DMRforPairs <- function(classes_gene, classes_island, targetID, chr,
position, m.v, beta.v, min_n = 4, min_distance = 200, min_dM = 1.4,
recode = 1, sep = ";", method = "fdr", debug.v = FALSE, gs, do.parallel = 0) {
# merge gene/island classes
classes <- merge_classes(classes_gene, classes_island, recode,
rownames(classes$pclass) = rownames(m.v)
rownames(classes$pclass_recoded) = rownames(m.v)
# find potential regions of interest
regions <- regionfinder(targetID, chr, position, classes$pclass_recoded,
classes$no.pclass, classes$u_pclass, d = min_distance, m.v,
beta.v, n_min = min_n, debug = debug.v, gs)
# identify and test regions with differential methylation.
message("Calculating statistics and testing differences between samples per region. Please be patient.")
probes <- regions$perprobe
m <- regions$valid.m
b <- regions$valid.beta
n <- dim(m)[2]
dMth <- min_dM
n = dim(regions$valid.m)[2]
ID = data.frame(regions$boundaries$regionID)
if (do.parallel == 0) {
tested = apply(ID, 1, function(ID) testregion(ID, probes = probes,
m = m, b = b, n = n, dMth = dMth, do.format = FALSE)) #calculate statistics for each region
if (do.parallel == -1) {
do.parallel = detectCores()
if (do.parallel > 0) {
cl <- makeCluster(getOption("cl.cores", do.parallel))
clusterExport(cl, c("probes", "m", "b", "dMth", "testregion",
"calc_stats", "n"), envir = environment())
tested = parApply(cl, ID, 1, function(ID) testregion(ID,
probes = probes, m = m, b = b, n = n, dMth = dMth, do.format = FALSE)) #calculate statistics for each region
tested = t(tested)
i = combn(n, 2) #testregion is called using apply without requesting proper formatting to minimize compute time. Formatting is done once on the complete output in the following lines.
cn1 = paste("beta.median", colnames(b), sep = ".")
cn2 = paste("m.median", colnames(m), sep = ".")
cn3 = paste("", colnames(m)[i[1, ]], "minus",
colnames(m)[i[2, ]], sep = ".")
cn4 = paste("", colnames(m)[i[1, ]], "minus", colnames(m)[i[2,
]], sep = ".")
cn5 = paste("pairwise.p", colnames(m)[i[1, ]], "vs", colnames(m)[i[2,
]], sep = ".")
colnames(tested) = c(cn1, cn2, cn3, cn4, cn5, "",
tested =
tested$p.value.adjusted = p.adjust(p = tested$p.value, method = method,
n = length(which(!$p.value)))) #calc adjusted p-values based on the actual nr of tests performed.
tested = cbind(regions$boundaries, tested) #combine methylation level statistics with positional info of the regions
return(list(classes = classes, regions = regions, tested = tested))
merge_classes <- function(refgene_class, island_class, recode = 1,
sep = ";") {
message("Recoding annotation classes...")
probes.pclass <- paste(refgene_class, island_class, sep = ";")
probes.pclass.merged = probes.pclass
if (length(recode) == 1) {
if (recode == 0) {
# cluster gene, tss and cpg island related probes
a = c("Body", "5'UTR", "3'UTR", "1stExon", "TSS1500",
"TSS200", "Island", "N_Shelf", "N_Shore", "S_Shelf",
recode = data.frame(a, a)
} else if (recode == 1) {
# retain detailed annotation scheme of illumina
a = c("gene", "tss", "island")
b = c("Body;5'UTR;3'UTR;1stExon", "TSS1500;TSS200", "Island;N_Shelf;N_Shore;S_Shelf;S_Shore")
recode = data.frame(a, b)
} else if (recode == 2) {
# ignore classes
probes.pclass.merged = rep("all", length(probes.pclass.merged)[1])
a = c("all")
b = c("all")
recode = data.frame(a, b)
valid.idx = c()
counter = 0
rc = data.frame(v1 = rep(NA, length(probes.pclass.merged)[1]),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
for (i in 1:length(recode[, 1])) {
counter = counter + 1
ia = data.frame(strsplit(as.character(recode[i, 2]), ";"))
for (j in 1:dim(ia)[1]) {
message(paste(as.character(ia[j, 1]), "-->", as.character(recode[i,
cur_rows = matchsymbol(probes.pclass.merged, as.character(ia[j,
1]), sep = ";")
rc[cur_rows, counter] = as.character(recode[i, 1])
valid.idx = union(valid.idx, cur_rows)
rc_con <-, c(rc, sep = ";"))
rc_con = as.matrix(rc_con) = seq(1, length(probes.pclass.merged), 1)[-unique(valid.idx)]
u_pclass = unique(recode[, 1])
return(list(pclass = as.matrix(probes.pclass.merged), pclass_recoded = rc_con,
no.pclass =, u_pclass = u_pclass))
regionfinder <- function(targetID, chr, position, pclass, r_excl,
u_pclass, d = 200, m.v, beta.v, n_min = 4, debug = FALSE, gs) {
gs = data.frame(gs)
# exclude probes with no classification from m/beta/call/p-value
# matrices
if (length(r_excl) > 0) {
probes = data.frame(1:length(targetID[-1 * r_excl]), targetID[-1 *
r_excl], chr[-1 * r_excl], position[-1 * r_excl], pclass[-1 *
r_excl]) #rowID = row index of probe in tables with unclassified probes excluded
m.v = m.v[-1 * r_excl, ]
beta.v = beta.v[-1 * r_excl, ]
gs = gs[-1 * r_excl, ]
} else {
probes = data.frame(1:length(targetID), targetID, chr, position,
pclass) #rowID = row index of probe in tables with unclassified probes excluded
colnames(probes) <- c("rowID", "probeID", "chr", "position",
# prep the loops
u_chr = unique(chr)
u_chr = u_chr[order(u_chr)]
n_chr = length(u_chr)
n_pclass = length(u_pclass)
regions = data.frame()
regions2probes = matrix(NA, nrow = dim(probes[1]), ncol = n_pclass)
regionID = 0
if (debug == TRUE)
n_chr = 1
} #just for debug purposes, only run chr1
# for each chromosome... (since the regionfinding process is
# recursive, it was not passible to do this elegantly using
# apply)
for (curchr in 1:n_chr) {
ptm <- proc.time()
message(paste("Regionfinder: processing chr", u_chr[curchr],
" (", curchr, "/", n_chr, ")", sep = ""))
cur_probes = probes[which(as.character(probes$chr) == as.character(u_chr[curchr])),
] #select probes on current chromosome
cur_probes = cur_probes[order(cur_probes[4]), ] #order on position (asc)
for (cur_pclass in 1:n_pclass) {
# for each class (per chromosome)... find regions based on
# adjecent probes with same categories
cur_pclass.idx = which(regexpr(u_pclass[cur_pclass],
cur_probes$pClass) > 0) #find probes which have at least the current class in their annotation (content=index in cur_probes)
cur_pclass.difference = diff(cur_pclass.idx) #difference between idx of adjecent probes within the current class (>1 = probe(s) with other class in between)
cur_pclass.boundaries.start_idx = cur_pclass.idx[which(cur_pclass.difference !=
1) + 1] #diff(1) = idx(2)-idx(1) --> diff(i) = idx(i+1). = index in cur_probes
cur_pclass.boundaries.end_idx = cur_pclass.idx[which(cur_pclass.difference !=
1)] #
cur_pclass.boundaries.start_idx = c(head(cur_pclass.idx,
1), cur_pclass.boundaries.start_idx) #first region starts at the first idx in cur_probes with this class
cur_pclass.boundaries.end_idx = c(cur_pclass.boundaries.end_idx,
tail(cur_pclass.idx, 1)) #last regeion ends at the last idx in cur_probes with this class
cur_pclass.boundaries = data.frame(cur_pclass.boundaries.start_idx,
cur_pclass.boundaries.end_idx, cur_pclass.boundaries.end_idx -
cur_pclass.boundaries.start_idx + 1) #create data frame for easy access and add column with number of probes per region
colnames(cur_pclass.boundaries) = c("start.idx", "end.idx",
# just ignore regions with too little probes
n1 = which(cur_pclass.boundaries$n_probes < n_min)
if (length(n1) > 0) {
cur_pclass.boundaries = cur_pclass.boundaries[-n1,
if (length(cur_pclass.boundaries$n_probes) > 0) {
# check with these regions if probes are very (>d) far appart; if
# so, split and re-assess probe density
for (cur_boundary in 1:dim(cur_pclass.boundaries)[1]) {
cur_boundary.idx = as.matrix(cur_pclass.boundaries$start.idx[cur_boundary]:cur_pclass.boundaries$end.idx[cur_boundary]) #take adjecent probes from current boundary (contains index in cur_probes)
cur_boundary.distance = as.matrix(diff(cur_probes[cur_boundary.idx,
]$position)) #calculate difference in positions between adjecent probes within current boundary
# if distance between probes >= d --> split region
if (length(which(cur_boundary.distance >= d) >
0)) {
cur_boundary.boundaries.start_idx = cur_boundary.idx[which(cur_boundary.distance >=
d) + 1]
cur_boundary.boundaries.end_idx = cur_boundary.idx[which(cur_boundary.distance >=
cur_boundary.boundaries.distance.start_idx = c(head(cur_boundary.idx,
1), cur_boundary.boundaries.start_idx)
cur_boundary.boundaries.distance.end_idx = c(cur_boundary.boundaries.end_idx,
tail(cur_boundary.idx, 1))
} else {
# OK, so no probes that are too far away from eachother --> copy
# data from cur_pclass.boundaries (=regions based on only
# annotation)
cur_boundary.boundaries.start_idx = cur_pclass.boundaries$start.idx[cur_boundary]
cur_boundary.boundaries.end_idx = cur_pclass.boundaries$end.idx[cur_boundary]
cur_boundary.boundaries.distance.start_idx = c(head(cur_boundary.idx,
cur_boundary.boundaries.distance.end_idx = c(tail(cur_boundary.idx,
# just ignore regions with too little probes
np = cur_boundary.boundaries.distance.end_idx -
cur_boundary.boundaries.distance.start_idx +
n1 = which(np < n_min)
if (length(n1) > 0) {
# circumvent R behavior: if n1=empty--> all rows are discarded
# when using [-n1] which is exactly the oposite of what we want
cur_boundary.boundaries.distance.start_idx = cur_boundary.boundaries.distance.start_idx[-n1]
cur_boundary.boundaries.distance.end_idx = cur_boundary.boundaries.distance.end_idx[-n1]
if (length(cur_boundary.boundaries.distance.start_idx) >
0) {
lb = 1 + regionID
ub = length(cur_boundary.boundaries.distance.end_idx) +
cur_boundary.boundaries = data.frame(cur_probes[cur_boundary.boundaries.distance.start_idx,
]$chr, cur_probes[cur_boundary.boundaries.distance.start_idx,
]$position, cur_probes[cur_boundary.boundaries.distance.end_idx,
]$position, cur_probes[cur_boundary.boundaries.distance.end_idx,
]$position - cur_probes[cur_boundary.boundaries.distance.start_idx,
]$position + 1, cur_boundary.boundaries.distance.start_idx,
cur_boundary.boundaries.distance.end_idx, cur_boundary.boundaries.distance.end_idx -
cur_boundary.boundaries.distance.start_idx +
1, lb:ub, rep(cur_pclass, length(lb:ub)),
rep(u_pclass[cur_pclass], length(lb:ub)))
colnames(cur_boundary.boundaries) = c("chr",
"start_bp", "end_bp", "length_bp", "start.idx",
"end.idx", "n_probes", "regionID", "classID",
regionID = dim(cur_boundary.boundaries)[1] +
regions = rbind(regions, cur_boundary.boundaries) #merge
for (i in 1:dim(cur_boundary.boundaries)[1]) {
cur_boundary.boundaries$classID[i]] = cur_boundary.boundaries$regionID[i]
colnames(regions2probes) = u_pclass
# find exactly overlapping regions from different classes and
# merge.
regions_unique = unique(regions[, c(1, 2, 3, 4, 7)])
k = dim(regions_unique)[1]
regions_unique$regionID = ""
regions_unique$regionIDall = ""
regions_unique$ClassAll = ""
for (i in 1:k) {
cur_IDs = which(regions[, 1] == regions_unique[i, 1] & regions[,
2] == regions_unique[i, 2] & regions[, 3] == regions_unique[i,
3] & regions[, 4] == regions_unique[i, 4] & regions[,
7] == regions_unique[i, 5])
cur_rows = regions[cur_IDs, ]
regions_unique$regionID[i] = cur_rows$regionID[1]
regions_unique$regionIDall[i] = paste(cur_rows$regionID,
collapse = ";")
regions_unique$ClassAll[i] = paste(cur_rows$class, collapse = ";")
rownames(regions2probes) = rownames(m.v)
rownames(probes) = rownames(m.v)
return(list(boundaries = regions_unique, perprobe = regions2probes,
valid.probes = probes, valid.m = m.v, valid.beta = beta.v,
gs = gs))
testregion <- function(x, probes, m, b, n, dMth, do.format = FALSE) {
probe_rows = which(probes == x, arr.ind = TRUE) #rows of probes in current regions
probe_rows = probe_rows[, 1]
out = calc_stats(probe_rows = probe_rows, probes, m, b, n, dMth,
do.format = do.format)
calc_stats <- function(probe_rows, probes, m, b, n, dMth, do.format = FALSE) {
tb = b[probe_rows, ] #m and beta values in current region
tm = m[probe_rows, ]
np = dim(tb)[1] #number of probes in current region
i = combn(n, 2)
mdb = apply([, i[1, ]] - tb[, i[2, ]]), 2, median) #create 2 matrices with columns representing all possible pairwise comparisons and calculate median differences
mdm = apply([, i[1, ]] - tm[, i[2, ]]), 2, median)
max.mdm = max(abs(mdm))
p = NA
pairwise = rep(NA, dim(i)[2])
if (max.mdm > dMth) {
# if max median dm is large enough, test difference formally
if (n == 2) {
p = wilcox.test(tm[, 1], tm[, 2], paired = FALSE)$p.value
} else if (n > 2) {
g = rep(1:n, np)
g =[order(g)])
colnames(g) = "sample"
g$m = c(apply(t(tm), 1, rbind))
p = kruskal.test(m ~ sample, data = g)$p.value
if (p <= 0.05)
for (j in 1:dim(i)[2]) {
pairwise[j] = wilcox.test(tm[, i[1, j]], tm[,
i[2, j]], paired = FALSE)$p.value
} #If KW is sign (uncorrected), perform pairwise testing.
out = c(apply(tb, 2, median), apply(tm, 2, median), mdb, mdm,
pairwise, max.mdm, p)
if (do.format == TRUE) {
out = t(out)
cn1 = paste("beta.median", colnames(b), sep = ".")
cn2 = paste("m.median", colnames(m), sep = ".")
cn3 = paste("", colnames(m)[i[1, ]], "minus",
colnames(m)[i[2, ]], sep = ".")
cn4 = paste("", colnames(m)[i[1, ]], "minus",
colnames(m)[i[2, ]], sep = ".")
cn5 = paste("pairwise.p", colnames(m)[i[1, ]], "vs", colnames(m)[i[2,
]], sep = ".")
colnames(out) = c(cn1, cn2, cn3, cn4, cn5, "",
out =
out$n.probes = length(probe_rows)
out = t(out)
mod <- function(x, m) {
t1 <- floor(x/m)
return(x - t1 * m)
matchsymbol <- function(l, str, sep = ";") {
# find complete matches of str in l, accepting that each row in l
# has multiple entries separated by sep.
l = as.character(l)
match.exact = which(l == str) #returns index in l
pm = regexpr(str, l) # returns > 1 if match
match.partial = which(pm > 0) #find probes which have at least the current class in their
match.partial.only = setdiff(match.partial, match.exact) #exclude exact matches
match.partial.only.exact = match.partial.only #preprocess for loop
if (!(length(match.partial.only) == 0)) {
for (j in 1:length(match.partial.only)) {
split = data.frame(strsplit(l[match.partial.only[j]],
sep)) #split partial match at sep and interpret the resulting strings separately
if (length(which(split == str)) == 0) {
# if none of the splitted strings matches str exactly, remove the
# index from l from match.partial.only.exact
match.partial.only.exact = match.partial.only.exact[-which(match.partial.only.exact ==
match = c(match.exact, match.partial.only.exact) #only return rows of which at least 1 substring exactly matched str.
tune_parameters <- function(parameters, classes_gene, classes_island,
targetID, chr, position, m.v, beta.v, recode = 1, sep = ";",
gs, do.parallel = 0) {
message(paste("min_distance=", parameters[1], ", min_n=", parameters[2],
sep = ""))
# merge gene/island classes
classes <- merge_classes(classes_gene, classes_island, recode = recode,
sep = ";")
message("Calculating the number of regions and associated probes for the requested set of parameters")
if (do.parallel == FALSE) {
results = apply(parameters, 1, function(parameters) tune_parameters_calc(parameters,
targetID, classes, chr, position, m.v, beta.v, recode = 1,
sep = ";", gs))
if (do.parallel == -1) {
do.parallel = detectCores()
if (do.parallel > 0) {
cl <- makeCluster(getOption("cl.cores", do.parallel))
clusterExport(cl, c("tune_parameters_calc", "regionfinder",
"targetID", "classes", "chr", "position", "m.v", "beta.v",
"recode", "sep", "gs"), envir = environment())
results = parApply(cl, parameters, 1, function(parameters) tune_parameters_calc(parameters,
targetID, classes, chr, position, m.v, beta.v, recode,
sep, gs))
results = t(results)
colnames(results) = c("min_distance", "min_n", "n.regions", "n.valid.probes",
tune_parameters_calc <- function(parameters, targetID, classes, chr,
position, m.v, beta.v, recode = 1, sep = ";", gs) {
# find potential regions of interest
regions <- regionfinder(targetID = targetID, chr = chr, position = position,
classes$pclass_recoded, classes$no.pclass, classes$u_pclass,
d = parameters[1], m.v = m.v, beta.v = beta.v, n_min = parameters[2],
debug = FALSE, gs = gs)
# summarize the results
results = matrix()
results[1] = parameters[1]
colnames(results) = "d"
results[2] = parameters[2]
results[3] = dim(regions$boundaries)[1]
results[4] = dim(regions$valid.probes)[1]
tmp = regions$perprobe
j = which($perprobe))
tmp[j] = 0
results[5] = length(which(rowSums(tmp) > 0))
export_data <- function(tested, regions, th = 0.05, annotate.relevant = FALSE,
annotate.significant = TRUE, FigsNotRelevant = FALSE, min_n = 4,
min_dM = 1.4, min_distance = 200, margin = 10000, clr = NA, method = "fdr",, debug = FALSE) {
dir.create(file.path(paste(getwd(),, sep = "/"),
old.wd = getwd()
path = "figures"
message("Preparing export")
# add columns to tested with links to the regions in UCSC and
linkEnsembl_pre = "<a href=\""
linkEnsembl_post = "\" target=\"_blank\">ENSEMBL</a>"
tested$LinkEnsembl = paste(linkEnsembl_pre, tested$chr, ":",
tested$start_bp, "-", tested$end_bp, linkEnsembl_post, sep = "")
linkUCSC_pre = "<a href=\""
linkUCSC_post = "&hgsid=192199020&knownGene=pack&hgFind.matches=uc004dqr.3,\" target=\"_blank\">UCSC</a>"
tested$LinkUCSC = paste(linkUCSC_pre, tested$chr, ":", tested$start_bp,
"-", tested$end_bp, linkUCSC_post, sep = "")
# export figures / pdfs and add annotation to tested
tested$GeneSymbols_exact = "Not queried"
tested$GeneSymbols_margin = "Not queried"
tested$Figure = NA
tested$Statistics = NA
# regions not of interest (not significant or not relevant
# (median dM < threshold))
if (FigsNotRelevant == TRUE) {
message("Generating images for not relevant regions")
r = tested[which($p.value.adjusted)), "regionID"]
for (i in 1:length(r)) {
annot = plot_annotate_region(tested, regions, margin = margin,
regionID = r[i], clr = clr, annotate = FALSE, scores = FALSE,
path = path)
cr = which(tested$regionID == r[i])
tested$Figure[cr] = paste("<a href=\"./", path, "/",
tested$regionID[cr], ".pdf\" target=\"_blank\">PDF</a>",
sep = "")
tested$Statistics[cr] = paste("<a href=\"./", path, "/",
tested$regionID[cr], ".tsv\" target=\"_blank\">STATS</a>",
sep = "")
write.table(file = paste("./", path, "/", tested$regionID[cr],
".tsv", sep = ""), t(tested[cr, ]), sep = "\t", col.names = FALSE,
row.names = TRUE)
# relevant, but not significant regions
r = tested[which(!$p.value.adjusted) & tested$p.value.adjusted >
th), "regionID"]
if (length(r) > 0) {
message("Generating images for relevant regions (if annotation is requested, this can take quite long).")
for (i in 1:length(r)) {
annot = plot_annotate_region(tested, regions, margin = margin,
regionID = r[i], clr = clr, annotate = annotate.relevant,
scores = FALSE, path = path)
cr = which(tested$regionID == r[i])
tested$Figure[cr] = paste("<a href=\"./", path, "/",
tested$regionID[cr], ".pdf\" target=\"_blank\">PDF</a>",
sep = "")
tested$Statistics[cr] = paste("<a href=\"./", path, "/",
tested$regionID[cr], ".tsv\" target=\"_blank\">STATS</a>",
sep = "")
if (annotate.relevant == TRUE) {
tested$GeneSymbols_exact[cr] = annot$symbols_exact
tested$GeneSymbols_margin[cr] = annot$symbols_margin
write.table(file = paste("./", path, "/", tested$regionID[cr],
".tsv", sep = ""), t(tested[cr, ]), sep = "\t", col.names = FALSE,
row.names = TRUE)
# regions interest (significant & relevant (median dM >=
# threshold))
r = tested[which(tested$p.value.adjusted <= th), "regionID"]
if (length(r) > 0) {
message("Generating images for significant regions (if annotation is requested, this can take quite long).")
for (i in 1:length(r)) {
annot = plot_annotate_region(tested, regions, margin = margin,
regionID = r[i], clr = clr, annotate = annotate.significant,
scores = FALSE, path = path)
cr = which(tested$regionID == r[i])
if (annotate.significant == TRUE) {
tested$GeneSymbols_exact[cr] = annot$symbols_exact
tested$GeneSymbols_margin[cr] = annot$symbols_margin
tested$Figure[cr] = paste("<a href=\"./", path, "/",
tested$regionID[cr], ".pdf\" target=\"_blank\">PDF</a>",
sep = "")
tested$Statistics[cr] = paste("<a href=\"./", path, "/",
tested$regionID[cr], ".tsv\" target=\"_blank\">STATS</a>",
sep = "")
write.table(file = paste("./", path, "/", tested$regionID[cr],
".tsv", sep = ""), t(tested[cr, ]), sep = "\t", col.names = FALSE,
row.names = TRUE)
message("Exporting tables (HTML & CSV)")
# for easy sorting and selection...
tested$links = paste(tested$Figure, tested$Statistics, tested$LinkEnsembl,
tested$LinkUCSC, sep = "</br>")
tested$links = gsub("NA</br>", "", tested$links) #remove empty entries
# merge some columns to limit the number of columns in the output
tested$gene.symbols = paste(tested$GeneSymbols_exact, " (margin: ",
tested$GeneSymbols_margin, ")", sep = "")
tested$gene.symbols[which(tested$gene.symbols == "Not queried (margin: Not queried)")] = "Not queried"
# format data frame for output to html & tsv
i = which(regexpr("beta.median", colnames(tested)) > 0) #columns with median beta values
tested_4html = tested[, c("chr", "start_bp", "end_bp", "links",
"length_bp", "n_probes", "regionID", "ClassAll", colnames(tested)[i],
"gene.symbols", "", "p.value", "p.value.adjusted")]
colnames(tested_4html)[1:8] = c("Chr", "Start", "End", "Links",
"Length", "n", "ID", "Class")
colnames(tested_4html) = gsub("beta.median.", "", colnames(tested_4html))
colnames(tested_4html)[(dim(tested_4html)[2] - 3):dim(tested_4html)[2]] = c("Gene.Symbol",
"dM", "p", "p.adj")
tested_4html = tested_4html[order(tested_4html$p.adj, -tested_4html$dM),
options(scipen = 4)
options(digits = 2)
leg = paste("Chromosomal positions are indicated in bp. N indicates the number of probes in a region. ID indicates the region ID. Values in the columns per sample indicate median beta values. dM indicates the largest median difference (absolute) between any of the sample pairs. p indicates uncorrected p-value from Mann-Whitney U test (n=2) or Kruskal Wallis test (n>2). p.adj denotes the multiple testing corrected p-value (method:",
method, "). Gene symbols of overlapping transcripts are listed for the exact region and within a margin of ",
margin, " bp of the region.", sep = "")
caption = paste("DMRforPairs output generated on ", date(), ". Identified regions were set to contain at least ",
min_n, " probes with a maximum distance of ", min_distance,
" bp between individual probes (n=", length(tested[, 1]),
"). Regions in which median methylation levels (M-values) between the samples differed at least |",
min_dM, "| (n=", length(which(tested$p.value.adjusted <=
1)), ") (=relevant) were tested for statistical significance (significant: p<",
th, "; multiple testing adjusted, n=", length(which(tested$p.value.adjusted <=
th)), "). The folowing samples were studied: ", paste(colnames(regions$valid.m),
collapse = ","), ". ", leg, sep = "")
# export all regions (no thumbnails)
HTML(tested_4html, file = "all.html", row.names = FALSE, align = "left",
Border = NULL, innerBorder = 1, append = FALSE, caption = caption,
captionalign = "top", digits = 3, big.mark = "", big.interval = 3,
decimal.mark = ".")
write.table(tested_4html, "all.tsv", sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE)
# export relevant regions (dM sufficiently large)
tested_4html_selected = tested_4html[which(tested_4html$p.adj <=
1), ]
if (dim(tested_4html_selected)[1] > 0) {
tested_4html_selected = tested_4html_selected[order(-tested_4html_selected$dM),
tested_4html_selected = cbind("", tested_4html_selected)
colnames(tested_4html_selected)[1] = "Thumbnail" #add thumbnail column
tested_4html_selected$Thumbnail = paste("<img src=\"./",
path, "/", tested_4html_selected$ID, ".png\" height=\"63\" width=\"125\">",
sep = "")
HTML(tested_4html_selected, file = "relevant.html", row.names = FALSE,
align = "left", Border = NULL, innerBorder = 1, append = FALSE,
caption = caption, captionalign = "top", digits = 3,
big.mark = "", big.interval = 3, decimal.mark = ".")
write.table(tested_4html_selected, "relevant.tsv", sep = "\t",
row.names = FALSE)
# export significant DMRs
tested_4html_selected = tested_4html[which(tested_4html$p.adj <=
th), ]
if (dim(tested_4html_selected)[1] > 0) {
tested_4html_selected = tested_4html_selected[order(-tested_4html_selected$dM),
tested_4html_selected = cbind("", tested_4html_selected)
colnames(tested_4html_selected)[1] = "Thumbnail" #add thumbnail column
tested_4html_selected$Thumbnail = paste("<img src=\"./",
path, "/", tested_4html_selected$ID, ".png\" height=\"63\" width=\"125\">",
sep = "")
HTML(tested_4html_selected, file = "significant.html", row.names = FALSE,
align = "left", Border = NULL, innerBorder = 1, append = FALSE,
caption = caption, captionalign = "top", digits = 3,
big.mark = "", big.interval = 3, decimal.mark = ".")
write.table(tested_4html_selected, "significant.tsv", sep = "\t",
row.names = FALSE)
plot_annotate_region <- function(tested, regions, margin = 10000,
regionID, clr = NA, annotate = TRUE, scores = TRUE, path) {
# wrapper for plot_annotate_probes to plot / find annotation for
# one region
path = paste("./", path, "/", sep = "")
cur_row = which(tested$regionID == regionID)
title_x = paste("RegionID: ", regionID, ", chr", tested$chr[cur_row],
":", tested$start_bp[cur_row], "-", tested$end_bp[cur_row],
sep = "")
probe_rows = which(regions$perprobe == regionID, arr.ind = TRUE)
probe_rows = probe_rows[, 1]
annot = plot_annotate_probes(regions = regions, title_x = title_x,
probe_rows = probe_rows, margin = margin, ID = regionID,
clr = clr, annotate = annotate, scores = scores, path = path)
plot_annotate_gene <- function(gs, regions, margin = 10000, ID, clr = NA,
annotate = TRUE, path) {
# wrapper for plot_annotate_probes to plot / find annotation for
# one gene (gene symbol)
path = paste("./", path, "/", sep = "")
probe_rows = matchsymbol(regions$gs, gs, sep = ";")
if (length(probe_rows) == 0) {
message(paste("Gene Symbol ", gs, " not found", sep = ""))
annot = matrix()
} else {
chr = regions$valid.probes$chr[probe_rows[1]]
st = min(regions$valid.probes$position[probe_rows])
ed = max(regions$valid.probes$position[probe_rows])
title_x = paste(ID, ", chr", chr, ":", st, "-", ed, sep = "")
annot = plot_annotate_probes(regions = regions, title_x = title_x,
probe_rows = probe_rows, margin = margin, ID = ID, clr = clr,
annotate = annotate, scores = TRUE, path = path)
plot_annotate_custom_region <- function(chr, st, ed, regions, margin = 10000,
ID = "CustomRegion", clr = NA, annotate = TRUE, path) {
path = paste("./", path, "/", sep = "")
# wrapper for plot_annotate_probes to plot / find annotation for
# a custom genomic region
probe_rows = which(regions$valid.probes$chr == chr & regions$valid.probes$position <=
ed & regions$valid.probes$position >= st)
title_x = paste(ID, ", chr", chr, ":", st, "-", ed, sep = "")
if (length(probe_rows) == 0) {
message(paste("No valid probes present in the specified region",
sep = ""))
annot = matrix()
} else {
annot = plot_annotate_probes(regions = regions, title_x = title_x,
probe_rows = probe_rows, margin = margin, ID = ID, clr = clr,
annotate = annotate, scores = TRUE, path = path)
plot_annotate_probes <- function(regions, title_x, probe_rows, margin = 10000,
ID = NA, clr = NA, annotate = TRUE, scores = NA, path) {
# Little quirk of Gviz that needs to be compensated for to match
# the colors in all graphs...
regions$valid.m = regions$valid.m[, order(colnames(regions$valid.m))]
regions$valid.beta = regions$valid.beta[, order(colnames(regions$valid.beta))]
# plot methylation values and genomic annotation info and output
# gene symbols + gene region within and near probes (region) of
# interest
ns = dim(regions$valid.beta)[2]
chro = regions$valid.probes$chr[probe_rows[1]]
st = min(regions$valid.probes$position[probe_rows])
ed = max(regions$valid.probes$position[probe_rows])
# If custom region is requested, deliver statistics as well.
if (scores == TRUE) {
probes <- regions$perprobe
m <- regions$valid.m
b <- regions$valid.beta
n <- ns
dMth <- 0 #this is not happening when regions are selected by DMRforPairs, but in cases where custom regions are requested by the user: always return test values then.
scores = calc_stats(probe_rows, probes, m, b, n, dMth, do.format = TRUE)
if (!length(clr) == ns)
clr = rainbow(ns)
} #Did the user specify colors? If not, pick some from the rainbow pallet.
# mini fig for use in html overview
pos = regions$valid.probes$position[probe_rows]
png(paste(path, ID, ".png", sep = ""), width = 500, height = 250)
# plot beta values
par(mai = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
plot(sort(rep(pos, ns)), t(regions$valid.beta[probe_rows[order(pos)],
]), col = clr, lty = 2.5, cex = 2.5, pch = c(19), ylim = c(-0.1,
1.1), xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", ann = FALSE, frame = FALSE)
c(0, 0), lty = "dashed")
c(0.25, 0.25), lty = "dashed")
c(0.5, 0.5), lty = "dashed")
c(0.75, 0.75), lty = "dashed")
c(1, 1), lty = "dashed")
# pdf with detailed plots and annotation
pdf(paste(path, ID, ".pdf", sep = ""), width = 10, height = 10)
par(mfrow = c(2, 1))
par(xpd = TRUE)
# plot M-values
up = max(regions$valid.m[probe_rows, ]) + 0.5
down = min(regions$valid.m[probe_rows, ]) - 0.5
i = combn(ns, 2)
pos = regions$valid.probes$position[probe_rows]
for (j in 0:dim(i)[2]) {
if (j == 0) {
# overall plot
m = regions$valid.m[probe_rows[order(pos)], ]
b = regions$valid.beta[probe_rows[order(pos)], ]
cur_clr = clr
s.names = colnames(regions$valid.beta)
k = ns
go = TRUE
} else if (ns > 2) {
# pairwise plots if > 2 samples
m = regions$valid.m[probe_rows, c(i[, j])]
m = m[order(pos), ]
b = regions$valid.beta[probe_rows, c(i[, j])]
b = b[order(pos), ]
cur_clr = clr[c(i[, j])]
s.names = colnames(regions$valid.beta)[c(i[, j])]
k = 2
go = TRUE
} else if (ns == 2)
go = FALSE
} #prevent pairwise plots if n=2
if (go == TRUE) {
plot(sort(rep(pos, k)), t(m), col = cur_clr, lwd = 4,
cex = 4, pch = c(21), main = paste(title_x, "-M_values",
sep = ""), xlab = "position (bp)", ylab = "M",
ylim = c(down, up), xlim = c(st - 0.17 * (ed - st),
legend("topleft", legend = s.names, col = cur_clr, pch = rep(21,
ns), cex = 1) #,inset=c(0,-0.2)
# plot beta values
plot(sort(rep(pos, k)), t(b), col = cur_clr, lwd = 4,
cex = 4, pch = c(21), main = paste(title_x, "-Beta_values",
sep = ""), xlab = "position (bp)", ylab = "Beta",
ylim = c(0, 1), xlim = c(st - 0.17 * (ed - st), ed),
axes = FALSE)
axis(2, c(0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1), labels = TRUE)
axis(1, labels = TRUE)
axis(4, seq(0, 1, 0.05), labels = FALSE)
box(which = "plot", lty = "solid")
legend("topleft", legend = s.names, col = cur_clr, pch = rep(21,
ns), cex = 1) #,inset=c(0,-0.2)
# points(regions$valid.probes$position[probe_rows],regions$valid.beta[probe_rows,1],col=clr[2],lwd=6,cex=4,pch
# = c(21))
c(0, 0), lty = "dashed")
c(0.25, 0.25), lty = "dashed")
c(0.5, 0.5), lty = "dashed")
c(0.75, 0.75), lty = "dashed")
c(1, 1), lty = "dashed")
if (annotate == TRUE) {
options(ucscChromosomeNames = FALSE)
# annotation track (exact region)
bmTrack <- BiomartGeneRegionTrack(start = st, end = ed, chromosome = chro,
genome = "hg19", showId = TRUE, background.title = "white",
name = "", fontsize = 20, col = "black")
symbols_exact = paste(unique(symbol(bmTrack)), collapse = "; ")
# annotation track (region+margin)
prm = which(regions$valid.probes$chr == chro & regions$valid.probes$position <=
ed + margin & regions$valid.probes$position >= st - margin) #find all probes in region +-margin
bmTrack <- BiomartGeneRegionTrack(start = st - margin, end = ed +
margin, chromosome = chro, genome = "hg19", showId = TRUE,
background.title = "white", name = "", fontsize = 20,
col = "black", collapseTranscripts = FALSE) #,col.line = NULL, stackHeight = 0.3,fontsize=11, #collapseTranscripts=TRUE
symbols_margin = paste(unique(symbol(bmTrack)), collapse = "; ")
# Convert al tracks to 'chrX' like chr identifiers.
# BiomartGeneRegionTrack based on e! which is using 1, 2, 3, ...
# X IdeogramTrack based on UCSC which is using chr1, chr2, chr3,
# ... chrX
seqlevels(ranges(bmTrack)) <- sprintf("chr%s", seqlevels(ranges(bmTrack)))
chromosome(bmTrack) = sprintf("chr%s", chro)
# ideogram & genome axis
itrack <- IdeogramTrack(genome = "hg19", chromosome = sprintf("chr%s",
chro), fontsize = 20)
gtrack <- GenomeAxisTrack(fontsize = 20)
# AnnotationTrack to indicate ROI
st <- c(st)
ed <- c(ed)
strand <- c("*")
gr <- c("ROI")
annTrack <- AnnotationTrack(start = st, end = ed, strand = strand,
chromosome = sprintf("chr%s", chro), genome = "hg19",
feature = "ROI", group = gr, id = paste(ID), name = "generic annotation",
stacking = "squish", background.title = "white", col = "black",
fill = "black", showFeatureId = FALSE, fontcolor = "black")
for (j in 0:dim(i)[2]) {
if (j == 0) {
# overall plot
genes <- GRanges(seqnames = Rle(c(paste("chr", regions$valid.probes$chr[prm],
sep = ""))), ranges = IRanges(start = regions$valid.probes$position[prm],
end = regions$valid.probes$position[prm], names = regions$valid.probes$TagetID),
strand = Rle(rep("*", length(prm))), regions$valid.beta[prm,
cur_clr = clr
s.names = colnames(regions$valid.beta)
k = ns
go = TRUE
} else if (ns > 2) {
# pairwise plots if > 2 samples
genes <- GRanges(seqnames = Rle(c(paste("chr", regions$valid.probes$chr[prm],
sep = ""))), ranges = IRanges(start = regions$valid.probes$position[prm],
end = regions$valid.probes$position[prm], names = regions$valid.probes$TagetID),
strand = Rle(rep("*", length(prm))), regions$valid.beta[prm,
c(i[, j])])
cur_clr = clr[c(i[, j])]
s.names = colnames(regions$valid.beta)[c(i[, j])]
k = 2
go = TRUE
} else if (ns == 2)
go = FALSE
} #prevent pairwise plots if n=2
if (go == TRUE) {
dTrack <- DataTrack(genes, name = "\U03B2", groups = s.names,
legend = TRUE, , col = cur_clr, cex = 2, pch = c(19),
fill = "transparent", fontsize = 16, ylim = c(0,
1.001), fontsize.legend = 20, fontsize.title = 16,
col.axis = "black", col.title = "black", background.title = "white",
col.grid = "black", = "black", type = c("p",
"g"), col.grid = "grey75", v = 0, lwd = 4)
plotTracks(list(itrack, dTrack, annTrack, gtrack,
bmTrack), chromosome = sprintf("chr%s", chro),
from = st - margin, to = ed + margin, extend.left = 0)
# clean up
} else {
symbols_exact = ""
symbols_margin = ""
return(list(symbols_exact = symbols_exact, symbols_margin = symbols_margin,
scores = scores))
Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.