#' calculate the mean/median (relative) abundance of internal nodes according to their children tips.
#' @rdname mp_aggregate_clade-methods
#' @param .data MPSE object which must contain otutree slot, required
#' @param .abundance the column names of abundance.
#' @param force logical whether calculate the (relative) abundance forcibly when the abundance
#' is not be rarefied, default is FALSE.
#' @param relative logical whether calculate the relative abundance.
#' @param aggregate_fun function the method to calculate the (relative) abundance of internal nodes
#' according to their children tips, default is 'mean', other options are 'median', 'geometric.mean'.
#' @param action character, "add" joins the new information to the otutree slot if it exists (default).
#' In addition, "only" return a non-redundant tibble with the just new information. "get" return a new 'mpse',
#' which the features is the internal nodes.
#' @param ... additional parameters, meaningless now.
#' @return a object according to 'action' argument.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(curatedMetagenomicData))
#' xx <- curatedMetagenomicData('ZellerG_2014.relative_abundance', dryrun=F)
#' xx[[1]] %>% as.mpse -> mpse
#' otu.tree <- mpse %>%
#' mp_aggregate_clade(
#' .abundance = Abundance,
#' force = TRUE,
#' relative = FALSE,
#' action = 'get' # other option is 'add' or 'only'.
#' )
#' otu.tree
#' }
function(.data, .abundance = NULL, force = FALSE, relative = TRUE, aggregate_fun = c('mean', 'median', 'geometric.mean'), action='get', ...)
.aggregate_clade <- function(.data, .abundance = NULL, force = FALSE, relative = TRUE, aggregate_fun = c('mean', 'median', 'geometric.mean'), action = 'get', ...){
otu.tree <- .data %>% mp_extract_otutree() %>% suppressMessages()
if (is.null(otu.tree)){
warning_wrap("The object did not contain otutree slot.")
return (NULL)
action %<>% match.arg(c("add", "get", "only"))
.abundance <- rlang::enquo(.abundance)
aggregate_fun %<>% match.arg(c('mean', 'median', 'geometric.mean'))
if (rlang::quo_is_null(.abundance)){
.abundance <- as.symbol("RareAbundance")
if (!valid_rare(.data, .abundance=.abundance) && !force){
trash <- try(silent = TRUE,
expr = {
.data <- mp_rrarefy(.data = .data, ...)
if (inherits(trash, "try-error")){
stop_wrap("The 'Abundance' column cannot be rarefied, please check whether it is integer (count).
Or you can set 'force=TRUE' to aggregate the abundance without rarefaction.
message_wrap("The rarefied abundance of species might not be provided. Rarefaction of all
observations is performed automatically using 'Abundance' column. If you still
want to aggregate with the specified '.abundance', you can set 'force=TRUE'. ")
.abundance <- as.symbol("RareAbundance")
da <- .data %>% mp_extract_assays(.abundance = !!.abundance)
if (relative){
da <- apply(da, 2, function(x)x/sum(x) * 100)
.abundance <- as.symbol(paste0("Rel", rlang::as_name(.abundance), 'BySample'))
if (is.null(otu.tree@phylo$node.label)){
otu.tree@phylo <- ape::makeNodeLabel(otu.tree@phylo)
sample.da <- .data %>% mp_extract_sample() %>% remove_MP_internal_res()
index.name <- rlang::as_name(.abundance)
tip2ances <- .convert_tips2ancestors_sbp(otu.tree, include.root = TRUE, include.self = FALSE)
tip2ances <- tip2ances[,colSums(tip2ances) != 0]
inode.da <- .internal_aggregate(x = da, tip2ances = tip2ances, fun = aggregate_fun)
if (action == 'get'){
tmp <- apply(tip2ances, 2,function(x)paste0(names(x[x]), collapse=';')) %>%
data.frame() %>%
node2name <- otu.tree %>% pull(.data$node, name=.data$label)
node2name <- node2name[match(colnames(inode.da), node2name)]
colnames(inode.da) <- names(node2name)
rownames(tmp) <- names(node2name)
tmp %<>% as_tibble(rownames='OTU')
mpse <- MPSE(assays = list(Abundance = t(inode.da)), colData = sample.da %>% tibble::column_to_rownames(var='Sample'))
mpse %<>% dplyr::left_join(tmp, by = 'OTU')
message_wrap('The new MPSE object (internal nodes as features) will be created.')
inode.da %<>%
as_tibble(rownames = 'Sample') %>%
cols = !.data$Sample,
names_to = 'node',
values_to = index.name
) %>%
dplyr::left_join(sample.da, by = 'Sample') %>%
tidyr::nest(!!rlang::sym(index.name) := - .data$node) %>%
dplyr::mutate_at("node", as.integer)
if (action == 'only'){
tmp <- apply(tip2ances, 2,function(x)paste0(names(x[x]), collapse=';')) %>%
data.frame() %>%
stats::setNames('ChildrenTips') %>% as_tibble(rownames='node') %>%
dplyr::mutate_at("node", as.integer)
da <- otu.tree %>% dplyr::filter(!.data$isTip, keep.td = FALSE) %>%
select('node', 'label') %>%
dplyr::left_join(inode.da, by = 'node') %>%
dplyr::left_join(tmp, by = 'node')
return (da)
if (index.name %in% treeio::get.fields(otu.tree)){
otu.tree %<>% dplyr::select(- index.name, keep.td = TRUE)
da %<>%
tibble::as_tibble(rownames='OTU') %>%
cols = !.data$OTU,
names_to = 'Sample',
values_to = index.name
) %>%
otu.tree %>%
select('node', 'label'),
) %>%
select(-'OTU') %>%
by = 'Sample'
) %>%
tidyr::nest(!!rlang::sym(index.name) := - .data$node) %>%
otu.tree %<>% left_join(da, by='node')
if (action == 'add'){
if (inherits(.data, 'MPSE')){
otutree(.data) <- otu.tree
attr(.data, 'otutree') <- otu.tree
.internal_cal_inode <- function(node2tips, x, tree, fun, abundance){
x %<>% dplyr::filter(.data$node %in% node2tips) %>%
dplyr::group_by(.data$Sample) %>%
dplyr::summarize(dplyr::across(abundance, fun, .name=abundance))
#' @rdname mp_aggregate_clade-methods
#' @aliases mp_aggregate_clade,MPSE
#' @exportMethod mp_aggregate_clade
setMethod("mp_aggregate_clade", signature(.data = "MPSE"), .aggregate_clade)
#' @rdname mp_aggregate_clade-methods
#' @aliases mp_aggregate_clade,tbl_mpse
#' @exportMethod mp_aggregate_clade
setMethod("mp_aggregate_clade", signature(.data = 'tbl_mpse'), .aggregate_clade)
#' @rdname mp_aggregate_clade-methods
#' @aliases mp_aggregate_clade,grouped_df_mpse
#' @exportMethod mp_aggregate_clade
setMethod("mp_aggregate_clade", signature(.data = 'grouped_df_mpse'), .aggregate_clade)
.extract_nodes <- function(da, node = 'internal'){
if (inherits(da, 'treedata')){
da <- da@phylo
edge <- da$edge
alltips <- edge[,2][! edge[,2] %in% edge[,1]]
if (node == 'tips'){
edge <- as.vector(edge) %>% unique()
return(edge[!edge %in% alltips])
.internal_aggregate <- function(x, tip2ances, fun = 'median'){
x <- x[match(rownames(tip2ances), rownames(x)), ,drop=FALSE]
tip2ances[!tip2ances] <- NA
res <- lapply(seq_len(ncol(x)), function(i){
res <- x[, i] * tip2ances
res <- switch(fun,
mean = colMeans(res, na.rm = TRUE),
median = apply(res, 2, median, na.rm = TRUE),
geometric.mean = apply(res, 2, geometric.mean, na.rm = TRUE)
) %>%
do.call('rbind', .)
rownames(res) <- colnames(x)
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