#' This function performs a default analysis by calling, in order, the functions:
#' \code{\link{normalFactors}},
#' \code{\link{aFoldcomplexDesign}},
#' This function uses a linear model (limma-lmFit) to infer DE under complex design.
#' @title Differential expression analysis for complex desgin.
#' @param object a \code{\link{ABSDataSet}} object (not need 'groups' information).
#' @param design a numeric matrix for expriment, with samples and factors in rows and colnums, respectively. Design respresents the satuarated model.
#' @param condA a vector of factors for DE analysis, which could be redundant, see \code{\link{aFoldcomplexDesign}}.
#' @param condB a vector of factors for DE analysis, which could be redundant, default is null, if not provide, the DE analysis will switch to
#' assess difference across factors in condA (analysis of variance). If provide, DE analysis will focus on contrast between condB and condA (condB-condA).
#' See \code{\link{aFoldcomplexDesign}}. The unique factors in condA+condB represents the reduced model.
#' @param lmodel switch of fit linear model from limma-lmFit under design, default is TRUE. If TRUE, a gene-specific residual varaince will
#' be estimated from (satuarated model - reduced model). Satuarated model includes all factors in design matrix and reduced model includes factors in condA+condB.
#' if satuarated model == reduced model, the DE analysis performs pairwise comparison or one-way analysis of variance. See \code{\link{aFoldcomplexDesign}}.
#' @param adjmethod defualt is 'BH', method for p-value adjusted, see \code{\link{p.adjust.methods}} for details
#' @param preval parameter for \code{\link{aFoldcomplexDesign}}, prior value for controlling of variance scale in case over-scaled, default is 0.05,
#' @param qforkappa parameter for \code{\link{aFoldcomplexDesign}}, quantile for estimating kappa(>=qforkappa), default is 0 (no trimming of data).
#' @param scale switch for scaling fold change according to common SD under log2 transformation, default is FALSE.
#' @param quiet default is FALSE, whether to print messages at each step
#' @param ... parameters passed to lmFit in limma
#' @return a result table with additional elements, including:
#' basemean, log of basemean,
#' foldChange, shrinked (expression level and gene-specific) log2 of fold-change, B - A, or (SDs under log2 for analysis of variance)
#' pvalue, pvalue from NB distribution model,
#' p.adj, adjuested p-value used p.adjust method.
#' scaledlogFC, scaled logFC if scale=TRUE.
#' @author Wentao Yang
#' @references Wentao Yang, Philip Rosenstiel & Hinrich Schulenburg: ABSSeq: a new RNA-Seq analysis method based on modelling absolute expression differences
#' @examples
#' data(simuN5)
#' groups=factor(simuN5$groups)
#' obj <- ABSDataSet(counts=simuN5$counts)
#' design <- model.matrix(~0+groups)
#' res <- ABSSeqlm(obj,design,condA=c("groups0"),condB=c("groups1"))
#' head(res)
#' @export
ABSSeqlm <- function(object,design,condA,condB=NULL,lmodel=TRUE,preval=0.05,qforkappa=0,adjmethod="BH",scale=FALSE,quiet=FALSE,...) {
if(!is.matrix(design)) stop("design is supposed to be a numeric matrix!")
if(ncol(design)<2) stop("design matrix contains only one factor!")
if(any(!condA%in%colnames(design))||((!is.null(condB))&&any(!condB%in%colnames(design)))) stop("condA or condB not match with design matrix!")
if (!quiet) message("eistimating size factors....")
object <- normalFactors(object)
ncounts <- counts(object,TRUE)
res <- aFoldcomplexDesign(ncounts,design,condA,condB,lmodel,preval,qforkappa,...)
logFC <- res[[1]]
genesd <- res[[2]]
basemean <- res[[4]]
scls <- genesd/res[[5]]
scaledlogFC <- logFC/scls
pvalue <- pnorm(abs(logFC)/genesd,lower.tail=F)*2
p.adj <- p.adjust(pvalue,method=adjmethod[1])
restab <- cbind(basemean,logFC,pvalue,p.adj)
if(scale) restab <- cbind(restab,scaledlogFC)
rownames(restab) <- rownames(ncounts)
#' Calculate mean, variance and uncertainty for a group of samples
#' Called by \code{\link{aFoldcomplexDesign}}
#' @param ncounts normalized counts
#' @param cond name of group
#' @return A list object with uncertainty, mean and variance for each gene
#' @title Calculate mean, variance and uncertainty for a group of samples
#' @note Not available for user.
#' @examples
callPergroup <- function(ncounts,cond)
n1 <- ncol(ncounts)
if(is.null(n1)) n1 <-1
AAmean <- 0
AAvar <- 0
if(n1==1) AAmean <- ncounts
else if(n1>1)
AAmean <- apply(ncounts,1,mean)
AAvar <- apply(ncounts,1,var)
if(all(AAvar==0)) message("Counts in sample identical to each other in group:", cond)
varunca <- 0
asiz <- sqrt(AAvar)/AAmean
varunca <- sqrt(AAvar)*(1+asiz)
#' Calculate baseline and penalty for uncertainty
#' Called by \code{\link{aFoldcomplexDesign}}
#' @param svar pooled variance of read count.
#' @param smean pooled mean of read count.
#' @param basem base difference across all factors.
#' @param mmean base mean of all factors.
#' @param sqrtmean average value of sqrt mean across factors
#' @param sunc pooled uncertainty.
#' @param size sample size
#' @param preval control of variance scale in case over-scaled, default is 0.05.
#' @param qforkappa quantile for estimating kappa(>=qforkappa), default is 0 (no trimming of data).
#' @param ... reserved paramaters
#' @return A list object with baseline of uncertainty & cv and penalty of sample size
#' @title Calculate parameters for differential expression test base on absolute counts differences
#' @note Not available for user.
#' @examples
preAFoldComplex <- function(svar,smean,basem,mmean,sqrtmean,sunc,size,preval=0.05,qforkappa=0) {
#estimating kappa factor (assessing variances stability)
ind <- smean>=1
kam <- smean[ind]
kvar <- svar[ind]
ka <- sqrt(kvar)/(kam+sunc[ind])
qka<- kam>=quantile(kam,qforkappa)
ka <- max(1,mean(ka[qka])^2/var(ka[qka]))
#no replicates
if(!is.numeric(ka)) ka <-1
#stable CVs, no need to borrow information
message("The CVs of all genes are identical!")
ka <- 1.0e9
#kappa for Poisson dis.,if closed to Poisson dis, then use sample size as kappa
qper <- sum(kvar<=2*kam)/sum(ind)*(size-1)
# exclude small variances for fitting
ind <- smean>=1&svar>smean
AAvar <- svar[ind]
AAmean <- smean[ind]
sx <-log(AAmean)
sunct <-sunc[ind]
sy <- sqrt(AAvar)/(AAmean+sunct)
amin <- 1
cpra <- 0
absd <- pmax(basem,amin)
thres <- max(preval,1/sqrt(max(mmean)))
tmax <- preval
tmin <- preval
preb <- locfit(sy~lp(sx,deg=1,scale=F,nn=.5),family="gamma")
cpra <- predict(preb,log(pmax(mmean,amin)))
pre0 <- predict(preb,0)
tmin <- min(cpra)
tmax <- max(cpra)
if(tmax>pre0) tmin <- tmax
else tmax <- pre0
##as cv in log2
scl <-max(1,tmin/tmax/log(2))
tmax <- tmax*scl
tmin <- tmin*scl
#actual level of DE is sqrt(absd)
cpra <- predict(preb,0.5*log(pmax(absd,amin)))
message("All variances are less than mean! Use Poisson as default!")
cpra <- sqrt(absd)/(absd+sqrt(absd)+1)
amin <- 1/size
apra <- (cpra/preval)^2/max(qper,ka)*sqrtmean
thres <- min(sqrt(max(size-1,0))*preval,max(tmax/2,tmin))
#' Calculate aFold for each gene and general sd
#' shifted and calculate a set of parameters from normalized counts table
#' @param nncounts matrix for read count.
#' @param design a numeric matrix for expriment, with samples and factors in rows and colnums, respectively.
#' @param condA a vector of factors for DE analysis, which could be redundant.
#' @param condB a vector of factors for DE analysis, which could be redundant, default is null. If not provide, the DE analysis will switch to
#' assess difference across factors in condA (analysis of variance). If provide, DE analysis will focus on contrast between condB and condA (condB-condA).
#' @param lmodel switch of fit linear model from limma-lmFit under design, default is TRUE. If TRUE, a gene-specific residual varaince will
#' be estimated from (satuarated model - reduced model). Satuarated model includes all factors in design matrix and reduced model includes factors in condA+condB.
#' @param preval pre-defined scale control for variance normalization, default is 0.05, a large value generally increases the fold-changes (decreases penalty of variances) under low expression.
#' @param qforkappa quantile for estimating kappa(>=qforkappa), default is 0 (without trimming of data). Please set up a value in [0,1) if you want to trim the low expressed data.
#' @param priorgenesd prior value for general SD of fold change, if provided, the estimation of general SD will be replaced by this value.
#' @param ... parameters passed to lmFit in limma
#' @return A list with log2 foldchange, general SD (gene-specific SD if lmodel is TRUE) for calculating pvalue, variance stablized counts and basemean
#' @title Calculate parameters for differential expression test base on absolute counts differences
#' @note This function should run after \code{\link{normalFactors}}.
#' @examples
#' data(simuN5)
#' groups=factor(simuN5$groups)
#' obj <- ABSDataSet(counts=simuN5$counts, groups=factor(simuN5$groups))
#' mtx <- counts(obj,TRUE)
#' design <- model.matrix(~0+groups)
#' aFold <- aFoldcomplexDesign(mtx,design,condA=c("groups0"),condB=c("groups1"))
#' hist(aFold[[1]])
#' @export
aFoldcomplexDesign <- function(nncounts,design,condA,condB=NULL,lmodel=TRUE,preval=0.05,qforkappa=0, priorgenesd,...) {
stop("Please input a matrix as nncounts!")
stop("The columns of nncounts and length of design not match!")
stop("qforkappa should be in [0,1)!")
stop("preval should be positive!")
if(length(condA)<2&&is.null(condB)) stop("If not provide 'condB', require at least two factors for condA!")
cond <- unique(condA)
if(!is.null(condB)) cond <- unique(c(cond,unique(condB)))
if(any(!cond%in%colnames(design))) stop("Factor is not present in desgin matrix")
colnum <- length(cond)
if(all(colSums(design[,cond])<2)) stop("No replicates for factors in condA and condB!")
if(is.null(condB)) message("Run analysis of variance as \n\tcondA: ",paste(condA,collapse=", "))
if(!is.null(condB)) message("Run analysis of contrast between \n\t-condA: ",paste(condA,collapse=", "),"\n\t+condB: ",paste(condB,collapse=", "))
if(colnum!=length(condA)+length(condB)) message("Noticely: redundant factors in condA/condB!")
gsize <- nrow(nncounts)
tvar <- c()
tmean <- c()
mmean <- matrix(c(0),nrow=gsize,ncol=colnum)
smean <- 0
asize <- 1
aveunc <- 0
aveunct <- 0
tnum <- 0
rcond <- c()
for(i in 1:colnum)
con <- design[,cond[i]]>0
csize <- sum(con)
paras <- callPergroup(nncounts[,con],cond[i])
asize <- max(asize,csize)
tmean <- c(tmean,paras[[2]])
tvar <- c(tvar,paras[[3]])
tnum <- tnum+1
rcond <- c(rcond,cond[i])
aveunct <- aveunct+paras[[1]]
aveunc <- aveunc+paras[[1]]
mmean[,i] <- paras[[2]]
smean <- smean+sqrt(paras[[2]])
aveunc <-aveunc/max(colnum-1,1)
aveunct <- aveunct/max(tnum-1,1)
smean <- smean/max(colnum-1,1)
tunc <- c()
for(i in 1:tnum) tunc <-c(tunc,aveunct)
basem <- 0
if(colnum>2) basem <- apply(mmean,1,sd)
else if(colnum==2) basem <- abs(mmean[,2]-mmean[,1])
else basem <- mmean
mmean <- apply(mmean,1,max)
hideunc <- preAFoldComplex(tvar,tmean,basem,mmean,smean,tunc,asize,preval,qforkappa)
precut <- hideunc[[2]]
varunc <- aveunc+hideunc[[1]]
totunc <- pmax(varunc,1.0e-9)
scounts <- nncounts+totunc
scounts <- log2(scounts)
gfold <- matrix(0,nrow=gsize,ncol=colnum)
colnames(gfold) <- cond
gsd <- matrix(0,nrow=gsize,ncol=tnum)
colnames(gsd) <- rcond
tnum <-0
genesd <- 0
for(i in 1:colnum)
con <- design[,cond[i]]>0
csize <- sum(con)
bufm <- scounts[,con]
bufm <- apply(scounts[,con],1,mean)
bufv <- apply(scounts[,con],1,sd)
gsd[,cond[i]] <- bufv
gfold[,cond[i]] <- bufm
ns1 <- max(1,csize-1)+hideunc[[3]]
tnum <- tnum+1/ns1
#final fold-change
fold <- 0
scsd <- 0
if(is.null(condB)) fold <- apply(gfold[,condA],1,sd)
mA <- gfold[,condA]
mB <- gfold[,condB]
vA <- 0
vB <- 0
vA <- apply(mA,1,var)
mA <- apply(mA,1,mean)
vB <- apply(mB,1,var)
mB <- apply(mB,1,mean)
fold <- mB-mA
scsd <- vA/max(1,length(condA)-1)+vB/max(1,length(condB)-1)
sdf <- sd(fold)
##large DE will balance the CVs and thus less baseline
precut <- precut/2^(max(sdf-preval*sqrt(2),0))
for(i in 1:length(rcond))
bufv <- gsd[,i]
logAsd <- bufv
ind <- logAsd>=precut
qnum <- sum(ind)
if(qnum>length(ind)*0.1||qnum>50) logAsd <- logAsd[ind]
else logAsd <- precut
genesd <- max(genesd,mean(logAsd))
if(genesd==0) genesd <- preval*sqrt(2)
##linear model to estimate residual of variance per gene (satuarated model - reduced model)
prior <- 0
designr <- design[,cond]
inds <- rowSums(designr)>0
designr <- designr[inds,]
fulfit <- lmFit(scounts,design,...)
redfit <- lmFit(scounts[,inds],designr)
prior <- (fulfit$sigma*fulfit$stdev.unscaled[,cond])^2-(redfit$sigma*redfit$stdev.unscaled[,cond])^2
prior[prior<0] <-0
prior <- rowSums(prior)
genesd <- genesd*sqrt(tnum/max(colnum-1,1))
scls <- genesd
genesd <- sqrt(genesd^2+prior/max(colnum-1,1)+scsd)
genesd <- priorgenesd
scls <- genesd
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