# functions
if (!require("pracma")) {
if (.Platform$OS.type == "unix") {
loca <- getwd()
install.packages("pracma", repos="", lib=loca)
library(pracma, lib.loc=loca)
} else {
install.packages("pracma", repos="")
if (!require("cubature")) {
if (.Platform$OS.type == "unix") {
loca <- getwd()
install.packages("cubature", repos="", lib=loca)
library(cubature, lib.loc=loca)
} else {
install.packages("cubature", repos="")
# library(rstiefel)
## use integral to compute E(Z^(s-integer.part)/(1+Z))
SIint <- function(s, sigma) {
sint <- floor(s)
sdec <- s - sint
par <- c(sdec, sigma)
integrand1 <- function(arg, para=par) {
t <- arg[1]
pow <- par[1]
sig <- par[2]
ff <- ifelse(t==0, 0, ( t^pow / (1 + t) ) * dnorm(log(t), mean=0, sd=sqrt(sig)) / t)
int <- quadinf(integrand1, 0, Inf, tol=1e-6)$Q
## logit link model to get sobol indices ##
# compute Sobol index for single variable's main effect by using integrals
LogitSImainsingle <- function(i, xdata, beta) {
mu <- apply(xdata, 2, mean)
Sigma <- cov(xdata)
if (length(beta) == length(mu) + 1) {
beta0 <- beta[1]
beta1 <- beta[-1]
} else if (length(beta) == length(mu)) {
beta0 <- 0
beta1 <- beta
} else {
stop('Check whether length of beta and number of variables (columns) are matched')
cond.sigma.i <- t(beta1[-i]) %*% (Sigma[-i, -i] - 1 / Sigma[i, i] * Sigma[-i, i]
%*% t(Sigma[i, -i])) %*% beta1[-i] <- beta0 + t(beta1[-i]) %*% (mu[-i] - mu[i] / Sigma[i,i] * Sigma[-i, i]) <- beta1[i] + t(beta1[-i]) %*% Sigma[-i,i] / Sigma[i, i]
par <- c(as.numeric(mu[i]), Sigma[i, i],,, cond.sigma.i)
integrand1 <- function(arg, para=par) {
s <- arg[1]
t <- arg[2]
xi <- arg[3]
ff <- (exp(s) * exp(t) / ((1 + exp(s))*(1 + exp(t)))) * dnorm(s, mean=para[3] +
para[4] * xi, sd=sqrt(para[5])) * dnorm(t, mean=para[3] + para[4]*xi, sd=
sqrt(para[5])) * dnorm(xi, mean=para[1], sd=sqrt(para[2]))
integrand2 <- function(arg, para=par) {
s <- arg[1]
xi <- arg[2]
ff <- (exp(s) / (1 + exp(s))) * dnorm(s, mean=para[3] + para[4] * xi,
sd=sqrt(para[5])) * dnorm(xi, mean=para[1], sd=sqrt(para[2]))
K <- 5
upper1 <- par[1] + K * sqrt(par[2])
lower1 <- par[1] - K * sqrt(par[2])
upper2 <- max(par[3] + par[4] * upper1 + K * sqrt(par[5]), -2 * K)
lower2 <- max(par[3] + par[4] * lower1 - K * sqrt(par[5]), -2 * K)
int1 <- adaptIntegrate(integrand1, lowerLimit=c(lower2, lower2, lower1),
upperLimit=c(upper2, upper2, upper1))$integral
int2 <- adaptIntegrate(integrand2, lowerLimit=c(lower2, lower1), upperLimit=
c(upper2, upper1))$integral
SIi <- int1 - (int2)^2
## compute Sobol indices for all single variables' main effects by using integrals
LogitSImain <- function(xdata, beta){
mu <- apply(xdata, 2, mean)
Sigma <- cov(xdata)
SI <- sapply(1:nrow(Sigma), function(x) LogitSImainsingle(x, xdata, beta))
## compute Sobol index for paired variables' main effect by using integrals
LogitSIsecpair <- function(pair, xdata, beta) {
mu <- apply(xdata, 2, mean)
Sigma <- cov(xdata)
if (length(beta) == length(mu) + 1) {
beta0 <- beta[1]
beta1 <- beta[-1]
} else if (length(beta) == length(mu)) {
beta0 <- 0
beta1 <- beta
} else {
stop('Check lengths of beta and mu')
if (min(abs(eigen(Sigma[pair, pair])$values))<=1e-16) {
stop("The sample covariance matrix of xdata is singular. \n This may be because the number of variables is greater than the number of samples. \n")
cond.sigma.pair <- t(beta1[-pair]) %*% (Sigma[-pair, -pair] - Sigma[-pair, pair] %*%
solve(Sigma[pair, pair]) %*% Sigma[pair, -pair]) %*% beta1[-pair] <- beta0 + t(beta1[-pair]) %*% (mu[-pair] - Sigma[-pair, pair] %*%
solve(Sigma[pair, pair]) %*% mu[pair]) <- beta1[pair] + solve(Sigma[pair, pair]) %*% Sigma[pair, -pair] %*%
par <- list(as.numeric(mu[pair]), Sigma[pair, pair],,,
integrand1 <- function(arg, para=par) {
s <- arg[1]
t <- arg[2]
xij <- arg[3:4]
ff <- (exp(s) * exp(t) / ((1 + exp(s))*(1 + exp(t)))) * dnorm(s, mean=para[[3]] +
t(para[[4]]) %*% xij, sd=sqrt(para[[5]])) * dnorm(t, mean=para[[3]] +
t(para[[4]]) %*% xij, sd=sqrt(para[[5]])) * dmvnorm(xij, mean=para[[1]],
integrand2 <- function(arg, para=par) {
s <- arg[1]
xij <- arg[2:3]
ff <- (exp(s) / (1 + exp(s))) * dnorm(s, mean=para[[3]] + t(para[[4]]) %*% xij,
sd=sqrt(para[[5]])) * dmvnorm(xij, mean=para[[1]], sigma=para[[2]])
M <- qchisq(0.9999, df=2)
decomp <- eigen(Sigma[pair,pair])
K <- 5
point1 <- par[[1]] + sqrt(M*decomp$values[1])*decomp$vectors[,1]
point2 <- par[[1]] - sqrt(M*decomp$values[1])*decomp$vectors[,1]
point3 <- par[[1]] + sqrt(M*decomp$values[2])*decomp$vectors[,2]
point4 <- par[[1]] - sqrt(M*decomp$values[2])*decomp$vectors[,2]
upper1 <- max(point1[1], point2[1], point3[1], point4[1])
lower1 <- min(point1[1], point2[1], point3[1], point4[1])
upper2 <- max(point1[2], point2[2], point3[2], point4[2])
lower2 <- min(point1[2], point2[2], point3[2], point4[2])
max1 <- max(abs(c(upper1, lower1)))
max2 <- max(abs(c(upper2, lower2)))
upper3 <- max(par[[3]] + t(abs(par[[4]])) %*% c(max1, max2) +
K * sqrt(par[[5]]), -2 * K)
lower3 <- max(par[[3]] - t(abs(par[[4]])) %*% c(max1, max2) -
K * sqrt(par[[5]]), -2 * K)
int1 <- adaptIntegrate(integrand1, lowerLimit=c(lower3, lower3, lower2, lower1),
upperLimit=c(upper3, upper3, upper2, upper1))$integral
int2 <- adaptIntegrate(integrand2, lowerLimit=c(lower3, lower2, lower1),
upperLimit=c(upper3, upper2, upper1))$integral
SIpair <- int1 - (int2)^2
## compute Sobol indices for all paired variables' main effects by using integrals
LogitSIsec <- function(xdata, beta){
SI <- matrix(0, ncol(xdata), ncol(xdata))
SIpairs <- apply(combn(1:ncol(xdata), 2), 2, function(x)
LogitSIsecpair(x, xdata, beta))
SI[lower.tri(SI)] <- SIpairs
SI <- SI + t(SI)
diag(SI) <- NA
### build the function for computing Sobol Indices with logit link (sampling)
## compute Sobol index for single variable i's main effect by using sampling method
LogitSImainsample <- function(i, xdata, beta) {
mu <- apply(xdata, 2, mean)
Sigma <- cov(xdata)
if (length(beta) == length(mu) + 1) {
beta0 <- beta[1]
beta1 <- beta[-1]
} else if (length(beta) == length(mu)) {
beta0 <- 0
beta1 <- beta
} else {
stop('Check lengths of beta and mu')
cond.sigma.i <- t(beta1[-i]) %*% (Sigma[-i, -i] - 1 / Sigma[i, i] * Sigma[-i, i]
%*% t(Sigma[i, -i])) %*% beta1[-i] <- beta0 + t(beta1[-i]) %*% (mu[-i] - mu[i] / Sigma[i,i] * Sigma[-i, i]) <- beta1[i] + t(beta1[-i]) %*% Sigma[-i,i] / Sigma[i, i]
samplei <- xdata[,i]
condexp <- rep(0, length(samplei))
if (cond.sigma.i > 0) {
for (k in 1:length(samplei)) {
mu.i <- + * samplei[k]
if (mu.i / cond.sigma.i > 0) {
s.i <- 1 + mu.i / cond.sigma.i
sumlist <- sapply(1:floor(s.i), function(x) (-1)^(x-1)*exp(1/2*(s.i-x)^2*cond.sigma.i) )
condexp[k] <- sum(sumlist) + (-1)^(floor(s.i))*SIint(s.i, cond.sigma.i)
} else if (mu.i / cond.sigma.i < -1) {
s.i <- - mu.i / cond.sigma.i
sumlist <- sapply(1:floor(s.i), function(x) (-1)^(x-1)*exp(1/2*(s.i-x)^2*cond.sigma.i) )
condexp[k] <- sum(sumlist) + (-1)^(floor(s.i))*SIint(s.i, cond.sigma.i)
} else {
s.i <- mu.i / cond.sigma.i
condexp[k] <- SIint(1+s.i, cond.sigma.i)
condexp[k] <- exp( - mu.i^2 / (2 * cond.sigma.i) ) * condexp[k]
if ([k])) {
condexp[k] <- exp(mu.i) / (1 + exp(mu.i))
} else {
for (k in 1:length(samplei)) {
mu.i <- + * samplei[k]
condexp[k] <- exp(mu.i) / (1 + exp(mu.i))
SIi <- var(condexp, na.rm=TRUE)
## compute Sobol indices for all single variables' main effects by using sampling method
LogitSIfordersample <- function(xdata, beta){
SI <- sapply(1:ncol(xdata), function(x) LogitSImainsample(x, xdata, beta))
## compute Sobol index for k variables' interaction main effect by using sampling method
LogitSIkintersample <- function(interaction, xdata, beta) {
mu <- apply(xdata, 2, mean)
Sigma <- cov(xdata)
interaction <- sort(interaction)
if (length(interaction)==1) {
SIkinter <- LogitSImainsample(interaction, xdata, beta)
if (length(unique(interaction)) < length(interaction)) {
stop('There should not be duplicated indices in the interaction')
if (length(beta) == length(mu) + 1) {
beta0 <- beta[1]
beta1 <- beta[-1]
} else if (length(beta) == length(mu)) {
beta0 <- 0
beta1 <- beta
} else {
stop('Check lengths of beta and mu')
if (min(abs(eigen(Sigma[interaction, interaction])$values))<=1e-16) {
stop("The sample covariance matrix of xdata is singular. \n This may be because the number of variables is greater than the number of samples. \n")
cond.sigma.i <- t(beta1[-interaction]) %*% (Sigma[-interaction, -interaction] -
Sigma[-interaction, interaction] %*% solve(Sigma[interaction, interaction])
%*% Sigma[interaction, -interaction]) %*% beta1[-interaction] <- beta0 + t(beta1[-interaction]) %*% (mu[-interaction] -
Sigma[-interaction, interaction] %*% solve(Sigma[interaction, interaction])
%*% mu[interaction]) <- beta1[interaction] + solve(Sigma[interaction, interaction]) %*%
Sigma[interaction,-interaction] %*% beta1[-interaction]
samplei <- xdata[,interaction]
condexp <- rep(0, nrow(samplei))
if (cond.sigma.i > 0) {
for (k in 1:nrow(samplei)) {
mu.i <- + t( %*% as.numeric(samplei[k,])
if (mu.i / cond.sigma.i > 0) {
s.i <- 1 + mu.i / cond.sigma.i
sumlist <- sapply(1:floor(s.i), function(x) (-1)^(x-1)*exp(1/2*(s.i-x)^2*cond.sigma.i) )
condexp[k] <- sum(sumlist) + (-1)^(floor(s.i))*SIint(s.i, cond.sigma.i)
} else if (mu.i / cond.sigma.i < -1) {
s.i <- - mu.i / cond.sigma.i
sumlist <- sapply(1:floor(s.i), function(x) (-1)^(x-1)*exp(1/2*(s.i-x)^2*cond.sigma.i) )
condexp[k] <- sum(sumlist) + (-1)^(floor(s.i))*SIint(s.i, cond.sigma.i)
} else {
s.i <- mu.i / cond.sigma.i
condexp[k] <- SIint(1+s.i, cond.sigma.i)
condexp[k] <- exp( - mu.i^2 / (2 * cond.sigma.i) ) * condexp[k]
if ([k])) {
condexp[k] <- exp(mu.i) / (1 + exp(mu.i))
} else {
for (k in 1:length(samplei)) {
mu.i <- + t( %*% as.numeric(samplei[k,])
condexp[k] <- exp(mu.i) / (1 + exp(mu.i))
SIkinter <- var(condexp, na.rm=TRUE)
## compute Sobol indices for all possible k variables' interactions main effects
## by using sampling method
LogitSIkordersample <- function(k, xdata, beta){
if (k <= 0) {
stop("k should be a positive integer")
if (k >= 3) {
SI <- list()
SI <- apply(combn(1:ncol(xdata), k), 2, function(x) list(inter_term=x, SIkinter=
LogitSIkintersample(x, xdata, beta)))
} else if (k == 2){
SI <- matrix(0, ncol(xdata), ncol(xdata))
SIpairs <- apply(combn(1:ncol(xdata), 2), 2, function(x)
LogitSIkintersample(x, xdata, beta))
SI[lower.tri(SI)] <- SIpairs
SI <- SI + t(SI)
diag(SI) <- NA
} else {
SI <- LogitSIfordersample(xdata, beta)
### identity link model for get Sobol Indices ###
## compute Sobol index for single variable's main effect
IdenSImainsingle <- function(i, xdata, beta){
Sigma <- cov(xdata)
if (length(beta) == nrow(Sigma) + 1) {
beta <- beta[-1]
} else if (length(beta) == nrow(Sigma)) {
beta <- beta
} else {
stop('Check dimensions of beta and Sigma')
SIi <- (beta[i] + t(beta[-i]) %*% Sigma[-i, i] / Sigma[i,i])^2 * Sigma[i, i]
## compute Sobol indices for all single variables' main effects
IdenSImain <- function(xdata, beta){
SI <- sapply(1:ncol(xdata), function(x) IdenSImainsingle(x, xdata, beta))
## compute Sobol index for paired variables' main effect
IdenSIsecpair <- function(pair, xdata, beta){
mu <- apply(xdata, 2, mean)
Sigma <- cov(xdata)
if (length(pair) != 2) {
stop('Input index pair is not of length two')
if (pair[1] == pair[2]) {
stop('Two input variable indices should not be identical')
if (length(beta) == nrow(Sigma) + 1) {
beta <- beta[-1]
} else if (length(beta) == nrow(Sigma)) {
beta <- beta
} else {
stop('Check dimensions of beta and Sigma')
if (min(abs(eigen(Sigma[pair, pair])$values))<=1e-16) {
stop("The sample covariance matrix of xdata is singular. \n This may be because the number of variables is greater than the number of samples. \n")
coefcond <- beta[pair] + solve(Sigma[pair, pair]) %*% Sigma[pair, -pair] %*%
covcond <- Sigma[pair, pair]
SIpair <- t(coefcond) %*% covcond %*% coefcond
## compute Sobol indices for all possible paired variables' main effects
IdenSIsec <- function(xdata, beta){
SI <- matrix(0, ncol(xdata), ncol(xdata))
SIpairs <- apply(combn(1:ncol(xdata), 2), 2, function(x)
IdenSIsecpair(x, xdata, beta))
SI[lower.tri(SI)] <- SIpairs
SI <- SI + t(SI)
diag(SI) <- NA
## compute Sobol index for k variables' interaction main effect
IdenSIkinter <- function(interaction, xdata, beta) {
Sigma <- cov(xdata)
if (length(interaction) == 1) {
SIkinter <- IdenSImainsingle(interaction, xdata, beta)
if (length(interaction) == 2) {
SIkinter <- IdenSIsecpair(interaction, xdata, beta)
if (length(unique(interaction)) < length(interaction)) {
stop('There should not be duplicated indices in the interaction')
if (length(beta) == nrow(Sigma) + 1) {
beta <- beta[-1]
} else if (length(beta) == nrow(Sigma)) {
beta <- beta
} else {
stop('Check dimensions of beta and Sigma')
if (min(abs(eigen(Sigma[interaction, interaction])$values))<=1e-16) {
stop("The sample covariance matrix of xdata is singular. \n This may be because the number of variables is greater than the number of samples. \n")
coefcond <- beta[interaction] + solve(Sigma[interaction, interaction]) %*%
Sigma[interaction, -interaction] %*% beta[-interaction]
covcond <- Sigma[interaction, interaction]
SIkinter <- t(coefcond) %*% covcond %*% coefcond
## compute Sobol indices for all possible k variables' interaction main effects
IdenSIkorder <- function(k, xdata, beta){
if (k <= 0) {
stop("k should be a positive integer")
if (k >= 3) {
SI <- list()
SI <- apply(combn(1:ncol(xdata), k), 2, function(x) list(inter_term=x, SIkinter=
IdenSIkinter(x, xdata, beta)))
} else if (k == 2) {
SI <- IdenSIsec(xdata, beta)
} else {
SI <- IdenSImain(xdata, beta)
### log link model to get Sobol Indices ###
## compute Sobol index for single variable i's main effect
LogSImainsingle <- function(i, xdata, beta) {
mu <- apply(xdata, 2, mean)
Sigma <- cov(xdata)
if (length(beta) == length(mu) + 1) {
beta0 <- beta[1]
beta1 <- beta[-1]
} else if (length(beta) == length(mu)) {
beta0 <- 0
beta1 <- beta
} else {
stop('Check lengths of beta and mu')
mustar <- (beta1[i] + t(beta1[-i]) %*% Sigma[-i, i] / Sigma[i,i]) * mu[i]
sigmastar <- (beta1[i] + t(beta1[-i]) %*% Sigma[-i, i] / Sigma[i,i])^2 *
Sigma[i, i]
K <- t(beta1[-i]) %*% (mu[-i] - mu[i] * Sigma[-i, i] / Sigma[i,i]) + 1/2 *
t(beta1[-i]) %*% (Sigma[-i, -i] - 1 / Sigma[i, i] * Sigma[-i, i] %*%
t(Sigma[i, -i]) ) %*% beta1[-i]
SIi <- (exp(sigmastar) - 1) * exp(2 * beta0 + 2 * K + 2 * mustar + sigmastar)
## compute Sobol indices for all single variables' main effects
LogSImain <- function(xdata, beta){
SI <- sapply(1:ncol(xdata), function(x) LogSImainsingle(x, xdata, beta))
## compute Sobol index for paired variables' main effect
LogSIsecpair <- function(pair, xdata, beta) {
mu <- apply(xdata, 2, mean)
Sigma <- cov(xdata)
if (length(beta) == length(mu) + 1) {
beta0 <- beta[1]
beta1 <- beta[-1]
} else if (length(beta) == length(mu)) {
beta0 <- 0
beta1 <- beta
} else {
stop('Check lengths of beta and mu')
if (min(abs(eigen(Sigma[pair, pair])$values))<=1e-16) {
stop("The sample covariance matrix of xdata is singular. \n This may be because the number of variables is greater than the number of samples. \n")
mustar <- t(mu[pair]) %*% (beta1[pair] + solve(Sigma[pair, pair]) %*%
Sigma[pair, -pair] %*% beta1[-pair])
sigmastar <- t(beta1[pair] + solve(Sigma[pair, pair]) %*% Sigma[pair, -pair]
%*% beta1[-pair]) %*% Sigma[pair, pair] %*% (beta1[pair] +
solve(Sigma[pair, pair]) %*% Sigma[pair, -pair] %*% beta1[-pair])
K <- t(beta1[-pair]) %*% (mu[-pair] - Sigma[-pair, pair] %*% solve(Sigma[pair,
pair]) %*% mu[pair]) + 1/2 * t(beta1[-pair]) %*% (Sigma[-pair, -pair] -
Sigma[-pair, pair] %*% solve(Sigma[pair, pair]) %*% Sigma[pair, -pair]) %*%
SIpair <- (exp(sigmastar) - 1) * exp(2 * beta0 + 2 * K + 2 * mustar + sigmastar)
## compute Sobol indices for all possible paired variables' main effects
LogSIsec <- function(xdata, beta){
SI <- matrix(0, ncol(xdata), ncol(xdata))
SIpairs <- apply(combn(1:ncol(xdata), 2), 2, function(x)
LogSIsecpair(x, xdata, beta))
SI[lower.tri(SI)] <- SIpairs
SI <- SI + t(SI)
diag(SI) <- NA
## compute Sobol index for k variables' interaction main effect
LogSIkinter <- function(interaction, xdata, beta) {
mu <- apply(xdata, 2, mean)
Sigma <- cov(xdata)
if (length(interaction)==1) {
SIkinter <- LogSImainsingle(interaction, xdata, beta)
if (length(interaction)==2) {
SIkinter <- LogSIsecpair(interaction, xdata, beta)
if (length(unique(interaction)) < length(interaction)) {
stop('There should not be duplicated indices in the interaction')
if (length(beta) == length(mu) + 1) {
beta0 <- beta[1]
beta1 <- beta[-1]
} else if (length(beta) == length(mu)) {
beta0 <- 0
beta1 <- beta
} else {
stop('Check lengths of beta and mu')
if (min(abs(eigen(Sigma[interaction, interaction])$values))<=1e-16) {
stop("The sample covariance matrix of xdata is singular. \n This may be because the number of variables is greater than the number of samples. \n")
mustar <- t(mu[interaction]) %*% (beta1[interaction] + solve(
Sigma[interaction, interaction]) %*% Sigma[interaction, -interaction] %*%
sigmastar <- t(beta1[interaction] + solve(Sigma[interaction, interaction]) %*%
Sigma[interaction, -interaction] %*% beta1[-interaction]) %*% Sigma[interaction,
interaction] %*% (beta1[interaction] + solve(Sigma[interaction, interaction]) %*%
Sigma[interaction, -interaction] %*% beta1[-interaction])
K <- t(beta1[-interaction]) %*% (mu[-interaction] - Sigma[-interaction, interaction] %*%
solve(Sigma[interaction, interaction]) %*% mu[interaction]) + 1/2 *
t(beta1[-interaction]) %*% (Sigma[-interaction, -interaction] - Sigma[-interaction,
interaction] %*% solve(Sigma[interaction, interaction]) %*% Sigma[interaction,
-interaction]) %*% beta1[-interaction]
SIkinter <- (exp(sigmastar) - 1) * exp(2 * beta0 + 2 * K + 2 * mustar + sigmastar)
## compute Sobol indices for all possible k variables' interaction main effects
LogSIkorder <- function(k, xdata, beta){
if (k<=0) {
stop("k should be a positive integer")
if (k >=3) {
SI <- list()
SI <- apply(combn(1:ncol(xdata), k), 2, function(x) list(inter_term=x, SIkinter=
LogSIkinter(x, xdata, beta)))
} else if (k == 2) {
SI <- LogSIsec(xdata, beta)
} else {
SI <- LogSImain(xdata, beta)
## S4 interface
setClassUnion("matrix or frame", c("matrix", "data.frame"))
xdata="matrix or frame",
SobolIndices <- function(xdata,
link=c("identity","log","logit")) {
if (class(xdata)!="matrix" && class(xdata)!="data.frame") {
stop("The xdata matrix need to be of format data frame or matrix!")
if (length(beta) != ncol(xdata) && length(beta) != (ncol(xdata) + 1)) {
stop("Check the xdata matrix to see whether the columns are variables!")
if (any(!(varinput %in% 1:ncol(xdata)))) {
stop("varinput must be a subset of all features (varibles) index set")
mu <- apply(xdata, 2, mean)
Sigma <- cov(xdata)
link <- match.arg(link)
sobol.indices <- switch(link,
identity=IdenSIkinter(varinput, xdata, beta),
log=LogSIkinter(varinput, xdata, beta),
logit=LogitSIkintersample(varinput, xdata, beta))
xdata=xdata, varinput=varinput, beta=beta,
link=link, sobol.indices=sobol.indices)
setClassUnion("numeric or factor or general", c("numeric", "factor",
"matrix", "data.frame"))
xdata="matrix or frame",
ydata="numeric or factor or general",
SobolIndicesTotal <- function(xdata,
link=c("identity","log","logit")) {
if (class(xdata)!="matrix" && class(xdata)!="data.frame") {
stop("The xdata matrix need to be of format data frame or matrix!")
if (length(beta) != ncol(xdata) && length(beta) != (ncol(xdata) + 1)) {
stop("Check the xdata matrix to see whether the columns are variables!")
if (any(!(varinput %in% 1:ncol(xdata)))) {
stop("varinput must be a subset of all varibles (features) index set")
mu <- apply(xdata, 2, mean)
Sigma <- cov(xdata)
link <- match.arg(link)
compinput <- setdiff(1:ncol(xdata), varinput)
if (class(ydata)!="data.frame") {
vary <- var(as.numeric(ydata))
} else {
vary <- var(as.numeric(ydata[,ncol(ydata)]))
if (all(1:ncol(xdata) %in% varinput)) { <- vary
} else { <- switch(link,
identity = vary - IdenSIkinter(compinput, xdata, beta),
log = vary - LogSIkinter(compinput, xdata, beta),
logit = vary - LogitSIkintersample(compinput, xdata, beta))
xdata=xdata, ydata=ydata, varinput=varinput, beta=beta,
setMethod("summary", "SobolIndices", function(object) {
cat("An '", class(object), "' object that estimates the (numerator) main effect sobol indices of ",
"variable(s) ", paste(object@varinput, collapse=" ")," to be ",
object@sobol.indices, ".\n", sep="")
setMethod("summary", "SobolIndicesTotal", function(object) {
cat("An '", class(object), "' object that estimates the (numerator) total effect sobol indices of ",
"variable(s) ", paste(object@varinput, collapse=" ")," to be ",, ".\n", sep="")
setClassUnion("numeric or matrix or list", c("numeric", "matrix", "list"))
xdata="matrix or frame",
sobol.indices.all="numeric or matrix or list"
SobolIndicesAll <- function(xdata,
link=c("identity","log","logit")) {
if (length(beta) != ncol(xdata) && length(beta) != (ncol(xdata) + 1)) {
stop("Check the X data matrix to see whether the columns are variables!")
mu <- apply(xdata, 2, mean)
Sigma <- cov(xdata)
link <- match.arg(link)
sobol.indices.all <- switch(link,
identity=IdenSIkorder(orderinput, xdata, beta),
log=LogSIkorder(orderinput, xdata, beta),
logit=LogitSIkordersample(orderinput, xdata, beta))
xdata=xdata, orderinput=orderinput, beta=beta,
link=link, sobol.indices.all=sobol.indices.all)
setMethod("summary", "SobolIndicesAll", function(object) {
if (object@orderinput >= 3) {
cat("An '", class(object), "' object that estimates the (numerator) main effect sobol indices for ",
"all variable interactions of order", paste(object@orderinput)," to be :", "\n", sep="")
if (length(object@sobol.indices.all) >= 200) {
cat("(there are more than 200 interactions, and the first 50 are showed here)", "\n",
} else {
} else if (object@orderinput == 2) {
cat("An '", class(object), "' object that estimates the (numerator) main effect sobol indices for ",
"all variable interactions of order", paste(object@orderinput)," to be :", "\n", sep="")
if (ncol(object@sobol.indices.all) > 100) {
cat("(the output for paired variable interactions are saved in a matrix, and the size of ",
"the matrix is greater than 100, ", "\n", sep="")
cat("only the first 20 rows and columns are showed as follows)", "\n", sep="")
print(object@sobol.indices.all[1:20, 1:20])
} else {
cat("(the output for paired variable interactions are saved in a matrix)", "\n", sep="")
} else {
cat("An '", class(object), "' object that estimates the (numerator) main effect sobol indices for ",
"all variable interactions of order", paste(object@orderinput)," to be :", "\n", sep="")
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