#' @name getClustNum
#' @title Get estimation of optimal clustering number
#' @description This function provides two measurements (i.e., clustering prediction index [CPI] and Gap-statistics) and aims to search the optimal number for multi-omics integrative clustering. In short, the peaks reach by the red (CPI) and blue (Gap-statistics) lines should be referred to determine `N.clust`.
#' @param data List of matrices.
#' @param is.binary A logicial vector to indicate if the subdata is binary matrix of 0 and 1 such as mutation.
#' @param try.N.clust A integer vector to indicate possible choices of number of clusters.
#' @param center A logical value to indicate if the variables should be centered. TRUE by default.
#' @param scale A logical value to indicate if the variables should be scaled. FALSE by default.
#' @param fig.path A string value to indicate the output figure path.
#' @param fig.name A string value to indicate the name of the figure.
#' @export
#' @return A figure that helps to choose the optimal clustering number (argument of `N.clust`) for `get%algorithm_name%()` or `getMOIC()`, and a list contains the following components:
#' \code{CPI} possible cluster number identified by clustering prediction index
#' \code{Gapk} possible cluster number identified by Gap-statistics
#' @import IntNMF
#' @import mogsa
#' @import SNFtool
#' @importFrom ggplot2 alpha
#' @importFrom dplyr %>%
#' @importFrom grDevices dev.copy2pdf
#' @examples # There is no example and please refer to vignette.
#' @references Chalise P, Fridley BL (2017). Integrative clustering of multi-level omic data based on non-negative matrix factorization algorithm. PLoS One, 12(5):e0176278.
#'Tibshirani, R., Walther, G., Hastie, T. (2001). Estimating the number of data clusters via the Gap statistic. J R Stat Soc Series B Stat Methodol, 63(2):411-423.
getClustNum <- function(data = NULL,
is.binary = rep(FALSE, length(data)),
try.N.clust = 2:8,
center = TRUE,
scale = TRUE,
fig.path = getwd(),
fig.name = "optimal_number_cluster") {
# check data
n_dat <- length(data)
if(n_dat > 6){
stop('current verision of MOVICS can support up to 6 datasets.')
if(n_dat < 2){
stop('current verision of MOVICS needs at least 2 omics data.')
data.backup <- data # save a backup
# Cluster Prediction Index (CPI) from IntNMF #
# remove features that made of categories not equal to 2 otherwise Error in svd(X) : a dimension is zero
if(!all(!is.binary)) {
bindex <- which(is.binary == TRUE)
for (i in bindex) {
a <- which(rowSums(data[[i]]) == 0)
b <- which(rowSums(data[[i]]) == ncol(data[[i]]))
if(length(a) > 0) {
data[[i]] <- data[[i]][which(rowSums(data[[i]]) != 0),] # remove all zero
if(length(b) > 0) {
data[[i]] <- data[[i]][which(rowSums(data[[i]]) != ncol(data[[i]])),] # remove all one
if(length(a) + length(b) > 0) {
message(paste0("--", names(data)[i],": a total of ",length(a) + length(b), " features were removed due to the categories were not equal to 2!"))
# In order to make the input data fit non-negativity constraint of intNMF,
# the values of the data were shifted to positive direction by adding absolute value of the smallest negative number.
# Further, each data was rescaled by dividing by maximum value of the data to make the magnitudes comparable (between 0 and 1) across the several datasets.
dat <- lapply(data, function (dd){
if (!all(dd >= 0)) dd <- pmax(dd + abs(min(dd)), 0) + .Machine$double.eps # .Machine$double.eps as The smallest positive floating-point number x
dd <- dd/max(dd)
return(dd %>% as.matrix)
#dat <- lapply(dat, t)
dat <- lapply(dat, function(x) t(x) + .Machine$double.eps)
message("calculating Cluster Prediction Index...")
optk1 <- IntNMF::nmf.opt.k(dat = dat,
n.runs = 5,
n.fold = 5,
k.range = try.N.clust,
st.count = 10,
maxiter = 100,
make.plot = FALSE)
optk1 <- as.data.frame(optk1)
# Gap-statistics from MoCluster #
message("calculating Gap-statistics...")
moas <- data.backup %>% mogsa::mbpca(ncomp = 2,
k = "all",
method = "globalScore",
center = center,
scale = scale,
moa = TRUE,
svd.solver = "fast",
maxiter = 1000,
verbose = FALSE)
gap <- mogsa::moGap(moas, K.max = max(try.N.clust), cluster = "hclust", plot = FALSE)
optk2 <- as.data.frame(gap$Tab)[-1,] # remove k=1
# Eigen-gaps from SNF #
# message("Calculating Eigen-gaps...")
# data <- lapply(data.backup, t)
# dat <- lapply(data, function (dd){
# dd <- dd %>% as.matrix
# W <- dd %>% SNFtool::dist2(dd) %>% SNFtool::affinityMatrix(K = 30, sigma = 0.5)
# })
# W <- SNFtool::SNF(Wall = dat,
# K = 30,
# t = 20)
# optk3 <- SNFtool::estimateNumberOfClustersGivenGraph(W, NUMC = try.N.clust)
# nemo.ag <- nemo.affinity.graph(data.backup, k = 20)
# optk4 <- nemo.num.clusters(nemo.ag, NUMC = try.N.clust)
# calculate optimal N.clust #
# N.clust <- as.numeric(names(which(table(c(as.numeric((which.max(apply(optk1, 1, mean)) + 1)),
# as.numeric((which.max(optk2$gap) + 1)),
# optk3$`Eigen-gap best`)) >= 2)))
N.clust <- as.numeric(which.max(apply(optk1, 1, mean) + optk2$gap)) + 1
if(length(N.clust) == 0) {
message("--fail to define the optimal cluster number!")
N.clust <- "null"
# Visualization #
outFig <- paste0(fig.name,".pdf")
par(bty="o", mgp = c(1.9,.33,0), mar=c(3.1,3.1,2.1,3.1)+.1, las=1, tcl=-.25)
plot(NULL, NULL,
xlim = c(min(try.N.clust),max(try.N.clust)),
#ylim = c(min(optk1), max(optk1)),
ylim = c(0,1),
xlab = "Number of Multi-Omics Clusters",ylab = "")
rect(par("usr")[1],par("usr")[3],par("usr")[2],par("usr")[4],col = "#EAE9E9",border = FALSE)
grid(col = "white", lty = 1, lwd = 1.5)
# for (m in 1:n.runs) points(try.N.clust, optk1[, m], pch = 20, cex = 1.5, col = "#224A8D")
points(try.N.clust, apply(optk1, 1, mean), pch = 19, col = ggplot2::alpha("#224A8D"), cex = 1.5)
lines(try.N.clust, apply(optk1, 1, mean), col = "#224A8D", lwd = 2, lty = 4)
mtext("Cluster Prediction Index", side = 2, line = 2, cex = 1.5, col = "#224A8D", las = 3)
par(new = TRUE, xpd = FALSE)
xlim = c(min(try.N.clust),max(try.N.clust)),
#ylim = c(min(optk2$gap), max(optk2$gap)),
ylim = c(0,1),
xlab = "",ylab = "",xaxt = "n",yaxt = "n")
points(try.N.clust, optk2$gap, pch = 19, col = ggplot2::alpha("#E51718",0.8), cex = 1.5)
lines(try.N.clust, optk2$gap, col = "#E51718", lwd = 2, lty = 4)
#axis(side = 4, at = pretty(range(optk2$gap), n = 6))
axis(side = 4, at = seq(0,1,0.2), labels = c("0.0","0.2","0.4","0.6","0.8","1.0"))
mtext("Gap-statistics", side = 4, line = 2,las = 3, cex = 1.5, col = "#E51718")
# abline(v = optk3$`Eigen-gap best`, col = "#008B8A", lwd = 2, lty = 4)
# text(optk3$`Eigen-gap best`, par("usr")[3] + 0.1,"Eigen-gaps", cex = 1.5, col = "#008B8A", adj = -0.05)
invisible(dev.copy2pdf(file = file.path(fig.path, outFig), width = 5.5, height = 5))
message("visualization done...")
if(N.clust > 1) {
message(paste0("--the imputed optimal cluster number is ", N.clust, " arbitrarily, but it would be better referring to other priori knowledge."))
#return(list(N.clust = N.clust, CPI = optk1, Gapk = optk2, Eigen = optk3))
return(list(N.clust = N.clust, CPI = optk1, Gapk = optk2))
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