# Nov 01 2011 Pass the subset option in h.types to types.wald
# Nov 03 2011 Allow types.lab to be NULL
h.types <- function(dat, response.var, snp.vars, adj.vars, types.lab, cntl.lab, subset=NULL, method=NULL, side=2
, logit=FALSE, test.type = "Score", zmax.args = NULL, meth.pval = c("DLM", "IS", "B"), pval.args = NULL)
if (! stop("ERROR: dat must be a data frame")
if ((is.null(side)) || (!(side %in% 1:2))) stop("ERROR: side must be 1 or 2")
if ((is.null(meth.pval)) || (!(meth.pval %in% c("DLM", "IS", "B")))) stop("ERROR: meth.pval must be DLM, IS, or B")
if ((is.null(logit)) || (!(logit %in% 0:1))) stop("ERROR: logit must be TRUE or FALSE")
if ((is.null(test.type)) || (!(test.type %in% c("Score", "Wald")))) stop("ERROR: test.type must be Score or Wald")
if (!is.null(pval.args)) {
if (!is.list(pval.args)) stop("ERROR: pval.args must be a named list")
temp <- names(pval.args)
if (is.null(temp)) stop("ERROR: pval.args must be a named list")
# Check that the variables exist
checkData.vars(dat, response.var)
checkData.vars(dat, snp.vars)
checkData.vars(dat, adj.vars)
# Convert positions to vars
response.var <- convertPosToVars(dat, response.var)
snp.vars <- convertPosToVars(dat, snp.vars)
adj.vars <- convertPosToVars(dat, adj.vars)
if (!is.null(method)) {
if (length(method) != 1) stop("ERROR: The method option must be NULL, case.control, or case.complement")
method <- tolower(method)
if (method == -1) {
pool <= -1
} else {
temp <- c("case-control", "case-complement") %in% method
if (!any(temp)) stop("ERROR: The method option must be NULL, case-control, or case-complement")
pool <- temp[2]
} else {
pool <- NULL
meth <- test.type
if(!is.null(subset) && sum(subset) == 0) stop("Empty subset of rows")
meth.pval <- meth.pval[1]
# Check cntl.lab, types.lab.
if (is.null(subset)) {
labs <- unique(dat[, response.var])
} else {
labs <- unique(dat[subset, response.var])
if (!(cntl.lab %in% labs)) stop(paste("ERROR: cntl.lab = ", cntl.lab, " is not a valid label", sep=""))
if (is.null(types.lab)) types.lab <- labs[!(labs %in% cntl.lab)]
temp <- !(types.lab %in% cntl.lab)
types.lab <- types.lab[temp]
k <- length(types.lab)
if (!k) stop("ERROR: with types.lab. No disease subtypes are being included.")
temp <- types.lab %in% labs
if (!all(temp)) {
temp <- types.lab[!temp]
stop("ERROR: with types.lab. The above disease subtypes are not valid.")
if (is.null(subset)) {
subset <- dat[, response.var] %in% c(cntl.lab, types.lab)
} else {
subset <- subset & (dat[, response.var] %in% c(cntl.lab, types.lab))
pval.l <- pval1 <- pval2 <- NULL
par.l <- par1 <- par2 <- NULL
sigma.l <- sigma1 <- sigma2 <- NULL
spheno1 <- spheno2 <- NULL
SC <- (is.null(pool) || pool==FALSE)
CC <- (is.null(pool) || pool==TRUE)
logit.res <- CC.res <- SC.res <- NULL
res <- try(types.wald(sub=rep(TRUE, k), snp.vars=snp.vars, dat=dat, response.var=response.var, adj.vars=adj.vars
, types.lab=types.lab, cntl.lab=cntl.lab, subset=subset, pool=FALSE, side=side))
if(inherits(res, "try-error")) warning(paste("Error in Overall Logistic:", res))
else logit.res <- res
if(is.null(pval.args) || is.null(pval.args$search)) pval.args <- c(pval.args, list(search = 0))
else pval.args$search <- 0
res <- try(h.types0(k, dat, response.var=response.var, snp.vars=snp.vars, adj.vars=adj.vars, types.lab=types.lab
, cntl.lab=cntl.lab, subset=subset, pool=FALSE, meth = meth
, side=side, meta.C = TRUE, zmax.args=zmax.args
, meth.pval=meth.pval, pval.args=pval.args))
if(inherits(res, "try-error")) warning(paste("Error in Subset-search (Case-Control):", res))
else SC.res <- res
if(is.null(pval.args) || is.null(pval.args$search)) pval.args <- c(pval.args, list(search = 0))
else pval.args$search <- 0
res <- h.types0(k, dat, response.var=response.var, snp.vars=snp.vars, adj.vars=adj.vars, types.lab=types.lab
, cntl.lab=cntl.lab, subset=subset, pool=TRUE, meth = meth
, side=side, meta.C = TRUE, zmax.args=zmax.args
, meth.pval=meth.pval, pval.args=pval.args)
if(inherits(res, "try-error")) warning(paste("Error in Subset-search (Case-Control):", res))
else CC.res <- res
#ret <- list(Overall.Logistic = logit.res, Subset.Case.Control = SC.res, Subset.Case.Complement = CC.res)
ret <- list(Overall.Logistic=logit.res, Subset.Case.Control=SC.res, Subset.Case.Complement=CC.res,
data=dat, response.var=response.var, adj.vars=adj.vars, types.lab=types.lab,
cntl.lab=cntl.lab, subset=subset, method=method, side=side, test.type=test.type,
zmax.args=zmax.args, meth.pval=meth.pval, pval.args=pval.args, logit=logit,
snp.vars=snp.vars, which="h.types")
h.types0 <- function(k, dat, response.var, snp.vars, adj.vars, types.lab, cntl.lab, pool, meth = "score"
, subset=NULL, side=2, meta.C = FALSE, zmax.args=NULL, meth.pval="DLM", pval.args=NULL)
k <- length(types.lab)
nsnp <- length(snp.vars)
N <- nrow(dat)
pheno <- NULL
pval <- rep(NA, nsnp) ; names(pval) <- snp.vars
par <- pval ; sigma <- pval
meta.def <- switch(meth, Score=types.score, Wald=types.wald)
res <-, c(list(k=k, snp.vars=snp.vars, side=side, meta.def = meta.def
, meta.args = list(dat=dat, response.var=response.var, adj.vars = adj.vars
, types.lab=types.lab, cntl.lab=cntl.lab, subset=subset, pool=pool)), zmax.args))
zopt <- as.double(res$opt.z)
pheno <- matrix(as.logical(res$opt.s), ncol=k, byrow=FALSE)
subsetCount <- res$subsetCount
names(zopt) <- snp.vars
dimnames(pheno)[[1]] <- as.list(snp.vars)
dimnames(pheno)[[2]] <- as.list(types.lab)
ncase <- matrix(0, k, nsnp)
ncntl <- rep(0, nsnp)
if(is.null(subset)) subset <- rep(TRUE, nrow(dat))
subset1 <- findMiss.vars(dat, vars=c(response.var, adj.vars), miss = NA)
subset0 <- if(is.null(subset)) subset1 else (subset & subset1)
for(j in 1:nsnp)
subset0g <- subset0 & findMiss.vars(dat, vars=snp.vars[j], miss = NA)
tab <- table(dat[subset0g, response.var], useNA = "no")
pos <- pmatch(c(cntl.lab, types.lab), names(tab), nomatch = 0)
ncase[, j] <- ifelse(pos[-1] > 0, tab[pos[-1]], 0)
ncntl[j] <- if(pos[1] > 0) tab[pos[1]] else 0
if(meth.pval == "DLM")
if(is.null(pval.args) || !("cor.def" %in% names(pval.args))) pval.args <- c(pval.args, list(cor.def=NULL))
if(!("cor.args" %in% names(pval.args))) pval.args <- c(pval.args, list(cor.args = list(ncase=ncase, ncntl=ncntl, pool=pool)))
pval <-, c(list(t.vec=abs(zopt), k=k, side = side), pval.args))
if(meth.pval == "IS") pval <-, c(list(t.vec=abs(zopt), k=k
, side = side, ncase=ncase, ncntl=ncntl
, pool=pool), pval.args))
if(meth.pval == "B") pval <- p.bon(abs(zopt), subsetCount, search = 0, side = side)
names(pval) <- snp.vars
par <- sigma <- NULL
# Estimate Parameters
res <- types.wald(sub=pheno, snp.vars=snp.vars, dat=dat, response.var=response.var
, adj.vars=adj.vars, types.lab=types.lab, cntl.lab=cntl.lab, pool=pool, side = side)
par <- res$beta
names(par) <- snp.vars
if(side == 2) sigma <- abs(par)/qnorm(pval/2, lower.tail=FALSE, log.p=FALSE)
else sigma <- par/qnorm(pval, lower.tail=FALSE, log.p=FALSE)
list(pval=pval, beta=par, sd=sigma, zopt = zopt, pheno=pheno)
types.score <- function(sub, snp.vars, dat, response.var, adj.vars, types.lab, cntl.lab, subset=NULL, pool=FALSE)
{ <- types.lab[sub]
sub.cntl <- if(pool == FALSE) cntl.lab else c(types.lab[!sub], cntl.lab)
nsnp <- length(snp.vars)
# valid row numbers
subset1 <- dat[, response.var] %in% c(, sub.cntl)
subset01 <- if(is.null(subset)) subset1 else subset & subset1
subset01x <- subset01 & findMiss.vars(dat, vars = c(response.var, adj.vars), miss = NA)
if(is.null(adj.vars)) p <- 1
else p <- length(adj.vars) + 1
geno.flag <- (p == 1 && all(dat[, snp.vars] %in% c(0, 1, 2, NA)))
if(is.null(adj.vars)) adj.vars <- ""
if(length(adj.vars) > 1) adj.vars <- paste(adj.vars, collapse="+")
fmla <- "~1"
if(adj.vars != "") fmla <- paste(fmla, "+" , adj.vars, sep="")
xmat <- model.matrix(as.formula(fmla), dat[subset01x, ], na.action="na.pass")
N <- sum(subset01x)
d.vec <- rep(NA, N)
d.vec[dat[subset01x, response.var] %in%] <- 1
d.vec[dat[subset01x, response.var] %in% sub.cntl] <- 0
p.vec <- rep(-1, N)
if(geno.flag) {
mat <- matrix(table(d.vec), ncol=2)
res <- try(glm(mat ~ 1, family=binomial(link="logit")))
} else res <- try(glm(d.vec ~ xmat, family=binomial(link="logit")))
if(inherits(res, "try-error") || (!res$converged))
warning("error in glm")
p.vec <- rep(mean(d.vec, na.rm = TRUE), N)
} else
if(geno.flag) p.vec <- rep(res$fitted, N)
else p.vec <- res$fitted
g.vec <- as.vector(data.matrix(dat[subset01x, snp.vars]))
nmiss.ind <- !(
# nmiss.ind <- matrix(!tmp, ncol=nsnp)
# g.vec <- as.vector(g.mat)
xinfo <- t(xmat) %*% ( p.vec * (1 - p.vec) * xmat)
xcov <- myInv(xinfo)
res <- score.compute(d.vec, p.vec, g.vec, xmat, nmiss.ind, N, nsnp, p, xcov=xcov)
numr <- res$numr
denr <- res$denr
# If this flag is set, all SNPs with negative denominator are refit (using
# individuals with non-missing genotype).
if(REFIT && any(denr < 0))
for(j in which(denr < 0))
warning(paste("Negative denominator before refitting:", snp.vars[j]))
g.vec.j <- g.vec[, (j - 1) * N + (1:N)]
nmiss.j <- nmiss.ind[(j - 1) * N + (1:N)]
NN <- sum(nmiss.j)
p.vec.j <- rep(-1, N)
if(geno.flag) {
mat <- matrix(table(d.vec[nmiss.j]), ncol=2)
res <- try(glm(mat ~ 1, family=binomial(link="logit")))
} else res <- try(glm(d.vec ~ xmat, subset = nmiss.j, family=binomial(link="logit")))
if(inherits(res, "try-error") || (!res$converged)) warning("error in glm")
if(geno.flag) p.vec[nmiss.j] <- rep(res$fitted, NN)
else p.vec[nmiss.j] <- res$fitted
res <- score.compute(d.vec, p.vec.j, g.vec.j, xmat, nmiss.j, N, 1, p, xcov=NULL)
numr[j] <- res$numr
denr[j] <- res$denr
if(denr[j] < 0) warning(paste("Negative denominator after refitting:", snp.vars[j]))
# print(c(sub))
# print(rbind(numr, denr))
# Changed July 31, 2013
#ztmp <- ifelse( | is.nan(denr) | denr <= 0, 0, numr/sqrt(denr))
ztmp <- ifelse( | is.nan(denr), 0, numr/sqrt(denr))
list(z = ztmp)
score.compute <- function(d.vec, p.vec, g.vec, xmat, nmiss, N, nsnp, p, xcov=NULL)
q.vec <- (1 - p.vec)
tmp.mat <- matrix(g.vec * nmiss * (d.vec - p.vec), N, nsnp, byrow=FALSE)
numr0 <- apply(tmp.mat, 2, sum, na.rm=TRUE)
tmp.mat <- matrix(nmiss * g.vec * g.vec * p.vec * q.vec, N, nsnp, byrow=FALSE)
denr0 <- apply(tmp.mat, 2, sum, na.rm=TRUE)
XtDg <- matrix(sapply(1:p, function(j)
tmp.mat <- matrix(g.vec * nmiss * p.vec * q.vec * xmat[, j], N, nsnp, byrow=FALSE)
apply(tmp.mat, 2, sum, na.rm=TRUE)
}), ncol=p, byrow=FALSE)
XtD <- matrix(sapply(1:p, function(j)
tmp.mat <- matrix(nmiss * (d.vec - p.vec) * xmat[, j], N, nsnp, byrow=FALSE)
apply(tmp.mat, 2, sum, na.rm=TRUE)
}), ncol=p, byrow=FALSE)
if(! is.null(xcov))
numr <- numr0 - sapply(1:nsnp, function(j){
crossprod(matrix(XtDg[j, ], ncol = 1), xcov %*% matrix(XtD[j, ], ncol=1))
denr <- denr0 - apply(XtDg, 1, function(x){
mx <- matrix(x, ncol=1)
crossprod(mx, xcov %*% mx)
xinfo <- t(xmat) %*% (nmiss * p.vec * q.vec * xmat)
numr <- numr0 - sapply(1:nsnp, function(j){ crossprod(matrix(XtDg[j, ], ncol = 1), mySolve(xinfo, matrix(XtD[j, ], ncol=1)))})
denr <- denr0 - apply(XtDg, 1, function(x){ mx <- matrix(x, ncol=1) ; crossprod(mx, mySolve(xinfo, mx))})
return(list(numr=numr, denr=denr))
types.wald <- function(sub, snp.vars, dat, response.var, adj.vars, types.lab, cntl.lab, subset=NULL, pool=FALSE, side=2)
nsnp <- length(snp.vars)
k <- length(types.lab)
N <- nrow(dat)
if(length(sub) == (k * nsnp))
if(k == 1 && is.null(dim(sub))) dim(sub) <- c(nsnp, 1)
if(nsnp == 1 && is.null(dim(sub))) dim(sub) <- c(1, k)
if(nrow(sub) != nsnp || ncol(sub) != k) stop("sub should be of dimension nsnp X k")
if(is.null(dim(sub)) && length(sub) == k) sub <- matrix(sub, nsnp, k, byrow=TRUE) <- types.lab[sub[1, ]]
sub.cntl <- if(pool == FALSE) cntl.lab else c(types.lab[!sub[1, ]], cntl.lab)
if(is.null(adj.vars)) p <- 1
else p <- length(adj.vars) + 1
geno.flag <- (p == 1 && all(dat[, snp.vars] %in% c(0, 1, 2, NA)))
if(is.null(adj.vars)) adj.form <- ""
if(is.null(snp.vars)) snp.form <- ""
##SMB: changed this from > 1 to >= 1, since I was getting an error when there
##was only one variable that needed adjusting for
if(length(adj.vars) >= 1) adj.form <- paste(adj.vars, collapse="+")
##if(length(adj.vars) > 1) adj.form <- paste(adj.vars, collapse="+")
fmla <- paste(response.var, "~ 1", sep="")
if(snp.vars[1] != "") fmla <- paste(fmla, "+" , snp.vars[1], sep="")
if(adj.form != "") fmla <- paste(fmla, "+" , adj.form, sep="")
ndat <- model.frame(as.formula(fmla), dat, na.action="na.pass")
dx <- dat[,response.var]
dx1 <- rep(0, N)
dx1[dx %in% sub.cntl] <- 0
dx1[dx %in%] <- 1
subset1 <- (dx %in% c(sub.cntl,
subset01 <- if(is.null(subset)) subset1 else subset & subset1
dx1[!subset01] <- NA
ndat[, response.var] <- dx1
ndat[, response.var] <- as.integer(ndat[, response.var])
stat <- sapply(1:nsnp, function(j)
if(nrow(sub) == nsnp)
{ <- types.lab[sub[j, ]]
sub.cntl <- if(pool == FALSE) cntl.lab else c(types.lab[!sub[j, ]], cntl.lab)
dx1 <- rep(0, N)
dx1[dx %in% sub.cntl] <- 0
dx1[dx %in%] <- 1
subset1 <- (dx %in% c(sub.cntl,
subset01 <- if(is.null(subset)) subset1 else subset & subset1
dx1[!subset01] <- NA
ndat[, response.var] <- dx1
snp <- snp.vars[j]
g.vec <- dat[, snp]
ndat[,2] <- g.vec
colnames(ndat)[2] <- snp
fmla <- paste(response.var, "~ 1", sep="")
if(snp != "") fmla <- paste(fmla, "+" , snp, sep="")
if(adj.form != "") fmla <- paste(fmla, "+" , adj.vars, sep="")
ret <- c(NA, NA)
mat <- table(g.vec, 1 - dx1, useNA="no") ; geno <- (0:2)
res <- try(glm(mat ~ geno, family=binomial(link="logit")))
} else res <- try(glm(as.formula(fmla), data=ndat, subset = subset01, family=binomial(link="logit")))
if(inherits(res, "try-error") || (!res$converged)) warning("error in glm")
coef <- summary(res)$coef
pos <- pmatch(if(geno.flag) "geno" else snp, rownames(coef))
if(! ret <- coef[pos, 1:2]
colnames(stat) <- snp.vars
beta <- stat[1, ]
names(beta) <- snp.vars
sd <- stat[2, ]
names(sd) <- snp.vars
z <- ifelse( | is.nan(sd) | sd <= 0, 0, beta/sd)
if(side == 2) pval <- 2 * pnorm(abs(beta/sd), lower.tail=FALSE)
else pval <- pnorm(beta/sd, lower.tail=FALSE)
list(z=z, beta=beta, sd=sd, pval=pval)
types.forest0 <- function(dat, snp.var, response.var, adj.vars, types.lab, cntl.lab, subset=NULL, rlist = NULL
, level = 0.05, p.adj = TRUE, digits = 2)
if(length(snp.var) > 1) stop("Length of snp.var should be 1")
if(!(snp.var %in% colnames(dat))) stop("colnames of dat does not have snp.var")
k <- length(types.lab)
nsub <- matrix(FALSE, k, k)
diag(nsub) <- TRUE
if(is.null(rlist$Overall.Logistic)) stop("Missing Component in rlist: Overall.Logistic")
if(is.null(rlist$Subset.Case.Control)) stop("Missing Component in rlist: Subset.Case.Control")
if(is.null(rlist$Subset.Case.Complement)) stop("Missing Component in rlist: Subset.Case.Complement")
} else
rlist <- h.types(dat=dat, snp.vars=snp.var, response.var=response.var, adj.vars=adj.vars
, types.lab=types.lab, cntl.lab=cntl.lab, subset=subset, method = NULL,
logit = TRUE, test.type = "Wald")
res <- types.wald(sub = nsub, snp.vars=rep(snp.var, k), dat=dat, response.var=response.var, adj.vars=adj.vars
, types.lab=types.lab, cntl.lab=cntl.lab, subset=subset, pool=FALSE)
h.forest(k, snp.var, types.lab, rlist, res, side = 1, level=level, p.adj = p.adj, digits=digits)
types.forest <- function(rlist, snp.var, level=0.05, p.adj=TRUE, digits=2)
if(length(snp.var) > 1) stop("Length of snp.var should be 1")
if(!(snp.var %in% colnames(rlist$data))) stop("colnames of data does not have snp.var")
if (!(snp.var %in% rlist$snp.vars)) stop("snp.var was not a SNP analyzed")
types.lab <- rlist$types.lab
cntl.lab <- rlist$cntl.lab
response.var <- rlist$response.var
adj.vars <- rlist$adj.vars
subset <- rlist$subset
method <- rlist$method
side <- rlist$side
test.type <- rlist$test.type
zmax.args <- rlist$zmax.args
meth.pval <- rlist$meth.pval
pval.args <- rlist$pval.args
k <- length(types.lab)
nsub <- matrix(FALSE, k, k)
diag(nsub) <- TRUE
ov <- rlist[["Overall.Logistic", exact=TRUE]]
cc <- rlist[["Subset.Case.Control", exact=TRUE]]
cp <- rlist[["Subset.Case.Complement", exact=TRUE]]
ov.flag <- !is.null(ov)
cc.flag <- !is.null(cc)
cp.flag <- !is.null(cp)
if ((!ov.flag) || (!cc.flag) || (!cp.flag)) {
if (ov.flag) {
logit <- FALSE
} else {
logit <- TRUE
method <- "-1"
if ((!cc.flag) && (!cp.flag)) {
method <- NULL
} else if (!cc.flag) {
method <- "case-control"
} else if (!cp.flag) {
method <- "case-complement"
ret <- h.types(rlist$data, response.var, snp.var, adj.vars, types.lab, cntl.lab, subset=subset,
method=method, side=side, logit=logit, test.type=test.type, zmax.args=zmax.args,
meth.pval=meth.pval, pval.args=pval.args)
if (!ov.flag) ov <- ret[["Overall.Logistic", exact=TRUE]]
if (!cc.flag) cc <- ret[["Subset.Case.Control", exact=TRUE]]
if (!cp.flag) cp <- ret[["Subset.Case.Complement", exact=TRUE]]
newlist <- list(Overall.Logistic=ov, Subset.Case.Control=cc, Subset.Case.Complement=cp)
res <- types.wald(sub = nsub, snp.vars=rep(snp.var, k), dat=rlist$data, response.var=response.var,
adj.vars=adj.vars, types.lab=types.lab, cntl.lab=cntl.lab, subset=subset, pool=FALSE)
h.forest(k, snp.var, types.lab, newlist, res, side = 1, level=level, p.adj = p.adj, digits=digits)
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