.splitDataAndClasses <- function(measurements, classes)
{ # DataFrame methods' class variable can be character or factor, so it's a bit involved.
if(class(classes) == "character" && length(classes) > 1)
stop("'classes' is a character variable but has more than one element. Either provide a\n",
" single column name or a factor of the same length as the number of samples.")
if(class(classes) == "character")
classColumn <- match(classes, colnames(measurements))
stop("Specified column name of classes is not present in the data table.")
classes <- measurements[, classColumn]
measurements <- measurements[, -classColumn]
if(class(classes) != "factor")
classes <- factor(classes)
list(measurements = measurements, classes = classes)
.MAEtoWideTable <- function(measurements, targets, restrict = "numeric")
stop("'targets' is not specified but must be.")
if(!all(targets %in% c(names(measurements), "clinical")))
stop("Some table names in 'targets' are not assay names in 'measurements' or \"clinical\".")
if("clinical" %in% targets)
clinicalColumns <- colnames(MultiAssayExperiment::colData(measurements))
targets <- targets[-match("clinical", targets)]
} else if("class" %in% colnames(MultiAssayExperiment::colData(measurements))) {
clinicalColumns <- "class"
} else {
clinicalColumns <- NULL
measurements <- measurements[, , targets]
dataTable <- wideFormat(measurements, colDataCols = clinicalColumns, check.names = FALSE, collapse = ':')
S4Vectors::mcols(dataTable)[, "sourceName"] <- gsub("colDataCols", "clincal", S4Vectors::mcols(dataTable)[, "sourceName"])
colnames(S4Vectors::mcols(dataTable))[1] <- "dataset"
S4Vectors::mcols(dataTable)[, "feature"] <- as.character(S4Vectors::mcols(dataTable)[, "rowname"])
missingIndices <-[, "feature"])
S4Vectors::mcols(dataTable)[missingIndices, "feature"] <- colnames(dataTable)[missingIndices]
S4Vectors::mcols(dataTable) <- S4Vectors::mcols(dataTable)[, c("dataset", "feature")]
if("class" %in% colnames(dataTable))
classes <- dataTable[, "class"]
classes <- NULL
if(restrict == "numeric")
isNumeric <- sapply(dataTable, is.numeric)
dataTable <- dataTable[, isNumeric, drop = FALSE]
} else if(restrict == "integer")
isInteger <- sapply(dataTable, is.integer)
dataTable <- dataTable[, isInteger, drop = FALSE]
# Only return independent variables in the table.
dropColumns <- na.omit(match(c("primary", "class"), colnames(dataTable)))
if(length(dropColumns) > 0) dataTable <- dataTable[, -dropColumns]
list(dataTable = dataTable, classes = classes)
.checkVariablesAndSame <- function(trainingMatrix, testingMatrix)
if(ncol(trainingMatrix) == 0)
stop("No variables in data tables specified by \'targets\' are numeric.")
else if(ncol(trainingMatrix) != ncol(testingMatrix))
stop("Training data set and testing data set contain differing numbers of features.")
.doSelection <- function(measurements, classes, featureSets, metaFeatures, training, selectParams, trainParams,
predictParams, verbose)
initialClass <- class(measurements)
if(!"list" %in% initialClass)
measurements <- list(data = measurements)
names(classes) <- rownames(measurements[[1]]) # In case training specified by sample IDs rather than numeric indices.
trainClasses <- droplevels(classes[training])
rankedSelected <- lapply(measurements, function(measurementsVariety)
paramList <- list(measurementsVariety[training, , drop = FALSE], trainClasses, verbose = verbose)
selectFormals <- names(.methodFormals(selectParams@featureSelection))
if("trainParams" %in% selectFormals) # Needs training and prediction functions for resubstitution error rate calculation.
paramList <- append(paramList, c(trainParams = trainParams, predictParams = predictParams))
paramList <- append(paramList, c(metaFeatures = metaFeatures[training, , drop = FALSE]))
if("featureSets" %in% selectFormals) # Pass the sets on from runTest.
paramList <- append(paramList, c(featureSets = featureSets))
paramList <- append(paramList, c(selectParams@otherParams, datasetName = "N/A", selectionName = "N/A"))
selection <-, paramList)
if(class(selection) == "SelectResult")
if(length(selection@rankedFeatures) == 0) ranked <- numeric() else ranked <- selection@rankedFeatures[[1]]
list(ranked, selection@chosenFeatures[[1]])
} else { # List of such results for varieties.
list(lapply(selection, function(variety) {
if(length(variety@rankedFeatures) == 0)
lapply(selection, function(variety) variety@chosenFeatures[[1]]))
} else { # It is a list of functions for ensemble selection.
featuresLists <- mapply(function(selector, selParams)
paramList <- list(measurementsVariety[training, , drop = FALSE], trainClasses, trainParams = trainParams,
predictParams = predictParams, verbose = verbose)
paramList <- append(paramList, c(selParams, datasetName = "N/A", selectionName = "N/A")), paramList)
}, selectParams@featureSelection, selectParams@otherParams, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
if(class(featuresLists[[1]]) == "SelectResult") # No varieties were returned by the classifier used for resubstitution.
if(is.vector(featuresLists[[1]]@chosenFeatures[[1]])) # Data set is not MultiAssayExperiment, only variable ID tracked.
featuresCounts <- table(unlist(lapply(featuresLists, function(featureSet) featureSet@chosenFeatures[[1]])))
selectedFeatures <- names(featuresCounts)[featuresCounts >= selectParams@minPresence]
} else { # Selected feature information is stored in a data frame.
chosenFeaturesEnsemble <-, lapply(featuresLists, function(featureSet) featureSet@chosenFeatures[[1]]))
selectedFeatures <- chosenFeaturesEnsemble[plyr::count(chosenFeaturesEnsemble)[, "freq"] >= selectParams@minPresence, c("dataset", "feature")]
} else { # The prediction function used for resubstitution returned a variety of lists.
selectedFeatures <- lapply(1:length(featuresLists[[1]]), function(variety)
varietyFeatures <- lapply(featuresLists, function(selectList) selectList[[variety]]@chosenFeatures[[1]])
if(is.vector(featuresLists[[1]]@chosenFeatures[[1]])) # Data set is not MultiAssayExperiment, only variable ID tracked.
featuresCounts <- table(unlist(varietyFeatures))
selectedFeatures <- names(featuresCounts)[featuresCounts >= selectParams@minPresence]
} else { # Selected feature information is stored in a data frame.
chosenFeaturesEnsemble <-, varietyFeatures)
selectedFeatures <- chosenFeaturesEnsemble[plyr::count(chosenFeaturesEnsemble)[, "freq"] >= selectParams@minPresence, c("dataset", "feature")]
names(selectedFeatures) <- names(featuresLists[[1]]) # Add variety names to selected list.
list(NULL, selectedFeatures)
if(!"list" %in% initialClass) rankedSelected <- rankedSelected[[1]]
.doTransform <- function(measurements, training, transformParams, verbose)
initialClass <- class(measurements)
if(!"list" %in% class(measurements))
measurements <- list(data = measurements)
transformed <- lapply(measurements, function(measurementsVariety)
paramList <- list(measurementsVariety, training = training) # Often a central point, like the mean, is used for subtraction or standardisation of values. Pass this to the transformation function.
if(length(transformParams@otherParams) > 0)
paramList <- c(paramList, transformParams@otherParams)
paramList <- c(paramList, verbose = verbose), paramList)
if(!"list" %in% initialClass) transformed <- transformed[[1]]
if("list" %in% class(transformed[[1]])) transformed <- unlist(transformed, recursive = FALSE)
.doTrain <- function(measurements, classes, training, testing, trainParams,
predictParams, verbose)
# Re-use inside feature selection.
initialClass <- class(measurements)
if(!"list" %in% class(measurements)) # Will be a DataFrame.
measurements <- list(data = measurements)
names(classes) <- rownames(measurements[[1]]) # In case training or testing specified by sample IDs rather than numeric indices.
trainClasses <- droplevels(classes[training])
trained <- mapply(function(measurementsVariety, variety)
measurementsTrain <- measurementsVariety[training, , drop = FALSE]
measurementsTest <- measurementsVariety[testing, , drop = FALSE]
if(variety != "data") # Single measurements table is in a list with name 'data'.
multiplierParams <- sapply(strsplit(variety, ",")[[1]], strsplit, split = '=')
individiualParams <- lapply(multiplierParams, '[', 2)
names(individiualParams) <- sapply(multiplierParams, '[', 1)
individiualParams <- lapply(individiualParams, function(param) tryCatch(as.numeric(param), warning = function(warn){param}))
trainFormals <- names(.methodFormals(trainParams@classifier))
predictFormals <- character()
if(!is.null(predictParams@predictor)) # Only check for formals if a function was specified by the user.
predictFormals <- names(.methodFormals(predictParams@predictor))
changeTrain <- intersect(names(individiualParams), trainFormals)
changePredict <- intersect(names(individiualParams), predictFormals)
trainParams@otherParams[changeTrain] <- individiualParams[changeTrain]
predictParams@otherParams[changePredict] <- individiualParams[changePredict]
tuneIndex <- which(names(trainParams@otherParams) == "tuneParams")
if(length(tuneIndex) > 0)
tuneCombinations <- expand.grid(trainParams@otherParams[[tuneIndex]])
trainParams@otherParams <- trainParams@otherParams[-tuneIndex]
} else tuneCombinations <- NULL
if(trainParams@classifier@generic != "previousTrained")
paramList <- list(measurementsTrain, trainClasses)
else # Don't pass the measurements and classes, because a pre-existing classifier is used.
paramList <- list()
if(!is.null(predictParams@predictor)) # Training and prediction are separate.
if(length(trainParams@otherParams) > 0)
paramList <- c(paramList, trainParams@otherParams)
paramList <- c(paramList, verbose = verbose)
trained <-, paramList)
if(verbose >= 2)
message("Training completed.")
returnResult <- trained
} else {# Tuning Parameter selection.
trainedList <- list()
tuneOptimise <- trainParams@otherParams[["tuneOptimise"]]
trainParams@otherParams <- trainParams@otherParams[-match("tuneOptimise", names(trainParams@otherParams))] # Don't pass the tuning optimisation parameters directly to the classifier.
performances <- apply(tuneCombinations, 1, function(tuneCombination)
tuneParams <- as.list(tuneCombination)
if(length(trainParams@otherParams) > 0)
paramList <- c(paramList, trainParams@otherParams)
paramList <- c(paramList, tuneParams, verbose = verbose)
trained <-, paramList)
initialTrainClass <- class(trained)
if(! "list" %in% initialTrainClass) trained <- list(trained)
if("tune" %in% names(attributes(trained[[1]])))
tuneParams <- c(tuneParams, attr(trained[[1]], "tune"))
if(variety != "data")
names(trained) <- paste(variety, names(trained), sep = ',')
trainedList <<- c(trainedList, trained)
lapply(trained, function(model)
paramList <- list(model, measurementsTrain) # Model and test set same as training set.
if(length(predictParams@otherParams) > 0)
paramList <- c(paramList, predictParams@otherParams)
paramList <- c(paramList, verbose = verbose)
predicted <-, paramList)
if(class(predicted) != "list" || sum(grepl('=', names(predicted))) == 0)
predicted <- list(predicted)
if(class(predicted[[1]]) == "data.frame") # Predictor returned both scores and classes; just use classes.
predicted <- lapply(predicted, function(variety) variety[, sapply(variety, class) == "factor"])
if(is.numeric(class(predicted[[1]]))) # Can't automatically decide on a threshold. Stop processing.
stop("Only numeric predictions are available. Predicted classes must be provided.")
lapply(predicted, function(predictions)
calcExternalPerformance(trainClasses, predictions, tuneOptimise[1])
chosenModels <- lapply(1:length(performances[[1]]), function(trainVariety)
lapply(1:length(trainVariety[[1]]), function(predictVariety)
performanceValues <- sapply(performances, function(tuneLevel) tuneLevel[[trainVariety]][[predictVariety]])
if(tuneOptimise[2] == "lower")
chosenTune <- which.min(performanceValues)[1]
else # It is "higher"
chosenTune <- which.max(performanceValues)[1]
chosenModel <- trainedList[[chosenTune]]
tuneParameters <- as.list(tuneCombinations[chosenTune, , drop = FALSE])
# Concatenate in case the classifier interally did other parameter tuning and recorded it in the tune attribute.
attr(chosenModel, "tune") <- c(attr(chosenModel, "tune"), tuneParameters)
chosenNames <- paste(rep(names(performances[[1]]), each = length(performances[[1]][[1]])), rep(names(performances[[1]][[1]]), length(performances[[1]])), sep = ',')
chosenNames <- gsub("^,|,$", '', chosenNames)
if(variety != "data")
chosenNames <- paste(variety, chosenNames, sep = ',')
if(length(chosenNames) == 0)
chosenModels <- chosenModels[[1]]
if(length(chosenModels) == 1)
chosenModels <- chosenModels[[1]]
} else {
chosenModels <- unlist(chosenModels, recursive = FALSE)
names(chosenModels) <- chosenNames
if(verbose >= 2)
message("Parameter tuning and training completed.")
returnResult <- chosenModels
} else { # Some classifiers do training and testing with a single function.
paramList <- append(paramList, list(measurementsTest))
if(length(trainParams@otherParams) > 0)
whichList <- which(sapply(trainParams@otherParams, is.list))
extras <- trainParams@otherParams
if(length(whichList) > 0) # Used when selected features is passed as an intermediate and there are multiple varieties.
extras[whichList] <- lapply(whichList, function(paramIndex)
varietyIndex <- match(variety, names(extras[[paramIndex]]))
paramList <- c(paramList, extras)
if(length(predictParams@otherParams) > 0)
whichList <- which(sapply(predictParams@otherParams, is.list))
extras <- predictParams@otherParams
if(length(whichList) > 0) # Used when selected features is passed as an intermediate and there are multiple varieties.
extras[whichList] <- lapply(whichList, function(paramIndex)
varietyIndex <- match(variety, names(extras[[paramIndex]]))
paramList <- c(paramList, extras)
paramList <- c(paramList, verbose = verbose)
predictions <-, paramList)
if(verbose >= 2)
message("Training and prediction completed.")
returnResult <- predictions
} else { # Tuning Parameter selection.
tuneOptimise <- trainParams@otherParams[["tuneOptimise"]]
trainParams@otherParams <- trainParams@otherParams[-match("tuneOptimise", names(trainParams@otherParams))] # Don't pass the tuning optimisation parameters directly to the classifier.
performances <- apply(tuneCombinations, 1, function(tuneCombination)
tuneParams <- as.list(tuneCombination)
names(tuneParams) <- colnames(tuneCombinations)
paramList <- c(paramList, tuneParams)
trained <-, paramList)
if(class(trained) != "list" || sum(grepl('=', names(trained))) == 0)
predictedClasses <- list(trained)
predictedClasses <- trained
if(class(trained[[1]]) == "data.frame") # Predictor returned both scores and classes. Just use classes.
predictedFactor <- lapply(trained, function(variety) variety[, sapply(variety, class) == "factor"])
else if(class(trained[[1]]) == "factor")
predictedFactor <- trained
else if(is.numeric(class(trained[[1]]))) # Can't automatically decide on a threshold. Stop processing.
stop("Only numeric predictions are available. Predicted classes must be provided.")
tunePredictions <- lapply(1:length(predictedFactor), function(predictIndex)
performanceValue <- calcExternalPerformance(trainClasses, predictedFactor[[predictIndex]],
list(predictedClasses[[predictIndex]], performanceValue)
chosenPredictions <- lapply(1:length(performances[[1]]), function(predictVariety)
performanceValues <- sapply(performances, function(tuneLevel) tuneLevel[[predictVariety]][[2]]) # Value is in second position.
if(tuneOptimise[2] == "lower")
chosenTune <- which.min(performanceValues)[1]
else # It is "higher"
chosenTune <- which.max(performanceValues)[1]
chosenPredict <- performances[[chosenTune]][[predictVariety]][[1]] # Prediction object is in position 1.
attr(chosenPredict, "tune") <- as.list(tuneCombinations[chosenTune, , drop = FALSE])
names(chosenPredictions) <- names(trained)
if(variety != "data")
names(chosenPredictions) <- paste(variety, names(trained), sep = '')
if(length(chosenPredictions) == 1) chosenPredictions <- chosenPredictions[[1]]
if(verbose >= 2)
message("Parameter tuning and classification completed.")
returnResult <- chosenPredictions
}, measurements, names(measurements), SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
if(!"list" %in% initialClass) trained <- trained[[1]]
if(!isS4(trained) && "list" %in% class(trained[[1]]))
trainNames <- sapply(trained, names)
varietyNames <- sapply(trained[[1]], names)
trained <- unlist(trained, recursive = FALSE)
names(trained) <- paste(rep(trainNames, each = length(varietyNames), rep(varietyNames, length(trainNames))), sep = ',')
.doTest <- function(trained, measurements, testing, predictParams, verbose)
# Re-use inside feature selection.
initialClass <- class(measurements)
if(!"list" %in% initialClass)
trained <- list(model = trained)
measurements <- list(data = measurements)
predicted <- mapply(function(model, data, variety)
testMeasurements <- data[testing, , drop = FALSE]
if(variety != "data") # Single measurements table is in a list with name 'data'.
multiplierParams <- sapply(strsplit(variety, ",")[[1]], strsplit, split = '=')
individiualParams <- lapply(multiplierParams, '[', 2)
names(individiualParams) <- sapply(multiplierParams, '[', 1)
individiualParams <- lapply(individiualParams, function(param) tryCatch(as.numeric(param), warning = function(warn){param}))
change <- intersect(names(individiualParams), names(predictParams@otherParams))
predictParams@otherParams[change] <- individiualParams[change]
paramList <- list(model, testMeasurements)
if(length(predictParams@otherParams) > 0)
paramList <- c(paramList, predictParams@otherParams)
paramList <- c(paramList, verbose = verbose)
prediction <-, paramList)
} else
prediction <- model
if(verbose >= 2)
message("Prediction completed.")
}, trained, measurements, names(measurements), SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
if(!"list" %in% initialClass) predicted <- predicted[[1]]
if("list" %in% class(predicted[[1]])) predicted <- unlist(predicted, recursive = FALSE)
.pickFeatures <- function(measurements, classes, featureSets, datasetName, trainParams, predictParams,
resubstituteParams, ordering, selectionName, verbose)
maxFeatures <- max(resubstituteParams@nFeatures)
if(maxFeatures > ncol(measurements))
stop("Feature selection specified to consider as many as ", maxFeatures, " features, but data set has only ", ncol(measurements), " features.")
orderedList <- as.list(ordering[1:maxFeatures])
} else { # Group by sets.
if(!"Pairs" %in% class(featureSets))
orderedList <- split(1:ncol(measurements), S4Vectors::mcols(measurements)[["original"]])[ordering[1:maxFeatures]]
else # Is a Pairs object.
orderedList <- featureSets[ordering[1:maxFeatures]]
performances <- sapply(resubstituteParams@nFeatures, function(topFeatures)
if(!"Pairs" %in% class(featureSets))
measurementsSubset <- measurements[, unlist(orderedList[1:topFeatures]), drop = FALSE]
trained <- .doTrain(measurementsSubset, classes, 1:nrow(measurementsSubset), 1:nrow(measurementsSubset),
trainParams, predictParams, verbose)
} else { # Pairs; don't subset.
trainParams@otherParams <- c(trainParams@otherParams, featurePairs = featureSets[1:topFeatures])
trained <- .doTrain(measurements, classes, 1:nrow(measurements), 1:nrow(measurements),
trainParams, predictParams, verbose)
predictions <- .doTest(trained, measurementsSubset, 1:nrow(measurementsSubset),
predictParams, verbose)
} else {
predictions <- trained
if("list" %in% class(predictions)) # Mutiple varieties of predictions.
if(class(predictions[[1]]) == "data.frame")
predictedClasses <- lapply(predictions, function(set) set[, sapply(set, class) == "factor"])
predictedClasses <- predictions
} else { # A single variety of prediction.
if(class(predictions) == "data.frame")
predictedClasses <- predictions[, sapply(predictions, class) == "factor"]
predictedClasses <- predictions
if("list" %in% class(predictedClasses))
lapply(predictedClasses, function(classSet) calcExternalPerformance(classes, classSet, resubstituteParams@performanceType))
} else {
calcExternalPerformance(classes, predictedClasses, resubstituteParams@performanceType)
if(class(performances) == "numeric")
performances <- matrix(performances, ncol = length(performances), byrow = TRUE)
pickedFeatures <- apply(performances, 1, function(varietyPerformances)
if(resubstituteParams@better == "lower")
if(is.matrix(pickedFeatures)) # Same number of features picked for each variety. Coerce to list.
pickedFeatures <- as.list(
if(verbose == 3)
message("Features selected.")
rankedFeatures <- lapply(1:length(pickedFeatures), function(variety) ordering)
pickedFeatures <- lapply(pickedFeatures, function(pickedSet) ordering[pickedSet])
if(!is.null(S4Vectors::mcols(measurements)) && "dataset" %in% colnames(S4Vectors::mcols(measurements))) # Table describing source table and variable name is present.
varInfo <- S4Vectors::mcols(measurements)
rankedFeatures <- lapply(rankedFeatures, function(features) varInfo[features, ])
pickedFeatures <- lapply(pickedFeatures, function(features) varInfo[features, ])
} else { # Vectors of feature names.
rankedFeatures <- lapply(rankedFeatures, function(features) colnames(measurements)[features])
pickedFeatures <- lapply(pickedFeatures, function(features) colnames(measurements)[features])
} else {
if(!"Pairs" %in% class(featureSets))
rankedFeatures <- lapply(rankedFeatures, function(features) names(featureSets@sets)[features])
pickedFeatures <- lapply(pickedFeatures, function(features) names(featureSets@sets)[features])
} else {
rankedFeatures <- lapply(rankedFeatures, function(features) featureSets[features])
pickedFeatures <- lapply(pickedFeatures, function(features) featureSets[features])
totalFeatures <- ncol(measurements)
else if(!"Pairs" %in% class(featureSets))
totalFeatures <- length(featureSets@sets)
totalFeatures <- length(featureSets)
selectResults <- lapply(1:length(rankedFeatures), function(variety)
SelectResult(datasetName, selectionName, totalFeatures,
list(rankedFeatures[[variety]]), list(pickedFeatures[[variety]]))
names(selectResults) <- names(pickedFeatures)
if(length(selectResults) == 1) selectResults <- selectResults[[1]] else selectResults
.validationText <- function(result)
permuteFold = paste(result@validation[[2]], "Permutations,", result@validation[[3]], "Folds"),
fold = paste(result@validation[[2]], "-fold cross-validation", sep = ''),
leave = paste("Leave", result@validation[[2]], "Out"),
split = paste(result@validation[[2]], "Permutations,", result@validation[[3]], "% Test"),
independent = "Independent Set")
.binValues <- function(values, nBins)
ordering <- order(values)
binID <- rep(1:nBins, each = length(values) / nBins)
if(length(binID) < length(values))
binID <- c(binID, rep(max(binID) + 1, length(values) - length(binID)))
bins <- split(ordering, binID)
binID <- numeric()
binID[unlist(bins)] <- rep(as.numeric(names(bins)), sapply(bins, length))
.methodFormals <- function(f) {
fdef <- getGeneric(f)
method <- selectMethod(fdef, "DataFrame")
genFormals <- base::formals(fdef)
b <- body(method)
if(is(b, "{") && is(b[[2]], "<-") && identical(b[[2]][[2]],".local"))) {
local <- eval(b[[2]][[3]])
warning("Expected a .local assignment to be a function. Corrupted method?")
error = function(error) {
.densitiesCrossover <- function(densities) # A list of densities created by splinefun.
if(!all(table(unlist(lapply(densities, function(density) density[['x']]))) == length(densities)))
stop("x positions are not the same for all of the densities.")
lapply(1:length(densities), function(densityIndex) # All crossing points with other class densities.
unlist(lapply(setdiff(1:length(densities), densityIndex), function(otherIndex)
allDifferences <- densities[[densityIndex]][['y']] - densities[[otherIndex]][['y']]
crosses <- which(diff(sign(allDifferences)) != 0)
crosses <- sapply(crosses, function(cross) # Refine location for plateaus.
isSmall <- rle(allDifferences[(cross+1):length(allDifferences)] < 0.000001)
if(isSmall[["values"]][1] == "TRUE")
cross <- cross + isSmall[["lengths"]][1] / 2
if(length(crosses) > 1 && densities[[densityIndex]][['y']][crosses[1]] < 0.000001 && densities[[densityIndex]][['y']][crosses[length(crosses)]] < 0.000001)
crosses <- crosses[-c(1, length(crosses))] # Remove crossings at ends of densities.
.dlda <- function(x, y, prior = NULL){ # Remove once sparsediscrim is reinstated to CRAN.
obj <- list()
obj$labels <- y
obj$N <- length(y)
obj$p <- ncol(x)
obj$groups <- levels(y)
obj$num_groups <- nlevels(y)
est_mean <- "mle"
# Error Checking
if (!is.null(prior)) {
if (length(prior) != obj$num_groups) {
stop("The number of 'prior' probabilities must match the number of classes in 'y'.")
if (any(prior <= 0)) {
stop("The 'prior' probabilities must be nonnegative.")
if (sum(prior) != 1) {
stop("The 'prior' probabilities must sum to one.")
if (any(table(y) < 2)) {
stop("There must be at least 2 observations in each class.")
# By default, we estimate the 'a priori' probabilities of class membership with
# the MLEs (the sample proportions).
if (is.null(prior)) {
prior <- as.vector(table(y) / length(y))
# For each class, we calculate the MLEs (or specified alternative estimators)
# for each parameter used in the DLDA classifier. The 'est' list contains the
# estimators for each class.
obj$est <- tapply(seq_along(y), y, function(i) {
stats <- list()
stats$n <- length(i)
stats$xbar <- colMeans(x[i, , drop = FALSE])
stats$var <- with(stats, (n - 1) / n * apply(x[i, , drop = FALSE], 2, var))
# Calculates the pooled variance across all classes.
obj$var_pool <- Reduce('+', lapply(obj$est, function(x) x$n * x$var)) / obj$N
# Add each element in 'prior' to the corresponding obj$est$prior
for(k in seq_len(obj$num_groups)) {
obj$est[[k]]$prior <- prior[k]
class(obj) <- "dlda"
.predict <- function(object, newdata, ...) { # Remove once sparsediscrim is reinstated to CRAN.
if (!inherits(object, "dlda")) {
stop("object not of class 'dlda'")
if (is.vector(newdata)) {
newdata <- as.matrix(newdata)
scores <- apply(newdata, 1, function(obs) {
sapply(object$est, function(class_est) {
with(class_est, sum((obs - xbar)^2 / object$var_pool) + log(prior))
if (is.vector(scores)) {
min_scores <- which.min(scores)
} else {
min_scores <- apply(scores, 2, which.min)
# Posterior probabilities via Bayes Theorem
means <- lapply(object$est, "[[", "xbar")
covs <- replicate(n=object$num_groups, object$var_pool, simplify=FALSE)
priors <- lapply(object$est, "[[", "prior")
posterior <- .posterior_probs(x=newdata,
class <- factor(object$groups[min_scores], levels = object$groups)
list(class = class, scores = scores, posterior = posterior)
.posterior_probs <- function(x, means, covs, priors) { # Remove once sparsediscrim is reinstated to CRAN.
if (is.vector(x)) {
x <- matrix(x, nrow=1)
x <- as.matrix(x)
posterior <- mapply(function(xbar_k, cov_k, prior_k) {
if (is.vector(cov_k)) {
post_k <- apply(x, 1, function(obs) {
.dmvnorm_diag(x=obs, mean=xbar_k, sigma=cov_k)
} else {
post_k <- dmvnorm(x=x, mean=xbar_k, sigma=cov_k)
prior_k * post_k
}, means, covs, priors)
if (is.vector(posterior)) {
posterior <- posterior / sum(posterior)
} else {
posterior <- posterior / rowSums(posterior)
.dmvnorm_diag <- function(x, mean, sigma) { # Remove once sparsediscrim is reinstated to CRAN.
exp(sum(dnorm(x, mean=mean, sd=sqrt(sigma), log=TRUE)))
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