#' Data Conditions Input
#' @description
#' This function allows filtering, ordering, quantiling,
#' and grouping of data for plotting.
#' @param data_filters Logical statements by which to filter data.
#' @param data_ordering Order object with order settings.
#' See ?ordering for more information.
#' @param data_quantiling Quantile object with quantile settings.
#' See ?quantiling for more information.
#' @param data_grouping If quantiles not set,
#' split data by the specified categorical variable.
#' @details
#' It may be desirable to analyze certain subsets of TSSs or TSRs, or split the data
#' based on various categorical variables. This function extends the flexibility of
#' various other functions by adding the ability to filter, quantile, order, and/or
#' group data prior to downstream analysis.
#' 'data_filters' takes logical statements to filter TSSs or TSRs
#' by any column stored in the data.
#' 'data_ordering' takes an 'ordering' object as input,
#' which allows ordering of data by one or more columns.
#' 'data_quantiling' takes a 'quantiling' object as input,
#' and will split plots by the given number of quantiles.
#' 'data_grouping' will split a plot by the given column if
#' quantiling is not set.
#' @return 'data_conditions' object for input to the corresponding
#' 'data_conditions' argument in select functions.
#' @examples
#' data(TSSs)
#' assembly <- system.file("extdata", "S288C_Assembly.fasta", package="TSRexploreR")
#' exp <- TSSs[1] %>%
#' tsr_explorer(genome_assembly=assembly) %>%
#' format_counts(data_type="tss") %>%
#' tss_clustering(threshold=3) %>%
#' associate_with_tsr %>%
#' tsr_metrics
#' # Sequence logo of TSSs from peaked TSRs
#' conditions <- conditionals(shape_class == "peaked")
#' p <- plot_sequence_logo(exp, data_conditions=conditions)
#' # Sequence color map sorted by descending TSS score
#' conditions <- conditionals(data_ordering=ordering(desc(score)))
#' p <- plot_sequence_colormap(exp, data_conditions=conditions)
#' # Sequence logos split by TSS score quantile
#' conditions <- conditionals(data_quantiling=quantiling(score, n=5))
#' p <- plot_sequence_logo(exp, data_conditions=conditions)
#' # Sequence logo split by TSR shape class
#' conditions <- conditionals(data_grouping=shape_class)
#' p <- plot_sequence_logo(exp, data_conditions=conditions)
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{ordering}} for ordering information.
#' \code{\link{quantiling}} for quantiling information.
#' @export
conditionals <- function(
) {
## Check inputs.
is.null(data_ordering) || (
is.list(data_ordering) &&
has_attr(data_ordering, "condition_type") &&
attributes(data_ordering)$condition_type == "ordering"
is.null(data_quantiling) || (
is.list(data_quantiling) &&
has_attr(data_quantiling, "condition_type") &&
attributes(data_quantiling)$condition_type == "quantiling"
## Return a quosure of the filter.
data_filters <- enquo(data_filters)
if (quo_is_null(data_filters)) data_filters <- NULL
## For data grouping return either NULL or a character.
if (quo_is_null(enquo(data_grouping))) {
data_grouping <- NULL
} else {
data_grouping <- as.character(ensym(data_grouping))
## Return a list of conditions.
conds <- list(
attr(conds, "data_conditions") <- "data_conditions"
#' Ordering
#' @description
#' This is a companion function to 'conditionals' that allows the
#' specification of variables to order data by for plotting.
#' @param ... Variables to order by.
#' Wrap varaible name in desc() for descending order (like in dplyr::arrange).
#' @param .samples Names of samples to order by aggregate score.
#' @param .aggr_fun If more than one sample is selected feature values
#' are aggregated using this function.
#' @description
#' Columns to order by should be specified by names/symbols and not characters.
#' To sort by a variable in descending order, wrap the variable name in the 'desc' function.
#' By default ordering is calculated based on the aggregate value (based on '.aggr_fun')
#' of the variable accross all samples.
#' If '.samples' is specified, only the given samples will be used for aggregate
#' calculation and ordering.
#' @return A list of ordering parameters to be passed to the 'data_ordering' argument
#' of 'conditionals'.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' data(TSSs)
#' assembly <- system.file("extdata", "S288C_Assembly.fasta", package="TSRexploreR")
#' exp <- TSSs[1] %>%
#' tsr_explorer(genome_assembly=assembly) %>%
#' format_counts(data_type="tss")
#' # Sequence color map sorted by descending score.
#' conditions <- conditionals(data_ordering=ordering(desc(score)))
#' p <- plot_sequence_colormap(exp, data_conditions=conditions)
#' }
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{conditionals}} For more information on advanced data conditions.
#' @export
ordering <- function(
) {
ord <- enquos(...)
if (length(ord) == 0) {
ord <- NULL
} else {
ord <- list(
attr(ord, "condition_type") <- "ordering"
#' Quantiling
#' @description
#' This is a companion function to 'conditionals' that allows the
#' specification of a variable by which to split the data into
#' quantiles before plotting.
#' @param by Continuous metric for calculating quantiles.
#' @param n Number of quantiles to calculate.
#' @param samples Samples to use when setting quantiles.
#' @param descending Order quantiles in descending order.
#' @param aggr_fun Function by which to aggregate scores if more than one sample selected.
#' @details
#' Column to order by should be specified by names/symbol and not character.
#' By default ,quantiling is calculated based on the aggregate value (based on 'aggr_fun')
#' of the variable across all samples.
#' If 'samples' is specified, only the given samples will be used for aggregate
#' calculation and ordering.
#' 'descending' controls whether quantiling is calculated in descending (TRUE) or
#' ascending (FALSE) order, and 'n' allows specification of number of quantiles.
#' @return A list of quantiling parameters to be passed to the 'data_quantiling' argument
#' of 'conditionals'.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' data(TSSs)
#' assembly <- system.file("extdata", "S288C_Assembly.fasta", package="TSRexploreR")
#' exp <- TSSs[1] %>%
#' tsr_explorer(genome_assembly=assembly) %>%
#' format_counts(data_type="tss")
#' # Sequence base color plot quantiled by score.
#' conditions <- conditionals(data_quantiling=quantiling(score, n=5))
#' p <- plot_sequence_colormap(exp, data_conditions=conditions)
#' }
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{conditionals}} For more information on advanced data conditions.
#' @export
quantiling <- function(
## Check inputs.
assert_that(is.null(n) || is.count(n))
assert_that(is.null(samples) || is.character(samples))
## Quosure for by column.
by <- enquo(by)
## Return NULL or list of values.
if (quo_is_null(by)) {
quantiling <- NULL
} else {
quantiling <- list(
attr(quantiling, "condition_type") <- "quantiling"
#' Data Conditionals
#' @description
#' Apply strategies for filtering, ordering, quantiling, and/or grouping of data.
#' @importFrom dplyr dense_rank ntile desc
#' @param signal_data TSS or TSR data.
#' @param data_conditions List of conditions.
condition_data <- function(
) {
## Input checks.
is.null(data_conditions) || (
is.list(data_conditions) &&
has_attr(data_conditions, "data_conditions")
## Filter the data if required.
if (!is.null(data_conditions$filters)) {
walk(signal_data, setDT)
signal_data <- .filter_data(signal_data, data_conditions$filters)
## Ordering the data if required.
if (!is.null(data_conditions$ordering)) {
walk(signal_data, setDT)
signal_data <- .order_data(signal_data, data_conditions$ordering)
## Quantiling the data if required.
if (!is.null(data_conditions$quantiling)) {
walk(signal_data, setDT)
signal_data <- .quantile_data(signal_data, data_conditions$quantiling)
## Grouping the data if required.
## Modifies the tables in place.
if (!is.null(data_conditions$grouping)) {
walk(signal_data, setDT)
.group_data(signal_data, data_conditions$grouping)
## Return the signal data.
## Filtering
## @param signal_data List of TSSs or TSRs
## @param filters Quosure containing filters
.filter_data <- function(
) {
signal_data <- map(signal_data, ~dplyr::filter(.x, !!filters))
## Ordering
## @param signal_data List of TSSs or TSRs
## @param ordering List of ordering parameters
.order_data <- function(
) {
## Create consensus ranges with aggregated scores.
signal_data <- rbindlist(signal_data, idcol="sample")
setkey(signal_data, seqnames, strand, start, end)
ord <- .create_consensus(signal_data, ordering)
## Arrange the aggregated features and add numeric ordering.
ord <- dplyr::arrange(ord, !!!ordering$ordering)
ord[, row_order := .I]
ord <- ord[, .(CFHASH, row_order)]
ord[, c("seqnames", "start", "end", "strand") :=
tstrsplit(CFHASH, split=":", fixed=TRUE, type.convert=TRUE)
ord[, CFHASH := NULL]
## Merge the row order into the original data.
setkey(ord, seqnames, strand, start, end)
signal_data <- foverlaps(ord, signal_data)
signal_data[, c("i.start", "i.end") := NULL]
## Return the signal data.
signal_data <- split(signal_data, by="sample", keep.by=FALSE)
## Quantiling
## @param signal_data List of TSSs or TSRs
## @param quantiling List of quantiling parameters
.quantile_data <- function(
) {
## Create consensus ranges with aggregated scores.
signal_data <- rbindlist(signal_data, idcol="sample")
setkey(signal_data, seqnames, strand, start, end)
ord <- .create_consensus(signal_data, quantiling)
## quantile the aggregated features.
if (quantiling$descending) {
ord[, row_quantile := ntile(desc(ord[[quantiling$by]]), n=quantiling$n)]
} else {
ord[, row_quantile := ntile(ord[[quantiling$by]], n=quantiling$n)]
ord <- ord[, .(CFHASH, row_quantile)]
ord[, c("seqnames", "start", "end", "strand") :=
tstrsplit(CFHASH, split=":", fixed=TRUE, type.convert=TRUE)
ord[, CFHASH := NULL]
## Merge the row order into the original data.
setkey(ord, seqnames, strand, start, end)
signal_data <- foverlaps(ord, signal_data)
signal_data[, c("i.start", "i.end") := NULL]
## Return the signal data.
signal_data <- split(signal_data, by="sample", keep.by=FALSE)
## Group Data
## @param signal_data TSS or TSR data
## @param grouping Grouping variable
.group_data <- function(
) {
walk(signal_data, function(x) {
x[, row_groups := x[[grouping]]]
## Create Consensus Ranges
## @param signal_data TSS or TSR data
## @param conditionals Either ordering or quantiling conditions
.create_consensus <- function(
) {
## Reduce ranges of samples into consensus ranges.
cranges <- signal_data %>%
as_granges %>%
reduce_ranges_directed %>%
as.data.table(key=c("seqnames", "strand", "start", "end"))
cranges[, CFHASH := str_c(seqnames, start, end, strand, sep=":")]
## Filter out samples not being used to calculate ordering.
if (!is.null(conditionals$samples)) {
ord <- signal_data[samples %in% conditionals$samples]
} else {
ord <- signal_data
setkey(ord, seqnames, strand, start, end)
## Merge consensus ranges into ranges used for ordering.
ord <- foverlaps(cranges, ord)
ord[, c(
"i.start", "i.end", "i.width", "seqnames",
"strand", "start", "end", "FHASH"
) := NULL]
## Aggregate numeric features.
numeric_cols <- colnames(ord)[map_lgl(ord, is.numeric)]
ord <- ord[,
lapply(.SD, conditionals$aggr_fun),
#' Preliminary Filter
#' Preliminary filtering of data
#' @param signal_data TSS or TSR data.
#' @param dominant Whether to use dominant TSS/TSR.
#' @param threshold Raw count threshold for a TSS or TSR to be considered.
preliminary_filter <- function(signal_data, dominant, threshold) {
## Retain only dominant features if required.
if (dominant) {
signal_data <- map(signal_data, function(x) {
x <- x[(dominant)]
## Apply a threshold to score if required.
if (!is.null(threshold)) {
signal_data <- map(signal_data, function(x) {
x <- x[score >= threshold]
## Return signal data.
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