setGeneric("easyHardClassifierTrain", function(measurements, ...)
setMethod("easyHardClassifierTrain", "MultiAssayExperiment",
function(measurements, easyDatasetID = "clinical", hardDatasetID = names(measurements)[1],
featureSets = NULL, metaFeatures = NULL, minimumOverlapPercent = 80,
datasetName = NULL, classificationName = "Easy-Hard Classifier",
easyClassifierParams = list(minCardinality = 10, minPurity = 0.9),
hardClassifierParams = list(SelectParams(), TrainParams(), PredictParams()),
verbose = 3)
if(easyDatasetID == "clinical")
easyDataset <- MultiAssayExperiment::colData(measurements) # Will be DataFrame
easyDataset <- easyDataset[![, "class"]), ]
easyDataset <- easyDataset[, -match("class", colnames(easyDataset))]
} else if(easyDatasetID %in% names(measurements))
easyDataset <- measurements[, , easyDatasetID][[1]] # Get the underlying data container e.g. matrix.
easyDataset <- t(easyDataset) # Make the variables be in columns.
} else {
stop("'easyDatasetID' is not \"clinical\" nor the name of any assay in 'measurements'.")
hardDataset <- measurements[, , hardDatasetID][[1]] # Get the underlying data container e.g. matrix.
hardDataset <- S4Vectors::DataFrame(t(hardDataset), check.names = FALSE) # Variables as columns.
commonSamples <- intersect(rownames(easyDataset), rownames(hardDataset))
easyDataset <- easyDataset[commonSamples, ]
hardDataset <- hardDataset[commonSamples, ]
datasetIDs <- setNames(c(easyDatasetID, hardDatasetID), c("easy", "hard"))
if(!requireNamespace("zoo", quietly = TRUE))
stop("The package 'zoo' could not be found. Please install it.")
if(verbose == 3)
message("Fitting easy classifier to data.")
classes <- MultiAssayExperiment::colData(measurements)[, "class"]
names(classes) <- rownames(MultiAssayExperiment::colData(measurements))
classes <- classes[match(rownames(easyDataset), names(classes))]
easyDataset <- easyDataset[!, ]
classes <- na.omit(classes)
predictiveRules <- lapply(seq_along(easyDataset), function(featureIndex)
{ # Use a list rather than a table so that values can retain their type, such as numeric and categorical.
measurement <- easyDataset[, featureIndex]
ordering <- order(measurement)
midpoints <- zoo::rollmean(unique(na.omit(measurement[ordering])), 2) # Better performance if many repeated values.
lowerRules <- lapply(midpoints, function(midpoint)
lowerClasses <- na.omit(classes[measurement < midpoint])
lowerClassesCounts <- table(lowerClasses)
lowerClassesProportions <- lowerClassesCounts / sum(lowerClassesCounts)
isLarge <- length(lowerClasses) >= easyClassifierParams[["minCardinality"]]
predictClass <- NULL
if(any(lowerClassesProportions >= easyClassifierParams[["minPurity"]]))
predictClass <- names(lowerClassesCounts)[which.max(lowerClassesCounts)]
if(isLarge && !is.null(predictClass))
list(feature = colnames(easyDataset)[featureIndex],
relation = '<', value = midpoint, predict = predictClass)
whichRules <- which(sapply(lowerRules, length) > 0)
if(any(whichRules)) # There is a worthwhile split.
lowerRules <- lowerRules[whichRules[length(whichRules)]] # Get the rule with the biggest number of samples.
lowerRules <- NULL
higherRules <- lapply(midpoints, function(midpoint)
higherClasses <- na.omit(classes[measurement > midpoint])
higherClassesCounts <- table(higherClasses)
higherClassesProportions <- higherClassesCounts / sum(higherClassesCounts)
isLarge <- length(higherClasses) >= easyClassifierParams[["minCardinality"]]
predictClass <- NULL
if(any(higherClassesProportions >= easyClassifierParams[["minPurity"]]))
predictClass <- names(higherClassesProportions)[which.max(higherClassesProportions)]
if(isLarge && !is.null(predictClass))
list(feature = colnames(easyDataset)[featureIndex], relation = '>', value = midpoint, predict = predictClass)
whichRules <- which(sapply(higherRules, length) > 0)
if(any(whichRules)) # There is a worthwhile split.
higherRules <- higherRules[whichRules[1]] # Get the rule with the biggest number of samples.
higherRules <- NULL
c(lowerRules, higherRules)
} else { # The variable is categorical.
classesCounts <- table(measurement, classes)
whichPureGroups <- which(classesCounts >= easyClassifierParams[["minCardinality"]] & t(apply(classesCounts, 1, function(measurementClasses) measurementClasses / sum(measurementClasses) > easyClassifierParams[["minPurity"]])), arr.ind = TRUE)
if(nrow(whichPureGroups) > 0)
rownames(whichPureGroups) <- NULL
apply(whichPureGroups, 1, function(valueClassPair)
list(feature = colnames(easyDataset)[featureIndex],
relation = "==", value = rownames(classesCounts)[valueClassPair["measurement"]],
predict = colnames(classesCounts)[valueClassPair["classes"]])
predictiveRules <- unlist(predictiveRules, recursive = FALSE)
if(length(predictiveRules) > 0)
predictionsAndSamples <- .getEasyPredictions(easyDataset, predictiveRules)
samplesHard <- predictionsAndSamples[[2]]
} else { # No clinical variable is useful and all samples should be included for the hard classifier.
samplesHard <- rownames(easyDataset)
if(!hardDatasetID %in% names(measurements))
stop("'hardDatasetID' is not the name of any assay in 'measurements'.")
} else {
if(length(samplesHard) == 0)
return(EasyHardClassifier(predictiveRules, NULL, datasetIDs))
hardDataset <- hardDataset[samplesHard, ]
hardClasses <- classes[samplesHard]
samplesHardClasses <- table(hardClasses)
if(max(samplesHardClasses) >= sum(samplesHardClasses) - 1) # All samples or all samples except one belong to a particular class. Predict that class.
majorClass <- names(samplesHardClasses)[which.max(samplesHardClasses)]
if(verbose == 3)
message("Predicting ", length(samplesHard), " remaining samples as ", majorClass, '.')
EasyHardClassifier(predictiveRules, list(selected = NULL, model = majorClass), datasetIDs)
} else { # Train a classifier on the hard to classify by rules samples.
if(verbose == 3)
message("Fitting hard classifier to ", length(samplesHard), " samples not easily classified by easy classifier.")
selectionAndModel <- runTest(hardDataset, hardClasses, featureSets, metaFeatures, 80, datasetName, classificationName, names(hardClasses), names(hardClasses), hardClassifierParams, .iteration = "internal")
if(is.character(selectionAndModel)) return(selectionAndModel) # An error occurred. One such case is when only one sample or no samples are left in a particular class.
initialClass <- class(selectionAndModel[["models"]])
if(!"list" %in% initialClass)
selectionAndModel[["selected"]] <- list(selectionAndModel[["selected"]])
selectionAndModel[["models"]] <- list(selectionAndModel[["models"]])
trainedModels <- mapply(function(selected, model)
hardClassifier <- list(selected = selected, model = model)
EasyHardClassifier(predictiveRules, hardClassifier, datasetIDs)
}, selectionAndModel[["selected"]], selectionAndModel[["models"]], SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
names(trainedModels) <- names(selectionAndModel[["models"]])
if(initialClass != "list")
trainedModels <- trainedModels[[1]]
setGeneric("easyHardClassifierPredict", function(model, test, ...)
setMethod("easyHardClassifierPredict", c("EasyHardClassifier", "MultiAssayExperiment"), function(model, test, predictParams, verbose = 3)
easyDatasetID <- model@datasetIDs["easy"]
hardDatasetID <- model@datasetIDs["hard"]
if(easyDatasetID == "clinical")
easyDataset <- MultiAssayExperiment::colData(test) # Will be DataFrame
} else if(easyDataset %in% names(test))
easyDataset <- measurements[, , easyDataset][[1]] # Get the underlying data container e.g. matrix.
easyDataset <- t(easyDataset) # Make the variables be in columns.
predictionsAndSamples <- .getEasyPredictions(easyDataset, model@easyClassifier)
samplesHard <- predictionsAndSamples[[2]]
} else { # No clinical variable is useful and all samples should be included for the hard classifier.
samplesHard <- rownames(easyDataset)
if(length(samplesHard) > 0)
hardDataset <- test[, samplesHard, hardDatasetID][[1]] # Get the underlying data container e.g. matrix.
hardDataset <- S4Vectors::DataFrame(t(hardDataset), check.names = FALSE) # Variables as columns.
hardPredictions <- .doTest(model@hardClassifier[["model"]], hardDataset, samplesHard, predictParams, verbose)
} else {
hardPredictions <- rep(model@hardClassifier[["model"]], length(samplesHard)) # In training, samples belonging to one class left for hard classification.
predictionsClass <- class(hardPredictions)
if(predictionsClass != "list")
hardPredictions <- list(hardPredictions)
allSamplesClasses <- lapply(hardPredictions, function(varietyPredictions)
allPredictions <- rep(NA, length(varietyPredictions)) # In case no rules are found for easy data set.
if(exists("predictionsAndSamples")) # Rules exist for easy data set.
allPredictions <- predictionsAndSamples[[1]]
allPredictions[] <- as.character(varietyPredictions)
allPredictions <- factor(allPredictions, levels = levels(MultiAssayExperiment::colData(test)[, "class"]))
if(predictionsClass != "list")
allSamplesClasses <- unlist(allSamplesClasses, recursive = FALSE)
} else { # All samples predicted with easy classifier. Return those predictions.
factor(predictionsAndSamples[[1]], levels(MultiAssayExperiment::colData(test)[, "class"]))
.getEasyPredictions <- function(easyDataset, predictiveRules)
# Now, determine the samples which are left to be classified by the hard classifier.
allPredictions <- list()
for(index in seq_along(predictiveRules))
value <- predictiveRules[[index]][["value"]]
value <- paste('"', value, '"', sep = '')
predictions <- rep(NA, nrow(easyDataset))
isRuleTrue <- eval(parse(text = paste("easyDataset[, predictiveRules[[index]][[\"feature\"]]]", ' ', predictiveRules[[index]][["relation"]], ' ', value, sep = '')))
predictions[isRuleTrue] <- predictiveRules[[index]][["predict"]]
allPredictions[[index]] <- predictions
allPredictions <-, allPredictions)
samplesPredictionsCounts <- list()
for(sampleIndex in 1:nrow(allPredictions)) # Always have some non-zero length for samplesPredictionsCounts.
samplesPredictionsCounts[[sampleIndex]] <- table(allPredictions[sampleIndex, ])
samplesPredictedClasses <- sapply(samplesPredictionsCounts, function(predictionsCounts)
if(length(predictionsCounts) == 0)
} else if(length(predictionsCounts) == 1)
} else { # Two or more classes. Pick the most popular unless there is a tie.
predictedClass <- names(predictionsCounts[which.max(predictionsCounts)])
if(length(predictedClass) == 1)
samplesPredictedClasses[sapply(samplesPredictedClasses, is.null)] <- NA
samplesHard <- rownames(easyDataset)[sapply(samplesPredictedClasses,]
list(unlist(samplesPredictedClasses), samplesHard)
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