# scArches
#' Single-cell reference mapping with KNN method
#' This function performs single-cell reference mapping using the K-nearest neighbor (KNN) method. It takes two single-cell datasets as input: srt_query and srt_ref. The function maps cells from the srt_query dataset to the srt_ref dataset based on their similarity or distance.
#' @param srt_query An object of class Seurat storing the query cells.
#' @param srt_ref An object of class Seurat storing the reference cells.
#' @param query_assay A character string specifying the assay name for the query cells. If not provided, the default assay for the query object will be used.
#' @param ref_assay A character string specifying the assay name for the reference cells. If not provided, the default assay for the reference object will be used.
#' @param ref_umap A character string specifying the name of the UMAP reduction in the reference object. If not provided, the first UMAP reduction found in the reference object will be used.
#' @param ref_group A character string specifying a metadata column name in the reference object to use for grouping.
#' @param features A character vector specifying the features to be used for calculating the distance metric. If not provided, the function will use the variable features calculated by the Seurat package.
#' @param nfeatures A integer specifying the number of highly variable features to be calculated if \code{features} is not provided.
#' @param query_reduction A character string specifying the name of a dimensionality reduction in the query object to use for calculating the distance metric.
#' @param ref_reduction A character string specifying the name of a dimensionality reduction in the reference object to use for calculating the distance metric.
#' @param query_dims A numeric vector specifying the dimension indices from the query reduction to be used for calculating the distance metric.
#' @param ref_dims A numeric vector specifying the dimension indices from the reference reduction to be used for calculating the distance metric.
#' @param projection_method A character string specifying the projection method to use. Options are "model" and "knn". If "model" is selected, the function will try to use a pre-trained UMAP model in the reference object for projection. If "knn" is selected, the function will directly find the nearest neighbors using the distance metric.
#' @param nn_method A character string specifying the nearest neighbor search method to use. Options are "raw", "annoy", and "rann". If "raw" is selected, the function will use the brute-force method to find the nearest neighbors. If "annoy" is selected, the function will use the Annoy library for approximate nearest neighbor search. If "rann" is selected, the function will use the RANN library for approximate nearest neighbor search. If not provided, the function will choose the search method based on the size of the query and reference datasets.
#' @param k An integer specifying the number of nearest neighbors to find for each cell in the query object.
#' @param distance_metric A character string specifying the distance metric to use for calculating the pairwise distances between cells. Options include: "pearson", "spearman", "cosine", "correlation", "jaccard", "ejaccard", "dice", "edice", "hamman", "simple matching", and "faith". Additional distance metrics can also be used, such as "euclidean", "manhattan", "hamming", etc.
#' @param vote_fun A character string specifying the function to be used for aggregating the nearest neighbors in the reference object. Options are "mean", "median", "sum", "min", "max", "sd", "var", etc. If not provided, the default is "mean".
#' @examples
#' data("panc8_sub")
#' srt_ref <- panc8_sub[, panc8_sub$tech != "fluidigmc1"]
#' srt_query <- panc8_sub[, panc8_sub$tech == "fluidigmc1"]
#' srt_ref <- Integration_SCP(srt_ref, batch = "tech", integration_method = "Seurat")
#' CellDimPlot(srt_ref, group.by = c("celltype", "tech"))
#' # Projection
#' srt_query <- RunKNNMap(srt_query = srt_query, srt_ref = srt_ref, ref_umap = "SeuratUMAP2D")
#' ProjectionPlot(srt_query = srt_query, srt_ref = srt_ref, query_group = "celltype", ref_group = "celltype")
#' @importFrom Seurat Reductions Embeddings FindVariableFeatures VariableFeatures GetAssayData FindNeighbors CreateDimReducObject DefaultAssay
#' @importFrom SeuratObject as.sparse
#' @importFrom Matrix t
#' @importFrom dplyr bind_rows
#' @importFrom proxyC simil dist
#' @export
RunKNNMap <- function(srt_query, srt_ref, query_assay = NULL, ref_assay = NULL, ref_umap = NULL, ref_group = NULL,
features = NULL, nfeatures = 2000,
query_reduction = NULL, ref_reduction = NULL, query_dims = 1:30, ref_dims = 1:30,
projection_method = c("model", "knn"), nn_method = NULL, k = 30, distance_metric = "cosine", vote_fun = "mean") {
query_assay <- query_assay %||% DefaultAssay(srt_query)
ref_assay <- ref_assay %||% DefaultAssay(srt_ref)
if (!is.null(ref_group)) {
if (length(ref_group) == ncol(srt_ref)) {
srt_ref[["ref_group"]] <- ref_group
} else if (length(ref_group) == 1) {
if (!ref_group %in% colnames(srt_ref@meta.data)) {
stop("ref_group must be one of the column names in the meta.data")
} else {
srt_ref[["ref_group"]] <- srt_ref[[ref_group]]
} else {
stop("Length of ref_group must be one or length of srt_ref.")
ref_group <- "ref_group"
if (is.null(ref_umap)) {
ref_umap <- sort(Reductions(srt_ref)[grep("umap", Reductions(srt_ref), ignore.case = TRUE)])[1]
if (length(ref_umap) == 0) {
stop("Cannot find UMAP reduction in the srt_ref")
} else {
message("Set ref_umap to ", ref_umap)
projection_method <- match.arg(projection_method)
if (projection_method == "model" && !"model" %in% names(srt_ref[[ref_umap]]@misc)) {
message("No UMAP model detected. Set the projection_method to 'knn'")
projection_method <- "knn"
if (projection_method == "model" && !distance_metric %in% c("euclidean", "cosine", "manhattan", "hamming")) {
stop("distance_metric must be one of euclidean, cosine, manhattan, and hamming when projection_method='model'")
simil_method <- c(
"pearson", "spearman", "cosine", "correlation", "jaccard", "ejaccard", "dice", "edice",
"hamman", "simple matching", "faith"
dist_method <- c(
"euclidean", "chisquared", "kullback", "manhattan", "maximum", "canberra",
"minkowski", "hamming"
if (!distance_metric %in% c(simil_method, dist_method)) {
stop(distance_metric, " method is invalid.")
if (projection_method == "model") {
model <- srt_ref[[ref_umap]]@misc$model
if ("layout" %in% names(model)) {
if (k != model$config$n_neighbors) {
k <- model$config$n_neighbors
message("Set k to ", k, " which is used in the umap model")
} else if ("embedding" %in% names(model)) {
if (k != model$n_neighbors) {
k <- model$n_neighbors
message("Set k to ", k, " which is used in the umap model")
if (!is.null(query_reduction) && !is.null(ref_reduction)) {
message("Use the reduction to calculate distance metric.")
if (!is.null(query_dims) && !is.null(ref_dims) && length(query_dims) == length(ref_dims)) {
query <- Embeddings(srt_query, reduction = query_reduction)[, query_dims]
ref <- Embeddings(srt_ref, reduction = ref_reduction)[, ref_dims]
} else {
stop("query_dims and ref_dims must be provided with the same length.")
} else {
message("Use the features to calculate distance metric.")
status_query <- check_DataType(data = GetAssayData(srt_query, slot = "data", assay = query_assay))
message("Detected srt_query data type: ", status_query)
status_ref <- check_DataType(data = GetAssayData(srt_ref, slot = "data", assay = ref_assay))
message("Detected srt_ref data type: ", status_ref)
if (status_ref != status_query || any(status_query == "unknown", status_ref == "unknown")) {
warning("Data type is unknown or different between srt_query and srt_ref.", immediate. = TRUE)
if (length(features) == 0) {
if (length(VariableFeatures(srt_ref, assay = ref_assay)) == 0) {
srt_ref <- FindVariableFeatures(srt_ref, nfeatures = nfeatures, assay = ref_assay)
if (length(VariableFeatures(srt_query, assay = query_assay)) == 0) {
srt_query <- FindVariableFeatures(srt_query, nfeatures = nfeatures, assay = query_assay)
features <- intersect(VariableFeatures(srt_query, assay = query_assay), VariableFeatures(srt_ref, assay = ref_assay))
features_common <- Reduce(intersect, list(features, rownames(srt_query[[query_assay]]), rownames(srt_ref[[ref_assay]])))
message("Use ", length(features_common), " features to calculate distance.")
query <- t(GetAssayData(srt_query, slot = "data", assay = query_assay)[features_common, ])
ref <- t(GetAssayData(srt_ref, slot = "data", assay = ref_assay)[features_common, ])
if (projection_method == "model" && "layout" %in% names(model) && is.null(ref_group)) {
srt_query[["ref.embeddings"]] <- RunUMAP2(object = query, reduction.model = srt_ref[[ref_umap]], assay = query_assay)
srt_query[["ref.embeddings"]]@misc[["reduction.model"]] <- ref_umap
if (is.null(nn_method)) {
if (as.numeric(nrow(query)) * as.numeric(nrow(ref)) >= 1e8) {
nn_method <- "annoy"
} else {
nn_method <- "raw"
message("Use '", nn_method, "' method to find neighbors.")
if (!nn_method %in% c("raw", "annoy", "rann")) {
stop("nn_method must be one of raw, rann and annoy")
if (nn_method == "annoy" && !distance_metric %in% c("euclidean", "cosine", "manhattan", "hamming")) {
stop("distance_metric must be one of euclidean, cosine, manhattan, and hamming when nn_method='annoy'")
if (nn_method %in% c("annoy", "rann")) {
query.neighbor <- FindNeighbors(
query = query, object = ref,
k.param = k, nn.method = nn_method, annoy.metric = distance_metric,
return.neighbor = TRUE
match_k <- query.neighbor@nn.idx
rownames(match_k) <- rownames(query)
match_k_cell <- apply(match_k, c(1, 2), function(x) rownames(ref)[x])
knn_cells <- c(match_k_cell)
match_k_distance <- query.neighbor@nn.dist
rownames(match_k_distance) <- rownames(query)
refumap_all <- srt_ref[[ref_umap]]@cell.embeddings[knn_cells, ]
group <- rep(query.neighbor@cell.names, ncol(query.neighbor@nn.idx))
} else {
if (requireNamespace("RcppParallel", quietly = TRUE)) {
if (distance_metric %in% c(simil_method, "pearson", "spearman")) {
if (distance_metric %in% c("pearson", "spearman")) {
if (distance_metric == "spearman") {
ref <- t(apply(ref, 1, rank))
query <- t(apply(query, 1, rank))
distance_metric <- "correlation"
d <- 1 - simil(
x = as.sparse(ref),
y = as.sparse(query),
method = distance_metric,
use_nan = TRUE
} else if (distance_metric %in% dist_method) {
d <- dist(
x = as.sparse(ref),
y = as.sparse(query),
method = distance_metric,
use_nan = TRUE
if (k == 1) {
match_k <- as.matrix(apply(d, 2, function(x) order(x, decreasing = FALSE)[1]))
match_k_cell <- as.matrix(apply(d, 2, function(x) names(x)[order(x, decreasing = FALSE)[1]]))
match_k_distance <- as.matrix(apply(d, 2, function(x) x[order(x, decreasing = FALSE)[1]]))
} else {
match_k <- t(as.matrix(apply(d, 2, function(x) order(x, decreasing = FALSE)[1:k])))
match_k_cell <- t(as.matrix(apply(d, 2, function(x) names(x)[order(x, decreasing = FALSE)[1:k]])))
match_k_distance <- t(as.matrix(apply(d, 2, function(x) x[order(x, decreasing = FALSE)[1:k]])))
knn_cells <- match_k_cell
refumap_all <- srt_ref[[ref_umap]]@cell.embeddings[knn_cells, , drop = FALSE]
group <- rep(colnames(d), k)
if (projection_method == "model") {
if ("layout" %in% names(model)) {
srt_query[["ref.embeddings"]] <- RunUMAP2(object = query, reduction.model = srt_ref[[ref_umap]], assay = query_assay)
srt_query[["ref.embeddings"]]@misc[["reduction.model"]] <- ref_umap
} else if ("embedding" %in% names(model)) {
neighborlist <- list(idx = match_k, dist = match_k_distance)
srt_query[["ref.embeddings"]] <- RunUMAP2(object = neighborlist, reduction.model = srt_ref[[ref_umap]], assay = query_assay)
srt_query[["ref.embeddings"]]@misc[["reduction.model"]] <- ref_umap
} else {
refumap <- aggregate(refumap_all, by = list(group), FUN = vote_fun)
rownames(refumap) <- refumap[, 1]
refumap[, 1] <- NULL
colnames(refumap) <- paste0("Dim_", seq_len(ncol(refumap)))
refumap <- as.matrix(refumap)
srt_query[["ref.embeddings"]] <- CreateDimReducObject(embeddings = refumap, key = "Dim_", assay = query_assay, misc = list(reduction.model = ref_umap))
if (!is.null(ref_group)) {
message("Predicting cell types based on ref_group.") ## slow
level <- as.character(unique(srt_ref[["ref_group", drop = TRUE]]))
if (k == 1) {
match_best <- srt_ref[["ref_group", drop = TRUE]][match_k_cell[, 1]]
names(match_best) <- names(match_k_cell[, 1])
} else {
rn <- rownames(match_k_cell)
match_k_cell <- matrix(srt_ref[["ref_group", drop = TRUE]][match_k_cell],
nrow = nrow(match_k_cell), ncol = ncol(match_k_cell)
rownames(match_k_cell) <- rn
match_freq <- apply(match_k_cell, 1, table)
if (!inherits(match_freq, "list")) {
match_freq <- as.list(setNames(object = rep(k, nrow(match_k_cell)), rn))
match_freq <- lapply(setNames(names(match_freq), names(match_freq)), function(x) setNames(k, match_k_cell[x, 1]))
match_prob <- lapply(match_freq, function(x) {
x[level[!level %in% names(x)]] <- 0
x <- x / sum(x)
}) %>%
match_prob <- as.matrix(match_prob)
rownames(match_prob) <- names(match_freq)
match_best <- apply(match_prob, 1, function(x) names(x)[order(x, decreasing = TRUE)][1])
srt_query[[paste0("predicted_", ref_group)]] <- match_best[colnames(srt_query)]
#' Single-cell reference mapping with PCA method
#' @inheritParams RunKNNMap
#' @param ref_pca A character string specifying the name of a PCA reduction in the reference object to use for calculating the distance metric. If NULL (default), it will be automatically detected as the first PCA reduction.
#' @examples
#' data("panc8_sub")
#' srt_ref <- panc8_sub[, panc8_sub$tech != "fluidigmc1"]
#' srt_query <- panc8_sub[, panc8_sub$tech == "fluidigmc1"]
#' srt_ref <- Integration_SCP(srt_ref, batch = "tech", integration_method = "Seurat")
#' CellDimPlot(srt_ref, group.by = c("celltype", "tech"))
#' # Projection
#' srt_query <- RunPCAMap(srt_query = srt_query, srt_ref = srt_ref, ref_pca = "Seuratpca", ref_umap = "SeuratUMAP2D")
#' ProjectionPlot(srt_query = srt_query, srt_ref = srt_ref, query_group = "celltype", ref_group = "celltype")
#' @importFrom Seurat Reductions GetAssayData CreateDimReducObject ProjectUMAP
#' @export
RunPCAMap <- function(srt_query, srt_ref, query_assay = NULL, ref_assay = srt_ref[[ref_pca]]@assay.used,
ref_pca = NULL, ref_dims = 1:30, ref_umap = NULL, ref_group = NULL,
projection_method = c("model", "knn"), nn_method = NULL, k = 30, distance_metric = "cosine", vote_fun = "mean") {
query_assay <- query_assay %||% DefaultAssay(srt_query)
ref_assay <- ref_assay %||% DefaultAssay(srt_ref)
if (!is.null(ref_group)) {
if (length(ref_group) == ncol(srt_ref)) {
srt_ref[["ref_group"]] <- ref_group
} else if (length(ref_group) == 1) {
if (!ref_group %in% colnames(srt_ref@meta.data)) {
stop("ref_group must be one of the column names in the meta.data")
} else {
srt_ref[["ref_group"]] <- srt_ref[[ref_group]]
} else {
stop("Length of ref_group must be one or length of srt_ref.")
if (is.null(ref_pca)) {
ref_pca <- sort(Reductions(srt_ref)[grep("pca", Reductions(srt_ref), ignore.case = TRUE)])[1]
if (length(ref_pca) == 0) {
stop("Cannot find PCA reduction in the srt_ref")
} else {
message("Set ref_pca to ", ref_pca)
if (is.null(ref_umap)) {
ref_umap <- sort(Reductions(srt_ref)[grep("umap", Reductions(srt_ref), ignore.case = TRUE)])[1]
if (length(ref_umap) == 0) {
stop("Cannot find UMAP reduction in the srt_ref")
} else {
message("Set ref_umap to ", ref_umap)
projection_method <- match.arg(projection_method)
if (projection_method == "model" && !"model" %in% names(srt_ref[[ref_umap]]@misc)) {
message("No UMAP model detected. Set the projection_method to 'knn'")
projection_method <- "knn"
if (projection_method == "model" && !distance_metric %in% c("euclidean", "cosine", "manhattan", "hamming")) {
stop("distance_metric must be one of euclidean, cosine, manhattan, and hamming when projection_method='model'")
pca.out <- srt_ref[[ref_pca]]
status_query <- check_DataType(data = GetAssayData(srt_query, slot = "data", assay = query_assay))
message("Detected srt_query data type: ", status_query)
status_ref <- check_DataType(data = GetAssayData(srt_ref, slot = "data", assay = ref_assay))
message("Detected srt_ref data type: ", status_ref)
if (status_ref != status_query || any(status_query == "unknown", status_ref == "unknown")) {
warning("Data type is unknown or different between srt_query and srt_ref.", immediate. = TRUE)
message("Run PCA projection")
features <- rownames(pca.out@feature.loadings)
center <- apply(GetAssayData(object = srt_ref, slot = "data", assay = ref_assay)[features, ], 1, mean)
names(center) <- features
sds <- apply(GetAssayData(object = srt_ref, slot = "data", assay = ref_assay)[features, ], 1, sd)
names(sds) <- features
rotation <- pca.out@feature.loadings
features_common <- Reduce(intersect, list(features, rownames(srt_query[[query_assay]]), rownames(srt_ref[[ref_assay]])))
message("Use ", length(features_common), " features to calculate PC.")
query_data <- t(GetAssayData(srt_query, slot = "data", assay = query_assay)[features_common, ])
query_pca <- scale(query_data[, features_common], center[features_common], sds[features_common]) %*% rotation[features_common, ]
# ggplot(data = as.data.frame(pca.out@cell.embeddings))+geom_point(aes(x=StandardPC_1,y=StandardPC_2 ))+geom_point(data = as.data.frame(query_pca),mapping = aes(x=StandardPC_1,y=StandardPC_2),color="red")
srt_query[["ref.pca"]] <- CreateDimReducObject(embeddings = query_pca, key = pca.out@key, assay = query_assay)
message("Run UMAP projection")
srt_query <- RunKNNMap(
srt_query = srt_query, query_assay = query_assay, srt_ref = srt_ref, ref_assay = ref_assay, ref_group = ref_group, ref_umap = ref_umap,
query_reduction = "ref.pca", ref_reduction = ref_pca, query_dims = ref_dims, ref_dims = ref_dims,
projection_method = projection_method, nn_method = nn_method, k = k, distance_metric = distance_metric, vote_fun = vote_fun
#' Single-cell reference mapping with Seurat method
#' @inheritParams RunKNNMap
#' @param ref_pca A character string specifying the name of the PCA reduction in the reference object to use for calculating the distance metric.
#' @param normalization.method The normalization method to use. Default is "LogNormalize".
#' @param reduction_project_method Dimensional reduction to perform when finding anchors. Default is "pcaproject".
#' @param k.anchor How many neighbors (k) to use when finding anchors. Default is 5.
#' @param k.filter How many neighbors (k) to use when filtering anchors. Set to NA to turn off filtering. Default is 200.
#' @param k.score How many neighbors (k) to use when scoring anchors. Default is 30.
#' @param k.weight Number of neighbors to consider when weighting anchors. Default is 100.
#' @examples
#' data("panc8_sub")
#' srt_ref <- panc8_sub[, panc8_sub$tech != "fluidigmc1"]
#' srt_query <- panc8_sub[, panc8_sub$tech == "fluidigmc1"]
#' srt_ref <- Integration_SCP(srt_ref, batch = "tech", integration_method = "Seurat")
#' CellDimPlot(srt_ref, group.by = c("celltype", "tech"))
#' # Projection
#' srt_query <- RunSeuratMap(srt_query = srt_query, srt_ref = srt_ref, ref_pca = "Seuratpca", ref_umap = "SeuratUMAP2D", k.weight = 50)
#' ProjectionPlot(srt_query = srt_query, srt_ref = srt_ref, query_group = "celltype", ref_group = "celltype")
#' @importFrom Seurat Reductions FindTransferAnchors TransferData IntegrateEmbeddings ProjectUMAP
#' @export
RunSeuratMap <- function(srt_query, srt_ref, query_assay = NULL, ref_assay = srt_ref[[ref_pca]]@assay.used,
ref_pca = NULL, ref_dims = 1:30, ref_umap = NULL, ref_group = NULL,
normalization.method = "LogNormalize", reduction_project_method = "pcaproject",
k.anchor = 5, k.filter = 200, k.score = 30, k.weight = 100,
projection_method = c("model", "knn"), nn_method = NULL, k = 30, distance_metric = "cosine", vote_fun = "mean") {
query_assay <- query_assay %||% DefaultAssay(srt_query)
ref_assay <- ref_assay %||% DefaultAssay(srt_ref)
weight.reduction <- switch(reduction_project_method,
"pcaproject" = "pcaproject",
"lsiproject" = "lsiproject",
"rpca" = "pcaproject",
"cca" = "cca"
if (is.null(ref_pca)) {
if (any(grepl("pca", Reductions(srt_ref), ignore.case = TRUE))) {
ref_pca <- sort(Reductions(srt_ref)[grep("pca", Reductions(srt_ref))])[1]
} else {
cat("'ref_pca' is NUll and no pca reduction detected. Run Standard_SCP first.\n")
srt_ref <- Standard_SCP(srt_ref)
ref_pca <- "Standardpca"
cat("Set the ref_pca to '", ref_pca, "'\n", sep = "")
if (is.null(ref_umap)) {
ref_umap <- sort(Reductions(srt_ref)[grep("umap", Reductions(srt_ref), ignore.case = TRUE)])[1]
if (length(ref_umap) == 0) {
stop("Cannot find UMAP reduction in the srt_ref")
} else {
message("Set ref_umap to ", ref_umap)
projection_method <- match.arg(projection_method)
if (projection_method == "model" && !"model" %in% names(srt_ref[[ref_umap]]@misc)) {
message("No UMAP model detected. Set the projection_method to 'knn'")
projection_method <- "knn"
if (projection_method == "model" && !distance_metric %in% c("euclidean", "cosine", "manhattan", "hamming")) {
stop("distance_metric must be one of euclidean, cosine, manhattan, and hamming when projection_method='model'")
status_query <- check_DataType(data = GetAssayData(srt_query, slot = "data", assay = query_assay))
message("Detected srt_query data type: ", status_query)
status_ref <- check_DataType(data = GetAssayData(srt_ref, slot = "data", assay = ref_assay))
message("Detected srt_ref data type: ", status_ref)
if (status_ref != status_query || any(status_query == "unknown", status_ref == "unknown")) {
warning("Data type is unknown or different between srt_query and srt_ref.", immediate. = TRUE)
message("Run FindTransferAnchors")
anchors <- FindTransferAnchors(
query = srt_query, query.assay = query_assay, reference = srt_ref, normalization.method = normalization.method, dims = ref_dims,
reference.reduction = ref_pca, reduction = reduction_project_method, reference.assay = ref_assay,
k.anchor = k.anchor, k.filter = k.filter, k.score = k.score
if (reduction_project_method != "cca") {
srt_query <- IntegrateEmbeddings(
anchorset = anchors, reference = srt_ref, query = srt_query,
reductions = reduction_project_method, new.reduction.name = "ref.pca",
weight.reduction = weight.reduction, k.weight = k.weight
message("Run UMAP projection")
srt_query <- RunKNNMap(
srt_query = srt_query, query_assay = query_assay, srt_ref = srt_ref, ref_assay = ref_assay, ref_group = ref_group, ref_umap = ref_umap,
query_reduction = "ref.pca", ref_reduction = ref_pca, query_dims = ref_dims, ref_dims = ref_dims,
projection_method = projection_method, nn_method = nn_method, k = k, distance_metric = distance_metric, vote_fun = vote_fun
#' Single-cell reference mapping with CSS method
#' @inheritParams RunKNNMap
#' @param ref_css A character string specifying the name of the CSS reduction in the reference object to use for calculating the distance metric.
#' @examples
#' data("panc8_sub")
#' srt_ref <- panc8_sub[, panc8_sub$tech != "fluidigmc1"]
#' srt_query <- panc8_sub[, panc8_sub$tech == "fluidigmc1"]
#' srt_ref <- Integration_SCP(srt_ref, batch = "tech", integration_method = "CSS")
#' CellDimPlot(srt_ref, group.by = c("celltype", "tech"))
#' # Projection
#' srt_query <- RunCSSMap(srt_query = srt_query, srt_ref = srt_ref, ref_css = "CSS", ref_umap = "CSSUMAP2D")
#' ProjectionPlot(srt_query = srt_query, srt_ref = srt_ref, query_group = "celltype", ref_group = "celltype")
#' @importFrom Seurat Reductions CreateDimReducObject ProjectUMAP
#' @export
RunCSSMap <- function(srt_query, srt_ref, query_assay = NULL, ref_assay = srt_ref[[ref_css]]@assay.used,
ref_css = NULL, ref_umap = NULL, ref_group = NULL,
projection_method = c("model", "knn"), nn_method = NULL, k = 30, distance_metric = "cosine", vote_fun = "mean") {
query_assay <- query_assay %||% DefaultAssay(srt_query)
ref_assay <- ref_assay %||% DefaultAssay(srt_ref)
if (!is.null(ref_group)) {
if (length(ref_group) == ncol(srt_ref)) {
srt_ref[["ref_group"]] <- ref_group
} else if (length(ref_group) == 1) {
if (!ref_group %in% colnames(srt_ref@meta.data)) {
stop("ref_group must be one of the column names in the meta.data")
} else {
srt_ref[["ref_group"]] <- srt_ref[[ref_group]]
} else {
stop("Length of ref_group must be one or length of srt_ref.")
ref_group <- "ref_group"
if (is.null(ref_css)) {
ref_css <- sort(Reductions(srt_ref)[grep("css", Reductions(srt_ref), ignore.case = TRUE)])[1]
if (length(ref_css) == 0) {
stop("Cannot find CSS reduction in the srt_ref")
} else {
message("Set ref_css to ", ref_css)
if (!"model" %in% names(srt_ref[[ref_css]]@misc) || !"sim2profiles" %in% names(srt_ref[[ref_css]]@misc$model)) {
stop("CSS model is not in the reduction: ", ref_css)
if (is.null(ref_umap)) {
ref_umap <- sort(Reductions(srt_ref)[grep("umap", Reductions(srt_ref), ignore.case = TRUE)])[1]
if (length(ref_umap) == 0) {
stop("Cannot find UMAP reduction in the srt_ref")
} else {
message("Set ref_umap to ", ref_umap)
projection_method <- match.arg(projection_method)
if (projection_method == "model" && !"model" %in% names(srt_ref[[ref_umap]]@misc)) {
message("No UMAP model detected. Set the projection_method to 'knn'")
projection_method <- "knn"
if (projection_method == "model" && !distance_metric %in% c("euclidean", "cosine", "manhattan", "hamming")) {
stop("distance_metric must be one of euclidean, cosine, manhattan, and hamming when projection_method='model'")
ref_assay <- srt_ref[[ref_css]]@assay.used
status_query <- check_DataType(data = GetAssayData(srt_query, slot = "data", assay = query_assay))
message("Detected srt_query data type: ", status_query)
status_ref <- check_DataType(data = GetAssayData(srt_ref, slot = "data", assay = ref_assay))
message("Detected srt_ref data type: ", status_ref)
if (status_ref != status_query || any(status_query == "unknown", status_ref == "unknown")) {
warning("Data type is unknown or different between srt_query and srt_ref.", immediate. = TRUE)
message("Run CSS projection")
CSSmodel <- srt_ref[[ref_css]]@misc$model
raw_assay <- DefaultAssay(srt_query)
DefaultAssay(srt_query) <- query_assay
srt_query <- invoke(.fn = get("css_project", envir = getNamespace("simspec")), .args = list(object = srt_query, model = CSSmodel))
DefaultAssay(srt_query) <- raw_assay
message("Run UMAP projection")
ref_dims <- seq_len(dim(srt_ref[[ref_css]])[2])
srt_query <- RunKNNMap(
srt_query = srt_query, query_assay = query_assay, srt_ref = srt_ref, ref_assay = ref_assay, ref_group = ref_group, ref_umap = ref_umap,
query_reduction = "css_proj", ref_reduction = ref_css, query_dims = ref_dims, ref_dims = ref_dims,
projection_method = projection_method, nn_method = nn_method, k = k, distance_metric = distance_metric, vote_fun = vote_fun
#' Single-cell reference mapping with Symphony method
#' @inheritParams RunKNNMap
#' @param ref_pca A character string specifying the name of the PCA reduction in the reference object to use for calculating the distance metric.
#' @param ref_harmony A character string specifying the name of the Harmony reduction in the reference object to use for calculating the distance metric.
#' @examples
#' data("panc8_sub")
#' srt_ref <- panc8_sub[, panc8_sub$tech != "fluidigmc1"]
#' srt_query <- panc8_sub[, panc8_sub$tech == "fluidigmc1"]
#' srt_ref <- Integration_SCP(srt_ref, batch = "tech", integration_method = "Harmony")
#' CellDimPlot(srt_ref, group.by = c("celltype", "tech"))
#' # Projection
#' srt_query <- RunSymphonyMap(srt_query = srt_query, srt_ref = srt_ref, ref_pca = "Harmonypca", ref_harmony = "Harmony", ref_umap = "HarmonyUMAP2D")
#' ProjectionPlot(srt_query = srt_query, srt_ref = srt_ref, query_group = "celltype", ref_group = "celltype")
#' @importFrom Seurat Reductions GetAssayData DefaultAssay ProjectUMAP
#' @importFrom stats sd
#' @export
RunSymphonyMap <- function(srt_query, srt_ref, query_assay = NULL, ref_assay = srt_ref[[ref_pca]]@assay.used,
ref_pca = NULL, ref_harmony = NULL, ref_umap = NULL, ref_group = NULL,
projection_method = c("model", "knn"), nn_method = NULL, k = 30, distance_metric = "cosine", vote_fun = "mean") {
query_assay <- query_assay %||% DefaultAssay(srt_query)
ref_assay <- ref_assay %||% DefaultAssay(srt_ref)
if (!is.null(ref_group)) {
if (length(ref_group) == ncol(srt_ref)) {
srt_ref[["ref_group"]] <- ref_group
} else if (length(ref_group) == 1) {
if (!ref_group %in% colnames(srt_ref@meta.data)) {
stop("ref_group must be one of the column names in the meta.data")
} else {
srt_ref[["ref_group"]] <- srt_ref[[ref_group]]
} else {
stop("Length of ref_group must be one or length of srt_ref.")
ref_group <- "ref_group"
if (is.null(ref_pca)) {
ref_pca <- sort(Reductions(srt_ref)[grep("pca", Reductions(srt_ref), ignore.case = TRUE)])[1]
if (length(ref_pca) == 0) {
stop("Cannot find PCA reduction in the srt_ref")
} else {
message("Set ref_pca to ", ref_pca)
if (is.null(ref_harmony)) {
ref_harmony <- sort(Reductions(srt_ref)[grep("harmony", Reductions(srt_ref), ignore.case = TRUE)])[1]
if (length(ref_harmony) == 0) {
stop("Cannot find Harmony reduction in the srt_ref")
} else {
message("Set ref_harmony to ", ref_harmony)
if (is.null(ref_umap)) {
ref_umap <- sort(Reductions(srt_ref)[grep("umap", Reductions(srt_ref), ignore.case = TRUE)])[1]
if (length(ref_umap) == 0) {
stop("Cannot find UMAP reduction in the srt_ref")
} else {
message("Set ref_umap to ", ref_umap)
ref_pca_dims <- srt_ref[[ref_harmony]]@misc$reduction_dims
projection_method <- match.arg(projection_method)
if (projection_method == "model" && !"model" %in% names(srt_ref[[ref_umap]]@misc)) {
message("No UMAP model detected. Set the projection_method to 'knn'")
projection_method <- "knn"
if (projection_method == "model" && !distance_metric %in% c("euclidean", "cosine", "manhattan", "hamming")) {
stop("distance_metric must be one of euclidean, cosine, manhattan, and hamming when projection_method='model'")
status_query <- check_DataType(data = GetAssayData(srt_query, slot = "data", assay = query_assay))
message("Detected srt_query data type: ", status_query)
status_ref <- check_DataType(data = GetAssayData(srt_ref, slot = "data", assay = ref_assay))
message("Detected srt_ref data type: ", status_ref)
if (status_ref != status_query || any(status_query == "unknown", status_ref == "unknown")) {
warning("Data type is unknown or different between srt_query and srt_ref.", immediate. = TRUE)
message("Build reference")
ref <- buildReferenceFromSeurat(
obj = srt_ref,
assay = ref_assay,
pca = ref_pca,
pca_dims = ref_pca_dims,
harmony = ref_harmony,
umap = ref_umap
message("Run mapQuery")
res <- mapQuery(
exp_query = GetAssayData(srt_query, slot = "data", assay = query_assay),
metadata_query = srt_query@meta.data,
ref_obj = ref,
vars = NULL,
sigma = 0.1,
verbose = TRUE
Z_pca_query <- res$Z_pca_query
Zq_corr <- res$Zq_corr
R_query <- res$R_query
srt_query[["ref.pca"]] <- CreateDimReducObject(
embeddings = t(Z_pca_query),
loadings = ref$loadings,
stdev = as.numeric(apply(Z_pca_query, 1, sd)),
assay = query_assay,
key = "refpca_"
srt_query[["ref.harmony"]] <- CreateDimReducObject(
embeddings = t(Zq_corr),
stdev = as.numeric(apply(Zq_corr, 1, sd)),
assay = query_assay,
key = "refharmony_",
misc = list(R = R_query)
message("Run UMAP projection")
ref_dims <- seq_len(dim(srt_ref[[ref_harmony]])[2])
srt_query <- RunKNNMap(
srt_query = srt_query, query_assay = query_assay, srt_ref = srt_ref, ref_assay = ref_assay, ref_group = ref_group, ref_umap = ref_umap,
query_reduction = "ref.harmony", ref_reduction = ref_harmony, query_dims = ref_dims, ref_dims = ref_dims,
projection_method = projection_method, nn_method = nn_method, k = k, distance_metric = distance_metric, vote_fun = vote_fun
#' @importFrom Matrix rowMeans
#' @importFrom Seurat Key Embeddings
buildReferenceFromSeurat <- function(obj, assay = "RNA", pca = "pca", pca_dims = NULL, harmony = "harmony", umap = "umap") {
if (!assay %in% c("RNA", "SCT")) {
stop("Only supported assays are RNA or SCT.")
if (is.null(pca_dims)) {
pca_dims <- seq_len(ncol(Embeddings(obj, pca)))
res <- list()
## TODO: check that these objects are all correctly initialized
res$Z_corr <- t(Embeddings(obj, harmony))
res$Z_orig <- t(Embeddings(obj, pca)[, pca_dims, drop = FALSE])
message("Saved embeddings")
res$R <- t(obj[[harmony]]@misc$R)
message("Saved soft cluster assignments")
if (assay == "RNA") {
vargenes_means_sds <- data.frame(
symbol = obj@assays[[assay]]@var.features,
mean = rowMeans(obj@assays[[assay]]@data[obj@assays[[assay]]@var.features, ])
vargenes_means_sds$stddev <- symphony::rowSDs(
A = obj@assays[[assay]]@data[obj@assays[[assay]]@var.features, ],
row_means = vargenes_means_sds$mean
} else if (assay == "SCT") {
vargenes_means_sds <- data.frame(
symbol = obj@assays[[assay]]@var.features,
mean = rowMeans(obj@assays[[assay]]@scale.data[obj@assays[[assay]]@var.features, ])
asdgc <- Matrix(obj@assays[[assay]]@scale.data[obj@assays[[assay]]@var.features, ], sparse = TRUE)
vargenes_means_sds$stddev <- symphony::rowSDs(
res$vargenes_means_sds <- vargenes_means_sds
message("Saved variable gene information for ", nrow(vargenes_means_sds), " genes.")
res$loadings <- obj[[pca]]@feature.loadings[, pca_dims, drop = FALSE]
message("Saved PCA loadings.")
res$meta_data <- obj@meta.data
message("Saved metadata.")
## Check UMAP
if (is.null(obj[[umap]]@misc$model)) {
error("uwot model not initialiazed in Seurat object. Please do RunUMAP with umap.method='uwot', return.model=TRUE first.")
res$umap <- obj[[umap]]@misc$model
## Build Reference!
message("Calculate final L2 normalized reference centroids (Y_cos)")
res$centroids <- t(symphony:::cosine_normalize_cpp(V = res$R %*% t(res$Z_corr), dim = 1))
message("Calculate reference compression terms (Nr and C)")
res$cache <- symphony:::compute_ref_cache(Rr = res$R, Zr = res$Z_corr)
colnames(res$Z_orig) <- row.names(res$meta_data)
rownames(res$Z_orig) <- paste0(Key(obj[[pca]]), seq_len(nrow(res$Z_corr)))
colnames(res$Z_corr) <- row.names(res$meta_data)
rownames(res$Z_corr) <- paste0(Key(obj[[harmony]]), seq_len(nrow(res$Z_corr)))
message("Finished nicely.")
#' @importFrom Seurat Embeddings CreateSeuratObject CreateDimReducObject ProjectDim
#' @importFrom Matrix Matrix
#' @importFrom stats model.matrix
mapQuery <- function(exp_query, metadata_query, ref_obj, vars = NULL,
sigma = 0.1, verbose = TRUE) {
if (verbose) {
message("Scaling and synchronizing query gene expression")
idx_shared_genes <- which(ref_obj$vargenes$symbol %in% rownames(exp_query))
shared_genes <- ref_obj$vargenes$symbol[idx_shared_genes]
if (verbose) {
message("Found ", length(shared_genes), " reference variable genes in query dataset")
exp_query_scaled <- symphony::scaleDataWithStats(
exp_query[shared_genes, ], ref_obj$vargenes$mean[idx_shared_genes], ref_obj$vargenes$stddev[idx_shared_genes],
exp_query_scaled_sync <- matrix(0,
nrow = length(ref_obj$vargenes$symbol),
ncol = ncol(exp_query)
exp_query_scaled_sync[idx_shared_genes, ] <- exp_query_scaled
rownames(exp_query_scaled_sync) <- ref_obj$vargenes$symbol
colnames(exp_query_scaled_sync) <- colnames(exp_query)
if (verbose) {
message("Project query cells using reference gene loadings")
Z_pca_query <- t(ref_obj$loadings) %*% exp_query_scaled_sync
if (verbose) {
message("Clustering query cells to reference centroids")
Z_pca_query_cos <- symphony:::cosine_normalize_cpp(V = Z_pca_query, dim = 2)
R_query <- symphony:::soft_cluster(Y = ref_obj$centroids, Z = Z_pca_query_cos, sigma = sigma)
if (verbose) {
message("Correcting query batch effects")
if (!is.null(vars)) {
design <- droplevels(metadata_query)[, vars] %>% as.data.frame()
onehot <- design %>%
purrr::map(function(.x) {
if (length(unique(.x)) == 1) {
rep(1, length(.x))
} else {
model.matrix(~ 0 + .x)
}) %>%
Xq <- cbind(1, intercept = onehot) %>% t()
} else {
Xq <- Matrix(rbind(rep(1, ncol(Z_pca_query)), rep(1, ncol(Z_pca_query))),
sparse = TRUE
Zq_corr <- symphony:::moe_correct_ref(
Zq = as.matrix(Z_pca_query),
Xq = as.matrix(Xq),
Rq = as.matrix(R_query),
Nr = as.matrix(ref_obj$cache[[1]]),
RrZtr = as.matrix(ref_obj$cache[[2]])
colnames(Z_pca_query) <- row.names(metadata_query)
rownames(Z_pca_query) <- paste0("PC_", seq_len(nrow(Zq_corr)))
colnames(Zq_corr) <- row.names(metadata_query)
rownames(Zq_corr) <- paste0("harmony_", seq_len(nrow(Zq_corr)))
return(list(Z_pca_query = Z_pca_query, Zq_corr = Zq_corr, R_query = R_query))
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