### =========================================================================
### Input/output of PairwiseAlignments objects
### -------------------------------------------------------------------------
### Only output is supported at the moment.
.pre2postaligned <- function(pos, axset)
if (!is(axset, "AlignedXStringSet0") || length(axset) != 1L)
stop("'axset' must be an AlignedXStringSet0 object of length 1")
## .postaligned_gap_ranges() below sometimes needs to call
## .pre2postaligned() with a 'pos' that is 'end(axset@range) + 1L'.
## This happens when there is a gap at the end of the alignment like in
## x <- DNAString("TCAACTTAACTT")
## y <- DNAString("GGGCAACAACGGG")
## pa <- pairwiseAlignment(x, y, type="global-local",
## gapOpening=-2, gapExtension=-1)
## writePairwiseAlignments(pa)
stopifnot(all(pos >= start(axset@range)),
all(pos <= end(axset@range) + 1L))
lkup <- integer(width(axset@range) + 1L)
gap_ranges <- indel(axset)[[1L]]
lkup[start(gap_ranges)] <- width(gap_ranges)
lkup <- cumsum(lkup + 1L)
lkup[pos - start(axset@range) + 1L]
.test.pre2postaligned <- function(axset)
if (!is(axset, "AlignedXStringSet0") || length(axset) != 1L)
stop("'axset' must be an AlignedXStringSet0 object of length 1")
target <- subseq(unaligned(axset)[[1L]],
start(axset@range), end(axset@range))
pos <- as.integer(axset@range)
current <- aligned(axset)[[1L]][.pre2postaligned(pos, axset)]
identical(as.character(target), as.character(current))
.postaligned_gap_ranges <- function(axset)
if (!is(axset, "AlignedXStringSet0") || length(axset) != 1L)
stop("'axset' must be an AlignedXStringSet0 object of length 1")
gap_ranges <- indel(axset)[[1L]]
prealigned_gap_start <- start(gap_ranges) + start(axset@range) - 1L
postaligned_gap_start <- .pre2postaligned(prealigned_gap_start, axset) -
#S4Vectors:::fancy_mseq(width(gap_ranges), postaligned_gap_start - 1L)
IRanges(postaligned_gap_start, width=width(gap_ranges))
.postaligned_match_ranges <- function(axset)
if (!is(axset, "AlignedXStringSet0") || length(axset) != 1L)
stop("'axset' must be an AlignedXStringSet0 object of length 1")
aligned_axset <- aligned(axset)
postaligned_width <- width(aligned_axset)
prealigned_mismatches <- mismatch(axset)[[1L]]
is_in_range <- prealigned_mismatches >= start(axset@range) &
prealigned_mismatches <= end(axset@range)
prealigned_mismatches <- prealigned_mismatches[is_in_range]
postaligned_mismatches <- .pre2postaligned(prealigned_mismatches, axset)
postaligned_mismatch_ranges <- as(postaligned_mismatches, "IRanges")
postaligned_gap_ranges <- .postaligned_gap_ranges(axset)
postaligned_mismatches_or_indels <- union(postaligned_mismatch_ranges,
setdiff(IRanges(1L, postaligned_width), postaligned_mismatches_or_indels)
.make_pipes <- function(x)
if (!is(x, "PairwiseAlignments") || length(x) != 1L)
stop("'x' must be a PairwiseAlignments object of length 1")
x_pattern <- pattern(x) # QualityAlignedXStringSet object
x_subject <- subject(x) # QualityAlignedXStringSet object
postaligned_pattern <- aligned(x_pattern)[[1L]]
postaligned_subject <- aligned(x_subject)[[1L]]
postaligned_pattern_match_ranges <- .postaligned_match_ranges(x_pattern)
postaligned_subject_match_ranges <- .postaligned_match_ranges(x_subject)
postaligned_match_ranges <- intersect(postaligned_pattern_match_ranges,
## Sanity check:
ii <- IRanges:::unlist_as_integer(postaligned_match_ranges)
if (!identical(as.character(postaligned_pattern[ii]),
stop("Biostrings internal error: mismatches and/or indels ",
"reported in 'pattern(x)' and 'subject(x)' are inconsistent")
tmp <-" ", length(postaligned_pattern))
tmp[ii] <- "|"
BString(paste(tmp, collapse=""))
.make_blank_BString <- function(nblank)
{" "), nblank)
.makePostalignedSeqs <- function(x)
if (!is(x, "PairwiseAlignments") || length(x) != 1L)
stop("'x' must be a PairwiseAlignments object of length 1")
x_type <- type(x)
global.pattern <- x_type %in% c("global", "global-local")
global.subject <- x_type %in% c("global", "local-global")
aligned_pattern <- get_aligned_pattern(x@pattern, x@subject,
global.pattern, global.subject,
aligned_subject <- get_aligned_pattern(x@subject, x@pattern,
global.subject, global.pattern)
ans_seqs <- c(as(aligned_pattern, "XStringSet"),
as(aligned_subject, "XStringSet"))
original_pattern <- x@pattern@unaligned
pattern_name <- names(original_pattern)
if (is.null(pattern_name))
pattern_name <- ""
original_subject <- x@subject@unaligned
subject_name <- names(original_subject)
if (is.null(subject_name))
subject_name <- ""
names(ans_seqs) <- c(pattern_name, subject_name)
ans_ranges <- c(x@pattern@range, x@subject@range)
ans_pipes <- .make_pipes(x)
if (global.pattern) {
original_pattern <- original_pattern[[1L]]
start1 <- start(ans_ranges)[1L]
if (start1 > 1L) {
prefix <- .make_blank_BString(start1 - 1L)
ans_pipes <- c(prefix, ans_pipes)
start(ans_ranges)[1L] <- 1L
end1 <- end(ans_ranges)[1L]
if (end1 < length(original_pattern)) {
suffix <- .make_blank_BString(length(original_pattern) - end1)
ans_pipes <- c(ans_pipes, suffix)
end(ans_ranges)[1L] <- length(original_pattern)
if (global.subject) {
original_subject <- original_subject[[1L]]
start2 <- start(ans_ranges)[2L]
if (start2 > 1L) {
prefix <- .make_blank_BString(start2 - 1L)
ans_pipes <- c(prefix, ans_pipes)
start(ans_ranges)[2L] <- 1L
end2 <- end(ans_ranges)[2L]
if (end2 < length(original_subject)) {
suffix <- .make_blank_BString(length(original_subject) - end2)
ans_pipes <- c(ans_pipes, suffix)
end(ans_ranges)[2L] <- length(original_subject)
list(ans_seqs, ans_ranges, ans_pipes)
.writePairHeader <- function(x, alignment.length, Identity, Similarity, Gaps,"P1","S1",
Matrix=NA, file="")
if (!is(x, "PairwiseAlignments") || length(x) != 1L)
stop("'x' must be a PairwiseAlignments object of length 1")
if (!isSingleNumber(alignment.length))
stop("'alignment.length' must be a single number")
if (!is.integer(alignment.length))
alignment.length <- as.integer(alignment.length)
if (!isSingleStringOrNA(Matrix))
stop("'Matrix' must be a single string or NA")
Gap_penalty <- sprintf("%.1f", (x@gapOpening + x@gapExtension))
Extend_penalty <- sprintf("%.1f", x@gapExtension)
prettyPercentage <- function(ratio)
sprintf("%.1f%%", round(ratio * 100, digits=1L))
Identity_percentage <- prettyPercentage(Identity / alignment.length)
Identity <- paste(format(Identity, width=7L), "/", alignment.length,
" (", Identity_percentage, ")", sep="")
Similarity_percentage <- prettyPercentage(Similarity / alignment.length)
Similarity <- paste(format(Similarity, width=5L), "/", alignment.length,
" (", Similarity_percentage, ")", sep="")
Gaps_percentage <- prettyPercentage(Gaps / alignment.length)
Gaps <- paste(format(Gaps, width=11L), "/", alignment.length,
" (", Gaps_percentage, ")", sep="")
Score <- x@score
cat("#=======================================\n", file=file)
cat("#\n", file=file)
cat("# Aligned_sequences: 2\n", file=file)
cat("# 1: ",, "\n", sep="", file=file)
cat("# 2: ",, "\n", sep="", file=file)
cat("# Matrix: ", Matrix, "\n", sep="", file=file)
cat("# Gap_penalty: ", Gap_penalty, "\n", sep="", file=file)
cat("# Extend_penalty: ", Extend_penalty, "\n", sep="", file=file)
cat("#\n", file=file)
cat("# Length: ", alignment.length, "\n", sep="", file=file)
cat("# Identity: ", Identity, "\n", sep="", file=file)
cat("# Similarity: ", Similarity, "\n", sep="", file=file)
cat("# Gaps: ", Gaps, "\n", sep="", file=file)
cat("# Score: ", Score, "\n", sep="", file=file)
cat("#\n#\n", file=file)
cat("#=======================================\n", file=file)
.writePairSequences <- function(top.string, bottom.string, middle.string,"P1","S1",
top.start=1L, bottom.start=1L,
block.width=50, file="")
if (!isSingleNumber(block.width))
stop("'block.width' must be a single number")
if (!is.integer(block.width))
block.width <- as.integer(block.width)
alignment_length <- length(top.string)
start_width <- max(nchar(as.character(top.start + alignment_length)),
nchar(as.character(bottom.start + alignment_length)))
name_width <- max(20L - start_width - 1L,
nchar(, nchar(
nblock <- alignment_length %/% block.width
if (alignment_length %% block.width != 0L)
nblock <- nblock + 1L
start1 <- top.start
start3 <- bottom.start
for (i in seq_len(nblock)) {
to <- i * block.width
from <- to - block.width + 1L
if (to > alignment_length)
to <- alignment_length
string1 <- as.character(subseq(top.string, from, to))
string2 <- as.character(subseq(middle.string, from, to))
string3 <- as.character(subseq(bottom.string, from, to))
if (i != 1L)
cat("\n", file=file)
## 1st line
cat(format(, width=name_width), " ",
format(start1, justify="right", width=start_width), " ",
string1, file=file, sep="")
end1 <- start1 + to - from - countPattern("-", string1)
cat(format(end1, justify="right", width=7L),
"\n", sep="", file=file)
## 2nd line
cat(format("", width=name_width), " ",
format("", width=start_width), " ",
string2, "\n", file=file, sep="")
## 2rd line
cat(format(, width=name_width), " ",
format(start3, justify="right", width=start_width), " ",
string3, file=file, sep="")
end3 <- start3 + to - from - countPattern("-", string3)
cat(format(end3, justify="right", width=7L),
"\n", sep="", file=file)
start1 <- end1 + 1L
start3 <- end3 + 1L
writePairwiseAlignments <- function(x, file="", Matrix=NA, block.width=50)
if (!is(x, "PairwiseAlignments"))
stop("'x' must be a PairwiseAlignments object")
if (isSingleString(file)) {
if (file == "") {
file <- stdout()
} else if (substring(file, 1L, 1L) == "|") {
file <- pipe(substring(file, 2L), "w")
} else {
file <- file(file, "w")
} else if (!is(file, "connection")) {
stop("'file' must be a single string or a connection object")
pkgversion <- as.character(packageVersion("Biostrings"))
Program <- paste("Biostrings (version ", pkgversion, "), ",
"a Bioconductor package", sep="")
cat("########################################\n", file=file)
cat("# Program: ", Program, "\n", sep="", file=file)
cat("# Rundate: ", date(), "\n", sep="", file=file)
cat("########################################\n", file=file)
x_len <- length(x)
if (x_len == 0L)
warning("'x' is an empty PairwiseAlignments object ",
"-> nothing to write")
#else if (x_len >= 2L)
# warning("'x' contains more than 1 pairwise alignment")
x_type <- type(x)
is_pattern_global <- x_type %in% c("global", "global-local")
is_subject_global <- x_type %in% c("global", "local-global")
if (length(unaligned(subject(x))) != 1L) {
bottom_name0 <- ""
} else {
bottom_name0 <- "S1"
for (i in seq_len(x_len)) {
#if (i != 1L)
# cat("\n\n", file=file)
xi <- x[i]
postaligned_seqs <- .makePostalignedSeqs(xi)
seqs <- postaligned_seqs[[1L]]
ranges <- postaligned_seqs[[2L]]
pipes <- postaligned_seqs[[3L]]
name1 <- names(seqs)[1L]
if (name1 == "")
name1 <- paste("P", i, sep="")
name2 <- names(seqs)[2L]
if (name2 == "") {
if (bottom_name0 == "") {
name2 <- paste("S", i, sep="")
} else {
name2 <- bottom_name0
Identity <- countPattern("|", pipes)
Gaps <- sum(width(union(ranges(matchPattern("-", seqs[[1L]])),
ranges(matchPattern("-", seqs[[2L]])))))
.writePairHeader(xi, length(seqs[[1L]]), Identity, NA, Gaps,,,
Matrix=Matrix, file=file)
cat("\n", file=file)
start1 <- start(ranges)[1L]
start2 <- start(ranges[2L])
.writePairSequences(seqs[[1L]], seqs[[2L]], pipes,,,
top.start=start1, bottom.start=start2,
block.width=block.width, file=file)
cat("\n\n", file=file)
cat("#---------------------------------------\n", file=file)
cat("#---------------------------------------\n", file=file)
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