# author: Ludwig Geistlinger
# date: 2018-08-21 12:45:44
# descr: CNV-expression association analysis
#' CNV-expression association analysis
#' Testing CNV regions for effects on the expression level of genes in defined
#' genomic windows.
#' @details
#' Association testing between CNV regions and RNA-seq read counts is carried
#' out using edgeR, which applies generalized linear models (GLMs) based on the
#' negative-binomial distribution while incorporating normalization factors for
#' different library sizes.
#' In the case of only one CN state deviating from 2n for a CNV region under
#' investigation, this reduces to the classical 2-group comparison.
#' For more than two states (e.g. 0n, 1n, 2n), edgeR’s ANOVA-like test is applied
#' to test all deviating groups for significant expression differences relative
#' to 2n.
#' To avoid artificial effects due to low expression of a gene or insufficient
#' sample size in deviating groups, it is typically recommended to exclude from
#' the analysis (i) genes with fewer than r reads per million reads mapped
#' (cpm, counts per million) in the maximally expressed sample group,
#' and (ii) CNV regions with fewer than s samples in a group deviating from 2n.
#' Use the \code{min.cpm} and \code{min.samples} arguments, respectively.
#' When testing local effects (adjacent or coinciding genes of a CNV region),
#' suitable thresholds for candidate discovery are r = 3, s = 4, and a nominal
#' significance level of 0.05; as such effects have a clear biological indication
#' and the number of genes tested is typically small.
#' For distal effects (i.e. when testing genes far away from a CNV region)
#' more stringent thresholds such as r = 20 and s = 10 for distal effects in
#' conjunction with multiple testing correction using a conservative adjusted
#' significance level such as 0.01 is typically recommended (due to power
#' considerations and to avoid detection of spurious effects).
#' @param cnvrs A \code{\linkS4class{GRanges}} or character object containing
#' the summarized CNV regions as e.g. obtained with \code{\link{populationRanges}}.
#' Alternatively, the assay name if the 'data' argument is provided.
#' @param calls Either a \code{\linkS4class{GRangesList}} or
#' \code{\linkS4class{RaggedExperiment}} storing the individual CNV calls for
#' each sample. Alternatively, the assay name if 'data' is provided.
#' @param rcounts A \code{\linkS4class{RangedSummarizedExperiment}} or
#' character name storing either the raw RNA-seq read counts in a rectangular
#' fashion (genes x samples). Alternatively, the assay name if 'data' is provided.
#' @param data (optional) A \code{MultiAssayExperiment} object
#' with `cnvrs`, `calls`, and `rcounts` arguments corresponding to assay names.
#' @param window Numeric or Character. Size of the genomic window in base pairs
#' by which each CNV region is extended up- and downstream. This determines which
#' genes are tested for each CNV region. Character notation is supported for
#' convenience such as "100kbp" (same as 100000) or "1Mbp" (same as 1000000).
#' Defaults to \code{"1Mbp"}. Can also be set to \code{NULL} to test against all
#' genes included in the analysis.
#' @param multi.calls A function. Determines how to summarize the
#' CN state in a CNV region when there are multiple (potentially conflicting)
#' calls for one sample in that region. Defaults to \code{.largest}, which
#' assigns the CN state of the call that covers the largest part of the CNV
#' region tested. A user-defined function that is passed on to
#' \code{\link{qreduceAssay}} can also be provided for customized behavior.
#' @param min.samples Integer. Minimum number of samples with at least one call
#' overlapping the CNV region tested. Defaults to 10. See details.
#' @param min.state.freq Integer. Minimun number of samples in each CNV state
#' being tested. Defaults to 3.
#' @param de.method Character. Differential expression method.
#' Defaults to \code{"edgeR"}.
#' @param padj.method Character. Method for adjusting p-values to multiple testing.
#' For available methods see the man page of the function \code{\link{p.adjust}}.
#' Defaults to \code{"BH"}.
#' @param filter.by.expr Logical. Include only genes with
#' sufficiently large counts in the DE analysis? If TRUE, excludes genes not
#' satisfying a minimum number of read counts across samples using the
#' \code{\link{filterByExpr}} function from the edgeR package.
#' Defaults to TRUE.
#' @param verbose Logical. Display progress messages? Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @return A \code{\linkS4class{DataFrame}} containing measures of association for
#' each CNV region and each gene tested in the genomic window around the CNV region.
#' @author Ludwig Geistlinger
#' @seealso \code{\link{findOverlaps}} to find overlaps between sets of genomic
#' regions,
#' \code{\link{qreduceAssay}} to summarize ragged genomic location data
#' in defined genomic regions,
#' \code{\link{glmQLFit}} and \code{\link{glmQLFTest}} to conduct negative
#' binomial generalized linear models for RNA-seq read count data.
#' @references Geistlinger et al. (2018) Widespread modulation of gene expression
#' by copy number variation in skeletal muscle. Sci Rep, 8(1):1399.
#' @examples
#' # (1) CNV calls
#' states <- sample(c(0,1,3,4), 17, replace=TRUE)
#' calls <- GRangesList(
#' sample1 = GRanges( c("chr1:1-10", "chr2:15-18", "chr2:25-34"), state=states[1:3]),
#' sample2 = GRanges( c("chr1:1-10", "chr2:11-18" , "chr2:25-36"), state=states[4:6] ),
#' sample3 = GRanges( c("chr1:2-11", "chr2:14-18", "chr2:26-36"), state=states[7:9] ),
#' sample4 = GRanges( c("chr1:1-12", "chr2:18-35" ), state=states[10:11] ),
#' sample5 = GRanges( c("chr1:1-12", "chr2:11-17" , "chr2:26-34"), state=states[12:14] ) ,
#' sample6 = GRanges( c("chr1:1-12", "chr2:12-18" , "chr2:25-35"), state=states[15:17] )
#' )
#' # (2) summarized CNV regions
#' cnvrs <- populationRanges(calls, density=0.1)
#' # (3) RNA-seq read counts
#' genes <- GRanges(c("chr1:2-9", "chr1:100-150", "chr1:200-300",
#' "chr2:16-17", "chr2:100-150", "chr2:200-300", "chr2:26-33"))
#' y <- matrix(rnbinom(42,size=1,mu=10),7,6)
#' names(genes) <- rownames(y) <- paste0("gene", 1:7)
#' colnames(y) <- paste0("sample", 1:6)
#' library(SummarizedExperiment)
#' rse <- SummarizedExperiment(assays=list(counts=y), rowRanges=granges(genes))
#' # (4) perform the association analysis
#' res <- cnvEQTL(cnvrs, calls, rse,
#' min.samples = 1, min.state.freq = 1, filter.by.expr = FALSE)
#' @export
cnvEQTL <- function(cnvrs, calls, rcounts, data,
window = "1Mbp", multi.calls = .largest,
min.samples = 10, min.state.freq = 3, de.method=c("edgeR", "limma"),
padj.method = "BH", filter.by.expr = TRUE, verbose = FALSE)
if (!missing(data)) {
stopifnot(is(data, "MultiAssayExperiment"))
if (!requireNamespace("MultiAssayExperiment"))
paste0("Please install the 'MultiAssayExperiment'",
" package to use 'cnvEQTL'")
# sanity checks
is(cnvrs, "GRanges") || is.character(cnvrs),
is(calls, "GRangesList") ||
is(calls, "RaggedExperiment") || is.character(calls),
is(rcounts, "RangedSummarizedExperiment") || is.character(rcounts)
if (!is.character(calls))
calls <- as(calls, "RaggedExperiment")
if (!missing(data)) {
ranges <- granges(rowRanges(data[[cnvrs]]))
data <- data[, , names(data) != cnvrs]
data <- as(data, "MatchedAssayExperiment")
calls <- data[[calls]]
rcounts <- data[[rcounts]]
cnvrs <- ranges
} else {
# consider samples in cnv AND expression data
sampleIds <- sort(intersect(colnames(calls), colnames(rcounts)))
if(verbose) message(paste("Restricting analysis to",
length(sampleIds), "intersecting samples"))
stopifnot(length(sampleIds) > 0)
calls <- calls[,sampleIds]
rcounts <- rcounts[,sampleIds]
# filter and norm RNA-seq data
if(verbose) message("Preprocessing RNA-seq data ...")
y <- .preprocRnaSeq(SummarizedExperiment::assay(rcounts), filter.by.expr)
rcounts <- rcounts[rownames(y),]
# determine states
if(verbose) message("Summarizing per-sample CN state in each CNV region")
cnv.states <- .getStates(cnvrs, calls,
multi.calls, min.samples, min.state.freq, verbose = verbose)
cnvrs <- IRanges::subsetByOverlaps(cnvrs,
GenomicRanges::GRanges(rownames(cnv.states)), type="equal")
# determine genes to test for each CNV region
ecnvrs <- .extendRegions(cnvrs, window = window)
olaps <- GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(rowRanges(rcounts), ecnvrs)
cgenes <- split(S4Vectors::queryHits(olaps), S4Vectors::subjectHits(olaps))
ind <- as.integer(names(cgenes))
cnv.states <- cnv.states[ind,]
cnvrs <- cnvrs[ind]
grid <- seq_len(nrow(rcounts))
cgenes <- lapply(seq_len(length(cnvrs)), function(i) grid)
nr.cnvrs <- length(cgenes)
if(verbose) message(paste("Analyzing", nr.cnvrs,
"regions with >=1 gene in the given window"))
#TODO: BiocParallel
de.method <- match.arg(de.method)
cnvr.grid <- seq_len(nr.cnvrs)
res <- lapply(cnvr.grid,
if(verbose) message(paste(i, "of", nr.cnvrs))
.testCnvExpr(y, cgenes[[i]], cnv.states[i,],
min.state.freq = min.state.freq, de.method = de.method)
lens <- rep(cnvr.grid, lengths(cgenes))
res <- do.call(plyr::rbind.fill, res)
padj <- stats::p.adjust(res[,"PValue"], method = padj.method)
res <- data.frame(res, AdjPValue = padj)
res <- .formatResult(res, rcounts, lens)
names(res) <- rownames(cnv.states)
#' Plot EQTL region
#' Illustrates differential expression of genes in the neighborhood of a CNV.
#' @param cnvr A \code{\linkS4class{GRanges}} of length 1, containing the genomic
#' coordinates of the CNV region of interest.
#' @param genes \code{\linkS4class{GRanges}} containing genes in the neighborhood
#' of the CNV region of interest.
#' @param genome Character. A valid UCSC genome assembly ID such as 'hg19' or 'bosTau6'.
#' @param cn Character. Copy number state of interest.
#' @param cex A numerical value giving the amount by which gene names should be
#' magnified. Default is 0.8. Use smaller values to decrease font size.
#' @return None. Plots to a graphics device.
#' @author Ludwig Geistlinger
#' @seealso \code{Gviz::plotTracks}
#' @examples
#' # CNV region of interest
#' cnvr <- GRanges("chr1:7908902-8336254")
#' # Two genes in the neighborhood
#' genes <- c("chr1:8021714-8045342:+", "chr1:8412464-8877699:-")
#' names(genes) <- c("PARK7", "RERE")
#' genes <- GRanges(genes)
#' # Annotate differential expression for 1-copy loss
#' genes$logFC.CN1 <- c(-0.635, -0.728)
#' genes$AdjPValue <- c(8.29e-09, 1.76e-08)
#' # plot
#' plotEQTL(cnvr, genes, genome="hg19", cn="CN1")
#' @export
plotEQTL <- function(cnvr, genes, genome, cn = "CN1", cex = 0.8)
if (!requireNamespace("Gviz", quietly = TRUE))
stop(paste("Required package \'Gviz\' not found.",
"Use \'BiocManager::install(\"Gviz\") to install it."))
colM <- "gray24"
colB <- "gray94"
chr <- as.character(seqnames(cnvr))
itrack <- Gviz::IdeogramTrack(genome=genome, chr=chr, fontsize=15)
gtrack <- Gviz::GenomeAxisTrack(littleTicks=TRUE, fontsize=15)
cnvrTrack <- Gviz::AnnotationTrack(cnvr, name="CNVR", group=" ", fill="red",
col.title=colM, col.axis=colM, background.title=colB, cex.title=0.8)
pgenes <- subset(genes, strand=="+")
plusTrack <- Gviz::AnnotationTrack(pgenes, name="",
#group=names(genes), just.group="right",
cex=cex, rotation.item=45,
id=names(pgenes), featureAnnotation="id", fontcolor.feature="darkblue",
col.title=colM, col.axis=colM, background.title=colB)
mgenes <- subset(genes, strand == "-")
minusTrack <- Gviz::AnnotationTrack(mgenes, name="",
#group=names(genes), just.group="right",
cex=cex, rotation.item=45,
id=names(mgenes), featureAnnotation="id", fontcolor.feature="darkblue",
col.title=colM, col.axis=colM, background.title=colB)
GenomicRanges::strand(genes) <- "*"
lcol <- paste("logFC", cn, sep = ".")
lcol <- S4Vectors::mcols(genes)[[lcol]]
fctrack <- Gviz::DataTrack(genes, data=lcol, type="h",
name="log2FC", cex.title=1, cex.axis=1,
font.axis=2, col.title=colM, col.axis=colM,
ps <- -log10(genes$AdjPValue)
ptrack <- Gviz::DataTrack(genes, data=ps, type="h",
name="-log10 adjP", cex.title=1, cex.axis=1,
font.axis=2, col.title=colM, col.axis=colM,
Gviz::plotTracks(c(itrack, gtrack, cnvrTrack,
plusTrack, minusTrack, fctrack, ptrack))
# test a single cnv region
.testCnvExpr <- function(y, cgenes, states, min.state.freq,
de.method=c("limma", "edgeR"))
# form groups according to CNV states
state.freq <- table(states)
nr.states <- length(state.freq)
too.less.samples <- state.freq < min.state.freq
too.less.states <- names(state.freq)[too.less.samples]
too.less.states <- as.integer(too.less.states)
ind <- !(states %in% too.less.states)
nr.states <- length(state.freq) - length(too.less.states)
stopifnot(nr.states > 1)
states <- states[ind]
y <- edgeR::`[.DGEList`(y, , ind)
# design
s <- states - 2
s <- paste0("s", ifelse(s <= 0, "-", "+"), abs(s))
group <- as.factor(s)
y$samples$group <- group
f <- stats::formula(paste0("~", "group"))
design <- stats::model.matrix(f)
# test
de.method <- match.arg(de.method)
if(de.method == "limma")
y <- limma::voom(y, design)
fit <- limma::lmFit(y, design)
# restrict to cgenes
fit <- limma::`[.MArrayLM`(fit, cgenes,)
fit <- limma::eBayes(fit)
res <- limma::topTable(fit, number=length(cgenes), coef=2:nr.states,
sort.by="none", adjust.method="none")
colnames(res) <- sub("\\.", "", colnames(res))
y <- edgeR::estimateDisp(y, design, robust=TRUE)
fit <- edgeR::glmQLFit(y, design, robust=TRUE)
# restrict to cgenes
fit <- edgeR::`[.DGEGLM`(fit, cgenes,)
res <- edgeR::glmQLFTest(fit, coef=2:nr.states)
res <- res$table
# create result table
fc.cols <- grep("^logFC", colnames(res), value=TRUE)
rel.cols <- c(fc.cols, "PValue")
ind <- order(res[,"PValue"])
de.tbl <- res[ind, rel.cols]
de.tbl <- cbind(rownames(de.tbl), de.tbl, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
rownames(de.tbl) <- NULL
colnames(de.tbl)[1] <- "Gene"
# remap fc cols
fc.cols <- grep("^logFC", colnames(de.tbl))
sn <- levels(group)[fc.cols]
smap <- c("CN0", "CN1", "CN3", "CN4")
names(smap) <- c("s-2", "s-1", "s+1", "s+2")
colnames(de.tbl)[fc.cols] <- paste("logFC", smap[sn], sep=".")
.extendRegions <- function(regions, window="1Mbp")
stopifnot(is.character(window) || is.numeric(window))
if(is.character(window)) window <- .window2integer(window)
nstart <- GenomicRanges::start(regions) - window
nend <- GenomicRanges::end(regions) + window
GenomicRanges::start(regions) <- pmax(1, nstart)
GenomicRanges::end(regions) <- nend
.window2integer <- function(w)
stopifnot(grepl("[0-9]+[GMk]*bp$", w))
w <- sub("bp$", "", w)
unit <- 0
if(grepl("[GMk]$", w))
n <- nchar(w)
unit <- substring(w, n, n)
unit <- switch(unit, k=3, M=6, G=9)
w <- substring(w, 1, n-1)
w <- as.integer(w) * 10^unit
.getStates <- function(cnvrs, calls, multi.calls = .largest,
min.samples = 10, min.state.freq = 3, verbose=FALSE)
#TODO: additional pre-defined options for multi.calls
cnv.states <- RaggedExperiment::qreduceAssay(calls, query=cnvrs,
simplifyReduce=multi.calls, background=2)
# exclude cnv regions with not at least one gain/loss state with >= min.samples
tab <- apply(cnv.states, 1, table)
.isTestable <- function(states)
nr.states <- length(states)
cond1 <- nr.states > 1
cond2 <- any(states[names(states) != "2"] >= min.samples)
cond <- cond1 && cond2
too.less.samples <- states < min.state.freq
too.less.states <- names(states)[too.less.samples]
too.less.states <- as.integer(too.less.states)
nr.states <- nr.states - length(too.less.states)
cond3 <- nr.states > 1
cond <- cond && cond3
ind <- vapply(tab, .isTestable, logical(1))
nr.excl <- sum(!ind)
if (nr.excl && verbose)
message(paste("Excluding", nr.excl,
"cnvrs not satisfying min.samples threshold"))
if(length(cnvrs) == nr.excl)
stop("No CNV region satisfying min.samples threshold")
cnv.states[ind, ]
.largest <- function(scores, ranges, qranges)
ind <- BiocGenerics::which.max(BiocGenerics::width(ranges))
vapply(seq_along(scores), function(i) scores[[i]][ind[i]], scores[[1]][1])
.weightedmean <- function(scores, ranges, qranges)
isects <- pintersect(ranges, qranges)
sum(scores * width(isects)) / sum(width(isects))
# filter low exprs
.preprocRnaSeq <- function(rcounts, filter.by.expr=TRUE)
keep <- suppressMessages(edgeR::filterByExpr(rcounts))
rcounts <- rcounts[keep,]
y <- edgeR::DGEList(counts=rcounts)
y <- edgeR::calcNormFactors(y)
# format output as GRangesList
.formatResult <- function(res, rcounts, lens)
colnames(res) <- sub("logFC.NA", "logFC.CN3", colnames(res))
fc.ind <- grep("^logFC", colnames(res), value=TRUE)
fc.ind <- sort(fc.ind)
res <- res[,c("Gene", fc.ind, "PValue", "AdjPValue")]
g <- res[,"Gene"]
g <- SummarizedExperiment::rowRanges(rcounts)[g]
GenomicRanges::mcols(g) <- res[,2:ncol(res)]
grl <- split(g, lens)
grl <- GenomicRanges::GRangesList(grl)
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