# Evan Newell 2015
# Edited by Tan Yong Kee
#' Median heatplot generation
#' This returns the median heatplot for each category of markers chosen. If frequency heatplot is selected in the onesense GUI, then both median and frequency heatplots are generated as PDF files in working directory
#' @param LoaderPATH Name of the output file containing fcs files generated from FCStSNE2.R
#' @param Bins Number of bins to sort cells into corresponding heatplot
#' @param doCoords a boolean that allows for frequency heatplot generation
#' @param doFreq a boolean to allow for the frequency heatplot generation. TRUE to run, FALSE to not run.
#' @return PNG files of combined oneSENSE and heatplot.
#' @import webshot
#' @importFrom flowCore exprs read.FCS
#' @importFrom plotly plot_ly subplot export layout
#' @importFrom gplots heatmap.2
#' @importFrom grDevices colorRampPalette dev.off pdf
#' @importFrom stats median
#' @importFrom graphics hist locator
#' @importFrom utils browseURL read.csv write.csv
#' @importFrom scatterplot3d scatterplot3d
#' @importFrom shinyFiles parseDirPath shinyDirButton shinyDirChoose
#' @examples
#' #fcsoutpath <- paste(getwd(), "fcs_Out", sep = .Platform$file.sep)
#' #remove hash symbol to run
#' #OneSmapperFlour(LoaderPATH=fcsoutpath) #remove hash symbol to run
OneSmapperFlour <- function(LoaderPATH ="fcs_Out",
Bins = 250,
doCoords=FALSE, doFreq=FALSE)
message("Running OneSmapperFlour")
fs <- read.flowSet(path = LoaderPATH, pattern = '.fcs$') #3 sample Fcs files read
FcsFileNames <- rownames(keyword(fs, "FILENAME")) #store fcs file names to variable fcsfilenames
FNumBC <- length(fs) #length of fs = 3
FFdata <- NULL #Flowframedata
for (FFs in 1:FNumBC) {
FFa <- exprs(fs[[FFs]]) #Store data from each fcs file to FFa
#Fixup column names
colnames(FFa) <- fs[[FFs]]@parameters$desc #assign column names to each column
empties <- which(is.na(colnames(FFa)) | colnames(FFa)== " ") #find which columns are NA or space
colnames(FFa)[empties] <- fs[[FFs]]@parameters$name[empties] #add the corresponding column names to FFa which are initially empty
fs[[FFs]]@parameters$desc <- colnames(FFa) #add colnames of FFa to the fcs file
#fs[[FFs]]@parameters$name <- colnames(FFa)
#Add file label
FFa <- cbind(FFa,rep(FFs,dim(FFa)[1])) #rep is replicate, it binds the number associated with the file to the last column
colnames(FFa)[dim(FFa)[2]] <- "InFile" #give the last column the location of the file
FFdata <- rbind(FFdata,FFa) #adds row data from FFa to FFdata
lgcl <- logicleTransform(w=0.05, t=16409, m=4.5, a=0)
ilgcl <- inverseLogicleTransform(trans = lgcl)
Xx1DtSNEmat <- NULL
keeptable <- read.csv(paste(dirname(LoaderPATH), "names.csv", sep=.Platform$file.sep))
for (factor in 2:(dim(keeptable)[2])) { #edited code
keeprowbool <- sapply(keeptable[,factor], function(x) any(x=="Y"))
keepnames <- keeptable[keeprowbool,1]
keeprows <- subset(keeptable, keeprowbool)
data <- FFdata[,which (colnames(FFdata) %in% keeprows[,1])]
data <- cbind(data, FFdata[,which(colnames(FFdata) %in% colnames(keeptable[-1]))])
data1 <- apply(data, 2, lgcl) #logicle transform
message("Applying logicle transform")
#FFdata1 <- apply(FFdata, 2, lgcl)
OneDtSNEname <- colnames(keeptable)[factor]
dataX <- data1[,which (colnames(data1) %in% keeprows[,1])]
#tSNEdata3 <- Rtsne(dataX, dims=1) #1d rtsne on function markers
tSNEmat1 <- as.matrix(data[,OneDtSNEname])
colnames(tSNEmat1) <- OneDtSNEname
hist(tSNEmat1, 100)
Xx1DtSNEmat <- cbind(Xx1DtSNEmat,tSNEmat1)
#Make heatplot annotation
tSNEbins <- cut(tSNEmat1, breaks = Bins, labels= 1:Bins) #cut divides the range of x into the number of break intervals specified.
OneSENSEmed <- apply(dataX, 2, function(x) (tapply(x, tSNEbins, FUN = median))) #tapply(x, index, FUN)
OneSENSEmed[is.na(OneSENSEmed)] <- 0
#data2 <- as.data.frame(cbind(data1,tSNEbins))
#OneSENSEmed <- aggregate(data1 ~ tSNEbins,data =data1, FUN = median, na.rm = F)
# OneSENSEmed <- data2 %>% group_by(tSNEbins) %>% summarise(median)
# ddply(data2, "tSNEbins", summarise,
# Med = medianmax(year) - min(year),
# nteams = length(unique(team)))
# test <- with(dataX, tapply())
pdfFN <- paste(dirname(LoaderPATH),paste0(OneDtSNEname,"_Freq.pdf"), sep=.Platform$file.sep)
pdf(file=pdfFN, width=14, height =6)
# my_palette <- colorRampPalette(c("blue","green","yellow"))(n=430)
breaks = seq(0,3,by=0.005)
# you can put whatever colors you like here:
#my_palette <- colorRampPalette(c("black","orange","yellow","white"))(n=length(breaks)-1)
#my_palette <- colorRampPalette(c("black","blue","green","yellow"))(n=length(breaks)-1)
#my_palette <- colorRampPalette(c("blue","green","yellow"))(n=length(breaks)-1)
#my_palette <- colorRampPalette(c("black","blue","green","yellow","darkred"))(n=length(breaks)-1)
my_palette <- colorRampPalette(c("blue","white","red"))(n=length(breaks)-1)
#my_palette <- colorRampPalette(c("blue","lightblue","green","yellow","darkorange","darkred"))(n=length(breaks)-1)
hmap <- heatmap.2(t(OneSENSEmed), col=my_palette,
breaks = breaks,
margins = c(10,20),
Colv = FALSE,
dendrogram = "row",
cexCol = 1., cexRow =1., scale="none", key=TRUE,trace="none",
hmapclu= t(OneSENSEmed)[hmap$rowInd, hmap$colInd]
hmapclut <- t(hmapclu)
testcol <- seq(from = min(Xx1DtSNEmat), to = (max(Xx1DtSNEmat)-(max(Xx1DtSNEmat)/Bins)), by = (max(Xx1DtSNEmat)/Bins))
if (OneDtSNEname == "input") {
p1 <- plot_ly(z= hmapclu,y = rownames(hmapclu), x = testcol,colors = my_palette, type = "heatmap") %>%
layout(title = paste(OneDtSNEname, "Median heatplot", sep = " "))
else {
p2 <- plot_ly(z= hmapclut,x = colnames(hmapclut), y=testcol,colors = my_palette, type = "heatmap") %>%
layout(title = paste(OneDtSNEname, "Median heatplot", sep = " "), showlegend = FALSE)
suppressWarnings(OneSplot <<- plot_ly(data.frame(Xx1DtSNEmat), x= Xx1DtSNEmat[, 1], y =Xx1DtSNEmat[, 2], type = "scatter", symbol = "circle-dot"))
suppressWarnings(combined <- subplot(OneSplot, p2, p1,nrows = 2, shareY=TRUE, shareX = TRUE))
export(combined, file=paste(dirname(LoaderPATH), "groupone.png", sep=.Platform$file.sep))
browseURL(paste(dirname(LoaderPATH), "groupone.png", sep=.Platform$file.sep))
# #
#' Title
#' Get parameters
#' @param rawFCSdir FCS path
#' @return mid
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #remove hash to run
#' dir3 <- system.file('extdata', package = 'oneSENSE')
#' getParameters(dir3)
getParameters <- function(rawFCSdir) {
fcsFile <- list.files(path = rawFCSdir, pattern = ".fcs$", full.names = TRUE)
fcs <- suppressWarnings(read.FCS(fcsFile[1]))
pd <- fcs@parameters@data
markers <<- paste("<", pd$name, ">:", pd$desc, sep = "")
markers_desc <<- pd$desc
#channels <- pd$name
if (length(markers) == 0) {
stop("No markers found in the FCS file!")
# #
#' Title
#' @param LoaderPATH Path of fcs_Out files
#' @return Flow Frame data for coordinate selection
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dir1 <- system.file('extdata',package='oneSENSE')
#' OneSmapperFreq1(dir1) #remove hash symbol to run
OneSmapperFreq1 <- function(LoaderPATH = "fcs") {
fs <- read.flowSet(path = LoaderPATH, pattern = '.fcs$') #3 sample Fcs files read
FcsFileNames <- rownames(keyword(fs, "FILENAME")) #store fcs file names to variable fcsfilenames
FNumBC <- length(fs) #length of fs = 3
FFdata <- NULL #Flowframedata
for (FFs in 1:FNumBC) {
FFa <- exprs(fs[[FFs]]) #Store data from each fcs file to FFa
#Fixup column names
colnames(FFa) <- fs[[FFs]]@parameters$desc #assign column names to each column
empties <- which(is.na(colnames(FFa)) | colnames(FFa)== " ") #find which columns are NA or space
colnames(FFa)[empties] <- fs[[FFs]]@parameters$name[empties] #add the corresponding column names to FFa which are initially empty
fs[[FFs]]@parameters$desc <- colnames(FFa) #add colnames of FFa to the fcs file
#fs[[FFs]]@parameters$name <- colnames(FFa)
#Add file label
FFa <- cbind(FFa,rep(FFs,dim(FFa)[1])) #rep is replicate, it binds the number associated with the file to the last column
colnames(FFa)[dim(FFa)[2]] <- "InFile" #give the last column the location of the file
FFdata <<- rbind(FFdata,FFa) #adds row data from FFa to FFdata
lgcl <<- logicleTransform(w=0.05, t=16409, m=4.5, a=0)
ilgcl <<- inverseLogicleTransform(trans = lgcl)
# #
#' Title
#' @param LoaderPATH Path of fcs_out files
#' @param FFdata Flow frame data
#' @return Assign global variables for access
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #remove hash symbol to run
#' dir4 <- system.file('extdata/extra', package = 'oneSENSE')
#' file5 <- system.file('extdata/FFdata.Rdata', package = 'oneSENSE')
#' load(file5)
#' getCoords(dir4, FFdata=FFdata)
getCoords <- function(LoaderPATH = LoaderPATH, FFdata = FFdata) {
lgcl <- logicleTransform(w=0.25, t=16409, m=4.5, a=0)
gckeeptable <- read.csv(paste(dirname(LoaderPATH), "names.csv", sep=.Platform$file.sep))
gckeeprowbool <- apply(gckeeptable[,c(2,3)],1, function(x) any(x=="Y"))
gckeepnames <<- gckeeptable[gckeeprowbool,1]
gckeeprows <- subset(gckeeptable, gckeeprowbool) #return subset of (Function/Diff/Trafficking)
gcdata <- FFdata[,which (colnames(FFdata) %in% gckeeprows[,1])] # take data that are (Function/Diff/Trafficking)
gcdata <- cbind(gcdata, FFdata[,which(colnames(FFdata) %in% colnames(gckeeptable[-1]))]) #cbind Function/Diff/Trafficking column from FFdata to data
gcdata1 <<- apply(gcdata, 2, lgcl) #apply logicle transformation to data
#Min <- numeric(length = length(keepnames))
#Mid <<- numeric(length = length(gckeepnames))
#Max <- numeric(length = length(keepnames))
# #
#' Title
#' Frequency Heatplot Generation Part 2
#' @param LoaderPATH path of fcs_Out files
#' @param Bins Number of bins
#' @return returns frequency heatplot
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dir2 <- system.file('extdata',package='oneSENSE')
#' #OneSmapperFreq2(dir2, 250) #remove hash symbol to run
OneSmapperFreq2 <- function(LoaderPATH = "fcs", Bins = 250) {
Xx1DtSNEmat <- NULL
keeptable <- read.csv(paste(dirname(LoaderPATH), "names.csv", sep=.Platform$file.sep))
for (factor in 2:(dim(keeptable)[2])){
keeprowbool <- sapply(keeptable[,factor], function(x) any(x=="Y"))
keepnames <- keeptable[keeprowbool,1]
keeprows <- subset(keeptable, keeprowbool)
data <- FFdata[,which (colnames(FFdata) %in% keeprows[,1])]
data <- cbind(data, FFdata[,which(colnames(FFdata) %in% colnames(keeptable[-1]))])
data1 <- apply(data, 2, lgcl) #logicle transform
OneDtSNEname <- colnames(keeptable)[factor]
keeprowbool <- sapply(keeptable[,factor], function(x) any(x=="Y"))
keepnames <- keeptable[keeprowbool,1]
keeprows <- subset(keeptable, keeprowbool)
dataX <- data1[,which (colnames(data1) %in% keeprows[,1])]
tSNEmat1 <- as.matrix(data[,OneDtSNEname])
colnames(tSNEmat1) <- OneDtSNEname
hist(tSNEmat1, 100)
Xx1DtSNEmat <- cbind(Xx1DtSNEmat,tSNEmat1)
#Make heatplot annotation
dataGNorm <- dataX
tSNEbins <- cut(tSNEmat1, breaks = Bins, labels= 1:Bins) #assigns bin value to each value in tSNEmat1 (1 - 250)
OneSENSEpp <- matrix(dataX, nrow = Bins, ncol = dim(dataX)[2]) #####@@@@@@ What is the missing data?
colnames(OneSENSEpp) <- colnames(dataX)
Coords <- read.csv(paste(dirname(LoaderPATH), "Coords.csv",sep=.Platform$file.sep))
for(pname in colnames(dataX)) {
overthresh <- function(group) { #what is this group
percpos <- (sum(group > Coords[which(Coords$X == pname),2]) / length(group))*100 # calculates percentage of cells that are positive per bin
OneSENSEpp[,pname] <- tapply(dataX[,pname], tSNEbins, FUN = overthresh) #what is tapply
OneSENSEpp[is.na(OneSENSEpp)] <- 0
pdfFN <- paste(dirname(LoaderPATH),paste0(OneDtSNEname,"_Freq.pdf"), sep=.Platform$file.sep)
pdf(file=pdfFN, width=14, height =6)
# my_palette <- colorRampPalette(c("blue","green","yellow"))(n=430)
#breaks = c(seq(0,9,by=0.05),seq(10,100,by=10)) #0.05
breaks = seq(0,100,by=0.05)
# you can put whatever colors you like here:
#my_palette <- colorRampPalette(c("black","orange","yellow","white"))(n=length(breaks)-1)
#my_palette <- colorRampPalette(c("black","blue","green","yellow"))(n=length(breaks)-1)
#my_palette <- colorRampPalette(c("blue","green","yellow"))(n=length(breaks)-1)
#my_palette <- colorRampPalette(c("black","blue","green","yellow","darkred"))(n=length(breaks)-1)
my_palette <- colorRampPalette(c("blue","white","red"))(n=length(breaks)-1)
#my_palette <- colorRampPalette(c("blue","lightblue","green","yellow","darkorange","darkred"))(n=length(breaks)-1)
fhmap <- heatmap.2(t(OneSENSEpp), col=my_palette,
breaks = breaks,
margins = c(10,20),
Colv = FALSE,
dendrogram = "row",
cexCol = 1., cexRow =1., scale="none", key=TRUE,trace="none",
fhmapclu= t(OneSENSEpp)[fhmap$rowInd, fhmap$colInd]
fhmapclut <- t(fhmapclu)
ftestcol <- seq(from = min(Xx1DtSNEmat), to = (max(Xx1DtSNEmat)-(max(Xx1DtSNEmat)/Bins)), by = (max(Xx1DtSNEmat)/Bins))
if (OneDtSNEname == "input") {
suppressWarnings(d1 <- plot_ly(z= fhmapclu,y = rownames(fhmapclu), x = ftestcol,colors = my_palette, type = "heatmap") %>%
layout(title = paste(OneDtSNEname, "Frequency heatplot", sep = " ")))
else {
suppressWarnings(d2 <- plot_ly(z= fhmapclut,x = colnames(fhmapclut), y=ftestcol,colors = my_palette, type = "heatmap") %>%
layout(title = paste(OneDtSNEname, "Frequency heatplot", sep = " ")))
suppressWarnings(fcombined <- subplot(OneSplot, d2, d1,nrows = 2, shareY=TRUE, shareX = TRUE))
#tmpFile2 <- tempfile(fileext = ".png")
export(fcombined, file=paste(dirname(LoaderPATH), "grouptwo.png", sep=.Platform$file.sep))
browseURL(paste(dirname(LoaderPATH), "grouptwo.png", sep=.Platform$file.sep))
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.