#### "helper" functions that will be called by function (called by methods) or
# other functions not exported in the environment, and inaccessible to user
.discreteNorm <- function(object, normBy = object) {
toNorm = object
if (length(valid.peaks(normBy)) == 0) {
normBy <- validation(normBy)
ploidy <- valid.ploidy(normBy)
peaks <- valid.peaks(normBy)
if (length(ploidy) != length(peaks)) {
stop("Peaks and Ploidy vector have different length")
} else if (length(ploidy) == 1){
shift = 0
scale = 1/peaks[1]
} else {
MQR <- getMQR(ploidy, peaks)
interpDiploidXloc <- c(0,2) * MQR[1] + MQR[2] # y = mx + q
shift = interpDiploidXloc[1]
scale = 1 / ( interpDiploidXloc[2] - interpDiploidXloc[1] )
toNorm@DerivData@ratio.n <- (ratio(toNorm) - shift) * scale
toNorm@Res@validated.ratioMedian <- (normBy@Res@ratioMedian - shift) * scale
toNorm@Res@validated.closestPeak <- (normBy@Res@closestPeak - shift) * scale
if ( length(ratio.s(toNorm)) > 0 ) {
toNorm@DerivData@ratio.s.n <- (ratio.s(toNorm) - shift) * scale
if ( length(segMean(toNorm)) > 0 ) {
toNorm@DerivData@segMean.n <- ( 2^segMean(toNorm) - shift ) * scale
toNorm@Res@shifting = shift
toNorm@Res@scaling = scale
return (toNorm)
.validation <- function (object, peaks = sugg.peaks(object), ploidy = sugg.ploidy(object)) {
if (length(peaks) != length(ploidy)) {
stop ("Peaks and ploidy must have same length\n" )
} else if (any(round(ploidy) != ploidy)) {
stop ("Ploidy must be integer\n")
} else {
object@Res@validated.peaks = peaks
object@Res@validated.ploidy = ploidy
MQR <- getMQR(ploidy, peaks)
interpDiploidXloc <- c(0,2) * MQR[1] + MQR[2]
shift = interpDiploidXloc[1]
scale = 1 / ( interpDiploidXloc[2] - interpDiploidXloc[1] )
if (length(interpDiploidXloc) == 1) {
content = "Unknown"
} else if (length( interpDiploidXloc) == 2){
content = as.character(
signif(100*(1-interpDiploidXloc[1]/interpDiploidXloc[2]), 4))
} else {
stop("interpDiploidXloc has more than 2 elements!")
object@Res@validated.tumContent <- content
object@Res@validated.ratioMedian <-
(object@Res@ratioMedian - shift) * scale
object@Res@validated.closestPeak <-
(object@Res@closestPeak - shift) * scale
object@Res@validated.R <- signif(MQR[3], 4)
return (object)
cumGenPosition <- function (object){
Chrs <- chrs(object)
Pos <- pos(object, show = "start")
numWin <- length(Pos)
toAdd <- 0
uChrs <- unique(Chrs)
numUChrs <- length(uChrs)
newPos <- rep(NA, numWin)
for (i in 1:numUChrs){
isThisChr <- Chrs == uChrs[i]
newPos[isThisChr] <- Pos[isThisChr] + toAdd
toAdd <- toAdd + max(Pos[isThisChr], na.rm = TRUE)
return (newPos)
.plotGenome <- function (object, maxRatio = 8, minRatio = -1,
superimpose = character(0), gPar = NULL, numHorLables = 10,
colorful = FALSE, show.centromeres = TRUE, idiogram = NULL,
fixVAxes = FALSE, supLineColor = character(0),
supLineCex = character(0), dot.cex = .2, ...) {
# superimpose can be one of the following: "DNACopy" or "smooth"
if (is.null(gPar)){ # load default values
gPar <- makeDefaultGraphParamteres()
if (length(supLineColor) == 3){
warning("Parameter supLineColor is deprecated, see ?gPar")
gPar$genome$colors$segLine <- supLineColor[1]
gPar$genome$colors$smoothLine <- supLineColor[2]
gPar$genome$colors$ <- supLineColor[3]
if (length(supLineCex) == 2){
warning("Parameter supLineCex is deprecated, see ?gPar")
gPar$genome$lwd$segLine <- supLineCex[1]
gPar$genome$lwd$smoothLine <- supLineCex[2]
if (dot.cex != .2){
# the user probably set it
warning("Parameter dot.cex is deprecated, see ?gPar")
gPar$genome$cex$ <- dot.cex
# temporary
# gPar <- data(gPar)
tPar <- gPar$genome
if (length(ratio.n(object)) == 0){
stop("Object does not contains normalized ratio. See ?discreteNorm\n")
} else if (sum(! == 0 ){
warning("Object does not contains valid ratio\n")
# labelsList <- makeNumericLabels(axTicks(1), 3)
# xAxLab <- paste (tPar$lab$xAxes.low, " (", labelsList$unit , ") of ",
# unique(chrs(object)), sep = "")
plot(c(0,1), c(0,1), xaxt="n", yaxt="n", ylab="", xaxs = "i",
type = 'n', xlab = '')
noPointText <- paste("No valid values to plot for",
paste(unique(chrs(object)), collapse = ', '))
text(0.5, 0.5, noPointText, pos = 1)
par(mar = tPar$mar)
bolT <- ratio.n(object) < maxRatio & ratio.n(object) > minRatio
where <- which(bolT)
outOfPlotPlus <- which(ratio.n(object) > maxRatio)
outOfPlotMinus <- which(ratio.n(object) < minRatio)
# xAxes <- 1:length(ratio.n(object))
xAxes <- cumGenPosition(object)
numDots <- length(xAxes)
yAxesoutOfPlotPlus <- rep(maxRatio, length(outOfPlotPlus))
yAxesoutOfPlotMinus <- rep(minRatio, length(outOfPlotMinus))
xRange <- range(xAxes[where], na.rm = TRUE)
yRange <- range(ratio.n(object)[where], na.rm = TRUE)
yRange[1] <- yRange[1] - 0.1
yRange[2] <- yRange[2] + 0.1
if (fixVAxes){
plot(xRange, c(minRatio - 0.1, maxRatio + 0.1), type = 'n', xlab = "",
xaxt="n", yaxt="n", ylab="", xaxs = "i", ...)
} else {
plot(xRange, yRange, type = 'n', xlab = "", xaxt="n", yaxt="n", ylab="",
xaxs = "i", ...)
if (colorful){
AllX <- xAxes[where]
AllY <- ratio.n(object)[where]
onlyLossX <- AllX[AllY < object@Res@validated.closestPeak]
onlyLossY <- AllY[AllY < object@Res@validated.closestPeak]
onlyGainX <- AllX[AllY >= object@Res@validated.closestPeak]
onlyGainY <- AllY[AllY >= object@Res@validated.closestPeak]
points(onlyLossX, onlyLossY, cex = tPar$cex$, pch = tPar$pch$,
col = tPar$colors$
points(onlyGainX, onlyGainY, cex = tPar$cex$, pch = tPar$pch$,
col = tPar$colors$
} else {
points(xAxes[where], ratio.n(object)[where], cex = tPar$cex$,
pch = tPar$pch$, col = tPar$colors$
if (length(c(outOfPlotPlus, outOfPlotMinus)) > 0 ) {
points(xAxes[outOfPlotPlus], yAxesoutOfPlotPlus + 0.1, pch = tPar$pch$,
cex = tPar$cex$, col = tPar$color$
points(xAxes[outOfPlotMinus], yAxesoutOfPlotMinus - 0.1, pch = tPar$pch$,
cex = tPar$cex$, col = tPar$color$
# numDots <- length(where)
xTickWidth <- numDots/(numHorLables + 1)
# breakPoints <- seq(from = 1, to = max(xAxes, na.rm = TRUE), length.out =
# numHorLables + 1)
breakPoints <- seq(from = 1, to = max(xAxes, na.rm = TRUE),
length.out = numHorLables + 1)
middlePoints = round(breakPoints[1:length(breakPoints)-1] +
if (length(unique(chrs(object))) > 1){
lableNames <- chrs(object)
tickNames <- pos2chr(chrs(object), xAxes, middlePoints)
tickLocation = rep(NA, length(tickNames))
for (i in 1: length(tickNames)) {
# tickLocation[i] = round(mean(which(chrs(object) %in% tickNames[i])) )
thisChrPos <- which(chrs(object) %in% tickNames[i])
tickLocation[i] <- mean(xAxes[thisChrPos])
axis(1, at = tickLocation, labels = tickNames)
xAxLab <- tPar$lab$xAxes.low
} else {
labelsList <- makeNumericLabels(axTicks(1), 3)
tickNames <- labelsList$labels
tickLocation <- axTicks(1)
axis(1, at = tickLocation, labels = tickNames)
xAxLab <- paste (tPar$lab$xAxes.low, " (", labelsList$unit , ") of ",
unique(chrs(object)), sep = "")
title(xlab = xAxLab)
if (fixVAxes){
yMax = maxRatio
} else {
yMax = floor(max(ratio.n(object)[where], na.rm = TRUE))
axis(2, at = seq(0, yMax, by = .5), labels=2*(seq(0, yMax, by = .5)),
col.axis = 'blue')
mtext(tPar$lab$yAxes.left, side = 2, line = 3, cex = tPar$cex$yAxes.left,
col= tPar$colors$yAxes.left)
roundPloidy <- signif(object@Res@validated.closestPeak, digits=2)
axis(4, at = seq(0, yMax, by = roundPloidy),
labels=signif(seq(0, yMax, by = roundPloidy)/roundPloidy, digits = 2))
mtext(tPar$lab$yAxes.right, side=4, line=3, cex = tPar$cex$yAxes.right,
col = tPar$colors$yAxes.right)
abline(h = seq(0, yMax, by = .5), col = tPar$colors$grid, lwd = tPar$lwd$grid,
lty = tPar$lty$grid)
# plot vertical lines on the edge between chromosomes
# allChr <- Res$data$Chr[where]
allChr <- chrs(object)
wChrChange <- which(allChr[1:length(allChr)-1] != allChr[2:length(allChr)])
chrChange <- c(1, xAxes[wChrChange], max(xAxes, na.rm = TRUE))
abline(v = chrChange, col = tPar$colors$chrVertLines, lty = tPar$lty$chrVertLines,
lwd = tPar$lwd$chrVertLines)
abline(h = object@Res@validated.closestPeak, col = tPar$colors$closestPeak,
lwd = tPar$lwd$closestPeak, lty = tPar$lty$closestPeak)
abline(h = object@Res@validated.ratioMedian, col = tPar$colors$ratioMedian,
lwd = tPar$lwd$ratioMedian, lty = tPar$lty$ratioMedian )
# show the centromere
if (show.centromeres){
if (is.null(idiogram)){
hg19_hs_ideogr <- NULL # this is to avoid a NOTE in CMD CHECK
rm(hg19_hs_ideogr)# this is to avoid a NOTE in CMD CHECK
idiogram <- hg19_hs_ideogr
uChrs <- unique(chrs(object))
centrm.location <- rep(NA, length(uChrs))
for (i in 1:length(uChrs)){
wCentr <- which(uChrs[i] == as.character(idiogram$chrom) &
as.character(idiogram$gieStain) == "acen")
centrm.location[i] <- idiogram$chromEnd[wCentr[1]] +
min(xAxes[chrs(object) == uChrs[i]]) - min(xAxes[chrs(object) == uChrs[1]])
abline(v = centrm.location, col = tPar$colors$centrm, lwd = tPar$lwd$centrm,
lty = tPar$lty$centrm)
# superimpose DNAcopy and/or smooth
if (any(superimpose == 'smooth', na.rm = TRUE)){
lines(xAxes[where], ratio.s.n(object)[where], lwd = tPar$lwd$smoothLine,
col = tPar$colors$smoothLine) #, type = 'l', lw = thisLw, col = thisCol)
if (any(superimpose == 'DNACopy', na.rm = TRUE)){
if (length(segMean.n(object)) != length(object)) {
stop ("No DNAcopy segmentation values. Please use 'addDNACopy' (before normalisation step)")
myX <- xAxes[where]
myY <- segMean.n(object)[where]
transitions <- .startStop(myY)
for (i in 1:length(transitions$start)){
SEx <- c(myX[transitions$start[i]], myX[transitions$end[i]])
SEy <- c(myY[transitions$start[i]], myY[transitions$end[i]])
lines(SEx, SEy, lwd = tPar$lwd$segLine, col = tPar$colors$segLine) # type = 'l', lw = thisLw, col = thisCol)
if (!all(superimpose %in% c('smooth', 'DNACopy'))) {
warning("'superimpose' must be either 'smooth' or 'DNACopy'. skipping...\n")
pos2chr <- function (chrName, cumPosition, look4Pos){
look4chr <- rep(NA, length(look4Pos))
for (i in 1:length(look4Pos)){
wMin <- which(abs(look4Pos[i] - cumPosition) == min(abs(look4Pos[i] - cumPosition)))
look4chr[i] <- chrName[wMin[1]] # wMin could be a two elements array if look4Pos[i] in half way between two points
return (look4chr)
.pos <- function(object, show = "start"){
show.choices <- c("start", "end")
if (match.arg(tolower(show), show.choices) == "start"){
return (object@InData@Pos)
} else if (match.arg(tolower(show), show.choices) == "end") {
mws <- medianWinSize(object)
return (object@InData@Pos + mws)
.arms <- function (object, banding_df) {
# banding_df is a data frame. see hg19_hs_ideogr for info
arms <- paste(banding_df$chrom, substr(banding_df$name, 1, 1), sep="")
uArms <- unique(arms)
newNames <- rep(NA, length(object))
# first fill those not in banding_df
notInBanding <- ! (chrs(object) %in% unique(banding_df$chrom))
newNames[notInBanding] <- chrs(object)[notInBanding]
for (i in 1:length(uArms)){
wArm <- arms == uArms[i]
chrName <- as.character(unique(banding_df$chrom[wArm]))
startArm <- min(banding_df$chromStart[wArm], na.rm = TRUE)
endArm <- max(banding_df$chromEnd[wArm], na.rm = TRUE)
whereThisArm <- chrs(object) == chrName & pos(object) > startArm & pos(object) <= endArm
newNames[whereThisArm] <- uArms[i]
return (newNames)
medianWinSize <- function(object){
uChrs <- unique(chrs(object))
numChr <- length(uChrs)
medians <- rep(NA, numChr)
for (i in 1:numChr){
subSet <- chrs(object) %in% uChrs[i]
medians[i] <- median(diff(pos(object[subSet]), na.rm = TRUE))
globalMedian <- median(medians, na.rm = TRUE)
return (globalMedian)
makeNumericLabels <- function(x, sDigits){
# get an array of genomic positions. It figures out the best displey (Gbp,
# Mbp, Kbp, bp) and the number of significative digits
hX <- max(x, na.rm = TRUE)
lX <- min(x, na.rm = TRUE)
sD2use <- round(log10(hX) - log10(hX - lX)) + sDigits
if(log10(hX) > 10){ # better report in Gbp
textX <- as.character(signif(x/1000000000, sD2use))
myUnit <- "Gbp"
} else if (log10(hX) > 7){ # better reprot in Mbp
textX <- as.character(signif(x/1000000, sD2use))
myUnit <- "Mbp"
} else if (log10(hX) > 4) { # better report in Kbp
textX <- as.character(signif(x/1000, sD2use))
myUnit <- "kbp"
} else { # veeery zoomed, just report in bp
textX <- as.character(signif(x, sD2use))
myUnit <- "bp"
results <- list (labels = textX, unit = myUnit)
return (results)
.startStop <- function (x){
# look for consecutive identical values in x and return its position of
# start and end.
# NAs produce breaks. A new start and stop will be set.
transitionBool <- x[1:length(x)-1] != x[-1]
transitions <- which(transitionBool |
# notNApostions <- which(!
# start <- c(notNApostions[1], transitions + 1)
# end <- c(transitions, notNApostions[length(notNApostions)])
start <- c(1, transitions + 1)
end <- c(transitions, length(x))
results <- list (start = start, end = end)
return (results)
.peakPloidy <- function(object, method = 'mixture', exclude = character(0),
ploidyToTest = 12, sd = 5, dThresh = 0.01, n = 2048, adjust = 0.9,
# force.smooth = TRUE, reg=FALSE, ds=1.5, zero.cont=FALSE, ...) {
force.smooth = TRUE, reg=FALSE, ds=1.5, zero.cont=FALSE, ...) {
densityBasedMethods <- c('density', 'median', 'mode', 'closest')
whatM <- checkMethod(method, c('mixture', densityBasedMethods))
# check if we have smoothed signal...
# if (length(ratio.s(object)) == 0 & force.smooth){
# message("smoothing ratio...")
# object <- addSmooth(object)
# }
chrName <- chrs(object)
ratio <- ratio2use(object)
isOutlier <- findOutliers(ratio, sd, dThresh, n = n, adjust = adjust)
ok4density <- (! chrName %in% exclude) & (! isOutlier) & (!
if (whatM %in% densityBasedMethods){
object <- .guessPeaksAndPloidy(object, ok4density = ok4density, n = n,
adjust = adjust, method = whatM)
object@Params@method = whatM
} else if (whatM == 'mixture') {
options(show.error.messages = FALSE)
sk <- try(suggest.k(ratio[ok4density], chrName[ok4density], np = seq(3, ploidyToTest, by = 1),
n = n, adjust = adjust, reg=reg, ds=ds, zero.cont=zero.cont, ...))
if (class(sk) == "try-error"){
message ("method 'mixture' failed with the following message:")
message (sk[1])
message ("falling back to method 'density'...")
object <- .peakPloidy(object, method = 'density', exclude = exclude,
ploidyToTest = ploidyToTest, sd = sd, dThresh = dThresh, n = n,
adjust = adjust, reg = reg, ds = ds, zero.cont = zero.cont, ...)
options(show.error.messages = TRUE)
# sk <- suggest.k(ratio[ok4density], chrName[ok4density], np = seq(3, ploidyToTest, by = 1),
# n = n, adjust = adjust, reg=reg, ds=ds, zero.cont=zero.cont, ...)
gn <- global.norm(ratio[ok4density], chrName[ok4density], k = sk[[1]][1], reg=reg,
ds=ds, zero.cont=zero.cont, ...)
object@Params@method <- 'mixture'
pl <- gn$pl[[1]]
peaks <- gn$muest1[[1]]
object@Res@suggested.ploidy <- pl
object@Res@suggested.peaks <- peaks
MQR <- getMQR(pl, peaks)
interpDiploidXloc <- c(0,2) * MQR[1] + MQR[2]
shift = interpDiploidXloc[1]
scale = 1 / ( interpDiploidXloc[2] - interpDiploidXloc[1] )
if (length(interpDiploidXloc) == 1) {
content = "Unknown"
} else if (length( interpDiploidXloc) == 2){
content = as.character(
signif(100*(1-interpDiploidXloc[1]/interpDiploidXloc[2]), 4))
} else {
stop("interpDiploidXloc has more than 2 elements!")
object@Res@suggested.tumContent <- content
object@Res@suggested.R <- signif(MQR[3], 4)
ratioMedian <- median(ratio[ok4density], na.rm = TRUE)
object@Res@ratioMedian <- ratioMedian
medianPeaksIndex <- which(abs(peaks-ratioMedian) ==
min(abs(peaks-ratioMedian), na.rm = TRUE))
object@Res@closestPeak <- peaks[medianPeaksIndex]
} else {
stop('method must be either "mixture" or "density"\n')
object@Params@gp.excludeFromDensity <- exclude
object@DerivData@ok4density <- ok4density
object@Params@density.n <- n
object@Params@density.adjust <- adjust
findOutliers <- function(ratio, sd, dThresh, ...){
s <- median(ratio, na.rm = TRUE) + sd * sd(ratio, na.rm = TRUE)
d <- density(ratio, na.rm = TRUE, ...)
selected <- which(d$y >= dThresh*max(d$y))
dT <- max(d$x[selected], ra.rm=T)
isOutlier <- ratio > dT & ratio > s
isOutlier[] <- FALSE
checkMethod <- function(method, avaiables){
if (length(method) != 1 | !is.character(method)){
stop ("method must be one element character vector\n")
where <- grep(method, avaiables, = TRUE)
if (length(where) == 0){
stop (paste("method '", method, "' not recognized\n", sep = ''))
} else if (length(where) > 1) {
stop (paste("method '", method, "' matches multiple formal options\n", sep = ''))
} else {
userOrDefault <- function(user, default, elNum) {
if (elNum > length(user) |[elNum])) {
return (default[elNum])
} else {
return (user[elNum])
smoothSignal <- function (signal, chrName, lambda = 7, ...) {
ratio.s <- rep (NA, length(signal))
uniqChrNames <- unique(chrName)
for (n in 1:length(uniqChrNames)){
isThisChr <- chrName %in% uniqChrNames[n]
if (length(which(![isThisChr]))) < 5) {
ratio.s[isThisChr] <- rep(mean(signal[isThisChr], na.rm = TRUE), length(which(isThisChr)))
} else {
ratio.s[isThisChr] <-[isThisChr], chrName[isThisChr], lambda = lambda, ...)
} <- function(a, ch, lambda = 7, ...){
if(sum(> 0 | sum(is.infinite(a))> 0 | sum(is.nan(a))>0){
a[is.infinite(a)] <- NA
a[] <- NA
a[a==0] <- 0.0001
temp <- smoothseg(a,chrom=ch, lambda = lambda, impute.only=TRUE)
y <- smoothseg(temp, chrom=ch, lambda = lambda, ...)
} else {
a[a==0] <- 0.0001
y <- smoothseg(a, chrom=ch, lambda = lambda, ...)
} # end of function
gcNormalize <- function (gcC, ratio, points2use = NULL, maxNumPoints = 10000) {
# perform GC content normalization. Returns normalizing vector
# gcC: vector with gc content (x)
# ratio: vector with number of reads (y)
# points2use: vector (TRUE/FALSE) with gcC and ratio to use. If NULL, all
# gcC and ratio will be used
# maxNumPoints: maximal number of points to use to get the vector. Owing to
# computational time, and possible huge size of dataset, only maxNumPoints
# randomly selected are used to estimate the normalization curve
# Returns a vector of the value of Loess Curve for all points in gcC. It
# keeps the same order as gcC. NA will be present where gcC is NA and
# where points2use is FALSE
validX <- which(! & !
# check if all points are good or only some of them
if (is.null(points2use)) {
validGc <- validX
} else {
validGc <- which(! & ! & points2use)
# if there are too many points, randomly select (maxNumPoints)
if (length(validGc) > maxNumPoints ) {
validGc <- sample(validGc, maxNumPoints)
# make a data fram with relevant names (important!)
gcDist <- data.frame(gc = gcC[validGc], ratio = ratio[validGc])
# fit loess with ratio as function of gc (names must correspond to those in
# the data frame)
gcDist.lo <- loess(ratio ~ gc, gcDist)
# initialize vector with prediciton
normVector <- rep(NA, length(ratio))
# predict the expected number of reads as function of the observed GC
# content
normVector[validX] <- predict(gcDist.lo, data.frame(gc = gcC[validX]))
medianNorm <- median(normVector, na.rm = TRUE)
vectorRatio <- normVector/medianNorm
ratio.gcC <- ratio/vectorRatio
} # end of function
specialDensity <- function (object, special, adjust, n) {
if (length(special) != 0){
specialPlot <- chrs(object) %in% special
if (length(which(specialPlot)) < 2 | length(which(![specialPlot]))) < 2) {
message(paste(" ", special, "does not have enough values to estimate density. Skipping."))
X <- NA
Y <- NA
Dn <- list(x = X, y = Y)
return (Dn)
Dn <- myDensity(ratio(object)[specialPlot], adjust = adjust)
X <- Dn$x
Y <- Dn$y/length(object)*length(which(specialPlot))
} else {
X <- NA
Y <- NA
Dn <- list(x = X, y = Y)
return (Dn)
selectGoodGuess <- function (Density, MQRDS, spacingTolerance, interceptRatio,
possiblePloidy, peakRatio, peakSpan){
isApeak <- myPeaks(Density$y, span = peakSpan)
peakPos <- which(isApeak)
peakValues <- Density$y[peakPos]
highPeaks <- isApeak & (Density$y >= max(peakValues/peakRatio))
# get the highest of the first three peaks
first3validPeaks <- peakValues[peakValues %in% Density$y[highPeaks]][seq(1,3)]
highestPeakIndex <- which(first3validPeaks == max(first3validPeaks, na.rm = TRUE))
# select max R, positive intercept, highest peak is on ploidy == 2
# which possible ploidy has max R
maxR <- MQRDS[,1] >= max(MQRDS[,1])*spacingTolerance
# which possible ploidy would have a positive intercept?
positiveIntercept <- MQRDS[,2] >= interceptRatio
# which possible ploidy has the highest peak either on 2?
highestPeakOn2 <- possiblePloidy[,highestPeakIndex]==2
highest1orMore <- possiblePloidy[,highestPeakIndex]>=1
highest2orMore <- possiblePloidy[,highestPeakIndex]>=2
# first get only possible solutions (no negative counts for P = 0 =>
# intercept must be >= 0)
goodGuess <- positiveIntercept
if (length(which(positiveIntercept)) > 1) {
# next look for the best/very-good alignments of points
goodGuess <- maxR & positiveIntercept
# next look for the soltion that have a peak at ploidy = 1 or more
if (length(which(goodGuess)) > 1) {
goodGuess <- goodGuess & highest2orMore
# here, in same rare cases, it happens that no solutions are
# available. We need to re-run using a smaller threshold to allow some
# "elasticity". Recursive function.
if (length(which(goodGuess)) == 0) {
return (logical(0))
# warning("No possible solutions. deacreasing parameter 'spacingTolerance'")
# spacingTolerance = spacingTolerance * .95
# cnaList <- guessPeaksAndPloidy(cnaList, smooth = smooth,
# excludeFromDensity = excludeFromDensity,
# peakRatio = peakRatio, ploidyToTest = ploidyToTest,
# peakSpan = peakSpan , adjust = adjust,
# spacingTolerance = spacingTolerance , interceptRatio = interceptRatio)
# return (cnaList)
# if still more than one option, check wich one has at least a peak for
# ploidy >=1 (avoid genome with 1 and 0 copy)
if ( length(which(goodGuess)) > 1 ) {
okPloidy <- possiblePloidy[,dim(possiblePloidy)[2]] >= 2
goodGuess <- goodGuess & okPloidy
# if still more than one option get the one(s) that require smallest
# range of ploidy (less gaps)
if ((length(which(goodGuess))) > 1 ) {
ploidyDiff <- possiblePloidy[goodGuess,dim(possiblePloidy)[2]] - possiblePloidy[goodGuess,1]
lessGap <- which(ploidyDiff==min(ploidyDiff))
goodGuessTmp <- rep(FALSE, length(goodGuess))
goodGuessTmp[which(goodGuess)[lessGap]] <- TRUE
goodGuess <- goodGuessTmp
# if still there is more than than one options, chose the one with the
# smallest ploidy
if (length(which(goodGuess)) > 1 ) {
maxPloidy <- apply(possiblePloidy, 1, max)
minMaxPloidy <- which(goodGuess)[which(maxPloidy[goodGuess] == min(maxPloidy[goodGuess]))]
goodGuess[] <- FALSE
goodGuess[minMaxPloidy] <- TRUE
# if still more than a solution (?) warn and pick the first.
if (length(which(goodGuess)) > 1 ) {
warning("Two or more solution equally possible. Picking one first available.")
stillGood <- which(goodGuess)
goodGuess[] <- FALSE
goodGuess[stillGood[1]] <- TRUE
return (goodGuess)
MQRDS <- function(MQR){
MQRDS <- data.frame(matrix(NA, length(MQR[,2]), 3))
colnames(MQRDS) <- c("R", "shift", "scale")
for (n in 1:length(MQR[,1])) {
M <- MQR[n,1]
Q <- MQR[n,2]
R <- MQR[n,3]
y0 <- Q
y2 <- 2 * M + Q
shift <- MQR[n,2]
scale <- 1 / (y2 - y0)
MQRDS[n,] <- c(R, shift, scale)
MQR <- function(possibleMatrix, ploidyToTest, peakToUse){
MQR <- data.frame(matrix(NA, length(possibleMatrix[,2]), 3))
colnames(MQR) <- c("M", "Q", "R")
for (n in 1:length(possibleMatrix[,1])) {
valToUse <- which(possibleMatrix[n,]==1)
MQR[n,] <- getMQR(seq(0,ploidyToTest)[valToUse], peakToUse)
possibleBinNumbers <- function (numDigits, numOnes) {
# produce a binary matrix of all combination on how to sort numOnes of 1s with
# numDigits digits (0 or 1)
numOfnums = 2^numDigits
m <- matrix(nrow=numOfnums, ncol=numDigits)
for (n in 1:numDigits) {
# cat (paste("Cicle", n, "of", numDigits, "\n"))
m[,n] <- c(rep(1, numOfnums/(2^n)), rep(0, numOfnums/(2^n)))
sumByRow <- apply(m,1,sum)
m <- m[sumByRow == numOnes,]
} # end of function
getMQR <- function (xs, ys) {
# fit line across x and y, return coefficient (m) and correlation coefficient
# (R)
mod.summary <- summary(lm(ys ~ xs))
M <- mod.summary$coefficients[2]
Q <- mod.summary$coefficients[1]
R2 <- mod.summary$r.squared
return (c(M, Q, R2))
myPeaks <- function (series, span = 3) {
# found here
# and adapted
z <- embed(series, span)
s <- span%/%2
v<- max.col(z, "first") == 1 + s
result <- c(rep(FALSE,s),v,rep(FALSE,s))
myDensity <- function (signal, span = 3, adjust = 1) {
# we don't want outliers. Get only values that are smaller than the max of:
# span times the median (up to pentaploid?)
# Median plus 3 times the SD (if it is really aneuploid with many "peaks")
Median <- median(signal, na.rm = TRUE)
SD <- sd(signal, na.rm = TRUE)
bigY <- max(c(span*Median, Median + span * SD))
OKsignal <- signif(signal[signal <= bigY & !], 5)
Density <- density(OKsignal, adjust = adjust, na.rm = TRUE)
ratio2use <- function(object){
# is there is smoothed ratio, use it, otherwise use ratio
if (length(ratio.s(object)) == length(object)){
ratio <- ratio.s(object)
} else {
ratio <- ratio(object)
return (ratio)
# findOutliers <- function(ratio, quantile, sd){
# q <- quantile(ratio, quantile/100, na.rm = TRUE)
# s <- median(ratio, na.rm = TRUE) + sd * sd(ratio, na.rm = TRUE)
# isOutlier <- ratio > q & ratio > s
# return(isOutlier)
# }
# .peaksAndPloidy <- function (object, method = "mixture", exclude = character(0),
# peakRatio = 50, ploidyToTest = 14, spacingTolerance = .999,
# interceptRatio = -0.1, quantile = 99.5, sd = 5, ...){
# }
## function called by the Method (setMethod)
.guessPeaksAndPloidy <- function (object, ok4density = rep(TRUE, length(object)),
peakRatio = 50, ploidyToTest = 14, spacingTolerance = .99,
interceptRatio = -0.1, adjust = 0.9, n = 2048, method = 'density') {
# a variable that should not be changed
peakSpan = 3
# get data in handy variables
ratio <- ratio2use(object)
chrName <- chrs(object)
interpDiploidXloc = NA
Density <- density(ratio[ok4density], adjust = adjust, n = n)
isApeak <- myPeaks(Density$y, span = peakSpan)
peakPos <- which(isApeak)
peakValues <- Density$y[peakPos]
highPeaks <- isApeak & (Density$y >= max(peakValues/peakRatio))
# peak closest to the median
ratioMedian <- median(ratio, na.rm = TRUE)
peakX <- Density$x[highPeaks]
peakBol <- (Density$x %in% peakX) & highPeaks
medianPeaksIndex <- which(abs(Density$x[peakBol]-ratioMedian) ==
min(abs(Density$x[peakBol]-ratioMedian), na.rm = TRUE))
peakClosestToMedian <- Density$x[peakBol][medianPeaksIndex]
if (method == 'mode'){
maxPeak <- Density$x[Density$y == max(Density$y, na.rm = TRUE)]
scaling <- 1/maxPeak
interpDiploidXloc <- maxPeak
MQR <- data.frame(M = maxPeak/2, Q = 0, R = 1)
suggPeak <- maxPeak
PP <- 2
content = "Unknown"
} else if (method == 'median'){
thisMedian <- median (ratio[ok4density], na.rm = TRUE)
scaling <- 1/thisMedian
interpDiploidXloc <- thisMedian
MQR <- data.frame(M = thisMedian/2, Q = 0, R = 1)
suggPeak <- thisMedian
PP <- 2
content = "Unknown"
} else if (method == 'closest'){
scaling <- 1/peakClosestToMedian
interpDiploidXloc <- peakClosestToMedian
MQR <- data.frame(M = peakClosestToMedian/2, Q = 0, R = 1)
suggPeak <- peakClosestToMedian
PP <- 2
content = "Unknown"
} else if (method == 'density'){
if (length(which(highPeaks)) == 1) { # only one peak, scale but don't shift (impossible to calculate )
scaling <- 1/Density$x[highPeaks]
interpDiploidXloc <- Density$x[highPeaks]
MQR <- data.frame(M = Density$x[highPeaks]/2, Q = 0, R = 1)
suggPeak <- peakClosestToMedian
PP <- 2
content = "Unknown"
} else {
possibleMatrix <- possibleBinNumbers(ploidyToTest+1, length(which(highPeaks)))
# make table with ploidy
possiblePloidy <- matrix(NA, length(possibleMatrix[,1]), length(which(highPeaks)))
for (n in 1:length(possibleMatrix[,1]) ) {
possiblePloidy[n,] <- which(possibleMatrix[n,]==1) - 1
peakToUse <- Density$x[highPeaks]
MQR <- MQR(possibleMatrix, ploidyToTest, peakToUse)
# MQRDS actually contains R shift and scale
goodGuess <- selectGoodGuess(Density, MQRDS, spacingTolerance,
interceptRatio, possiblePloidy, peakRatio, peakSpan)
# here, in same rare cases, it happens that no solutions are
# available. Rerun using a smaller threshold to allow some
# "elasticity". Recursive function.
if (length(goodGuess) == 0) {
warning("No possible solutions. deacreasing parameter 'spacingTolerance'")
spacingTolerance = spacingTolerance * .95
object <- .guessPeaksAndPloidy(object, ok4density = ok4density,
peakRatio = peakRatio, ploidyToTest = ploidyToTest,
spacingTolerance = spacingTolerance ,
interceptRatio = interceptRatio, adjust = adjust, n = n)
solutions <- MQRDS[goodGuess,]
# which one is the highest valid peak?
scaling <- solutions$scale
shifting <- solutions$shift
thisMQR <- MQR[goodGuess,]
interpDiploidXloc <- c(0,2) * thisMQR$M + thisMQR$Q # y = mx + q
suggPeak <- Density$x[highPeaks]
if (exists("possiblePloidy")) {
PP <- possiblePloidy[goodGuess,]
} else {
PP <- 2
if (length(interpDiploidXloc) == 1) {
content = "Unknown"
} else if (length( interpDiploidXloc) == 2){
content = as.character(
signif(100*(1-interpDiploidXloc[1]/interpDiploidXloc[2]), 3))
} else {
stop("interpDiploidXloc has more than 2 elements!")
} else {
stop ("Wrong 'method'. Acceptables values: 'median' or 'mode'")
if (PP[Density$x[highPeaks] == peakClosestToMedian] == 0
& PP[length(PP)] == ploidyToTest){
PP <- PP + 2
} else if (PP[Density$x[highPeaks] == peakClosestToMedian] == 1
& PP[length(PP)] == ploidyToTest) {
PP <- PP + 1
object@Res@suggested.ploidy <- PP
object@Res@suggested.peaks <- suggPeak
object@Res@suggested.tumContent <- content
object@Res@interpDiploidXloc <- interpDiploidXloc
object@Res@notExcluded.density <- Density
object@Res@notExcluded.isAPeak <- highPeaks
object@Res@ratioMedian <- ratioMedian
object@Res@closestPeak <- peakClosestToMedian
if (exists ("thisMQR")) {
object@Res@MQR <- thisMQR
object@Res@suggested.R <- signif(thisMQR$R, 4)
} else {
object@Res@MQR <- MQR
# object@Params@gp.excludeFromDensity <- exclude
.validateParams <- function(funName, validParamNames, newPairs){
newPNames <- names(newPairs)
okNames <- newPNames %in% validParamNames
if (all(okNames)){
# all parameters have valid names
return (newPairs)
} else {
nonValid <- paste(newPNames[!okNames], collapse = ', ')
warning(paste("Non valid parameters to pass to function", funName, "are ignored:", nonValid))
return (newPairs[okNames])
.getWeightByChr <- function(method, x, chrs, stdvs){
uCh <- unique (chrs)
whichChr <- lapply(uCh, function(oneChr, allChr, x){x[allChr == oneChr]}, chrs, x)
Wlist <- lapply(whichChr, .getWeight, method, stdvs)
.getWeight <- function(x, method, stdvs){
avMeths <- c('poisson', 'gaussian', 'twoTailQuantile', 'oneTailQuantile')
isMatch <- pmatch(tolower(method), avMeths)
if ( | length(isMatch) > 1){
stop(paste("Method passed '", method, "' does not match valid one (",
paste(avMeths, collapse = ', '),")", sep = ''))
met2use <- avMeths[isMatch]
poisson = .poissonWeights(x, stdvs),
gaussian = .gaussianWeights(x, stdvs),
twoTailQuantile = .TTquantileWeights(x, stdvs),
oneTailQuantile = .OTquantileWeights(x, stdvs)
.poissonWeights <- function(x, stdvs){
# this is symmetric around the mean
# we need to remove x = 0 or all the centromeres would be there...
Lambda <- mean(x[x > 0], na.rm = TRUE)
# std = sqrt(Lambda). We use stdvs standar deviations
std = stdvs * sqrt(Lambda)
Distance <- abs(x - Lambda)
return(.calcWeight(Distance, std))
.gaussianWeights <- function(x, stdvs){
if (length(x) < 10){
return(rep(1, length(x)))
# this is symmetric, around the MEDIAN
# we need to remove x = 0 or all the centromeres would be there...
Median <- median(x[x > 0], na.rm = TRUE)
# std = sqrt(Lambda). We use stdvs standar deviations
std = stdvs * sd(x[x > 0], na.rm = TRUE)
Distance <- abs(x - Median)
return(.calcWeight(Distance, std))
.OTquantileWeights <- function(x, stdvs){
# this is a-symmetric, around the MEDIAN
# we need to remove x = 0 or all the centromeres would be there...
Median <- median(x[x > 0], na.rm = TRUE)
Q <- quantile (x[x > 0], c(0.05, 0.5, 0.95))
D1 <- Q[2] - Q[1]
Median <- Q[2]
D2 <- Q[3] - Q[2]
W <- rep (NA, length(x))
Distance <- abs(x - Median)
W[x <= Median] <- .calcWeight(Distance[x <= Median], D1)
W[x > Median] <- 1
.TTquantileWeights <- function(x, stdvs){
# this is a-symmetric, around the MEDIAN
# we need to remove x = 0 or all the centromeres would be there...
Median <- median(x[x > 0], na.rm = TRUE)
Q <- quantile (x[x > 0], c(0.05, 0.5, 0.95))
D1 <- Q[2] - Q[1]
Median <- Q[2]
D2 <- Q[3] - Q[2]
W <- rep (NA, length(x))
Distance <- abs(x - Median)
W[x <= Median] <- .calcWeight(Distance[x <= Median], D1)
W[x > Median] <- .calcWeight(Distance[x > Median], D2)
.calcWeight <- function(x, d){
# x is the variable, d is the range (usually fixed)
W <- rep(NA, length(x))
# where x is larger than d
oR <- x > d
W[!oR] <- 1
W[oR] <- 1 - ((x[oR] - d) / x[oR])
return (W)
.addDNACopy <- function (object, independent.arms = FALSE, ideograms = NULL,
DNAcopy.smooth = list(), DNAcopy.weight = character(), DNAcopy.segment = list()) {
# not exposed parameter
SDV <- 2
# object is CNAnorm
# some input checking
if (independent.arms){
if (! ){
stop("Ideograms must be a data frame when independent.arms = TRUE")
if (!all(c('chrom', 'chromStart', 'chromEnd', 'name') %in% colnames(ideograms))){
stop("Ideograms seems invalid. Wrong colnames")
toSegment <- object@DerivData@ratio
toSegment[toSegment <= 0] <- .05
# using DNA copy, segment the data
if (independent.arms &{
chrs2use <- arms(object, ideograms)
} else {
chrs2use <- chrs(object)
CNA.object <- CNA(log2(toSegment), chrs2use, pos(object),
data.type = 'logratio', presorted = TRUE)
# check the user defined parameters to pass to smoott.CNA are valid
validNamesSmooth <- c("smooth.region", "outlier.SD.scale", "smooth.SD.scale", "trim")
DNAcopy.smooth <- .validateParams('smooth.CNA', validNamesSmooth, DNAcopy.smooth)
# call smooth.DNA using
smoothed.CNA.object <-, c(list(CNA.object), DNAcopy.smooth))
# check the user defined parameters to pass to smoott.CNA are valid
validNamesSegment <- c("alpha", "nperm", "p.method", "min.width", "kmax", "nmin",
"eta", "sbdry", "trim", "undo.splits", "undo.prune", "undo.SD")
DNAcopy.segment <- .validateParams('segment', validNamesSegment, DNAcopy.segment)
# call segment using
if (length(DNAcopy.weight) == 0){
segObj <-, c(list(smoothed.CNA.object,
verbose = 0), DNAcopy.segment))
} else {
WW <- .getWeightByChr(DNAcopy.weight, object@InData@Norm, chrs(object) ,SDV)
segObj <-, c(list(smoothed.CNA.object,
verbose = 0, weights = WW), DNAcopy.segment))
segID <- rep(NA, length(object))
segMean <- rep(NA, length(object))
for (segNum in 1:length(segObj$output$chrom)) {
thisMean <- segObj$output$seg.mean[segNum]
if (!{
thisChr <- as.character(segObj$output$chrom[segNum])
thisStart <- segObj$output$loc.start[segNum]
thisEnd <- segObj$output$loc.end[segNum]
# pointInThisSeg <- cnaList$data$Chr == thisChr & cnaList$data$Pos >= thisStart & cnaList$data$Pos < thisEnd
# pointInThisSeg <- (chrs(object) == thisChr & pos(object) >= thisStart &
pointInThisSeg <- (chrs2use == thisChr & pos(object) >= thisStart &
pos(object) <= thisEnd)
segID[pointInThisSeg] <- segNum
segMean[pointInThisSeg] <- thisMean
object@DerivData@segID <- segID
object@DerivData@segMean <- segMean
# version that requires DNA copy
# .addSmooth <- function (object, ...) {
# # obj is CNAnorm
# if (length(segID(object)) != length(object)){
# object <- .addDNACopy(object)
# }
# chrNames <- segID(object)
# notNAIndex <- which(!
# tmpChr <- chrNames[notNAIndex]
# tmpRatio <- ratio(object)[notNAIndex]
# tmpRatio.s <- smoothSignal(tmpRatio, tmpChr, ...)
# ratio.s <- rep(NA, length(object))
# ratio.s[notNAIndex] <- tmpRatio.s
# object@DerivData@ratio.s <- ratio.s
# return (object)
# }
# smooth chromosomes, intemediate vlaues across "jumps"
.addSmooth <- function (object, lambda = 7, ...) {
# obj is CNAnorm
ratio <- ratio(object)
chrNames <- as.numeric(as.factor(chrs(object)))
# notNAIndex <- which(!
notNAIndex <- which(!
tmpChr <- chrNames[notNAIndex]
tmpRatio <- ratio[notNAIndex]
tmpRatio.s <- smoothSignal(tmpRatio, tmpChr, lambda = lambda, ...)
ratio.s <- rep(NA, length(object))
ratio.s[notNAIndex] <- tmpRatio.s
object@DerivData@ratio.s <- ratio.s
return (object)
.gcNorm <- function(object, exclude = character(0), maxNumPoints = 10000){
if (length(object@InData@GC) == 0){
stop("Impossible to perform GC content normalization: no GC content available\n")
if (length(exclude) == 0){
points2use = NULL
} else {
points2use <- ! object@InData@Chr %in% exclude
if (length(which(points2use)) < 2) {
warning ("Not enough points to perform GC normalization.\n")
return (object)
object@DerivData@ratio <- gcNormalize(gcC(object), object@InData@ratio,
points2use = points2use, maxNumPoints = maxNumPoints)
# now save parameters used
object@Params@gc.excludeFromGCNorm = exclude
object@Params@gc.maxNumPoints = maxNumPoints
return (object)
makeTextLabels <- function (xLoc, Ploidy) {
if (length(xLoc) != length(Ploidy)) {
stop ("xLoc and Ploidy must have the same length")
textLab <- rep(NA, length(xLoc))
for (i in 1:length(textLab)) {
# textLab[i] <- paste("x = ", as.character(signif(xLoc[i],2)),
# ", Pl = ", as.character(Ploidy[i]), sep = '')
textLab[i] <- paste(as.character(signif(xLoc[i],2)), " -> ", as.character(Ploidy[i]), sep = '')
plotPeaksMixture <- function (object, special1 = character(0), special2 = character(0),
show ='suggested', bins = 200, ...) {
adjust = get.adjust(object)
n = get.n(object)
ratioMedian <- median(ratio(object), na.rm = TRUE)
# D1 <- specialDensity(object, special1, adjust, n)
# D2 <- specialDensity(object, special2, adjust, n)
# xRange <- c(0, max(1.2*ratio.s(object), na.rm = TRUE))
R.s <- ratio.s(object)
hist(R.s, n = bins, xlab = 'Ratio Test/Control' )
# initialize legend variables
if (length(object@Params@gp.excludeFromDensity) > 0) {
notExclLab <- paste("Everything but",
paste(object@Params@gp.excludeFromDensity, collapse = ', '))
} else {
notExclLab <- "Everything"
textLegend <- as.character(c(notExclLab))
legCol = c('black')
legLty = c(1)
legLwd = c(3)
if (show == 'suggested') {
peakX <- object@Res@suggested.peaks
ploidy <- object@Res@suggested.ploidy/2
tumContent <- object@Res@suggested.tumContent
} else if (show == 'validated') {
peakX <- object@Res@validated.peaks
ploidy <- object@Res@validated.ploidy/2
tumContent <- object@Res@validated.tumContent
} else {
stop ("`show` must be either `suggested` or `validated`")
abline(v = ratioMedian, col = 'red', lty = 2, lwd = 2)
abline(v = peakX, col = 'cyan', lwd = 2)
.plotPeaks <- function (object, special1 = character(0), special2 = character(0),
show ='suggested', ...) {
# as input provide the output of guessPeaksAndPloidy
# Normalize by number of reads in ok4density
adjust = get.adjust(object)
n = get.n(object)
bins = 200
DD <- density(ratio2use(object)[object@DerivData@ok4density], adjust = adjust, n = n)
X <- DD$x
Y <- DD$y/length(object)*length(which(object@DerivData@ok4density))
ratioMedian <- median(ratio(object), na.rm = TRUE)
D1 <- specialDensity(object, special1, adjust, n)
D2 <- specialDensity(object, special2, adjust, n)
xRange <- c(0, max(X*1.2, na.rm = TRUE))
yRange <- c(0, max(Y*1.2, na.rm = TRUE))
# xRange <- c(0, max(c(X, D1$x, D2$x)*1.2, na.rm = TRUE))
# yRange <- c(0, max(c(Y, D1$y, D2$y)*1.2, na.rm = TRUE))
vShift = yRange[2]/20
# create an empty plot space
plot(xRange, yRange, type = 'n', xlab = 'Ratio Test/Control',
ylab = 'Density', ...)
# plot density of "non special" genome
lines (X, Y, type = 'l', lw = 3)
# initialize legend variables
if (length(object@Params@gp.excludeFromDensity) > 0) {
notExclLab <- paste("Everything but",
paste(object@Params@gp.excludeFromDensity, collapse = ', '))
} else {
notExclLab <- "Everything"
textLegend <- as.character(c(notExclLab))
legCol = c('black')
legLty = c(1)
legLwd = c(3)
# plot special 1
if (!all($x))) {
lines (D1$x, D1$y, type = 'l', lty = 1, lw = 3, col = 'orchid4')
specialLab1 <- paste(special1, collapse = ', ')
textLegend <- c(textLegend, specialLab1)
legCol = c(legCol, 'orchid4')
legLty = c(legLty, 1)
legLwd = c(legLwd, 3)
# plot special 2
if (!all($x))) {
lines (D2$x, D2$y, type = 'l', lw = 3, lty = 1, col = 'lightblue')
specialLab2 <- paste(special2, collapse = ', ')
textLegend <- c(textLegend, specialLab2)
legCol = c(legCol, 'lightblue')
legLty = c(legLty, 1)
legLwd = c(legLwd, 3)
# plot annotation of "non special" genome
if (show == 'suggested') {
peakX <- object@Res@suggested.peaks
ploidy <- object@Res@suggested.ploidy/2
tumContent <- object@Res@suggested.tumContent
} else if (show == 'validated') {
peakX <- object@Res@validated.peaks
ploidy <- object@Res@validated.ploidy/2
tumContent <- object@Res@validated.tumContent
} else {
stop ("`show` must be either `suggested` or `validated`")
abline(v = ratioMedian, col = 'red', lty = 2)
mth <- object@Params@method
### check into peakBol
# browser()
if (mth == 'density'){
isAPeak <- mapPeaks(X, peakX)
peakBol <- isAPeak & object@Res@notExcluded.isAPeak
ww <- which(peakBol)
} else {
isAPeak <- mapPeaks(X, peakX)
ww <- which(isAPeak)
for (i in 1:length(ww)){
lines ( c(X[ww[i]], X[ww[i]]), c(0, Y[ww[i]]))
# medianPeaksIndex <- which(abs(X[peakBol]-ratioMedian) == min(abs(X[peakBol]-ratioMedian), na.rm = TRUE))
# # actual plotting
# lines (X[peakBol], Y[peakBol], type = 'p', pch=19, col='blue')
# lines (X[peakBol][medianPeaksIndex], Y[peakBol][medianPeaksIndex], type = 'p', cex = 1.8, col='red')
# textLab <- makeTextLabels(X[peakBol], ploidy)
# text(X[peakBol], Y[peakBol] + vShift, textLab, cex = .8, col = 'blue')
medianPeaksIndex <- which(abs(X[ww]-ratioMedian) == min(abs(X[ww]-ratioMedian), na.rm = TRUE))
# actual plotting
lines (X[ww], Y[ww], type = 'p', pch=19, col='blue')
lines (X[ww][medianPeaksIndex], Y[ww][medianPeaksIndex], type = 'p', cex = 1.8, col='red')
textLab <- makeTextLabels(X[ww], ploidy)
text(X[ww], Y[ww] + vShift, textLab, cex = .8, col = 'blue')
# add tumour content label
legCol = c(legCol, 'black')
legLty = c(legLty, 0)
legLwd = c(legLwd, 0)
textLegend <- c(textLegend, paste("Est Tumour Content: ", tumContent, "%", sep = '') )
legend("topright", inset=0.01, textLegend, lty = legLty,
lwd = legLwd, col = legCol, cex = .8)
mapPeaks <- function(map, peaks) {
# map is a vector (X) where the peak will be mapped.
# returns A logic vector of values of X closest to peaks
isAPeak <- rep(FALSE, length(map))
for (i in 1: length(peaks)){
thisPeak <- peaks[i]
ww <- which(abs(map - thisPeak) == (min(abs(map - thisPeak), na.rm = TRUE)))
if (length(ww) > 1){
ww <- ww[1]
isAPeak[ww] <- TRUE
return (isAPeak)
.plotPeaks_old <- function (object, special1 = character(0), special2 = character(0),
show ='suggested', adjust = .9, n = 2048, ...) {
# as input provide the output of guessPeaksAndPloidy
# Normalize by number of reads in ok4density
DD <- object@Res@notExcluded.density
X <- DD$x
Y <- DD$y/length(object)*length(which(object@DerivData@ok4density))
ratioMedian <- median(ratio(object), na.rm = TRUE)
D1 <- specialDensity(object, special1, adjust, n)
D2 <- specialDensity(object, special2, adjust, n)
xRange <- c(0, max(X*1.2, na.rm = TRUE))
yRange <- c(0, max(Y*1.2, na.rm = TRUE))
# xRange <- c(0, max(c(X, D1$x, D2$x)*1.2, na.rm = TRUE))
# yRange <- c(0, max(c(Y, D1$y, D2$y)*1.2, na.rm = TRUE))
vShift = yRange[2]/20
# create an empty plot space
plot(xRange, yRange, type = 'n', xlab = 'Ratio Test/Control',
ylab = 'Density', ...)
# plot density of "non special" genome
lines (X, Y, type = 'l', lw = 3)
# initialize legend variables
if (length(object@Params@gp.excludeFromDensity) > 0) {
notExclLab <- paste("Everything but",
paste(object@Params@gp.excludeFromDensity, collapse = ', '))
} else {
notExclLab <- "Everything"
textLegend <- as.character(c(notExclLab))
legCol = c('black')
legLty = c(1)
legLwd = c(3)
# plot special 1
if (!all($x))) {
lines (D1$x, D1$y, type = 'l', lty = 1, lw = 3, col = 'orchid4')
specialLab1 <- paste(special1, collapse = ', ')
textLegend <- c(textLegend, specialLab1)
legCol = c(legCol, 'orchid4')
legLty = c(legLty, 1)
legLwd = c(legLwd, 3)
# plot special 2
if (!all($x))) {
lines (D2$x, D2$y, type = 'l', lw = 3, lty = 1, col = 'lightblue')
specialLab2 <- paste(special2, collapse = ', ')
textLegend <- c(textLegend, specialLab2)
legCol = c(legCol, 'lightblue')
legLty = c(legLty, 1)
legLwd = c(legLwd, 3)
# plot annotation of "non special" genome
if (show == 'suggested') {
peakX <- object@Res@suggested.peaks
ploidy <- object@Res@suggested.ploidy/2
tumContent <- object@Res@suggested.tumContent
} else if (show == 'validated') {
peakX <- object@Res@validated.peaks
ploidy <- object@Res@validated.ploidy/2
tumContent <- object@Res@validated.tumContent
} else {
stop ("`show` must be either `suggested` or `validated`")
peakBol <- (X %in% peakX) & object@Res@notExcluded.isAPeak
medianPeaksIndex <- which(abs(X[peakBol]-ratioMedian) == min(abs(X[peakBol]-ratioMedian), na.rm = TRUE))
# actual plotting
abline(v = ratioMedian, col = 'red', lty = 2)
lines (X[peakBol], Y[peakBol], type = 'p', pch=19, col='blue')
lines (X[peakBol][medianPeaksIndex], Y[peakBol][medianPeaksIndex], type = 'p', cex = 1.8, col='red')
textLab <- makeTextLabels(X[peakBol], ploidy)
text(X[peakBol], Y[peakBol] + vShift, textLab, cex = .8, col = 'blue')
# add tumour content label
legCol = c(legCol, 'black')
legLty = c(legLty, 0)
legLwd = c(legLwd, 0)
textLegend <- c(textLegend, paste("Est Tumour Content: ", tumContent, "%", sep = '') )
legend("topright", inset=0.01, textLegend, lty = legLty,
lwd = legLwd, col = legCol, cex = .8)
.subSet <- function (x, i, j, drop) {
if (!missing(j)) {
stop("Error: incorrect number of dimensions\n")
} else {
Chr <- chrs(x)[i]
Pos <- pos(x)[i]
Test <- if(length(x@InData@Test) > 0){x@InData@Test[i]}else{numeric()}
Norm <- if(length(x@InData@Norm) > 0){x@InData@Norm[i]}else{numeric()}
ratio <- if(length(x@InData@ratio) > 0){x@InData@ratio[i]}else{numeric()}
GC <- if(length(x@InData@GC) > 0){x@InData@GC[i]}else{numeric()}
newInData <- new("InData", Chr = Chr, Pos = Pos, Test = Test, Norm = Norm,
ratio = ratio, GC = GC)
ratio <- if(length(ratio(x)) > 0){ratio(x)[i]}else{numeric()}
ratio.n <- if(length(ratio.n(x)) > 0){ratio.n(x)[i]}else{numeric()}
ratio.s <- if(length(ratio.s(x)) > 0){ratio.s(x)[i]}else{numeric()}
ratio.s.n <- if(length(ratio.s.n(x)) > 0){ratio.s.n(x)[i]}else{numeric()}
segID <- if(length(x@DerivData@segID[i]) > 0){x@DerivData@segID[i]}else{numeric()}
segMean <- if(length(segMean(x)) > 0){segMean(x)[i]}else{numeric()}
segMean.n <- if(length(segMean.n(x)) > 0){segMean.n(x)[i]}else{numeric()}
ok4density <- if(length(x@DerivData@ok4density) > 0){x@DerivData@ok4density[i]}else{logical()}
newDerivData <- new("DerivData", ratio = ratio, ratio.n = ratio.n, ratio.s = ratio.s,
ratio.s.n = ratio.s.n, segID = segID, segMean = segMean, segMean.n = segMean.n,
ok4density = ok4density)
newRes <- x@Res
newParams <- x@Params
newObject <- new("CNAnorm", InData = newInData, DerivData = newDerivData,
Res = newRes, Params = newParams)
.exportTable <- function (object, file = "", show = 'ratio', sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, ...){
roundPloidy <- object@Res@validated.closestPeak
regExp <- paste("^", show, sep = '')
showOptions <- c('ratio', 'ploidy', 'center')
ww <- grep(regExp, showOptions, = TRUE)
if (length(ww) > 1){
warning("ambigous value for 'show', using 'ratio'...\n")
ww <- 1
} else if (length(ww) == 0){
warning("'show' not matching available options, using 'ratio'...\n")
ww <- 1
if (ww == 1){
mulP <- 1
} else if (ww == 2){
mulP <- 2
} else {
mulP <- 1/roundPloidy
numEl <- length(chrs(object))
if (length(segMean(object)) == numEl){
SegMean <- 2^segMean(object)
SegMean.n <- segMean.n(object) * mulP
} else {
SegMean <- rep(NA, length(ratio.s.n(object)))
SegMean.n <- rep(NA, length(ratio.s.n(object)))
if (length(ratio.s.n(object)) == numEl){
Ratio.s.n = ratio.s.n(object) * mulP
} else {
Ratio.s.n = rep(NA, numEl)
df <- data.frame(
Chr = chrs(object),
Pos = pos(object),
Ratio = ratio(object),
Ratio.n = ratio.n(object) * mulP,
Ratio.s.n = Ratio.s.n,
SegMean = SegMean,
SegMean.n = SegMean.n
# return (df)
write.table(df, file = file, sep = sep, row.names = row.names, ...)
setMethod(f = "gcNorm", signature = "CNAnorm", definition = .gcNorm)
setMethod(f = "pos", signature = "CNAnorm", definition = .pos)
setMethod(f = "arms", signature = "CNAnorm", definition = .arms)
setMethod(f = "addSmooth", signature = "CNAnorm", definition = .addSmooth)
setMethod(f = "addDNACopy", signature = "CNAnorm", definition = .addDNACopy)
setMethod(f = "peakPloidy", signature = "CNAnorm", definition = .peakPloidy)
setMethod(f = "validation", signature = "CNAnorm", definition = .validation)
setMethod(f = "discreteNorm", signature = "CNAnorm", definition = .discreteNorm)
setMethod(f = "plotGenome", signature = "CNAnorm", definition = .plotGenome)
setMethod(f = "plotPeaks", signature = "CNAnorm", definition = .plotPeaks)
setMethod(f = "[", signature = "CNAnorm", definition = .subSet)
setMethod(f = "exportTable", signature = "CNAnorm", definition = .exportTable)
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