#' ELiminate BAckground-dominated Reading (ELBAR)
#' @param sdf a \code{SigDF}
#' @param return.pval whether to return p-values, instead of a SigDF
#' @param pval.threshold minimum p-value to mask
#' @param margin the percentile margin to define envelope, the smaller
#' the value the more aggressive the masking.
#' @param capMU the maximum M+U to search for intermediate betas
#' @param delta.beta maximum beta value change from
#' sheer background-dominated readings
#' @param n.windows number of windows for smoothing
#' @return a \code{SigDF} with mask added
#' @examples
#' sdf <- sesameDataGet("EPIC.1.SigDF")
#' sum(sdf$mask)
#' sum(ELBAR(sdf)$mask)
#' @export
ELBAR <- function(
sdf, return.pval = FALSE, pval.threshold = 0.05,
margin = 0.05, capMU = 3000, delta.beta = 0.2, n.windows = 500) {
df <- rbind(
signalMU(sdf, mask=FALSE, MU=TRUE), signalMU_oo(sdf, MU=TRUE))
df$beta <- df$M / (df$M + df$U)
df <- df[order(df$MU),]
df <- df[!is.na(df$MU) & !is.nan(df$beta),]
thres <- 2**(seq(
log2(max(1,df$MU[1]-1)), log2(df$MU[nrow(df)]+1),
length.out = n.windows))
rngs <- vapply(thres, function(t1) {
bt <- df$beta[df$MU > t1][seq_len(500)]
quantile(bt, c(margin, 1-margin), na.rm=TRUE)
}, numeric(2))
if (rngs[2,1] - rngs[1,1] > 0.5) { # missing negative probes
warning(sprintf("Background signal is dichotomous. \n%s\n",
"Consider running noob+dyeBiasNL (BD) before this step."))
maxMU <- df$MU[10]
} else {
t1 <- thres[rngs[1,] - rngs[1,1] < -delta.beta |
rngs[2,] - rngs[2,1] > +delta.beta][1]
maxMU <- df$MU[df$MU > t1][500]
maxMU <- min(maxMU, capMU, na.rm=TRUE)
df1 <- df[df$MU <= maxMU,]
bgs <- pmax(df1$M, df1$U, na.rm=TRUE)
## warn if background is not variable enough
rngs_bg <- quantile(bgs, c(0.1,0.9), na.rm=TRUE)
if (is.na(rngs_bg[1]) || rngs_bg[2] - rngs_bg[1] < 10) {
warning(sprintf("Background signal lacks variation. \n%s\n%s\n",
"The detection masking may not be stringent enough.",
"Consider running noob+dyeBiasNL (BD) before this step."))
df <- signalMU(sdf, mask=FALSE)
pvals <- setNames(1-ecdf(bgs)(pmax(df$M, df$U)), df$Probe_ID)
pvals[is.na(pvals)] <- 1.0 # set NA to 1
if (return.pval) { return(pvals) }
addMask(sdf, pvals > pval.threshold)
#' get negative control signal
#' @param sdf a SigDF
#' @return a data frame of negative control signals
negControls <- function(sdf) {
stopifnot(is(sdf, "SigDF"))
idx <- grep("negative",tolower(sdf$Probe_ID))
if (length(idx) > 0) {
negctls <- sdf[idx,c("UG","UR")]
} else {
df <- controls(sdf)
negctls <- df[grep('negative', tolower(df$Type)), c("UG","UR")]
colnames(negctls) <- c("G","R")
#' Detection P-value based on ECDF of negative control
#' The function takes a \code{SigDF} as input, computes detection p-value
#' using negative control probes' empirical distribution and returns a new
#' \code{SigDF} with an updated mask slot.
#' @param sdf a \code{SigDF}
#' @param pval.threshold minimum p-value to mask
#' @param return.pval whether to return p-values, instead of a
#' masked \code{SigDF}
#' @return a \code{SigDF}, or a p-value vector if return.pval is TRUE
#' @examples
#' sdf <- sesameDataGet("EPIC.1.SigDF")
#' sum(sdf$mask)
#' sum(detectionPnegEcdf(sdf)$mask)
#' @export
detectionPnegEcdf <- function(sdf, return.pval = FALSE, pval.threshold=0.05) {
stopifnot(is(sdf, "SigDF"))
negctls <- negControls(sdf)
funcG <- ecdf(negctls$G)
funcR <- ecdf(negctls$R)
## p-value is the minimium detection p-value of the 2 alleles
pvals <- setNames(pmin(
1-funcR(pmax(sdf$MR, sdf$UR, na.rm=TRUE)),
1-funcG(pmax(sdf$MG, sdf$UG, na.rm=TRUE))), sdf$Probe_ID)
if (return.pval) { return(pvals) }
addMask(sdf, pvals > pval.threshold)
#' Detection P-value based on ECDF of out-of-band signal
#' aka pOOBAH (p-vals by Out-Of-Band Array Hybridization)
#' The function takes a \code{SigDF} as input, computes detection p-value
#' using out-of-band probes empirical distribution and returns a new
#' \code{SigDF} with an updated mask slot.
#' @name pOOBAH
#' @param sdf a \code{SigDF}
#' @param pval.threshold minimum p-value to mask
#' @param return.pval whether to return p-values, instead of a
#' masked \code{SigDF}
#' @param combine.neg whether to combine negative control probes with
#' the out-of-band probes in simulating the signal background
#' @param verbose print more messages
#' @return a \code{SigDF}, or a p-value vector if return.pval is TRUE
#' @examples
#' sdf <- sesameDataGet("EPIC.1.SigDF")
#' sum(sdf$mask)
#' sum(pOOBAH(sdf)$mask)
#' @export
pOOBAH <- function(sdf, return.pval = FALSE,
combine.neg = TRUE, pval.threshold=0.05, verbose = FALSE) {
stopifnot(is(sdf, "SigDF"))
nmk <- sdf[!(sdf$Probe_ID %in% nonuniqMask(sdfPlatform(sdf))),]
bgG <- oobG(nmk)
bgR <- oobR(nmk)
if (combine.neg) {
neg <- negControls(sdf)
bgG <- c(bgG, neg$G)
bgR <- c(bgR, neg$R)
## if there is no background signal, use an empirical prior
if (sum(!is.na(bgG)) <= 100) { bgG <- seq_len(1000) }
if (sum(!is.na(bgR)) <= 100) { bgR <- seq_len(1000) }
funcG <- ecdf(bgG)
funcR <- ecdf(bgR)
## p-value is the minimium detection p-value of the 2 alleles
## the order is preserved
pvals <- setNames(pmin(
1-funcR(pmax(sdf$MR, sdf$UR, na.rm=TRUE)),
1-funcG(pmax(sdf$MG, sdf$UG, na.rm=TRUE))), sdf$Probe_ID)
if (return.pval) { return(pvals) }
addMask(sdf, pvals > pval.threshold)
## ## if the background is extremely low, be conservative
## bgG95 <- quantile(bgG, 0.95, na.rm=TRUE)
## if (bgG95 < 100) { bgG <- bgG * 100 / bgG95 }
## bgR95 <- quantile(bgR, 0.95, na.rm=TRUE)
## if (bgR95 < 100) { bgR <- bgR * 100 / bgR95 }
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