#### Image plotting with a formula interface ####
## ---------------------------------------------
setMethod("image", c(x = "formula"),
function(x, data = environment(x), ..., xlab, ylab, zlab, subset)
args <- .parseFormula2(x, lhs.e=data, rhs.e=data, g.e=data)
is3d <- length(args$rhs) == 3L
if ( length(args$lhs) > 1L )
.stop("lhs must include exactly 1 variable;",
" did you mean to use I()?")
if ( length(args$rhs) != 2L && length(args$rhs) != 3L )
.stop("rhs of formula must include exactly 2 or 3 variables")
if ( !is.null(args$g) )
.stop("conditioning variables via | not allowed")
e <- environment(x)
x <- args$rhs[[1]]
y <- args$rhs[[2]]
if ( is3d ) {
z <- args$rhs[[3]]
} else {
z <- NULL
vals <- args$lhs[[1]]
if ( !missing(subset) ) {
sub <- eval(substitute(subset, parent.frame(1)),
envir=data, enclos=e)
if ( is.logical(sub) )
sub <- rep_len(sub, length(vals))
x <- x[sub]
y <- y[sub]
z <- z[sub]
vals <- vals[sub]
if ( length(x) != length(vals) || length(y) != length(vals) )
.stop("variable lengths differ")
if ( is3d && length(z) != length(vals) )
.stop("variable lengths differ")
coord <- data.frame(x=x, y=y)
coord$z <- z
res <- .estimateSpatialResolution(coord)
gridded <- all(is.finite(res))
if ( gridded ) {
dim <- .getDimsFromResolution(coord, res)
rx <- res[1]
ry <- res[2]
if ( !is.null(z) )
rz <- res[3]
} else {
dim <- NULL
rx <- min(diff(sort(unique(x))), na.rm=TRUE)
ry <- min(diff(sort(unique(y))), na.rm=TRUE)
if ( !is.null(z) )
rz <- min(diff(sort(unique(z))), na.rm=TRUE)
if ( missing(xlab) )
xlab <- names(args$rhs)[1]
if ( missing(ylab) )
ylab <- names(args$rhs)[2]
if ( is3d && missing(zlab) )
zlab <- names(args$rhs)[3]
if ( !is3d ) {
xrange <- range(x, na.rm=TRUE)
yrange <- range(y, na.rm=TRUE)
z <- projectToRaster(x, y, vals, dim=dim)
x <- seq(xrange[1], xrange[2], length.out=dim(z)[1])
y <- seq(yrange[1], yrange[2], length.out=dim(z)[2])
image(x, y, z, ..., xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab)
} else {
points3d(x, y, z, vals, ..., xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, zlab=zlab)
projectToRaster <- function(x, y, values, dim = NULL, res = NULL) {
xrange <- range(x, na.rm=TRUE)
yrange <- range(y, na.rm=TRUE)
if ( is.null(dim) ) {
asp <- diff(yrange) / diff(xrange)
nrow <- as.integer(sqrt(length(values) / asp))
ncol <- as.integer(asp * nrow)
} else {
nrow <- dim[1]
ncol <- dim[2]
if ( is.null(res) ||[1]) ) {
rx <- (xrange[2] - xrange[1]) / (nrow - 1)
} else {
rx <- res[1]
if ( is.null(res) ||[2]) ) {
ry <- (yrange[2] - yrange[1]) / (ncol - 1)
} else {
ry <- res[2]
rx <- ifelse(is.finite(rx), rx, 1)
ry <- ifelse(is.finite(ry), ry, 1)
rows <- as.integer(round((x - xrange[1]) / rx))
cols <- as.integer(round((y - yrange[1]) / ry))
init <- as.vector(NA, mode=typeof(values))
rs <- matrix(init, nrow=nrow, ncol=ncol)
idx <- rows + cols * nrow + 1L
valid <- is.finite(idx)
values <- values[valid]
idx <- idx[valid]
idx[idx > length(rs)] <- length(rs)
rs[idx] <- values
projectToRaster3d <- function(x, y, z, values, dim = NULL, res = NULL) {
xrange <- range(x, na.rm=TRUE)
yrange <- range(y, na.rm=TRUE)
zrange <- range(z, na.rm=TRUE)
if ( is.null(dim) ) {
axy <- diff(yrange) / diff(xrange)
axz <- diff(zrange) / diff(xrange)
ayz <- diff(zrange) / diff(yrange)
nx <- as.integer(cbrt(length(values) / (axz * axy)))
ny <- as.integer((axz / ayz) * nx)
nz <- as.integer((ayz * axy) * nx)
} else {
nx <- dim[1]
ny <- dim[2]
nz <- dim[3]
if ( is.null(res) ||[1]) ) {
rx <- (xrange[2] - xrange[1]) / (nx - 1)
} else {
rx <- res[1]
if ( is.null(res) ||[2]) ) {
ry <- (yrange[2] - yrange[1]) / (ny - 1)
} else {
ry <- res[2]
if ( is.null(res) ||[3]) ) {
rz <- (zrange[2] - zrange[1]) / (nz - 1)
} else {
rz <- res[3]
rx <- ifelse(is.finite(rx), rx, 1)
ry <- ifelse(is.finite(ry), ry, 1)
rz <- ifelse(is.finite(rz), rz, 1)
ix <- as.integer(round((x - xrange[1]) / rx))
iy <- as.integer(round((y - yrange[1]) / ry))
iz <- as.integer(round((z - zrange[1]) / rz))
init <- as.vector(NA, mode=typeof(values))
rs <- array(init, dim=c(nx, ny, nz))
idx <- ix + iy * nx + iz * nx * ny + 1L
idx[idx > length(rs)] <- length(rs)
rs[idx] <- values
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