### =========================================================================
### PairwiseAlignments objects
### -------------------------------------------------------------------------
### A PairwiseAlignments object contains two aligned XStringSet objects.
pattern="AlignedXStringSet0", # of length N
subject="AlignedXStringSet0", # of length N
score="numeric", # of length N
### Combine the new "parallel slots" with those of the parent class. Make
### sure to put the new parallel slots **first**. See R/Vector-class.R file
### in the S4Vectors package for what slots should or should not be considered
### "parallel".
setMethod("parallel_slot_names", "PairwiseAlignments",
function(x) c("pattern", "subject", "score", callNextMethod())
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Constructors.
newPairwiseAlignments <-
function(pattern, subject, type = "global", substitutionMatrix = NULL,
gapOpening = 0, gapExtension = 1,
baseClass = "BString", pwaClass = "PairwiseAlignments") {
seqtype <- substr(baseClass, 1, nchar(baseClass) - 6) # remove "String" suffix
getMismatches <- function(x) {
whichMismatches <- which(x[["values"]] == "?")
if (length(whichMismatches) == 0) {
value <- integer(0)
} else {
start <- cumsum(x[["lengths"]])[whichMismatches]
end <- start + (x[["lengths"]][whichMismatches] - 1L)
value <-
eval(parse(text =
paste("c(", paste(start, ":", end, sep = "", collapse = ", "), ")")))
getRange <- function(x) {
if (!(x[["values"]][1] %in% c("-", "+"))) {
start <- 1L
} else if (length(x[["values"]]) == 1) {
start <- integer(0)
} else {
start <- x[["lengths"]][1] + 1L
if (!(x[["values"]][length(x[["values"]])] %in% c("-", "+"))) {
end <- sum(x[["lengths"]])
} else if (length(x[["values"]]) == 1) {
end <- integer(0)
} else {
end <- sum(x[["lengths"]][-length(x[["lengths"]])])
IRanges(start = start, end = end)
getIndels <- function(x, indelChar) {
if (x[["values"]][1] %in% c("-", "+")) {
x[["values"]] <- x[["values"]][-1]
x[["lengths"]] <- x[["lengths"]][-1]
if (x[["values"]][length(x[["values"]])] %in% c("-", "+")) {
x[["values"]] <- x[["values"]][-length(x[["values"]])]
x[["lengths"]] <- x[["lengths"]][-length(x[["lengths"]])]
isIndels <- (x[["values"]] == indelChar)
if (!any(isIndels))
IRangesList(IRanges(integer(0), integer(0)))
cumsum(c(1L, ifelse(isIndels, 0L, x[["lengths"]])[-length(x[["lengths"]])]))[isIndels],
width = x[["lengths"]][isIndels]))
if (length(pattern) != 1 || length(subject) != 1)
stop("'pattern' and 'subject' must both be of length 1")
if (nchar(pattern) != nchar(subject))
stop("'pattern' and 'subject' must have the same number of characters")
type <-
c("global", "local", "overlap", "global-local", "local-global",
"subjectOverlap", "patternOverlap"))
if (type == "subjectOverlap") {
warning("type = 'subjectOverlap' has been renamed type = 'global-local'")
type <- "global-local"
if (type == "patternOverlap") {
warning("type = 'patternOverlap' has been renamed type = 'local-global'")
type <- "local-global"
gapOpening <- as.double(abs(gapOpening))
if (length(gapOpening) != 1 ||
stop("'gapOpening' must be a non-negative numeric vector of length 1")
gapExtension <- as.double(abs(gapExtension))
if (length(gapExtension) != 1 ||
stop("'gapExtension' must be a non-negative numeric vector of length 1")
explodedPattern <- safeExplode(pattern)
explodedSubject <- safeExplode(subject)
degappedPattern <- explodedPattern[explodedPattern != "-"]
degappedSubject <- explodedSubject[explodedSubject != "-"]
availableLetters <-
sort(unique(c(unique(degappedPattern), unique(degappedSubject))))
if (is.null(substitutionMatrix)) {
substitutionMatrix <- diag(length(availableLetters)) - 1
dimnames(substitutionMatrix) <- list(availableLetters, availableLetters)
} else if (is.character(substitutionMatrix)) {
if (length(substitutionMatrix) != 1)
stop("'substitutionMatrix' is a character vector of length != 1")
tempMatrix <- substitutionMatrix
substitutionMatrix <- try(getdata(tempMatrix), silent = TRUE)
if (is(substitutionMatrix, "try-error"))
stop("unknown scoring matrix \"", tempMatrix, "\"")
if (!is.matrix(substitutionMatrix) || !is.numeric(substitutionMatrix))
stop("'substitutionMatrix' must be a numeric matrix")
if (!identical(rownames(substitutionMatrix), colnames(substitutionMatrix)))
stop("row and column names differ for matrix 'substitutionMatrix'")
if (is.null(rownames(substitutionMatrix)))
stop("matrix 'substitutionMatrix' must have row and column names")
if (any(duplicated(rownames(substitutionMatrix))))
stop("matrix 'substitutionMatrix' has duplicated row names")
availableLetters <-
intersect(availableLetters, rownames(substitutionMatrix))
substitutionMatrix <-
matrix(as.double(substitutionMatrix[availableLetters, availableLetters]),
nrow = length(availableLetters),
ncol = length(availableLetters),
dimnames = list(availableLetters, availableLetters))
comparison <- rle(safeExplode(compareStrings(pattern, subject)))
whichPattern <- which(comparison[["values"]] != "-")
patternRle <-
structure(list(lengths = comparison[["lengths"]][whichPattern],
values = comparison[["values"]][whichPattern]),
class = "rle")
whichSubject <- which(comparison[["values"]] != "+")
subjectRle <-
structure(list(lengths = comparison[["lengths"]][whichSubject],
values = comparison[["values"]][whichSubject]),
class = "rle")
substitutionIndices <- (explodedPattern != "-") & (explodedSubject != "-")
pattern =
unaligned = XStringSet(seqtype, paste(degappedPattern, collapse = "")),
range = getRange(patternRle), mismatch = getMismatches(patternRle),
indel = getIndels(comparison, "-")),
subject =
unaligned = XStringSet(seqtype, paste(degappedSubject, collapse = "")),
range = getRange(subjectRle), mismatch = getMismatches(subjectRle),
indel = getIndels(comparison, "+")),
type = type,
score =
match(explodedPattern[substitutionIndices], availableLetters) +
length(availableLetters) *
(match(explodedSubject[substitutionIndices], availableLetters) - 1)]) +
gapOpening * sum(comparison[["values"]] %in% c("+", "-")) +
gapExtension * sum(comparison[["lengths"]][comparison[["values"]] %in% c("+", "-")]),
gapOpening = gapOpening, gapExtension = gapExtension)
function(pattern, subject, type = "global", substitutionMatrix = NULL,
gapOpening = 0, gapExtension = 1, ...)
setMethod("PairwiseAlignments", signature(pattern = "XString", subject = "XString"),
function(pattern, subject, type = "global", substitutionMatrix = NULL,
gapOpening = 0, gapExtension = 1) {
if (seqtype(pattern) != seqtype(subject))
stop("'pattern' and 'subject' must contain ",
"sequences of the same type")
PairwiseAlignments(as.character(pattern), as.character(subject),
type = type, substitutionMatrix = substitutionMatrix,
gapOpening = gapOpening, gapExtension = gapExtension,
baseClass = xsbaseclass(pattern))
setMethod("PairwiseAlignments", signature(pattern = "XStringSet", subject = "missing"),
function(pattern, subject, type = "global", substitutionMatrix = NULL,
gapOpening = 0, gapExtension = 1) {
if (length(pattern) != 2)
stop("'pattern' must be of length 2 when 'subject' is missing")
if (diff(nchar(pattern)) != 0)
stop("'pattern' elements must have the same number of characters")
PairwiseAlignments(as.character(pattern[1]), as.character(pattern[2]),
type = type, substitutionMatrix = substitutionMatrix,
gapOpening = gapOpening, gapExtension = gapExtension,
baseClass = xsbaseclass(pattern))
setMethod("PairwiseAlignments", signature(pattern = "character", subject = "missing"),
function(pattern, subject, type = "global", substitutionMatrix = NULL,
gapOpening = 0, gapExtension = 1, baseClass = "BString") {
if (length(pattern) != 2)
stop("'pattern' must be of length 2 when 'subject' is missing")
if (diff(nchar(pattern)) != 0)
stop("'pattern' elements must have the same number of characters")
PairwiseAlignments(pattern[1], pattern[2],
type = type, substitutionMatrix = substitutionMatrix,
gapOpening = gapOpening, gapExtension = gapExtension,
baseClass = baseClass)
setMethod("PairwiseAlignments", signature(pattern = "character", subject = "character"),
function(pattern, subject, type = "global", substitutionMatrix = NULL,
gapOpening = 0, gapExtension = 1, baseClass = "BString") {
newPairwiseAlignments(pattern = pattern, subject = subject, type = type,
substitutionMatrix = substitutionMatrix,
gapOpening = gapOpening, gapExtension = gapExtension,
baseClass = baseClass, pwaClass = "PairwiseAlignments")
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Validity.
.valid.PairwiseAlignments <- function(object)
message <- NULL
if (!identical(class(unaligned(pattern(object))), class(unaligned(subject(object)))))
message <- c(message, "'unaligned(pattern)' and 'unaligned(subject)' must be XString objects of the same base type")
if (length(object@type) != 1 || !(object@type %in% c("global", "local", "overlap", "global-local", "local-global")))
message <- c(message, "'type' must be one of 'global', 'local', 'overlap', 'global-local', or 'local-global'")
if (!isSingleNumber(object@gapOpening) || object@gapOpening < 0)
message <- c(message, "'gapOpening' must be a non-negative numeric vector of length 1")
if (!isSingleNumber(object@gapExtension) || object@gapExtension < 0)
message <- c(message, "'gapExtension' must be a non-negative numeric vector of length 1")
problems <- .valid.PairwiseAlignments(object)
if (is.null(problems)) TRUE else problems
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### get_aligned_pattern()
### 'x_pattern' and 'x_subject' must come from the "pattern" and "subject"
### slots of a PairwiseAlignments object of length 1. They're both expected
### to be AlignedXStringSet0 objects of length 1.
### 'global.pattern' and 'global.subject' must indicate whether the pattern
### and/or subject were globally aligned or not.
get_aligned_pattern <- function(x_pattern, x_subject,
global.pattern=TRUE, global.subject=TRUE,
if (!is(x_pattern, "AlignedXStringSet0") || length(x_pattern) != 1L)
stop("'x_pattern' must be an AlignedXStringSet0 object of length 1")
if (!is(x_subject, "AlignedXStringSet0") || length(x_subject) != 1L)
stop("'x_subject' must be an AlignedXStringSet0 object of length 1")
aligned_pattern <- aligned(x_pattern)[[1L]] # XString object
## Sanity check:
if (check) {
aligned_subject <- aligned(x_subject)[[1L]] # XString object
ans <- aligned_pattern
original_pattern <- x_pattern@unaligned[[1L]] # XString object
## We only need 'original_subject' for its length.
original_subject <- x_subject@unaligned[[1L]] # XString object
if (global.pattern) {
start1 <- start(x_pattern@range)
if (start1 > 1L) {
prefix1 <- subseq(original_pattern, end=start1 - 1L)
ans <- c(prefix1, ans)
end1 <- end(x_pattern@range)
if (end1 < length(original_pattern)) {
suffix1 <- subseq(original_pattern, start=end1 + 1L)
ans <- c(ans, suffix1)
if (global.subject) {
start2 <- start(x_subject@range)
if (start2 > 1L) {
prefix2 <-, "-"), start2 - 1L)
ans <- c(prefix2, ans)
end2 <- end(x_subject@range)
if (end2 < length(original_subject)) {
suffix2 <-, "-"),
length(original_subject) - end2)
ans <- c(ans, suffix2)
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Accessor methods.
setMethod("pattern", "PairwiseAlignments", function(x) x@pattern)
setMethod("subject", "PairwiseAlignments", function(x) x@subject)
setMethod("type", "PairwiseAlignments", function(x) x@type)
setGeneric("alignedPattern", function(x) standardGeneric("alignedPattern"))
setGeneric("alignedSubject", function(x) standardGeneric("alignedSubject"))
setMethod("alignedPattern", "PairwiseAlignments",
x_pattern <- pattern(x)
x_subject <- subject(x)
x_type <- type(x)
global.pattern <- x_type %in% c("global", "global-local")
global.subject <- x_type %in% c("global", "local-global")
ans <-,
function(i) {
as(get_aligned_pattern(x_pattern[i], x_subject[i],
global.pattern, global.subject),
names(ans) <- names(x_pattern@unaligned)
setMethod("alignedSubject", "PairwiseAlignments",
x_pattern <- pattern(x)
x_subject <- subject(x)
x_type <- type(x)
global.pattern <- x_type %in% c("global", "global-local")
global.subject <- x_type %in% c("global", "local-global")
ans <-,
function(i) {
as(get_aligned_pattern(x_subject[i], x_pattern[i],
global.subject, global.pattern),
names(ans) <- names(x_subject@unaligned)
setMethod("score", "PairwiseAlignments", function(x) x@score)
setMethod("insertion", "PairwiseAlignments", function(x) indel(subject(x)))
setMethod("deletion", "PairwiseAlignments", function(x) indel(pattern(x)))
setMethod("indel", "PairwiseAlignments",
function(x) new("InDel", insertion = insertion(x), deletion = deletion(x)))
setMethod("nindel", "PairwiseAlignments",
function(x) new("InDel", insertion = nindel(subject(x)), deletion = nindel(pattern(x))))
setMethod("nchar", "PairwiseAlignments", function(x, type="chars", allowNA=FALSE) nchar(subject(x)))
setMethod("seqtype", "PairwiseAlignments", function(x) seqtype(subject(x)))
setGeneric("pid", signature="x", function(x, type="PID1") standardGeneric("pid"))
setMethod("pid", "PairwiseAlignments",
function(x, type="PID1") {
type <- match.arg(type, c("PID1", "PID2", "PID3", "PID4"))
denom <-
"PID1" = nchar(x),
"PID2" = nmatch(x) + nmismatch(x),
"PID3" = pmin(nchar(unaligned(pattern(x))), nchar(unaligned(subject(x)))),
"PID4" = (nchar(unaligned(pattern(x))) + nchar(unaligned(subject(x)))) / 2)
100 * nmatch(x)/denom
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### The "show" method
### TODO: Maybe make the "show" method format the alignment in a SGD fashion
### i.e. split in 60-letter blocks and use the "|" character to highlight
### exact matches.
.show_PairwiseAlignments <- function(x)
x_len <- length(x)
if (x_len == 0L)
cat("Empty ")
cat(switch(type(x), "global"="Global", "overlap"="Overlap",
"local"="Local", "global-local" = "Global-Local",
" ", class(x), sep="")
if (x_len == 0L) {
cat(" (1 of ", x_len, ")\n", sep="")
x1 <- x[1L]
x_type <- type(x)
global.pattern <- x_type %in% c("global", "global-local")
global.subject <- x_type %in% c("global", "local-global")
p1start <- if (global.pattern)
paste0("[", start(x1@pattern@range), "]")
s1start <- if (global.subject)
paste0("[", start(x1@subject@range), "]")
width <- max(nchar(p1start), nchar(s1start))
if (width != 0L) {
width <- width + 1L
p1start <- format(p1start, justify="right", width=width)
s1start <- format(s1start, justify="right", width=width)
width <- getOption("width") - 9L - width
pattern1 <- toSeqSnippet(alignedPattern(x1)[[1L]], width)
subject1 <- toSeqSnippet(alignedSubject(x1)[[1L]], width)
cat("pattern:", p1start, " ", add_colors(pattern1), "\n", sep="")
cat("subject:", s1start, " ", add_colors(subject1), "\n", sep="")
cat("score:", score(x1), "\n")
setMethod("show", "PairwiseAlignments",
function(object) .show_PairwiseAlignments(object)
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