#################### misc functions ####################
## Function that split GOTERM in different ontologies.
## Every new environment contain only the terms from one
## of the ontologies 'BP', 'CC', 'MF'
groupGOTerms <- function(where) {
where <- .GlobalEnv
where <- as.environment(where)
sql <- "SELECT go_id FROM go_term WHERE ontology IN"
for(onto in c("BP", "MF", "CC")) {
xx <- dbGetQuery(GO_dbconn(), paste(sql, "('", onto, "');", sep = ""))$go_id
e <- new.env(hash = T, parent = emptyenv())
multiassign(xx, value = rep(TRUE, length(xx)), envir = e)
assign(paste("GO", onto, "Term", sep = ""), e, envir = where)
message("\ngroupGOTerms: \tGOBPTerm, GOMFTerm, GOCCTerm environments built.")
## given a list of vectors this function is returning the reverse list
## given a mapping form genes to GO terms as a list, compute which are
## the genes mapped to each GO.
inverseList <- function(l) {
rId <- unlist(l, use.names = FALSE)
lId <- rep(names(l), sapply(l, length))
return(split(lId, rId))
## function to print all the genes annotated to the specified GOs
setGeneric("printGenes", function(object, whichTerms, file, ...) standardGeneric("printGenes"))
## remove the chip argument and replace it with a function which,
## given a list of genes will provide information about these genes
## if the file argument is missing the function will just return
## a list of data.frames, each data.frame containg the gene information for specified GO term
signature(object = "topGOdata", whichTerms = "character", file = "missing"),
function(object, whichTerms, chip, numChar = 100, simplify = TRUE,
geneCutOff = 50, pvalCutOff) {
term.genes <- genesInTerm(object, whichTerms)
all.genes <- character()
lapply(term.genes, function(x) all.genes <<- union(x, all.genes))
chip <- sub(".db$", "", chip)
LL.lib <- get(paste(chip, "ENTREZID", sep = ""))
Sym.lib <- get(paste(chip, "SYMBOL", sep = ""))
GNAME.lib <- get(paste(chip, "GENENAME", sep = ""))
probeMapping <- data.frame(LL.id = as.integer(unlist(mget(all.genes,
envir = LL.lib, ifnotfound = NA))),
Symbol.id = unlist(mget(all.genes,
envir = Sym.lib, ifnotfound = NA)))
retList <- vector("list", length(whichTerms))
names(retList) <- whichTerms
for(gt in whichTerms) {
affID <- term.genes[[gt]]
pval <- sort(geneScore(object, affID, use.names = TRUE))
affID <- names(pval)
else {
pval <- pval[pval <= pvalCutOff]
affID <- names(pval)
## we restrict the output to the number of genes
length(affID) <- min(length(affID), geneCutOff)
## if there are no genes, there is nothing to print
if(length(affID) == 0) {
message("\n\t No genes over the cutOff for: ", gt)
genesNames <- sapply(mget(affID, envir = GNAME.lib),
function(x) return(x[1]))
genesNames <- paste(substr(genesNames, 1, numChar),
ifelse(nchar(genesNames) > numChar, "...", ""), sep = "")
retList[[gt]] <- cbind("Chip ID" = affID, probeMapping[affID, ], "Gene name" = genesNames,
"raw p-value" = format.pval(pval[affID], digits = 3, eps = 1e-30))
## if we have only one GO term we return just the data.frame
if(simplify && length(whichTerms) == 1)
signature(object = "topGOdata", whichTerms = "character", file = "character"),
## numChar = "integer"),
function(object, whichTerms, file, oneFile = FALSE, ...) {
infoList <- printGenes(object, whichTerms, ...)
if(length(whichTerms) == 1) {
write.table(infoList, quote = TRUE, sep = ",", append = FALSE,
file = paste(paste(file, sub(":", "_", whichTerms), sep = "_"), "csv", sep = "."),
col.names = colnames(infoList), row.names = 1:nrow(infoList))
if(oneFile) {
fAppend <- FALSE
for(gt in whichTerms) {
write.table(cbind(GOID = rep(gt, nrow(infoList[[gt]])), infoList[[gt]]),
quote = TRUE, sep = ",", append = fAppend,
file = paste(file, "csv", sep = "."),
col.names = colnames(infoList[[gt]]), row.names = FALSE)
fAppend <- TRUE
for(gt in whichTerms)
write.table(infoList[[gt]], quote = TRUE, sep = ",", append = FALSE,
file = paste(paste(file, sub(":", "_", gt), sep = "_"), "csv", sep = "."),
col.names = colnames(infoList[[gt]]), row.names = 1:nrow(infoList[[gt]]))
.getTermsDefinition <- function(whichTerms, ontology, numChar = 20, multipLines = FALSE) {
qTerms <- paste(paste("'", whichTerms, "'", sep = ""), collapse = ",")
retVal <- dbGetQuery(GO_dbconn(), paste("SELECT term, go_id FROM go_term WHERE ontology IN",
"('", ontology, "') AND go_id IN (", qTerms, ");", sep = ""))
termsNames <- retVal$term
names(termsNames) <- retVal$go_id
shortNames <- paste(substr(termsNames, 1, numChar),
ifelse(nchar(termsNames) > numChar, '...', ''), sep = '')
shortNames <- sapply(termsNames,
function(x) {
a <- strwrap(x, numChar)
return(paste(a, sep = "", collapse = "\\\n"))
names(shortNames) <- names(termsNames)
## return NAs for the terms that are not found in the DB and make sure the 'names' attribute is as specified
shortNames <- shortNames[whichTerms]
names(shortNames) <- whichTerms
## methodsSig contains a named vector of p-values for each run method
.sigAllMethods <- function (methodsSig)
names.index <- names(methodsSig[[1]])
retval <- as.data.frame(lapply(methodsSig, function(x) x[names.index]))
names(retval) <- names(methodsSig)
setGeneric("GenTable", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("GenTable"))
signature(object = "topGOdata"),
## ... = list of topGOresult object
## orderBy = "ANY", ## integer or character (index/name)
## ranksOf = "ANY", ## which ranks to be computed (integer/character)
## topNodes = "integer",
## numChar = "integer",
## useLevels = "logical"),
function(object, ..., orderBy = 1, ranksOf = 2,
topNodes = 10, numChar = 40,
format.FUN = format.pval, decreasing = FALSE,
useLevels = FALSE) {
resList <- list(...)
## first for the class of the elements in the list
if(!all(sapply(resList, is, "topGOresult")))
stop("Use: topGOdata, topGOresult_1, topGOresult_2, ..., \"parameters\".")
## if no names were provided we name them
names(resList) <- paste("result", 1:length(resList), sep = "")
## obtain the score from the objects
resList <- lapply(resList, score)
## order the scores and take care of the case in which only one result is provided
## in such case the orderBy and ranksOf parameters are ignored.
if(length(resList) == 1) {
orderBy <- ranksOf <- 1
l <- data.frame(resList)
names(l) <- ifelse(is.null(names(resList)), "", names(resList))
} else {
l <- .sigAllMethods(resList)
index <- order(l[, orderBy], decreasing = decreasing)
l <- l[index, , drop = FALSE]
rr <- rank(-l[, ranksOf], ties.method = "first")
rr <- rank(l[, ranksOf], ties.method = "first")
whichTerms <- rownames(l)[1:topNodes]
l <- l[whichTerms, , drop = FALSE]
rr <- as.integer(rr[1:topNodes])
shortNames <- .getTermsDefinition(whichTerms, ontology(object), numChar = numChar)
infoMat <- data.frame('GO ID' = whichTerms, 'Term' = shortNames, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
## put the levels of the GO
if(useLevels) {
nodeLevel <- buildLevels(graph(object), leafs2root = TRUE)
nodeLevel <- unlist(mget(whichTerms, envir = nodeLevel$nodes2level))
infoMat <- data.frame(infoMat, Level = as.integer(nodeLevel))
annoStat <- termStat(object, whichTerms)
## if orderBy == ranksOf then there is no need to put the ranks
if(ranksOf != orderBy) {
dim(rr) <- c(length(rr), 1)
colnames(rr) <- paste("Rank in ", ifelse(is.character(ranksOf), ranksOf, colnames(l)[ranksOf]), sep = "")
infoMat <- data.frame(infoMat, annoStat, rr,
apply(l, 2, format.FUN, dig = 2, eps = 1e-30),
check.names = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
} else {
infoMat <- data.frame(infoMat, annoStat,
apply(l, 2, format.FUN, dig = 2, eps = 1e-30),
check.names = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
##rownames(infoMat) <- whichTerms
rownames(infoMat) <- 1:length(whichTerms)
## if(!isGeneric("genLatexTable"))
## setGeneric("genLatexTable", function(object, resList, ...) standardGeneric("genLatexTable"))
## setMethod("genLatexTable",
## signature(object = "topGOdata",
## resList = "list",
## orderBy = "ANY", ## integer or character (index/name)
## ranksOf = "ANY", ## which ranks to be computed (integer/character)
## topNodes = "integer",
## numChar = "integer"),
## function(object, resList, orderBy, ranksOf, topNodes = 10, no.char = 40) {
## = infoMat,
## pval.tab = xtable.matrix(infoMat, caption = 'GO terms p-value', label = 'tab:GOinfo')))
## function that computes the raw/adjusted p-values based on
## multtest package
getPvalues <- function(edata, classlabel, test = "t",
alternative = c("greater", "two.sided", "less")[1],
genesID = NULL,
correction = c("none", "Bonferroni", "Holm", "Hochberg",
"SidakSS", "SidakSD", "BH", "BY")[8]) {
require('multtest') || stop('package multtest is required')
## restrict the dataset
edata <- edata[intersect(genesID, rownames(edata)), ]
genesID <- rownames(edata)
t.stats <- mt.teststat(edata, classlabel = classlabel, test = test)
if (alternative == "less")
p.values <- pt(t.stats, df = length(classlabel) - 2)
else if (alternative == "greater")
p.values <- pt(t.stats, df = length(classlabel) - 2, lower.tail = FALSE)
p.values <- 2 * pt(-abs(t.stats), df = length(classlabel) - 2)
if(correction != "none") {
p.values <- mt.rawp2adjp(p.values, correction)
p.values <- p.values$adjp[order(p.values$index), correction]
names(p.values) <- genesID
## a <= b
.sigRatio.ratio <- function(a, b, tolerance = 1e-50) {
## if a and b are almost equal we return 2
if(identical(all.equal(a, b, tolerance = tolerance), TRUE))
## we want to compute b / a, thus we must take care for a = 0
if(identical(all.equal(a, 0, tolerance = tolerance), TRUE))
return(abs(b / (a + tolerance)))
return(abs(b / a))
.sigRatio.log <- function(a, b, tolerance = 1e-50) {
## if a and b are almost equal we return 2
if(identical(all.equal(a, b, tolerance = tolerance), TRUE))
## we want to compute log(a) / log(b), thus we must take care for b = 1
if(identical(all.equal(log10(b), 0, tolerance = tolerance), TRUE))
return(abs(log10(a) / tolerance))
return(abs(log10(a) / log10(b)))
## a <= b
.sigRatio.01 <- function(a, b, tolerance = 1e-50) {
## if a and b are almost equal we return 2
if(identical(all.equal(a, b, tolerance = tolerance), TRUE))
if(a < b)
## functions to get gene stats from the topGOdata object
.getGeneData <- function(object) {
return(c(Annotated = numGenes(object),
Significant = numSigGenes(object),
NodeSize = object@nodeSize))
## functions to get gene stats from the topGOdata object
.printGeneData <- function(x) {
cat("Annotation data:\n")
if("Annotated" %in% names(x))
cat(" Annotated genes:", x["Annotated"], "\n")
if("Significant" %in% names(x))
cat(" Significant genes:", x["Significant"], "\n")
cat(" Min. no. of genes annotated to a GO:", x["NodeSize"], "\n")
if("SigTerms" %in% names(x))
cat(" Nontrivial nodes:", x["SigTerms"], "\n")
## function to aggregate 2 or more topGOdata objects
combineResults <- function(..., method = c("gmean", "mean", "median", "min", "max")) {
resList <- list(...)
## first for the class of the elements in the list
if((length(resList) < 2) || !all(sapply(resList, is, "topGOresult")))
stop("Use: topGOresult_1, topGOresult_2, ..., method = \"mean\"")
combMethod <- match.arg(method)
retVal <- resList[[1]]
## update the infos
description(retVal) <- paste(description(retVal),
paste(combMethod, "(",
paste(sapply(resList, algorithm), collapse = ", "),
")", sep = ""),
sep = "\n")
testName(retVal) <- paste(unique(sapply(resList, testName)), collapse = ", ")
algorithm(retVal) <- "ensemble"
## get the list of GOs
nn <- names(score(retVal))
## obtain the score from the objects
resList <- do.call(cbind, lapply(resList, score, whichGO = nn))
newRes <- switch(combMethod,
mean = rowMeans(resList),
median = matrixStats::rowMedians(resList),
min = rowMins(resList),
max = rowMaxs(resList),
gmean = exp(rowMeans(log(resList))))
names(newRes) <- rownames(resList) # just to make sure ... some of the functions we use might drop the names
score(retVal) <- newRes
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