
Defines functions getDataByGenes queryGeneTable geneTable getGenePanelMolecular genePanelMolecular getGenePanel genePanels getSampleInfo allSamples sampleLists samplesInSampleLists searchOps molecularData mutationData fetchData .FilterLengthWarn .sampleMolIds molecularProfiles clinicalData getStudies .loadReportData cBioPortal .handle_token .parse_token

Documented in allSamples cBioPortal clinicalData fetchData genePanelMolecular genePanels geneTable getDataByGenes getGenePanel getGenePanelMolecular getSampleInfo getStudies molecularData molecularProfiles mutationData queryGeneTable sampleLists samplesInSampleLists searchOps

.parse_token <- function(token_file) {
    token <- try({
        as.character(read.dcf(token_file, fields = "token"))
    if (is(token, "try-error"))
        token <- readLines(token_file)

.handle_token <- function(token) {
    if (file.exists(token))
        token <- .parse_token(token)
    else if (grepl(.Platform$file.sep, token, fixed = TRUE))
        stop("The token filepath is not valid")
    token <- gsub("token: ", "", token)
    c(Authorization = paste("Bearer", token))

#' @rdname cBioPortal
#' @aliases cBioPortal
#' @title The R interface to the cBioPortal API Data Service
#' @description This section of the documentation lists the functions that
#'     allow users to access the cBioPortal API. The main representation of the
#'     API can be obtained from the `cBioPortal` function. The supporting
#'     functions listed here give access to specific parts of the API and
#'     allow the user to explore the API with individual calls. Many of the
#'     functions here are listed for documentation purposes and are
#'     recommended for advanced usage only. Users should only need to use the
#'     `cBioPortalData` main function to obtain data.
#' @param api An API object of class `cBioPortal` from the `cBioPortal`
#'     function
#' @param hostname character(1) The internet location of the service
#'     (default: 'www.cbioportal.org')
#' @param protocol character(1) The internet protocol used to access the
#'     hostname (default: 'https')
#' @param api. character(1) The directory location of the API protocol within
#'     the hostname (default: '/api/v2/api-docs')
#' @param token character(1) The Authorization Bearer token e.g.,
#'     "63eba81c-2591-4e15-9d1c-fb6e8e51e35d" or a path to text file.
#' @param studyId character(1) Indicates the "studyId" as taken from
#'     `getStudies`
#' @param buildReport logical(1) Indicates whether to append the build
#'     information to the `getStudies()` table (default FALSE)
#' @param keyword character(1) Keyword or pattern for searching through
#'     available operations
#' @param molecularProfileId character(1) Indicates a molecular profile ID
#' @param molecularProfileIds character() A vector of molecular profile IDs
#' @param entrezGeneIds numeric() A vector indicating entrez gene IDs
#' @param sampleIds character() Sample identifiers
#' @param genes character() Either Entrez gene identifiers or Hugo gene
#'     symbols. When included, the 'by' argument indicates the type of
#'     identifier provided and 'genePanelId' is ignored. Preference is
#'     given to Entrez IDs due to faster query responses.
#' @param genePanelId character(1) Identifies the gene panel, as obtained
#'     from the `genePanels` function
#' @param by character(1) Either 'entrezGeneId' or 'hugoGeneSymbol' for row
#'     metadata (default: 'entrezGeneId')
#' @return
#'     cBioPortal: An API object of class 'cBioPortal'
#'     cBioPortalData: A data object of class 'MultiAssayExperiment'
#' @importFrom AnVIL Service
#' @examples
#' cbio <- cBioPortal()
#' getStudies(api = cbio)
#' searchOps(api = cbio, keyword = "molecular")
#' ## obtain clinical data
#' acc_clin <- clinicalData(api = cbio, studyId = "acc_tcga")
#' acc_clin
#' molecularProfiles(api = cbio, studyId = "acc_tcga")
#' genePanels(cbio)
#' (gp <- getGenePanel(cbio, "AmpliSeq"))
#' muts <- mutationData(
#'     api = cbio,
#'     molecularProfileIds = "acc_tcga_mutations",
#'     entrezGeneIds = 1:1000,
#'     sampleIds = c("TCGA-OR-A5J1-01", "TCGA-OR-A5J2-01")
#' )
#' exps <- molecularData(
#'     api = cbio,
#'     molecularProfileIds = c("acc_tcga_rna_seq_v2_mrna", "acc_tcga_rppa"),
#'     entrezGeneIds = 1:1000,
#'     sampleIds = c("TCGA-OR-A5J1-01", "TCGA-OR-A5J2-01")
#' )
#' sampleLists(api = cbio, studyId = "acc_tcga")
#' samplesInSampleLists(
#'     api = cbio,
#'     sampleListIds = c("acc_tcga_rppa", "acc_tcga_cnaseq")
#' )
#' genePanels(api = cbio)
#' getGenePanel(api = cbio, genePanelId = "IMPACT341")
#' queryGeneTable(api = cbio, by = "entrezGeneId", genes = 7157)
#' @export
cBioPortal <- function(
    hostname = "www.cbioportal.org",
    protocol = "https",
    api. = "/api/v2/api-docs",
    token = character()
) {
    if (length(token))
        token <- .handle_token(token)

    apiUrl <- paste0(protocol, "://", hostname, api.)
    service <- withCallingHandlers({
            service = "cBioPortal",
            host = hostname,
            config = httr::config(
                ssl_verifypeer = 0L, ssl_verifyhost = 0L, http_version = 0L
            authenticate = FALSE,
            api_reference_url = apiUrl,
            api_reference_md5sum = "7314de5c5e8056e4e07b411b3e5a0cb9",
            api_reference_headers = token,
            package = "cBioPortalData",
            schemes = protocol
    }, warning = function(w) {
        if (!grepl("incomplete final line", w))
        service, api_header = token

#' @importFrom BiocBaseUtils checkInstalled
.loadReportData <- function() {
    denv <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
    api_build <- system.file(
        "extdata", "api", "api_build.json",
        package = "cBioPortalData", mustWork = TRUE
    ) |>
        jsonlite::fromJSON() |>
    pack_build <- system.file(
        "extdata", "pack", "pack_build.json",
        package = "cBioPortalData", mustWork = TRUE
    ) |>
        jsonlite::fromJSON() |>
    denv[["api_build"]] <- api_build
    denv[["pack_build"]] <- pack_build


#' @name cBioPortal
#' @section API Metadata:
#'     * getStudies - Obtain a table of studies and associated metadata and
#'     optionally include a `buildReport` status (default FALSE) for each
#'     study. When enabled, the 'api_build' and 'pack_build' columns will
#'     be added to the table and will show if `MultiAssayExperiment` objects
#'     can be generated for that particular study identifier (`studyId`). The
#'     'api_build' column corresponds to datasets obtained with
#'     `cBioPortalData` and the 'pack_build' column corresponds to datsets
#'     loaded via `cBioDataPack`.
#' @export
getStudies <- function(api, buildReport = FALSE) {
    if (missing(api))
        stop("Provide a valid 'api' from 'cBioPortal()'")

    query <- .invoke_fun(api, "getAllStudiesUsingGET")
    studies <- httr::content(query)
    studies <- lapply(studies, function(x) {
        if (is.null(x[["pmid"]]))
            x[["pmid"]] <- NA_character_
        if (is.null(x[["citation"]]))
            x[["citation"]] <- NA_character_
    studytable <- dplyr::bind_rows(studies)

    if (buildReport) {
        denv <- .loadReportData()
            studytable <- dplyr::left_join(studytable, denv[["api_build"]])
            studytable <- dplyr::left_join(studytable, denv[["pack_build"]])


#' @name cBioPortal
#' @section Patient Data:
#'      * clinicalData - Obtain clinical data for a particular study identifier
#'      ('studyId')
#' @examples
#' clinicalData(cbio, "acc_tcga")
#' @export
clinicalData <- function(api, studyId = NA_character_) {
    if (missing(api))
        stop("Provide a valid 'api' from 'cBioPortal()'")

    atts <- .invoke_bind(
        api = api, name = "fetchAllClinicalDataInStudyUsingPOST",
        clinicalDataType = "PATIENT", studyId = studyId
    att_tab <- tidyr::pivot_wider(data = atts, id_cols = "patientId",
        names_from = "clinicalAttributeId", values_from = "value")
    clin <- .invoke_bind(
        api = api, name = "getAllClinicalDataInStudyUsingGET",
        studyId = studyId
    clin_tab <- tidyr::pivot_wider(data = clin,
        id_cols = c("patientId", "sampleId"),
        names_from = "clinicalAttributeId", values_from = "value")
    dplyr::full_join(att_tab, clin_tab, by = "patientId")

#' @name cBioPortal
#' @section Molecular Profiles:
#'      * molecularProfiles - Produce a molecular profiles dataset for a given
#'      study identifier ('studyId')
#' @param projection character(default: "SUMMARY") Specify the projection
#'   type for data retrieval for details see API documentation
#' @export
molecularProfiles <- function(api, studyId = NA_character_,
    projection = c("SUMMARY", "ID", "DETAILED", "META"))
    if (missing(api))
        stop("Provide a valid 'api' from 'cBioPortal()'")

    projection <- match.arg(projection)
    mols <- .invoke_fun(
        api = api, name = "getAllMolecularProfilesInStudyUsingGET",
        studyId = studyId, projection = projection
    cmols <- httr::content(mols)
    if (projection %in% c("SUMMARY", "ID"))

.sampleMolIds <- function(molecularProfileIds, sampleIds)
    SampMolIds <- S4Vectors::expand.grid(
        molecularProfileId = sort(molecularProfileIds),
        sampleId = sort(sampleIds)
    SampMolIds[order(SampMolIds[["molecularProfileId"]]), ]

.FilterLengthWarn <- function(datalist) {
    datanames <- names(datalist)
    for (dname in datanames) {
        byG <- datalist[[dname]]
        if ("message" %in% names(byG) || !length(byG)) {
            msg <- byG[["message"]]
            if (length(msg)) {
                warning(dname, ": ", msg, call. = FALSE)
                datalist[[dname]] <- dplyr::tibble()
    empty <- vapply(datalist, function(adat) !length(adat), logical(1L))
    if (any(empty)) {
        enames <- paste(datanames[empty], collapse = ", ")
        warning("No data found for molecularProfileId: ", enames, call. = FALSE)
    ## remove empty responses (e.g., in ov_tcga_pub_mirna)
    Filter(length, datalist)

#' @name cBioPortal
#' @section Molecular Data:
#'     * fetchData - A convenience function to download both mutation and
#'     molecular data with `molecularProfileId`, `entrezGeneIds`, and
#'     `sampleIds`
#' @export
fetchData <-
        api, molecularProfileIds = NA_character_,
        entrezGeneIds = NULL, sampleIds = NULL
) {
    byGeneList <- vector("list", length(molecularProfileIds))
    names(byGeneList) <- molecularProfileIds

    mutation <- grepl("mutation", molecularProfileIds)
    mutationList <- mutationData(
        api = api, molecularProfileIds = molecularProfileIds[mutation],
        entrezGeneIds = entrezGeneIds, sampleIds = sampleIds
    molecularList <- molecularData(
        api = api, molecularProfileIds = molecularProfileIds[!mutation],
        entrezGeneIds = entrezGeneIds, sampleIds = sampleIds
    byGeneList <- c(mutationList, molecularList)

#' @name cBioPortal
#' @section Molecular Data:
#'     * mutationData - Produce a dataset of mutation data using
#'     `molecularProfileId`, `entrezGeneIds`, and `sampleIds`
#' @export
mutationData <- function(api, molecularProfileIds = NA_character_,
    entrezGeneIds = NULL, sampleIds = NULL)
    if (missing(api))
        stop("Provide a valid 'api' from 'cBioPortal()'")
    if (is.null(entrezGeneIds))
        stop("Provide a character vector of 'entrezGeneIds'")
    if (is.null(sampleIds))
        stop("Provide a character vector of 'sampleIds'")

    if (length(molecularProfileIds) > 1L) {
        SampMolIds <- .sampleMolIds(molecularProfileIds, sampleIds)

    if (length(molecularProfileIds) == 1L) {
        endpoint <- "fetchMutationsInMolecularProfileUsingPOST"
        byGene <- .invoke_bind(
            api, endpoint,
            molecularProfileId = molecularProfileIds,
            entrezGeneIds = sort(entrezGeneIds),
            sampleIds = sort(sampleIds)
    } else if (length(molecularProfileIds)) {
        endpoint <- "fetchMutationsInMultipleMolecularProfilesUsingPOST"
        byGene <- .invoke_bind(
            api, endpoint,
            molecularProfileIds = molecularProfileIds,
            sampleMolecularIdentifiers = SampMolIds
    if (!length(molecularProfileIds) || !length(byGene))
            vector("list", length(molecularProfileIds)),
            .Names = molecularProfileIds
        split(byGene, byGene[["molecularProfileId"]])

#' @name cBioPortal
#' @section Molecular Data:
#'     * molecularData - Produce a dataset of molecular profile data based on
#'     `molecularProfileId`, `entrezGeneIds`, and `sampleIds`
#' @export
molecularData <- function(api, molecularProfileIds = NA_character_,
    entrezGeneIds = NULL, sampleIds = NULL)
    if (missing(api))
        stop("Provide a valid 'api' from 'cBioPortal()'")
    if (is.null(entrezGeneIds))
        stop("Provide a character vector of 'entrezGeneIds'")
    if (is.null(sampleIds))
        stop("Provide a character vector of 'sampleIds'")

    if (length(molecularProfileIds) == 1L) {
        endpoint <- "fetchAllMolecularDataInMolecularProfileUsingPOST"
        byGene <- .invoke_bind(api,
            molecularProfileId = molecularProfileIds,
            entrezGeneIds = sort(entrezGeneIds),
            sampleIds = sort(sampleIds)
    } else if (length(molecularProfileIds)) {
        endpoint <- "fetchMolecularDataInMultipleMolecularProfilesUsingPOST"
        byGene <- .invoke_bind(api,
            projection = "SUMMARY",
            entrezGeneIds = sort(entrezGeneIds),
            sampleMolecularIdentifiers = .sampleMolIds(
                molecularProfileIds, sampleIds
    if (!length(molecularProfileIds) || !length(byGene))
            vector("list", length(molecularProfileIds)),
            .Names = molecularProfileIds
        split(byGene, byGene[["molecularProfileId"]])

#' @name cBioPortal
#' @section API Metadata:
#'     * searchOps - Search through API operations with a keyword
#' @export
searchOps <- function(api, keyword) {
    grep(keyword, names(AnVIL::operations(api)),
        value = TRUE, ignore.case = TRUE)

#' @name cBioPortal
#' @section Sample Data:
#'     * samplesInSampleLists - get all samples associated with a 'sampleListId'
#' @param sampleListIds character() A vector of 'sampleListId' as obtained from
#'     `sampleLists`
#' @export
samplesInSampleLists <-
    function(api, sampleListIds = NA_character_) {
    if (missing(api))
        stop("Provide a valid 'api' from 'cBioPortal()'")
    sampleListIds <- sort(sampleListIds)
    sampleListIds <- setNames(sampleListIds, sampleListIds)

    meta <- structure(vector("list", length(sampleListIds)),
        .Names = sampleListIds)
    res <- lapply(sampleListIds, function(x) {
        res <- .invoke_fun(
            api, "getSampleListUsingGET", sampleListId = x
        res2 <- httr::content(res)
        meta[[x]] <<- res2[names(res2) != "sampleIds"]
    res <- IRanges::CharacterList(res)
    meta <- dplyr::bind_rows(meta)
    metadata(res) <- meta


#' @name cBioPortal
#' @section API Metadata:
#'     * sampleLists - obtain all `sampleListIds` for a particular `studyId`
#' @export
sampleLists <- function(api, studyId = NA_character_) {
    if (missing(api))
        stop("Provide a valid 'api' from 'cBioPortal()'")
    .invoke_bind(api, "getAllSampleListsInStudyUsingGET",
        studyId = studyId)

#' @name cBioPortal
#' @section API Metadata:
#'     * allSamples - obtain all samples within a particular `studyId`
#' @export
allSamples <- function(api, studyId = NA_character_) {
    if (missing(api))
        stop("Provide a valid 'api' from 'cBioPortal()'")
    .invoke_bind(api, "getAllSamplesInStudyUsingGET",
        studyId = list(studyId = studyId))

#' @name cBioPortal
#' @section Sample Data:
#'     * getSampleInfo - Obtain sample metadata for a particular `studyId` or
#'     `sampleListId`
#' @export
getSampleInfo <-
    function(api, studyId = NA_character_, sampleListIds = NULL,
        projection = c("SUMMARY", "ID", "DETAILED", "META"))
    if (missing(api))
        stop("Provide a valid 'api' from 'cBioPortal()'")
    projection <- match.arg(projection)
    if (!is.null(sampleListIds))
        queryobj <- list(sampleListIds = sampleListIds)
        queryobj <- list(sampleIdentifiers =
                allSamples(api, studyId)[, c("sampleId", "studyId")]

    .invoke_bind(api = api, name = "fetchSamplesUsingPOST",
        projection = projection, sampleIdentifiers = queryobj

#' @name cBioPortal
#' @section API Metadata:
#'     * genePanels - Show all available gene panels
#' @export
genePanels <- function(api) {
    if (missing(api))
        stop("Provide a valid 'api' from 'cBioPortal()'")

    .invoke_bind(api, "getAllGenePanelsUsingGET")

#' @name cBioPortal
#' @section Gene Panels:
#'     * getGenePanels - Obtain the gene panel for a particular 'genePanelId'
#' @export
getGenePanel <- function(api, genePanelId = NA_character_) {
    if (missing(api))
        stop("Provide a valid 'api' from 'cBioPortal()'")

    res <- .invoke_fun(api, "getGenePanelUsingGET", genePanelId = genePanelId)
    res <- httr::content(res)[["genes"]]

#' @name cBioPortal
#' @section Gene Panels:
#'     * genePanelMolecular - get gene panel data for a particular
#'     `molecularProfileId` and either a vector of `sampleListId` or `sampleId`
#' @param sampleListId character(1) A sample list identifier as obtained from
#'     `sampleLists()``
#' @export
genePanelMolecular <-
    function(api, molecularProfileId = NA_character_, sampleListId = NULL,
        sampleIds = NULL)
    if (missing(api))
        stop("Provide a valid 'api' from 'cBioPortal()'")

    if (!is.null(sampleListId))
        .invoke_bind(api, "getGenePanelDataUsingPOST",
            molecularProfileId = molecularProfileId,
            sampleListId = list(sampleListId = sampleListId)
    else if (!is.null(sampleIds))
        .invoke_bind(api, "getGenePanelDataUsingPOST",
            molecularProfileId = molecularProfileId,
            sampleIds = list(sampleIds = sort(sampleIds))
        stop("Provide either 'sampleIds' or a 'sampleListId'")

#' @name cBioPortal
#' @section Gene Panels:
#'     * getGenePanelMolecular - get gene panel data for multiple
#'     `molecularProfileId`s and a vector of `sampleIds`
#' @export
getGenePanelMolecular <-
    function(api, molecularProfileIds = NA_character_, sampleIds)
    if (missing(sampleIds))
            "Provide valid 'sampleIds' from 'samplesInSampleLists()'",
            " or 'allSamples()'"

    SampMolIds <- S4Vectors::expand.grid(
        molecularProfileId = sort(molecularProfileIds),
        sampleId = sort(sampleIds)
    SampMolIds <- SampMolIds[order(SampMolIds[["molecularProfileId"]]), ]

        api = api,
        name = "fetchGenePanelDataInMultipleMolecularProfilesUsingPOST",
        sampleMolecularIdentifiers =
            list(sampleMolecularIdentifiers = SampMolIds)

#' @name cBioPortal
#' @section API Metadata:
#'     * geneTable - Get a table of all genes by 'entrezGeneId' and
#'     'hugoGeneSymbol'
#' @param pageSize numeric(1) The number of rows in the table to return
#' @param pageNumber numeric(1) The pagination page number
#' @param ... Additional arguments to lower level API functions
#' @export
geneTable <- function(api, pageSize = 1000, pageNumber = 0, ...) {
    if (missing(api))
        stop("Provide a valid 'api' from 'cBioPortal()'")

    .invoke_bind(api, "getAllGenesUsingGET", pageSize = pageSize,
        pageNumber = pageNumber, ...)

#' @name cBioPortal
#' @section API Metadata:
#'     * queryGeneTable - Get a table for only the `genes` or `genePanelId` of
#'     interest. Gene inputs are identified with the `by` argument
#' @export
queryGeneTable <- function(
        by = c("entrezGeneId", "hugoGeneSymbol"),
        genes = NA_character_,
        genePanelId = NA_character_
) {
    all.na <- function(x) all(is.na(x))

    if (all.na(genes) && all.na(genePanelId))
        stop("Provide either 'genes' or 'genePanelId'")

    by <- match.arg(by)
    geneIdType <- switch(
        by, entrezGeneId = "ENTREZ_GENE_ID", hugoGeneSymbol = 'HUGO_GENE_SYMBOL'

    if (!all.na(genes))
        .invoke_bind(api, "fetchGenesUsingPOST",
            geneIdType = geneIdType, geneIds = as.character(genes))
        getGenePanel(api, genePanelId = genePanelId)

#' @name cBioPortal
#' @section Genes:
#'     * getDataByGenes - Download data for a number of genes within
#'     `molecularProfileId` indicators, optionally a `sampleListId` can be
#'     provided.
#' @examples
#' getDataByGenes(
#'     cbio, studyId = "acc_tcga", genes = 1:3,
#'     by = c("entrezGeneId", "hugoGeneSymbol"),
#'     molecularProfileIds = "acc_tcga_rppa",
#'     sampleListId = "acc_tcga_rppa"
#' )
#' @export
getDataByGenes <-
    function(api, studyId = NA_character_, genes = NA_character_,
        genePanelId = NA_character_, by = c("entrezGeneId", "hugoGeneSymbol"),
        molecularProfileIds = NULL, sampleListId = NULL, sampleIds = NULL, ...)
    if (missing(api))
        stop("Provide a valid 'api' from 'cBioPortal()'")
    if (!is.null(sampleListId))
        sampleIds <- samplesInSampleLists(api, sampleListId)[[1L]]
    else if (is.null(sampleIds))
        sampleIds <- allSamples(api, studyId)[["sampleId"]]

    by <- match.arg(by)

    feats <- queryGeneTable(api, by, genes, genePanelId)

    molData <- fetchData(
        api = api,
        molecularProfileIds = molecularProfileIds,
        entrezGeneIds = feats[["entrezGeneId"]],
        sampleIds = sampleIds
    molData <- lapply(
        function(x) suppressMessages({
            dplyr::left_join(x, feats)
waldronlab/cBioPortalData documentation built on Jan. 15, 2025, 12:42 p.m.