setAs("Chromatograms", "XChromatograms", function(from) {
res <- new("XChromatograms")
res@.Data <- matrix(lapply(from, function(z) {
if (is(z, "Chromatogram"))
as(z, "XChromatogram")
else z
}), nrow = nrow(from), ncol = ncol(from), dimnames = dimnames(from))
res@phenoData <- from@phenoData
res@featureData <- from@featureData
if (validObject(resetClass)) res
#' @rdname XChromatogram
setMethod("show", "XChromatograms", function(object) {
nr <- nrow(object)
nc <- ncol(object)
cat(class(object), " with ",
nr, ifelse(nr == 1, " row and ", " rows and "),
nc, ifelse(nc == 1, " column\n", " columns\n"),
sep = "")
sumFun <- function(z) {
paste0("peaks: ", nrow(z[[1]]@chromPeaks))
if (nr > 0 && nc > 0) {
if (nr <= 4) {
out <- apply(object, MARGIN = c(1, 2), sumFun)
rownames(out) <- paste0("[", 1:nrow(out), ",]")
else {
out <- rbind(
apply(object[c(1, 2), , drop = FALSE], MARGIN = c(1, 2), sumFun),
rep(" ... ", ncol(object)),
apply(object[nrow(object) - c(1, 0), , drop = FALSE],
MARGIN = c(1, 2), sumFun)
rownames(out) <- c("[1,]", "[2,]", "...",
paste0("[", c(nrow(object) - c(1, 0)), ",]"))
rn <- rownames(out)
out <- rbind(rep("<XChromatogram>", ncol(out)), out)
rownames(out) <- c("", rn)
print(out, quote = FALSE, right = TRUE)
cat("phenoData with", length(varLabels(object@phenoData)), "variables\n")
cat("featureData with", length(fvarLabels(object)), "variables\n")
cat("- - - xcms preprocessing - - -\n")
if (any(hasChromPeaks(object))) {
cat("Chromatographic peak detection:\n")
ph <- processHistory(object, type = .PROCSTEP.PEAK.DETECTION)
if (length(ph))
cat(" method:", .param2string(ph[[1]]@param), "\n")
else cat(" unknown method.\n")
if (hasFeatures(object)) {
ph <- processHistory(object, type = .PROCSTEP.PEAK.GROUPING)
if (length(ph))
cat(" method:", .param2string(ph[[1]]@param), "\n")
else cat(" unknown method.\n")
cat(" ", nrow(object@featureDefinitions), " feature(s) identified.\n",
sep = "")
## if (.hasFilledPeaks(object)) {
## totF <- chromPeaks(object)[, "is_filled"] == 1
## fp <- chromPeaks(object)[totF, , drop = FALSE]
## cat("", sum(totF), "filled peaks (on average",
## mean(table(fp[, "sample"])), "per sample).\n")
## }
#' @rdname XChromatogram
setMethod("hasChromPeaks", "XChromatograms", function(object) {
matrix(vapply(object, hasChromPeaks, logical(1)), ncol = ncol(object),
dimnames = dimnames(object))
#' @rdname XChromatogram
setMethod("hasFilledChromPeaks", "XChromatograms", function(object) {
matrix(vapply(object, .hasFilledPeaks, logical(1)), ncol = ncol(object),
dimnames = dimnames(object))
#' @rdname XChromatogram
setMethod("chromPeaks", "XChromatograms", function(object, rt = numeric(),
mz = numeric(), ppm = 0,
type = c("any", "within",
msLevel) {
type <- match.arg(type)
res <- lapply(object, chromPeaks, rt = rt, mz = mz, ppm = ppm, type = type,
msLevel = msLevel)
nrs <- vapply(res, nrow, integer(1))
row_idx <- rep(seq_len(nrow(object)), ncol(object))
col_idx <- rep(seq_len(ncol(object)), each = nrow(object))
res <-, res)
res <- cbind(res, row = rep(row_idx, nrs), column = rep(col_idx, nrs))
res[order(res[, "row"]), , drop = FALSE]
#' @rdname XChromatogram
setMethod("chromPeakData", "XChromatograms", function(object) {
res <- lapply(object, chromPeakData)
nrs <- vapply(res, nrow, integer(1))
row_idx <- rep(seq_len(nrow(object)), ncol(object))
col_idx <- rep(seq_len(ncol(object)), each = nrow(object))
res <-, res)
res$row <- rep(row_idx, nrs)
res$column <- rep(col_idx, nrs)
res[order(res[, "row"]), , drop = FALSE]
#' @rdname XChromatogram
setMethod("filterMz", "XChromatograms", function(object, mz, ...) {
if (missing(mz) || length(object) == 0)
pks_orig <- chromPeaks(object)
object@.Data <- matrix(lapply(object, filterMz, mz = mz, ...),
nrow = nrow(object), dimnames = dimnames(object))
pks_sub <- chromPeaks(object)
if (hasFeatures(object)) {
fts <- .subset_features_on_chrom_peaks(
object@featureDefinitions, pks_orig, pks_sub)
fts$row <- vapply(fts$peakidx, function(z) {
as.integer(pks_sub[z, "row"][1])
}, integer(1))
object@featureDefinitions <- fts
#' @rdname XChromatogram
setMethod("filterRt", "XChromatograms", function(object, rt, ...) {
if (missing(rt) || length(object) == 0)
pks_orig <- chromPeaks(object)
object@.Data <- matrix(lapply(object, filterRt, rt = rt, ...),
nrow = nrow(object), dimnames = dimnames(object))
pks_sub <- chromPeaks(object)
if (hasFeatures(object)) {
fts <- .subset_features_on_chrom_peaks(
object@featureDefinitions, pks_orig, pks_sub)
fts$row <- vapply(fts$peakidx, function(z) {
as.integer(pks_sub[z, "row"][1])
}, integer(1))
object@featureDefinitions <- fts
setMethod("addProcessHistory", "XChromatograms", function(object, ph) {
if (!inherits(ph, "ProcessHistory"))
stop("Argument 'ph' has to be of type 'ProcessHistory' or a class ",
"extending it!")
object@.processHistory[[(length(object@.processHistory) + 1)]] <- ph
#' @rdname XChromatogram
setMethod("plot", "XChromatograms", function(x, col = "#00000060", lty = 1,
type = "l",
xlab = "retention time",
ylab = "intensity",
main = NULL,
peakType = c("polygon",
peakCol = "#00000060",
peakBg = "#00000020",
peakPch = 1, ...) {
peakType <- match.arg(peakType)
nr <- nrow(x)
if (nr > 1)
par(mfrow = c(round(sqrt(nr)), ceiling(sqrt(nr))))
pks_all <- chromPeaks(x)
pks_nr <- nrow(pks_all)
if (length(peakCol) != pks_nr)
peakCol <- rep(peakCol[1], pks_nr)
if (length(peakBg) != pks_nr)
peakBg <- rep(peakBg[1], pks_nr)
if (length(peakPch) != pks_nr)
peakPch <- rep(peakPch[1], pks_nr)
for (i in seq_len(nr)) {
x_sub <- x[i, , drop = FALSE]
plot(as(x_sub, ifelse(is(x_sub, "XChromatograms"),
"Chromatograms", "Chromatogram")),
col = col, lty = lty, type = type,
xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, main = main, ...)
idx <- which(pks_all[, "row"] == i)
if (length(idx) && peakType != "none") {
pks <- chromPeaks(x_sub)
.add_chromatogram_peaks(x_sub, pks, col = peakCol[idx],
bg = peakBg[idx], type = peakType,
pch = peakPch[idx], ...)
#' @rdname XChromatogram
#' @param fileIndex For `processHistory`: optional `integer` specifying the
#' index of the files/samples for which the [ProcessHistory] objects should
#' be returned.
#' @md
setMethod("processHistory", "XChromatograms", function(object, fileIndex,
type) {
ph <- object@.processHistory
if (length(ph)) {
if (!missing(fileIndex)) {
if (!all(fileIndex %in% seq_len(ncol(object))))
stop("'fileIndex' has to be within 1 and the number of samples!")
gotIt <- vapply(ph, function(z) any(z@fileIndex %in% fileIndex),
ph <- ph[gotIt]
if (!missing(type) && length(ph)) {
gotIt <- vapply(ph, function(z) any(type == processType(z)),
ph <- ph[gotIt]
#' @rdname XChromatogram
#' @md
setMethod("hasFeatures", "XChromatograms", function(object, ...) {
nrow(object@featureDefinitions) > 0
#' @rdname XChromatogram
#' @md
setMethod("dropFeatureDefinitions", "XChromatograms", function(object, ...) {
if (!hasFeatures(object))
object <- dropProcessHistories(object, type = .PROCSTEP.PEAK.GROUPING, 1)
object@featureDefinitions <- DataFrame()
#' @rdname XChromatogram
#' @section Chromatographic peak detection:
#' See [findChromPeaks-Chromatogram-CentWaveParam] for information.
#' After chromatographic peak detection it is also possible to *refine*
#' identified chromatographic peaks with the `refineChromPeaks` method (e.g. to
#' reduce peak detection artifacts). Currently, only peak refinement using the
#' *merge neighboring peaks* method is available (see
#' [MergeNeighboringPeaksParam()] for a detailed description of the approach.
#' @section Correspondence analysis:
#' Identified chromatographic peaks in an `XChromatograms` object can be grouped
#' into *features* with the `groupChromPeaks` function. Currently, such a
#' correspondence analysis can be performed with the *peak density* method
#' (see [groupChromPeaks] for more details) specifying the algorithm settings
#' with a [PeakDensityParam()] object. A correspondence analysis is performed
#' separately for each row in the `XChromatograms` object grouping
#' chromatographic peaks across samples (columns).
#' The analysis results are stored in the returned `XChromatograms` object
#' and can be accessed with the `featureDefinitions` method which returns a
#' `DataFrame` with one row for each feature. Column `"row"` specifies in
#' which row of the `XChromatograms` object the feature was identified.
#' The `plotChromPeakDensity` method can be used to visualize *peak density*
#' correspondence results, or to *simulate* a peak density correspondence
#' analysis on chromatographic data. The resulting plot consists of two panels,
#' the upper panel showing the chromatographic data as well as the identified
#' chromatographic peaks, the lower panel the distribution of peaks (the peak
#' density) along the retention time axis. This plot shows each peak as a point
#' with it's peak's retention time on the x-axis, and the sample in which it
#' was found on the y-axis. The distribution of peaks along the retention time
#' axis is visualized with a density estimate. Grouped chromatographic peaks
#' are indicated with grey shaded rectangles. Parameter `simulate` allows to
#' define whether the correspondence analysis should be simulated (
#' `simulate=TRUE`, based on the available data and the provided
#' [PeakDensityParam()] parameter class) or not (`simulate=FALSE`). For the
#' latter it is assumed that a correspondence analysis has been performed with
#' the *peak density* method on the `object`.
#' See examples below.
#' Abundance estimates for each feature can be extracted with the
#' `featureValues` function using parameter `value = "into"` to extract the
#' integrated peak area for each feature. The result is a `matrix`, columns
#' being samples and rows features.
#' @md
signature(object = "XChromatograms", param = "PeakDensityParam"),
function(object, param) {
if (!any(hasChromPeaks(object)))
stop("No chromatographic peak detection results in 'object'! ",
"Please perform first a peak detection using the ",
"'findChromPeaks' method.")
if (hasFeatures(object))
object <- dropFeatureDefinitions(object)
## Check if we've got any sample groups:
if (length(sampleGroups(param)) == 0) {
sampleGroups(param) <- rep(1, ncol(object))
message("Empty 'sampleGroups' in 'param', assuming all ",
"samples to be in the same group.")
} else {
## Check that the sampleGroups are OK
if (length(sampleGroups(param)) != ncol(object))
stop("The 'sampleGroups' value in the provided 'param' ",
"class does not match the number of available files/",
startDate <- date()
cpks <- chromPeaks(object)
cpks <- cbind(cpks, index = seq_len(nrow(cpks)))
if (!any(colnames(cpks) == "sample"))
colnames(cpks)[colnames(cpks) == "column"] <- "sample"
if (!any(colnames(cpks) == "mz"))
cpks <- cbind(cpks, mz = NA)
nr <- nrow(object)
res <- vector("list", nr)
bw <- bw(param)
sgrps <- sampleGroups(param)
sgrps_tbl <- table(sgrps)
minfr <- minFraction(param)
minsam <- minSamples(param)
maxf <- maxFeatures(param)
for (i in seq_len(nr)) {
cur_pks <- cpks[cpks[, "row"] == i, , drop = FALSE]
if (nrow(cur_pks) == 0)
rtr <- range(lapply(object[i, ], rtime), na.rm = TRUE)
densFrom <- rtr[1] - 3 * bw
densTo <- rtr[2] + 3 * bw
densN <- max(512, 2 * 2^(ceiling(log2(diff(rtr) / (bw / 2)))))
tmp <- .group_peaks_density(cur_pks, bw = bw,
densFrom = densFrom,
densTo = densTo,
densN = densN,
sampleGroups = sgrps,
sampleGroupTable = sgrps_tbl,
minFraction = minfr,
minSamples = minsam,
maxFeatures = maxf)
tmp$row <- rep(i, nrow(tmp))
res[[i]] <- tmp
res <- DataFrame(, res))
xph <- XProcessHistory(param = param, date. = startDate,
fileIndex = 1:ncol(object))
object <- addProcessHistory(object, xph)
## Add the results.
if (nrow(res) == 0)
warning("Unable to group any chromatographic peaks. ",
"You might have to adapt your settings.")
if (nrow(res) > 0)
rownames(res) <- .featureIDs(nrow(res))
object@featureDefinitions <- res
#' @rdname XChromatogram
setMethod("featureDefinitions", "XChromatograms",
function(object, mz = numeric(), rt = numeric(), ppm = 0,
type = c("any", "within", "apex_within")) {
if (!hasFeatures(object))
feat_def <- object@featureDefinitions
type <- match.arg(type)
## Select features within rt range.
if (length(rt) && nrow(feat_def)) {
rt <- range(rt)
keep <- switch(
any = which(feat_def$rtmin <= rt[2] &
feat_def$rtmax >= rt[1]),
within = which(feat_def$rtmin >= rt[1] &
feat_def$rtmax <= rt[2]),
apex_within = which(feat_def$rtmed >= rt[1] &
feat_def$rtmed <= rt[2])
feat_def <- feat_def[keep, , drop = FALSE]
if (length(mz) && nrow(feat_def)) {
mz <- range(mz)
## Increase mz by ppm.
if (is.finite(mz[1]))
mz[1] <- mz[1] - mz[1] * ppm / 1e6
if (is.finite(mz[2]))
mz[2] <- mz[2] + mz[2] * ppm / 1e6
keep <- switch(
any = which(feat_def$mzmin <= mz[2] &
feat_def$mzmax >= mz[1]),
within = which(feat_def$mzmin >= mz[1] &
feat_def$mzmax <= mz[2]),
apex_within = which(feat_def$mzmed >= mz[1] &
feat_def$mzmed <= mz[2])
feat_def <- feat_def[keep, , drop = FALSE]
#' @rdname XChromatogram
setMethod("[", "XChromatograms", function(x, i, j, drop = FALSE) {
if (missing(i) && missing(j))
if (missing(i))
i <- seq_len(nrow(x))
if (missing(j))
j <- seq_len(ncol(x))
if (is.logical(i))
i <- which(i)
if (is.logical(j))
j <- which(j)
if (length(i) == 1 && length(j) == 1)
return(x@.Data[i, j, drop = TRUE][[1]])
cpeaks_orig <- chromPeaks(x)
fts_orig <- featureDefinitions(x)
ph <- x@.processHistory
x <- callNextMethod(x = x, i = i, j = j, drop = drop)
if (nrow(fts_orig)) {
cpeaks_sub <- chromPeaks(x)
## re-order and duplicate fts based on i.
fts <- vector("list", length(i))
for (el in seq_along(i)) {
fts_row <- fts_orig[fts_orig$row == i[el], , drop = FALSE]
if (nrow(fts_row)) {
fts_row$row <- el
fts_row <- .subset_features_on_chrom_peaks(
fts_row, cpeaks_orig, cpeaks_sub)
fts[[el]] <- fts_row
} else fts[[el]] <- DataFrame()
x@featureDefinitions <-, fts)
x@.processHistory <- .process_history_subset_samples(ph, j = j)
#' @rdname XChromatogram
setMethod("featureValues", "XChromatograms",
function(object, method = c("medret", "maxint", "sum"),
value = "into", intensity = "into", missing = NA, ...) {
if (!any(hasChromPeaks(object)))
stop("No chromatographic peaks present! Please use ",
"'findChromPeaks' first.")
if (!hasFeatures(object))
stop("No features (grouped peaks) present! Please use ",
"'groupChromPeaks' first.")
method = match.arg(method)
if (method == "sum" & !(value %in% c("into", "maxo")))
stop("method 'sum' is only allowed if value is set to 'into'",
" or 'maxo'")
if (is.character(missing)) {
if (!(missing %in% c("rowmin_half")))
stop("if 'missing' is not 'NA' or a numeric it should",
" be one of: \"rowmin_half\".")
} else {
if (!is.numeric(missing) & !
stop("'missing' should be either 'NA', a numeric or one",
" of: \"rowmin_half\".")
cnames <- colnames(object)
pks <- chromPeaks(object)
if (any(colnames(pks) == "sample"))
pks[, "sample"] <- pks[, "column"]
pks <- cbind(pks, sample = pks[, "column"])
.feature_values(pks = pks, fts = featureDefinitions(object),
method = method, value = value,
intensity = intensity, colnames = cnames,
missing = missing)
#' @rdname XChromatogram
setMethod("plotChromPeakDensity", "XChromatograms",
function(object, param, col = "#00000060", xlab = "retention time",
main = NULL, peakType = c("polygon", "point", "rectangle",
"none"), peakCol = "#00000060",
peakBg = "#00000020", peakPch = 1, simulate = TRUE, ...) {
peakType <- match.arg(peakType)
if (!any(hasChromPeaks(object)))
stop("No chromatographic peaks present. Please run ",
"'findChromPeaks' first.", call. = FALSE)
if (nrow(object) > 1)
stop("Currently only plotting of a single chromatogram in ",
"multiple samples is supported. Please subset 'object' ",
"to one row.", call. = FALSE)
if (missing(param)) {
param <- NULL
if (hasFeatures(object)) {
ph <- processHistory(object,
if (length(ph)) {
ph <- ph[[length(ph)]]
if (is(ph, "XProcessHistory") &&
is(ph@param, "PeakDensityParam"))
param <- ph@param
if (!length(param))
stop("Object 'param' is missing", call. = FALSE)
fts <- NULL
if (!simulate && hasFeatures(object))
fts <- featureDefinitions(object)
mr <- par("mar")
mr_1 <- mr[1]
mr_3 <- mr[3]
mr[1] <- 0
xl <- range(lapply(object, function(z) range(rtime(z))))
par(mfrow = c(2, 1), mar = mr)
plot(object, col = col, xlab = NA, xaxt = "n", main = main,
peakType = peakType, peakCol = peakCol, peakBg = peakBg,
peakPch = peakPch, xlim = xl, ...)
mr[1] <- mr_1
mr[3] <- 0
par(mar = mr)
.plot_chrom_peak_density(chromPeaks(object), fts = fts, col = col,
param = param, xlab = xlab, xlim = xl,
peakCol = peakCol, peakBg = peakBg,
peakPch = peakPch, simulate = simulate,
ylim = c(1, ncol(object)),
mr[1] <- mr_1
mr[3] <- mr_3
par(mar = mr)
#' @rdname XChromatogram
setMethod("dropFilledChromPeaks", "XChromatograms", function(object) {
pks_orig <- chromPeaks(object)
object@.Data <- matrix(lapply(object, dropFilledChromPeaks),
nrow = nrow(object), dimnames = dimnames(object))
pks_sub <- chromPeaks(object)
if (hasFeatures(object)) {
fts <- .subset_features_on_chrom_peaks(
object@featureDefinitions, pks_orig, pks_sub)
## fts$row <- vapply(fts$peakidx, function(z) {
## as.integer(pks_sub[z, "row"][1])
## }, integer(1))
object@featureDefinitions <- fts
object <- dropProcessHistories(object, type = .PROCSTEP.PEAK.FILLING)
#' @rdname XChromatogram
setMethod("refineChromPeaks", c(object = "XChromatograms",
param = "MergeNeighboringPeaksParam"),
function(object, param = MergeNeighboringPeaksParam()) {
object@.Data <- matrix(
lapply(object, .xchrom_merge_neighboring_peaks,
diffRt = 2 * param@expandRt,
minProp = param@minProp),
ncol = ncol(object), nrow = nrow(object),
dimnames = dimnames(object))
xph <- XProcessHistory(param = param, date. = date(),
fileIndex = 1:ncol(object))
object <- addProcessHistory(object, xph)
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