CNSeg <- function(segList, id = "ID", chromosome = "chrom", start = "loc.start",
end = "loc.end", segMean = "seg.mean"){
return(new("CNSeg", segList = segList, chromosome = chromosome, id = id,
start = start, end = end, segMean = segMean))
RS <- function(rs, by){
return(new("RS", rs = rs, by = by))
seg2RS <- function(segData, by = c("region", "gene", "pair"),
imput = TRUE, XY = FALSE, geneMap, what = c("mean", "median", "max", "min"),
mapChrom = "chrom", mapStart = "start", mapEnd = "end"){
by <- match.arg(by)
what <- match.arg(what)
if(by == "gene" & missing(geneMap)){
stop("Need geneMap when by == \"gene\"")
seg <- segList(segData)
segList(segData) <- seg[which(!seg[, chromosome(segData)]
%in% c("X", "Y", "x", "y")),]
rs <- switch(by,
region = getCommonSegValues(segList(segData),
drop = TRUE, what = what, segID = id(segData), segChrom = chromosome(segData),
segStart = start(segData), segEnd = end(segData),
segMean = segMean(segData)),
gene = getReducedSeg(segList(segData), geneMap, what = what,
segID = id(segData), segChrom = chromosome(segData),
segStart = start(segData), segEnd = end(segData),
segMean = segMean(segData), mapChrom = mapChrom, mapStart = mapStart,
mapEnd = mapEnd),
pair = getPairwise(segData, imput = imput, XY = XY, what = what)
if(imput & by != "pair"){
rs <- convertRS(rs, sampleStart = ifelse(by == "region", 4, 6))
if(by != "pair"){
return(RS(, by))
return(RS(rs, by))
## segList - "output" of CBS
## drop - drop reduced segments with all NAs
## by - column name for chromosome
getCommonSegValues <- function(seglist,
drop = FALSE, what = c("mean", "median", "max", "min"), segID = "ID", segChrom = "chrom",
segStart = "start", segEnd = "end", segMean = "seg.mean", verbose = TRUE){
what <- match.arg(what)
cat("Processing samples ...")
segsByChroms <-"rbind", args =
lapply(, factor(seglist[, segChrom])), findOverlapingSegs,
segChrom = segChrom, segStart = segStart, segEnd = segEnd))
segWithValues <- getReducedSeg(seglist, segsByChroms, what = what, segID = segID,
segChrom = segChrom, segStart = segStart, segEnd = segEnd, segMean = segMean,
mapChrom = "chrom", mapStart = "start", mapEnd = "end")
toKeep <- apply(segWithValues[, 4:ncol(segWithValues)], 1,
FUN = function(x) !all(
segWithValues <- segWithValues[toKeep, ]
sorted <- sortByChromNLoc(segWithValues, by1 = "chrom", by2 = "start")
cat(" Done\n")
findOverlapingSegs <- function(segListByChrom, segChrom = "chrom", segStart = "loc.start",
segEnd = "Loc.end"){
breakPoints <- sort(unique(c(as.numeric(
as.vector(segListByChrom[, segStart])),
as.numeric(as.vector(segListByChrom[, segEnd])))))
newSegs <- cbind(c(breakPoints[1], breakPoints[2:(length(breakPoints) - 1)]
+ 1), breakPoints[2:length(breakPoints)])
newSegs <- cbind(as.vector(segListByChrom[1, segChrom]), newSegs)
colnames(newSegs) <- c("chrom", "start", "end")
sortByChromNLoc <- function(sortMe, by1 = "Ch", by2 = "Pos"){
splited <-, factor(sortMe[, by1]))
sorted <- NULL
for(chrom in c(1:25, "X", "x", "Y", "y")){
sorted <- rbind(sorted,
splited[[chrom]][order(as.numeric(splited[[chrom]][, by2])), ])
# seglist - segment list with at least 4 columns for chromosome, start, end, and segment mean data
# map - matrix with at least 3 columns for chromosome, start, and end data
# what - the method used to calculate segment value in case there are multiple segment values
# for a given region defined in the map
getReducedSeg <- function(seglist, map, what = c("mean", "median", "max", "min"), segID = "ID",
segChrom = "chrom", segStart = "loc.start", segEnd = "loc.end", segMean = "seg.mean",
mapChrom = "chrom", mapStart = "start", mapEnd = "end"){
what <- match.arg(what)
getGeneSegMean <- function(segData){
segged <- rep(0, nrow(map))
return( .C("getratios", as.character(map[, mapChrom]), as.double(map[, mapStart]),
as.double(map[, mapEnd]), as.integer(nrow(map)), as.character(segData[, segChrom]),
as.double(segData[, segStart]), as.double(segData[, segEnd]), as.integer(nrow(segData)),
as.double(segData[, segMean]), as.character(what), as.double(segged),
PACKAGE = "CNTools")[[11]])
splited <-, factor(seglist[, segID]))
return(cbind(map,"cbind", args = lapply(splited, getGeneSegMean))))
getPairwise <- function(segData, imput, XY, what){
segs <- segList(segData)
rsList <- list()
uniqueSamples <- unique(segs[, id(segData)])
cat("\nProcessing samples .")
for(i in 1:(length(uniqueSamples) -1)){
for(j in (i + 1):length(uniqueSamples)){
rs <- CNTools:::getCommonSegValues(segs[which(segs[, id(segData)]
%in% c(uniqueSamples[i], uniqueSamples[j])), ], drop = TRUE,
verbose = FALSE, what = what, segID = id(segData),
segChrom = chromosome(segData), segStart = start(segData), segEnd = end(segData),
segMean = segMean(segData))
rs <- rs[!([, uniqueSamples[i]]) |[, uniqueSamples[j]])), ]
rsList[[paste(i, j, sep = "")]] <- rs[, -c(1:3)]
cat(" done\n")
getPairDist <- function(pairList, method = "euclidean", diag = FALSE,
upper = FALSE, p = 2){
pair2Dist <- function(pair){
tempDis <- dist(t(pair),
method = METHODS[method], diag = diag, upper = upper, p = 2)
d[colnames(pair)[2], colnames(pair)[1]] <<- tempDis
d[colnames(pair)[1], colnames(pair)[2]] <<- tempDis
if (!, "euclidian")))
method <- "euclidean"
METHODS <- c("euclidean", "maximum", "manhattan", "canberra",
"binary", "minkowski")
method <- pmatch(method, METHODS)
if (
stop("invalid distance method")
if (method == -1)
stop("ambiguous distance method")
sNames <- unique(unlist(lapply(pairList,
FUN = function(x) return(colnames(x)))))
d <- matrix(data = 1, nrow = length(sNames), ncol = length(sNames),
dimnames = list(row = sNames, col = sNames))
sapply(pairList, pair2Dist)
getPairCor <- function(pairList, use = "everything",
method = c("pearson", "kendall", "spearman")){
pair2Cor <- function(pair){
tempCor <- cor(pair[, 1], pair[, 2], use = use, method = method)
co[colnames(pair)[2], colnames(pair)[1]] <<- tempCor
co[colnames(pair)[1], colnames(pair)[2]] <<- tempCor
sNames <- unique(unlist(lapply(pairList,
FUN = function(x) return(colnames(x)))))
co <- matrix(data = 1, nrow = length(sNames), ncol = length(sNames),
dimnames = list(row = sNames, col = sNames))
junk <- sapply(pairList, pair2Cor)
filterPair <- function(rsObj, flist){
tempPair <- lapply(rs(rsObj), FUN = function(x)
x[genefilter:::genefilter(x, flist), ])
return(RS(rs = tempPair, by = segBy(rsObj)))
filterRS <- function(rsObj, flist){
if(segBy(rsObj) == "region"){
drop <- 1:3
drop <- 1:5
tempRS <- rs(rsObj)
return(RS(rs = rs(rsObj)[genefilter(tempRS[, -drop], flist), ],
by = segBy(rsObj)))
filterByMad <- function(rsObj, cutoff = 0.80){
if(segBy(rsObj) == "pair"){
stop("The function is not applicable to paired RS")
if(segBy(rsObj) == "region"){
drop <- 1:3
drop <- 1:5
tempRS <- rs(rsObj)
mads <- apply(apply(tempRS[, -drop], 2, as.numeric), 1, mad, na.rm = TRUE)
return(RS(rs = tempRS[mads >= quantile(mads, cutoff), ],
by = segBy(rsObj)))
diffBy <- function(marging = 0.1){
abs(as.numeric(x[1]) - as.numeric(x[2])) >= marging
convertRS <- function(rs, sampleStart = 4){
splited <-, factor(rs[, "chrom"]))
splited <- lapply(splited, convertNAByChrom, sampleStart = sampleStart)
return("rbind", args = splited))
convertNAByChrom <- function(rsByChrom, sampleStart = 4,
loc = 2){
rsByChrom <- rsByChrom[order(as.numeric(rsByChrom[, loc])), ]
converted <- apply(rsByChrom[, sampleStart:ncol(rsByChrom)], 2, convertNA)
return(cbind(rsByChrom[, 1:(sampleStart - 1)], converted))
convertNA <- function(convertMe){
convertMe[which(convertMe == 0)] <- NA
while(length(toConvert <- which( > 0){
for(index in toConvert){
if(index == 1){
convertMe[index] <- convertMe[index + 1]
if(index == length(convertMe)){
convertMe[index] <- convertMe[index - 1]
temp <- convertMe[c(index + 1, index - 1)]
temp <- temp[!]
if(length(temp) == 0){
convertMe[index] <- min(as.numeric(temp))
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