in the case of an
# even number of optimal solutions.
bestPenalty <- optimalPenalties[round(mean(c(seq_along(optimalPenalties))))]
lowestPenalty <- roundPenalties[1]
highestPenalty <- roundPenalties[length(roundPenalties)]
if (length(penalties) > 1) {
if (bestPenalty == lowestPenalty) {
warning("The lowest penalty was the most optimal in the range. ",
"This might either be due a suboptimal set of penalties,",
" or to the use of a too small sample size")
if (bestPenalty == highestPenalty) {
warning("The highest penalty was the most optimal in the range. ",
"This might either be due a suboptimal set of penalties,",
" or to the use of a too small sample size")
# Here, the optimization is plotted if wanted.
if (createOutput) {
pdf(file.path(plotDir, "ARI_as_a_function_of_penalties.pdf"))
par(mar = c(5, 4, 4, 6) + 0.1)
# Plot the data
plot(log10(roundPenalties), meanARIVec,
pch = 16, axes = FALSE,
ylim = c(0, 1), xlab = "", ylab = "", type = "b", col = "black",
main = "Difference between samples as a function of penalties"
axis(2, ylim = c(0, 1), col = "black", las = 1)
mtext("Adjusted rand index (ARI) between data resamplings",
side = 2,
line = 2.5
# Draw the penalty axis
axis(1, pretty(range(log10(roundPenalties)), n = 10))
mtext("Log10 of penalty values", side = 1, col = "black", line = 2.5)
# Add Legend
legend = "ARI (high is good)", text.col = "black",
pch = c(16, 15), col = "black"
# Now, we create the final output
#The average number of clusters:
nClustList <- lapply(optimListFull, "[[", 2)
meanClustVec <- unlist(lapply(as.character(roundPenalties), function(x){
mean(unlist(lapply(nClustList, function(y){
if(any(names(y) %in% x)){
return(y[which(names(y) == x)])
})), na.rm = TRUE)
meanOptimDf <- data.frame("ARI" = meanARIVec, "nClust" = meanClustVec)
row.names(meanOptimDf) <- roundPenalties
# Here, the cluster center information
# for each run is saved.
allClustCentRaw <- lapply(optimListFull, "[[", 3)
bestClusterCenters <- unlist(lapply(allClustCentRaw, "[[",
as.character(bestPenalty)), recursive = FALSE)
penaltyOptList <- list("bestPenalty" = bestPenalty,
meanOptimDf, bestClusterCenters)
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