### =========================================================================
### Position Weight Matrix (PWM) functions
### -------------------------------------------------------------------------
### A Position Weight Matrix (PWM) is represented as an ordinary matrix.
### We don't use an S4 class for this, not even an S3 class.
.normargPwm <- function(pwm, argname="pwm")
if (!is.matrix(pwm) || !is.numeric(pwm))
stop("'", argname, "' must be a numeric matrix")
if (!identical(rownames(pwm), DNA_BASES))
stop("'rownames(", argname, ")' must be the 4 DNA bases ('DNA_BASES')")
if (!is.double(pwm))
storage.mode(pwm) <- "double"
if (any(
stop("'", argname, "' contains NAs")
### A Position Frequency Matrix (PFM) is also represented as an ordinary
### matrix. Unlike a PWM, it must be of type integer (it will typically be
### the result of consensusMatrix()).
.normargPfm <- function(x)
if (!is.matrix(x) || !is.integer(x))
stop("invalid PFM 'x': not an integer matrix")
## Check the row names.
if (is.null(rownames(x)))
stop("invalid PFM 'x': no row names")
if (!all(rownames(x) %in% DNA_ALPHABET))
stop("invalid PFM 'x': row names must be in 'DNA_ALPHABET'")
if (!all(DNA_BASES %in% rownames(x)))
stop("invalid PFM 'x': row names must contain A, C, G and T")
if (any(duplicated(rownames(x))))
stop("invalid PFM 'x': duplicated row names")
## Check the nb of cols.
if (ncol(x) == 0L)
stop("invalid PFM 'x': no columns")
## Check the values.
if (any( || any(x < 0L))
stop("invalid PFM 'x': values cannot be NA or negative")
if (any(x[!(rownames(x) %in% DNA_BASES), ] != 0L))
stop("invalid PFM 'x': IUPAC ambiguity letters are represented")
x <- x[DNA_BASES, , drop=FALSE]
if (!isConstant(colSums(x)))
stop("invalid PFM 'x': all columns in 'x' must sum to the same ",
"value.\n If the PFM was obtained by calling consensusMatrix() ",
"on a DNAStringSet\n object, please make sure that this object ",
"is rectangular (i.e. has a\n constant width).")
### Typical 'prior.params' vector: c(A=0.25, C=0.25, G=0.25, T=0.25)
.normargPriorParams <- function(prior.params)
if (!is.numeric(prior.params))
stop("'prior.params' must be a numeric vector")
if (length(prior.params) != length(DNA_BASES) ||
!setequal(names(prior.params), DNA_BASES))
stop("'prior.params' elements must be named A, C, G and T")
## Re-order the elements.
prior.params <- prior.params[DNA_BASES]
if (any( || any(prior.params < 0))
stop("'prior.params' contains NAs and/or negative values")
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Some utilities to operate on a PWM.
### Extracts the max weight for each position (i.e. column) in a PWM.
setGeneric("maxWeights", function(x) standardGeneric("maxWeights"))
setMethod("maxWeights", "matrix",
x <- .normargPwm(x, argname="x")
#sapply(seq_len(ncol(x)), function(i) max(x[ , i]))
## This will be faster than the above on large matrices, lapply(seq_len(nrow(x)), function(i) x[i, ]))
### Extracts the min weight for each position (i.e. column) in a PWM.
setGeneric("minWeights", function(x) standardGeneric("minWeights"))
setMethod("minWeights", "matrix",
x <- .normargPwm(x, argname="x")
#sapply(seq_len(ncol(x)), function(i) max(x[ , i]))
## This will be faster than the above on large matrices, lapply(seq_len(nrow(x)), function(i) x[i, ]))
### Computes the highest possible score that can be obtained with a PWM.
setGeneric("maxScore", function(x) standardGeneric("maxScore"))
setMethod("maxScore", "ANY", function(x) sum(maxWeights(x)))
### Computes the lowest possible score that can be obtained with a PWM.
setGeneric("minScore", function(x) standardGeneric("minScore"))
setMethod("minScore", "ANY", function(x) sum(minWeights(x)))
### TODO: There is no reason to treat this differently than the above
### utilities. So either this should be implemented as a generic+method
### or the above utilities should be implemented as ordinary functions.
unitScale <- function(x)
minS <- minScore(x)
(x - minS/ncol(x)) / (maxScore(x) - minS)
### Method needed for searching the minus strand of a chromosome like
### this:
### > matchPWM(reverseComplement(pwm), chr1)
### Note that the generic function is defined in Biostrings.
setMethod("reverseComplement", "matrix",
function(x, ...)
ans <- rev(x)
attributes(ans) <- attributes(x)
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### The "PWM" generic and methods.
setGeneric("PWM", signature="x",
function(x, type = c("log2probratio", "prob"),
prior.params = c(A=0.25, C=0.25, G=0.25, T=0.25))
setMethod("PWM", "character",
function(x, type = c("log2probratio", "prob"),
prior.params = c(A=0.25, C=0.25, G=0.25, T=0.25))
dnaset <- DNAStringSet(x)
PWM(dnaset, type = type, prior.params = prior.params)
setMethod("PWM", "DNAStringSet",
function(x, type = c("log2probratio", "prob"),
prior.params = c(A=0.25, C=0.25, G=0.25, T=0.25))
if (!isConstant(width(x)))
stop("'x' must be rectangular (i.e. have a constant width)")
pfm <- consensusMatrix(x)
PWM(pfm, type = type, prior.params = prior.params)
### Assumes 'x' is a Position *Frequency* Matrix (PFM) and computes the
### corresponding Position *Weight* Matrix (PWM).
setMethod("PWM", "matrix",
function(x, type = c("log2probratio", "prob"),
prior.params = c(A=0.25, C=0.25, G=0.25, T=0.25))
x <- .normargPfm(x)
## From here 'x' is guaranteed to have at least 1 column and to have
## all its columns sum to the same value.
nseq <- sum(x[ , 1L])
type <- match.arg(type)
prior.params <- .normargPriorParams(prior.params)
priorN <- sum(prior.params)
## NOTE (H.P.): What's the purpose of dividing by nseq + priorN here?
## It won't have any impact on the final result (because of the
## unitScale final step).
postProbs <- (x + prior.params) / (nseq + priorN)
if (type == "log2probratio") {
if (any(prior.params == 0))
stop("infinite values in PWM due to 0's in 'prior.params'")
prior.probs <- prior.params / priorN
ans <- log2(postProbs / prior.probs)
} else {
ans <- postProbs
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### The "PWMscoreStartingAt" function.
.normargSubject <- function(subject)
if (is.character(subject)) {
subject <- DNAString(subject)
} else if (is(subject, "MaskedDNAString")) {
if (any(active(masks(subject))))
stop("active masks are not supported yet, please complain!")
subject <- unmasked(subject)
} else if (is(subject, "XStringViews")) {
subject <- subject(subject)
if (!is(subject, "DNAString"))
stop("'subject' must be a single character string, ",
"or a DNAString object, or a MaskedDNAString object with ",
"no active masks, or a Views object on a DNAString subject")
### TODO: There is no reason to treat this differently than anything else
### in this file. So maybe this should be implemented as a generic+method
### too (or matchPWM/countPWM shouldn't).
PWMscoreStartingAt <- function(pwm, subject,
## checking 'pwm'
pwm <- .normargPwm(pwm)
## checking 'subject'
subject <- .normargSubject(subject)
## checking ''
if (!is.numeric(
stop("'' must be a vector of integers")
if (!is.integer( <- as.integer(
base_codes <- xscodes(subject, baseOnly=TRUE)
pwm, subject,, base_codes,
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### The "matchPWM" generic and methods.
.normargMinScore <- function(min.score, pwm)
if (!isSingleNumber(min.score) && !isSingleString(min.score))
stop("'min.score' must be a single number or string")
if (is.numeric(min.score)) {
if (!is.double(min.score))
storage.mode(min.score) <- "double"
nc <- nchar(min.score)
if (substr(min.score, nc, nc) == "%")
min.score <- substr(min.score, 1L, nc-1L)
maxScore(pwm) * as.double(min.score) / 100.00
### pwm: the Position Weight Matrix (numeric matrix with row names A, C, G
### and T);
### subject: a DNAString object containing the subject sequence;
### min.score: given as a percentage (e.g. "90%") of the highest possible
### score or as a single number.
.XString.matchPWM <- function(pwm, subject, min.score,
with.score=FALSE, count.only=FALSE)
## checking 'pwm'
pwm <- .normargPwm(pwm)
## checking 'min.score'
min.score <- .normargMinScore(min.score, pwm)
## checking 'with.score'
if (!isTRUEorFALSE(with.score))
stop("'with.score' must be TRUE or FALSE")
## no need to check 'count.only' (not a user controlled argument)
base_codes <- xscodes(subject, baseOnly=TRUE)
C_ans <- .Call2("XString_match_PWM",
pwm, subject, min.score, count.only, base_codes,
if (count.only)
ans_start <- start(C_ans)
ans_width <- width(C_ans)
ans <- unsafe.newXStringViews(subject, ans_start, ans_width)
if (with.score) {
score <- PWMscoreStartingAt(pwm, subject,
mcols(ans) <- DataFrame(score=score)
.XStringViews.matchPWM <- function(pwm, subject, min.score,
with.score=FALSE, count.only=FALSE)
## checking 'pwm'
pwm <- .normargPwm(pwm)
## checking 'min.score'
min.score <- .normargMinScore(min.score, pwm)
## checking 'with.score'
if (!isTRUEorFALSE(with.score))
stop("'with.score' must be TRUE or FALSE")
## no need to check 'count.only' (not a user controlled argument)
subject0 <- subject(subject)
base_codes <- xscodes(subject0, baseOnly=TRUE)
C_ans <- .Call2("XStringViews_match_PWM",
subject0, start(subject), width(subject),
min.score, count.only, base_codes,
if (count.only)
ans_start <- start(C_ans)
ans_width <- width(C_ans)
ans <- unsafe.newXStringViews(subject0, ans_start, ans_width)
if (with.score) {
score <- PWMscoreStartingAt(pwm, subject0,
mcols(ans) <- DataFrame(score=score)
### Note the dispatch on 'subject'.
setGeneric("matchPWM", signature="subject",
function(pwm, subject, min.score="80%", with.score=FALSE, ...)
### Dispatch on 'subject' (see signature of generic).
setMethod("matchPWM", "character",
function(pwm, subject, min.score="80%", with.score=FALSE)
matchPWM(pwm, DNAString(subject),
min.score=min.score, with.score=with.score)
### Dispatch on 'subject' (see signature of generic).
setMethod("matchPWM", "DNAString",
function(pwm, subject, min.score="80%", with.score=FALSE)
.XString.matchPWM(pwm, subject, min.score, with.score=with.score)
### Dispatch on 'subject' (see signature of generic).
### WARNING: Unlike the other "matchPWM" methods, the XStringViews object
### returned by this method is not guaranteed to have its views ordered from
### left to right in general! One important particular case where this is
### guaranteed though is when 'isNormal(subject)' is TRUE (i.e. 'subject' is
### a normal XStringViews object).
### matchPWM does not support "out of limits" matches.
setMethod("matchPWM", "XStringViews",
function(pwm, subject, min.score="80%", with.score=FALSE)
.XStringViews.matchPWM(pwm, subject, min.score, with.score=with.score)
### Dispatch on 'subject' (see signature of generic).
setMethod("matchPWM", "MaskedDNAString",
function(pwm, subject, min.score="80%", with.score=FALSE)
matchPWM(pwm, toXStringViewsOrXString(subject),
min.score=min.score, with.score=with.score)
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### The "countPWM" generic and methods.
### Note the dispatch on 'subject'.
setGeneric("countPWM", signature="subject",
function(pwm, subject, min.score="80%", ...)
### Dispatch on 'subject' (see signature of generic).
setMethod("countPWM", "character",
function(pwm, subject, min.score="80%")
countPWM(pwm, DNAString(subject), min.score)
### Dispatch on 'subject' (see signature of generic).
setMethod("countPWM", "DNAString",
function(pwm, subject, min.score="80%")
.XString.matchPWM(pwm, subject, min.score, count.only=TRUE)
### Dispatch on 'subject' (see signature of generic).
setMethod("countPWM", "XStringViews",
function(pwm, subject, min.score="80%")
.XStringViews.matchPWM(pwm, subject, min.score, count.only=TRUE)
### Dispatch on 'subject' (see signature of generic).
setMethod("countPWM", "MaskedDNAString",
function(pwm, subject, min.score="80%")
countPWM(pwm, toXStringViewsOrXString(subject), min.score)
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