#' alpha
#' compute some indexs.
#' @rdname alpha
#' @param otu otu table
#' @param tree tree
#' @return alpha dist
#' @examples
#' data(its)
#' indexs <- alpha_index(its)
#' indexs
#' @export
alpha_index <- function(otu, tree) {
df <- otu
tdf <- t(df)
Shannon <- vegan::diversity(df, index = "shannon", MARGIN = 2, base = 2)
Simpson <- vegan::diversity(df, index = "simpson", MARGIN = 2, base = exp(1))
Richness <- vegan::specnumber(df, MARGIN = 2)
index <- as.data.frame(cbind(Shannon, Simpson, Richness))
obs_chao_ace <- t(vegan::estimateR(tdf))
obs_chao_ace <- obs_chao_ace[rownames(index), ]
index$Chao <- obs_chao_ace[, 2]
index$Ace <- obs_chao_ace[, 4]
index$Pielou_e <- Shannon / log(Richness, 2)
index$Goods_coverage <- 1 - colSums(df == 1) / colSums(df)
## missing
if (!missing(tree)) {
index$PD_whole_tree <- picante::pd(tdf, tree, include.root = TRUE)[, 1]
# index <- tibble::rownames_to_column(index, "id")
#' rarefy
#' Prepare data for rerafy curves.
#' @rdname rarefy
#' @param phy phyloseq
#' @param step steps
#' @param rep times of repetition
#' @inheritParams phyloseq::estimate_richness
#' @return rarefy table
#' @examples
#' library(phyloseq)
#' data(its)
#' phy <- phyloseq(otu_table(its, taxa_are_rows = TRUE))
#' rare <- rarefy_otu(phy)
#' x_min <- group_by(rare, id) %>%
#' summarise(across(Depth, max)) %>%
#' .[, "Depth"] %>%
#' min()
#' ggplot(rare, aes(Depth, Observed, group = id, color = id)) +
#' geom_vline(xintercept = x_min, linetype = "dashed", color = "grey60") +
#' stat_summary(fun = "mean", geom = "smooth", size = .7) +
#' stat_summary(
#' fun.data = "mean_cl_normal", geom = "errorbar",
#' size = .5, aes(width = max(Depth) / 30)
#' ) +
#' theme_bw2(15) +
#' theme(legend.justification = c(1, 0), legend.position = c(1, 0))
#' @export
rarefy_otu <- function(phy, step = 10, rep = 3, measures = c("Observed", "Shannon")) {
otu <- phyloseq::otu_table(phy)
sums <- phyloseq::sample_sums(otu)
step_all <- floor(seq(1, max(sums), length.out = step))[-step]
df_out3 <-
foreach::foreach(step_now = step_all, .combine = rbind) %do% {
message("The Depth is ", step_now)
foreach::foreach(i = seq_len(rep), .combine = rbind) %do% {
df_out <- phyloseq::prune_samples(sums >= step_now, otu) %>%
phyloseq::rarefy_even_depth(sample.size = step_now, replace = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, trimOTUs = FALSE) %>%
phyloseq::estimate_richness(measures = measures)
df_out$Depth <- step_now
df_out <- tibble::rownames_to_column(df_out, "id")
df_out4 <- phyloseq::estimate_richness(otu, measures = measures)
df_out4$Depth <- phyloseq::sample_sums(otu)
df_out4 <- tibble::rownames_to_column(df_out4, "id")
return(rbind(df_out3, df_out4))
#' repeat run
#' @rdname repeat
#' @param exp A task enclosed in quotes ready to run.
#' @param times times of repetition.
#' @param ... Other arguments from foreach::foreach
#' @inheritParams foreach::foreach
#' @return repeat results
#' @examples
#' rep_run("sum(1:10)")
#' "runif(10)" %>% rep_run(5, .combine = rbind)
#' @export
rep_run <- function(exp, times = 3, .combine = list, ...) {
foreach::foreach(i = seq_len(times), .combine = .combine, ...) %do%
eval(parse(text = exp))
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