# This code doing:
# 1) Run BioTIP iterativly on 95% downsized cells and 95% dowmsized genes, 10 times
# 2) FOr each each pair of subsequent outputs, calcualte two matrics:
## Frequency of recapturing the original CT detections; normalized F1 scores for CTS identifications
# last update 1/28/2022
# by Holly yang
# the following funciton has been updated on github, but before updating the package to Bioconductor, you need to call it locally to test
# normalized data were downloaded and reanalyzed
# refer to GSE87038_E8.25_normalize.R
library(gridExtra) # required by grid.arrange()
library(ggpubr) # required by p-values on bar
## load the R object ##
## focusing on 1.3k cells of the HEP processes
## refer to BioTIP_E8.25_mesoderm_add.clusters.R
# class: SingleCellExperiment
# dim: 96 929
samplesL <- split(rownames(colData(sce)), f = colData(sce)$Consensus.Cluster)
(tmp = lengths(samplesL))
tmp <- tmp[which(tmp > 20)]
sce$Consensus.Cluster <- factor(as.vector(sce$Consensus.Cluster),
levels=c( "1" ,"10" ,"2", "3", "4", "5", "7" , "8", "9"))
# logmat <- as.matrix(logcounts(sce))
# M <- cor.shrink(logmat, Y = NULL, MARGIN = 1, shrink = TRUE)
# save(M, file="CTS_ShrinkM.RData", compress=TRUE)
dim(M) #96 96
## 1) running BioTIP on downsized datasets, iteratively ##
######### setting parameters ######################
localHVG.preselect.cut = 0.8 # A positive numeric value setting how many propotion of global HVG to be selected per cell cluster
getNetwork.cut.fdr = 0.2 # to construct RW network and extract co-expressed gene moduels
getTopMCI.gene.minsize = 10 # min number of genes in an identified CTS,
# depending on the size of global HVG of the number of tested genes (e.g., here is 96 from scRT-PCR)
getTopMCI.n.states = 3 # A number setting the number of states to check the significance of DNB score (i.e. MCI)
# This parameter can be enlarge when inputting more clusters
MCIbottom = 2:4 # A number setting the threshold to prioritize the initially selected CTS candidates.
# In our experiment, a number between 2 and 4 generated expected resutls.
############### run BioTIP ##################
n.scability <- 20
downsize <- 0.95
n1 <- nrow(sce)
n2 <- ncol(sce)
for(i in 1:length(MCIbottom)){
## get n.scability sets of predictions
res <- list()
flag = counts = 0
cat(counts, '\t')
counts = counts+1 # control the maxmum trials for searching two sets of signficant CTSs, given the current parameter settings
sce.dnsize <- sce[sample(n1, floor(n1*downsize)), sample(n2, floor(n2*downsize))]
samplesL <- split(rownames(colData(sce.dnsize)), f = sce.dnsize$Consensus.Cluster)
this.run <- BioTIP.wrap(sce.dnsize, samplesL, subDir='stability',
getTopMCI.gene.minsize= floor(getTopMCI.gene.minsize * downsize),
verbose=FALSE, plot=FALSE)
if(!is.null(this.run) ) {
if(length(which(this.run$significant))>0) { # control at least 1 significant CT to be identified !!!
flag = flag +1
res[[flag]] <- this.run
if(flag ==n.scability | counts == 100) {
} # end repeat
counts-flag # 1, the number of runs without significant
save(res, flag, counts, file=paste0('stability/BioTIP_res_20runs_MCIbottom',MCIbottom[i],'.RData'))
## evaluate the stability of CT detection
## using the robustly detected 2 clusters (C9 and C10) as reference
#[1] 10
for(m in 1:length(getTopMCI.gene.minsize)){
CT.list <- list()
Freq <- matrix(0, nrow=nlevels(sce$Consensus.Cluster), ncol=length(MCIbottom))#!!!
rownames(Freq) <- levels(sce$Consensus.Cluster) #!!!
colnames(Freq) <- MCIbottom
for(i in 1:length(MCIbottom)){
## count which cluster has been identified repeatily ###########
CT <- list()
# for(j in 1:n.stability)
for(j in 1:length(res)){ # in case n.stability>length(res), i.e. some run has no isgnificant prediction
CT[[j]] <- res[[j]]$significant[which(res[[j]]$significant)] %>% names() %>% unique()
tmp <- table(unlist(CT))
Freq[names(tmp),i] <- tmp
#Freq <- cbind(Freq, tmp)
CT.list[[i]] <- CT
# Freq <- Freq/length(res)
names(CT.list) <- MCIbottom
df <- data.frame(Frequency = as.numeric(Freq),
clusterID = rep(rownames(Freq), ncol(Freq)),
MCIbottom = lapply(as.character(MCIbottom ), function(x) rep(x,nrow(Freq))) %>% unlist()
# Frequency clusterID MCIbottom moduleSize
# 1 0 1 2 10
# 2 10 10 2 10
# 3 0 11 2 10
# 4 0 12 2 10
df$clusterID <- factor(df$clusterID, levels =levels(sce$Consensus.Cluster)) #!!!
df$moduleSize <- rep(getTopMCI.gene.minsize[m], nrow(df))
df.CT <- rbind(df.CT, df)
save(CT.list, file= paste0('stability/CT.list_variable.Modulesize',getTopMCI.gene.minsize[m],'.Rdata'))
df.CT$Frequency = df.CT$Frequency/n.scability
save(df.CT, file= 'stability/CT.detection_variable.MCIbottom.Rdata')
## plot for variable MCIbottom, when modulesize==10 ##
ggplot(data=df, aes(x=clusterID, y=Frequency, group=MCIbottom)) +
geom_line(aes(color=MCIbottom), size=1.5)+
## evaluate the stability of CTS identification from downsampled datasets (n=20)
## for the C9 and C10 respectively
## by comparing to the original identification from the whole dataset (same parameters)
## and using size-controled random genes as a negative control
#[1] "9" "10" "9"
C9.ref = CTS[which(names(CTS)=='9')]
C10.ref = CTS['10']
#load(file= 'stability/CT.detection_variable.MCIbottom.Rdata')
#[1] "2" "3" "4"
F1.C9 <- F1.C9.ctl <- F1.C10 <- F1.C10.ctl <- list()
for(i in 1:length(MCIbottom)){
F1.CTS.C9 <- F1.CTS.C10 <- array(dim=n.scability)
F1.bk.C9 <- F1.bk.C10 <- array(dim=n.scability)
for(j in 1:n.scability){
# evaluate the F1 score for two CTS identificitons
set2 <- res[[j]]$CTS.candidate[which(res[[j]]$significant)]
F1.CTS.C9[j] <- F_score.CTS(C9.ref, set2, weight=TRUE)$F1
F1.CTS.C10[j] <- F_score.CTS(C10.ref, set2, weight=TRUE)$F1
# negative control
n.module <- lengths(set2)
random.set2 <- lapply(n.module, function(x) sample(rownames(sce), x))
F1.bk.C9[j] <- F_score.CTS(C9.ref, random.set2, weight=TRUE)$F1
F1.bk.C10[j] <- F_score.CTS(C10.ref, random.set2, weight=TRUE)$F1
F1.C9[[i]] = F1.CTS.C9
F1.C10[[i]] = F1.CTS.C10
F1.C9.ctl[[i]] = F1.bk.C9
F1.C10.ctl[[i]] = F1.bk.C10
names(F1.C9) <- names(F1.C10) <- names(F1.C9.ctl) <- names(F1.C10.ctl) <- MCIbottom
save(F1.C9, F1.C10, F1.C9.ctl, F1.C10.ctl,
lapply(F1.C9, mean) %>% unlist()
#[1]0.3328190 0.3252816 0.4289059
lapply(F1.C9.ctl, mean) %>% unlist()
# 0.08125084 0.08401564 0.08445800
lapply(F1.C10, mean) %>% unlist()
#0.3723308 0.3258299 0.2002311
lapply(F1.C10.ctl, mean) %>% unlist()
#0.04866308 0.04572070 0.02939498
df <- data.frame(F1 = c(unlist(F1.C9.ctl),unlist(F1.C9),
MCIbottom = c(rep(MCIbottom, lengths(F1.C9.ctl)),
rep(MCIbottom, lengths(F1.C9)),
rep(MCIbottom, lengths(F1.C10.ctl)),
rep(MCIbottom, lengths(F1.C10))),
CT = c(rep('C9', sum(lengths(F1.C9.ctl))+sum(lengths(F1.C9))),
rep('C10', sum(lengths(F1.C10.ctl))+sum(lengths(F1.C10)))),
CTS = c(rep('ctl', sum(lengths(F1.C9.ctl))), rep('CTS', sum(lengths(F1.C9))),
rep('ctl', sum(lengths(F1.C10.ctl))), rep('CTS', sum(lengths(F1.C10))))
df$MCIbottom <- as.character(df$MCIbottom)
df$CT <- factor(df$CT, levels = c('C9','C10'))
df$CTS <- factor(df$CTS, levels = c('ctl','CTS'))
df$color.lab <- paste0(df$MCIbottom,df$CTS)
df$color.lab <- factor(df$color.lab, levels=c('2ctl','2CTS','3ctl','3CTS','4ctl','4CTS'))
# To ensure that easy and difficult CT state have equal influence on the final score,
# we normalized the scores at each CT state across the different MCIbottom setting.
df$Norm.F1 <- Normalize.F1(df$F1)
#my_comparisons <- list( c("2ctl", "2CTS"), c("3ctl", "3CTS"), c("4ctl", "4CTS") )
p1 <- ggplot(data=df, aes(x=CT, y=F1, color=color.lab)) +
geom_violin(position = position_dodge(width = 0.5)) +
geom_quasirandom(dodge.width = 0.5, varwidth = TRUE) +
xlab('predicted for cluster') + ylab('F1 score for the CTS') +
scale_color_manual(values=c("grey", "orange","grey", "green","grey","blue"))
p2 <- ggplot(data=df, aes(x=CT, y=F1, color=color.lab)) +
geom_violin(position = position_dodge(width = 0.5)) +
geom_quasirandom(dodge.width = 0.5, varwidth = TRUE) +
xlab('predicted for cluster') + ylab('F1 score for the CTS') +
scale_color_manual(values=c("grey", "orange","grey", "green","grey","blue"))
p1, p2, top = "CTS stability", bottom = "different MCIbottom settings"
tmp <- compare_means(Norm.F1 ~ color.lab, data=df, group='CT', method='t.test')
subset(tmp, group1=='2ctl' & group2=='2CTS')
# # A tibble: 2 x 9
# CT .y. group1 group2 p p.adj p.format p.signif method
# <fct> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#1 C9 Norm.F1 2ctl 2CTS 0.00157 0.039 0.00157 ** T-test
#2 C10 Norm.F1 2ctl 2CTS 0.00201 0.039 0.00201 ** T-test
subset(tmp, group1=='3ctl' & group2=='3CTS')
# # A tibble: 2 x 9
# CT .y. group1 group2 p p.adj p.format p.signif method
# <fct> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#1 C9 Norm.F1 3ctl 3CTS 0.00165 0.039 0.00165 ** T-test
#2 C10 Norm.F1 3ctl 3CTS 0.0111 0.19 0.01114 * T-test
subset(tmp, group1=='4ctl' & group2=='4CTS')
# # A tibble: 2 x 9
# CT .y. group1 group2 p p.adj p.format p.signif method
# <fct> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr>
# 1 C9 Norm.F1 4ctl 4CTS 0.000271 0.0079 0.00027 *** T-test
# 2 C10 Norm.F1 4ctl 4CTS 0.0627 0.94 0.06273 ns T-test
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