## Function to get PubChem CIDs by name
name2pubchemCID <- function(x) {
url <- paste0('"https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/', x, '"')
system2("wget", paste(url, '-O tmp_file --quiet'))
pc_page <- readLines("tmp_file", warn=FALSE)
cid_line <- pc_page[grepl("meta name=\"pubchem_uid_value\" content=", pc_page)][1]
cid <- gsub("(^.*content=\")|\">$", "", cid_line)
} else {
## Usage:
# ids <- c("rhodomyrtoxin-b", "SD-169", "not_avail_test", "baccatin-III")
# vapply(ids, function(i) name2pubchemCID(i), character(1))
# Get compound information from CLUE API, can be replaced by directly downloading
# the Touchstone compound annotation table at https://clue.io/touchstone#
# after selecting `Name`, `MoA`, `Target` columns and `Compounds` perturbagen type.
getPertInfo <- function(pert_iname, user_key){
pert_info = NULL
col = c("canonical_smiles", "description", "inchi_key", "inchi_string", "moa",
"molecular_formula", "pert_id", "pert_iname", "pert_type", "pubchem_cid", "target")
for(iname in pert_iname){
json <- system(paste0('curl -X GET --globoff --header "Accept: application/json" --header "user_key: ',
user_key, '" "https://api.clue.io/api/perts?filter=%7B%22where%22%3A%7B%22pert_iname%22%3A%22',
iname,'%22%7D%7D"'), intern = TRUE, ignore.stderr = TRUE)
message("Curl error happens on ", iname)
if(grepl("error",json) | json=="[]"){
message("API error happens on ", iname)
jsonr <- fromJSON(json)
# print(i)
# i=i+1
# rownames(jsonr) <- pert_id
for(item in col){
if(! item %in% colnames(jsonr)){
new <- data.frame(NA)
colnames(new) <- item
jsonr = cbind(jsonr, new)
pert_info <- rbind(pert_info, jsonr[,col])
# Function to query known drug annotations in ChEMBL db by providing drug
# "chembl_id", "PubChem_ID" or "DrugBank_ID".
# The result annotation table contains the following columns:
# "Query ID", "ChEMBL ID", "molregno", "PubChem_ID", "DrugBank_ID", "Preferred Name",
# "Max Phase", "Therapeutic Flag", "Molecule Type", "First Approval", "Oral", "Parenteral",
# "Topical", "Natural Product", "Inorganic Flag", "USAN Year", "Availability Type",
# "USAN Stem", "USAN Stem Definition", "Indication Class", "Withdrawn Flag",
# "Withdrawn Year", "Withdrawn Country", "Withdrawn Reason", "Withdrawn Class",
# "mechanism_of_action", "Action Type", "Direct Interaction", "Molecular Mechanism",
# "Disease Efficacy", "Mechanism Comment", "Selectivity Comment".
drugAnnot <- function(queryBy = list(molType = NULL, idType = NULL, ids = NULL),
cmpid_file = file.path(config$resultsPath, "cmp_ids.rds"),
config = genConfig()) {
if (any(names(queryBy) != c("molType", "idType", "ids"))) {
"All three list components in 'queryBy' (named: 'molType',",
" 'idType' and 'ids') need to be present."
if (any(vapply(queryBy, length, integer(1)) == 0)) {
"All components in 'queryBy' list need to be populated with ",
"corresponding character vectors."
## Load ChEMBL SQLite
## ChEMBL SQLite downloaded from here: ftp://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/
## chembl/ChEMBLdb/latest/chembl_24_1_sqlite.tar.gz
## after unpacking you get chembl_xx.db
dbpath <- config$chemblDbPath
mydb <- dbConnect(SQLite(), dbpath)
## Input file for following step was generated by cmpIdMapping()
cmp_ids <- readRDS(cmpid_file)
rownames(cmp_ids) <- as.character(cmp_ids$molregno)
## Query by compounds
if (queryBy$molType == "cmp") {
## ID conversions
if (queryBy$idType == "molregno") {
cmpvec <- queryBy$ids
if (queryBy$idType == "chembl_id") {
cmp_ids <- cmp_ids[!duplicated(cmp_ids$chembl_id), ]
cmpvec <- as.character(cmp_ids$molregno)
names(cmpvec) <- as.character(cmp_ids$chembl_id)
cmpvec <- cmpvec[queryBy$ids]
if (queryBy$idType == "PubChem_ID") {
cmp_ids <- cmp_ids[!duplicated(cmp_ids$PubChem_ID), ]
cmpvec <- as.character(cmp_ids$molregno)
names(cmpvec) <- as.character(cmp_ids$PubChem_ID)
cmpvec <- cmpvec[queryBy$ids]
if (queryBy$idType == "DrugBank_ID") {
cmp_ids <- cmp_ids[!duplicated(cmp_ids$DrugBank_ID), ]
cmpvec <- as.character(cmp_ids$molregno)
names(cmpvec) <- as.character(cmp_ids$DrugBank_ID)
cmpvec <- cmpvec[queryBy$ids]
idvec <- paste0("(\"", paste(cmpvec, collapse = "\", \""), "\")")
# "Query ID",
# "Direct Interaction", "Molecular Mechanism",
# "Disease Efficacy", "Mechanism Comment", "Selectivity Comment".
query <- paste(
"SELECT a.molregno, a.chembl_id, a.pref_name, a.max_phase,
a.therapeutic_flag, a.molecule_type, a.first_approval, a.oral,
a.parenteral, a.topical, a.natural_product, a.inorganic_flag,
a.usan_year, a.availability_type, a.usan_stem, a.usan_stem_definition,
a.indication_class, a.withdrawn_flag, a.withdrawn_year, a.withdrawn_country,
a.withdrawn_reason, a.withdrawn_class,
b.mechanism_of_action, b.action_type, b.direct_interaction,
b.molecular_mechanism, b.disease_efficacy, b.mechanism_comment,
FROM molecule_dictionary AS a
LEFT JOIN drug_mechanism AS b ON a.molregno = b.molregno
WHERE a.molregno IN", idvec,
"GROUP BY a.molregno
ORDER BY a.molregno, a.pref_name"
myquery <- dbSendQuery(mydb, query)
activityassays <- dbFetch(myquery)
resultDF <- data.frame(cmp_ids[as.character(activityassays$molregno), -c(2, 4)],
activityassays[, -c(1, 2)])
## Remove rows with identical values in all fields
resultDF <- resultDF[!duplicated(apply(resultDF, 1, paste, collapse = "_")), ]
## Add query column and sort rows in result table according to query
resultDF <- data.frame(
QueryIDs = names(cmpvec),
resultDF[match(names(cmpvec), resultDF[[queryBy$idType]]), ]
rownames(resultDF) <- NULL
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For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.