p.bon <- function(t.vec, M, search, side)
# M number of subsets considered
if(any(t.vec < 0)) warning("Negative input thresholds! Using absolute value.")
t.vec <- abs(t.vec)
if(search < 2 & side == 2) pval.b <- pmin(2 * pnorm(t.vec, lower.tail=FALSE) * M, 1)
if(search < 2 & side == 1) pval.b <- pmin(pnorm(t.vec, lower.tail=FALSE) * M, 1)
if(search == 2) stop("Seach option 2 not yet implemented")
} <- function(t.vec, k, search, side, ncase, ncntl, pool, rmat, cor.numr, sizes=rep(1, k)
, nsamp=50, sub.def=NULL, sub.args=NULL, wt.def=NULL, wt.args=NULL)
if(!is.null(sub.def) && !is.function(sub.def)) stop("'sub.def' not recognized")
if(k <= 0 || (k%%1 != 0)) stop("Number of studies k, not a positive integer!")
if(!search %in% c(0, 1, 2)) stop("Invalid search option")
if(search < 2 && !(side %in% c(1, 2))) stop("side should be 1 or 2")
if(any(t.vec < 0)) warning("Negative input thresholds! Using absolute value.")
nsnp <- length(t.vec)
if(!is.null(dim(ncase)) && ncol(ncase) != 1 && ncol(ncase) != nsnp) stop("Unexpected dim of ncase")
if(!is.null(dim(ncntl)) && ncol(ncntl) != 1 && ncol(ncntl) != nsnp) stop("Unexpected dim of ncntl")
tube.pval(t.vec, k, search, side, ncase = ncase, ncntl = ncntl
, rmat = rmat, pool = pool, cor.numr = cor.numr, sizes = rep(1, k), nsamp = nsamp
, sub.def = sub.def, sub.args = sub.args)
p.dlm <- function(t.vec, k, search, side, cor.def = NULL, cor.args=NULL, sizes=rep(1, k), sub.def=NULL, sub.args=NULL
, wt.def=NULL, wt.args=NULL)
if(is.null(cor.def) || !is.function(cor.def))
if(search == 0) cor.def <- cor.types
if(search == 1) cor.def <- cor.meta
if(search == 2) cor.def <- coef.meta
if(!is.null(sub.def) && !is.function(sub.def)) stop("'sub.def' not recognized")
if(k <= 0 || (k%%1 != 0)) stop("Number of studies k, not a positive integer!")
if(!search %in% c(0, 1, 2)) stop("Invalid search option")
if(search < 2 && !(side %in% c(1, 2))) stop("side should be 1 or 2")
if(search == 2) side <- 1
if(any(t.vec < 0)) warning("Negative input thresholds! Using absolute value.")
dlm.pval(t.vec, k, search, side, cor.def, cor.args, sizes=sizes, sub.def=sub.def, sub.args=sub.args)
dlm.pval <- function(t.vec, k, search, side, cor.def, cor.args, sizes = rep(1, k)
, sub.def=NULL, sub.args=NULL, wt.def=NULL, wt.args=NULL)
if(k == 1) return(2 * pnorm(t.vec, lower.tail=FALSE))
NT <- length(t.vec)
NS <- (prod(sizes + 1) - 1)
if(any(t.vec < 0)) t.vec <- abs(t.vec)
low <- t.vec
high <- rep(Inf, NT)
r.vec2 <- r.vec3 <- NULL
x <- rep(0, k)
kk <- length(sizes)
xx <- rep(0, kk)
cc <- c(0, cumsum(sizes[-kk]))
ss <- rep(0, NT)
i <- 1
while (i <= NS)
pos <- max(which(xx < sizes))
if(pos < kk)
xx[(pos + 1):kk] <- 0
x[(cc[pos + 1] + 1):k] <- 0
xx[pos] <- xx[pos] + 1
x[cc[pos] + xx[pos]] <- 1
set <- as.logical(x)
NXX <- prod(choose(sizes, xx))
# print(c(i, pos, cc[pos], xx, NXX))
# Skip this subset
if(!is.null(sub.def) && !, c(list(set), sub.args))) { i <- i + 1 ; next }
# Matrix with neighboring subsets of x as columns
nn.x <- (matrix(x, k, k) + diag(1, k)) %% 2
nn.sub <- rep(TRUE, k)
# Note: All zeros is not a valid neighbor
if(sum(x) == 1)
nn.x <- nn.x[, (x == 0)]
if(is.null(dim(nn.x))) nn.x <- matrix(nn.x, nrow = k)
nn.sub <- rep(TRUE, k - 1)
# Valid neighbors
nn.set <- as.logical(nn.x)
dim(nn.set) <- dim(nn.x)
nn.sub <- nn.sub & apply(nn.set, 2, function(set1), c(list(set1), sub.args)))
# Add a term to points with integral still below 1
t.sub <- (1:NT)[ss < 1]
if(length(t.sub) > 0 && search < 2)
cor.args$ncase <- matrix(cor.args$ncase, nrow=k, ncol=NT, byrow=FALSE)
int <- sapply(t.sub, function(j)
ncor.args <- cor.args
ncor.args$ncase <- cor.args$ncase[, j]
ncor.args$ncntl <- ncor.args$ncntl[j][j], high[j], search,, side=side, x, matrix(nn.x[, nn.sub]
, nrow=k, byrow=FALSE), cor.def, ncor.args)
ss[t.sub] <- ss[t.sub] + NXX * int
if(length(t.sub) > 0 && search == 2)
# Older code 2-sided search with 3 correlations instead of coefficients
# nn.x2 <- diag(1, k)
# sgn <- 1 - 2 * x
# if(sum(x) == 1)
# {
# nn.x2 <- nn.x2[, (x == 0)]
# sgn <- sgn[x == 0]
# if(is.null(dim(nn.x2))) nn.x2 <- matrix(nn.x2, nrow = k)
# }
# r.vec2 <- sapply(1:length(nn.sub), function(j), c(list(x, nn.x2[, j], k, side), cor.args)))
# r.vec3 <- r.vec * r.vec2 + sgn[nn.sub] * sqrt((1 - r.vec * r.vec) * (1 - r.vec2 * r.vec2))
# rho.mat <- cbind(r.vec, r.vec2, r.vec3)
cor.args$ncase <- matrix(cor.args$ncase, nrow=k, ncol=NT, byrow=FALSE)
int <- sapply(t.sub, function(j)
ncor.args <- cor.args
ncor.args$ncase <- cor.args$ncase[, j]
ncor.args$ncntl <- ncor.args$ncntl[j][j], high[j], search,, side=side, x=x, nn.x=matrix(nn.x[, nn.sub]
, nrow=k, byrow=FALSE), cor.def, cor.args)
ss[t.sub] <- ss[t.sub] + NXX * int
if(length(t.sub) == 0) break
i <- i + 1
ret <- pmin(1, ss)
} <- function(low1, high1, search, int.func, side, x, nn.x, cor.def, cor.args)
val <- 0
if(low1 < Inf)
int <- integrate(function(zv)
prob1 <- side * int.func(zv=zv, search, side, x, nn.x, cor.def, cor.args)
(prob1 * dnorm(zv))
}, lower=low1, upper=high1)
if(int$message != "OK") { warning(int$message) ; val <- NA }
else val <- int$value
} <- function(zv, search, side, x, nn.x, cor.def, cor.args)
k <- length(x)
npts <- length(zv)
if(is.null(nn.x) || ncol(nn.x) == 0) return(rep(1, npts))
beta.mat <- matrix(drop(, c(list(x, nn.x, k), cor.args))), ncol=2, byrow=FALSE)
if(any( stop("NA in beta.mat")
if(is.null(dim(beta.mat)) || ncol(beta.mat) != 2) stop("Expected two columns in beta.mat")
kk <- nrow(beta.mat)
b.s <- beta.mat[, 1]
b.k <- beta.mat[, 2]
lrr <- 0
zv1 <- zv
T1 <- (1/b.k) %o% zv1
T2 <- (b.s/b.k) %o% zv1
b.k2 <- b.k %o% rep(1, npts)
r.vec <- (1 - b.s^2 - b.k^2)/(2 * b.s * b.k)
# rho <- ((1 - b.k^2) + b.s^2)/(2 * b.s)
mu.z <- r.vec %o% zv
sd <- sqrt(1 - r.vec^2)
if(search < 2)
if(side == 2)
low <- ifelse(b.k2 > 0, -T1 - T2, T1 - T2)
high <- ifelse(b.k2 > 0, T1 - T2, - T1 - T2)
low <- ifelse(b.k2 > 0, -Inf, T1 - T2)
high <- ifelse(b.k2 > 0, T1 - T2, Inf)
p1 <- ifelse(T1 == Inf, 0, pnorm(high, mean = mu.z, sd = sd))
p0 <- ifelse(T1 == Inf, 0, pnorm(low, mean = mu.z, sd = sd))
if(search == 2)
low <- ifelse(b.k2 > 0, 0, pmax(0, T1 - T2))
high <- ifelse(b.k2 > 0, T1 - T2, Inf)
p1 <- ifelse(T1 == Inf | (b.k2 < 0 & T1 < T2), 0, pnorm(high, mean = mu.z, sd = sd))
p0 <- ifelse(T1 == Inf | (b.k2 < 0 & T1 < T2), 0, pnorm(low, mean = mu.z, sd = sd))
pp <- ifelse(T1 == Inf, 1, (p1 - p0))
ss <- apply(pp, 2, function(x) { if(search == 2) (prod(2 * x)) else prod(x) })
# print(rbind(zv,ss))
if(any( stop("NA in integrand")
} <- function(zv, search, side, x, nn.x, cor.def, cor.args)
k <- length(x)
npts <- length(zv)
if(is.null(nn.x) || ncol(nn.x) == 0) return(rep(1, npts))
rho.mat <-, c(list(x, nn.x, k), cor.args))
kk <- nrow(rho.mat)
if(is.null(dim(rho.mat))) stop("rho.mat should be a matrix")
if(search == 2 && ncol(rho.mat) != 3) stop("Expected 3 columns in rho.mat")
if(search < 2 && ncol(rho.mat) != 1) stop("Expected 1 column in rho.mat")
r.vec <- rho.mat[, 1]
lrr <- 0
zv1 <- zv
if(search == 2)
zv11 <- rep(1, kk) %o% zv1
r.vec2 <- rho.mat[, 2]
r.vec3 <- rho.mat[, 3]
beta <- (r.vec3 - r.vec * r.vec2)/(1 - r.vec * r.vec)
beta2 <- beta %o% rep(1, kk)
mu.z <- r.vec %o% zv
if(search == 2) mu.z1 <- (r.vec + beta * r.vec2) %o% zv
sd <- sqrt(1 - r.vec^2)
if(search < 2)
low <- rep(1, kk) %o% -abs(zv1)
high <- rep(1, kk) %o% abs(zv1)
p1 <- pnorm(high, mean = mu.z, sd = sd)
if(side == 2) p0 <- pnorm(low, mean = mu.z, sd = sd)
else p0 <- rep(0, kk, npts)
if(search == 2)
low <- ifelse(beta2 < 0, mu.z1, -Inf)
high <- ifelse(beta2 < 0, abs(zv11), pmin(abs(zv11), mu.z1))
p1 <- pnorm(high, mean = mu.z, sd = sd)
p0 <- pnorm(low, mean = mu.z, sd = sd)
pp <- matrix((p1 - p0), nrow=kk, ncol=npts, byrow=FALSE)
ss <- apply(pp, 2, function(x) { if(search == 2) (prod(2 * x)) else prod(x) })
ss <- ifelse(zv1 == Inf, 1, ss)
# print(rbind(zv,ss))
if(any( stop("NA in integrand")
coef.meta <- function(x1, X2, k, ncase, ncntl, rmat=NULL, cor.numr=FALSE)
if(is.null(rmat)) rmat <- diag(1, k)
rneff <- sqrt(ncase * ncntl/(ncase + ncntl))
nsnp <- length(ncase) %/% k
if(is.null(dim(rneff))) dim(rneff) <- c(k, nsnp)
x1 <- as.logical(x1)
X2 <- as.logical(X2)
nn <- length(X2)/k
if(is.null(dim(X2))) dim(X2) <- c(k, nn)
beta <- array(NA, c(nn, 2, nsnp))
if(is.null(rmat)) rmat <- diag(1, k)
xcom <- which(x1)
xdel <- apply(X2, 2, function(x2) (1:k)[xor(x1, x2)])
sgn <- (1 - 2 * x1[xdel]) %o% rep(1, nsnp)
ncom <- length(xcom)
ndel <- length(xdel)
{ <- mySolve(matrix(rmat[xcom, xcom], ncom, ncom), matrix(rneff[xcom, ], ncom, nsnp, byrow=FALSE))
rneff.del <- mySolve(matrix(rmat[xdel, xdel], ndel, ndel), matrix(rneff[xdel, ], ndel, nsnp, byrow=FALSE))
} else
{ <- matrix(rneff[xcom, ], ncom, nsnp, byrow=FALSE)
rneff.del <- matrix(rneff[xdel, ], ndel, nsnp, byrow=FALSE)
if(!is.vector(xdel)) stop("Coefficients defined for immediate neighbors only")
sxx <- diag(t( %*% matrix(rmat[xcom, xcom], ncom, ncom) %*%
sxd <- (matrix(rmat[xdel, xcom], ndel, ncom) %*% * (sgn * rneff.del)
sdd <- rneff.del * rneff.del
sall <- (rep(1, nn) %o% sxx) + 2 * sxd + sdd
beta[, 1, ] <- ifelse(sall == 0, NA, sqrt(sxx/sall))
beta[, 2, ] <- ifelse(sall == 0, NA, sgn * sqrt(sdd/sall))
if(is.null(dim(beta))) dim(beta) <- c(nn, 2, nsnp)
# rho <- rep(NA, ndel)
# if(sxx != 0) rho <- ifelse(sall == 0, NA, (sxx + sxd)/sqrt(sxx * sall))
# rho
cor.meta <- function(x1, X2, k, ncase, ncntl, rmat=NULL, cor.numr=FALSE)
if(is.null(rmat)) rmat <- diag(1, k)
rneff <- sqrt(ncase * ncntl/(ncase + ncntl))
nsnp <- length(ncase) %/% k
if(is.null(dim(rneff))) dim(rneff) <- c(k, nsnp)
x1 <- as.logical(x1)
n1 <- sum(x1)
if(cor.numr) rneff1 <- mySolve(matrix(rmat[x1, x1], n1, n1), matrix(rneff[x1, ], n1, nsnp, byrow=FALSE))
else rneff1 <- matrix(rneff[x1, ], n1, nsnp, byrow=FALSE)
cor.func <- function(x2)
x2 <- as.logical(x2)
n2 <- sum(x2)
if(cor.numr) rneff2 <- mySolve(matrix(rmat[x2, x2], n2, n2), matrix(rneff[x2, ], n2, nsnp, byrow=FALSE))
else rneff2 <- rneff[x2, ]
sx12 <- t(matrix(rneff1, ncol=nsnp)) %*% matrix(rmat[x1, x2], n1, n2) %*% matrix(rneff2, ncol = nsnp)
sx11 <- t(matrix(rneff1, ncol=nsnp)) %*% matrix(rmat[x1, x1], n1, n1) %*% matrix(rneff1, ncol = nsnp)
sx22 <- t(matrix(rneff2, ncol=nsnp)) %*% matrix(rmat[x2, x2], n2, n2) %*% matrix(rneff2, ncol = nsnp)
rho <- ifelse(sx11 == 0 | sx22 == 0, NA, sx12/sqrt(sx11 * sx22))
rho.mat <- matrix(apply(X2, 2, cor.func), ncol = nsnp, byrow = TRUE)
cor.types <- function(x1, X2, k, ncase, ncntl, pool)
nsnp <- length(ncntl)
if(is.null(dim(ncase))) dim(ncase) <- c(k, nsnp)
x1 <- as.logical(x1)
x2 <- as.logical(X2)
if(is.null(dim(X2))) dim(X2) <- c(k, length(X2)/k)
nn <- ncol(X2)
# if(any(x1 & !x2) && any(!x1 & x2)) stop("Correlation defined for subset/superset only") <- apply(X2, 2, function(x2) colSums(matrix(ncase[x1 & x2,], ncol=nsnp)))
ncase.all <- apply(X2, 2, function(x2) colSums(matrix(ncase[x1 | x2,], ncol=nsnp)))
N <- (colSums(ncase) + ncntl) %o% rep(1, nn)
if(pool == FALSE) rho <- sqrt(( * (ncase.all + ncntl))/(ncase.all * ( + ncntl)))
else rho <- sqrt(( * (N - ncase.all))/((ncase.all) * (N -
rho <- matrix(rho, nn, nsnp, byrow=TRUE)
tubeSim <- function(x, t0, nsamp, rmat0, neff0, cor.numr=FALSE)
k <- length(x)
nsnp <- length(t0)
Z <- array(0, c(k, nsamp, nsnp))
x <- as.logical(x)
r1 <- (which(x))[1]
r2 <- (1:k)[-r1]
for(j in 1:nsnp)
if(j == 1 || ncol(rmat0) > 1 || ncol(neff0) > 1)
rmat <- matrix(rmat0[, (j - 1) %% ncol(rmat0) + 1], k, k)
rneff <- sqrt(neff0[, (j - 1) %% ncol(neff0) + 1])
rr <- rep(0, k)
rr[x] <- mySolve(rmat[x, x], rneff[x])
else rr <- (rneff * x)
A <- diag(k)
A[r1, ] <- rr/sqrt(sum(matrix(rr, nrow=1) %*% rmat %*% matrix(rr, ncol=1)))
A <- A[c(r1, r2), ]
Sigma <- A %*% rmat %*% t(A)
Sig <- Sigma[(2:k), (2:k)] - ((1/Sigma[1, 1]) * outer(Sigma[(2:k), 1], Sigma[(2:k), 1]))
ev <- eigen(Sig, symmetric = TRUE)
if (!all(ev$values >= -sqrt(.Machine$double.eps) * abs(ev$values[1])))
warning("Sigma is numerically not positive definite")
Sigroot <- ev$vectors %*% diag(sqrt(ev$values), length(ev$values)) %*% t(ev$vectors)
W1 <- rtnorm(nsamp, mean = 0, sd = sqrt(Sigma[1, 1]), lower = t0[j])
mu <- outer(Sigma[(2:k), 1]/Sigma[1, 1], W1)
W2 <- t(matrix(rnorm(nsamp * (k - 1)), nrow = nsamp) %*% Sigroot) + mu
W <- rbind(W1, W2)
Z[, , j] <- solve(A) %*% W
checkSim1 <- function(Z, t1, t2, rmat0, neff0, cor.numr=FALSE, sub.def=NULL, sub.args=NULL)
k <- dim(Z)[1]
nsamp <- dim(Z)[2]
nsnp <- dim(Z)[3]
x <- rep(0, k)
fm <- matrix(0, nsamp, nsnp)
i <- 1
while(i <= ((2^k)-1))
pos <- max(which(x == 0))
x[pos:k] <- 0
x[pos] <- 1
set <- as.logical(x)
# Skip this subset
if(!is.null(sub.def) && !, c(list(set), sub.args))) { i <- i + 1 ; next }
for(j in 1:nsnp)
if(j == 1 || ncol(rmat0) > 1 || ncol(neff0) > 1)
rmat <- matrix(rmat0[, (j - 1) %% ncol(rmat0) + 1], k, k)
rneff <- sqrt(neff0[, (j - 1) %% ncol(neff0) + 1])
denr <- sqrt(matrix(rneff[set], nrow=1) %*% mySolve(rmat[set, set], matrix(rneff[set], ncol=1)))
numr <- drop(matrix(rneff[set], nrow = 1) %*% mySolve(rmat[set, set], Z[set, , j]))
if(j == 1 || ncol(rmat0) > 1 || ncol(neff0) > 1)
rmat <- matrix(rmat0[, (j - 1) %% ncol(rmat0) + 1], k, k)
rneff <- sqrt(neff0[, (j - 1) %% ncol(neff0) + 1])
denr <- sqrt(matrix(rneff[set], nrow=1) %*% rmat[set, set] %*% matrix(rneff[set], ncol=1))
numr <- drop(matrix(rneff[set], nrow = 1) %*% Z[set, , j])
f1 <- ((numr/denr) > t1[j])
f2 <- ((-numr/denr) > t2[j])
fm[, j] <- fm[, j] + (f1 + f2)
i <- i + 1
gm <- apply(fm, 2, function(x) mean(ifelse(x > 0, 1/x, 0)))
checkSim2 <- function(Z1, Z2, t1, t2, rmat0, neff0, cor.numr=FALSE, sub.def=NULL, sub.args=NULL)
k <- dim(Z1)[1]
nsamp <- dim(Z1)[2]
nsnp <- dim(Z1)[3]
x <- rep(0, k)
fm1 <- matrix(0, nsamp, nsnp)
fm2 <- matrix(0, nsamp, nsnp)
fm3 <- matrix(0, nsamp, nsnp)
i <- 1
while(i <= ((2^k)-1))
pos <- max(which(x == 0))
x[pos:k] <- 0
x[pos] <- 1
set <- as.logical(x)
# Skip this subset
if(!is.null(sub.def) && !, c(list(set), sub.args))) { i <- i + 1 ; next }
for(j in 1:nsnp)
if(j == 1 || ncol(rmat0) > 1 || ncol(neff0) > 1)
rmat <- matrix(rmat0[, (j - 1) %% ncol(rmat0) + 1], k, k)
rneff <- sqrt(neff0[, (j - 1) %% ncol(neff0) + 1])
denr <- sqrt(matrix(rneff[set], nrow=1) %*% mySolve(rmat[set, set], matrix(rneff[set], ncol=1)))
numr1 <- drop(matrix(rneff[set], nrow = 1) %*% mySolve(rmat[set, set], Z1[set, , j]))
numr2 <- drop(matrix(rneff[set], nrow = 1) %*% mySolve(rmat[set, set], Z2[set, , j]))
if(j == 1 || ncol(rmat0) > 1 || ncol(neff0) > 1)
rmat <- matrix(rmat0[, (j - 1) %% ncol(rmat0) + 1], k, k)
rneff <- sqrt(neff0[, (j - 1) %% ncol(neff0) + 1])
denr <- sqrt(matrix(rneff[set], nrow=1) %*% rmat[set, set] %*% matrix(rneff[set], ncol=1))
numr1 <- drop(matrix(rneff[set], nrow = 1) %*% Z1[set, , j])
numr2 <- drop(matrix(rneff[set], nrow = 1) %*% Z2[set, , j])
f11 <- ((numr1/denr) > t1[j, 1])
f12 <- ((-numr1/denr) > t2[j, 1])
fm1[, j] <- fm1[, j] + (f11 + f12)
f21 <- ((numr2/denr) > t1[j, 2])
f22 <- ((-numr2/denr) > t2[j, 2])
fm2[, j] <- fm2[, j] + (f21 + f22)
f31 <- ((numr2/denr) > t1[j, 3])
f32 <- ((-numr2/denr) > t2[j, 3])
fm3[, j] <- fm3[, j] + (f31 + f32)
i <- i + 1
gm1 <- apply(fm1, 2, function(x) mean(ifelse(x > 0, 1/x, 0)))
gm2 <- apply(fm2, 2, function(x) mean(ifelse(x > 0, 1/x, 0)))
gm3 <- apply(fm3, 2, function(x) mean(ifelse(x > 0, 1/x, 0)))
cbind(gm1, gm2, gm3)
tube.pval <- function(t.vec, k, search, side, ncase, ncntl, pool, rmat = NULL
, cor.numr = FALSE, sizes = rep(1, k), nsamp = 50, sub.def=NULL, sub.args=NULL)
if(k == 1) return(side * pnorm(t.vec, lower.tail=FALSE))
nsnp <- length(t.vec)
if(is.null(dim(ncase))) ncase <- matrix(ncase, ncol = nsnp, byrow=FALSE)
if(is.null(dim(ncntl))) ncntl <- matrix(ncntl, ncol = nsnp, byrow=FALSE)
if(search == 1 || search == 2)
neff <- (ncase * ncntl)/(ncase + ncntl)
if(is.null(rmat)) rmat <- diag(k)
rmat <- matrix(as.vector(rmat), ncol=1)
if(search == 0)
N <- apply(ncase, 2, sum) + ncntl
ncntl1 <- matrix(ncntl, k, nsnp, byrow=TRUE)
if(pool == FALSE)
neff <- (ncase * ncntl1)/(ncase + ncntl1)
rmat <- sapply(1:nsnp
, function(j)
rtmp <- outer(sqrt(ncase[,j]/(ncase[,j] + ncntl[1, j])), sqrt(ncase[,j]/(ncase[,j]+ncntl[1, j])))
diag(rtmp) <- 1
if(pool == TRUE)
N1 <- ncase + ncntl1
neff <- (ncase * (N1 - ncase))/N1
rmat <- sapply(1:nsnp
, function(j)
rtmp <- (-1) * outer(ncase[, j]/sqrt(neff[, j]), ncase[, j]/sqrt(neff[, j]))/N[j]
diag(rtmp) <- 1
# Note: hard coded
cor.numr <- TRUE
search <- 1
kk <- length(sizes)
cc <- c(0, cumsum(sizes[-kk]))
nn <- (prod(sizes + 1) - 1)
x <- rep(0, k)
xx <- rep(0, kk)
prob1 <- pnorm(t.vec, lower.tail=FALSE)
zeros <- rep(0, nsnp)
infs <- rep(Inf, nsnp)
jj <- 1
pv <- rep(0, nsnp)
pv0 <- rep(0, nsnp)
while (jj <= nn)
pos <- max(which(xx < sizes))
if(pos < kk)
xx[(pos + 1):kk] <- 0
x[(cc[pos + 1] + 1):k] <- 0
xx[pos] <- xx[pos] + 1
x[cc[pos] + xx[pos]] <- 1
set <- as.logical(x)
# Skip this subset
if(!is.null(sub.def) && !, c(list(set), sub.args))) { jj <- jj + 1 ; next }
mm <- prod(choose(sizes, xx))
if(search == 1)
Z1 <- tubeSim(x = x, t0 = t.vec, nsamp = nsamp, rmat0 = rmat, neff0 = neff)
p1 <- checkSim1(Z1, t1 = t.vec, t2 = t.vec, rmat0 = rmat, neff0 = neff
, sub.def = sub.def, sub.args = sub.args) * (prob1 * mm)
p2 <- if(side == 2) p1 else rep(0, nsnp)
pv <- pv + (p1 + p2)
if(search == 2)
Z1 <- tubeSim(x = (x), t0 = t.vec, nsamp = nsamp, rmat0 = rmat, neff0 = neff)
Z2 <- tubeSim(x = (x), t0 = zeros, nsamp = nsamp, rmat0 = rmat, neff0 = neff)
res <- checkSim2(Z1, Z2, t1 = cbind(t.vec, zeros, zeros), t2 = cbind(zeros, t.vec, infs)
, rmat0 = rmat, neff0 = neff, sub.def = sub.def, sub.args = sub.args)
p1 <- res[, 1] * (prob1 * mm)
p2 <- res[, 2] * (0.5 * mm)
p0 <- res[, 3] * (0.5 * mm)
pv <- pv + (p1 + (p2 - p0))
pv0 <- pv0 + p0
jj <- jj + 1
# pv0 <- 1 - (1/2^k)
# print(c(pv, pv0, 1 - (1/(2^k))))
if(search == 2) pv <- pmax(pv, 0)/pmax((1/2^k), 1 - pv0)
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