#functions to perform querying of Atlas data
#function to return all conditions a given gene is reportedly differentially expressed in
getConditionsForGeneName <- function(genename, limit=0, endpoint=""){
limitC = ""
if (limit != 0)
if (is.numeric(limit) && ! is.null( grep ("/.",limit)))
limitC = paste( " limit " , limit)
warning ("limit should be an integer, limit omitted from the query")
query <- paste( "PREFIX atlas_r: <http://atlasrdfrpackage> \n",
"PREFIX rdf:<> \n",
"PREFIX rdfs:<> \n",
"PREFIX efo:<> \n",
"PREFIX obo:<> \n",
"PREFIX owl: <> \n",
"PREFIX atlas: <> \n",
"PREFIX atlasterms: <> \n",
limitC )
#get all ensembl genes for an efo term for any species
getAllEnsemblGenesForExFactor <- function(exfactor, limit = 0, endpoint=""){
limitC = ""
if (limit != 0)
if (is.numeric(limit) && ! is.null( grep ("/.",limit)))
limitC = paste( " limit " , limit)
warning ("limit should be an integer, limit omitted from the query")
query <- paste( "PREFIX atlas_r: <http://atlasrdfrpackage> \n",
"PREFIX rdf:<> \n",
"PREFIX rdfs:<> \n",
"PREFIX dcterms: <> \n",
"PREFIX efo:<> \n",
"PREFIX obo:<> \n",
"PREFIX owl: <> \n",
"PREFIX sio:<> \n",
"PREFIX atlas: <> \n",
"PREFIX atlasterms: <> \n",
"SELECT distinct ?dbXref ?geneName ?ensemblid ?propertyValue \n",
"WHERE { \n",
"?expUri atlasterms:hasAnalysis ?analysis . \n",
"?analysis atlasterms:hasExpressionValue ?value . \n",
"?value atlasterms:hasFactorValue ?factor . \n",
"?value atlasterms:isMeasurementOf ?probe . \n",
"?probe atlasterms:dbXref ?dbXref . \n",
"?dbXref rdf:type <> . \n",
"?dbXref rdfs:label ?geneName . \n",
"?dbXref dcterms:identifier ?ensemblid . \n",
"?factor atlasterms:propertyType ?propertyType . \n",
"?factor atlasterms:propertyValue ?propertyValue . \n",
"?factor rdf:type " , exfactor , " . \n",
"} \n",
limitC )
message("Performing query please wait...")
res <- tryCatch({
error = function(err){
message("an error occured when trying to query for ensembl genes ", err)
})#end tryCatch
return (res$results)
#get all ensembl genes for an efo term for a specified species only
getSpeciesSpecificEnsemblGenesForExFactor <- function(exfactor, taxon, limit = 0, endpoint = ""){
limitC = ""
if (limit != 0)
if (is.numeric(limit) && ! is.null( grep ("/.",limit)))
limitC = paste( " limit " , limit)
warning ("limit should be an integer, limit omitted from the query")
query <- paste( "PREFIX atlas_r: <http://atlasrdfrpackage> \n",
"PREFIX rdf:<> \n",
"PREFIX rdfs:<> \n",
"PREFIX dcterms: <> \n",
"PREFIX efo:<> \n",
"PREFIX obo:<> \n",
"PREFIX owl: <> \n",
"PREFIX sio:<> \n",
"PREFIX atlas: <> \n",
"PREFIX atlasterms: <> \n",
"SELECT DISTINCT ?dbXref ?genename ?ensemblid \n",
"WHERE { \n",
"?expUri atlasterms:hasAnalysis ?analysis . \n",
"?analysis atlasterms:hasExpressionValue ?value . \n",
"?value atlasterms:hasFactorValue ?factor . \n",
"?value atlasterms:isMeasurementOf ?probe . \n",
"?probe atlasterms:dbXref ?dbXref . \n",
"?dbXref rdf:type <> . \n",
"?dbXref rdfs:label ?genename . \n",
"?dbXref dcterms:identifier ?ensemblid . \n",
"?dbXref atlasterms:taxon" , taxon , ". \n",
"?factor atlasterms:propertyType ?propertyType . \n",
"?factor atlasterms:propertyValue ?propertyValue . \n",
"?factor rdf:type" , exfactor , " . \n",
"} \n",
limitC )
message("Performing query please wait...")
res <- tryCatch({
error = function(err){
message("an error occured when trying to query for species specific ensembl genes ", err)
})#end tryCatch
return (res$results)
#get experiments where sample description contain specified term
getExperimentsByDescription <- function(searchterm, limit = 0, endpoint = ""){
limitC = ""
if (limit != 0)
if (is.numeric(limit) && ! is.null( grep ("/.",limit)))
limitC = paste( " limit " , limit)
warning ("limit should be an integer, limit omitted from the query")
query <- paste( "PREFIX atlas_r: <http://atlasrdfrpackage> \n",
"PREFIX rdf:<> \n",
"PREFIX rdfs:<> \n",
"PREFIX dcterms: <> \n",
"PREFIX efo:<> \n",
"PREFIX obo:<> \n",
"PREFIX owl: <> \n",
"PREFIX sio:<> \n",
"PREFIX atlas: <> \n",
"PREFIX atlasterms: <> \n",
"SELECT DISTINCT ?experiment WHERE \n",
"{?experiment a atlasterms:Experiment ; dcterms:description ?description ; \n",
"atlasterms:hasAssay \n",
"[atlasterms:hasSample \n",
"[atlasterms:hasSampleCharacteristic \n",
"[ atlasterms:propertyType ?propertyType ; atlasterms:propertyValue ?propertyValue] ] ] \n",
"filter regex (?description, \"",searchterm,"\") \n",
limitC, sep="")
message("Performing query please wait...")
res <- tryCatch({
error = function(err){
message("an error occured when trying to query for experiment by description ", err)
})#end tryCatch
return (res$results)
#get all genes for given experiment, expeirment should be sent in form of experiment ID e.g. E-GEOD-1085
getGenesForExperimentID <- function(experiment, endpoint = ""){
experimenturi <- paste("atlas:",experiment, sep="")
query <- paste( "PREFIX atlas_r: <http://atlasrdfrpackage> \n",
"PREFIX rdf:<> \n",
"PREFIX rdfs:<> \n",
"PREFIX dcterms: <> \n",
"PREFIX efo:<> \n",
"PREFIX obo:<> \n",
"PREFIX owl: <> \n",
"PREFIX sio:<> \n",
"PREFIX atlas: <> \n",
"PREFIX atlasterms: <> \n",
"SELECT distinct ?expressionValue ?dbXref ?pvalue ?propertyValue \n",
"WHERE {\n",
experimenturi,"atlasterms:hasAnalysis ?analysis . \n",
"?analysis atlasterms:hasExpressionValue ?value . \n",
"?value rdfs:label ?expressionValue . \n",
"?value atlasterms:pValue ?pvalue . \n",
"?value atlasterms:hasFactorValue ?factor . \n",
"?value atlasterms:isMeasurementOf ?probe . \n",
"?probe atlasterms:dbXref ?dbXref . \n",
"?factor atlasterms:propertyType ?propertyType . \n",
"?factor atlasterms:propertyValue ?propertyValue . \n",
message("Performing query please wait...")
res <- tryCatch({
error = function(err){
message("an error occured when trying to query for genes for an experiment ID ", err)
})#end tryCatch
return (res$results)
#get all genes for given experiment, expeirment should be sent in form of experiment URI e.g. <>
getGenesForExperimentURI <- function(experiment, endpoint = ""){
query <- paste( "PREFIX atlas_r: <http://atlasrdfrpackage> \n",
"PREFIX rdf:<> \n",
"PREFIX rdfs:<> \n",
"PREFIX dcterms: <> \n",
"PREFIX efo:<> \n",
"PREFIX obo:<> \n",
"PREFIX owl: <> \n",
"PREFIX sio:<> \n",
"PREFIX atlas: <> \n",
"PREFIX atlasterms: <> \n",
"SELECT distinct ?expressionValue ?dbXref ?pvalue ?propertyValue \n",
"WHERE {\n",
experiment,"atlasterms:hasAnalysis ?analysis . \n",
"?analysis atlasterms:hasExpressionValue ?value . \n",
"?value rdfs:label ?expressionValue . \n",
"?value atlasterms:pValue ?pvalue . \n",
"?value atlasterms:hasFactorValue ?factor . \n",
"?value atlasterms:isMeasurementOf ?probe . \n",
"?probe atlasterms:dbXref ?dbXref . \n",
"?factor atlasterms:propertyType ?propertyType . \n",
"?factor atlasterms:propertyValue ?propertyValue . \n",
message("Performing query please wait...")
res <- tryCatch({
error = function(err){
message("an error occured when trying to query for genes for an experiment URI ", err)
})#end tryCatch
return (res$results)
#query for experiments that contain a specific ensembl gene ID and which is reported as diff expressed
getExperimentURIsForGeneId <- function(geneid, endpoint = ""){
ensembluri <- paste("identifiers:", geneid, sep="")
query <- paste( "PREFIX atlas_r: <http://atlasrdfrpackage> \n",
"PREFIX rdf:<> \n",
"PREFIX rdfs:<> \n",
"PREFIX dcterms: <> \n",
"PREFIX efo:<> \n",
"PREFIX obo:<> \n",
"PREFIX owl: <> \n",
"PREFIX sio:<> \n",
"PREFIX atlas: <> \n",
"PREFIX atlasterms: <> \n",
"PREFIX identifiers:<> \n",
"SELECT distinct ?expURI \n",
"WHERE { \n",
"?expURI atlasterms:hasAnalysis ?analysis . \n",
"?analysis atlasterms:hasExpressionValue ?value . \n",
"?value a ?diffExpType . \n",
"?diffExpType rdfs:subClassOf atlasterms:DifferentialExpressionRatio . \n",
"?value rdfs:label ?expressionValue . \n",
"?value atlasterms:pValue ?pvalue . \n",
"?value atlasterms:hasFactorValue ?factor . \n",
"?value atlasterms:isMeasurementOf ?probe . \n",
"?probe atlasterms:dbXref", ensembluri ,". \n",
res <- tryCatch({
error = function(err){
message("an error occured when trying to query for experiment URIs by gene ID ", err)
})#end tryCatch
return (res$results)
#query for experiments that contain a specific ensembl gene ID and which is reported as diff expressed
getExperimentIdsForGeneURI <- function(geneuri, endpoint = ""){
query <- paste( "PREFIX atlas_r: <http://atlasrdfrpackage> \n",
"PREFIX rdf:<> \n",
"PREFIX rdfs:<> \n",
"PREFIX dcterms: <> \n",
"PREFIX efo:<> \n",
"PREFIX obo:<> \n",
"PREFIX owl: <> \n",
"PREFIX sio:<> \n",
"PREFIX atlas: <> \n",
"PREFIX atlasterms: <> \n",
"PREFIX identifiers:<> \n",
"SELECT distinct ?experimentid \n",
"WHERE { \n",
"?expUri dcterms:identifier ?experimentid . \n",
"?expUri atlasterms:hasAnalysis ?analysis . \n",
"?analysis atlasterms:hasExpressionValue ?value . \n",
"?value a ?diffExpType . \n",
"?diffExpType rdfs:subClassOf atlasterms:DifferentialExpressionRatio . \n",
"?value rdfs:label ?expressionValue . \n",
"?value atlasterms:pValue ?pvalue . \n",
"?value atlasterms:hasFactorValue ?factor . \n",
"?value atlasterms:isMeasurementOf ?probe . \n",
"?probe atlasterms:dbXref", geneuri ,". \n",
res <- tryCatch({
error = function(err){
message("an error occured when trying to query for experiment IDs by gene URI ", err)
})#end tryCatch
return (res$results)
#get common name for any entity (if available), for example the common gene name
#requires input parameter of uri of entity in form <http://entityuri> NOTE: including angle brackets
#e.g. cancer for "efo:EFO_0000311"
getLabel <- function(uri, endpoint = ""){
query <- paste( "PREFIX atlas_r: <http://atlasrdfrpackage> \n",
"PREFIX rdf:<> \n",
"PREFIX rdfs:<> \n",
"PREFIX dcterms: <> \n",
"PREFIX efo:<> \n",
"PREFIX obo:<> \n",
"PREFIX owl: <> \n",
"PREFIX sio:<> \n",
"PREFIX atlas: <> \n",
"PREFIX atlasterms: <> \n",
"SELECT distinct ?label{ \n",
uri,"rdfs:label ?label . \n",
res <- tryCatch({
error = function(err){
message("An error occured when trying getLabel query ", err)
})#end tryCatch
return (res$results)
#query to get pathways associated
getPathwaysFromGenesAndCondition <- function(condition, endpoint = ""){
query <- paste("PREFIX atlas_r: <http://atlasrdfrpackage> \n",
"PREFIX rdf: <> \n",
"PREFIX rdfs: <> \n",
"PREFIX owl: <> \n",
"PREFIX dcterms: <> \n",
"PREFIX obo: <> \n",
"PREFIX sio: <> \n",
"PREFIX efo: <> \n",
"PREFIX atlas: <> \n",
"PREFIX atlasterms: <> \n",
"PREFIX biopax3: <> \n",
"SELECT distinct ?pathwayname ?pathway ?expressionvalue ?pvalue \n",
"WHERE { \n",
"?protein rdf:type biopax3:Protein . \n",
"?protein biopax3:memberPhysicalEntity \n",
"[biopax3:entityReference ?dbXref] . \n",
"?pathway rdf:type biopax3:Pathway . \n",
"?pathway biopax3:displayName ?pathwayname . \n",
"?pathway biopax3:pathwayComponent ?reaction . \n",
"?reaction rdf:type biopax3:BiochemicalReaction . \n",
"{ \n",
"{?reaction ?rel ?protein .} \n",
"UNION \n",
"{ \n",
"?reaction ?rel ?complex . \n",
"?complex rdf:type biopax3:Complex . \n",
"?complex ?comp ?protein . \n",
"} \n",
"} \n",
"?factor rdf:type ",condition," . \n",
"?value atlasterms:hasFactorValue ?factor . \n",
"?value atlasterms:isMeasurementOf ?probe . \n",
"?value atlasterms:pValue ?pvalue . \n",
"?value rdfs:label ?expressionvalue . \n",
"?probe atlasterms:dbXref ?dbXref . \n",
"} \n",
"ORDER BY ASC (?pvalue) ")
pathways <- tryCatch({
error = function(err){
message("An error occured when trying getPathwaysFromGenesAndCondition query ", err)
})#end tryCatch
return (pathways$results)
#draw gene expression levels vs factors for a given Atlas experiment
drawHeatMapForAtlasExperiment <- function(experimentid, tstatsignificance = 5, numoffactorsdiffexpressedacross = 1, endpoint = ""){
experiment <- paste("atlas:",experimentid, sep="")
query <- paste( "PREFIX atlas_r: <http://atlasrdfrpackage> \n",
"PREFIX rdf: <> \n",
"PREFIX rdfs: <> \n",
"PREFIX owl: <> \n",
"PREFIX dcterms: <> \n",
"PREFIX obo: <> \n",
"PREFIX sio: <> \n",
"PREFIX efo: <> \n",
"PREFIX atlas: <> \n",
"PREFIX atlasterms: <> \n",
"PREFIX xsd: <> \n",
"SELECT DISTINCT ?genename ?factorLabel ?tStat WHERE { \n",
experiment,"atlasterms:hasAnalysis ?analysis . \n",
"?analysis atlasterms:hasExpressionValue ?value . \n",
"?value atlasterms:pValue ?pvalue . \n",
"?value atlasterms:tStatistic ?tStat . \n",
"?value atlasterms:hasFactorValue ?factor . \n",
"?factor atlasterms:propertyValue ?factorLabel . \n",
"?value atlasterms:isMeasurementOf ?probe . \n",
"?probe atlasterms:dbXref ?dbXref . \n",
"?dbXref rdfs:label ?genename . \n",
"} ORDER BY ?genename limit 10000")
message("Executing query... please wait")
d <- tryCatch({
error = function(err){
message("An error occured when trying SPARQL query for drawHeatMapForAtlasExperiment function ", err)
})#end tryCatch
df <- data.frame(Genename=d$results$genename, Factor=factor(d$results$factorLabel), TStat=d$results$tStat, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
genes <- unique(Genename)
# create the matrix for the results and set the row and col names
values <- matrix(0, nrow=length(genes), ncol=length(unique(Factor)))
rownames(values) <- genes
colnames(values) <- unique(Factor)
while (i <= length(Genename)) {
if((df$TStat[i] >= tstatsignificance) || (df$TStat[i] <= (-1*tstatsignificance))){
gn <-df$Genename[i]
var <-df$Factor[i]
tstat <-df$TStat[i]
rowindex <- match(gn, rownames(values))
colindex <- match(var, unique(Factor))
values[rowindex,colindex] <- tstat
#fix this
values<-values[-which(rowSums(values==0) > numoffactorsdiffexpressedacross),]
#stats::heatmap(values, scale="none", col = cm.colors(256))
heatmap(values, scale="none", col = cm.colors(256))
#get mappings from NCBO for an efo term
#searchuri is an ontology class uri for which efo mappings are to be found
#e.g. <> (leukemia in snomed)
#e.g. <> (diabetes mellitus NCI Thesaurus)
#e.g. <> (asthma in ICD-10)
getOntologyMappings <- function(searchuri, endpoint = ""){
query <- paste( "PREFIX atlas_r: <http://atlasrdfrpackage> \n",
"PREFIX rdf: <> \n",
"PREFIX rdfs: <> \n",
"PREFIX owl: <> \n",
"PREFIX dcterms: <> \n",
"PREFIX obo: <> \n",
"PREFIX sio: <> \n",
"PREFIX efo: <> \n",
"PREFIX atlas: <> \n",
"PREFIX atlasterms: <> \n",
"PREFIX maps: <> \n",
"SELECT distinct ?efouri \n",
"WHERE { \n",
"SERVICE <>{ \n",
"?mapping maps:source ",searchuri," ; \n",
" maps:target_ontology <> . \n",
"?mapping maps:target ?efouri \n",
" }\n",
"}", sep="")
efouri <- tryCatch({
error = function(err){
message("An error occured when trying SPARQL query for getOntologyMappings function ", err)
})#end tryCatch
#get genes for a given pubmedid, if the experiment is in Atlas
#e.g. "11027337"
getGeneListFromPubmedid <- function(searchid, endpoint = ""){
searchuri<- paste("<",searchid,">", sep="")
query <- paste( "PREFIX atlas_r: <http://atlasrdfrpackage> \n",
"PREFIX rdf:<> \n",
"PREFIX rdfs:<> \n",
"PREFIX dcterms: <> \n",
"PREFIX efo:<> \n",
"PREFIX obo:<> \n",
"PREFIX owl: <> \n",
"PREFIX sio:<> \n",
"PREFIX atlas: <> \n",
"PREFIX atlasterms: <> \n",
"SELECT distinct ?experimenturi \n",
"WHERE {\n",
"?experimenturi rdf:type atlasterms:Experiment . \n",
"?experimenturi atlasterms:pubmedid", searchuri ," . \n",
message("Performing query please wait...")
res <- tryCatch({
error = function(err){
message("An error occured when trying SPARQL query for getGeneListFromPubmedid function ", err)
})#end tryCatch
message("Getting genes for experiment ", res$results[1])
genelist <- getGenesForExperimentURI(res$results[1], endpoint)
#get Reactome pathway for Ensembl gene id
getGenesForPathwayURI <- function(pathwayuri, endpoint = ""){
query <- paste("PREFIX atlas_r: <http://atlasrdfrpackage> \n",
"PREFIX rdf: <> \n",
"PREFIX rdfs: <> \n",
"PREFIX owl: <> \n",
"PREFIX dcterms: <> \n",
"PREFIX obo: <> \n",
"PREFIX sio: <> \n",
"PREFIX efo: <> \n",
"PREFIX atlas: <> \n",
"PREFIX atlasterms: <> \n",
"PREFIX xsd: <> \n",
"PREFIX biopax3:<> \n",
"SELECT distinct ?geneuri \n",
"WHERE { \n",
# query for pathways by those protein targets
"SERVICE <> { \n",
pathwayuri ,"rdf:type biopax3:Pathway . \n",
pathwayuri ,"biopax3:pathwayComponent ?reaction . \n",
"?reaction rdf:type biopax3:BiochemicalReaction . \n",
"{ \n",
"{?reaction ?rel ?protein .} \n",
"UNION \n",
"{ \n",
"?reaction ?rel ?complex . \n",
"?complex rdf:type biopax3:Complex . \n",
"?complex ?comp ?protein . \n",
"}} \n",
"?protein rdf:type biopax3:Protein . \n",
"?protein biopax3:memberPhysicalEntity \n",
"[biopax3:entityReference ?dbXref ] . \n",
"} \n",
# get Atlas experiment plus experimental factor where protein is expressed
"?probe atlasterms:dbXref ?dbXref . \n",
"?probe atlasterms:dbXref ?geneuri . \n",
"?geneuri rdf:type atlasterms:EnsemblDatabaseReference . \n",
"} \n"
) #endpaste
genes <- tryCatch({
error = function(err){
message("An error occured when trying SPARQL query for getGenesForPathwayURI function ", err)
})#end tryCatch
#get Reactome pathway for Ensembl gene id
getPathwayForGeneId <- function(geneid, endpoint = ""){
#get gene uri
geneuri <- getGeneUriFromEnsemblId(geneid)
if(length(geneuri) != 0){
query <- paste("PREFIX atlas_r: <http://atlasrdfrpackage> \n",
"PREFIX rdf: <> \n",
"PREFIX rdfs: <> \n",
"PREFIX owl: <> \n",
"PREFIX dcterms: <> \n",
"PREFIX obo: <> \n",
"PREFIX sio: <> \n",
"PREFIX efo: <> \n",
"PREFIX atlas: <> \n",
"PREFIX atlasterms: <> \n",
"PREFIX xsd: <> \n",
"PREFIX biopax3:<> \n",
"SELECT distinct ?pathway(str(?pathwayname) as ?pathname) \n",
"WHERE { \n",
# get Atlas experiment plus experimental factor where protein is expressed
"?probe atlasterms:dbXref ", geneuri ," . \n",
"?probe atlasterms:dbXref ?dbXref . \n",
# query for pathways by those protein targets
"SERVICE <> { \n",
"?pathway rdf:type biopax3:Pathway . \n",
"?pathway ?p ?pathwayname . \n",
"?pathway biopax3:pathwayComponent ?reaction . \n",
"?reaction rdf:type biopax3:BiochemicalReaction . \n",
"{ \n",
"{?reaction ?rel ?protein .} \n",
"UNION \n",
"{ \n",
"?reaction ?rel ?complex . \n",
"?complex rdf:type biopax3:Complex . \n",
"?complex ?comp ?protein . \n",
"}} \n",
"?protein rdf:type biopax3:Protein . \n",
"?protein biopax3:memberPhysicalEntity \n",
"[biopax3:entityReference ?dbXref ] . \n",
"} \n",
"filter regex(str(?p), \"displayName\") . \n",
"} \n"
) #endpaste
pathways <- tryCatch({
error = function(err){
message("An error occured when trying SPARQL query for getPathwayForGeneId function ", err)
})#end tryCatch
message("Could not find gene ", geneid)
#getRankedPathwaysForGeneList - function to get pathways which are associated to a gene list, as ranked by pathways with most genes associated
getRankedPathwaysForGeneIds <- function(genelist, endpoint = ""){
rankedpathways <- list()
#loop through list
for (i in 1:length(genelist)){
#get gene uri
geneuri <- getGeneUriFromEnsemblId(genelist[i])
if(length(geneuri) != 0){
message("querying ", geneuri)
query <- paste("PREFIX atlas_r: <http://atlasrdfrpackage> \n",
"PREFIX rdf: <> \n",
"PREFIX rdfs: <> \n",
"PREFIX owl: <> \n",
"PREFIX dcterms: <> \n",
"PREFIX obo: <> \n",
"PREFIX sio: <> \n",
"PREFIX efo: <> \n",
"PREFIX atlas: <> \n",
"PREFIX atlasterms: <> \n",
"PREFIX xsd: <> \n",
"PREFIX biopax3:<> \n",
"SELECT distinct ?pathway(str(?pathwayname) as ?pathname) \n",
"WHERE { \n",
# get Atlas experiment plus experimental factor where protein is expressed
"?probe atlasterms:dbXref ", geneuri ," . \n",
"?probe atlasterms:dbXref ?dbXref . \n",
# query for pathways by those protein targets
"SERVICE <> { \n",
"?pathway rdf:type biopax3:Pathway . \n",
"?pathway ?p ?pathwayname . \n",
"?pathway biopax3:pathwayComponent ?reaction . \n",
"?reaction rdf:type biopax3:BiochemicalReaction . \n",
"{ \n",
"{?reaction ?rel ?protein .} \n",
"UNION \n",
"{ \n",
"?reaction ?rel ?complex . \n",
"?complex rdf:type biopax3:Complex . \n",
"?complex ?comp ?protein . \n",
"}} \n",
"?protein rdf:type biopax3:Protein . \n",
"?protein biopax3:memberPhysicalEntity \n",
"[biopax3:entityReference ?dbXref ] . \n",
"} \n",
"filter regex(str(?p), \"displayName\") . \n",
"} \n"
) #endpaste
pathways <- tryCatch({
error = function(err){
message("An error occured when trying SPARQL query for getRankedPathwaysForGeneIds function ", err)
})#end tryCatch
result <- pathways$results
foundpathway = FALSE
if(length(result) != 0){
#for each pathway returned
for(j in 1:nrow(result)){
#if this isn't first time through the list, otherwise the list will be empty
if(length(rankedpathways) !=0 ){
#see if the pathway is already in list just add genes to it
for(k in 1:length(rankedpathways)){
if(result[j,1] == rankedpathways[[k]]@pathwayuri){
#add genes to vector
vectorgenes <- rankedpathways[[k]]@genes
vectorgenes <- c(vectorgenes, geneuri)
rankedpathways[[k]]@genes <- vectorgenes
rankedpathways[[k]]@numgenes <- length(vectorgenes)
#since it exists break out of loop
foundpathway = TRUE
#if the pathway hasn't been found then add a new one
if(foundpathway == FALSE){
singlepathway <- new("pathwayresult")
singlepathway@pathwayuri <- result[j,1] #pathway uri
singlepathway@label <- result[j,2] #pathway name
singlepathway@genes <- c(geneuri) #gene for this pathway
singlepathway@numgenes <- 1 # set gene count to 1
rankedpathways <- c(rankedpathways, singlepathway)
}#end if
}#end for loop sparql query
if(length(rankedpathways) > 1){
#mint a blank matrix
vec <- c(0,0)
matrixcounts <- matrix()
matrixcounts <- rbind(vec)
#order results by pathway with most genes
for(i in 1:length(rankedpathways)){
#extract out the gene counts
vec <- c(i, rankedpathways[[i]]@numgenes)
matrixcounts <- rbind(matrixcounts, vec)
#get rid of blank row at top
matrixcounts <- matrixcounts[-1,]
#order by gene counts
matrixcounts <- matrixcounts[order(matrixcounts[,2], decreasing=TRUE),]
sortedpathways <- rankedpathways
#for each matrix count, reorder the pathway results with largest first
for(i in 1:nrow(matrixcounts)){
sortedpathways[[i]] <- rankedpathways[[matrixcounts[i,1]]]
else {
sortedpathways <- rankedpathways
#get efo URI based on label - exact match only
searchForEFOTerms <- function(label, endpoint = ""){
query <- paste( "PREFIX atlas_r: <http://atlasrdfrpackage> \n",
"PREFIX rdf: <> \n",
"PREFIX rdfs: <> \n",
"PREFIX owl: <> \n",
"PREFIX dcterms: <> \n",
"PREFIX obo: <> \n",
"PREFIX sio: <> \n",
"PREFIX efo: <> \n",
"PREFIX atlas: <> \n",
"PREFIX atlasterms: <> \n",
"PREFIX xsd: <> \n",
"SELECT distinct ?efouri ?label WHERE { \n",
"?efouri rdfs:subClassOf* efo:EFO_0000001 . \n",
"?efouri rdfs:label ?label . \n",
"FILTER regex(str(?label), \"",label,"\", \"i\"). \n",
"}", sep="")
uris <- tryCatch({
error = function(err){
message("An error occured when trying SPARQL query for searchForEFOTerms function ", err)
})#end tryCatch
uris <- SPARQL(url=endpoint, query)
return (uris$results)
#functions to perform enrichment analysis
#get gene uris given ensembl gene name and a taxon
getGeneUriFromName <- function(genename, taxon, endpoint = ""){
query <- paste( "PREFIX atlas_r: <http://atlasrdfrpackage> \n",
"PREFIX rdf: <> \n",
"PREFIX rdfs: <> \n",
"PREFIX owl: <> \n",
"PREFIX dcterms: <> \n",
"PREFIX obo: <> \n",
"PREFIX sio: <> \n",
"PREFIX efo: <> \n",
"PREFIX atlas: <> \n",
"PREFIX atlasterms: <> \n",
"PREFIX xsd: <> \n",
"SELECT distinct ?geneuri WHERE { \n",
"?geneuri rdf:type atlasterms:EnsemblDatabaseReference . \n",
"?geneuri atlasterms:taxon ", taxon , ". \n",
"?geneuri rdfs:label ?label. \n",
"FILTER regex(str(?label), \"^",genename,"$\", \"i\"). \n",
"}", sep="")
uris <- tryCatch({
error = function(err){
message("An error occured when trying SPARQL query for getGeneUriFromName function ", err)
})#end tryCatch
return (uris$results)
#get efo URI based on label - exact match only
getExFactorURIFromLabel <- function(label, endpoint = ""){
query <- paste("PREFIX atlas_r: <http://atlasrdfrpackage> \n",
"PREFIX rdf: <> \n",
"PREFIX rdfs: <> \n",
"PREFIX owl: <> \n",
"PREFIX dcterms: <> \n",
"PREFIX obo: <> \n",
"PREFIX sio: <> \n",
"PREFIX efo: <> \n",
"PREFIX atlas: <> \n",
"PREFIX atlasterms: <> \n",
"PREFIX xsd: <> \n",
"SELECT distinct ?efouri WHERE { \n",
"?efouri rdfs:subClassOf* efo:EFO_0000001 . \n",
"?efouri rdfs:label ?label . \n",
"FILTER regex(str(?label), \"^",label,"$\", \"i\"). \n",
"}", sep="")
uris <- tryCatch({
error = function(err){
message("An error occured when trying SPARQL query for getExFactorURIFromLabel function ", err)
})#end tryCatch
return (uris$results)
#get efo URI based on label - exact match only
searchForEFOTerms <- function(label, endpoint = ""){
query <- paste( "PREFIX atlas_r: <http://atlasrdfrpackage> \n",
"PREFIX rdf: <> \n",
"PREFIX rdfs: <> \n",
"PREFIX owl: <> \n",
"PREFIX dcterms: <> \n",
"PREFIX obo: <> \n",
"PREFIX sio: <> \n",
"PREFIX efo: <> \n",
"PREFIX atlas: <> \n",
"PREFIX atlasterms: <> \n",
"PREFIX xsd: <> \n",
"SELECT distinct ?efouri ?label WHERE { \n",
"?efouri rdfs:subClassOf* efo:EFO_0000001 . \n",
"?efouri rdfs:label ?label . \n",
"FILTER regex(str(?label), \"",label,"\", \"i\"). \n",
"}", sep="")
uris <- tryCatch({
error = function(err){
message("An error occured when trying SPARQL query for searchForEFOTerms function ", err)
})#end tryCatch
return (uris$results)
#get gene uris given ensembl gene id
getGeneUriFromEnsemblId <- function(id, endpoint = ""){
query <- paste( "PREFIX atlas_r: <http://atlasrdfrpackage> \n",
"PREFIX rdf: <> \n",
"PREFIX rdfs: <> \n",
"PREFIX owl: <> \n",
"PREFIX dcterms: <> \n",
"PREFIX obo: <> \n",
"PREFIX sio: <> \n",
"PREFIX efo: <> \n",
"PREFIX atlas: <> \n",
"PREFIX atlasterms: <> \n",
"PREFIX xsd: <> \n",
"SELECT distinct ?geneuri WHERE { \n",
"?geneuri rdf:type atlasterms:EnsemblDatabaseReference . \n",
"?geneuri dcterms:identifier ?geneid. \n",
"FILTER regex(str(?geneid), \"",id,"\", \"i\"). \n",
"}", sep="")
uris <- tryCatch({
error = function(err){
message("An error occured when trying SPARQL query for getGeneUriFromEnsemblId function ", err)
})#end tryCatch
return (uris$results)
#get pathway uri for given pathway name
getPathwayUriFromName <- function(name, endpoint = ""){
query <- paste( "PREFIX atlas_r: <http://atlasrdfrpackage> \n",
"PREFIX rdf: <> \n",
"PREFIX rdfs: <> \n",
"PREFIX owl: <> \n",
"PREFIX dcterms: <> \n",
"PREFIX obo: <> \n",
"PREFIX sio: <> \n",
"PREFIX efo: <> \n",
"PREFIX atlas: <> \n",
"PREFIX atlasterms: <> \n",
"PREFIX xsd: <> \n",
"PREFIX biopax3:<> \n",
"SELECT distinct ?pathwayuri ?label WHERE { \n",
"?pathwayuri rdf:type biopax3:Pathway . \n",
"?pathwayuri biopax3:displayName ?label . \n",
"FILTER regex(str(?label), \"",name,"\", \"i\"). \n",
"}", sep="")
uris <- tryCatch({
error = function(err){
message("An error occured when trying SPARQL query for getPathwayUriFromName function ", err)
})#end tryCatch
return (uris$results)
#convenience function to get gene counts for the gene list in question
#genelist should be a vector of gene uris which are being analysed for enrichment
calculateCountsForGeneLists <- function(genelist, genelist_bg, genecounts){
#creat a hash to store the genelist's factors in (hash of factorbackground classes)
genelistfactors <- hash()
#preprocess the genelist to check for multiple uris for a single gene - this needs to be flattened
processedgenelist <- vector()
for(i in 1:length(genelist)){
if(length(genelist[[i]]) > 1){
for(j in 1:length(genelist[[i]])){
processedgenelist <- c(processedgenelist, genelist[[i]][j])
processedgenelist <- c(processedgenelist, genelist[[i]])
#replace the gene list with the normalised flat gene list
genelist <- processedgenelist
#get total genes for this gene list
totalnumbergenes <- length(genelist)
#for each gene in gene list find the ex factors terms associated
for(i in 1:length(genelist)){
geneobject <- genelist_bg[[genelist[[i]]]]
#if the gene has been found in the background
message("Found gene ", genelist[[i]] )
#get the ex factors for this gene
singlegeneexfactors <- geneobject$exfactoruris
species <- geneobject$species
#for each ex factor for this gene
for(j in 1:length(singlegeneexfactors)){
#check to see if the factor exists already
if(has.key(singlegeneexfactors[j], genelistfactors) == TRUE){
#the ex factor is in the hash set already so merge gene into slot
factorobject <- genelistfactors[[singlegeneexfactors[j]]]
numgenesex <- length(factorobject$getgeneuris())
factorobject$species <- species
#add back to the hash set
.set(genelistfactors, keys=singlegeneexfactors[j], values=factorobject)
#otherwise mint new object and add to hash
factorobject <- factorbackground$new()
numgenesex <- length(factorobject$getgeneuris())
factorobject$species <- species
#add new object to the hash set
.set(genelistfactors, keys=singlegeneexfactors[j], values=factorobject)
}#end for
message("Did not find gene ", genelist[[i]] , ": ignoring")
#function to do enrichment using Fishers exact test based on a set of genelistfactors (factors for genes) and bg counts
#the input requires the gene list to be in the form of ensembl uris to turn common names into
#uris use the function getEnsemblUrisFromNames
doFishersEnrichment <- function(genelist, genelist_bg, genecounts){
#calc counts for given gene list
genelistfactors <- calculateCountsForGeneLists(genelist, genelist_bg, genecounts)
fisherresults <- list()
if(length(keys(genelistfactors)) == 0){
message("No counts found for this gene list")
#do test for each factor
genes <- keys(genelistfactors)
for (i in 1:length(genes)){
genelistobject <- genelistfactors[[genes[i]]]
bggeneobject <- genecounts[[genes[i]]]
if(!is.null(genelistobject) && !is.null(bggeneobject)){
#gather stats for fisher test
genelistannotated <- genelistobject$numgenesexpressed
genelistnotannotated <- genelistobject$numgenesnotexpressed
bgannotated <- bggeneobject$numgenesexpressed
bgnotannotated <- bggeneobject$numgenesnotexpressed
input <- matrix(c(genelistannotated, genelistnotannotated, bgannotated, bgnotannotated), nrow = 2, dimnames =
list(c("Annotated", "Not Annotated"),
c("Genelist", "Backgound")))
#do fisher's exact test
result <- fisher.test(input)
#store results
enrichresult <- new("enrichmentresult")
enrichresult@label <- bggeneobject$label
enrichresult@factoruri <- genelistobject$uri
enrichresult@enrichedgenes <- genelistobject$geneuris
enrichresult@p.value <- result$p.value
enrichresult@estimate <- result$estimate
enrichresult@alternative <- result$alternative
enrichresult@null.value <- result$null.value
enrichresult@method <- result$method
fisherresults <- c(fisherresults, enrichresult)
message("enrichment complete")
#function to do enrichment analysis using Fisher's exact test based on a gene list specified by common gene name
#input requires a vector of the common gene names and a taxon id e.g. obo:NCBITaxon_9606 for human (note genes from multiple species not allowed)
doFishersEnrichmentForGeneNames <- function(genenames, taxon, genelist_bg, genecounts, endpoint=""){
geneuris <- vector()
for(i in 1:length(genenames)){
geneuris <- c(geneuris, getGeneUriFromName(genenames[[i]], taxon, endpoint))
#if none of these gens are found then do not go further
message("None of the genelist was found in the Atlas data. Halting enrichment.")
results <- doFishersEnrichment(geneuris, genelist_bg, genecounts)
#function to do enrichment analysis using Fisher's exact test based on a gene list specified by common gene name
#input requires a vector of the common gene names
doFishersEnrichmentForEnsemblIds <- function(geneids, genelist_bg, genecounts){
geneuris <- vector()
for(i in 1:length(geneids)){
geneuris <- c(geneuris, getGeneUriFromEnsemblId(geneids[[i]]))
#if none of these gens are found then do not go further
message("None of the genelist was found in the Atlas data. Halting enrichment.")
results <- doFishersEnrichment(geneuris, genelist_bg, genecounts)
#function to filter set of enriched factors given a specific p-value cutoff, default is 0.05
#results are then vizualised as a bar plot and also returned as a vector of pvalues to factor
vizPvalues <- function(resultset, cutoff = "0.05"){
results <- vector()
names <- vector()
for (i in 1:length(resultset)){
pvalue <- resultset[[i]]@p.value
#if the p value is below the user cut off
if (round(pvalue, digits=5) <= cutoff){
#message(resultset[[i]]@label, " ", pvalue)
results <- c(results, pvalue)
names <- c(names, resultset[[i]]@label)
results <- setNames(results, names)
results <- sort(results)
barplot(height=results, names.arg=names(results), horiz = TRUE, las=1, xlab = "p-value",
col = hcl(seq(0, 200, length = length(results))), cex.names=0.8)
title(main = list(paste("Enrichment with p-vlaue cut off ",cutoff ), font = 3))
#function to filter out subclasses of a given class from the enrichment results
#e.g. filterparentclass="obo:CHEBI_37577" would filter out all chemical compounds from the results
excludeSubclasses <- function(filterparentclass, resultset, endpoint=""){
#get the subclass uris for the class to filter out
query <- paste("PREFIX atlas_r: <http://atlasrdfrpackage> \n",
"PREFIX rdf: <> \n",
"PREFIX rdfs: <> \n",
"PREFIX owl: <> \n",
"PREFIX dcterms: <> \n",
"PREFIX obo: <> \n",
"PREFIX sio: <> \n",
"PREFIX efo: <> \n",
"PREFIX atlas: <> \n",
"PREFIX atlasterms: <> \n",
"PREFIX xsd: <> \n",
"SELECT distinct ?classuri WHERE { \n",
"?classuri rdfs:subClassOf*", filterparentclass,". \n",
uris <- tryCatch({
error = function(err){
message("An error occured when trying SPARQL query for excludeSubclasses function ", err)
})#end tryCatch
sizeunfilitered <- length(resultset)
#create vector of uris in the result set
resulturis <- vector()
for(i in 1:length(resultset)){
resulturis <- c(resulturis, resultset[[i]]@factoruri)
#loop through each result and remove it if it exists in the results
for(i in 1:nrow(uris$results)){
#if this is not null then there is a match
if(uris$results[i,] %in% resulturis){
#get element number but from filtered list as this will be different because it's being resized
removelement <- match(uris$results[i,], resulturis)
#remove it from the list
resultset <- resultset[-(removelement)]
#and from vector
resulturis <- resulturis[-(removelement)]
message("Removed " ,(sizeunfilitered - length(resultset))," factors from result set")
return (resultset)
#function to include only subclasses of a given class from the enrichment results, removing all the rest
#e.g. includeparentclass="obo:CHEBI_37577" would filter out all chemical compounds from the results
includeOnlySubclasses <- function(includeparentclass, resultset, endpoint=""){
#create new filtered results
filteredresults <- vector()
#get the subclass uris for the class to filter out
query <- paste("PREFIX atlas_r: <http://atlasrdfrpackage> \n",
"PREFIX rdf: <> \n",
"PREFIX rdfs: <> \n",
"PREFIX owl: <> \n",
"PREFIX dcterms: <> \n",
"PREFIX obo: <> \n",
"PREFIX sio: <> \n",
"PREFIX efo: <> \n",
"PREFIX atlas: <> \n",
"PREFIX atlasterms: <> \n",
"PREFIX xsd: <> \n",
"SELECT distinct ?classuri WHERE { \n",
"?classuri rdfs:subClassOf*", includeparentclass,". \n",
uris <- tryCatch({
error = function(err){
message("An error occured when trying SPARQL query for includeOnlySubclasses function ", err)
})#end tryCatch
#if subclasses were successfully retrieved from the sparql query
if(length(uris$results > 0)){
#create vector of uris in the result set
resulturis <- vector()
for(i in 1:length(resultset)){
resulturis <- c(resulturis, resultset[[i]]@factoruri)
#loop through each result and remove it if it exists in the results
for(i in 1:length(uris$results)){
#if this is not null then there is a match
if(uris$results[i] %in% resulturis){
#get element number but from filtered list as this will be different because it's being resized
includeelement <- match(uris$results[i], resulturis)
#remove it from the list
filteredresults <- c(filteredresults,resultset[includeelement])
message("Removed " ,(length(resulturis) - length(filteredresults))," factors from result set")
return (filteredresults)
#this may be because the sparql endpoint is down or the subclass given does not have any child classes
message("Error in retrieving subclasses of class ", includeparentclass)
#function to get uri of species based on name. Used for functions where species can be specified
#works for human, rat, mouse, arabidopsis and drosophila
getTaxonURI <- function(taxonName){
taxonName <- tolower(taxonName)
if(taxonName == "human" || taxonName == "homo sapiens"){
uri <- "obo:NCBITaxon_9606"
else if(taxonName == "mouse" || taxonName == "mus musculus"){
uri <- "obo:NCBITaxon_10090"
else if(taxonName == "arabidopsis thaliana" || taxonName == "arabidopsis"){
uri <- "obo:NCBITaxon_3702"
else if(taxonName == "rat" || taxonName == "rattus norvegicus"){
message("rattus norvegicus")
uri <- "obo:NCBITaxon_10116"
else if(taxonName == "fly" || taxonName == "drosophila" || taxonName == "drosophila melanogaster"){
uri <- "obo:NCBITaxon_7227"
message("Could not identify species")
#order enrichment results set by p value
orderEnrichmentResults <- function(resultset){
sortedresultset <- list()
resultpvalues <- data.frame(originalposition=character(), pvalue=character())
#extract the pvlues from the result set
for(i in 1:length(resultset)){
newrow <- c(i, resultset[[i]]@p.value)
resultpvalues <- rbind(resultpvalues,newrow)
sortedpvalues <- resultpvalues[ order(resultpvalues[,2]),]
for(i in 1:nrow(sortedpvalues)){
sortedresultset <- c(sortedresultset, resultset[[sortedpvalues[i,1]]])
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