# TODO agregar verbosity
.getBamMatrix <- function( conditionMatrix, mergedFiles ) {
apply( conditionMatrix, c(1,2),
function( x ) {
a <- unlist( mergedFiles[ mergedFiles$cond == x , 'bams' ] )
if (any( ) ) { return(NA) }
.mergeBamsByCondition <- function ( targets , regions , tempFolder = './tmp',
keepOld = FALSE, verbose) {
targets <- cbind( targets[ rep(1:nrow(targets), length( regions )),],
data.frame( region = rep( c(1:length(regions)), each = nrow(targets)) ) )
targets$filt <- file.path( tempFolder, paste0( 'sample.', 1:nrow(targets) ,'.bam') )
destBams <- data.frame( cond = getConditions(targets) )
destBams$bams <- file.path( tempFolder,
paste0( 'cond.', getConditions(targets),'.bam') )
file.exists( tempFolder) || dir.create( tempFolder , recursive = TRUE)
if ( ! keepOld ) {
if (verbose) message("Extracting and merging reads from bam files")
for ( i in 1:nrow( targets ) ) {
indexBam( targets$bam[i] )
file = targets$bam[i],
destination = targets$filt[i],
param = ScanBamParam( which = regions[targets$region[i]] ),
indexDestination = TRUE )
if (verbose) message(paste("Extraction completed:", as.character(i), "/", as.character(nrow( targets )) ) )
lapply( getConditions(targets), function( cond ) {
sourceBams <- as.character( targets$filt[ targets$condition == cond ] )
fn <- mergeBam(
files = sourceBams ,
destination = file.path( tempFolder, paste0( 'cond.', cond,'.bam') ) ,
indexDestination = TRUE, overwrite = TRUE )
} )
if (verbose) message("Merging completed" )
} else {
if (verbose) message("Re-using previously extracted and merged reads")
return( destBams )
.definePlottingRegions <- function( x, xIsBin, verbose, features, genomeTxDb ) {
binFeatures <- featuresb( features )
geneFeatures <- featuresg( features )
# geneCounts <- countsg( counts )
if ( xIsBin ) {
if (verbose) message( "Extracting gene regions of selected bins" )
selectedGenes <- unique( mcols(featuresb( features )[ names( featuresb( features ) ) %in% x ])[,'locus'] )
#selectedGenes <- unique( countsb( counts )[ rownames( countsb( counts ) ) %in% x ,'locus'] )
} else {
if (verbose) message( "Extracting gene regions of selected genes" )
selectedGenes <- x
if ( length( selectedGenes ) > 0 ) {
# geneCoordinates <- ranges( geneFeatures[ selectedGenes ] )
# geneCoordinates <- geneCounts [ selectedGenes, 'gene_coordinates', drop = FALSE ]
# geneCoordinates <- as.character( geneCoordinates[
# !duplicated( geneCoordinates), 1 ] )
# geneCoordinates <- strsplit( geneCoordinates, '[-:]')
# geneCoordinates <- rbind , geneCoordinates )
# geneCoordinates <- data.frame(geneCoordinates, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# geneCoordinates[,2] <- as.integer( geneCoordinates[,2] )
# geneCoordinates[,3] <- as.integer( geneCoordinates[,3] )
# regions <- GRanges( geneCoordinates[,1],
# IRanges( geneCoordinates[,2] , geneCoordinates[,3]) , strand='+')
# names( regions ) <- selectedGenes
regions <- genes(genomeTxDb)[ selectedGenes ]
return( regions )
} else {
if (verbose) message( "No valid gene regions recovered" )
return( GRanges( NULL, IRanges( NULL, NULL ) ) )
.arrangeLayout <- function( targets, layout, colors, plotTitles, verbose ) {
.colorsFromConditionMatrix <- function( conditionMatrix , colors, verbose ) {
if ( length( colors ) == 1 && tolower( colors ) == 'auto' ) {
if (verbose) message( "Automatic selection of colors" )
colors <- colors()[1:(length(conditionMatrix)) + 15]
matrix( colors, ncol = ncol(conditionMatrix) )
} else {
if (verbose) message( "Using colors given by user" )
matrix( colors,
ncol = ncol( conditionMatrix ),
nrow = nrow( conditionMatrix ),
byrow = TRUE)
# Check if auto layout is required
if ( is.character( layout ) && tolower( layout ) == 'auto' ) {
expFactors <- colnames( targets )[
! colnames( targets ) %in% c( 'bam', 'condition' ) ]
nExpFactors <- length( expFactors )
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# Case 1: just one experimental factor
# result matrix is 1 x n
if ( verbose ) message( "Auto arrange for one experimental factor: 1 x n matrix")
if ( nExpFactors == 1 ) {
conditionMatrix <- matrix( getConditions(targets),
ncol = length( getConditions(targets) ) )
plotTitles <- conditionMatrix
colors <- .colorsFromConditionMatrix( conditionMatrix, colors, verbose )
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# Case 2: more than one experimental factor and n * m * ... conditions.
# result matrix is n * ( m * ... ), where n is the number of values of the
# first factor and m * ... are the number of combination of remaining
# factors.
if ( nExpFactors > 1 ) {
nComb <- prod( apply( targets[, expFactors], 2 ,
function( x ) length( unique( x ) ) ) )
if ( length( getConditions( targets ) == nComb ) ) {
if ( verbose ) message( "Auto arrange for more than one experimental factor: m x n matrix")
conditionMatrix <- matrix( getConditions( targets ),
nrow = length( unique( targets[expFactors][,1]) ),
byrow = TRUE )
plotTitles <- conditionMatrix
colors <- .colorsFromConditionMatrix(conditionMatrix, colors, verbose)
} else {
if ( verbose ) message( "Auto arrange for more than one experimental factor: 1 x n matrix")
conditionMatrix <- matrix( getConditions( targets ),
ncol = length( getConditions(targets) ) )
plotTitles <- conditionMatrix
colors <- .colorsFromConditionMatrix(conditionMatrix, colors, verbose)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
} else {
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
# Case 3: No auto arrange required.
# Matching matrix dimensions of layout, colors and plotTitles matrixes is
# checked.
if ( ! is.matrix( layout ) ) {
stop(simpleError("Layout must be a matrix or 'auto'" ))
if ( ! is.matrix( colors ) ) {
colors <- .colorsFromConditionMatrix( layout, colors, verbose )
if ( is.character( plotTitles ) && plotTitles == 'auto' ) {
plotTitles <- layout
if ( ( ncol( plotTitles ) != ncol(layout) ) |
( nrow( plotTitles ) != nrow(layout) ) |
( ncol( colors ) != ncol(layout) ) |
( nrow( colors ) != nrow(layout) ) ) {
stop( simpleError(
"The number of columns and rows of colors and plotTitles must match to layout" ))
if ( verbose ) message( "Using given layout matrix to arrange plots")
conditionMatrix <- layout
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #
result <- list()
result$conditionMatrix <- conditionMatrix
result$plotTitles <- plotTitles
result$colors <- colors
return( result )
.plotGenomicRegions <- function( x, genomeTxDb, features, targets, xIsBin = TRUE,
layout = 'auto', colors = 'auto', plotTitles = 'auto', sashimi = FALSE,
zoomOnBins = FALSE, deviceOpt = NULL, highLightBin = TRUE, outfolder = NULL,
outfileType = 'png', mainFontSize = 24, annotationHeight = 0.2,
annotationCol = 'black', annotationFill = 'gray', annotationColTitle = 'black',
preMergedBAMs = NULL, useTransparency = TRUE, tempFolder = 'tmp',
avoidReMergeBams= FALSE, verbose = TRUE ) {
targets <- .condenseTargetsConditions( targets )
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Autoarrange
layoutPars <- .arrangeLayout( targets, layout, colors, plotTitles, verbose )
conditionMatrix <- layoutPars$conditionMatrix
colors <- layoutPars$colors
plotTitles <- layoutPars$plotTitles
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Keep existing genes and bins in the data set
if ( xIsBin ) {
if (verbose) message( "Selecting Bins" )
#x <- x[ x %in% rownames( countsb( counts ) ) ]
x <- x[ x %in% names( featuresb( features ) ) ]
} else {
if (verbose) message( "Selecting Genes" )
#x <- x[ x %in% rownames( countsg( counts ) ) ]
x <- x[ x %in% names( featuresg( features ) ) ]
if ( length( x ) == 0 ) {
stop( simpleError( "Bin and/or genes names are incorrect." ) )
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Collect and merge bam files
regions <- .definePlottingRegions( x, xIsBin, verbose, features, genomeTxDb )
if ( is.null( preMergedBAMs) ) {
if (verbose) message("Using selected regions to extract and merge reads")
mergedFiles <- .mergeBamsByCondition( targets, regions,
keepOld = avoidReMergeBams, tempFolder, verbose )
} else {
if (verbose) message("Using pre merged bams files")
mergedFiles <- data.frame(
cond = rownames( preMergedBAMs ),
bams = as.character( preMergedBAMs[,1] ), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
bamfiles <- .getBamMatrix( conditionMatrix , mergedFiles )
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Plot
plotCounter = 0
for ( xi in x ) {
plotCounter <- plotCounter +1
#currentGene <- if ( xIsBin ) countsb( counts )[ xi, c('locus') ] else xi
currentGene <- if ( xIsBin ) mcols(featuresb( features )[xi])[,'locus'] else xi
highLightBin <- highLightBin & xIsBin
zoomOnBins <- if ( ! zoomOnBins | ! xIsBin ) FALSE else zoomOnBins
genLims <- c( start( regions[currentGene] ), end( regions[currentGene] ) )
# binLims <- if ( xIsBin ) as.integer( countsb( counts )[
# xi, c( 'start', 'end' ) ] ) else NULL
binLims <- if ( xIsBin ) {
df <- featuresb( features )[xi] )
rownames(df) <- df$names
c( df[1, 'start'], df[1,'end'])
} else NULL
if ( ! is.null( outfolder ) ) {
dir.exists( outfolder ) || dir.create( outfolder )
outfile <- file.path( outfolder,
.makeValidFileName( paste0( xi,'.gr.', outfileType ) ) )
} else {
outfile <- NULL
if ( verbose ) message( paste( "Plotting", xi, "(",
as.character(plotCounter),"/", as.character(length(x)) ,")" ) )
main = xi,
genLims = genLims ,
binLims = binLims ,
chromosome = as.character( seqnames( regions[currentGene] ) ),
outfile = outfile,
genome = genomeTxDb,
bamFiles = bamfiles,
plotNames = plotTitles,
colors = colors,
mainFontSize = mainFontSize,
sashimi = sashimi,
zoomOnBins = zoomOnBins,
outfileType = outfileType,
deviceOpt = deviceOpt,
highLightBin = highLightBin,
annotationHeight = annotationHeight,
annotationCol = annotationCol,
annotationFill = annotationFill,
annotationColTitle = annotationColTitle,
useTransparency = useTransparency )
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
.makeGenomeRegionPlot <- function (
main ,
genLims ,
binLims ,
chromosome ,
genome ,
outfile ,
bamFiles = NULL , # a matrix of H x V
plotNames = NULL , # a matrix of H x V
colors = NULL , # a matrix of H x V
mainFontSize = 24,
sashimi = TRUE ,
zoomOnBins = FALSE,
individualWidth = 1024,
individualHeight = 800,
highLightBin = TRUE,
outfileType = 'png',
deviceOpt = NULL,
annotationHeight = 0.2,
annotationCol = 'black',
annotationFill = 'gray',
annotationColTitle = 'black',
useTransparency = FALSE ) {
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Extrae la cantidad de plots horizontales y verticales
hplots <- ncol ( bamFiles )
vplots <- nrow ( bamFiles )
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Zoom on Bins
if ( zoomOnBins ) {
minZoomFactor <- abs( binLims[2] - binLims[1] ) / abs(genLims[2]-genLims[1])
zoomOnBins <- min( max( zoomOnBins, minZoomFactor ) , 1 )
deltaB <- abs( binLims[2] - binLims[1] )
deltaG <- deltaB / zoomOnBins
binMean <- ( binLims[2] + binLims[1] ) / 2
genLims[1] <- max( binMean - deltaG / 2, genLims[ 1 ] )
genLims[2] <- min( binMean + deltaG / 2, genLims[ 2 ] )
genLims[1] <- genLims[1] - as.integer( abs( genLims[ 2 ] - genLims[ 1 ] ) * 0.1 )
genLims[2] <- genLims[2] + as.integer( abs( genLims[ 2 ] - genLims[ 1 ] ) * 0.1 )
genLims <- as.integer( genLims )
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Functions to define tracks
alnTrack <- function( rangeFile, name, colors, size ) {
range = rangeFile,
isPaired = FALSE,
col= colors,
fill.coverage = colors,
col.coverage = colors,
background.title = if (useTransparency ) 'transparent' else { 'white' },
type = c( 'coverage', 'sashimi' )[c( TRUE, sashimi ) ],
sashimiHeight = 0.5,
coverageHeight = 0.5,
lwd.sashimiMax = 3,
lwd.sashimiMin = 0.5,
showTitle = TRUE,
lwd = 0,
col.axis = 'black',
cex.axis = 0.6,
cex.title = 0.6,
col.title = 'black',
size = size,
margin= 20
binHighLight <- function ( tracks ) {
tracks <- tracks[ ! (tracks )]
colRGB <- if( useTransparency ) rgb(0.5,0.5,0.5, 0.3) else rgb(0.5,0.5,0.5)
fillRGB <- if( useTransparency ) rgb( 0.5,0.5,0.5,0.25) else rgb( 0.8,0.8,0.8 )
inBackGround <- ! useTransparency
trackList = tracks,
start = binLims[1],
end = binLims[2],
chromosome = chromosome,
# col="transparent",
frame = TRUE,
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Define tracks
alntracks <- lapply(1:hplots, function ( y ) { lapply(1:vplots, function( z ) { NA } ) } )
for ( h in 1:hplots ) {
for ( v in 1:vplots) {
if ( ! bamFiles[ v, h ] ) ) {
cTrack <- alnTrack (
rangeFile = bamFiles [ v, h ],
name = plotNames[ v, h ],
colors = colors [ v, h ],
size = 10000 * ( 1 - annotationHeight ) / sum( ! bamFiles[,h])))
alntracks[[ h ]][[ v ]] <- cTrack
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
geneAnnotationTrack <- GeneRegionTrack(genome,
chromosome = chromosome,
start = genLims[1],
end = genLims[2],
name = "",
transcriptAnnotation = "symbol",
size = annotationHeight * 10000,
fill = annotationFill ,
col = annotationCol,
shape = "arrow",
col.title = annotationColTitle )
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
if ( highLightBin ) {
columnTracks <- lapply( alntracks, function (x) {
binHighLight ( x )
} )
} else {
columnTracks <- alntracks
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# creates the graphic device
outputIsAValidFile <- ( ! is.null( outfile ) ) &&
( file.access( dirname( outfile ) , 2 ) == 0 )
if ( outputIsAValidFile ) {
devicesNames <- c( 'png', 'bmp', 'jpeg', 'tiff', 'pdf')
devices <- list( png, bmp, jpeg, tiff, pdf)
deviceIndex <- match( tolower( outfileType ), devicesNames )
if ( ) {
message( paste('Format',outfileType,'is not recognized.',
'Select png, bmp, jpeg, tiff or pdf') )
} else {
device <- devices[[ deviceIndex ]]
undefDeviceOpt <- is.null( deviceOpt )
if ( (! deviceIndex )) && deviceIndex %in% c(1:4) ) {
fileNameOpt <- list( filename = outfile)
defaultDeviceOpt <- list( res = 200, height = individualHeight * vplots,
width = individualWidth * hplots,
pointsize = 12, units = 'px')
if ( (! deviceIndex )) && deviceIndex == 5 ) {
fileNameOpt <- list( file = outfile)
defaultDeviceOpt <- list( height = 8 * vplots, width = 8 * hplots,
pointsize = 12)
deviceOpt <- if ( undefDeviceOpt )
append( defaultDeviceOpt, fileNameOpt )
append( deviceOpt, fileNameOpt ) device, deviceOpt )
} else {
if ( ! is.null ( outfile ) ) {
message( paste( "File:",outfile,"cannot be created." ) )
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
viewport( layout = grid.layout(
nrow = 2,
ncol = hplots ,
heights = unit( c ( 1, 5 ) , "null") ) ) )
grid.text(main, gp=gpar( fontsize = mainFontSize ) ,
vp = viewport(layout.pos.row = 1, layout.pos.col = 1:hplots) )
first <- TRUE
for ( i in 1:hplots) {
pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.col=i, layout.pos.row=2))
plotTracks( c( columnTracks [[ i ]] ,geneAnnotationTrack ),
chromosome = chromosome,
from = genLims[1],
to = genLims[2],
min.height = 0,
minCoverageHeight = 0,
min.width = 2,
min.distance = 5,
background.title = 'white',
margin = 10,
innerMargin = 5,
add = TRUE
first <- FALSE
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Close graphic device
if ( outputIsAValidFile ) {
output <- capture.output( )
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
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