
Defines functions bc_extract_metadata bc_process_metadata bc_process_sample_name

## private functions

bc_process_sample_name <- function(sample_name, metadata, input_names) {
    # input metadata,
    # input samle_name,
    # names of input data or the file name
    # metadata = sample_name > names or file name
    if (is.null(sample_name)) {
        if (!is.null(metadata)) {
            sample_name <- rownames(metadata)
        } else {
            sample_name <- input_names
    } else {
        if (length(sample_name) != length(input_names)) {
            stop("Sample name length does not meet sample number.")
    if (!is.null(metadata)) {
        if (!all(sample_name == rownames(metadata))) {
            stop("Sample name does not match row name of metadata.")

bc_process_metadata <- function(sample_name, old_metadata, new_metadata) {
    res <- merge(old_metadata, new_metadata, by = 0, all=TRUE)
    res <- as.data.frame(res)
    rownames(res) <- res$Row.names
    res$Row.names <- NULL
    res[sample_name, ]

bc_extract_metadata <- function(x, sample_name) {
    d <- vapply(x, function(x_i) {
        res <- c(attr(x_i, "raw_read_count"), attr(x_i, "barcode_read_count"))
    }, c("raw_read_count" = 1, "barcode_read_count" = 1))
    d <- as.data.frame(t(d))
    rownames(d) <- sample_name

#' @rdname bc_extract
#' @exportMethod bc_extract
setMethod("bc_extract", "data.frame", function(
    pattern = "", 
    sample_name = NULL, 
    maxLDist = 0, 
    pattern_type = c(barcode = 1), 
    costs = list(sub = 1, ins = 99, del = 99), 
    ordered = TRUE) {

    # sequence frequecy
    reads_freq <- x$freq
    # sequence
    reads_seq <- x$seq

    # if maxLDist > 0, use utils::aregexec to match the barcode else use
    # stringr::str_match to perform the barcode match. The stringr::str_match is
    # faster
    if (maxLDist > 0) {
        # regular expression match
        m <- utils::aregexec(
            fixed = FALSE, 
            max.distance = maxLDist, 
            costs = costs

        # captured sequence
        seq_l <- regmatches(reads_seq, m)

        # matched sequence
        seq_v <- plyr::laply(seq_l, function(x) { x[1] })
        # captured barcode
        barcode_v <- plyr::laply(seq_l, function(x) { 
            x[pattern_type["barcode"] + 1] 

        if ("UMI" %in% names(pattern_type)) {
            umi_v <- plyr::laply(seq_l, function(x) { x[pattern_type["UMI"] + 1] })

    } else {
        # regular expression match
        m <- stringr::str_match(reads_seq, pattern)

        # capture sequence
        seq_v <- m[, 1]

        # matched barcode
        barcode_v <- m[, pattern_type['barcode'] + 1]

        # matched UMI
        if ("UMI" %in% names(pattern_type)) {
            umi_v <- m[, pattern_type['UMI'] + 1]

    # captured UMI
    if ("UMI" %in% names(pattern_type)) {
        # TODO: save space option
        if (FALSE) {
            d <- data.table(
                reads_seq = reads_seq, 
                match_seq = seq_v, 
                umi_seq = umi_v, 
                barcode_seq = barcode_v, 
                count = reads_freq
        } else {
            d <- data.table(
                umi_seq = umi_v, 
                barcode_seq = barcode_v, 
                count = reads_freq
            )[, .(count = sum(count)), by = .(umi_seq, barcode_seq)]
    } else {
        # TODO: save space option
        if (FALSE) {
            d <- data.table(
                reads_seq = reads_seq, 
                match_seq = seq_v, 
                barcode_seq = barcode_v, 
                count = reads_freq
        } else {
            d <- data.table(
                barcode_seq = barcode_v, 
                count = reads_freq
            )[, .(count = sum(count)), by = barcode_seq]

    # order the data by counts
    if (ordered) {
        d <- d[order(count, decreasing = TRUE)]

    d <- stats::na.omit(d)

    # prepare the row_read_count & barcode_read_count
    attr(d, "raw_read_count") <- sum(reads_freq)
    attr(d, "barcode_read_count") <- sum(d$count)


#' @rdname bc_extract
#' @exportMethod bc_extract
setMethod("bc_extract", "ShortReadQ", function(
    pattern = "", 
    sample_name = NULL, 
    maxLDist = 0, 
    pattern_type = c(barcode = 1), 
    costs = list(sub = 1, ins = 99, del = 99), 
    ordered = TRUE) {

    # sequence frequecy
    reads_freq <- ShortRead::tables(x, n=Inf)$top

    x = data.frame(
        freq = as.integer(reads_freq),
        seq = names(reads_freq)

        pattern = pattern, 
        maxLDist = maxLDist, 
        pattern_type = pattern_type, 
        costs = costs, 
        ordered = ordered

#' @rdname bc_extract
setMethod("bc_extract", "DNAStringSet", function(
    pattern = "", 
    sample_name = NULL, 
    maxLDist = 0, 
    pattern_type = c(barcode = 1), 
    costs = list(sub = 1, ins = 99, del = 99), 
    ordered = TRUE) {

    # sequence frequecy
    reads_freq <- ShortRead::tables(x, n=Inf)$top

    x = data.frame(
        freq = as.integer(reads_freq),
        seq = names(reads_freq)

        pattern = pattern, 
        sample_name = sample_name, 
        maxLDist = maxLDist, 
        pattern_type = pattern_type, 
        costs = costs, 
        ordered = ordered

#' @rdname bc_extract
setMethod("bc_extract", "integer", function(
    pattern = "",
    sample_name = NULL,
    maxLDist = 0,
    pattern_type = c(barcode = 1),
    costs = list(sub = 1, ins = 99, del = 99),
    ordered = TRUE) {

    x = data.frame(
        freq = as.integer(x),
        seq = names(x)

        pattern = pattern,
        maxLDist = maxLDist,
        pattern_type = pattern_type,
        costs = costs,
        ordered = ordered)

#' @rdname bc_extract
setMethod("bc_extract", "character", function(
    pattern = "", 
    sample_name = NULL,
    metadata = NULL, 
    maxLDist = 0, 
    pattern_type = c(barcode = 1), 
    costs = list(sub = 1, ins = 99, del = 99), 
    ordered = TRUE) {

    # sample_name given
    # meta_data given
    #   no sample_name
    #   no rowname
    if (!is.null(metadata) & !is_pure_dataframe(metadata)) {
        stop("metadata should be a data.frame.")

    ## check input file
    if (!all(file.exists(x))) {
        stop(paste0("Input file(s) do not exist."))

    # if more than one fastq file as input
    # if (length(x) > 1) {

        input_names <- basename(x)
        sample_name <- bc_process_sample_name(sample_name, metadata, input_names)

        pattern = rep(pattern, length.out = length(x))
        maxLDist = rep(maxLDist, length.out = length(x))

        messyBc <- lapply(seq_along(x), function(i) {
            if (grepl(".fq$", x[i]) | grepl(".fastq$", x[i])) {
                barcode_df = read_fastq(x[i])
            } else if (grepl(".fq.gz$", x[i]) | grepl(".fastq.gz$", x[i])) {
                barcode_df = read_fastq_gz(x[i])
            } else {
                stop("The input is not Fastq file. Please check the input.")
                sample_name = sample_name[i], 
                pattern = pattern[i], 
                maxLDist = maxLDist[i], 
                pattern_type = pattern_type, 
                costs = costs, 
                ordered = ordered)

        new_metadata <- bc_extract_metadata(messyBc, sample_name)
        metadata <- bc_process_metadata(sample_name, metadata, new_metadata)

        names(messyBc) <- sample_name
        # output <- list(messyBc = messyBc, metadata = metadata)
        # class(output) <- "BarcodeObj"

        # check if no barcodes found
        if (all(sapply(messyBc, nrow) == 0)) {
            message("No barcode found. Please check the input file and pattern.")
        output <- BarcodeObj(metadata=metadata, messyBc=messyBc)
    # } else {
    #     # if one fastq file as input
    #     if (grepl(".fq$", x) | grepl(".fastq$", x)) {
    #         barcode_df = read_fastq(x)
    #     } else if (grepl(".fq.gz$", x) | grepl(".fastq.gz", x)) {
    #         barcode_df = read_fastq_gz(x)
    #     } else {
    #         stop("The input is not Fastq file. Please check the input.")
    #     }
    #     bc_extract(
    #         barcode_df,
    #         sample_name = sample_name[i], 
    #         pattern = pattern,
    #         maxLDist = maxLDist,
    #         pattern_type = pattern_type,
    #         costs = costs,
    #         ordered = ordered)
    # }

#' @rdname bc_extract
#' @exportMethod bc_extract
setMethod("bc_extract", "list", function(
    pattern = "",
    sample_name = NULL,
    metadata = NULL,
    maxLDist = 0,
    pattern_type = c(barcode = 1),
    costs = list(sub = 1, ins = 99, del = 99),
    ordered = TRUE) {

    input_names <- ifnullelse(names(x), seq_along(x))
    sample_name <- bc_process_sample_name(sample_name, metadata, input_names)

    pattern = rep(pattern, length.out = length(x))
    maxLDist = rep(maxLDist, length.out = length(x))

    lapply(seq_along(x), function(i) {
            pattern = pattern[i],
            sample_name = sample_name[i],
            maxLDist = maxLDist[i],
            pattern_type = pattern_type,
            costs = costs,
            ordered = ordered)
    }) -> messyBc

    new_metadata <- bc_extract_metadata(messyBc, sample_name)
    metadata <- bc_process_metadata(sample_name, metadata, new_metadata)

    names(messyBc) <- sample_name

    # output <- list(messyBc = messyBc, metadata = metadata)
    # class(output) <- "BarcodeObj"

    # check if no barcodes found
    if (all(sapply(messyBc, nrow) == 0)) {
        message("No barcode found. Please check the input file and pattern.")
    output <- BarcodeObj(metadata=metadata, messyBc=messyBc)

#' @rdname bc_create_BarcodeObj
#' @exportMethod bc_create_BarcodeObj
setMethod("bc_create_BarcodeObj", "matrix", function(
    sample_name = NULL, 
    metadata = NULL) {

    if (!is.null(metadata) & !is_pure_dataframe(metadata)) {
        stop("metadata should be a data.frame.")

    if (is.null(sample_name)) {
        sample_name <- colnames(x)
    } else {
        if (length(sample_name) != ncol(x)) {
            stop("Sample name length does not meet sample number.")

    if (!is.null(metadata)) {
        if (!all(sample_name == rownames(metadata))) {
            stop("Sample name does not match row name of metadata.")
    } else {
        metadata <- data.frame(row.names = sample_name)

    messyBc = plyr::alply(x, 2, function(z) {
        y = data.table(barcode_seq = rownames(x), count = z)
        y[count != 0]

    attributes(messyBc) = NULL
    names(messyBc) = sample_name

    output <- BarcodeObj(metadata=metadata, messyBc=messyBc)

#' @rdname bc_create_BarcodeObj
#' @exportMethod bc_create_BarcodeObj
setMethod("bc_create_BarcodeObj", "data.frame", function(
        sample_name = NULL,
        metadata = NULL) {
    if (!is_pure_dataframe(x)) {
        stop("Input should be a data.frame, instead of tibble or data.table.")

    x = data.matrix(x)

        sample_name = sample_name,
        metadata = metadata
wenjie1991/CellBarcode documentation built on Dec. 20, 2024, 9:52 a.m.