.plotBindingSites <- function(object, regions, width, groups, quantiles, bandwidth, ...) {
if (missing(width)) {
width = max(IRanges::width(regions))
if (missing(groups)) {
groups = factor(rep(1, ncol(object)))
} else {
groups = factor(as.character(groups))
if (missing(bandwidth)) {
bandwidth = width/8
if (missing(quantiles)) {
if (ncol(object) > 4) {
quantiles = c(0.25, 0.75)
} else {
quantiles = c()
smooth.width = width+(2*ceiling(bandwidth))
regions = resize(regions, width=smooth.width, fix="center")
relPos <- numeric()
methData <- numeric()
matchMatrix <- as.matrix(findOverlaps(regions, rowRanges(object)))
if (nrow(matchMatrix) == 0) {
stop("No CpG sites within the given regions.")
hitInds <- unique(matchMatrix[, 1])
pb.max <- length(hitInds) + 0.2*length(hitInds)
pb <- txtProgressBar(min=0, max=pb.max, style=3)
progBar <- 1
for (i in hitInds) {
setTxtProgressBar(pb, value=progBar)
progBar <- progBar + 1
ind = matchMatrix[matchMatrix[, 1] == i, 2]
relPos = c(relPos, start(rowRanges(object)[ind]) - start(regions[i]) + 1)
methData = rbind(methData, methLevel(object)[ind, ])
methData = split(, factor(relPos))
methData = lapply(methData, function(x) {
apply(x, 2, mean, na.rm=TRUE) # mean better than median??
setTxtProgressBar(pb, value=pb.max)
relPos = as.numeric(names(methData))
methData = as.matrix(, args=methData))
# all(row.names(methData) == as.character(relPos)
relPos = relPos - (smooth.width / 2)
x = relPos[1]:relPos[length(relPos)]
sData = list()
# for each group
for (i in 1:length(levels(groups))) {
mData = t(apply(methData[, groups == levels(groups)[i]], 1, quantile, probs=c(0.5, quantiles), na.rm=TRUE))
notNA = !apply(mData, 1, function(r) {any(})
sData[[i]] = apply(mData[notNA, ], 2, function(y) {
ksmooth(x=relPos[notNA], y=y, kernel="normal", bandwidth=bandwidth,
# prepare plot of first group
args = list(...)
args$x = x
args$y = sData[[1]][, 1]
# set ylim
if (!is.element("ylim", names(args))) {
args$ylim = c(max(0, min(sapply(sData, min, na.rm=TRUE), na.rm=TRUE) - 0.05),
min(1, max(sapply(sData, max, na.rm=TRUE), na.rm=TRUE) + 0.05))
# set xlim
if (!is.element("xlim", names(args))) {
args$xlim = c(-round(width/2), round(width/2))
# set xlab and ylab
if (!is.element("xlab", names(args))) {
args$xlab="Genomic position relative to BS"
if (!is.element("ylab", names(args))) {
args$ylab="Median methylation"
# set col
if (!is.element("col", names(args))) {
cols = rainbow(length(levels(groups)))
args$col = cols[1]
} else {
cols = args$col
if (length(cols) != length(levels(groups))) {
cols = rep(cols, length(levels(groups)))
args$col = cols[1]
args$type = "l", args)
if (ncol(sData[[1]]) > 1) {
for (i in 2:ncol(sData[[1]])) {
lines(x=x, y=sData[[1]][, i], col=rgb(t(col2rgb(cols[1]))/255, alpha=0.6), lty=5)
# plot other groups
if (length(sData) > 1) {
for (g in 2:length(sData)) {
lines(x=x, y=sData[[g]][, 1], col=cols[g])
if (ncol(sData[[g]]) > 1) {
for (i in 2:ncol(sData[[g]])) {
lines(x=x, y=sData[[g]][, i], col=rgb(t(col2rgb(cols[g]))/255, alpha=0.6), lty=5)
# cat(paste("Generating plot with", nrow(matchMatrix), "CpGs from", length(unique(matchMatrix[, 1])),
# "distinct regions.\n"))
signature=c(object="BSrel", regions="GRanges"),
function(object, regions, width, groups, quantiles, bandwidth, ...) {
.plotBindingSites(object, regions, width=width, groups=groups, quantiles=quantiles, bandwidth=bandwidth, ...)
signature=c(object="BSraw", regions="GRanges"),
function(object, regions, width, groups, quantiles, bandwidth, ...) {
.plotBindingSites(rawToRel(object), regions, width=width, groups=groups, quantiles=quantiles, bandwidth=bandwidth, ...)
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