#' Calculate pair-wise correlations between samples using the expr() slots of a
#' list of two ExpressionSets.
#' This function acts as a wrapper around ComBat (sva package) and cor(), to
#' calculate pairwise correlations within one or between two ExpressionSets.
#' @param eset.pair a list of ExpressionSets, with two elements. If the two
#' elements are identical, return the correlation matrix for pairs of samples
#' in the first element. If not identical, return pairs between the two
#' elements.
#' @param separator Separator between dataset name and sample name. Dataset
#' names are added to sample names to keep track of dataset of origin.
#' @param use.ComBat Use the sva::ComBat function for batch correction of the
#' expr() data between the two datasets.
#' @param \dots Extra arguments passed to the cor() function.
#' @return Returns a matrix of sample-wise Pearson Correlations.
#' @author Levi Waldron, Markus Riester, Marcel Ramos
#' @examples
#' example("phenoFinder")
#' corFinder(esets2)
#' @export corFinder
corFinder <-
function # Calculate pair-wise correlations between samples using the expr() slots of a list of two ExpressionSets.
### This function acts as a wrapper around ComBat (sva package) and
### cor(), to calculate pairwise correlations within one or between
### two ExpressionSets.
### a list of ExpressionSets, with two elements. If the two
### elements are identical, return the correlation matrix for pairs
### of samples in the first element. If not identical, return pairs
### between the two elements.
separator = ":",
### Separator between dataset name and sample name. Dataset names are
### added to sample names to keep track of dataset of origin.
use.ComBat = TRUE,
### Use the sva::ComBat function for batch correction of the expr()
### data between the two datasets.
### Extra arguments passed to the cor() function.
if (!is(eset.pair, "list") || length(eset.pair) != 2)
stop("eset.pair should be a list of two ExpressionSets")
if (!.checkSameEsets(eset.pair)) {
matrix.pair <- .getMatrixPair(eset.pair, use.ComBat)
cormat <- cor(matrix.pair[[1]], matrix.pair[[2]], ...)
} else{
matrix.one <- exprs(eset.pair[[1]])
cormat <- cor(matrix.one, ...)
cormat[!upper.tri(cormat)] <- NA ##NA for diagonal
### Returns a matrix of sample-wise Pearson Correlations.
.getMatrixPair <- function(eset.pair, use.ComBat) {
genes.intersect <-
intersect(featureNames(eset.pair[[1]]), featureNames(eset.pair[[2]]))
for (i in 1:length(eset.pair)) {
eset.pair[[i]] <- eset.pair[[i]][genes.intersect,]
## Calculate correlation matrix for a pair of ExpressionSets:
if (use.ComBat) {
big.matrix <- do.call(cbind, lapply(eset.pair, exprs))
if (any(!is.finite(big.matrix))) {
all.finite <- apply(big.matrix, 1, function(x)
big.matrix <- big.matrix[all.finite,]
if (nrow(big.matrix) < 2)
stop("Fewer than two genes without all finite values.")
batch.var <-
lapply(names(eset.pair), function(x)
rep(x, ncol(eset.pair[[x]])))
batch.var <- do.call(c, batch.var)
big.matrix.combat <-
sva::ComBat(big.matrix, mod = model.matrix( ~ (rep(
1, length(batch.var)
))), batch = batch.var)
matrix.pair <-
lapply(unique(batch.var), function(x)
big.matrix.combat[, batch.var %in% x])
names(matrix.pair) <- unique(batch.var)
} else{
matrix.pair <- lapply(eset.pair, exprs)
names(matrix.pair) <- names(eset.pair)
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