#' Compute fold changes given Contrasts
#' @keywords internal
#' @family imputation
#' @export
#' @examples
#' istar <- sim_lfq_data_peptide_config()
#' config <- istar$config
#' analysis <- istar$data
#' Contrasts <- c("dilution.b-a" = "group_A - group_B", "dilution.c-e" = "group_A - group_Ctrl")
#' mean <- missigness_impute_factors_interactions(analysis, config, value = "meanAbundance" )
#' mean <- get_contrast(mean, config$table$hierarchy_keys(), Contrasts)
#' meanProt <- aggregate_contrast(mean, subject_Id = config$table$hierarchy_keys_depth())
#' imputed <- missigness_impute_factors_interactions(analysis, config, value = "imputed" )
#' imputed <- get_contrast(imputed, config$table$hierarchy_keys(), Contrasts)
#' imputedProt <- aggregate_contrast(imputed, subject_Id = config$table$hierarchy_keys_depth())
#' \dontrun{
#' plot(imputedProt$group_1 - imputedProt$group_2, imputedProt$estimate_median)
#' abline(c(0,1), col=2, pch = "*")
#' plot(meanProt$estimate_median - imputedProt$estimate_median )
#' }
#' stopifnot(sum(is.na(meanProt$estimate_median)) == 0)
#' stopifnot(sum(is.na(imputedProt$estimate_median)) == 0)
aggregate_contrast <- function(
subject_Id ,
agg_func = list(median = function(x){ stats::median(x, na.rm = TRUE) },
mad = function(x){ stats::mad(x, na.rm = TRUE)} ),
contrast = "contrast")
grouping_columns <- c(contrast, subject_Id, "group_1_name","group_2_name")
dataG <- data |>
resN <- dataG |> dplyr::summarise(nr_children = n(), .groups = "drop")
resE <- dataG |> dplyr::summarise(across(.data$estimate,
), .groups = "drop")
agg_func_c <- agg_func[1]
resC <- dataG |> dplyr::summarise(across(all_of(c("group_1", "group_2")),
.names = "{col}"
.groups = "drop")
res <- Reduce(function(x,y){ dplyr::full_join(x , y , by = grouping_columns)},
list(resN,resE,resC) )
get_impute_contrasts_V1 <- function(
lfqdata, contrasts,
method = "V1",
minds = 1 ,
present = 1,
confint = 0.95,
.p.adjust = prolfqua::adjust_p_values,
all = FALSE) {
result = get_imputed_contrasts(
present = present)
# compute statistics using pooled variance
result$isSingular <- TRUE
result <- select(result , -all_of(c("nr_children","estimate_mad")))
var = summarize_stats(lfqdata$data, lfqdata$config)
pooled <- poolvar(var, lfqdata$config, method = method)
pooled <- dplyr::select(pooled ,-all_of(c(lfqdata$config$table$factor_keys_depth()[1],"var")))
result <- dplyr::inner_join(result, pooled, by = lfqdata$config$table$hierarchy_keys_depth())
result_sd_zero <- result[result$df == 0, ]
resultnot_zero <- result[result$df > 0,]
meandf <- resultnot_zero |> summarize(
n = 1, df = 1,
sd = quantile(sd, prob = 0.75, na.rm = TRUE),
sdT = quantile(sdT, prob = 0.75, na.rm = TRUE))
meandf$sd <- ifelse(meandf$sd > 0, meandf$sd, minsd)
meandf$sdT <- ifelse(meandf$sdT > 0, meandf$sdT, minsd)
result_sd_zero$df <- 1
result_sd_zero$sd <- meandf$sd
result_sd_zero$sdT <- meandf$sdT
result <- bind_rows(result_sd_zero, resultnot_zero)
result <- result |> mutate(sd = ifelse(sd > 0 , sd, meandf$sd))
result <- result |> mutate(sdT = ifelse(sdT > 0 , sdT, meandf$sdT))
result <- dplyr::mutate(result, statistic = .data$estimate_median / .data$sdT,
p.value = 2*pt(abs(.data$statistic), df = .data$df, lower.tail = FALSE))
prqt <- -qt((1 - confint)/2, df = result$df)
result$conf.low <- result$estimate_median - prqt * (result$sdT)
result$conf.high <- result$estimate_median + prqt * (result$sdT)
result <- .p.adjust(result, column = "p.value", group_by_col = "contrast", newname = "FDR")
if (!all) {
result <- select(result, -all_of( c("isSingular", "nrMeasured" , "mean" ,"n.groups", "n", "meanAll") ) )
#' compute contrasts based on peptide fold changes
#' Computes median of fold peptide fold change to obtain protein fold change.
#' peptide fold change is computed based on the average of intensities in the conditions.
#' @param data data.frame
#' @param config AnalysisConfiguration
#' @param contrast list of contrasts
#' @param present estimate lod from group with default 1 present values.
#' @keywords internal
#' @family missingness
#' @family modelling
#' @return data.frame with name of contrast, ID, number of observations (if with aggregation), median, mad, and avgAbd
#' @export
#' @examples
#' istar <- sim_lfq_data_peptide_config()
#' config <- istar$config
#' analysis <- istar$data
#' data <- complete_cases(analysis, config)
#' Contrasts <- c("dilution.b-a" = "group_A - group_B", "dilution.c-e" = "group_A - group_Ctrl")
#' #debug(get_imputed_contrasts)
#' res <- get_imputed_contrasts(data, config, Contrasts)
#' config <- config
#' contrasts <- Contrasts
#' imputed <- missigness_impute_factors_interactions(data, config, value = "imputed" )
#' imputed <- get_contrast(imputed, config$table$hierarchy_keys(), contrasts)
#' imputedProt <- aggregate_contrast(imputed, subject_Id = config$table$hierarchy_keys_depth())
get_imputed_contrasts <- function(pepIntensity,
present = 1){
if (!present > 0) {
stop("At least 1 observation in interaction to infer LOD.")
long <- missigness_impute_factors_interactions(pepIntensity, config, value = "long" )
# determine limit of detection
LOD <- long |> filter(nrNAs == nrReplicates - present) |> pull(meanAbundance) |> median(na.rm=TRUE)
long <- tidyr::complete(long, tidyr::nesting(!!!syms(config$table$hierarchy_keys())), interaction)
long <- long |> mutate(imputed_b = ifelse(is.na(meanAbundance), LOD, meanAbundance))
lt <- long
imp <- lt |> pivot_wider(id_cols = config$table$hierarchy_keys(), names_from = interaction, values_from = imputed_b)
lt <- lt |> mutate(is_missing = ifelse( nrNAs == nrReplicates , 1 , 0) )
nr <- lt |> pivot_wider(id_cols = config$table$hierarchy_keys(), names_from = interaction, values_from = is_missing)
imputed <- get_contrast(ungroup(imp), config$table$hierarchy_keys(), Contr)
nrs <- get_contrast(ungroup(nr), config$table$hierarchy_keys(), Contr)
nrs <- nrs |> select(all_of(c(config$table$hierarchy_keys(),"contrast", "estimate" )))
nrs <- nrs |> rename(indic = estimate)
imputed <- inner_join(imputed, nrs)
imputed2 <- imputed |> mutate(estimate = ifelse(indic < 0 & estimate < 0, 0, estimate))
imputed2 <- imputed2 |> mutate(estimate = ifelse(indic > 0 & estimate > 0, 0, estimate))
imputedProt <- aggregate_contrast(ungroup(imputed2), subject_Id = config$table$hierarchy_keys_depth())
imputedProt$avgAbd <- (imputedProt$group_1 + imputedProt$group_2)/2
imputedProt$group_1_name <- NULL
imputedProt$group_2_name <- NULL
imputedProt$group_1 <- NULL
imputedProt$group_2 <- NULL
#' compute per group averages and impute values
#' should generalize at some stage
#' @param pdata data.frame
#' @param config AnalysisConfiguration
#' @param probs quantile to take average from (default 0.1)
#' @param value use default
#' @param add.prefix use default
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @family imputation
#' @examples
#' istar <- sim_lfq_data_peptide_config(weight_missing = 2)
#' config <- istar$config
#' analysis <- istar$data
#' xx <- complete_cases(analysis, config)
#' res <- missigness_impute_factors_interactions(xx, config)
#' res <- missigness_impute_factors_interactions(xx, config, value = "imputed")
#' res <- missigness_impute_factors_interactions(xx, config, value = "nrMeasured")
#' #debug(missigness_impute_factors_interactions)
#' long <- missigness_impute_factors_interactions(xx, config, value = "long")
#' head(long)
#' plot(long$meanAbundance, long$imputed)
missigness_impute_factors_interactions <- function(
probs = 0.03,
value = c("long", "nrReplicates", "nrMeasured", "meanAbundance", "imputed"),
add.prefix = FALSE,
global = TRUE)
message("!!!! deprecated !!!!")
value <- match.arg(value)
fac_fun <- list()
fac_fun[["interaction"]] <- .missigness_impute_interactions(
probs = probs,
global = global)
if (config$table$factorDepth > 1 ) { # if 1 only then done
for (factor in config$table$factor_keys_depth()) {
fac_fun[[factor]] <- .missigness_impute_interactions(
factors = factor,
probs = probs,
global = global)
fac_res <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(fac_fun))
names(fac_res) <- names(fac_fun)
for (fun_name in names(fac_fun)) {
fac_res[[fun_name]] <- fac_fun[[fun_name]](value, add.prefix = add.prefix)
if (value == "long") {
intfact <- dplyr::bind_rows(fac_res)
} else {
intfact <- purrr::reduce(fac_res,
by = c(config$table$hierarchy_keys(),
config$table$isotopeLabel, "value"))
#' Compute interaction averages and
#' impute data using mean of lowest 0.1 (default)
#' used in Acetylation project p2916
#' @param pdata data.frame
#' @param config AnalysisConfiguration
#' @param factors factor to include (default up to factor depth)
#' @param probs quantile to take average from (default 0.1)
#' @param global global min value
#' @return function with parameter `value`
#' `c("long", "nrReplicates", "nrMeasured", "meanAbundance", "imputed", "allWide", "all")`
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @return function
#' @examples
#' istar <- sim_lfq_data_peptide_config(Nprot = 20,weight_missing = 2)
#' config <- istar$config
#' analysis <- istar$data
#' xx <- complete_cases(analysis, config)
#' nrPepTimesDilution <- length(unique(paste0(xx$protein_Id, xx$peptide_Id))) *
#' length(unique(xx$group_))
#' funx <- .missigness_impute_interactions(xx, config)
#' long <- funx("long")
#' alldata <- funx("all")
#' stopifnot(length(names(alldata)) == 5)
#' imputed <- funx("imputed")
#' stopifnot(nrow(imputed) == length(unique(paste0(xx$protein_Id, xx$peptide_Id))))
#' missing <- funx("nrMeasured")
#' stopifnot(nrow(missing) == length(unique(paste0(xx$protein_Id, xx$peptide_Id))))
#' meanAbundance <- funx("mean")
#' stopifnot(nrow(meanAbundance) == length(unique(paste0(xx$protein_Id, xx$peptide_Id))))
#' stopifnot(sum(is.na(imputed$mean.imp.group_A))==0)
.missigness_impute_interactions <- function(pdata,
factors = config$table$factor_keys_depth(),
probs = 0.1,
global = TRUE){
mstats <- interaction_missing_stats(pdata, config, factors = factors)
x_summaries <- mstats$summaries
mstats <- mstats$data
mstats <- make_interaction_column(mstats, factors, sep = ":")
lowerMean <- function(meanAbundance, probs = probs){
meanAbundanceNotNA <- na.omit(meanAbundance)
small10 <- meanAbundanceNotNA[meanAbundanceNotNA < quantile(meanAbundanceNotNA, probs = probs)]
meanAbundance[is.na(meanAbundance)] <- mean(small10)
if (!global) {
mstats <- mstats |>
group_by(interaction) |>
dplyr::mutate(imputed = lowerMean(.data$meanAbundance,probs = probs))
mstats <- mstats |>
dplyr::mutate(imputed = lowerMean(.data$meanAbundance,probs = probs))
res_fun <- function(value = c("long",
"all" ),
add.prefix = TRUE,
value <- match.arg(value)
if (DEBUG) {
return(list(value = value, long = mstats , config = config ))
if (value == "long") {
mstats <- mstats |> dplyr::select(-one_of(factors))
pid <- config$table$hierarchy_keys_depth()
nrReplicates <- mstats |>
dplyr::select( -one_of(c(base::setdiff(x_summaries,"nrReplicates"),"imputed") )) |>
tidyr::spread(interaction, nrReplicates, sep = ".nrReplicates.") |>
dplyr::arrange(!!!syms(pid)) |>
nrMeasured <- mstats |> dplyr::select(-one_of(c(base::setdiff(x_summaries,"nrMeasured"),"imputed" ) )) |>
tidyr::spread(interaction, nrMeasured, sep = ".nrMeasured.") |>
dplyr::arrange(!!!syms(pid)) |> dplyr::ungroup()
meanAbundance <- mstats |> dplyr::select(-one_of(c(base::setdiff(x_summaries,"meanAbundance"),"imputed" ) )) |>
tidyr::spread(interaction, meanAbundance, sep = ".meanAbundance.") |>
dplyr::arrange(!!!syms(pid)) |> dplyr::ungroup()
meanAbundanceImputed <- mstats |> dplyr::select(-one_of(base::setdiff(x_summaries,"imputed" ) )) |>
tidyr::spread(interaction, .data$imputed, sep = ".imputed.") |>
dplyr::arrange(!!!syms(pid)) |> dplyr::ungroup()
allTables <- list(meanAbundance = meanAbundance,
nrMeasured = nrMeasured,
nrReplicates = nrReplicates,
meanAbundanceImputed = meanAbundanceImputed)
if (value == "all") {
allTables[["long"]] <- mstats
}else if (value == "allWide") {
return(purrr::reduce(allTables, inner_join))
}else if (value == "nrReplicates") {
srepl <- if (add.prefix) {"nrRep."}else{""}
colnames(nrReplicates) <- gsub("interaction.nrReplicates.", srepl ,colnames(nrReplicates))
nrReplicates <- tibble::add_column( nrReplicates, "value" = value, .before = 1)
}else if (value == "nrMeasured") {
srepl <- if (add.prefix) {"nrMeas."}else{""}
colnames(nrMeasured) <- gsub("interaction.nrMeasured.", srepl ,colnames(nrMeasured))
nrMeasured <- tibble::add_column( nrMeasured, "value" = value, .before = 1)
}else if (value == "meanAbundance") {
srepl <- if (add.prefix) {"mean."}else{""}
colnames(meanAbundance) <- gsub("interaction.meanAbundance.", srepl ,colnames(meanAbundance))
meanAbundance <- tibble::add_column( meanAbundance, "value" = value, .before = 1)
}else if (value == "imputed") {
srepl <- if (add.prefix) {"mean.imp."}else{""}
colnames(meanAbundanceImputed) <- gsub("interaction.imputed.", srepl ,colnames(meanAbundanceImputed))
meanAbundanceImputed <- tibble::add_column( meanAbundanceImputed, "value" = value, .before = 1)
# nrMeasured |> dplyr::select(starts_with("interaction")) -> nrMeasuredM
# nrReplicates |> dplyr::select(starts_with("interaction")) -> nrReplicatesM
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