# gauss_dist <- function(vector, pos, sigma, amp)
# {
# z.par <- (vector-pos)/sigma
# gaussian.function <- amp*exp(-(z.par^2)/2)
# gaussian.function
# }
normalize <- function (x) {
x[is.na(x)] <- 0
if(is.matrix(x) == TRUE) norm.x <- sweep(x, 2, apply(x, 2, function(k) max(k, na.rm = T)), "/")
if(is.matrix(x) == FALSE) norm.x <- x/max(x, na.rm = T)
norm.x[is.na(norm.x)] <- 0
is.even <- function(x) x %% 2 == 0
paste.sp <- function(x,y) {paste(x,y, sep=",")}
avoid.processing <- function(sampleRD)
#if(min(sampleRD@avoid.processing.mz)<sampleRD@min.mz) stop(paste("Error: Minimum Mz adquired is higher than Avoid Processing Mz. Please change Avoid Processing Mz parameter in SetAlPar() function, whith at least from Mz number",sampleRD@min.mz))
avoid.mz <- sampleRD@avoid.processing.mz - (sampleRD@min.mz - 1)
UnderMZ <- which(sampleRD@avoid.processing.mz<sampleRD@min.mz)
AboveMZ <- which(sampleRD@avoid.processing.mz>sampleRD@max.mz)
out.mz <- unique(c(UnderMZ, AboveMZ))
if(length(out.mz)!=0) avoid.mz <- avoid.mz[-out.mz]
sampleRD@data[,avoid.mz] <- 0
get.nrowcol <- function(vect.ind,ncl,nrw)
mat.indexes <- apply(as.matrix(vect.ind),1, function(position){
numcl <- as.integer(position/nrw) + 1
numrw <- position - (numcl-1)*nrw
sparse.to.vector <- function(sparse.profile)
splitted.profile.list <- strsplit(as.character(sparse.profile),split=" ")[[1]]
splitted.profile.matrix <- apply(as.matrix(splitted.profile.list),1,function(c.bin){strsplit(c.bin,split=",")[[1]]})
output <- list(time=as.numeric(splitted.profile.matrix[1,]), int=as.numeric(splitted.profile.matrix[2,]))
get.max.sign <- function(mat) {
#' @importFrom stats fft
lagFFT <- function(x,y, corr.coef=F)
#lag value: the 'lag' positions that vector 'y' has to be displaced to be aligned with 'x'
x[is.na(x)] <- 0; y[is.na(y)] <- 0
X <- fft(x)
Y <- fft(y)
lag.1 <- which.max(abs(fft(X*Conj(Y),inverse=T))) - 1
lag.2 <- which.max(abs(fft(Y*Conj(X),inverse=T))) - 1
if(abs(lag.1)>abs(lag.2)) lag <- -lag.2
if(abs(lag.1)<abs(lag.2)) lag <- lag.1
if(abs(lag.2)==abs(lag.1)) lag <- lag.1*(-1)
#cat("L1:",lag.1, "L2:", lag.2, "\n")
##Correlation coefficients for x,y
if(corr.coef==T) abs(fft(X*Conj(Y),inverse=T))/(sqrt(sum(x^2)*sum(y^2))*length(x))
break.vector <- function(x)
x.vect <- x
x.vect.o <- x.vect
x.vect[normalize(x.vect)<0.01] <- 0
x.vect[x.vect!=0] <- 1
x.vect[x.vect==0] <- -1
sqnc <- cumprod(x.vect)*x.vect
sqnc.groups <- c(1,diff(sqnc)!=0)
split.grouping <- cumsum(sqnc.groups)
split.indexes <- unique(split.grouping[which(duplicated(split.grouping)==T)])
x.vect.s <- matrix(0, nrow=length(x.vect.o), ncol=length(split.indexes))
x.vect.s <- apply(as.matrix(split.indexes),1,function(i) { x.out <- x.vect.o*0
x.out[which(split.grouping==i)] <- x.vect.o[which(split.grouping==i)]
runningmean = function(x, k){
dimx = dim(x) # Capture dimension of input array - to be used for formating y
x = as.vector(x)
n = length(x)
if (k<=1) return (x)
if (k >n) k = n
k2 = k%/%2
y <- .C("runmean", as.double(x), y = double(n), as.integer(n), as.integer(k), NAOK=TRUE, PACKAGE="erah")$y
runningmin = function(x, k)
dimx = dim(x) # Capture dimension of input array - to be used for formating y
x = as.vector(x)
n = length(x)
if (k<=1) return (x)
if (k >n) k = n
y <- .C("runmin", as.double(x), y = double(n), as.integer(n), as.integer(k), NAOK=TRUE, PACKAGE="erah")$y
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