#' Necorr
#' @author Christophe Liseron-Monfils, Andrew Olson
#' @param expression Expression file in log2 (ratio expression) with row: gene,
#' first column: type of sample,second column: sample names
#' @param networkFile Molecular network file with source in the first column,
#' targets in the second column
#' @param pretopology optional argument FALSE by default if not
#' a precalculation of the network topology is expected as R RDA files
#' with the same name than the network file and the same localization
#' @param description.file genome description
#' @param condition Condition from expression to study the network co-expression
#' correlation
#' @param metadata dataframe with the metadata
#' @param permutation permutation number used for all significance calculation
#' #param lmiR List of miRNAs
#' @param sigcorr significance of the correlation
#' @param verbose the number for the warn message
#' @description NECorr helps discover candidate genes that could be
#' important for specific conditions.
#' The principal inputs are the expression data and the network file.
#' The expression data should start with 3 header columns.
#' The first column describes the conditions. Each condition will be
#' treated separately for the co-expression analysis
#' The output of the program will be generated in a result folder generated
#' in the working path
#' Create the output directory if not existing; generate "./results" dir and
#' "./results/tmp"
#' C.Liseron-Monfils - Ware lab Sept2013 - CSHL
#' partly based on rsgcc package for the GCC, PCC,KCC and SPP
#' Ma et al, 2012, plant Physiology
#' @return res
#' @export
Necorr <- function(networkFile = "",
expression = "",
description.file = "",
condition = "",
metadata = "",
permutation = 1000,
sigcorr = 0.01,
pretopology = FALSE,
verbose= 0){
verbose = 0
#options(warn = warn_verbose)
# load file and options
# Read network File
network.int <- read.delim(networkFile, sep ="\t", header = T,
network.int <- network.int[!is.na(network.int[1, ]), ]
network.int <- network.int[!is.na(network.int$target), ]
# Take only in consideration the real interactions
if (ncol(network.int) == 2) {
network.int <- network.int[,c(1, 2)]
} else if (ncol(network.int) > 2) {
network.int <- network.int[, c(1, 3)]
# Remove NA from the network data
network.int <- network.int[!is.na(network.int[, 1]), ]
network.int <- network.int[!is.na(network.int[, 2]), ]
# Get the list of genes from the initial network
Genelist <- unique(c(as.character(network.int[, 1]),
as.character(network.int[, 2])))
# Condition experiment and/or tissue
factortab <- read.table(metadata, header = T, sep = "\t", row.names = 1)
# Description file name with gene name and annotations
Desc <- read.csv(description.file, header = T, row.name = 1)
# Read expression file
eset <- read.table(expression, header = T, row.names = 1)
eset[sapply(eset, is.infinite)] <- 10^300
#_________________________ MAIN SCRIPT _______________________________________
# The next section is dealing with the fact
# that some sample types can have no replicate
# so if this is the case, pseudo-replicates will be generated
# to be able to calculate a statistic for
# the tissue/stress-selectivity of each sample type
# and order these tissue/stress-selective genes
message("Progressing on the transcriptomic parameters")
sample.names <- unique(factortab[,1])
xcol <- c()
treatment.f <- factor()
for (i in 1:length(sample.names)) {
nrep <- length(which(factortab[, 1] == sample.names[i]))
if (i == 1) {
j <- i
if (nrep == 1) {
# Create 3 artificial columns if the sample has only one replicate
xcol <- c(xcol, rep(j, 3))
j <- j + 3
treatment.f <- factor(c(as.character(treatment.f),
as.character(rep(sample.names[i], 3))))
} else if (nrep > 1) {
xcol <- c(xcol, seq(j, j + (nrep - 1)))
treatment.f <- factor(c(as.character(treatment.f),
as.character(rep(sample.names[i], nrep))))
j <- j + (nrep)
treatment.f <- factor(treatment.f, levels = sample.names)
# Take only the genes that are part of the molecular network
eset <- eset[intersect(Genelist, rownames(eset)), ]
m.eset <- as.matrix(eset)
m.eset <- m.eset[, xcol]
# Loop to measure the importance of gene expression
conditionList <- factortab[, 2]
factorList <- factortab[, 1]
df <- cbind(as.character(conditionList), as.character(factorList))
df <- df[!duplicated(df), ]
message("Analysis of the co-expression file and p-value sums")
int.sig <- multiCorr(m.eset, net = network.int,
pernum = permutation,
sigmethod = 0.6,
verbose = TRUE)
# This adds a column of color values based on the y values
# remove the line with NA due to not found gene due to no express/ion
# or error of annotation in the initial network file
int.sig <- int.sig[complete.cases(int.sig), ]
# Transform the p-value in the maximal p-value in function
# of number of permutations to avoid log-scale = infinity
# Replace the p-value equal to 0 by the maximal p-value e.g.
# 1/10000 knowing that we have 10000 randomization in initial calculations
max.p.val <- 1/as.numeric(permutation)
int.sig[which(int.sig[,4] == 0), 4] <- max.p.val
int.sig <-as.data.frame(int.sig)
message("Define gene tissue specificity index")
# Add the weight for the studied tissue
# tissue selectivity or tissue exclusion from the tissue should be considered
# as both can be important at a genetic level,
# repression or activation, of a gene are part of the tissue specificity
#nreplics <- table(as.character(treatment.f))
# Need to order factor by order of appearance in the expression file
# e.g nreplics <- c(4,4,4)
sample.l <- condition
#m.eset <- as.matrix(m.eset)
# Rank the tissue selective genes using the Tissue Selective Index
# for each gene TSI for activation and modify for tissue repression
m.eset <- as.data.frame(m.eset)
prets <- ts.IUT(name = paste0(sample.l, netname, "_",
"GCC_", permutation),
eset = m.eset, tissues = sample.names, target = sample.l,
threshold = 0.05, filter = 10)
# Vector of tissue-selectivity
ts <- rbind(prets$filtTSI , prets$filtTSE)
ts <- data.frame(names = row.names(ts), ts)
ts <- ts[order(ts$tsi.order, decreasing = T), ]
#saveRDS(ts, "ts.rds") #######################
# use data table to select only the best tsi or tse for each genes
ts <- setDT(ts)[, .SD[which.max(tsi.order)], by=names]
ts <- as.data.frame(ts)
rownames(ts) <- ts$names; ts <- ts[,-1]
tslist = ts
#message("Determine the overall interaction importance for each node gene")
# for the interactions coming from the same node
# create hash with all the genes in the network as keys
# 1 interaction p-values
coexprs.pvals <- structure(rep(1, length(Genelist)), names=Genelist)
coexpressionres <- paste0(expression, "co-express.rda")
if (file.exists(coexpressionres)) {
coexprs.pvals <- readRDS(coexpressionres)
} else {
# request of the hash package
h <- hash()
for (i in 1:length(int.sig[,1])){
g1 = as.character(int.sig[i,1])
g2 = as.character(int.sig[i,2])
twistedcor = 1 - abs(int.sig[i,3]);
if (twistedcor == 0) {
twistedcor = max.p.val
if (all(has.key(g1, h))) {
h[[g1]] <- append(h[[g1]], twistedcor)
}else {
h[[g1]] <- twistedcor
if (all(has.key(g2, h))) {
h[[g2]] <- append(h[[g2]], twistedcor)
}else {
h[[g2]] <- twistedcor
# add a vector with all the p-value attached to a gene
# in the co-expression analysis
for (i in 1:length(Genelist)){
gene <- Genelist[i] # get the name of the gene
trans.cumpvals <- fishersMethod(as.numeric(as.vector(h[[gene]])))
# transform pval in factor and Take -log10 of the results
cumpvals <- -log(trans.cumpvals,10)
if (is.na(cumpvals)){
coexprs.pvals[gene] <- 0;
} else {
coexprs.pvals[gene] <- cumpvals
saveRDS(coexprs.pvals, file = coexpressionres)
#message("Differential expression filtering")
# Differential Expression and ranking for the network genes for the factor")
# the results are already scaled
DE.ranks <- DE.ranking(m.eset, Genelist, treatment.f, sample.l, sample.names)
DE.ranks <- as.data.frame(DE.ranks, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# scaling the network parameters
#1 interaction p-values
coexprs.pvals <- scaling_param(coexprs.pvals)
#2 expression specificity
tsi.order <- structure(ts$tsi.order, names=rownames(ts))
tsi.order <- scaling_param(tsi.order)
# Generate all the topology statistics using the function NetTopology
message("Progressing on the molecular network parameters")
netname <- basename(networkFile)
expressionname <- basename(expression)
de.genes <- rownames(subset(DE.ranks, DE.ranks >= 0.5))
coexp.genes <- rownames(subset(coexprs.pvals, coexprs.pvals >= 0.5))
sel_for_net <- unique(c(de.genes, coexp.genes))
# Filter the network for genes expressed in the experiment
# or with significant co-expressions
network.int.filt <- network.int
colnames(network.int.filt) <- c("source", "target")
network.int.filt <- subset(
source %in% sel_for_net | target %in% sel_for_net)
net_in_mem <- paste0(networkFile, "-", expressionname, "-", condition, "_netstat.rda")
if (file.exists(net_in_mem)) {
netstat <- readRDS(net_in_mem)
} else {
netstat <- NetTopology(network.int.filt)
saveRDS(netstat, file = net_in_mem)
# 3 betweenness
BetwC <- structure(netstat$BetweennessCentrality, names = rownames(netstat))
BetwC <- scaling_param(BetwC)
# 4 connectivity
Conn <- structure(netstat$EdgeCount, names = rownames(netstat))
Conn <- scaling_param(Conn)
# 5 transitivity
ClusCoef <- structure(netstat$ClusteringCoefficient, names = rownames(netstat))
ClusCoef <- scaling_param(ClusCoef)
# 6 eigen-vector
EigenC <- structure(netstat$eigenvector_centrality, names = rownames(netstat))
EigenC <- scaling_param(EigenC)
# 7 page rank
PageRank <- structure(netstat$pagerank, names = rownames(netstat))
PageRank <- scaling_param(PageRank)
# Generate an empty vector to serve as table with all the ranks for conditions
total.rank <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = length(Genelist))
rownames(total.rank) <- Genelist
total.rank[, 1] <- Genelist
message("NECorrHub: Merging and scaling the network parameters")
# Hub NECorr merge all the sub-network statistics
m.param <- left_join(rownames_to_column(coexprs.pvals),
rownames_to_column(tsi.order), by=c("rowname"))
m.param <- purrr::reduce(list(
rownames_to_column(DE.ranks)), dplyr::left_join, by = 'rowname') %>% column_to_rownames('rowname')
m.param[is.na(m.param)] <- 0
m.param <- as.data.frame(m.param)
# message("Gene ranking")
# Calculate the weight for: (use ahp to generate weight)") done before
# the loop wpar variable
# calculate the weight for each parameter
# (use same order for columns in gene stats table)
#preftable <- matrix(data = rep(1,(5*5)), nrow = 5, ncol = 5, byrow = TRUE)
#preftable[1,2] = 1; preftable[2,1] = 1 # interaction pval and expression
#preftable[1,3] = 2; preftable[3,1] = 1/2 # interaction pval and betweenness
#preftable[1,4] = 2; preftable[4,1] = 1/2 # interaction pval and connectivity
#preftable[1,5] = 2; preftable[5,1] = 1/2 # interaction pval and transitivy
#preftable[2,3] = 2; preftable[3,2] = 1/2 # expression and betweenness
#preftable[2,4] = 2; preftable[4,2] = 1/2 # expression and connectivity
#preftable[2,5] = 2; preftable[5,2] = 1/2 # expression and transitivy
#preftable[3,4] = 2; preftable[4,3] = 1/2 # Betweenness and connectivity
#preftable[3,5] = 2; preftable[5,3] = 1/2 # Betweenness and transitivy
#preftable[4,5] = 2; preftable[5,4] = 1/2 # connectivity and transitivy
# weight of parameter(wpar) give the criteria ranking
#wpar <- ahp(preftable)$weighting
wpar <- c(0.2825910, 0.2825910, 0.1864405, 0.1412955, 0.1070820)
# Hub NECorr - pick the top genes for validations - best alternatives")
# calculate the weighted ranking for each gene = alternative ranking
if (nrow(network.int) < 2000 ) {
# small network
wpar <- c(0.2825910, 0.2825910, 0.1864405, 0.1412955, 0.1070820)
hub.m.param <- m.param[, c("coexprs.pvals", "tsi.order",
"BetwC", "Conn", "ClusCoef")]
colnames(hub.m.param) <- c("interaction.pvals",
"Connectivity", "Transitivity")
} else {
# big network option
wpar <- c(0.310830903472379, 0.0705565032549202, 0.450522631406784, 0.168089961865917)
hub.m.param <- m.param[, c("tsi.order", "BetwC", "PageRank", "DE.ranks")]
colnames(hub.m.param) <- c("tissue.treatment.specificity", "Betweenness.Centrality", "PageRank", "DE")
#print(data.frame(min=sapply(hub.m.param, min),max=sapply(hub.m.param, max)))
hub.m.param <- t(t(hub.m.param) * wpar)
# gene ranking
gene.rank.h <- rowSums(hub.m.param)
gene.rank.h <- as.data.frame(gene.rank.h[order(gene.rank.h, decreasing=TRUE)])
colnames(gene.rank.h)[1] <- "gene.rank.h"
nGenes <- nrow(gene.rank.h)
#building hub rank hash
#load the ranks into a hash to make faster with the hash package
gene.rank.hash <- hash()
geneIDs <- row.names(gene.rank.h)
for (i in 1:nGenes) {
geneRank <- as.numeric(gene.rank.h[i,1])
gene.rank.hash[[geneIDs[i]]] <- geneRank
gene.rank.h.description <- left_join(rownames_to_column(gene.rank.h),
by = ("rowname" = "rowname"))
gene.rank.h.description <- as.data.frame(gene.rank.h.description)
colnames(gene.rank.h)[1] <- sample.l
total.rank <- as.data.frame(total.rank)
total.rank.h <- left_join(rownames_to_column(total.rank),
by = ("rowname" = "rowname"))
total.rank.h <- as.data.frame(total.rank.h)
#start.time <- Sys.time()
# calculate the probability = alternative ranking
eff.m.param <- m.param[ ,c("coexprs.pvals", "tsi.order", "BetwC",
"Conn", "EigenC", "PageRank", "DE.ranks")]
colnames(eff.m.param) <- c("interaction.pvals",
"Betweenness.Centrality", "Connectivity",
"PageRank", "DE")
### MACHINE LEARNING with parameter define from validations
### Predict probability to be important gene
#!!!! if Naive Bayes
#j.nB <- NaiveBayes(phenotype ~ . , data = eff.m.param, kernel = "rectangular", n = 148)
load(system.file("extdata", "ML_model.RData",
package="NECorr", mustWork = TRUE))
j.nB <- model
gene.rank.e.description <- effector_significance(eff.m.param = eff.m.param,
Desc = Desc, j.nB =j.nB,
sample.l = sample.l)
gene.rank.eff <- gene.rank.e.description$gene.rank.eff
names(gene.rank.eff) <- rownames(gene.rank.e.description)
message("NeCorrEdge: interaction ranking")
# Hub interactions (edges) ranking
hub.int.ranks <- hub_edge_significance(network.int = network.int,
hub.int.significant <- subset(hub.int.ranks, p2 < 0.05)
# Cleaning results for display
MCDAnode <- gene.rank.h.description[order(gene.rank.h.description$gene.rank.h,
decreasing = T), ]
rownames(MCDAnode) <- MCDAnode$rowname
MCDAnode <- MCDAnode[, -1]
# Get table for the hub genes back up by Machine Learning
MLconfirmed <- as.vector(
which(gene.rank.e.description$gene.rank.eff > 0.6)])
MCDAnode_ML <- gene.rank.h.description[
gene.rank.h.description$rowname %in% MLconfirmed, ]
MCDAnode_ML <- MCDAnode_ML[order(MCDAnode_ML$gene.rank.h, decreasing = T), ]
rownames(MCDAnode_ML) <- MCDAnode_ML$rowname
MCDAnode_ML <- MCDAnode_ML[, -1]
MCDAedge <- hub.int.significant
MCDAedge_ML <- hub.int.significant[
unique(which(hub.int.significant$targetIDs %in% MLconfirmed),
which(hub.int.significant$sourceIDs %in% MLconfirmed)), ]
MCDAedge <- MCDAedge[order(MCDAedge$ranks.sum, decreasing = T),]
prereg.net <- hub.int.significant[ ,c(1,2)]
# Activator NECorr - based on genes in the complete network
# edges linking the hub genes")
actres <- activator_significant(hub.int.significant = hub.int.significant,
network.int = network.int, Desc = Desc)
colnames(MCDAnode) <- c("Gene_rank_h", "Associated_Gene_Name",
"Chromosome_Name", "Strand",
"Gene_Biotype", "TF_family")
colnames(actres) <- c("PageRank", "EdgeCount", "Degree_Out",
"Associated_Gene_Name","Chromosome_Name", "Strand",
"Gene_Biotype", "TF_family")
colnames(MCDAnode_ML) <- c("Gene_rank_h", "Associated_Gene_Name",
"Chromosome_Name", "Strand",
"Gene_Biotype", "TF_family")
res <- list(
# hub gene ranking using MCDA linear model
necorrHub_nodes = MCDAnode,
# regulator based on PageRank from extended network around hub genes
necorrReg = actres,
# edge including hubs ranked using MCDA linear model
necorrEdges = MCDAedge,
## hub gene ranking present in ML
necorrHub_nodesML = MCDAnode_ML,
# edge including hubs ranked using MCDA linear model in ML
necorrEdgesML = MCDAedge_ML
#netstat = netstat, # network statistic
#coexpres = int.sig, # co-expression ranking
#NBeff_rank = gene.rank.e.description, # Naives Bayes effector gene ranking
#edge_rank = coexprs.pvals, # interaction importance
#tsi_rank = tslist, # tissue specificity
#hub_edge_rank = hub.int.ranks, # hub interaction gene ranking
#hub.m.param = m.param
#' necorr_graph
#' @param hubnet significant network continuing hub, activators
#' @param hub.int.significant hub interaction significance
#' @param gene.rank.act.significant activator ranking
#' @return netgraph
#' @export
# necorr_graph <- function(hubnet, hub.int.significant,
# gene.rank.act.significant){
# # link activator and hub significant sub-networks
# sig.hub <- unique(c(as.character(hub.int.significant$V1),
# as.character(hub.int.significant$V2)))
# if(( nrow(hubnet)>0) == TRUE){
# #print(hub.act.net)
# g <- graph.data.frame(hubnet, directed = T)
# vcolors <- rep("cyan",length(V(g)$name))
# vcolors[which(V(g)$name %in% sig.hub)] <- "red"
# vsize.hub <- as.numeric(
# gene.rank.h[V(g)$name[which(V(g)$name %in% sig.hub)],1])
# vsize.hub <- 2^(ScalN(vsize.hub) + 2.21)
# temp <- as.data.frame(gene.rank.act.significant)
# rownames(temp) <- temp[,1]
# vsize.act <- as.numeric(temp[V(g)$name[which(V(g)$name %in% temp[,1])],2])
# vsize.act <- 2^(ScalN(vsize.act) + 2.21)
# vsize <- c(vsize.act,vsize.hub)
# vlabel <- as.character(Desc[V(g)$name,"Associated.Gene.Name"])
# if (is.finite(vsize) & vsize>0){
# # mark.groups <- vcolors
# # mark.col <- visColoralpha(vcolors, alpha=0.2)
# # mark.border <- visColoralpha(vcolors, alpha=0.2)
# #
# # mark.groups= mark.groups,mark.col= mark.col, mark.border=mark.border,
# # pdf(file = title, width = 10, height = 10)
# netgraph <- dnet::visNet(g, glayout=layout.fruchterman.reingold(g) ,
# vertex.shape="sphere",
# vertex.label = vlabel, edge.color = "grey",
# edge.arrow.size = 0.3, vertex.color = vcolors,
# vertex.frame.color = vcolors, newpage = F)
# return(netgraph)
# }
# }
# else{
# message("no network can be drawn")
# }
# }
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