### =========================================================================
### OnDiskLongTable_old objects
### -------------------------------------------------------------------------
dirpath="character", # Single string.
colnames="character", # Vector of column names (no NAs, no
# empty strings).
breakpoints="integer", # Values must be positive and strictly
# sorted. Last value matches nb of rows
# in the table.
.rowids_cache="environment" # Where to load and cache the row ids.
# Row ids are unique integer values.
# Used for fast translation from
# user-supplied row ids to row indices.
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### Low-level helpers
.OnDiskLongTable_old_check_dirpath <- function(dirpath)
if (!isSingleString(dirpath) || dirpath == "")
stop(wmsg("'dirpath' must be a single (non-empty) string"))
if (!dir.exists(dirpath))
stop(wmsg("directory not found: ", dirpath))
.OnDiskLongTable_old_check_breakpoints <- function(breakpoints)
if (!is.integer(breakpoints)
|| S4Vectors:::anyMissing(breakpoints)
|| is.unsorted(breakpoints, strictly=TRUE)
|| length(breakpoints) != 0L && breakpoints[[1L]] < 1L)
stop(wmsg("invalid breakpoints found for OnDiskLongTable_old object"))
.OnDiskLongTable_old_check_rowids <- function(rowids)
if (!is.integer(rowids))
stop(wmsg("'rowids' must be an integer vector"))
if (S4Vectors:::anyMissing(rowids) || anyDuplicated(rowids))
stop(wmsg("'rowids' cannot contain NAs or duplicated values"))
.OnDiskLongTable_old_get_nrow_from_breakpoints <- function(breakpoints)
if (length(breakpoints) == 0L)
.OnDiskLongTable_old_colidx2dirname <- function(colidx)
sprintf("col%03d", colidx)
.OnDiskLongTable_old_colidx2dirpath <- function(dirpath, colidx)
file.path(dirpath, .OnDiskLongTable_old_colidx2dirname(colidx))
.OnDiskLongTable_old_blockidx2blockname <- function(blockidx)
not_na_idx <- which(!
blockname <- character(length(blockidx))
blockname[not_na_idx] <- sprintf("b%05d", blockidx[not_na_idx])
.save_object <- function(dirpath, objname, value,
compress=TRUE, compression_level,
filename <- paste0(objname, ".rda")
filepath <- file.path(dirpath, filename)
if (!overwrite && file.exists(filepath))
stop(wmsg("file already exists: ", filepath))
assign(objname, value)
save(list=objname, file=filepath,
compress=compress, compression_level=compression_level)
.load_object <- function(dirpath, objname)
filename <- paste0(objname, ".rda")
filepath <- file.path(dirpath, filename)
if (!file.exists(filepath))
stop(wmsg("file not found: ", filepath))
tmpenv <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())
if (!identical(load(filepath, envir=tmpenv), objname))
stop(wmsg(filepath, " does not seem to belong ",
"to an OnDiskLongTable_old object"))
get(objname, envir=tmpenv, inherits=FALSE)
### colidx: column index of length 1.
### blockname: a valid block name. Can also be a valid block index as a
### single integer.
.load_block <- function(x, colidx, blockname)
if (!is.character(blockname))
blockname <- .OnDiskLongTable_old_blockidx2blockname(blockname)
col_dirpath <- .OnDiskLongTable_old_colidx2dirpath(x@dirpath, colidx)
.load_object(col_dirpath, blockname)
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### .write_zero_row_OnDiskLongTable_old()
.remove_file <- function(dirpath, filename)
filepath <- file.path(dirpath, filename)
if (file.exists(filepath)) {
if (!file.remove(filepath))
stop(wmsg("failed to remove file: ", filepath))
.remove_dirs <- function(dirpaths)
fail_idx <- which(as.logical(unlink(dirpaths, recursive=TRUE)))
if (length(fail_idx) != 0L)
stop(wmsg("failed to remove directories: ",
paste0(dirpaths[fail_idx], collapse=", ")))
.create_and_initialize_column_dir <- function(df_col, col_dirpath)
if (!dir.create(col_dirpath, showWarnings=TRUE, mode="0775"))
stop(wmsg("failed to create directory: ", col_dirpath))
## A "special block" is written in newly created column dir. It contains
## serialized zero-length column.
blockname <- .OnDiskLongTable_old_blockidx2blockname(0L)
block <- df_col[integer(0)]
.save_object(col_dirpath, blockname, block)
.write_zero_row_OnDiskLongTable_old <- function(df, dirpath)
## Remove stuff.
.remove_file(dirpath, "rowids.rda")
col_dirpaths <- .OnDiskLongTable_old_colidx2dirpath(dirpath,
## Create stuff.
.save_object(dirpath, "colnames", colnames(df), overwrite=TRUE)
for (j in seq_len(ncol(df)))
.create_and_initialize_column_dir(df[[j]], col_dirpaths[[j]])
.save_object(dirpath, "breakpoints", integer(0), overwrite=TRUE)
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### .append_batch_to_OnDiskLongTable_old()
.write_column <- function(df_col, col_dirpath,
breakpoints, blockidx_offset,
compress, compression_level)
if (!dir.exists(col_dirpath))
stop(wmsg("directory not found: ", col_dirpath))
block_ranges <- PartitioningByEnd(breakpoints)
for (b in seq_along(block_ranges)) {
blockidx <- blockidx_offset + b
blockname <- .OnDiskLongTable_old_blockidx2blockname(blockidx)
block <- df_col[block_ranges[[b]]]
.save_object(col_dirpath, blockname, block,
compress, compression_level)
.append_batch_to_OnDiskLongTable_old <- function(df, dirpath,
batch_label, blocksize,
compress, compression_level)
## Check existence of rowids.rda file.
filepath <- file.path(dirpath, "rowids.rda")
if (file.exists(filepath))
stop(wmsg("cannot append data to an ",
"OnDiskLongTable_old object with row ids"))
## Check 'df' colnames.
old_colnames <- .load_object(dirpath, "colnames")
if (!identical(colnames(df), old_colnames))
stop(wmsg("'colnames(df)' must be identical to colnames in ",
file.path(dirpath, "colnames.rda")))
## Load 'breakpoints' vector.
breakpoints1 <- .load_object(dirpath, "breakpoints")
## Append 'df' columns.
col_dirpaths <- .OnDiskLongTable_old_colidx2dirpath(dirpath,
breakpoints2 <- end(breakInChunks(nrow(df), chunksize=blocksize))
blockidx_offset <- length(breakpoints1)
for (j in seq_len(ncol(df)))
.write_column(df[[j]], col_dirpaths[[j]],
breakpoints2, blockidx_offset,
compress, compression_level)
## Update 'breakpoints' vector.
if (!is.null(batch_label))
names(breakpoints2) <-, length(breakpoints2))
nrow1 <- .OnDiskLongTable_old_get_nrow_from_breakpoints(breakpoints1)
breakpoints <- c(breakpoints1, nrow1 + breakpoints2)
.save_object(dirpath, "breakpoints", breakpoints, overwrite=TRUE)
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### saveAsOnDiskLongTable_old() and saveRowidsForOnDiskLongTable_old()
.normarg_blocksize <- function(blocksize, totalsize)
if (!isSingleNumberOrNA(blocksize))
stop(wmsg("'blocksize' must be a single integer or NA"))
if (!is.integer(blocksize))
blocksize <- as.integer(blocksize)
if (
if (blocksize < 0L)
stop(wmsg("'blocksize' cannot be negative"))
if (blocksize == 0L && totalsize != 0L)
stop(wmsg("'blocksize' can be 0 only if 'nrow(df)' is 0"))
### Ignore the row names on 'df'. If 'df' is a DataFrame, 'metadata(df)' and
### 'mcols(df)' are also ignored.
saveAsOnDiskLongTable_old <- function(df, dirpath=".", append=FALSE,
batch_label=NULL, blocksize=NA,
compress=TRUE, compression_level)
if (! && !is(df, "DataFrame"))
stop(wmsg("'df' must be a data.frame or DataFrame object"))
if (!isTRUEorFALSE(append))
stop(wmsg("'append' must be TRUE or FALSE"))
if (!(is.null(batch_label) ||
isSingleString(batch_label) && batch_label != ""))
stop(wmsg("'batch_label' must be NULL or a single (non-empty) string"))
blocksize <- .normarg_blocksize(blocksize, nrow(df))
if (!append)
.write_zero_row_OnDiskLongTable_old(df, dirpath)
.append_batch_to_OnDiskLongTable_old(df, dirpath,
batch_label, blocksize,
compress, compression_level)
### After row ids are saved, data cannot be appended to the OnDiskLongTable_old
### object.
saveRowidsForOnDiskLongTable_old <- function(rowids, dirpath=".",
compress=TRUE, compression_level)
breakpoints <- .load_object(dirpath, "breakpoints")
nrow <- .OnDiskLongTable_old_get_nrow_from_breakpoints(breakpoints)
if (length(rowids) != nrow)
stop(wmsg("length of 'rowids' is incompatible ",
"with the OnDiskLongTable_old object in ", dirpath))
.save_object(dirpath, "rowids", rowids,
compress, compression_level)
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### Constructor
OnDiskLongTable_old <- function(dirpath=".")
ans_colnames <- .load_object(dirpath, "colnames")
ans_breakpoints <- .load_object(dirpath, "breakpoints")
ans_rowids_cache <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())
ans <- new("OnDiskLongTable_old", dirpath=dirpath,
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Getters
setGeneric("breakpoints", function(x) standardGeneric("breakpoints"))
setMethod("breakpoints", "OnDiskLongTable_old", function(x) x@breakpoints)
setGeneric("blocksizes", function(x) standardGeneric("blocksizes"))
setMethod("blocksizes", "OnDiskLongTable_old",
x_breakpoints <- breakpoints(x)
ans <- S4Vectors:::diffWithInitialZero(x_breakpoints)
names(ans) <- names(x_breakpoints)
setGeneric("rowids", function(x) standardGeneric("rowids"))
### Return NULL or an integer vector with no NAs or duplicated values.
setMethod("rowids", "OnDiskLongTable_old",
objname <- "rowids"
## 1. Try to get the row ids from the cache.
ans <- try(get(objname, envir=x@.rowids_cache, inherits=FALSE),
if (!is(ans, "try-error"))
## 2. Try to find them on disk.
filename <- paste0(objname, ".rda")
filepath <- file.path(x@dirpath, filename)
if (!file.exists(filepath))
return((assign(objname, NULL, envir=x@.rowids_cache)))
## 3. Load the row ids from disk.
if (!identical(load(filepath, envir=x@.rowids_cache), objname))
stop(wmsg(filepath, " does not seem to belong ",
"to an OnDiskLongTable_old object"))
ans <- get(objname, envir=x@.rowids_cache, inherits=FALSE)
if (length(ans) != nrow(x))
stop(wmsg("length(rowids) != nrow(x)"))
setMethod("dim", "OnDiskLongTable_old",
x_nrow <- .OnDiskLongTable_old_get_nrow_from_breakpoints(breakpoints(x))
x_ncol <- length(colnames(x))
c(x_nrow, x_ncol)
setMethod("dimnames", "OnDiskLongTable_old",
function(x) list(NULL, x@colnames)
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### "show" method
setMethod("show", "OnDiskLongTable_old",
cat(class(object), " object with ",
nrow(object), " row", if (nrow(object) >= 2L) "s" else "",
" and ",
ncol(object), " column", if (ncol(object) >= 2L) "s" else "",
"\n", sep="")
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Get batches from OnDiskLongTable_old
.normarg_batch_labels <- function(batch_labels, x_batch_labels)
if (is.null(x_batch_labels))
stop(wmsg("'x' has no batch labels (i.e. 'breakpoints(x)' has ",
"no names): cannot use getBatchesFromOnDiskLongTable_old() ",
"on it"))
if (!is.character(batch_labels)
|| S4Vectors:::anyMissing(batch_labels)
|| anyDuplicated(batch_labels))
stop(wmsg("'batch_labels' must be a character vector ",
"with no NAs and no duplicates"))
.normarg_colidx <- function(colidx, x)
if (is.character(colidx)) {
colidx <- match(colidx, colnames(x))
if (S4Vectors:::anyMissing(colidx))
stop(wmsg("'colidx' contains invalid column names"))
if (!is.numeric(colidx))
stop(wmsg("'colidx' must be an integer or character vector"))
if (!is.integer(colidx))
colidx <- as.integer(colidx)
if (S4Vectors:::anyMissingOrOutside(colidx, 1L, ncol(x)))
stop(wmsg("'colidx' contains invalid column indices"))
### colidx: column index of length 1
.get_blocks_from_column <- function(x, colidx, blockidx)
if (length(blockidx) == 0L)
blockidx <- 0L
tmp <- lapply(blockidx, function(i) .load_block(x, colidx, i))
### batch_labels: character vector of batch labels.
### colidx: integer or character vector.
### Return a DataFrame (or data.frame).
getBatchesFromOnDiskLongTable_old <- function(x, batch_labels, colidx,
if (!is(x, "OnDiskLongTable_old"))
stop(wmsg("'x' must be an OnDiskLongTable_old object"))
x_blocksizes <- blocksizes(x)
x_batch_labels <- names(x_blocksizes)
batch_labels <- .normarg_batch_labels(batch_labels, x_batch_labels)
colidx <- .normarg_colidx(colidx, x)
if (!isTRUEorFALSE(with.batch_label))
stop(wmsg("'with.batch_label' must be TRUE or FALSE"))
if (!isTRUEorFALSE(with.rowids))
stop(wmsg("'with.rowids' must be TRUE or FALSE"))
if (!isTRUEorFALSE(
stop(wmsg("'' must be TRUE or FALSE"))
hits <- findMatches(batch_labels, x_batch_labels)
blockidx <- subjectHits(hits)
ans_blocksizes <- x_blocksizes[blockidx]
names(colidx) <- colnames(x)[colidx]
ans_listData <-
lapply(colidx, function(j) .get_blocks_from_column(x, j, blockidx))
if (with.batch_label) {
batch_label_levels <- unique(x_batch_labels)
ans_batch_label <- factor(batch_labels[queryHits(hits)],
ans_batch_label <-, ans_blocksizes)
ans_listData[["batch_label"]] <- ans_batch_label
if (with.rowids) {
rowidx <- IRanges:::unlist_as_integer(
ans_rowids <- rowids(x)[rowidx]
} else {
ans_rowids <- NULL
if ( {
ans <- data.frame(ans_listData, row.names=ans_rowids,
} else {
## Unfortunately, DataFrame cannot store its row names as an integer
## vector.
if (!is.null(ans_rowids))
ans_rowids <- as.character(ans_rowids)
ans <- new("DataFrame", listData=ans_listData,
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### getRowsByIndexFromOnDiskLongTable_old()
.normarg_rowidx <- function(rowidx, x)
if (!is.integer(rowidx))
stop(wmsg("'rowidx' must be an integer vector"))
if (S4Vectors:::anyMissingOrOutside(rowidx, 1L, nrow(x)))
stop(wmsg("'rowidx' contains NAs or invalid row indices"))
.breakpoints2offsets <- function(breakpoints)
breakpoints_len <- length(breakpoints)
if (breakpoints_len == 0L)
c(0L, breakpoints[-breakpoints_len])
### Translation from row index to "row key".
### breakpoints: integer vector of break points.
### rowidx: integer vector containing valid row indices.
### Return a list of 2 integer vectors parallel to 'rowidx'. The 1st vector
### contains block indices. The 2nd vector contains row indices relative to
### the block indicated by the corresponding element in the 1st vector.
### In addition, if 'breakpoints' has names (i.e. "batch labels") then the
### 1st vector also has names indicating the label of the batch associated
### with each row index in 'rowidx'.
.rowidx2rowkeys <- function(breakpoints, rowidx)
blockidx <- findInterval(rowidx - 1L, breakpoints) + 1L
names(blockidx) <- names(breakpoints)[blockidx]
rowrelidx <- rowidx - .breakpoints2offsets(unname(breakpoints))[blockidx]
list(blockidx, rowrelidx)
### colidx: column index of length 1
.get_values_from_column <- function(x, colidx, rowkeys)
if (length(rowkeys[[1L]]) == 0L)
return(.load_block(x, colidx, 0L))
list_of_keys <- split(unname(rowkeys[[2L]]), rowkeys[[1L]])
tmp <- lapply(seq_along(list_of_keys),
function(i) {
blockidx <- as.integer(names(list_of_keys)[i])
keys <- list_of_keys[[i]]
block <- .load_block(x, colidx, blockidx)
S4Vectors:::quick_unsplit(tmp, rowkeys[[1L]])
### rowidx: integer vector.
### colidx: integer or character vector.
### Return a DataFrame (or data.frame) with 1 row per row id in 'rowidx'.
### Note that we do NOT set the row names to 'rowidx' on the returned DataFrame
### because we want to support duplicates in 'rowidx'.
getRowsByIndexFromOnDiskLongTable_old <- function(x, rowidx, colidx,
if (!is(x, "OnDiskLongTable_old"))
stop(wmsg("'x' must be an OnDiskLongTable_old object"))
rowidx <- .normarg_rowidx(rowidx, x)
x_breakpoints <- breakpoints(x)
rowkeys <- .rowidx2rowkeys(x_breakpoints, rowidx)
colidx <- .normarg_colidx(colidx, x)
if (!isTRUEorFALSE(with.batch_label))
stop(wmsg("'with.batch_label' must be TRUE or FALSE"))
if (!isTRUEorFALSE(
stop(wmsg("'' must be TRUE or FALSE"))
names(colidx) <- colnames(x)[colidx]
ans_listData <-
lapply(colidx, function(j) .get_values_from_column(x, j, rowkeys))
if (with.batch_label) {
batch_label_levels <- unique(names(x_breakpoints))
ans_listData[["batch_label"]] <- factor(names(rowkeys[[1L]]),
if ( {
ans <- data.frame(ans_listData, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
} else {
ans <- new("DataFrame", listData=ans_listData,
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### getRowsByIdFromOnDiskLongTable_old()
.rowids2rowidx <- function(x, rowids)
x_rowids <- rowids(x)
if (is.null(x_rowids))
stop(wmsg("'x' has no row ids: cannot use ",
"getRowsByIdFromOnDiskLongTable_old() on it"))
if (!is.integer(rowids) || S4Vectors:::anyMissing(rowids))
stop(wmsg("'rowids' must be an integer vector with no NAs"))
rowidx <- match(rowids, x_rowids)
if (S4Vectors:::anyMissing(rowidx))
stop(wmsg("'rowids' contains invalid row ids"))
### rowids: integer vector.
### colidx: integer or character vector.
### Return a DataFrame (or data.frame) with 1 row per row id in 'rowids'.
### Note that we do NOT set the row names to 'rowids' on the returned DataFrame
### because we want to support duplicates in 'rowids'.
getRowsByIdFromOnDiskLongTable_old <- function(x, rowids, colidx,
if (!is(x, "OnDiskLongTable_old"))
stop(wmsg("'x' must be an OnDiskLongTable_old object"))
rowidx <- .rowids2rowidx(x, rowids)
getRowsByIndexFromOnDiskLongTable_old(x, rowidx, colidx,
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