# author: Ludwig Geistlinger
# date: 2016-07-29 16:49:12
# descr: core benchmark functionality
# iterate over expression datasets
.iter <- function(exp.list, f, ..., parallel=NULL)
is.windows <- is.null(parallel) && .Platform$OS.type == "windows"
if(is.windows) parallel <- BiocParallel::SerialParam()
if(is.null(parallel)) parallel <- BiocParallel::bpparam()
fail <- TRUE
trials <- 0
while(fail && trials < 5)
res <- try(
BiocParallel::bplapply(exp.list, f, ..., BPPARAM=parallel),
fail <- is(res, "try-error")
trials <- trials + 1
if(fail) stop(res)
#' Evaluation of the type I error rate of enrichment methods
#' This function evaluates the type I error rate of selected methods for
#' enrichment analysis when applied to one or more expression datasets.
#' @param exp.list Experiment list. A \code{list} of datasets, each being of
#' class \code{\linkS4class{SummarizedExperiment}}.
#' @param methods Methods for enrichment analysis. This can be either \itemize{
#' \item a character vector with method names chosen from \code{\link{sbeaMethods}}
#' and \code{\link{nbeaMethods}},
#' \item a user-defined function implementing a method for enrichment analysis, or
#' \item a named list, containing pre-defined and/or user-defined enrichment methods.
#' See examples.}
#' @param gs Gene sets, i.e. a list of character vectors of gene IDs.
#' @param alpha Numeric. Statistical significance level. Defaults to 0.05.
#' @param ea.perm Integer. Number of permutations of the sample group assignments
#' during enrichment analysis. Defaults to 1000. Can also be an integer vector
#' matching the length of 'methods' to assign different numbers of permutations
#' for different methods.
#' @param tI.perm Integer. Number of permutations of the sample group assignments
#' during type I error rate evaluation. Defaults to 1000. Can also be an integer
#' vector matching the length of \code{methods} to assign different numbers of
#' permutations for different methods.
#' @param perm.block.size Integer. When running in parallel, splits \code{tI.perm}
#' into blocks of the indicated size. Defaults to -1, which indicates to not
#' partition \code{tI.perm}.
#' @param summarize Logical. If \code{TRUE} (default) applies \code{\link{summary}}
#' to the vector of type I error rates across \code{tI.perm} permutations of the
#' sample labels. Use \code{FALSE} to return the full vector of type I error rates.
#' @param save2file Logical. Should results be saved to file for subsequent
#' benchmarking? Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param out.dir Character. Determines the output directory where results are
#' saved to. Defaults to \code{NULL}, which then writes to
#' \code{tools::R_user_dir("GSEABenchmarkeR")} in case \code{save2file}
#' is set to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param verbose Logical. Should progress be reported? Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to the selected enrichment methods.
#' @return A list with an entry for each method applied. Each method entry is
#' a list with an entry for each dataset analyzed. Each dataset entry is either
#' a summary (\code{summarize=TRUE}) or the full vector of type I error rates
#' (\code{summarize=FALSE}) across \code{tI.perm} permutations of the sample labels.
#' @author Ludwig Geistlinger <Ludwig.Geistlinger@@sph.cuny.edu>
#' @seealso \code{\link{sbea}} and \code{\link{nbea}}
#' for carrying out set- and network-based enrichment analysis.
#' \code{\linkS4class{BiocParallelParam}} and \code{\link{register}} for
#' configuration of parallel computation.
#' @examples
#' # loading three datasets from the GEO2KEGG compendium
#' geo2kegg <- loadEData("geo2kegg", nr.datasets=3)
#' # only considering the first 1000 probes for demonstration
#' geo2kegg <- lapply(geo2kegg, function(d) d[1:1000,])
#' # preprocessing and DE analysis for two of the datasets
#' geo2kegg <- maPreproc(geo2kegg[2:3])
#' geo2kegg <- runDE(geo2kegg)
#' # getting a subset of human KEGG gene sets
#' gs.file <- system.file("extdata", package="EnrichmentBrowser")
#' gs.file <- file.path(gs.file, "hsa_kegg_gs.gmt")
#' kegg.gs <- EnrichmentBrowser::getGenesets(gs.file)
#' # evaluating type I error rate of two methods on two datasets
#' # NOTE: using a small number of permutations for demonstration;
#' # for a meaningful evaluation tI.perm should be >= 1000
#' res <- evalTypeIError(geo2kegg, methods=c("ora",
#' "camera"), gs=kegg.gs, ea.perm=0, tI.perm=3)
#' # applying a user-defined enrichment method ...
#' # ... or a mix of pre-defined and user-defined methods
#' dummySBEA <- function(se, gs)
#' {
#' sig.ps <- sample(seq(0, 0.05, length=1000), 5)
#' nsig.ps <- sample(seq(0.1, 1, length=1000), length(gs)-5)
#' ps <- sample(c(sig.ps, nsig.ps), length(gs))
#' names(ps) <- names(gs)
#' return(ps)
#' }
#' methods <- list(camera = "camera", dummySBEA = dummySBEA)
#' res <- evalTypeIError(methods, geo2kegg, gs=kegg.gs, tI.perm=3)
#' @export evalTypeIError
evalTypeIError <- function(methods, exp.list, gs, alpha=0.05,
ea.perm=1000, tI.perm=1000, perm.block.size=-1, summarize=TRUE,
save2file=FALSE, out.dir=NULL, verbose=TRUE, ...)
# setup
GRP.COL <- EnrichmentBrowser::configEBrowser("GRP.COL")
BLK.COL <- EnrichmentBrowser::configEBrowser("BLK.COL")
methods <- .methods2list(methods)
nr.meth <- length(methods)
# singleton call?
if(is(exp.list, "SummarizedExperiment"))
did <- metadata(exp.list)$dataId
exp.list <- list(exp.list)
names(exp.list) <- ifelse(is.null(did), "se", did)
# remove blocking
for(i in seq_along(exp.list))
nind <- colnames(colData(exp.list[[i]])) != BLK.COL
colData(exp.list[[i]]) <- colData(exp.list[[i]])[,nind]
# different number of permutations for different methods?
if(length(ea.perm) != nr.meth) ea.perm <- rep(ea.perm[1], nr.meth)
if(length(tI.perm) != nr.meth) tI.perm <- rep(tI.perm[1], nr.meth)
if(length(perm.block.size) != nr.meth)
perm.block.size <- rep(perm.block.size[1], nr.meth)
names(ea.perm) <- names(tI.perm) <- names(perm.block.size) <- names(methods)
show.progress <- verbose && length(exp.list) > 2
# iterate one method over multiple datasets
.iterD <- function(se, m, pb)
id <- metadata(se)$dataId
if(show.progress) setTxtProgressBar(pb, match(id, names(exp.list)))
.evalTypeI(methods[m], se, gs, alpha, ea.perm[m], tI.perm[m],
perm.block.size = perm.block.size, summarize = summarize,
save2file = save2file, out.dir = out.dir, ...)
# iterate over methods
.iterM <- function(m)
if(verbose) message(m)
pb <- NULL
if(show.progress) pb <- txtProgressBar(0, length(exp.list), style=3)
res <- lapply(exp.list, .iterD, m = m, pb = pb)
names(res) <- names(exp.list)
if(show.progress) close(pb)
res <- lapply(names(methods), .iterM)
names(res) <- names(methods)
# for one method and one dataset
.evalTypeI <- function(method, se, gs, alpha=0.05,
ea.perm=1000, tI.perm=1000, perm.mat=NULL, perm.block.size=-1,
summarize=TRUE, save2file=FALSE, out.dir=NULL, uses.de=FALSE, ...)
GRP.COL <- EnrichmentBrowser::configEBrowser("GRP.COL")
PVAL.COL <- EnrichmentBrowser::configEBrowser("PVAL.COL")
ADJP.COL <- EnrichmentBrowser::configEBrowser("ADJP.COL")
if(length(tI.perm) > 1) tI.perm <- tI.perm[names(method)]
if(length(ea.perm) > 1) ea.perm <- ea.perm[names(method)]
if(length(perm.block.size) > 1)
perm.block.size <- perm.block.size[names(method)]
# is permutation matrix given as arg?
if(is.null(perm.mat)) perm.mat <- .getPermMat(se[[GRP.COL]], tI.perm)
else if(tI.perm < ncol(perm.mat)) perm.mat <- perm.mat[,seq_len(tI.perm)]
if(!is.function(method[[1]])) uses.de <- names(method) %in% c("ora", "ebm")
.calcFPR <- function(i)
se[[GRP.COL]] <- perm.mat[,i]
se <- EnrichmentBrowser::deAna(se)
rowData(se)[[ADJP.COL]] <- rowData(se)[[PVAL.COL]]
res <- runEA(se, method, gs, ea.perm, ...)
res <- res[[1]][[1]]$ranking
mean(res[[PVAL.COL]] < alpha)
res <- .execPermBlocks(.calcFPR, ncol(perm.mat), perm.block.size)
if(summarize) res <- summary(res)
if(save2file) .save2file(res, out.dir, names(method), metadata(se)$dataId)
.getPermMat <- function(grp, perm=1000)
perm.mat <- replicate(perm, sample(grp))
# any permutation identical to observed setup?
ind.id <- apply(perm.mat, 2, function(x) identical(grp, x))
if(any(ind.id)) perm.mat <- perm.mat[,!ind.id]
# any duplicated permutations?
ind.dup <- duplicated(data.frame(t(perm.mat)))
if(any(ind.dup)) perm.mat <- perm.mat[,!ind.dup]
d <- perm - ncol(perm.mat)
if(d) message(paste0("Removed ", d,
" identical / duplicated permutation",
ifelse(d > 1, "s", "")))
#' Evaluation of enrichment methods on random gene sets
#' This function evaluates the proportion of rejected null hypotheses
#' (= the fraction of significant gene sets) of an enrichment method
#' when applied to random gene sets of defined size.
#' @param method Enrichment analysis method. A character scalar chosen
#' from \code{\link{sbeaMethods}} and \code{\link{nbeaMethods}}, or a user-defined
#' function implementing a method for enrichment analysis.
#' @param se An expression dataset of class \code{\linkS4class{SummarizedExperiment}}.
#' @param nr.gs Integer. Number of random gene sets. Defaults to 100.
#' @param set.size Integer. Gene set size, i.e. number of genes in each random gene set.
#' @param alpha Numeric. Statistical significance level. Defaults to 0.05.
#' @param padj Character. Method for adjusting p-values to multiple testing.
#' For available methods see the man page of the stats function
#' \code{\link{p.adjust}}. Defaults to \code{"none"}.
#' @param perc Logical. Should the percentage (between 0 and 100, default)
#' or the proportion (between 0 and 1) of significant gene sets be returned?
#' @param reps Integer. Number of replications. Defaults to 100.
#' @param rep.block.size Integer. When running in parallel, splits \code{reps}
#' into blocks of the indicated size. Defaults to -1, which indicates to not
#' partition \code{reps}.
#' @param summarize Logical. If \code{TRUE} (default) returns the mean (\code{\link{mean}})
#' and the standard deviation (\code{\link{sd}}) of the proportion of significant
#' gene sets across \code{reps} replications. Use \code{FALSE} to return the full
#' vector storing the proportion of significant gene sets for each replication.
#' @param save2file Logical. Should results be saved to file for subsequent
#' benchmarking? Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param out.dir Character. Determines the output directory where results are
#' saved to. Defaults to \code{NULL}, which then writes to
#' \code{tools::R_user_dir("GSEABenchmarkeR")} in case \code{save2file}
#' is set to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to the selected enrichment method.
#' @return A named numeric vector of length 2 storing mean and standard deviation
#' of the proportion of significant gene sets across \code{reps} replications
#' (\code{summarize=TRUE}); or a numeric vector of length \code{reps} storing the
#' the proportion of significant gene sets for each replication itself
#' (\code{summarize=FALSE}).
#' @author Ludwig Geistlinger <Ludwig.Geistlinger@@sph.cuny.edu>
#' @seealso \code{\link{sbea}} and \code{\link{nbea}}
#' for carrying out set- and network-based enrichment analysis.
#' \code{\linkS4class{BiocParallelParam}} and \code{\link{register}} for
#' configuration of parallel computation.
#' @examples
#' # loading two datasets from the GEO2KEGG compendium
#' geo2kegg <- loadEData("geo2kegg", nr.datasets = 2)
#' # only considering the first 1000 probes for demonstration
#' geo2kegg <- lapply(geo2kegg, function(d) d[1:1000,])
#' # preprocessing and DE analysis for two of the datasets
#' geo2kegg <- maPreproc(geo2kegg)
#' geo2kegg <- runDE(geo2kegg)
#' evalRandomGS("camera", geo2kegg[[1]], reps = 3)
#' @export evalRandomGS
evalRandomGS <- function(method, se, nr.gs=100, set.size=5,
alpha=0.05, padj = "none", perc=TRUE, reps=100, rep.block.size=-1,
summarize=TRUE, save2file=FALSE, out.dir=NULL, ...)
PVAL.COL <- EnrichmentBrowser::configEBrowser("PVAL.COL")
.eval <- function(i)
gs <- replicate(nr.gs, sample(names(se), set.size), simplify=FALSE)
names(gs) <- paste0("gs", seq_len(nr.gs))
res <- runEA(se, method, gs, ...)
res <- res[[1]][[1]]$ranking
res <- p.adjust(res[,PVAL.COL], method=padj)
res <- mean(res < alpha)
if(perc) res <- round(res * 100, digits=2)
res <- .execPermBlocks(.eval, reps, rep.block.size)
if(summarize) res <- c(mean=mean(res), sd=sd(res))
if(is.function(method)) method <- "method"
if(save2file) .save2file(res, out.dir, method, paste0("gs", set.size))
.execPermBlocks <- function(evalF, nr.perms, perm.block.size)
grid <- seq_len(nr.perms)
serial <- perm.block.size < 0 || nr.perms < 10
if(serial) res <- vapply(grid, evalF, numeric(1))
else if(perm.block.size > 1)
# split into blocks of defined size
blocks <- seq(1, nr.perms, by=perm.block.size)
bdiff <- perm.block.size - 1
last <- blocks[length(blocks)]
.gb <- function(b) c(b, ifelse(b == last, nr.perms, b + bdiff))
blocks <- lapply(blocks, .gb)
.f <- function(b) vapply(b[1]:b[2], evalF, numeric(1))
res <- BiocParallel::bplapply(blocks, .f)
res <- unlist(res)
# each permutation in parallel
res <- BiocParallel::bplapply(grid, evalF)
res <- unlist(res)
#' Evaluating gene set rankings for the number of (significant) sets
#' These functions evaluate gene set rankings obtained from applying enrichment
#' methods to multiple datasets. This allows to assess resulting rankings for
#' granularity (how many gene sets have a unique p-value?) and statistical
#' significance (how many gene sets have a p-value below a significance
#' threshold?).
#' @param ea.ranks Enrichment analysis rankings. A list with an entry for each
#' enrichment method applied. Each entry is a list that stores for each
#' dataset analyzed the resulting gene set ranking as obtained from applying
#' the respective method to the respective dataset.
#' @param uniq.pval Logical. Should the number of gene sets with a unique
#' p-value or the total number of gene sets per ranking be returned? Defaults
#' to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param perc Logical. Should the percentage or absolute number of gene sets
#' be returned? Percentage is typically more useful for comparison between
#' rankings with a potentially different total number of gene sets. Defaults
#' to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param alpha Statistical significance level. Defaults to 0.05.
#' @param padj Character. Method for adjusting p-values to multiple testing.
#' For available methods see the man page of the stats function
#' \code{\link{p.adjust}}. Defaults to \code{"none"}.
#' @return A list of numeric vectors storing for each method the number of
#' (significant) gene sets for each dataset analyzed. If each element of the
#' resulting list is of equal length (corresponds to successful application of
#' each enrichment method to each dataset), the list is automatically
#' simplified to a numeric matrix (rows = datasets, columns = methods).
#' @author Ludwig Geistlinger <Ludwig.Geistlinger@@sph.cuny.edu>
#' @seealso \code{\link{runEA}} to apply enrichment methods to multiple
#' datasets; \code{\link{readResults}} to read saved rankings as an input for
#' the eval-functions.
#' @examples
#' # simulated setup:
#' # 2 methods & 2 datasets
#' methods <- paste0("m", 1:2)
#' data.ids <- paste0("d", 1:2)
#' # simulate gene set rankings
#' getRankingForDataset <- function(d)
#' {
#' r <- EnrichmentBrowser::makeExampleData("ea.res")
#' EnrichmentBrowser::gsRanking(r, signif.only=FALSE)
#' }
#' getRankingsForMethod <- function(m)
#' {
#' rs <- lapply(data.ids, getRankingForDataset)
#' names(rs) <- data.ids
#' rs
#' }
#' ea.ranks <- lapply(methods, getRankingsForMethod)
#' names(ea.ranks) <- methods
#' # evaluate
#' evalNrSets(ea.ranks)
#' evalNrSigSets(ea.ranks)
#' @export evalNrSigSets
evalNrSigSets <- function(ea.ranks, alpha=0.05, padj="none", perc=TRUE)
pcol <- EnrichmentBrowser::configEBrowser("PVAL.COL")
res <- sapply(ea.ranks,
function(rs) vapply(rs,
nr <- sum(p.adjust(r[,pcol], method=padj) < alpha)
if(perc) nr <- nr / nrow(r) * 100
}, numeric(1)))
#' @rdname evalNrSigSets
#' @export
evalNrSets <- function(ea.ranks, uniq.pval=TRUE, perc=TRUE)
pcol <- EnrichmentBrowser::configEBrowser("PVAL.COL")
res <- sapply(ea.ranks,
function(rs) vapply(rs,
nr <- ifelse(uniq.pval, length(unique(r[,pcol])), nrow(r))
if(perc) nr <- nr / nrow(r) * 100
}, numeric(1)))
#' Evaluating phenotype relevance of gene set rankings
#' This function evaluates gene set rankings obtained from the application of
#' enrichment methods to multiple datasets - where each dataset investigates a
#' certain phenotype such as a disease. Given pre-defined phenotype relevance
#' scores for the gene sets, indicating how important a gene set is for the
#' investigated phenotype (as e.g. judged by evidence from the literature),
#' this allows to assess whether enrichment methods produce gene set rankings
#' in which phenotype-relevant gene sets accumulate at the top.
#' The function \code{evalRelevance} evaluates the similarity of a gene set ranking
#' obtained from enrichment analysis and a gene set ranking based on phenotype
#' relevance scores. Therefore, the function first transforms the ranks 'r'
#' from the enrichment analysis to weights 'w' in [0,1] via w = 1 - r / N;
#' where 'N' denotes the total number of gene sets on which the enrichment
#' analysis has been carried out. These weights are then multiplied with the
#' corresponding relevance scores and summed up.
#' The function \code{compOpt} applies \code{evalRelevance} to the theoretically
#' optimal case in which the enrichment analysis ranking is identical to the
#' relevance score ranking. The ratio between observed and optimal score is
#' useful for comparing observed scores between datasets / phenotypes.
#' The function \code{compRand} repeatedly applies \code{evalRelevance} to random
#' rankings obtained from placing the gene sets randomly along the ranking, thereby
#' assessing how likely it is to observe a score equal or greater than the one
#' obtained.
#' It is also possible to inspect other measures for summarizing the phenotype
#' relevance, instead of calculating weighted relevance scores sums (argument
#' \code{method="wsum"}, default).
#' One possibility is to treat the comparison of the EA ranking and the relevance
#' ranking as a classification problem, and to compute standard classification
#' performance measures such as the area under the ROC curve (\code{method="auc"}).
#' However, this requires to divide the relevance rankings (argument \code{rel.ranks})
#' into relevant (true positives) and irrelevant (true negatives) gene sets using
#' the \code{top} argument.
#' Instead of \code{method="auc"}, this can also be any other
#' performance measure that the ROCR package (\url{https://rocr.bioinf.mpi-sb.mpg.de})
#' implements. For example, \code{method="tnr"} for calculation of the true
#' negative rate. Although such classification performance measures are easy to
#' interpret, the weighted sum has certain preferable properties such as avoiding
#' thresholding and accounting for varying degrees of relevance in the relevance
#' rankings.
#' It is also possible to compute a standard rank-based correlation measure
#' such as Spearman's correlation (\code{method="cor"}) to compare the similarity
#' of the enrichment analysis rankings and the relevance rankings. However, this
#' might not be optimal for a comparison of an EA ranking going over the full
#' gene set vector against the typically much smaller vector of gene sets for
#' which a relevance score is annotated. For this scenario, using
#' rank correlation reduces the question to "does a \emph{subset of the EA ranking}
#' preserve the order of the relevance ranking"; although our question of interest is
#' rather "is a \emph{subset of the relevant gene sets} ranked highly in the EA ranking".
#' @param ea.ranks Enrichment analysis rankings. A list with an entry for each
#' enrichment method applied. Each entry is a list that stores for each
#' dataset analyzed the resulting gene set ranking, obtained from applying the
#' respective method to the respective dataset. Resulting gene set rankings
#' are assumed to be of class \code{\linkS4class{DataFrame}} in which gene sets
#' (required column named \code{GENE.SET}) are ranked according to a ranking
#' measure such as a gene set p-value (required column named \code{PVAL}).
#' See \code{\link{gsRanking}} for an example.
#' @param rel.ranks Relevance score rankings. A list with an entry for each
#' phenotype investigated. Each entry should be a
#' \code{\linkS4class{DataFrame}} in which gene sets (rownames are assumed to
#' be gene set IDs) are ranked according to a phenotype relevance score
#' (required column \code{REL.SCORE}).
#' @param data2pheno A named character vector where the names correspond to
#' dataset IDs and the elements of the vector to the corresponding phenotypes
#' investigated.
#' @param method Character. Determines how the relevance score is summarized
#' across the enrichment analysis ranking. Choose \code{"wsum"} (default) to
#' compute a weighted sum of the relevance scores, \code{"auc"} to perform a ROC/AUC
#' analysis, or \code{"cor"} to compute a correlation. This can also be a
#' user-defined function for customized behaviors. See Details.
#' @param top Integer. If \code{top} is non-zero, the evaluation will be
#' restricted to the first \code{top} gene sets of each enrichment analysis
#' ranking. Defaults to \code{0}, which will then evaluate the full ranking.
#' If used with \code{method="auc"}, it defines the number of gene sets at the
#' top of the relevance ranking that are considered relevant (true positives).
#' @param rel.thresh Numeric. Relevance score threshold. Restricts relevance
#' score rankings (argument \code{rel.ranks}) to gene sets exceeding the threshold
#' in the \code{REL.SCORE} column.
#' @param ... Additional arguments for computation of the relevance measure
#' as defined by the \code{method} argument. This
#' includes for \code{method="wsum"}: \itemize{ \item perc: Logical. Should
#' observed scores be returned as-is or as a *perc*entage of the respective
#' optimal score. Percentages of the optimal score are typically easier to
#' interpret and are comparable between datasets / phenotypes. Defaults to
#' \code{TRUE}. \item rand: Logical. Should gene set rankings be randomized to
#' assess how likely it is to observe a score equal or greater than the respective
#' obtained score? Defaults to \code{FALSE}.}
#' @param perm Integer. Number of permutations if \code{rand} set to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param gs.ids Character vector of gene set IDs on which enrichment analysis
#' has been carried out.
#' @return A numeric matrix (rows = datasets, columns = methods) storing in
#' each cell the chosen relevance measure (score, AUC, cor) obtained from
#' applying the respective enrichment method to the respective expression dataset.
#' @author Ludwig Geistlinger <Ludwig.Geistlinger@@sph.cuny.edu>
#' @seealso \code{runEA} to apply enrichment methods to multiple datasets;
#' \code{readResults} to read saved rankings as an input for the eval-functions;
#' @examples
#' #
#' # (1) simulated setup: 1 enrichment method applied to 1 dataset
#' #
#' # simulate gene set ranking
#' ea.ranks <- EnrichmentBrowser::makeExampleData("ea.res")
#' ea.ranks <- EnrichmentBrowser::gsRanking(ea.ranks, signif.only=FALSE)
#' # simulated relevance score ranking
#' rel.ranks <- ea.ranks
#' rel.ranks[,2] <- runif(nrow(ea.ranks), min=1, max=100)
#' colnames(rel.ranks)[2] <- "REL.SCORE"
#' rownames(rel.ranks) <- rel.ranks[,"GENE.SET"]
#' ind <- order(rel.ranks[,"REL.SCORE"], decreasing=TRUE)
#' rel.ranks <- rel.ranks[ind,]
#' # evaluate
#' evalRelevance(ea.ranks, rel.ranks)
#' compOpt(rel.ranks, ea.ranks[,"GENE.SET"])
#' compRand(rel.ranks, ea.ranks[,"GENE.SET"], perm=3)
#' #
#' # (2) simulated setup: 2 methods & 2 datasets
#' #
#' methods <- paste0("m", 1:2)
#' data.ids <- paste0("d", 1:2)
#' # simulate gene set rankings
#' ea.ranks <- sapply(methods, function(m)
#' sapply(data.ids,
#' function(d)
#' {
#' r <- EnrichmentBrowser::makeExampleData("ea.res")
#' r <- EnrichmentBrowser::gsRanking(r, signif.only=FALSE)
#' return(r)
#' }, simplify=FALSE),
#' simplify=FALSE)
#' # simulate a mapping from datasets to disease codes
#' d2d <- c("ALZ", "BRCA")
#' names(d2d) <- data.ids
#' # simulate relevance score rankings
#' rel.ranks <- lapply(ea.ranks[[1]],
#' function(rr)
#' {
#' rr[,2] <- runif(nrow(rr), min=1, max=100)
#' colnames(rr)[2] <- "REL.SCORE"
#' rownames(rr) <- rr[,"GENE.SET"]
#' ind <- order(rr[,"REL.SCORE"], decreasing=TRUE)
#' rr <- rr[ind,]
#' return(rr)
#' })
#' names(rel.ranks) <- unname(d2d)
#' # evaluate
#' evalRelevance(ea.ranks, rel.ranks, d2d)
#' @export evalRelevance
evalRelevance <- function(ea.ranks, rel.ranks,
data2pheno, method="wsum", top=0, rel.thresh=0, ...)
# singleton call?
is.singleton <- is(ea.ranks, "DataFrame") && is(rel.ranks, "DataFrame")
if(rel.thresh) rel.ranks <- subset(rel.ranks, REL.SCORE > rel.thresh)
res <- if(is.function(method)) method(ea.ranks, rel.ranks, ...)
else if(method == "wsum") .relScore(ea.ranks, rel.ranks, top)
else if(method == "cor") .evalCor(ea.ranks, rel.ranks, ...)
else .evalAUC(ea.ranks, rel.ranks, top, method)
for(i in seq_along(rel.ranks))
rel.ranks[[i]] <- subset(rel.ranks[[i]], REL.SCORE > rel.thresh)
# iterating over datasets included
.iterD <- function(d, mranks)
dmranks <- mranks[[d]]
d2p <- data2pheno[[d]]
drranks <- rel.ranks[[d2p]]
if(is.function(method)) method(dmranks, drranks, ...)
else if(method == "wsum")
.deployScore(d, mranks, rel.ranks, data2pheno, top, type="rel")
else if(method == "cor") .evalCor(dmranks, drranks, ...)
else .evalAUC(dmranks, drranks, top, method)
# iterating over enrichment methods included
.iterM <- function(mranks) vapply(names(mranks), .iterD, numeric(1), mranks=mranks)
res <- lapply(ea.ranks, .iterM)
for(i in seq_along(res)) res[[i]] <- res[[i]][names(data2pheno)]
res <- do.call(cbind, res)
if(is.character(method) && method == "wsum")
res <- .postprocScores(res, ea.ranks, rel.ranks, data2pheno, top, ...)
.postprocScores <- function(x, ea.ranks,
rel.ranks, data2pheno, top, perc=TRUE, rand=FALSE)
# get analyzed gene set IDs
ind <- which.max(lengths(ea.ranks))
.fspl <- function(n) unlist(strsplit(n, "_"))[1]
gs.ids <- lapply(ea.ranks[[ind]], function(r)
vapply(r[,"GENE.SET"], .fspl, character(1), USE.NAMES=FALSE))
names(gs.ids) <- names(ea.ranks[[ind]])
opt <- compOpt(rel.ranks, gs.ids, data2pheno, top)
opt <- opt[names(data2pheno)]
# percentage of optimal score ...
if(perc) x <- x / opt * 100
# ... or absolute score?
x <- cbind(x, opt)
colnames(x)[ncol(x)] <- "opt"
# include random scores?
rscores <- compRand(rel.ranks, gs.ids, data2pheno)
if(perc) rscores <- rscores / opt * 100
x <- cbind(x, rscores)
colnames(x)[ncol(x)] <- "rand"
.evalAUC <- function(ea.ranks, rel.ranks, top=10, method)
stopifnot(top > 5)
EnrichmentBrowser::isAvailable("ROCR", type="software")
prediction <- performance <- NULL
rel.sets <- rownames(rel.ranks)
r <- 1 - EnrichmentBrowser:::.getRanks(ea.ranks) / 100
gs.ids <- vapply(ea.ranks$GENE.SET,
function(s) unlist(strsplit(s, "_"))[1],
character(1), USE.NAMES=FALSE)
labels <- gs.ids %in% rel.sets[seq_len(top)]
if(all(is.na(r))) return(NA)
pr <- prediction(r, ifelse(labels, 1, 0))
res <- performance(pr, method)
if(method == "auc") res <- unlist(res@y.values)
.evalCor <- function(ea.ranks, rel.ranks, what=c("rank", "score"), cor.method="spearman")
what <- match.arg(what)
# ea weights
weights <- 1 - EnrichmentBrowser:::.getRanks(ea.ranks) / 100
gs.ids <- vapply(ea.ranks$GENE.SET,
function(s) unlist(strsplit(s, "_"))[1],
character(1), USE.NAMES=FALSE)
names(weights) <- gs.ids
if(all(is.na(weights))) return(NA)
# rel scores (use score or relative rank)
rel.sets <- rownames(rel.ranks)
if(what == "score") scores <- rel.ranks$REL.SCORE
else scores <- 1 - seq_len(nrow(rel.ranks)) / nrow(rel.ranks)
names(scores) <- rel.sets
scores <- scores[names(weights)]
cor(weights, scores, use="complete.obs", method=cor.method)
.relScore <- function(ea.ranks, rel.ranks, top=0)
ids <- vapply(ea.ranks[, "GENE.SET"],
function(n) unlist(strsplit(n, "_"))[1],
r <- 1 - EnrichmentBrowser:::.getRanks(ea.ranks) / 100
names(r) <- ids
if(top) r <- r[seq_len(top)]
r <- r[rownames(rel.ranks)]
score <- sum(r * rel.ranks[, "REL.SCORE"], na.rm=TRUE)
.deployScore <- function(d, mdat, rel.ranks,
data2pheno, add, type=c("rel", "opt", "rand"))
type <- match.arg(type)
ear <- mdat[[d]]
d <- data2pheno[d]
mar <- rel.ranks[[d]]
if(type == "rel") r <- .relScore(ear, mar, add)
else if(type == "opt") r <- .optScore(mar, ear, add)
else r <- median( .randScore(mar, ear, add) )
# compute optimal score for relevance rankings
#' @rdname evalRelevance
#' @export
compOpt <- function(rel.ranks, gs.ids, data2pheno=NULL, top=0)
# singleton call?
if(is(rel.ranks, "DataFrame"))
return( .optScore(rel.ranks, gs.ids, top) )
opt <- vapply( names(gs.ids), function(d)
.deployScore(d, gs.ids, rel.ranks,
data2pheno, top, type="opt"),
numeric(1) )
# compute optimal score for one particular relevance ranking, eg ALZ
.optScore <- function(rel.ranks, gs.ids, top=0)
# compute opt
dummy.gsp <- seq_along(gs.ids) / length(gs.ids)
scol <- EnrichmentBrowser::configEBrowser("GS.COL")
pcol <- EnrichmentBrowser::configEBrowser("PVAL.COL")
mar <- rel.ranks
marn <- rownames(mar)[rownames(mar) %in% gs.ids]
optGS <- c(marn, gs.ids[!(gs.ids %in% marn)])
optR <- DataFrame(optGS, dummy.gsp)
colnames(optR) <- c(scol, pcol)
r <- .relScore(optR, mar, top)
# compute random score for relevance rankings
#' @rdname evalRelevance
#' @export
compRand <- function(rel.ranks, gs.ids, data2pheno=NULL, perm=1000)
# singleton call?
if(is(rel.ranks, "DataFrame"))
return( .randScore(rel.ranks, gs.ids, perm) )
rand <- vapply( names(gs.ids),
.deployScore(d, gs.ids, rel.ranks,
data2pheno, perm, type="rand")
}, numeric(1) )
.compPerm <- function(method, se, gs, ea.perm=1000, rel.ranks,
reps=1000, perm.mat=NULL, perm.block.size=-1, uses.de=FALSE, ...)
GRP.COL <- EnrichmentBrowser::configEBrowser("GRP.COL")
PVAL.COL <- EnrichmentBrowser::configEBrowser("PVAL.COL")
ADJP.COL <- EnrichmentBrowser::configEBrowser("ADJP.COL")
# is permutation matrix given as arg?
if(is.null(perm.mat)) perm.mat <- .getPermMat(se[[GRP.COL]], reps)
else if(reps < ncol(perm.mat)) perm.mat <- perm.mat[,seq_len(reps)]
if(!is.function(method)) uses.de <- method %in% c("ora", "ebm")
.eval <- function(i)
se[[GRP.COL]] <- perm.mat[,i]
se <- EnrichmentBrowser::deAna(se)
rowData(se)[[ADJP.COL]] <- rowData(se)[[PVAL.COL]]
res <- runEA(se, method, gs, ea.perm, ...)
ea.ranks <- res[[1]][[1]]$ranking
evalRelevance(ea.ranks, rel.ranks)
.execPermBlocks(.eval, ncol(perm.mat), perm.block.size)
# compute random score for one particular relevance ranking, eg ALZ
.randScore <- function(rel.ranks, gs.ids, perm=1000)
gs.ids <- sort(gs.ids)
dummy.gsp <- seq_along(gs.ids) / length(gs.ids)
scol <- EnrichmentBrowser::configEBrowser("GS.COL")
pcol <- EnrichmentBrowser::configEBrowser("PVAL.COL")
f <- function()
randGS <- sample(gs.ids)
randR <- DataFrame(randGS, dummy.gsp)
colnames(randR) <- c(scol, pcol)
r <- .relScore(randR, rel.ranks)
rand <- replicate(perm, f())
# analyse pheno label shuffling for datasets
.shuffleD2D <- function(ea.ranks, rel.ranks)
gs <- vapply(ea.ranks[,"GENE.SET"],
function(n) unlist(strsplit(n, "_"))[1],
character(1), USE.NAMES=FALSE)
res <- vapply(rel.ranks,
x <- evalRelevance(ea.ranks, m)
opt <- compOpt(m, gs)
}, numeric(1))
# check how well relevance rankings recover each other
.rel2rel <- function(rel.ranks, gs)
dummy.gsp <- seq_along(gs) / length(gs)
scol <- EnrichmentBrowser::configEBrowser("GS.COL")
pcol <- EnrichmentBrowser::configEBrowser("PVAL.COL")
m2m <- vapply(names(rel.ranks),
curr <- rel.ranks[[m]]
opt <- compOpt(curr, gs)
res <- vapply(names(rel.ranks),
mar <- rel.ranks[[n]]
marn <- rownames(mar)[rownames(mar) %in% gs]
optGS <- c(marn, gs[!(gs %in% marn)])
optR <- DataFrame(optGS, dummy.gsp)
colnames(optR) <- c(scol, pcol)
r <- evalRelevance(optR, curr)
return(r / opt)
}, numeric(1))
}, numeric(length(rel.ranks)))
benchmark <- function(
edata=c("geo2kegg", "tcga"),
dataType=c("ma", "rseq"),
deMethod=c("limma", "edgeR", "DESeq"),
gs=c("kegg", "go_bp", "go_mf"),
grn=c("kegg", "encode"),
eaType=c("sbea", "nbea", "both"),
dataType <- match.arg(dataType)
eaType <- match.arg(eaType)
# expression data
message("Loading expression data ...")
edata <- loadEData(edata[1], ...)
message("DE analysis ...")
edata <- runDE(edata, deMethod, ...)
# gene sets
message("Loading gene sets ...")
gs <- match.arg(gs)
if(gs == "kegg") gs <- EnrichmentBrowser::getGenesets(org, db=gs)
else EnrichmentBrowser::getGenesets(org, go.onto=toupper(substring(gs,4,5)))
# enrichment analysis
message("Executing EA ...")
# method to execute
methods <- switch(eaType,
sbea = EnrichmentBrowser::sbeaMethods(),
nbea = EnrichmentBrowser::nbeaMethods(),
if(!missing(method)) methods <- union(method, methods)
if(any(methods %in% EnrichmentBrowser::nbeaMethods()))
# gene regulatory network
message("Loading gene regulatory network")
if(grn == "kegg") grn <- EnrichmentBrowser::compileGRN(org, db="kegg")
# TODO: else
res <- runEA(edata, methods, gs, ...)
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