Defines functions RenameBelowNode EqualGenes nodeDown ClassifyReference CorrelateReference PlotCHETAH PlotBox PlotTree Classify doCorrelation doCosine

Documented in Classify ClassifyReference CorrelateReference PlotCHETAH PlotTree RenameBelowNode

## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## ----------------------------------- CHETAH ------------------------------------------
## -- CHaracterization of cEll Types Aided by Hierarchical clustering ------------------
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Identification of cell types aided by hierarchical clustering
#' @description
#' CHETAH classifies an input dataset by comparing it to
#' a reference dataset in a stepwise, top-to-bottom fashion.
#' See 'details' for a full explanation.
#' \emph{NOTE: We recommend to use all the default parameters}
#' @param input \strong{required}: an input SingleCellExperiment.
#' (see: \href{https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/SingleCellExperiment.html}{Bioconductor},
#' and the vignette \code{browseVignettes("CHETAH")})
#' @param ref_cells \strong{required}: A reference SingleCellExperiment, with
#' the cell types in the "celltypes" colData (or otherwise defined in \code{ref_ct}.
#' @param ref_profiles \emph{optional} In case of bulk-RNA seq or micro-arrays,
#' an expression matrix with one (average) reference expression profile
#' per cell type in the columns. (`ref_cells` must be left empty)
#' @param ref_ct the colData of \code{ref_cells} where the cell types are stored.
#' @param input_c the name of the assay of the input to use.
#' \code{NA} (default) will use the first one.
#' @param ref_c same as \code{input_c}, but for the reference.
#' @param thresh the initial confidence threshold, which can be changed after running
#' by \code{\link{Classify}})
#' @param gs_method method for gene selection. In every node of the tree:
#' "fc" = quick method: either a fixed number (\code{n_genes})
#' of genes is selected with the highest fold-change (default),
#' or genes are selected that have a fold-change higher than \code{fc_thresh}
#' (the latter is used when \code{fix_ngenes = FALSE}) . \cr
#' "wilcox": genes are selected based on fold-change (\code{fc_thresh}),
#' percentage of expression (\code{pc_thresh}) and p-values (\code{p_thresh}),
#' p-values are found by the wilcox test.
#' @param cor_method the correlation measure: one of:
#' "spearman" (default), "kendall", "pearson", "cosine"
#' @param clust_method the method used for clustering the reference profiles.
#' One of the methods from \code{\link[stats]{hclust}}
#' @param clust_dist a distance measure, default: \code{\link[bioDist]{spearman.dist}}
#' @param n_genes The number of genes used in every step. Only used if
#' \code{fix_ngenes = TRUE}
#' @param pc_thresh when: \emph{gs_method = "wilcox"}, only genes are selected
#' for which more than a \code{pc_tresh} fraction of a reference group of cells
#' express that gene
#' @param p_thresh when: \emph{gs_method = "wilcox" }, only genes are selected
#' that have a p-value < \code{p_thresh}
#' @param fc_thresh when: \emph{gs_method = "wilcox" or gs_method = "fc"
#' AND fix_ngenes = FALSE},
#' only genes are selected that have a log2 fld-change > \code{fc_thresh}
#' between two reference groups. \cr
#' \strong{if this mode is selected, the reference must be in the log2 space}.
#' @param subsample to prevent reference types with a lot of cells to influence
#' the gene selection, subsample types with more that \code{subsample} cells
#' @param fix_ngenes when: \emph{gs_method = "fc"} use a fixed number of genes
#' for all correlations. when: \emph{gs_method = "wilcox"}
#' use a maximum of genes per step.
#' When \code{fix_ngenes = FALSE & gs_methode = "fc"} \code{fc_thresh}
#' is used to define the fold-change cut-off for gene selection.
#' @param plot.tree Plot the classification tree.
#' @param only_pos \emph{not recommended}: only use genes for a reference type
#' that are higher expressed in that type, than the others in that node.
#' @param print_steps whether the number of genes (postive and negative)
#' per step per ref_cell_type should be printed
#' @return
#' A SingleCellExperiment with added:
#' -  input$celltype_CHETAH
#' a named character vector that can directly be used in any other workflow/method.
#' -  "hidden" `int_colData` and `int_metadata`, not meant for direct interaction, but
#' which can all be viewed and interacted with using: `PlotCHETAH` and `CHETAHshiny`
#' A list containing the following objects is added to input$int_metadata$CHETAH
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \strong{classification} a named vector: the classified types
#'   with the corresponding names of the input cells
#'   \item \strong{tree} the hclust object of the classification tree
#'   \item \strong{nodetypes} A list with the cell types under each node
#'   \item \strong{nodecoor} the coordinates of the nodes of the classification tree
#'   \item \strong{genes} A list per node, containing a list per
#'   reference type with the genes used for the profile scores of that type
#'   \item \strong{parameters} The parameters used
#' }
#' A nested DataFrame is added to input$int_colData$CHETAH.
#' It holds 3 top-levels DataFrames
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \strong{prof_scores} A list with the profile scores
#'   \item \strong{conf_scores} A list with the confidence scores
#'   \item \strong{correlations} A list with the correlations of the
#'   input cells to the reference profiles
#' }
#' @details
#' CHETAH will hierarchically cluster reference data
#' to produce a classification tree (ct).
#' In each node of the ct, CHETAH will
#' assign each input cell to on of the two branches, based on gene selections,
#' correlations and calculation of profile and confidence scores.
#' The assignement will only performed if the confidence score for
#' such an assignment is higher than the Confidence Threshold.
#' If this is not the case, classification for the cell will stop in the current node.
#' Some input cells will reach the leaf nodes of the ct (the pre-defined cell types),
#' these classifications are called \strong{final types}
#' For other cells, assignment will stop in a node. These classifications
#' are called \strong{intermediate types}.  \cr
#' @export
#' @importFrom bioDist spearman.dist
#' @importFrom stats as.dendrogram cutree ecdf hclust p.adjust wilcox.test
#' @importFrom S4Vectors DataFrame
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment assay assays
#' @examples
#' ## Melanoma data from Tirosh et al. (2016) Science
#' input_mel
#' ## Head-Neck data from Puram et al. (2017) Cancer Cell
#' headneck_ref
#' input_mel <- CHETAHclassifier(input = input_mel, ref_cells = headneck_ref)
CHETAHclassifier <- function (input,
                              ref_cells =       NULL,
                              ref_profiles =    NULL,
                              ref_ct =          "celltypes",
                              input_c =         NA,
                              ref_c =           NA,
                              thresh =          0.1,
                              gs_method =       c("fc", "wilcox"),
                              cor_method =      c("spearman", "kendall", "pearson", "cosine"),
                              clust_method =    c("average", "single", "complete", "ward.D2", "ward.D", "mcquitty", "median", "centroid"),
                              clust_dist =      bioDist::spearman.dist,
                              n_genes =         200,
                              pc_thresh =       0.2,
                              p_thresh =        0.05,
                              fc_thresh =       1.5,
                              subsample =       FALSE,
                              fix_ngenes =      TRUE,
                              plot.tree =       FALSE,
                              only_pos =        FALSE,
                              print_steps =     FALSE) {
              is(clust_dist(matrix(seq_len(4), nrow = 2)), "dist"),
              !(is.null(ref_cells)) | !(is.null(ref_profiles)),
              (is(input, "SingleCellExperiment")),
              if (!is.null(ref_cells)) is(ref_cells, "SingleCellExperiment") else TRUE,
              if (!is.null(ref_profiles)) is(ref_profiles, "SingleCellExperiment") else TRUE)
    cor_method <- match.arg(cor_method)
    gs_method <- match.arg(gs_method)
    clust_method <- match.arg(clust_method)
    if (!is.null(ref_cells)) ref_check <- ref_cells else ref_check <- ref_profiles
	if (any(c("", " ") %in% ref_check[[ref_ct]])) stop("The cell types in the references contains an empty type '' or ' '. Please replace with a character string")
    if (!(ref_ct %in% names(SingleCellExperiment::colData(ref_check)))) {
        stop(paste0("Please add the cell type data in the colData of your reference and supply it's name to 'ref_ct').
                    Current colData:", paste(names(SingleCellExperiment::colData(ref_check)), collapse = " ")))
    }; rm(ref_check)
    input_c <- TestCHETAH(input = input, input_c = input_c,
                          runBefore = FALSE, object = "input")
    if (!is.null(ref_cells)) {
        ref_c <- TestCHETAH(input = ref_cells, input_c = ref_c,
                            runBefore = FALSE, parameter = "ref_c",
                            object = "ref_cells")
    if (is.null(ref_cells)) {
        message("Running without reference cells: classification will only be based on correlations \n")
    message('Preparing data....    \n')
    ## Same genes in reference as input & extract cell type names
    if (!is.null(ref_cells)) {
        if (!setequal(rownames(input), rownames(ref_cells))) {
            ref_cells <- EqualGenes(input, ref_cells)
        uniq_ct <- unique(ref_cells[[ref_ct]])
    } else {
        if (!setequal(rownames(input), rownames(ref_profiles))) {
            ref_profiles <- EqualGenes(input, ref_profiles)
        uniq_ct <- unique(ref_profiles[[ref_ct]])
    if (any(grepl("Node", uniq_ct))) {
        stop("Please don't use 'Node' in any cell type name. This is essential for the method to run. Please change, e.g. to lower case 'node'")
    if (any(grepl("Unassigned", uniq_ct))) {
        stop("Please don't use 'Unassigned' in any cell type name. This is essential for the method to run. Please change, e.g. to lower case 'unassigned'")
    ## Make reference_profiles (one average profile per reference cell type):
    if (is.null(ref_profiles)) {
        ref_profiles <- MeanRef(ref = ref_cells, method = "mean", ref_ct = ref_ct, ref_c = ref_c)
    } else if (is(ref_profiles, "SingleCellExperiment")) {
        ref_profiles <- SummarizedExperiment::assay(ref_profiles, ref_c)
    ## Make ref_types
    if (!is.null(ref_cells)) {
        ref_types <- ref_cells[[ref_ct]]
        names(ref_types) <- colnames(ref_cells)
    } else {
        ref_types <- NULL
    ## Make an environment to store the classification information and variables in
    Env <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
    variables <- list(nodeheigths = c(), ##the heights of the different tree nodes, for plotting convenience
                      profilescores = S4Vectors::DataFrame(initial = rep(NA, ncol(input))), # a list of the profile scores per node
                      nodetypes = list(), # a list of the reference cell types per node
                      correlations = S4Vectors::DataFrame(initial = rep(NA, ncol(input))), # a list of the input correlations per node
                      confidencescores = S4Vectors::DataFrame(initial = rep(NA, ncol(input))), # a list of the confidence scores per node
                      genes = list(), # The gene names that are used in each node
                      counter = 0, # to keep track of the node depth/number
                      tree = NULL, # will be filled with the classification tree
                      p_thresh = p_thresh, # the p-value threshold for wilcox
                      fc_thresh = fc_thresh, # the fold-change threshold for wilcox (or fc, when fix_ngenes = FALSE)
                      pc_thresh = pc_thresh, # the % of expression threshold for wilcox
                      fix_ngenes = fix_ngenes, # boolean, use a fixed number of genes?
                      subsample = subsample, # boolean, subsample ref_types, to min(table(ref_types))
                      only_pos = only_pos, # use only higher expressed genes
                      clust_dist = clust_dist, # clustering distance
                      cor_method = cor_method, # correlation method
                      gs_method = gs_method, # gene selection method (fold-change ('fc'), or wilcox)
                      print_steps = print_steps, # print the number of selected genes in each step?
                      clust_method = clust_method, # clustering method
                      n_genes = n_genes, # number of genes used, if fix_ngenes = TRUE
                      input_c = input_c,
                      ref_c = ref_c)
    Env <- list2env(variables, envir = Env)
    ## Calculate the profile and confidence scores in each node
    message('Running analysis... \n')
    SplitNodes(Env = Env, # the environment
               input = input, # the input expression matrix
               ref_cells = ref_cells, ## matrix of all reference cells
               ref_types = ref_types, ## types of the ref_cells matrix
               ref_profiles =  ref_profiles) ## matrix of the average reference profiles per cell type
    ## For plotting purposes, find the x coordinates of the nodes of the classification tree
    heights <- Env$nodeheigths
    hc <- Env$tree
    coor <- cbind("y" = heights, "x" = rep(NA, length(heights)))
    coordinates <- dendextend::get_nodes_xy(as.dendrogram(hc))
    coordinates <- coordinates[coordinates[,2] != 0, ]
    coor[ ,2] <- coordinates[,1][match(coor[ ,1], coordinates[ ,2])]
    ## Remove the initial columns of the DataFrames
    colnames(Env$profilescores) <- paste0("Node", seq_len(length(Env$profilescores)) - 1)
    colnames(Env$confidencescores) <- paste0("Node", seq_len(length(Env$confidencescores)) - 1)
    colnames(Env$correlations) <- paste0("Node", seq_len(length(Env$correlations)) - 1)
    ## Remove with only bulk profiles
    if (is.null(ref_cells)) {
        Env$profilescores <- NULL
        Env$confidencescores <- NULL
    ## Define output
    parameters <- list(available.types = colnames(ref_profiles),
                       n_genes = n_genes,
                       cor_method = cor_method,
                       clust_method = clust_method,
                       clust_dist = clust_dist,
                       thresh = thresh,
                       subsample = subsample,
                       only_pos = only_pos,
                       pc_thresh = pc_thresh,
                       p_thresh = p_thresh,
                       fc_thresh = fc_thresh,
                       gs_method = gs_method,
                       fix_ngenes = fix_ngenes)
    ## Add hidden meta-data
    SingleCellExperiment::int_colData(input)$CHETAH <- S4Vectors::DataFrame(prof_scores = rep(NA, ncol(input)))
    SingleCellExperiment::int_colData(input)$CHETAH$prof_scores <- Env$profilescores
    SingleCellExperiment::int_colData(input)$CHETAH$conf_scores <- Env$confidencescores
    SingleCellExperiment::int_colData(input)$CHETAH$correlations <- Env$correlations
    ## Add the general metadata
    SingleCellExperiment::int_metadata(input)$CHETAH <- list(nodetypes = Env$nodetypes,
                                                             tree = hc,
                                                             nodecoor = coor,
                                                             genes = Env$genes,
                                                             parameters = parameters,
                                                             input_c = input_c)
    ## Add the (visible) classification meta-data
    input <- Classify(input = input, thresh = thresh)
    if (plot.tree) PlotTree(input = input)
    }     ### CHETAHclassifier
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Called by the CHETAHclassifier. Determines the branches
# of the current node of the classification tree,
# calls ScoreNode and reruns itself on the next-higher node(s).
# The fact that this function is recursive,
# makes it possible to do all calculations from top to bottom
SplitNodes <- function (input, Env, ref_profiles, ref_cells, ref_types) {
    ## Keep track of the number of the current node
    Env$counter <- Env$counter + 1
    ## (Re)construct the classification tree and cut at the highest node
    hc <- hclust(Env$clust_dist(t(ref_profiles)), method = Env$clust_method)
    branches <- cutree(hc, k = 2)
    ## Get the names of the celltypes in the two branches and save
    branch1 <- names(branches[branches == 1])
    branch2 <- names(branches[branches == 2])
    Env$nodetypes[[Env$counter]] <- branches
    Env$nodeheigths[Env$counter] <- max(hc$height)
    if (Env$counter == 1) Env$tree <- hc
    if (Env$print_steps) message("Left node: ", branch1, "\nRight node: ", branch2, "\n")
    ## Calculate correlations, profile and confidence scores
    ScoreNode(branch1 = branch1,
              branch2 = branch2,
              input = input,
              Env = Env,
              ref_profiles = ref_profiles,
              ref_cells = ref_cells,
              ref_types = ref_types)
    ## If a branch contains 2 or more cell types (and thus other nodes),
    ## perform the steps in the lower nodes
    if (length(branch1) > 1) {
        SplitNodes(ref_profiles = ref_profiles[ ,branch1],input = input, Env = Env,
                   ref_cells = ref_cells, ref_types = ref_types)
    if (length(branch2) > 1) {
        SplitNodes(ref_profiles = ref_profiles[ ,branch2], input = input, Env = Env,
                   ref_cells = ref_cells, ref_types = ref_types)
}      ### SplitNodes
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Called by the CHETAHclassifier via SplitNode.
# Does the actual gene selections and correlations
# and calculates confidence scores.
ScoreNode <- function  (ref_profiles, branch1, branch2, input, Env, ref_cells, ref_types) {
    leaves <- c(branch1, branch2)
    Env$genes[[Env$counter]] <- list()
    ##################### First, gene selection and correlations are done for each reference cell type
    for (uniquetype in seq_len(length(leaves))) {
        ## save names of cell types in the same branch and cell types in the other branch
        current_type <- leaves[uniquetype]
        branch <- if(current_type %in% branch1) branch1 else branch2
        oth_branch <- if(current_type %in% branch1) branch2 else branch1
        ## Subsample types with many cells.
        if (!is.null(ref_cells)) {
            current_cells <- names(ref_types[ref_types %in% current_type])
            if (Env$subsample) {
                min_group_size <- min(table(ref_types[ref_types %in% oth_branch]))
                otherbranch_c <- c()
                for(i in seq_len(length(oth_branch))) {
                    cells <- names(ref_types[ref_types %in% oth_branch[i]]) ## ob == "other branch"
                    if (length(cells) > min_group_size ) {
                        cells <- cells[sample(length(cells), min_group_size)]
                    otherbranch_c <- c(otherbranch_c, cells)
            } else {
                otherbranch_c <- names(ref_types[ref_types %in% oth_branch])
        ## select genes that are differentially expressed
        ## between current type and the other branch
        if (Env$gs_method == "wilcox" & !is.null(ref_cells)) {
            genes <- doWilcox(current_cells = current_cells,
                              otherbranch_c = otherbranch_c,
                              ref_cells = ref_cells,
                              Env = Env)
        } else {
            genes <- FindDiscrGenes(ref_profiles = ref_profiles,
                                    type = current_type,
                                    other_branch = oth_branch,
                                    Env = Env)
        Env$genes[[Env$counter]][[current_type]] <- genes
        genes <- names(genes)
        ## Correlate to the reference cell type using the just selected genes
        if (Env$cor_method == "cosine") {
            correlations <- doCosine(genes = genes,
                                     input = input,
                                     ref_cells = ref_cells,
                                     current_cells = current_cells,
                                     otherbranch_c = otherbranch_c,
                                     ref_profiles = ref_profiles,
                                     type = current_type,
                                     Env = Env)
        } else {
            correlations <- doCorrelation(ref_profiles = ref_profiles,
                                          genes = genes,
                                          input = input,
                                          ref_cells = ref_cells,
                                          current_cells = current_cells,
                                          otherbranch_c = otherbranch_c,
                                          type = current_type,
                                          Env = Env)
        ## correlation of input cells to the current reference profile (RP)
        cor_i <- correlations[["cor_i"]]
        ## correlation of reference cells of current type to RP
        cor_t <- correlations[["cor_t"]]
        ## correlation of reference cells in the other branch to RP
        cor_ob <- correlations[["cor_ob"]]
        ## produce the profile scores
        if(!is.null(ref_cells)) {
            good <- ecdf(cor_t)
            false <- ecdf(cor_ob)
            goodvalues <- good(cor_i) ; names(goodvalues) <- colnames(input)
            falsevalues <- (1 - false(cor_i)) ; names(falsevalues) <- colnames(input)
            profile_score <- goodvalues - falsevalues
        } else profile_score <- NA
        ## Add the profile scores and correlations of all types to one matrix
        if (uniquetype == 1) prof_scores <- S4Vectors::DataFrame(profile_score) else {
            prof_scores <- cbind(prof_scores, profile_score)
        if (uniquetype == 1) cors <- S4Vectors::DataFrame(cor_i) else cors <- cbind(cors, cor_i)
    } ########### End of correlations per reference type
    if(Env$print_steps) message("\n")
    colnames(cors) <- leaves
    if (!is.null(prof_scores)) colnames(prof_scores) <- leaves
    ## Calculate confidence scores
    if(!is.null(ref_cells)) {
        for(type_number in seq_len(length(leaves))) {
            ## Select type
            type <- leaves[type_number]
            ## Calculate the final confidence scores
            if(type %in% branch1) {
                prof_scores_ob <- apply(prof_scores[ ,branch2, drop = FALSE], 1, mean)
            } else {
                prof_scores_ob <- apply(prof_scores[ ,branch1, drop = FALSE], 1, mean)
            confidence <- prof_scores[ ,type_number] - prof_scores_ob
            ## save confidence score
            if (type_number == 1) conf_scores <- S4Vectors::DataFrame(confidence) else {
                conf_scores <- cbind(conf_scores, confidence)
        colnames(conf_scores) <- leaves
    } else conf_scores <- NA
    ## Save all the info of this step
    Env$confidencescores[[Env$counter]] <- conf_scores
    Env$correlations[[Env$counter]] <- cors
    Env$profilescores[[Env$counter]] <- prof_scores
}    ### ScoreNode
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Used by ScoreNode to do the gene selection, only based on fld-change between two groups of cells
FindDiscrGenes <- function (type, other_branch, ref_profiles, Env) {
    ## Calculate mean
    group1 <- apply(ref_profiles[ , type, drop = FALSE], 1, mean)
    group2 <- apply(ref_profiles[ , other_branch, drop = FALSE], 1, mean)
    group_diff <- group1-group2
    if (!Env$only_pos) {
        gd <- group_diff
        group_diff <- abs(group_diff)
    ## select the genes
        pnn_genes <- group_diff
        pn_genes <- pnn_genes[pnn_genes > Env$fc_thresh]
        fc_thresh <- Env$fc_thresh
        while (length(pn_genes) == 0) {
            fc_thresh <- fc_thresh*0.5
            pn_genes <- pnn_genes[pnn_genes > fc_thresh]
        pp_genes <- sum(pn_genes > 0)
        if (fc_thresh != Env$fc_thresh) message("decreased fc_thresh to", fc_thresh, '   ')
        if(Env$print_steps) message("|", length(pn_genes), "/", pp_genes, "|")
    } else {
        pn_genes <- sort(group_diff, decreasing = TRUE)[seq_len(Env$n_genes)]
        top <- sort(group_diff, decreasing = TRUE)[seq_len(Env$n_genes)]
        pn_genes <- rep(1, length(top))
        names(pn_genes) <- names(top)
        if (!Env$only_pos) pn_genes[gd[names(pn_genes)] < 0] <- 0
        # Print the number of selected genes
        if(Env$print_steps) message("|", length(pn_genes), "/", sum(pn_genes), "|")
}        ### FindDiscrGenes

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Used by ScoreNode to do the gene selections using the Wilcox test
doWilcox <- function (current_cells, otherbranch_c, ref_cells, Env) {
    ## First calculate the fld change and percentage of cells expressing the gene, per gene.
    fld <- apply(SummarizedExperiment::assay(ref_cells, Env$ref_c), 1, function (z) {
        mean(z[current_cells]) - mean(z[otherbranch_c])
    pct1 <- apply(SummarizedExperiment::assay(ref_cells, Env$ref_c), 1, function (z) {
        sum(z[current_cells] > 0) / length(current_cells)
    pct2 <- apply(SummarizedExperiment::assay(ref_cells, Env$ref_c), 1, function (z) {
        sum(z[otherbranch_c] > 0) / length(otherbranch_c)
    ## Take only the genes in the ref_cells that exceed the fld and pct thresholds
    ## To prevent no genes exceeding the threshold, increase the threshold if necessary when needed
    fc_thresh <- Env$fc_thresh
    if(Env$only_pos) {
        testgenes  <- SummarizedExperiment::assay(ref_cells, Env$ref_c)[((pct1 > Env$pc_thresh |
                                                                              pct2 > Env$pc_thresh) &
                                                                             fld > fc_thresh), , drop = FALSE]
        while (nrow(testgenes) < 3) {
            fc_thresh <- 0.5 * fc_thresh
            testgenes <- SummarizedExperiment::assay(ref_cells, Env$ref_c)[((pct1 > Env$pc_thresh |
                                                                                 pct2 > Env$pc_thresh) &
                                                                                (fld > fc_thresh)), , drop = FALSE]
    } else {
        testgenes <- SummarizedExperiment::assay(ref_cells, Env$ref_c)[((pct1 > Env$pc_thresh |
                                                                             pct2 > Env$pc_thresh) &
                                                                            (fld > fc_thresh |
                                                                                 fld < -fc_thresh)), , drop = FALSE]
        fc_thresh <- Env$fc_thresh
        while (nrow(testgenes) < 3) {
            fc_thresh <- 0.5 * fc_thresh
            testgenes <- SummarizedExperiment::assay(ref_cells, Env$ref_c)[((pct1 > Env$pc_thresh |
                                                                                 pct2 > Env$pc_thresh) &
                                                                                (fld > fc_thresh |
                                                                                     fld < -fc_thresh)), , drop = FALSE]
    if (fc_thresh != Env$fc_thresh) message("decreased fc_thresh to", log2(fc_thresh), '   ')
    ## Wilcox test + p-adjustment & select the genes
    pval <- apply(testgenes, 1, function (z) {
        wtest <- wilcox.test(x = z[current_cells], y = z[otherbranch_c])
    pval[is.na(pval)] <- 1
    pval <- p.adjust(pval, method = "bonferroni", n=length(pval))
    genes <- names(pval)[pval < Env$p_thresh]
    ## To prevent no genes exceeding the threshold, increase the threshold if necessary when needed
    p_thresh <- Env$p_thresh
    while (length(genes) == 0) {
        p_thresh <- p_thresh * 10
        genes <- names(pval)[pval < p_thresh]
    if (p_thresh != Env$p_thresh) message("p-val increased to", p_thresh, '   ')
    ## which genes are higher expressed and which lower
    pn_genes <- rep(0, length(genes))
    names(pn_genes) <- genes
    pn_genes[fld[genes] > 0] <- 1
    ## Print the number of selected genes
    if (Env$print_steps) message("|", length(pn_genes), "/", sum(pn_genes), "|")
}    ## doWilcox
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Used by ScoreNode to do the correlations using cosine
doCosine <- function(genes, input, ref_cells, current_cells,
                     otherbranch_c, ref_profiles, type, Env) {
    ## matrices with selected genes + cells
    cells_i <- SummarizedExperiment::assay(input, Env$input_c)[genes, , drop = FALSE]
    cells_t <- ref_profiles[genes, type, drop = FALSE]
    ## Do cosine
    t_vs_t <- drop(crossprod(cells_t,cells_t))
    cor_i <-  drop(crossprod(cells_t,cells_i)/sqrt(diag(crossprod(cells_i,cells_i)) * t_vs_t))
    cor_i[is.na(cor_i)] <- 0
    names(cor_i) <- colnames(input)
    if(!is.null(ref_cells)) {
        ## same steps for type and other branch
        cells_b <- ref_cells[genes , current_cells, drop = FALSE]
        cells_ob <- ref_cells[genes , otherbranch_c, drop = FALSE]
        cor_t <-  drop(crossprod(cells_t,cells_b)/
                           sqrt(diag(crossprod(cells_b,cells_b)) * t_vs_t))
        cor_ob <- drop(crossprod(cells_t,cells_ob)/
                           sqrt(diag(crossprod(cells_ob,cells_ob)) * t_vs_t))
        cor_t[is.na(cor_t)] <- 0
        cor_ob[is.na(cor_ob)] <- 0
        names(cor_t) <- current_cells
        names(cor_ob) <- otherbranch_c
    } else {
        cor_t <- NULL
        cor_ob <- NULL
    data <- list(cor_i, cor_t, cor_ob)
    names(data) <- c("cor_i", "cor_t", "cor_ob")
}     ##doCosine
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Used by ScoreNode to do the correlations (if Env$cor_method != cosine)
doCorrelation <- function(ref_profiles, genes, input, ref_cells,
                          current_cells, otherbranch_c, type, Env) {
    ## as.matrix: in cases were a sparse Matrix is used
    ## suppressWarnings: suppress warnings when the sd is 0 and cor returns a/some NA(s)
    cor_i <-   suppressWarnings(cor(as.matrix(SummarizedExperiment::assay(input, Env$input_c)[genes, , drop = FALSE]),
                                    as.matrix(ref_profiles[genes, type, drop = FALSE]),
                                    method = Env$cor_method))
    cor_i[is.na(cor_i)] <- 0
    names(cor_i) <- colnames(input)
    if(!is.null(ref_cells)) {
        cor_t <- suppressWarnings(cor(as.matrix(SummarizedExperiment::assay(ref_cells, Env$ref_c)[genes , current_cells, drop = FALSE]),
                                      as.matrix(ref_profiles[genes, type, drop = FALSE]),
                                      method = Env$cor_method))
        cor_ob <- suppressWarnings(cor(as.matrix(SummarizedExperiment::assay(ref_cells, Env$ref_c)[genes , otherbranch_c, drop = FALSE]),
                                       as.matrix(ref_profiles[genes, type, drop = FALSE]),
                                       method = Env$cor_method))
        cor_t[is.na(cor_t)] <- 0
        cor_ob[is.na(cor_ob)] <- 0
        names(cor_t) <- current_cells
        names(cor_ob) <- otherbranch_c
    } else {
        cor_t <- NULL
        cor_ob <- NULL
    data <- list(cor_i, cor_t, cor_ob)
    names(data) <- c("cor_i", "cor_t", "cor_ob")
}     ## doCorrelation
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' (Re)classify after running \code{\link{CHETAHclassifier}} using a confidence threshold \cr
#' NOTE: In case of bulk reference profiles: only the correlations will be used,
#' as the data does not allow for profile or confidence scores to be calculated.
#' @param input a SingleCellExperiment on which \code{\link{CHETAHclassifier}} has been run
#' @param thresh a confidence threshold between -0 and 2. \cr
#' Selecting 0 will classify all cells, whereas 2 will result i
#' n (almost) no cells to be classified. \cr
#' \emph{recommended}: between 0.1 (fairly confident) and 1 (very confident)
#' @param return_clas Instead of returning the SingleCellExperiment, only return the classification vector
#' @return
#' a charachter vector of the cell types with the names of the cells
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## Classify all cells
#' input_mel <- Classify(input_mel, 0)
#' ## Classify only cells with a very high confidence
#' input_mel <- Classify(input_mel, 1)
#' ## Back to the default
#' input_mel <- Classify(input_mel)
#' ## Return only the classification vector
#' celltypes <- Classify(input_mel, 1, return_clas = TRUE)
Classify <- function(input, thresh = 0.1, return_clas = FALSE) {
    TestCHETAH(input = input)
    chetah_data <- SingleCellExperiment::int_colData(input)$CHETAH
    nodetypes <- SingleCellExperiment::int_metadata(input)$CHETAH$nodetypes
    ## Get parameters
    if(!is.null(chetah_data$conf_scores)) { ### TODO check this with profile scores only
        conf <- chetah_data$conf_scores
        prof <- chetah_data$prof_scores
    } else {
        conf <- NULL
        prof <- chetah_data$correlations
    ## Run over the tree
    classification <- nodeDown(conf = conf, prof = prof, node = 1,
                               thresh = thresh, nodetypes = nodetypes)
    names(classification) <- rownames(prof[[1]])
    input$celltype_CHETAH <- classification
    if (return_clas) return(classification) else return(input)

## ---------------------------------
# To make a profile_matrix from a list of reference matrices
MeanRef <- function (ref,
                     method = "mean",
                     scale = 10000,
                     log = FALSE,
                     ref_c) {
    if (!(method == "mean" | method == "median")) {
        stop ("method must be either mean or median")
    ref_means <- list()
    for(type_sl in unique(ref[[ref_ct]])) {
        new <- apply(SummarizedExperiment::assay(ref[ ,ref[[ref_ct]] == type_sl], ref_c), 1, method)
        ref_means[[type_sl]] <- new
    ref_means <- do.call(cbind, ref_means)
    colnames(ref_means) <- unique(ref[[ref_ct]])
    rownames(ref_means) <- rownames(ref)
    ## return
}              ## MeanRef
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Plots the chetah classification tree with nodes numbered
#' @param input a SingleCellExperiment on which \code{\link{CHETAHclassifier}} has been run
#' @param col a vector of colors, with the names of the reference cell types
#' @param col_nodes a vector of colors, ordered for node 1 till the last node
#' @param return instead of printing, return the ggplot object
#' @param no_bgc remove the background color from the node numbers
#' @param plot_limits define the % of the plot_heigth that should be used as a margin below and above the plot
#' Decreasing the former further is usefull when the labels are cut of the plot (default = c(-0,25, 01)).
#' @param labelsize the size of the intermediate and leaf node labels (default = 6)
#' @return
#' A ggplot object of the classification tree
#' @export
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom dendextend color_branches
#' @importFrom dendextend color_labels
#' @importFrom stats as.dendrogram
#' @examples PlotTree(input = input_mel)
PlotTree <- function(input, col = NULL,
                     col_nodes = NULL,
                     return = FALSE,
                     no_bgc = FALSE,
                     plot_limits = c(-0.4, 0.1),
                     labelsize = 6) {
    TestCHETAH(input = input)
    ## Extract parameters + make dendrogram
    meta_data <- input@int_metadata$CHETAH
    lbls <- meta_data$tree$labels
    ord <- meta_data$tree$order
    meta_data$tree$labels <- paste0(meta_data$tree$labels, "  ")
    hc <- as.dendrogram(meta_data$tree)
    hc <- dendextend::set(hc, 'labels_cex', labelsize/6)
    ## Give colors
    if(!is.null(col)) {
        col1 <- col[lbls[ord]]
        hc <- dendextend::color_branches(hc, clusters = seq_len(length(lbls)), col = col1)
        hc <- dendextend::color_labels(hc, col = col1)
    if(!is.null(col_nodes)) {
        col_n <- col_nodes[grepl("Node", names(col_nodes))]
        names(col_n) <- gsub("Node", "", names(col_n))
        col_n <- col_n[order(as.numeric(names(col_n)))][seq_len(nrow(meta_data$nodecoor)) - 1]
        col_n <- c(col_nodes[grepl("Unassigned", names(col_nodes))], col_n)
        names(col_n)[1] <- 0
        col_r <- col_n
        alpha1 <- 0.2
    } else {
        col_n <- rep("black", nrow(meta_data$nodecoor))
        col_r <- "white"
        alpha1 <- 0.8
    if(no_bgc) {
        col_r <- "white"
        alpha1 <- 0.8
    ## Extract additional parameters
    maxh <- max(dendextend::get_branches_heights(hc))
    length <- length(labels(hc))
    ## Plot
    ggdend <- ggplot(hc) +
        annotate(geom = "rect",
                 xmin = meta_data$nodecoor[, "x"] - 0.02*length,
                 xmax = meta_data$nodecoor[, "x"] + 0.02*length,
                 ymin = meta_data$nodecoor[, "y"] - 0.05*maxh,
                 ymax = meta_data$nodecoor[, "y"] + 0.05*maxh,
                 fill = col_r, alpha = alpha1) +
        annotate(geom = "text",
                 x = meta_data$nodecoor[, "x"],
                 y = meta_data$nodecoor[, "y"],
                 label = c(0, seq_len(nrow(meta_data$nodecoor) - 1)),
                 size = labelsize, fontface = "bold",
                 col = col_n) +
        ylim(plot_limits[1]*maxh, maxh+plot_limits[2]*maxh) +
        ggtitle("Classification Tree")
    ## Delete layer that gives warnings
    keep <- !unlist(lapply(ggdend$layers, function(x) is(x$geom, "GeomPoint")))
    ggdend$layers <- ggdend$layers[keep]
    if (return) return(ggdend) else suppressWarnings(print(ggdend))
}   ## PlotTree
## -----------------------------------------------------------
#' Plots a variable on a t-SNE
#' @param toplot the variable that should be plotted. Either a character vector
#' or a factor, or a (continuous) numeric.
#' If toplot is not named with the rownames of \code{redD}, it is assumed
#' that the order of the two is the same.
#' @param input a SingleCellExperiment on which \code{\link{CHETAHclassifier}} has been run
#' @param redD the name of the reducedDim of the input to use for plotting
#' @param col a vector of colors. If \code{toplot} is a numeric,
#' this will become a continuous scale. \cr
#' \emph{If \code{toplot} is a charachter vector, the colors should
#' be named with the unique values (/levels) of toplot}
#' @param return instead of printing, return the ggplot object
#' @param limits the limits of the continuous variable to plot.
#' When not provided the minimal and maximal value will be used
#' @param pt.size the point-size
#' @param shiny Needed for the shiny application: should always be NULL
#' @param y_limits the y-axis limits
#' @param x_limits the x-axis limits, if NULL
#' @param legend_label the label of the legend
#' @return
#' A ggplot object
#' @export
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom gplots colorpanel
#' @examples
#' CD8 <- assay(input_mel)['CD8A', ]
#' PlotTSNE(toplot = CD8, input = input_mel)
PlotTSNE <- function (toplot, input, redD = NA, col = NULL, return = FALSE,
                      limits = NULL, pt.size = 1, shiny = NULL,
                      y_limits = NULL, x_limits = NULL, legend_label = '') {
    redD <- TestCHETAH(input = input, redD = redD)
    redD <- SingleCellExperiment::reducedDim(input, redD)
    ## Merge redD and toplot
    if (is.null(names(toplot)) & is.null(dim(toplot))) names(toplot) <- rownames(redD)
    toplot <- data.frame(toplot, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
    if (!is.null(shiny) & ncol(toplot) == 2) colnames(toplot)[2] <- 'key'
    toplot$rn <- rownames(toplot)
    colnames(toplot)[1] <- "variable"
    redD <- data.frame(redD)
    redD$rn <- rownames(redD)
    colnames(redD) <- c("tSNE_1", "tSNE_2", "rn")
    data <- merge(toplot, redD, by = "rn")
    ## Initial plot
    if (!is.null(shiny)) {
        text <- paste0('cell_label: ', data$rn, '<br>', data$shiny, data$variable)
        if ('key' %in% colnames(data)) text <- paste0(text, '<br>','cell type: ', data$key)
        data$text <- text
        plot <- ggplot(data, aes_string(x='tSNE_1', y='tSNE_2', text = 'text'))
    } else {
        plot <- ggplot(data, aes_string(x='tSNE_1', y='tSNE_2'))
    plot <- plot +
        theme_classic() +
        geom_point(aes_string(color = 'variable'), size = pt.size) +
        labs(color = legend_label) +
        theme(legend.text = element_text(size=10),
              legend.title = element_text(size=10))
    class <- class(toplot[,1])
    # For a categorical variable:
    if(class == "factor") {
        plot <- plot +
            guides(colour = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = 2.5*pt.size),
                                         ncol = 1, title = legend_label))
        if (!is.null(col)) plot <- plot + scale_color_manual(values = col)
    # For a numeric variable:
    if(class == "numeric" | class == 'integer') {
        if (is.null(limits)) {
            limits <- c(min(toplot[,1])-(0.01*min(toplot[,1])),
        if (is.null(col)) {
            col <- c(gplots::colorpanel(n = 50, low = '#2f2bad', mid = '#93cfe2', high = '#fffaaa'),
                     gplots::colorpanel(n = 50, low = '#fffaaa', mid = "#ffad66", high = '#d60000'))
        plot <- plot +
            scale_color_gradientn(colors = col, limits = limits)
    ## Define plotting limits
    if (!is.null(x_limits)) {
        plot <- plot + lims(x = c(x_limits[1]-(0.01*x_limits[1]), x_limits[2]+(0.01*x_limits[2]))) }
    if (!is.null(y_limits)) {
        plot <- plot + lims(y = c(y_limits[1]-(0.01*y_limits[1]), y_limits[2]+(0.01*y_limits[2]))) }
    if (return) return(plot) else print(plot)
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Plot boxplots grouped by a class variable
PlotBox <- function(toplot, class, col = NULL, grad_col = NULL,
                    limits = NULL, return = FALSE) {
    toplot <- data.frame(toplot)
    class <- data.frame(class, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
    col <- col[levels(class[,1])]
    if (is.null(limits)) {
        limits <- c(min(toplot[,1])-0.01, max(toplot[,1])+0.01)
    data <- cbind.data.frame(toplot, class)
    colnames(data) <- c("score", "class")
    ## Plot basics + background
    plot <- ggplot(data, aes_string(x = 'class', y = 'score')) +
        geom_hline(yintercept = 0, color = "gray80") +
        theme_classic() +
        theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 60, hjust = 1, size = 10)) +
        labs(color = "cell types") +
        xlab("cell types") +
        ylab("score") +
        ylim(low = limits[1], high = limits[2]) +
    ## background jitter (value per cell, scattered on the x-axis)
    if (!is.null(col)) plot <- plot + scale_color_manual(values = col)
    if (is.null(grad_col)) {
        plot <- plot + geom_jitter(aes_string(color = 'class'), size = 0.1)
    } else {
        plot <- plot +
            geom_jitter(aes_string(fill = 'score'),
                        size = 0.1, shape = 21, color = grDevices::rgb(0,0,0,0)) +
            scale_fill_gradientn(colors = grad_col, limits = c(-2,2))
    ## Add the boxplot
    plot <- plot  + geom_boxplot(aes_string(color = 'class'),
                                 fill = grDevices::rgb(1,1,1, 0.6), outlier.colour="NA")
    if (return) return(plot) else print(plot)
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Plot the CHETAH classification on 2D visulization like t-SNE
#' + the corresponding classification tree,
#' colored with the same colors
#' @param input a SingleCellExperiment on which \code{\link{CHETAHclassifier}} has been run
#' @param redD the name of the reducedDim of the input to use for plotting
#' @param interm color the intermediate instead of the final types
#' @param tree plot the tree, along with the classification
#' @param pt.size the point-size of the classication plot
#' @param return_col whether the colors that are used for
#' the classification plot should be returned
#' @param col custom colors for the cell types. \emph{the colors
#' should be named with the corresponding cell types}
#' @param return return the plot instead of printing it
#' @return a ggplot object
#' @export
#' @importFrom cowplot plot_grid
#' @importFrom grDevices rainbow rgb
#' @examples
#' ## Standard plot (final types colored)
#' PlotCHETAH(input = input_mel)
#' ## Intermediate types colored
#' PlotCHETAH(input = input_mel, interm = TRUE)
#' ## Plot only the t-SNE plot
#' PlotCHETAH(input = input_mel, tree = FALSE)
PlotCHETAH <- function(input, redD = NA, interm = FALSE, return = FALSE,
                       tree = TRUE, pt.size = 1, return_col = FALSE, col = NULL) {
    TestCHETAH(input = input)
    ## Determine colors: if not custom, use the predefined ones. If too many cell types: rainbow.
    meta_data <- input@int_metadata$CHETAH
    classification <- input$celltype_CHETAH
    if(is.null(col)) {
        colors <- c ('blue', 'gold', 'cyan3', 'navy',
                     'forestgreen', 'orange', 'darkolivegreen3',
                     'brown', 'green', 'purple','deepskyblue', 'cyan',
                     'orangered3', 'coral', 'yellow3', "black",
                     'yellow1', 'darkorchid1', 'darksalmon', 'darkseagreen1',
                     'darkslategrey', 'deeppink4', 'green2', 'lemonchiffon1',
                     'lightcyan', 'midnightblue', 'maroon1', 'orange3', 'palegreen',
                     'palevioletred1', 'peru', 'seagreen1', 'red3', 'snow2',
                     'steelblue1', 'turquoise')
        leaf_nodes <- names(meta_data$nodetypes[[1]])
        int_nodes <- c("Unassigned", paste0("Node", seq_len(length(meta_data$nodetypes))))
        ## Add other names, in case user renamed types
        extra_nodes <- unique(classification)[!(unique(classification) %in% names(meta_data$nodetypes[[1]]))]
        extra_nodes <- extra_nodes[!(extra_nodes %in% int_nodes)]
        if (length(extra_nodes) > 0) leaf_nodes <- c(leaf_nodes, extra_nodes)
        M <- max(length(int_nodes), length(leaf_nodes))
        if (M < 24)   {
            gray <- paste0('gray', rev(seq(2, 92, 4)))
        } else if (M < 47) {
            gray <- paste0('gray', rev(seq(2, 92, 2)))
        } else {
            gray <- rep('gray70', M)
        if (M > 36) colors <- grDevices::rainbow(M)
        ## color either the final, or intermediate types
        if(!interm) {
            names(colors) <- leaf_nodes
            names(gray) <- int_nodes
        } else {
            names(colors) <- int_nodes
            names(gray) <- leaf_nodes
        col <- c(gray, colors)
        col <- col[!is.na(names(col))]
    } else col <- col
    ## Plot
    toplot <- classification
    u_toplot <- unique(toplot)
    toplot <- factor(toplot, levels = c(sort(u_toplot[!grepl("Node|Unassigned", u_toplot)]),
                                        u_toplot[grepl("Unassigned", u_toplot)],
                                        sort(u_toplot[grepl("Node", u_toplot)])))
    plot1 <- PlotTSNE(toplot = toplot, input = input, redD = redD,
                      col = col, return = TRUE, pt.size = pt.size)
    if(!interm) plot2 <- PlotTree(input, col, return = TRUE)
    if(interm) plot2 <- PlotTree(input, col_nodes = col, no_bgc = TRUE, return = TRUE)
    if (tree) {
        plots <- cowplot::plot_grid(plot1, plot2, ncol = 2)
    } else plots <- plot1
    if (return) return(plots) else print(plots)
    if (return_col) return(col)
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Correlate all reference profiles to each other
#' using differentially expressed genes.
#' @param ref_cells the reference, similar to
#' \code{\link{CHETAHclassifier}}'s ref_cells
#' @param ref_profiles similar to
#' \code{\link{CHETAHclassifier}}'s ref_profiles
#' @param ref_c the assay of \code{ref_cells} to use
#' @param ref_ct the colData of \code{ref_cells} where the cell types are stored.
#' @param return return the matrix that was used to produce the plot
#' @param n_genes as in \code{\link{CHETAHclassifier}}
#' @param fix_ngenes as in \code{\link{CHETAHclassifier}}
#' @param print_steps as in \code{\link{CHETAHclassifier}}
#' @param only_pos as in \code{\link{CHETAHclassifier}}
#' @return
#' A square plot. The values show how much two reference profiles
#' correlate, when using the genes with the highest fold-change.
#' @export
#' @importFrom gplots colorpanel
#' @importFrom corrplot corrplot
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment assay assays
#' @importFrom stats cor
#' @examples
#' CorrelateReference(ref_cells = headneck_ref)
CorrelateReference <- function(ref_cells = NULL, ref_profiles = NULL, ref_ct = "celltypes",
                               ref_c = NA, return = FALSE, n_genes = 200,
                               fix_ngenes = TRUE, print_steps = FALSE,
                               only_pos = FALSE) {
    message('Running... in case of 1000s of cells, this may take a couple of minutes \n')
    ref_c <- TestCHETAH(input = ref_cells, input_c = ref_c,
                        runBefore = FALSE, parameter = "ref_c",
                        object = "ref_cells")    ## Make ref_profiles
    if (is.null(ref_profiles)) {
        ref_profiles <- MeanRef(ref = ref_cells, method = "mean", ref_ct = ref_ct, ref_c = ref_c)
    } else if (is(ref_profiles, "SingleCellExperiment")) {
        ref_profiles <- SummarizedExperiment::assay(ref_profiles, ref_c)
    ## Make empty correlation matrix
    cors <- matrix(NA, nrow = ncol(ref_profiles), ncol = ncol(ref_profiles))
    rownames(cors) <- colnames(ref_profiles)
    colnames(cors) <- colnames(ref_profiles)
    Env <- list('n_genes' = n_genes, 'only_pos' = only_pos,
                'print_steps' = print_steps, 'fix_ngenes' = fix_ngenes)
    ## Do the pair-wise correlations
    for(i in seq_len(ncol(ref_profiles))) {
        for(j in seq_len(ncol(ref_profiles))) {
            if (i == j) cors[i,j] <- 1 else {
                if (!is.na(cors[j,i])) cors[i,j] <- cors[j,i] else {
                    genes <- names(FindDiscrGenes(type = colnames(ref_profiles)[i],
                                                  other_branch = colnames(ref_profiles)[j],
                                                  ref_profiles = ref_profiles,
                                                  Env = Env))
                    corr <- cor(ref_profiles[genes,i, drop = FALSE],
                                ref_profiles[genes, j, drop = FALSE],
                                method = "spearman")
                    cors[i,j] <- corr
    ## plot
    cols <- c(gplots::colorpanel(n = 10, low = '#2f2bad', mid = '#93cfe2', high = '#fffdd3'),
              gplots::colorpanel(n = 10, low = '#fffdd3', mid = "#ffad66", high = '#d60000'))
    corrplot::corrplot(cors, method = "square", order = "hclust",
                       col = cols, mar = c(0, 0, 2, 0), type = 'upper')
    if (return) return(cors)
} ## CorrelateReference
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Use a reference dataset to classify itself.
#' A good reference should have almost no mixture
#' between reference cells.
#' @param ref_cells the reference, similar to
#' \code{\link{CHETAHclassifier}}'s ref_cells
#' @param ref_ct the colData of \code{ref_cells} where the cell types are stored.
#' @param ref_c same as \code{input_c}, but for the reference.
#' @param return return the matrix that was used to produce the plot
#' @param ... Other variables to pass to
#' \code{\link{CHETAHclassifier}}
#' @return
#' A square plot. The rows are the original cell types,
#' the columns the classifion labels.
#' The colors and sizes of the squares indicate which
#' part of the cells of the rowname type are
#' classified to the type of the column name.
#' On the left of the plot, the percentage of cells
#' that is classified to an intermediate type
#' is plotted.
#' A good reference would classify nearly 100% of cells of type A to type A.
#' @export
#' @importFrom gplots colorpanel
#' @importFrom corrplot corrplot
#' @importFrom graphics text
#' @examples
#' ClassifyReference(ref_cells = headneck_ref)
ClassifyReference <- function(ref_cells, ref_ct = "celltypes",
                              ref_c = "counts",
                              return = FALSE, ...) {
    ## Classify
    input <- CHETAHclassifier(input = ref_cells,
                              ref_cells = ref_cells,
                              ref_ct = ref_ct,
                              ref_c = ref_c,
                              input_c = ref_c,
    ## Make the correlation matrix
    ref_types <- ref_cells[[ref_ct]]
    names(ref_types) <- colnames(ref_cells)
    nms <- unique(ref_types)
    lngt <- length(nms)
    type <- input$celltype_CHETAH
    splt <- unique(type)
    splt <- splt[grepl("Node|Unassigned", splt)]
    cors <- matrix(NA, nrow = lngt, ncol = lngt+1)
    rownames(cors) <- nms
    colnames(cors) <- c(nms, 'Nodes')
    ## Extract the percentages
    for(i in seq_len(lngt)) {
        for(j in seq_len(lngt)) {
            actual <- names(ref_types)[ref_types == nms[i]]
            cors[i,j] <- sum(type[actual] == nms[j])/length(actual)
    ## Extract the percentage that ended up in a node
    for(i in seq_len(lngt)) {
        actual <- names(ref_types)[ref_types == nms[i]]
        cors[i,lngt+1] <- sum(grepl("Node|Unassigned", type[actual]))/length(actual)
    ## Plot
    cols <- c(rep('black', 20),
              gplots::colorpanel(n = 10, low = '#2f2bad', mid = '#93cfe2', high = '#fffdd3'),
              gplots::colorpanel(n = 10, low = '#fff6b5', mid = "#ffad66", high = '#d60000'))
    a <- corrplot::corrplot(cors[ ,seq_len(lngt)], method = "square", order = "hclust",
                            col = cols, cl.lim = c(0,1), mar = c(0, 0, 2, 0))
    text(-3.5, seq_len(nrow(cors)), labels = round(cors[ ,'Nodes'], 2)[rev(rownames(a))])
    text(-3.5, nrow(cors)+1, '(%) in nodes')
    if (return) return(cors)
} ## ClassifyReference
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
nodeDown <- function(conf, prof, node, thresh, nodetypes, prev_clas = NULL) {
    ## Do the classification of this node
    prof_df <- as.matrix(prof[[node]]) ## approximately 400x faster than on DataFrame
    conf_df <- as.matrix(conf[[node]])
    sub_clas <- apply(prof_df, 1, which.max)
    sub_clas  <- colnames(prof[[node]])[sub_clas]
    if (!is.null(conf)) {
        sub_score <- c()
        for (row in seq_len(nrow(conf_df))) {
            sub_score <- c(sub_score, conf_df[row, sub_clas[row]])
        if (node == 1) {
            sub_clas[sub_score < thresh] <- "Unassigned"
        } else {
            sub_clas[sub_score < thresh] <- paste0("Node", (node -1))
    ## Only apply on cells reaching this node
    if(!is.null(prev_clas)) {
        reclas <- prev_clas %in% names(nodetypes[[node]])
        sub_clas[!reclas] <- prev_clas[!reclas]
    ## continue to next node, or return
    if(node != length(prof)){
        nodeDown(conf = conf,
                 node = node + 1,
                 thresh = thresh,
                 nodetypes = nodetypes,
                 prof = prof,
                 prev_clas = sub_clas)
    } else {
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
## select the common genes of the input and the reference
EqualGenes <- function(inp, ref) {
    common <- intersect(rownames(inp), rownames(ref))
    if (length(common) == 0) {
        stop("Non of the genes names (rownames) in the reference: ",
             paste0(rownames(ref)[seq_len(10)],  ", "),
             "\noverlapped with those of the input:",
             paste0(rownames(inp)[seq_len(10)], ", "),
             "\n Make sure you are using the same type of gene ids (ensemble, symbol, etc) for both datasets.")
    ref <- ref[common, ]
### ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Select all the final AND intermediate types below a node
SelectNodeTypes <- function (input, whichnode) {
    nodet <- input@int_metadata$CHETAH$nodetypes
    nodes <- unlist(lapply(nodet[(whichnode):length(nodet)], function (x) {
        all(names(x) %in% names(nodet[[whichnode ]]))
    nodes <- paste0('Node', ((whichnode - 1):(length(nodet) - 1))[nodes])
    nodes[grepl("Node0", nodes)] <- "Unassigned"
    alltypes <- c(nodes, names(nodet[[whichnode]]))
### ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' In the CHETAH classification, replace the name of a Node
#' and all the names of the final and intermediate types under that Node.
#' @param input a SingleCellExperiment on which \code{\link{CHETAHclassifier}} has been run
#' @param whichnode the number of the Node
#' @param replacement a character vector that replaces the names under the selected Node
#' @param nodes_exclude \emph{optional} the names of the types that should  \strong{NOT} be replaced
#' @param types_exclude \emph{optional} numbers of the Nodes under the selected Node, that should \strong{NOT} be replaced
#' @param node_only only rename the Node itself, without affecting the types under that Node
#' @param return_clas Instead of returning the SingleCellExperiment, only return the classification vector
#' @return
#' The SingleCellExperiment with the new classification or if `return_clas = TRUE` the classification vector.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## In the example data replace all T-cell subtypes by "T cell"
#' input_mel <- RenameBelowNode(input = input_mel, whichnode = 7, replacement = "T cell")
RenameBelowNode <- function(input, whichnode, replacement,
                            nodes_exclude = NULL,
                            types_exclude = NULL,
                            node_only = FALSE,
                            return_clas = FALSE) {
    classification <- input$celltype_CHETAH
    nodename <- paste0("Node", whichnode)
    nodename[grepl("Node0", nodename)] <- "Unassigned"
    whichnode <- whichnode + 1
    if (node_only) {
        classification[classification == nodename] <- replacement
    } else {
        replace <- SelectNodeTypes(input = input, whichnode = whichnode)
        if (!is.null(nodes_exclude)) {
            exclude <- vector()
            for (number in seq_len(length(nodes_exclude))) {
                exclude <- c(exclude, SelectNodeTypes(input = input, whichnode = nodes_exclude[number]))
            replace <- replace[!(replace %in% exclude)]
        if (!is.null(types_exclude)) {
            replace <- replace[!(replace %in% types_exclude)]
        classification[classification %in% replace] <- replacement
        input$celltype_CHETAH <- classification
        if (return_clas) return(classification) else return(input)
### -----------------
ch_env <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
### ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Package environment to transfer the data for the shiny package
#' Launch a web page to interactively go trough the classification
#' @param input a SingleCellExperiment on which \code{\link{CHETAHclassifier}} has been run
#' @param redD the name of the reducedDim of the input to use for plotting
#' @param input_c the name of the assay of the input to use.
#' \code{NA} (default) will use the first one.
#' @importFrom plotly renderPlotly plotlyOutput ggplotly event_data
#' @import shiny
#' @importFrom pheatmap pheatmap
#' @importFrom reshape2 melt
#' @return
#' Opens a web page in your default browser
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' CHETAHshiny(input = input_mel)
#' }
CHETAHshiny <- function (input, redD = NA, input_c = NA) {
    ## Search for the shinyApp in the package directory
    saved.stringsAsFactors <- options()$stringsAsFactors
    options(stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
    appDir <- system.file("shinyApp", "App", package = "CHETAH")
    if (appDir == "") {
        stop("Could not find example directory. Try re-installing `chetah`.", call. = FALSE)
    ## Put data in package_environment
    input_c <- TestCHETAH(input = input, input_c = input_c)
    redD <- TestCHETAH(input = input, redD = redD)
    ch_env$redD <- redD
    ch_env$input_c <- input_c
    ch_env$chetah <- input
    shiny::runApp(appDir, display.mode = "normal")

### ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TestCHETAH <- function (input, redD = NULL, input_c = NULL, runBefore = TRUE, parameter = NULL, object = "input") {
    ## is chetah run?
    if (runBefore) {
        if (is.null(input@int_metadata$CHETAH)) stop('Please run CHETAHclassifier on the SingleCellExperiment object before calling this funtion')
    ## Select the correct reducedDim/assay
    if (!is.null(redD)) {
        if (is.null(parameter)) parameter <- "redD"
        selected <- TestInput(input = input, assessor = SingleCellExperiment::reducedDims,
                              name = "reducedDims", parameter = parameter, selected = redD, object = object)
        if (!setequal(rownames(SingleCellExperiment::reducedDim(input, selected)), colnames(input))) {
            stop("Please provide a data.frame in ReducedDims that has the same rownames as the colnames of the assays", call. = FALSE)
    } else if (!is.null(input_c)) {
        if (is.null(parameter)) parameter <- "input_c"
        selected <- TestInput(input = input, assessor = SummarizedExperiment::assays,
                              name = "assays", parameter = parameter, selected = input_c, object = object)
### ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TestInput <- function (input, assessor, name, parameter, selected, object) {
    ## Test if assessor(object) is named
    if (!is.null(names(assessor(input))) & !("" %in% names(assessor(input))[1])) {
        if (length(assessor(input)) == 0) {
            stop(paste("No", name, "in the SingleCellExperiment object.",
                       "Please refer to the CHETAH vignette on how to prepare your data: browseVignettes('CHETAH')"))
        if (is.na(selected)) {
            selected <- names(assessor(input))[1]
        } else {
            if (!(selected %in% names(assessor(input)))) {
                stop(paste0("The specified ", parameter ," is not available. ",
                            "Please choose one of 'names(", name, "(", object, "))': ",
                            paste(names(assessor(input)), collapse = " ")), call. = FALSE)
    } else {
        stop(paste0("Please name your: '", name, "(", object, "))'. This is essential for the method"))

Try the CHETAH package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

CHETAH documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:02 p.m.