clusterJudge <-
function(clusters,entity.attribute, plot.notes='', plot.saveRDS.file=NULL){
if(is.null(names(clusters))) stop('The clusters must have as names the entity names of the reference entity.attribute table (e.g. Yeast gene names)')
##### calculate MI between Clusters and each Attribute: MI(C,Ai) .
##### For all attributes (assuming independence) caculate the sum MI(C,A) = Sum(MI(C,Ai)) = n*E(C)+sum(E(Ai))-sum(E(C,Ai))
##### where C is the variable that has the cluster id !
##### we will restrict the GO attributes table to the entities present in the clusters
if(!validate_association(entity.attribute, message=FALSE)) return()
##### drop clustered entities not in entities and reciprocally
common.entities <- intersect(names(clusters), entity.attribute[,1])
clusters <- clusters[common.entities]
entity.attribute <- entity.attribute[entity.attribute[,1] %in% common.entities,]
eat <- table(entity.attribute)
calculate.mi <- function(cl,ea){
n <- ncol(ea)
n*entropy(cl)+sum(apply(ea,2,entropy)) - sum(sapply(seq_len(ncol(ea)), function(j) entropy(cbind(cl, ea[,j]))) )
MI <- calculate.mi(cl=clusters, ea= eat)
#### completely randomize
MI.RND.TOTAL <- calculate.mi(cl=sample(clusters), ea=eat)
#### select some 50 levels of randomization
# use power of 2 as number of swaps
n.rnd <- 14
mi.RND <- vector(mode='numeric', length=n.rnd)
mi.ea <- sum(apply(eat,2,entropy))
n <- ncol(eat)
cl <- clusters
cl.ids <- names(table(cl))
### the entropy of the swapped clusters does NOT change so we cakculate it just once <- n*entropy(cl)
cat('randomizing clusters ')
for(r in seq_len(n.rnd)){
for(i in seq_len(2^(r-1)) ){
c1.2 <- sample(cl.ids,2)
g1 <- sample(names(cl)[cl==c1.2[1]],1)
g2 <- sample(names(cl)[cl==c1.2[2]],1)
cl[g1] <- c1.2[2]
cl[g2] <- c1.2[1]
mi.RND[r] <- + mi.ea - sum(sapply(seq_len(ncol(eat)), function(j) entropy(cbind(cl, eat[,j]))) )
#### plot result
,grid=TRUE, cex=1.6, type=c('p')
, par.settings=list(par.sub.text=list(cex=0.7))
,xlab='Number of random swaps between original clusters'
,ylab='Mutual Information - as a fraction of initial value'
,scales=list(x=list(cex=0.7, rot=45, at=seq_len(n.rnd+3)-1, labels=c(0,2^(seq_len(n.rnd)-1),'...','full\nshuffle')))
panel.loess(x,y,...,span=4/5, lwd=6, alpha=0.5)
,main='Change of relative Mutual Information\n after random swaping between pairs of clusters'
if(!is.null(plot.saveRDS.file)) tryCatch( {saveRDS(p1,plot.saveRDS.file)}, error=function(e){ print(e)})
data.frame(mut.inf=c(MI,mi.RND[seq_len(n.rnd)] ,MI.RND.TOTAL)
,nmb.of.swaps = c(0,2^(seq_len(n.rnd)-1),' full shuffle'))
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