#' @importFrom S4Vectors mcols<-
#' @importFrom S4Vectors mcols
#' @importFrom stats fisher.test p.adjust t.test
#' @importFrom S4Vectors second<- first<-
#' @importFrom rtracklayer export.bed
#' @importFrom GenomeInfoDb seqnames
#' @importFrom BiocGenerics strand<-
#' @importFrom BiocGenerics strand
setClass(Class = "FindMotifsInRegions",
contains = "EnrichStep"
f = "init",
signature = "FindMotifsInRegions",
definition = function(.Object,prevSteps = list(),...){
allparam <- list(...)
inputRegionBed <- allparam[["inputRegionBed"]]
motifRc <- allparam[["motifRc"]]
inputPwmFile <- allparam[["inputPwmFile"]]
genome <- allparam[["genome"]]
outputRegionMotifBed <- allparam[["outputRegionMotifBed"]]
threads <- allparam[["threads"]]
prevStep <- prevSteps[[1]]
outputRegionBed <- getParam(prevStep,"outputRegionBed")
input(.Object)$inputRegionBed <- outputRegionBed
motifRc <- match.arg(motifRc, c("integrate","jaspar","pwmfile"))
param(.Object)$motifRc <- motifRc
input(.Object)$inputRegionBed <- inputRegionBed
output(.Object)$outputRegionMotifBed <-
getAutoPath(.Object,originPath =
regexSuffixName = "allregion.bed",
suffix = "region.motif.bed")
output(.Object)$outputRegionMotifBed <- outputRegionMotifBed
output(.Object)$outputMotifBed <-
getAutoPath(.Object,originPath =
regexSuffixName = "allregion.bed",
suffix = "motif.bed")
if(motifRc == "integrate"){
param(.Object)$pwmObj <- get(load(getRefFiles("motifPWMOBJ")))
}else if(motifRc == "jarspar"){
param(.Object)$pwmObj <- JASPAR2018::JASPAR2018
}else if(motifRc == "pwmfile"){
param(.Object)$pwmObj <- getMotifInfo1(inputPwmFile)
param(.Object)$genome <- getGenome()
param(.Object)$genome <- genome
if(.Object$paramList[["genome"]] == "testgenome"){
param(.Object)$genome <- "hg19"
param(.Object)$threads <- getThreads()
param(.Object)$threads <- threads
homerOutputToBed <- function(regionsbed, outputtxt){
# regionsbed <- "region.bed"
# outputtxt <- "outputfile.txt"
regions <- import(con = regionsbed,format = "bed")
txt <- read.table(outputtxt,sep = "\t", header = TRUE)
txt[['idx']] <- 1:nrow(txt)
start(regions) <- start(regions) -1
pos <- txt[txt$Strand == '+',]
neg <- txt[txt$Strand == '-',]
mcols(regions)$mid <- round((start(regions)/2 + end(regions)/2))
mcols(regions)$id <- 1:length(regions)
posbed <- regions[pos$PositionID,]
negbed <- regions[neg$PositionID,]
posbedst <- mcols(posbed)$mid + as.integer(pos$Offset)
posbed <- data.frame(chrom = seqnames(posbed),
start = posbedst,
end = posbedst + as.numeric(sapply(as.character(pos$Sequence),nchar)),
strand = '+',
names = as.character(pos$Motif.Name),
score = as.numeric(pos$MotifScore),
idx = as.numeric(pos$idx)
# str = as.character(pos$Sequence)
negbeded <- mcols(negbed)$mid + as.integer(neg$Offset)
negbed <- data.frame(chrom = seqnames(negbed),
start = negbeded - as.numeric(sapply(as.character(neg$Sequence),nchar)),
end = negbeded,
strand = '-',
names = as.character(neg$Motif.Name),
score = as.numeric(neg$MotifScore),
idx = as.numeric(neg$idx)
# str = as.character(neg$Sequence)
allbed <- rbind(posbed,negbed)
idx <- order(allbed$idx)
allbed <- allbed[idx,]
allbed <- GRanges(allbed)
names(allbed) <- mcols(allbed)$names
# export.bed(con="tobed.r.test.bed",allbed)
#' @importFrom parallel parLapply
#' @importFrom parallel stopCluster
#' @importFrom parallel makeCluster
f = "processing",
signature = "FindMotifsInRegions",
definition = function(.Object,...){
# return(.Object)
inputRegionBed <- getParam(.Object,"inputRegionBed")
pwmObj <- getParam(.Object,"pwmObj")
genome <- getParam(.Object,"genome")
threads <- getParam(.Object,"threads")
outputRegionMotifBed <- getParam(.Object,"outputRegionMotifBed")
outputMotifBed <- getParam(.Object,"outputMotifBed")
if(genome == "testgenome"){
pwmObj = pwmObj[names(pwmObj)[(seq_len(length(pwmObj))%%4==0)]]
regions <- import(con = inputRegionBed,format = "bed")
homer <- getRefFiles("HOMER")
homerbin <- file.path(homer,"bin")
homerinput <- file.path(getStepWorkDir(.Object), "homer.input.bed")
system(paste("awk -F'\t' '{print $1\"\t\"$2\"\t\"$3}'",inputRegionBed, ">",homerinput))
#findMotifsGenome <- file.path(homer,"bin","findMotifsGenome.pl")
findMotifsGenome <- "findMotifsGenome.pl"
homeroutput <- file.path(getStepWorkDir(.Object), "homer.output.txt")
prefix <- paste0('PATH=', homerbin,':$PATH')
stopifnot(0==system(paste(prefix, findMotifsGenome, homerinput, getGenome(),
"-find", getRefFiles("motifpwm"),
motifranges <- homerOutputToBed(inputRegionBed,homeroutput)
motif_region_pair <- findOverlapPairs(motifranges,
regions,ignore.strand = FALSE)
# second(motif_region_pair)$score <-
# first(motif_region_pair)$score
# strand(second(motif_region_pair))<-
# strand(first(motif_region_pair))
# second(motif_region_pair)$motifName <- first(motif_region_pair)$name
first(motif_region_pair)$name <- second(motif_region_pair)$name
result <- second(motif_region_pair)
result$score <- first(motif_region_pair)$score
strand(result) <-strand(first(motif_region_pair))
mcols(result)$motifName <- first(motif_region_pair)$names
file = outputRegionMotifBed, sep="\t",quote = FALSE,
row.names = FALSE,col.names = FALSE)
result <- first(motif_region_pair)
names(result) <- 1:length(result)
file = outputMotifBed, sep="\t",quote = FALSE,
row.names = FALSE,col.names = FALSE)
motif_ix <- NULL
osname <- get_os()
if(osname == "osx" || osname == "linux"){
motif_ix <-
subject = regions,
genome = genome,
out = "positions", p.cutoff = 5e-04, mc.cores = threads)
cl <- makeCluster(threads)
motif_ix <- parallel::parLapply(cl = cl, X = pwmObj,
fun = motifmatchr::matchMotifs,
subject = regions,
genome = genome,
out = "positions", p.cutoff = 5e-04)
#motifmatchr::matchMotifs(pwms = pwmObj, subject = regions, genome = genome, out="positions")
result <- c()
# .Object@propList[["motif_ix"]] <-motif_ix
# for(i in 1:length(motif_ix)){
# motif_region_pair <- findOverlapPairs(motif_ix[[i]][[1]],regions,ignore.strand = TRUE)
# if(length(second(motif_region_pair))>0){
# second(motif_region_pair)$score <- first(motif_region_pair)$score
# second(motif_region_pair)$motifName <-pwmObj[[i]]@name
# }else{
# next
# }
# if(i == 1){
# result <- second(motif_region_pair)[second(motif_region_pair)$score >= pwmObj[[i]]@tags$threshold]
# }else{
# result <- c(result,second(motif_region_pair)[second(motif_region_pair)$score >= pwmObj[[i]]@tags$threshold])
# }
# }
# regions,ignore.strand = FALSE))
lapply(seq_len(length(motif_ix)), function(i){
motif_region_pair <- findOverlapPairs(motif_ix[[i]][[1]],
regions,ignore.strand = FALSE)
second(motif_region_pair)$score <-
second(motif_region_pair)$motifName <- pwmObj[[i]]@name
first(motif_region_pair)$motifName <- pwmObj[[i]]@name
first(motif_region_pair)$name <- second(motif_region_pair)$name
result <- second(motif_region_pair)[
second(motif_region_pair)$score >=
file = outputRegionMotifBed, sep="\t",quote = FALSE, append = TRUE,
row.names = FALSE,col.names = FALSE)
result <- first(motif_region_pair)[
first(motif_region_pair)$score >=
file = outputMotifBed, sep="\t",quote = FALSE, append = TRUE,
row.names = FALSE,col.names = FALSE)
# return(second(motif_region_pair)[
# second(motif_region_pair)$score >=
# pwmObj[[i]]@tags$threshold])
# result <- do.call("c",result)
# .Object@propList[["motifs_in_region"]] <- result
# export.bed(result,con = outputRegionMotifBed)
f = "genReport",
signature = "FindMotifsInRegions",
definition = function(.Object, ...){
#' @name MotifsInRegions
#' @importFrom motifmatchr matchMotifs
#' @importFrom JASPAR2018 JASPAR2018
#' @title Find motifs in all input sequence regions
#' @description
#' Scan for motif occurrences using the prepared PWMs and obtain
#' the promising candidate motifs in these regions.
#' @param prevStep \code{\link{Step-class}} object scalar.
#' This parameter is available when the upstream step function
#' (printMap() to see the previous functions)
#' have been sucessfully called.
#' Accepted value can be the object return by any step function or be feed by
#' \code{\%>\%} from last step function.
#' @param inputRegionBed \code{Character} scalar.
#' BED file for regions including foreground and background sequences.
#' @param outputRegionMotifBed \code{Character} scalar.
#' BED file for regions with motif candidates.
#' Default: NULL (generated base on inputForegroundBed)
#' @param motifRc \code{Character} scalar.
#' Motif Resources can be one of "integrate"
#' (integrated by us and can be download from internet automatically
#' if call the function \code{setGenome("hg19")}),
#' "jaspar" package JASPAR2018,
#' or "pwmfile" (User defined PWM file. inputPwmFile is required).
#' @param inputPwmFile \code{Character} scalar.
#' when "pwmfile" is set for motifRc, use this argument to provide
#' PWM file directory.
#' @param genome \code{Character} scalar.
#' Bioconductor supported genome, such as "hg19", "mm10", etc.
#' Default: NULL (e.g. after \code{library (enrichTF)},
#' you can call function \code{setGenome("hg19")})
#' @param threads \code{Integer} scalar.
#' The maximum threads that will be used in this step.
#' Default: getThreads()
#' @param ... Additional arguments, currently unused.
#' @details
#' Scan for motif occurrences using the prepared PWMs and
#' obtain the promising candidate motifs in these regions.
#' @return An invisible \code{\link{EnrichStep-class}} object
#' (\code{\link{Step-class}} based) scalar for downstream analysis.
#' @author Zheng Wei
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{genBackground}}
#' \code{\link{findMotifsInRegions}}
#' \code{\link{tfsEnrichInRegions}}
#' @examples
#' setGenome("testgenome") #Use "hg19","hg38",etc. for your application
#' foregroundBedPath <- system.file(package = "enrichTF",
#' "extdata","testregion.bed")
#' gen <- genBackground(inputForegroundBed = foregroundBedPath)
#' findMotif <- enrichFindMotifsInRegions(gen,motifRc="integrate")
inputRegionBed = NULL,
outputRegionMotifBed = NULL,
motifRc = c("integrate","jaspar","pwmfile"),
inputPwmFile = getRefFiles("motifpwm"),
genome = getGenome(),
threads = getThreads(),
...) standardGeneric("enrichFindMotifsInRegions"))
#' @rdname MotifsInRegions
#' @aliases enrichFindMotifsInRegions
#' @export
f = "enrichFindMotifsInRegions",
signature = "Step",
definition = function(prevStep,
inputRegionBed = NULL,
outputRegionMotifBed = NULL,
motifRc = c("integrate","jaspar","pwmfile"),
inputPwmFile = getRefFiles("motifpwm"),
genome = getGenome(),
threads = getThreads(),
allpara <- c(list(Class = "FindMotifsInRegions",
prevSteps = list(prevStep)),
step <- do.call(new,allpara)
#' @rdname MotifsInRegions
#' @aliases motifsInRegions
#' @export
findMotifsInRegions <- function(inputRegionBed,
outputRegionMotifBed = NULL,
motifRc = c("integrate","jaspar","pwmfile"),
inputPwmFile = getRefFiles("motifpwm"),
genome = getGenome(),
threads = getThreads(),
allpara <- c(list(Class = "FindMotifsInRegions",
prevSteps = list()),
step <- do.call(new,allpara)
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