# plotVariants generic -----
#'@title Plot alignments, frequencies and location of target sequence
#'@description Combines a plot of transcript structure, alleles
#' aligned with respect to a reference genome and a heatmap of
#' counts or proportions of each allele in a set of data.
#'@rdname plotVariants
#'@param obj The object to be plotted
#'@return A ggplot2 plot of the variants
setGeneric("plotVariants", function(obj, ...) {
# -----
# plotVariants CrisprSet -----
#'@rdname plotVariants
#'@param txdb GenomicFeatures:TxDb object (default: NULL)
#'@param plotAlignments.args Extra arguments for plotAlignments
#'@param plotFreqHeatmap.args Extra arguments for plotFreqHeatmap
#'@param add.chr If target chromosome does not start with "chr", e.g.
#'"chr5", add the "chr" prefix. (Default:TRUE)
#'@param ... extra arguments for plot layout
#'@seealso \code{\link{arrangePlots}} for general layout options
#' and \code{\link{annotateGenePlot}} for options relating
#' to the transcript plot.
#'#Load a CrisprSet object for plotting
#'#Load the transcript db. This is a subset of the Ensembl Danio Rerio v73 gtf
#'# for the region 18:4640000-4650000 which includes the targeted gol gene
#'fn <- system.file("extdata", "Danio_rerio.Zv9.73.gol.sqlite",
#' package = "CrispRVariants")
#'txdb <- loadDb(fn)
#'# Plot the variants
#'p <- plotVariants(gol, txdb = txdb)
#'#In the above plot, the bottom margin is too large, the legend is
#'#cut off, and the text within the plots should be larger.
#'#These issues can be fixed with some adjustments:
#'p <- plotVariants(gol, txdb = txdb,
#' plotAlignments.args = list(plot.text.size = 4, legend.cols = 2),
#' plotFreqHeatmap.args = list(plot.text.size = 4),
#' left.plot.margin = grid::unit(c(0.1,0.2,0.5,1), "lines"))
setMethod("plotVariants", signature("CrisprSet"),
function(obj, ..., txdb = NULL, add.chr = TRUE,
plotAlignments.args = list(),
plotFreqHeatmap.args = list()){
include_txs <- TRUE
if(!(class(txdb) == "TxDb" | class(txdb) == "TranscriptDb") ){
if (is.null(txdb)){
include_txs <- FALSE
} else{
stop("txdb should be a (GenomicFeatures) transcript database object")
if (isFALSE(plotAlignments.args$create.plot) |
isFALSE(plotFreqHeatmap.args$create.plot) ){
stop("Argument create.plot can not be FALSE for plotVariants.\n",
"Call plotAlignments or plotFreqHeatmap directly to get plot data.")
dots <- list(...)
annotate_nms <- c("target.colour", "target.size",
"gene.text.size", "panel.spacing")
annotate_args <- dots[names(dots) %in% annotate_nms]
dots[annotate_nms] <- NULL
arrange_nms <- c("fig.height","col.wdth.ratio",
"", "left.plot.margin")
arrange_args <- dots[names(dots) %in% arrange_nms]
target <- obj$target
if (isTRUE(add.chr) & isTRUE(include_txs)){
# If adding "chr" to target chromosomes matches txdb chromosomes, do so
target_levels <- GenomeInfoDb::seqlevels(target)
txdb_levels <- GenomeInfoDb::seqlevels(txdb)
wchr <- paste0("chr", target_levels)
idxs <- wchr %in% txdb_levels
target_levels[idxs] <- wchr[idxs]
target <- GenomeInfoDb::renameSeqlevels(target, target_levels)
if (isTRUE(include_txs)){
annotate_args <- modifyList(list(txdb = txdb, target = target),
gene_p <-, annotate_args)
gene_p <- ggplot2::ggplotGrob(gene_p)
} else {
arrange_args[[""]] <- c(0,1)
gene_p <- grid::grid.rect(gp=grid::gpar(col="white"), draw = FALSE)
no_ins <- nrow(obj$insertion_sites) == 0
if (no_ins & ! "left.plot.margin" %in% names(arrange_args)){
# Names tend to clip if there are no insertions, increase default
arrange_args[["left.plot.margin"]] <- grid::unit(c(0.2,0,3,0.5), "lines")
plotAlignments.args[["obj"]] <- obj
aln_p <-, plotAlignments.args)
aln_p <- aln_p + theme(legend.spacing = grid::unit(0.2,"cm"))
plotFreqHeatmap.args[["obj"]] <- obj
heat_p <-, plotFreqHeatmap.args)
heat_p <- heat_p + theme(plot.background=element_rect(fill = "transparent",
colour = NA),
plot.margin = grid::unit(c(1, 0.25, 0.5, 0), "lines"))
arrange_args = modifyList(list("top.plot" = gene_p, "left.plot" = aln_p,
"right.plot" = heat_p), arrange_args)
result <-, arrange_args)
}) # -----
# arrangePlots ------
#'@title Arrange plots for plotVariants:CrisprSet
#'@description Arranges 3 plots in two rows. The vertical margins of the
#'left.plot and right.plot constrained to be equal
#'@param top.plot ggplot grob, placed on top of the figure, spanning the figure
#'@param left.plot ggplot, placed in the second row on the left
#'@param right.plot ggplot, placed in the second row on the right.
#'y-axis labels are removed.
#'@param fig.height Actual height for the figure. If not provided,
#'figure height is the sum of the (Default: NULL)
#'@param Vector specifying row height ratio (Default: c(1,6))
#'@param col.wdth.ratio Vector specifying column width ratio (Default: c(2, 1))
#'@param left.plot.margin Unit object specifying margins of left.plot.
#'Margins of right.plot are constrained by the left.plot.
#'@return The arranged plots
arrangePlots <- function(top.plot, left.plot, right.plot, fig.height = NULL,
col.wdth.ratio = c(2, 1), = c(1,6),
left.plot.margin = grid::unit(c(0.1,0.2,3,0.2), "lines")){
# Set the size ratio of the top and bottom rows
plot_hts <- if (is.null(fig.height)){
}else { fig.height/sum(* }
# Remove y-axis labels from right plot
right.plot <- right.plot + theme(axis.text.y = element_blank(),
axis.ticks.y = element_blank())
# Adjust margins of left.plot
left.plot <- left.plot + theme(plot.margin = left.plot.margin)
# Convert plots to grobs, lock plot heights
p2 <- ggplot2::ggplotGrob(left.plot)
p3 <- ggplot2::ggplotGrob(right.plot)
p3$heights <- p2$heights
# Return arranged plots
gridExtra::arrangeGrob(p2, p3, ncol = 2, widths = col.wdth.ratio),
nrow = 2, heights = plot_hts, newpage = FALSE))
} # -----
# getOverlappingGenes -----
.getOverlappingGenes <- function(txdb, target, all.transcripts = TRUE){
genomicfeatures <- requireNamespace("GenomicFeatures")
trns <- GenomicFeatures::transcripts(txdb)
exs <- findOverlaps(target, trns, ignore.strand = TRUE)
if (length(exs) == 0){
return(grid::grid.rect(gp=grid::gpar(col="white"), draw = FALSE))
# Find the genes that overlap
genes <- AnnotationDbi::select(txdb,
keys = as.character(mcols(trns[subjectHits(exs)])$tx_id),
keytype = "TXID", columns = columns)
# Find all (possibly non-overlapping) transcripts of overlapping genes
if (isTRUE(all.transcripts)){
genes <- suppressWarnings(AnnotationDbi::select(txdb,
keys = unique(genes$GENEID),
keytype = "GENEID",
columns = c("TXID", columns) ))
} # -----
# makeGeneSegments -----
.makeGeneSegments <- function(genes, txdb, target){
gene_gr <- GRanges(seqnames(target)[1],
IRanges(genes$EXONSTART, genes$EXONEND),
strand = genes$TXSTRAND, txid = genes$TXID)
# Assumption: if no end then also no start
#no_cds <-$CDSSTART)
#strts <- genes$CDSSTART
#ends <- genes$CDSEND
#strts[no_cds] <- genes$EXONSTART[no_cds]
#ends[no_cds] <- genes$EXONEND[no_cds]
has_cds <- !$CDSSTART)
cds_gr <- GRanges(seqnames(target)[1],
IRanges(genes$CDSSTART[has_cds], genes$CDSEND[has_cds]),
strand = genes$TXSTRAND[has_cds], txid = genes$TXID[has_cds])
#cds_gr <- GRanges(seqnames(target)[1],
# IRanges(strts, ends),
# strand = genes$TXSTRAND, txid = genes$TXID)
txid <- as.character(unique(genes$TXID))
all_rngs <- c(cds_gr, gene_gr)
# Get UTRs matching each transcript
all_sections <- lapply(txid, function(tid) {
exons <- disjoin(all_rngs[all_rngs$txid == tid])
exons$type <- "exon"
utr <- ! exons %in% cds_gr
if (any(utr)) exons[utr]$type <- "utr"
gene_spans <-,unname(lapply(all_sections, range)))
all_exs <-, all_sections)
all_exs <- data.frame(start = start(all_exs),
end = end(all_exs),
ts = rep(1:length(all_sections), lapply(all_sections, length)),
type = all_exs$type)
colnames(all_exs) <- c("start", "end", "ts", "type")
list("all_exs" = all_exs, "gene_spans" = gene_spans)
} # -----
# annotateGenePlot -----
#'@title Plots and annotates transcripts
#'@description Plots the gene structure, annotates this with the
#'target location
#'@param txdb A GenomicFeatures:TxDb object
#'@param target Location of target (GRanges)
#'@param target.colour Colour of box indicating targt region
#'@param target.size Thickness of box indicating target region
#'@param gene.text.size Size for figure label
#'@param panel.spacing Unit object, margin size
#'@param plot.title A title for the plot. If no plot.title is supplied,
#'the title is the list of gene ids shown (default).
#'If plot.title == FALSE, the plot will not have a title.
#'@param all.transcripts If TRUE (default), all transcripts of genes overlapping
#'the target are shown, including transcripts that do not themselves overlap the target.
#'If FALSE, only the transcripts that overlap the target are shown.
#'@return A ggplot2 plot of the transcript structures
annotateGenePlot <- function(txdb, target, target.colour = "red",
target.size = 1, gene.text.size = 10,
panel.spacing = grid::unit(c(0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1), "lines"),
plot.title = NULL, all.transcripts = TRUE){
genomicfeatures <- requireNamespace("GenomicFeatures")
genes <- .getOverlappingGenes(txdb, target, all.transcripts = all.transcripts)
if ("grob" %in% class(genes)) return(genes)
result <- .makeGeneSegments(genes, txdb, target)
all_exs <- result$all_exs
gene_spans <- result$gene_spans
min_st <- min(all_exs$start)
max_end <- max(all_exs$end)
tcks <- unname(quantile(min_st:max_end, seq(1,100, by = 2)*0.01))
tcks <- lapply(as(gene_spans, "GRangesList"), function(sp){
tcks[tcks > start(sp) & tcks < end(sp)]
tck_lns <- lapply(tcks, length)
tcks <- data.frame("tloc" = unlist(tcks),
"ys" = rep(1:length(tcks), lapply(tcks, length)))
lns <- data.frame(tloc = c(start(gene_spans),end(gene_spans)),
ys = rep(seq_along(gene_spans),2))
all_exs$ymax <- all_exs$ts + 0.3
all_exs$ymin <- all_exs$ts - 0.3
is_utr <- all_exs$type == "utr"
all_exs$ymax[is_utr] <- all_exs$ts[is_utr] + 0.2
all_exs$ymin[is_utr] <- all_exs$ts[is_utr] - 0.2
target_df <- data.frame(xmin = start(target), xmax = end(target),
ymin = 0, ymax = ceiling(max(all_exs$ymax)))
if (is.null(plot.title)){ plot.title <- paste(unique(genes$GENEID), sep = ";")}
# Choose either right or left pointing arrows for the transcript plots
#strands <- unlist(lapply(all_sections, function(x) as.character(strand(x[1]))))
strands <- rep(as.character(strand(gene_spans)), tck_lns)
strands[strands == "-"] <- 60
strands[strands == "+"] <- 62
tcks$shp <- as.integer(strands)
p <- ggplot2::ggplot(tcks) +
geom_point(aes_(x = quote(tloc), y = quote(ys), group = quote(ys),
shape = quote(shp)), size = 2) +
geom_line(data = lns, aes_(x = quote(tloc), y = quote(ys),
group = quote(ys))) +
p <- p + geom_rect(data = all_exs, fill = "black", color = "black",
aes_(xmin = quote(start), xmax = quote(end),
ymin = quote(ymin), ymax = quote(ymax)))
p <- p + geom_rect(data = target_df,
aes_(xmin = quote(xmin), xmax = quote(xmax),
ymin = quote(ymin), ymax = quote(ymax)),
colour = target.colour, fill = NA, size = target.size)
if (! isFALSE(plot.title)){
p <- p + ggtitle(plot.title)
p <- p + theme_minimal() +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(size = gene.text.size),
axis.text.y = element_blank(),
panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
plot.background = element_rect(fill = "white", colour= NA),
panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white", colour = NA),
panel.spacing = panel.spacing,
text = element_text(size = gene.text.size),
axis.ticks.y = element_blank()) +
ylab(NULL) + xlab(NULL)
} # -----
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