#' @name compMut
#' @title Comparison of mutational frequency
#' @description This function is used to compare mutational frequency among different multi-omics integerative clusters to test the independency between subtypes and mutational status. An oncoprint will be also generated with significant mutations.
#' @param moic.res An object returned by `getMOIC()` with one specified algorithm or `get\%algorithm_name\%` or `getConsensusMOIC()` with a list of multiple algorithms.
#' @param mut.matrix A binary matrix storing binary mutation data with entries of 0 and 1 only.
#' @param test.method A string value to indicate statistical method for independency testing. Allowed values contain c('fisher', 'chisq'); fisher by default.
#' @param freq.cutoff A numeric value to indicate the frequency cutoff for mutation data. Specifically, only features that mutated in over than such proportion would be included in testing; 0.05 by default.
#' @param p.adj.method A string value to indicate the correction method for multiple comparision. Allowed values contain c('holm', 'hochberg', 'hommel', 'bonferroni', 'BH', 'BY', 'fdr'); BH by default.
#' @param tab.name A string value to indicate the name of the output table.
#' @param res.path A string value to indicate the path for saving the table.
#' @param doWord A logic value to indicate if transformating the .txt outfile to a .docx WORD file (.txt file will be also kept); TRUE by default.
#' @param doPlot A logic value to indicate if generating oncoprint; TRUE by default.
#' @param innerclust A logic value to indicate if perform clustering within each subtype; TRUE by default.
#' @param fig.path A string value to indicate the output path for storing the oncoprint.
#' @param fig.name A string value to indicate the name of the oncoprint.
#' @param annCol A data.frame storing annotation information for samples.
#' @param annColors A list of string vectors for colors matched with annCol.
#' @param clust.col A string vector storing colors for annotating each subtype.
#' @param mut.col A string vector to indicate the mutation color for oncoprint.
#' @param bg.col A string vector to indicate the background color for oncoprint.
#' @param p.cutoff A numeric value to indicate the nominal p value cutoff for significant mutations shown in the oncoprint; 0.05 by default.
#' @param p.adj.cutoff A numeric value to indicate the adjusted p value cutoff for significant mutations shown in the oncoprint; 0.05 by default.
#' @param width A numeric value to indicate the width of output figure.
#' @param height A numeric value to indicate the height of output figure.
#' @export
#' @return A figure of mutational oncoprint (.pdf) if \code{doPlot = TRUE}, a data.frame storing the difference of mutational frequency among different subtypes and a corresponding table in WORD format if \code{doWord = TRUE}.
#' @importFrom dplyr %>%
#' @importFrom grid grid.rect gpar
#' @importFrom officer read_docx body_add_par body_add_table body_add_par
#' @importFrom ComplexHeatmap HeatmapAnnotation oncoPrint draw
#' @references Gu Z, Eils R, Schlesner M (2016). Complex heatmaps reveal patterns and correlations in multidimensional genomic data. Bioinformatics, 32(18):2847–2849.
#' @examples # There is no example and please refer to vignette.
compMut <- function(moic.res = NULL,
mut.matrix = NULL,
freq.cutoff = 0.05,
test.method = "fisher",
p.adj.method = "BH",
doWord = TRUE,
doPlot = TRUE,
innerclust = TRUE,
res.path = getwd(),
tab.name = NULL,
fig.path = getwd(),
fig.name = NULL,
annCol = NULL,
annColors = NULL,
mut.col = "#21498D",
bg.col = "#dcddde",
p.cutoff = 0.05,
p.adj.cutoff = 0.05,
clust.col = c("#2EC4B6","#E71D36","#FF9F1C","#BDD5EA","#FFA5AB","#011627","#023E8A","#9D4EDD"),
width = 8,
height = 4) {
if(!is.element(test.method, c("fisher","chisq"))) {
stop("test.method for independency can be one of fisher or chisq.\n")
if(!is.element(p.adj.method, c("holm", "hochberg", "hommel", "bonferroni", "BH", "BY", "fdr"))) {
stop("p.adj.method can be one of holm, hochberg, hommel, bonferroni, BH, BY, fdr.\n")
create.anntrack <- function(samples=NULL, subtype=NULL, typesToPlot=NULL) {
if (is.null(samples)) {stop("samples can not be NULL!")}
if (length(samples)!=length(subtype)) {stop("samples and subtype do not have equal length!")}
if (is.null(typesToPlot)) {
typesToPlot <- levels(factor(unique(subtype)))
names(subtype) <- samples
return(list(subtype=subtype, typesToPlot=typesToPlot))
createMutSubtype <- function(indata=NULL, samples=NULL, genename=NULL) {
if (!is.element(genename, rownames(indata))) { stop (paste(genename, "not found in indata!", sep=" ")) }
comsam <- intersect(colnames(indata), samples)
out <- rep("Not Available", times=length(samples))
names(out) <- samples
out[comsam] <- as.character(indata[genename, comsam])
out[is.na(out)] <- "Not Available"
out[out == "0"] <- "Normal"
out[out == "1"] <- "Mutated"
clust.res <- moic.res$clust.res
clust.res <- clust.res[order(clust.res$clust,decreasing = FALSE), , drop = FALSE]
comsam <- intersect(clust.res$samID, colnames(mut.matrix))
clust.res <- clust.res[comsam, , drop = FALSE]
mut.matrix <- mut.matrix[,comsam]
n.moic <- length(unique(clust.res$clust))
# check data
if(length(comsam) == nrow(moic.res$clust.res)) {
message("--all samples matched.")
} else {
message("--",paste0((nrow(moic.res$clust.res)-length(comsam))," samples mismatched from current subtypes."))
ans <- rep(paste0("CS",1:n.moic),as.numeric(table(clust.res$clust))); names(ans) <- clust.res$samID
genelist <- rownames(mut.matrix[rowSums(mut.matrix) > freq.cutoff * nrow(clust.res),])
binarymut <- as.data.frame(matrix(0, nrow=nrow(clust.res), ncol=length(genelist)))
rownames(binarymut) <- names(ans)
colnames(binarymut) <- genelist
for (k in 1:length(genelist)) {
res <- create.anntrack(samples=names(ans), subtype=createMutSubtype(mut.matrix, names(ans), genelist[k]))
binarymut[, genelist[k]] <- res$subtype
out <- matrix(0, nrow=length(genelist), ncol=n.moic + 1)
colnames(out) <- c(levels(factor(ans)), "pvalue")
rownames(out) <- paste(genelist, "Mutated", sep="_")
for (k in 1:length(genelist)) {
genek <- genelist[k]
x <- ans
y <- binarymut[names(x), genek, drop = TRUE]; y <- as.character(y); names(y) <- names(x)
tmp <- setdiff(names(x), names(y)[y=="Not Available"])
x <- x[tmp]
y <- y[tmp]
res <- table(y, x)
if (!all(colnames(res)==colnames(out)[1:(ncol(out)-1)])) {stop(paste("colnames mismatch for ", k, sep=""))}
pct <- paste0("(",format(round(res["Mutated", ]/as.numeric(table(clust.res$clust)) * 100, 1), digits = 3),"%)")
freqpct <- paste(res["Mutated", ], pct, sep = " ")
out[k, 1:(ncol(out)-1)] <- freqpct
if(test.method == "fisher") {
out[k, "pvalue"] <- as.numeric(fisher.test(x, y, workspace = 1e8)$p.value)
} else {
out[k, "pvalue"] <- as.numeric(chisq.test(x, y)$p.value)
out <- as.data.frame(out)
out$pvalue <- formatC(as.numeric(as.character(out$pvalue)), format = "e", digits = 2)
out$padj <- formatC(p.adjust(as.numeric(out$pvalue), method = p.adj.method), format = "e", digits = 2)
if(is.null(tab.name)) {
outFile <- "Independent test between subtype and mutation.txt"
} else {
outFile <- paste0(tab.name,".txt")
tmb <- rowSums(mut.matrix[genelist,])
pct <- paste0("(",format(round(tmb/ncol(mut.matrix) * 100, 1), digits = 1),"%)")
freqpct <- paste(tmb, pct, sep = " ")
out <- cbind.data.frame(data.frame("Gene (Mutated)" = gsub("_Mutated","",rownames(out)),
"TMB" = freqpct,
check.names = FALSE),
rownames(out) <- NULL
# message("show heading...")
# print(head(out))
write.table(out, file.path(res.path, outFile), row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE, sep = "\t", quote = FALSE)
# generate WORD format
comtable <- out
title_name <- paste0("Table *. ", gsub(".txt", "", outFile, fixed = TRUE))
mynote <- "Note: ..."
my_doc <- officer::read_docx()
my_doc %>%
officer::body_add_par(value = title_name, style = "table title") %>%
officer::body_add_table(value = comtable, style = "table_template") %>%
officer::body_add_par(value = mynote) %>%
print(target = file.path(res.path,paste0("TABLE ", gsub(".txt", "", outFile, fixed = TRUE), ".docx")))
# generate mutation oncoprint
if(doPlot) {
if(is.null(fig.name)) {
outFig <- paste0("oncoprint for mutations with frequency over than " , freq.cutoff * 100, " pct.pdf")
} else {
outFig <- paste0(fig.name,".pdf")
sam.order <- moic.res$clust.res[order(moic.res$clust.res$clust, decreasing = FALSE), "samID"]
colvec <- clust.col[1:length(unique(moic.res$clust.res$clust))]
names(colvec) <- paste0("CS",unique(moic.res$clust.res$clust))
if(!is.null(annCol) & !is.null(annColors)) {
annCol <- annCol[sam.order, , drop = FALSE]
annCol$Subtype <- paste0("CS",moic.res$clust.res[sam.order,"clust"])
annColors[["Subtype"]] <- colvec
} else {
annCol <- data.frame("Subtype" = paste0("CS",moic.res$clust.res[sam.order,"clust"]),
row.names = sam.order)
annColors <- list("Subtype" = colvec)
sig.mut <- as.character(out[which(as.numeric(out$pvalue) < p.cutoff & as.numeric(out$padj) < p.adj.cutoff), "Gene (Mutated)"])
onco_dat <- t(binarymut[rownames(annCol), sig.mut, drop = FALSE])
onco_dat[onco_dat == "Normal"] <- ""; onco_dat <- as.data.frame(onco_dat)
alter_fun = list(
background = function(x, y, w, h) {
grid::grid.rect(x, y, w-unit(0.5, "mm"), h-unit(0.5, "mm"), gp = gpar(fill = bg.col, col = NA))
Mutated = function(x, y, w, h) {
grid::grid.rect(x, y, w-unit(0.5, "mm"), h-unit(0.5, "mm"), gp = gpar(fill = mut.col, col = NA))
col = c("Mutated" = mut.col)
if(innerclust) {
sam.reorder <- c()
for (i in 1:n.moic) {
sam <- moic.res$clust.res[which(moic.res$clust.res$clust == i), "samID"]
tmp <- quiet(ComplexHeatmap::oncoPrint(onco_dat[,sam], get_type = function(x) x,
alter_fun = alter_fun, col = col,
remove_empty_columns = FALSE,
show_pct = FALSE,
bottom_annotation = NULL,
top_annotation = NULL,
show_heatmap_legend = FALSE))
sam.reorder <- c(sam.reorder, sam[tmp@column_order])
my_annotation = ComplexHeatmap::HeatmapAnnotation(df = annCol[sam.reorder, , drop = FALSE], col = annColors)
p <- quiet(ComplexHeatmap::oncoPrint(onco_dat[,sam.reorder], get_type = function(x) x,
alter_fun = alter_fun, col = col,
remove_empty_columns = FALSE,
column_order = sam.reorder,
show_pct = TRUE,
bottom_annotation = my_annotation,
top_annotation = NULL,
show_heatmap_legend = FALSE))
} else {
my_annotation = ComplexHeatmap::HeatmapAnnotation(df = annCol, col = annColors)
p <- quiet(ComplexHeatmap::oncoPrint(onco_dat, get_type = function(x) x,
alter_fun = alter_fun, col = col,
remove_empty_columns = FALSE,
column_order = colnames(onco_dat),
show_pct = TRUE,
bottom_annotation = my_annotation,
top_annotation = NULL,
show_heatmap_legend = FALSE))
# save to pdf
pdf(file.path(fig.path, outFig), width = width, height = height)
# print to screen
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