# == title
# Select an area in the heatmap
# == param
# -ht_list A `HeatmapList-class` object returned by `draw,Heatmap-method` or `draw,HeatmapList-method`.
# -mark Whether mark the selected area as a rectangle.
# -pos1 If the value is ``NULL``, it can be selected by click on the heatmap (of cource, the heatmap should be on
# the interactive graphic device). If it is set, it must be a `grid::unit` object with length two which
# corresponds to the x and y position of the point.
# -pos2 Another point as ``pos1``, together with ``pos1`` defines the selected region.
# -verbose Whether to print messages.
# -ht_pos A value returned by `ht_pos_on_device`.
# == details
# The regions can be selected interactively or manually by setting ``pos1`` and ``pos2``.
# == value
# A `S4Vectors::DataFrame` object with row indices and column indices corresponding to the selected region.
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <>
# == example
# if(interactive()) {
# m = matrix(rnorm(100), 10)
# rownames(m) = 1:10
# colnames(m) = 1:10
# ht = Heatmap(m)
# ht = draw(ht)
# selectArea(ht)
# set.seed(123)
# ht = Heatmap(m, row_km = 2, column_km = 2)
# ht = draw(ht)
# selectArea(ht)
# }
selectArea = function(ht_list, pos1 = NULL, pos2 = NULL, mark = TRUE, verbose = TRUE,
ht_pos = NULL) {
if(is.null(pos1) || is.null(pos2)) pos2 = pos1 = NULL
if(!is.null(pos1)) {
if(getRversion() >= "4.0.0") {
if(!inherits(pos1, "simpleUnit")) {
stop_wrap("`pos1` should be a simpleUnit.")
if(!inherits(pos2, "simpleUnit")) {
stop_wrap("`pos2` should be a simpleUnit.")
} else {
if(!inherits(pos1, "unit")) {
stop_wrap("`pos1` should be a simple unit.")
if(!inherits(pos2, "unit")) {
stop_wrap("`pos2` should be a simple unit.")
if(length(pos1) != 2) {
stop_wrap("Length of `pos1` should be 2 (x and y).")
if(length(pos2) != 2) {
stop_wrap("Length of `pos2` should be 2 (x and y).")
if(!identical(unitType(pos1), unitType(pos2))) {
stop_wrap("`pos1` should have the same unit as `pos2`.")
pos1 = list(x = pos1[1], y = pos1[2])
pos2 = list(x = pos2[1], y = pos2[2])
if(mark) {
oe = try(seekViewport("global"), silent = TRUE)
if(inherits(oe, "try-error")) {
stop_wrap("Cannot find the global viewport. You need to draw the heatmap or go to the device which contains the heatmap.")
if(is.null(pos1)) {
if(!dev.interactive()) {
stop_wrap("Graphic device should be interactive if you want to manually select the regions.")
if(verbose) cat("Click two positions on the heatmap (double click or right click on\nthe plot to cancel):\n")
unit = "mm"
pos1 = grid.locator(unit = unit)
if(is.null(pos1)) {
if(verbose) cat("Canceled.\n")
} else {
unit = unitType(pos1$x)
pos1 = lapply(pos1, as.numeric)
if(mark) grid.points(pos1$x, pos1$y, default.units = unit)
if(verbose) qqcat(" Point 1: x = @{sprintf('%.1f', pos1$x)} @{unit}, y = @{sprintf('%.1f', pos1$y)} @{unit} (measured in the graphics device)\n")
if(is.null(pos2)) {
unit = "mm"
pos2 = grid.locator(unit = unit)
if(is.null(pos2)) {
if(verbose) cat("Canceled.\n")
} else {
unit = unitType(pos2$x)
pos2 = lapply(pos2, as.numeric)
if(mark) grid.points(pos2$x, pos2$y, default.units = unit)
if(verbose) qqcat(" Point 2: x = @{sprintf('%.1f', pos2$x)} @{unit}, y = @{sprintf('%.1f', pos2$y)} @{unit} (measured in the graphic device)\n")
if(verbose) cat("\n")
if(mark) {
grid.rect( (0.5*pos1$x + 0.5*pos2$x), (0.5*pos1$y + 0.5*pos2$y),
pos2$x - pos1$x, pos2$y - pos1$y,
default.units = unit, gp = gpar(fill = NA))
#### pos1 should always be on the bottom left and pos2 on the top right
if(pos1$x > pos2$x) {
tmp = pos1$x
pos1$x = pos2$x
pos2$x = tmp
if(pos1$y > pos2$y) {
tmp = pos1$y
pos1$y = pos2$y
pos2$y = tmp
if(is.null(ht_pos)) {
if(is.null(.ENV$previous_ht_hash)) {
ht_pos = ht_pos_on_device(ht_list)
} else {
if(!identical(.ENV$previous_device_size, dev.size())) {
if(verbose) {
cat("The device size has been changed. Calcualte the new heatmap positions.\n")
ht_pos = ht_pos_on_device(ht_list)
} else if(!identical(.ENV$previous_ht_hash, digest(ht_list))) {
if(verbose) {
cat("The heatmaps have been changed. Calcualte the new heatmap positions.\n")
ht_pos = ht_pos_on_device(ht_list)
} else {
if(verbose) {
cat("Heatmap positions are already calculated, use the cached one.\n")
ht_pos = .ENV$previous_ht_pos_on_device
ht_pos$x_min = convertX(ht_pos$x_min, unit, valueOnly = TRUE)
ht_pos$x_max = convertX(ht_pos$x_max, unit, valueOnly = TRUE)
ht_pos$y_min = convertX(ht_pos$y_min, unit, valueOnly = TRUE)
ht_pos$y_max = convertX(ht_pos$y_max, unit, valueOnly = TRUE)
df = NULL
for(i in seq_len(nrow(ht_pos))) {
ht_name = ht_pos[i, "heatmap"]
ht = ht_list@ht_list[[ht_name]]
if(verbose) qqcat("Search in heatmap '@{ht_name}'\n")
slice_name = ht_pos[i, "slice"]
i_slice = as.numeric(gsub(".*_(\\d+)_\\d+$", "\\1", slice_name))
j_slice = as.numeric(gsub(".*_(\\d+)$", "\\1", slice_name))
if(verbose) qqcat(" - row slice @{i_slice}, column slice @{j_slice} [@{slice_name}]... ")
vp_min_x = ht_pos[i, "x_min"]
vp_max_x = ht_pos[i, "x_max"]
vp_min_y = ht_pos[i, "y_min"]
vp_max_y = ht_pos[i, "y_max"]
row_index = integer(0)
column_index = integer(0)
nc = length(ht@column_order_list[[j_slice]])
ind1 = ceiling((pos1$x - vp_min_x) / (vp_max_x - vp_min_x) * nc)
ind2 = ceiling((pos2$x - vp_min_x) / (vp_max_x - vp_min_x) * nc)
if(ind1 <= 0 && ind2 <= 0) { # the region is on the left of the heatmap
column_index = integer(0)
} else if(ind1 > nc && ind2 > nc) { # the region in on the right of the heatmap
column_index = integer(0)
} else {
if(ind1 <= 0) ind1 = 1
if(ind2 >= nc) ind2 = nc
if(ind1 < ind2) {
column_index = ht@column_order_list[[j_slice]][ind1:ind2]
} else {
column_index = ht@column_order_list[[j_slice]][ind2:ind1]
nr = length(ht@row_order_list[[i_slice]])
ind1 = 1 + nr - ceiling((pos1$y - vp_min_y) / (vp_max_y - vp_min_y) * nr)
ind2 = 1 + nr - ceiling((pos2$y - vp_min_y) / (vp_max_y - vp_min_y) * nr)
if(ind1 <= 0 && ind2 <= 0) { # the region is on the bottom of the heatmap
row_index = integer(0)
} else if(ind1 > nr && ind2 > nr) { # the region in on the top of the heatmap
row_index = integer(0)
} else {
if(ind2 <= 0) ind2 = 1
if(ind1 >= nr) ind1 = nr
if(ind1 < ind2) {
row_index = ht@row_order_list[[i_slice]][ind1:ind2]
} else {
row_index = ht@row_order_list[[i_slice]][ind2:ind1]
if(length(column_index) == 0) row_index = integer(0)
if(length(row_index) == 0) column_index = integer(0)
if(length(column_index) == 0) {
if(verbose) cat("no overlap\n")
} else {
if(verbose) cat("overlap\n")
df = rbind(df, DataFrame(heatmap = ht_name,
slice = slice_name,
row_slice = i_slice,
column_slice = j_slice,
row_index = IntegerList(row_index),
column_index = IntegerList(column_index)))
if(verbose) cat("\n")
# == title
# Select a position in the heatmap
# == param
# -ht_list A `HeatmapList-class` object returned by `draw,Heatmap-method` or `draw,HeatmapList-method`.
# -mark Whether mark the selected position as a point.
# -pos If the value is ``NULL``, it can be selected by click on the heatmap (of cource, the heatmap should be on
# the interactive graphic device). If it is set, it must be a `grid::unit` object with length two which
# corresponds to the x and y position of the point.
# -verbose Whether to print messages.
# -ht_pos A value returned by `ht_pos_on_device`.
# == value
# A `S4Vectors::DataFrame` object with row index and column index corresponding to the selected position.
# == seealso
# The code for this shiny app is at
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <>
# == example
# if(interactive()) {
# m = matrix(rnorm(100), 10)
# rownames(m) = 1:10
# colnames(m) = 1:10
# ht = Heatmap(m)
# ht = draw(ht)
# selectPosition(ht)
# }
selectPosition = function(ht_list, pos = NULL, mark = TRUE, verbose = TRUE,
ht_pos = NULL) {
pos1 = pos
if(!is.null(pos1)) {
if(getRversion() >= "4.0.0") {
if(!inherits(pos1, "simpleUnit")) {
stop_wrap("`pos` should be a simpleUnit.")
} else {
if(!inherits(pos1, "unit")) {
stop_wrap("`pos` should be a simple unit.")
if(length(pos1) != 2) {
stop_wrap("Length of `pos` should be 2 (x and y).")
pos1 = list(x = pos1[1], y = pos1[2])
if(mark) {
oe = try(seekViewport("global"), silent = TRUE)
if(inherits(oe, "try-error")) {
stop_wrap("Cannot find the global viewport. You need to draw the heatmap or go to the device which contains the heatmap.")
if(is.null(pos1)) {
if(!dev.interactive()) {
stop_wrap("Graphic device should be interactive if you want to manually select the position.")
if(verbose) cat("Click one position on the heatmap (right click on the plot to cancel):\n")
unit = "mm"
pos1 = grid.locator(unit = unit)
if(is.null(pos1)) {
if(verbose) cat("Canceled.\n")
} else {
unit = unitType(pos1$x)
pos1 = lapply(pos1, as.numeric)
if(mark) grid.points(pos1$x, pos1$y, default.units = unit)
if(verbose) qqcat(" Point: x = @{sprintf('%.1f', pos1$x)} @{unit}, y = @{sprintf('%.1f', pos1$y)} @{unit} (measured in the graphics device)\n")
if(verbose) cat("\n")
if(is.null(ht_pos)) {
if(is.null(.ENV$previous_ht_hash)) {
ht_pos = ht_pos_on_device(ht_list)
} else {
if(!identical(.ENV$previous_device_size, dev.size())) {
if(verbose) {
cat("The device size has been changed. Calcualte the new heatmap positions.\n")
ht_pos = ht_pos_on_device(ht_list)
} else if(!identical(.ENV$previous_ht_hash, digest(ht_list))) {
if(verbose) {
cat("The heatmaps have been changed. Calcualte the new heatmap positions.\n")
ht_pos = ht_pos_on_device(ht_list)
} else {
if(verbose) {
cat("Heatmap positions are already calculated, use the cached one.\n")
ht_pos = .ENV$previous_ht_pos_on_device
ht_pos$x_min = convertX(ht_pos$x_min, unit, valueOnly = TRUE)
ht_pos$x_max = convertX(ht_pos$x_max, unit, valueOnly = TRUE)
ht_pos$y_min = convertX(ht_pos$y_min, unit, valueOnly = TRUE)
ht_pos$y_max = convertX(ht_pos$y_max, unit, valueOnly = TRUE)
df = NULL
for(i in seq_len(nrow(ht_pos))) {
ht_name = ht_pos[i, "heatmap"]
ht = ht_list@ht_list[[ht_name]]
if(verbose) qqcat("Search in heatmap '@{ht_name}'\n")
slice_name = ht_pos[i, "slice"]
i_slice = as.numeric(gsub(".*_(\\d+)_\\d+$", "\\1", slice_name))
j_slice = as.numeric(gsub(".*_(\\d+)$", "\\1", slice_name))
if(verbose) qqcat(" - row slice @{i_slice}, column slice @{j_slice} [@{slice_name}]... ")
vp_min_x = ht_pos[i, "x_min"]
vp_max_x = ht_pos[i, "x_max"]
vp_min_y = ht_pos[i, "y_min"]
vp_max_y = ht_pos[i, "y_max"]
row_index = integer(0)
column_index = integer(0)
nc = length(ht@column_order_list[[j_slice]])
ind1 = ceiling((pos1$x - vp_min_x) / (vp_max_x - vp_min_x) * nc)
if(ind1 <= 0 || ind1 > nc) { # the region is on the left of the heatmap
column_index = integer(0)
} else {
column_index = ht@column_order_list[[j_slice]][ind1]
nr = length(ht@row_order_list[[i_slice]])
ind1 = 1 + nr - ceiling((pos1$y - vp_min_y) / (vp_max_y - vp_min_y) * nr)
if(ind1 <= 0 || ind1 > nr) { # the region is on the bottom of the heatmap
row_index = integer(0)
} else {
row_index = ht@row_order_list[[i_slice]][ind1]
if(length(column_index) == 0) row_index = integer(0)
if(length(row_index) == 0) column_index = integer(0)
if(length(column_index) == 0) {
if(verbose) cat("no overlap\n")
} else {
if(verbose) cat("overlap\n")
df = DataFrame(heatmap = ht_name,
slice = slice_name,
row_slice = i_slice,
column_slice = j_slice,
row_index = row_index,
column_index = column_index)
if(verbose) cat("\n")
# == title
# Get the heatmap positions on the graphic device
# == param
# -ht_list A `HeatmapList-class` object returned by `draw,Heatmap-method` or `draw,HeatmapList-method`.
# -unit The unit.
# -valueOnly Whether only return the numeric values.
# == value
# It returns a `S4Vectors::DataFrame` object of the positions of every heatmap slice.
# == example
# if(interactive()) {
# m = matrix(rnorm(100), 10)
# ht = Heatmap(m, row_km = 2, column_km = 2)
# ht = draw(ht)
# pos = ht_pos_on_device(ht)
# ComplexHeatmap:::redraw_ht_vp(pos)
# }
ht_pos_on_device = function(ht_list, unit = "inch", valueOnly = FALSE) {
oe = try(seekViewport("global"), silent = TRUE)
if(inherits(oe, "try-error")) {
stop_wrap("No heatmap is on the graphic device.")
if(inherits(ht_list, "Heatmap")) {
stop_wrap("`ht_list` should be returned by `draw()`.")
if(!ht_list@layout$initialized) {
stop_wrap("`ht_list` should be returned by `draw()`.")
all_ht_names = names(ht_list@ht_list)
all_ht_names = all_ht_names[sapply(ht_list@ht_list, inherits, "Heatmap")]
l = duplicated(all_ht_names)
if(any(l)) {
stop_wrap("Heatmap names should not be duplicated.")
df = NULL
for(i in seq_along(ht_list@ht_list)) {
if(inherits(ht_list@ht_list[[i]], "Heatmap")) {
ht = ht_list@ht_list[[i]]
ht_name = ht@name
for(i in seq_along(ht@row_order_list)) {
for(j in seq_along(ht@column_order_list)) {
vp_name = qq("@{ht_name}_heatmap_body_@{i}_@{j}")
loc = deviceLoc(x = unit(0, "npc"), y = unit(0, "npc"))
vp_min_x = convertX(loc[[1]], unit)
vp_min_y = convertY(loc[[2]], unit)
loc = deviceLoc(x = unit(1, "npc"), y = unit(1, "npc"))
vp_max_x = convertX(loc[[1]], unit)
vp_max_y = convertY(loc[[2]], unit)
df = rbind(df, DataFrame(heatmap = ht_name,
slice = vp_name,
row_slice = i,
column_slice = j,
x_min = as.numeric(vp_min_x),
x_max = as.numeric(vp_max_x),
y_min = as.numeric(vp_min_y),
y_max = as.numeric(vp_max_y)))
if(!valueOnly) {
df$x_min = unit(df$x_min, unit)
df$x_max = unit(df$x_max, unit)
df$y_min = unit(df$y_min, unit)
df$y_max = unit(df$y_max, unit)
.ENV$previous_ht_pos_on_device = df
.ENV$previous_ht_hash = digest(ht_list)
.ENV$previous_device_size = dev.size()
redraw_ht_vp = function(pos) {
ds = dev.size() = ds[1], height = ds[2])
for(i in seq_len(nrow(pos))) {
x_min = pos[i, "x_min"]
x_max = pos[i, "x_max"]
y_min = pos[i, "y_min"]
y_max = pos[i, "y_max"]
pushViewport(viewport(x = x_min, y = y_min, name = pos[i, "slice"],
width = x_max - x_min, height = y_max - y_min,
just = c("left", "bottom")))
seek_root_vp = function() {
seekViewport( = TRUE, grobs = FALSE, print = FALSE)$name[2])
# == title
# Interactive heatmaps with a shiny app
# == param
# -ht_list A `Heatmap-class` or a `HeatmapList-class` object. If it is not specified, a random heatmap is used.
# -app Path of app.R.
# == seealso
# == example
# # use a random heatmap
# if(interactive()) {
# ht_shiny()
# }
# # by providing a heatmap/heatmap list
# if(interactive()) {
# m = matrix(rnorm(100), 10)
# rownames(m) = 1:10
# colnames(m) = 1:10
# ht = Heatmap(m)
# ht_shiny(ht)
# }
# if(interactive()) {
# m1 = matrix(rnorm(100), 10)
# rownames(m1) = 1:10
# colnames(m1) = 1:10
# ht1 = Heatmap(m1, row_km = 2, column_km = 2)
# m2 = matrix(sample(letters[1:10], 100, replace = TRUE), 10)
# ht2 = Heatmap(m2)
# ht_shiny(ht1 + ht2)
# ht_shiny(ht1 \%v\% ht2)
# }
ht_shiny = function(ht_list, app = NULL) {
if(!requireNamespace("shiny")) {
stop_wrap("shiny package should be installed.")
if(missing(ht_list)) {
cat("No heatmap is provided, use random heatmap\n")
m1 = matrix(rnorm(100), 10)
colnames(m1) = rownames(m1) = paste0("a", 1:10)
ht1 = Heatmap(m1, row_km = 2, column_km = 2)
m2 = matrix(sample(letters[1:10], 100, replace = TRUE), 10)
colnames(m2) = rownames(m2) = paste0("b", 1:10)
ht2 = Heatmap(m2, heatmap_legend_param = list(at = sort(unique(as.vector(m2)))))
ht_list = ht1 + ht2
} else {
ht_list = ht_list
if(is.null(app)) {
if(identical(topenv(), .GlobalEnv)) {
app = "~/project/ComplexHeatmap/inst/app/app.R"
} else {
app = system.file("app", "app.R", package = "ComplexHeatmap")
source(app, local = TRUE)
shiny::shinyApp(get("ui"), get("server"))
get_pos_from_brush = function(brush) {
coords = brush$coords_css
height = (brush$range$bottom - brush$range$top)/brush$img_css_ratio$y
pos1 = unit(c(coords$xmin, height - coords$ymin), "pt")
pos2 = unit(c(coords$xmax, height - coords$ymax), "pt")
list(pos1, pos2)
get_pos_from_click = function(click) {
coords = click$coords_css
height = (click$range$bottom - click$range$top)/click$img_css_ratio$y
pos1 = unit(c(coords$x, height - coords$y), "pt")
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