realTP <- NULL
# This function creates a complete list of TCGA cohorts
.tumors_all <- function(){
result <- c("ACC", "BLCA", "BRCA", "CHOL", "COAD", "CESC", "DLBC", "ESCA", "GBM", "HNSC", "KIRC", "KIRP", "KICH", "LAML", "LIHC", "LGG","LUAD", "LUSC", "MESO", "OV", "PAAD", "PCPG", "PRAD", "READ", "SARC", "SKCM", "STAD", "TGCT", "THCA", "THYM", "UCEC", "UCS", "UVM")
# This function creates a complete list of TCGA cohorts with normal samples as control
.tumors_N <- function(){
result <- c("KIRC", "LUSC", "LUAD","BRCA", "PRAD", "THCA", "COAD", "KIRP", "STAD", "LIHC", "HNSC", "ESCA", "KICH", "UCEC", "BLCA", "PAAD", "SARC", "READ", "CHOL", "THYM", "CESC", "GBM")
# This function creates matrices with 0 rows and the specified number (l) of columns
.setRowMatrix <- function(nrow, l){
ncols <- length(l);
result <- matrix(nrow = nrow, ncol = ncols)
colnames(result) <- l
#' Crude hack to get Primary Tumor name
#' @return Primary Tumor name
.primaryTumorName <- function(){
result <- "Primary solid Tumor"
if (is.null(realTP)){
sink(file = tempfile())
result <- tryCatch({
suppressMessages(suppressWarnings({query <- TCGAbiolinks::GDCquery(project = "TCGA-ACC",
data.category = "Copy Number Variation",
data.type = "Masked Copy Number Segment",
sample.type = c(result))}))
realTP <- result
}, error=function(e){
if (grepl(pattern = 'sample.type', x = e)){
return("Primary Tumor")
realTP <- result
# This function downloads tumor expression from GDC and includes it in a SummarizedExperiment object knwon as "tumor.exp"
.downloadExpression <- function(tumor, tumors, tumors.with.normal) {
cohort <- paste("TCGA-", tumor, sep="")
tp <- .primaryTumorName()
if(tumor %in% tumors.with.normal) {
# If the required cohort has normal samples, then we have to indicate it in the TCGAbiolinks::GDCquery function argument "sample.type".
query <- TCGAbiolinks::GDCquery(project = cohort,
legacy = TRUE,
data.category = "Gene expression",
data.type = "Gene expression quantification",
platform = "Illumina HiSeq",
file.type = "results",
experimental.strategy = "RNA-Seq",
sample.type = c(tp, "Solid Tissue Normal"))
tumor.exp <- TCGAbiolinks::GDCprepare(query = query)
else if(tumor == "SKCM") {
# If tumor is SKCM cohort, then "sample.type" argument should be specified for only primary tumors --> in this cohort there are many metastatic samples which are going to be analyzed <-- SHOULD WE GIVE THE PEOPLE OPTION TO exCLUDE THEM???
query <- TCGAbiolinks::GDCquery(project = cohort,
legacy = TRUE,
data.category = "Gene expression",
data.type = "Gene expression quantification",
platform = "Illumina HiSeq",
file.type = "results",
experimental.strategy = "RNA-Seq",
sample.type = c(tp, "Metastatic"))
tumor.exp <- TCGAbiolinks::GDCprepare(query = query)
else if(tumor == "LAML") {
# If tumor is SKCM cohort, then "sample.type" argument should be specified since this is a blood type malignancy.
query <- TCGAbiolinks::GDCquery(project = cohort,
legacy = TRUE,
data.category = "Gene expression",
data.type = "Gene expression quantification",
platform = "Illumina HiSeq",
file.type = "results",
experimental.strategy = "RNA-Seq",
sample.type = c("Primary Blood Derived Cancer - Peripheral Blood"))
tumor.exp <- TCGAbiolinks::GDCprepare(query = query)
else if(tumor %in% tumors) {
# In any other case, if the user's "cohorts" input is valid (exists in TCGA), then this will be a non-normal sample cohort and this is specified in "sample.type" argument as well.
query <- TCGAbiolinks::GDCquery(project = cohort,
legacy = TRUE,
data.category = "Gene expression",
data.type = "Gene expression quantification",
platform = "Illumina HiSeq",
file.type = "results",
experimental.strategy = "RNA-Seq",
sample.type = c(tp))
tumor.exp <- TCGAbiolinks::GDCprepare(query = query)
# This function filters lower expressed genes and normalizes it by "EDASeq::withinLaneNormalization" and "EDASeq::betweenLaneNormalization" functions (both built in TCGAbiolinks::TCGAanalyze_Normalization R package function)
.filterExpression <- function(tumor, sign, object, pp.cor.cut, norm.method, filt.method,
filt.qnt.cut, filt.var.func, filt.var.cutoff, filt.eta,
dataPrep <- TCGAbiolinks::TCGAanalyze_Preprocessing(object = object, cor.cut = pp.cor.cut, filename = paste(tumor, "_AAIC_expression.png", sep=""))
dataNorm <- TCGAbiolinks::TCGAanalyze_Normalization(tabDF = dataPrep,
geneInfo = TCGAbiolinks::geneInfo,
method = norm.method)
dataFilt <- TCGAbiolinks::TCGAanalyze_Filtering(tabDF = dataNorm,
method = filt.method,
qnt.cut = filt.qnt.cut,
var.func = filt.var.func,
var.cutoff = filt.var.cutoff,
eta = filt.eta,
foldChange = filt.FC)
dataFilt <-
dataFilt <- subset(dataFilt, rownames(dataFilt) %in% sign) #<-----
# This function compares tumor vs normal expression differences and uses "edgeR::exactTest" function to assign significance to those comparisons: finds differentially expressed genes (DEGs)
.getDataDEGs <- function(tumor, dataFilt, filt.FDR.DEA, filt.FC){
samplesNT <- TCGAbiolinks::TCGAquery_SampleTypes(barcode = colnames(dataFilt),
typesample = c("NT"))
samplesTP <- TCGAbiolinks::TCGAquery_SampleTypes(barcode = colnames(dataFilt),
typesample = c("TP"))
dataDEGs <- TCGAbiolinks::TCGAanalyze_DEA(mat1 = dataFilt[,samplesNT],
mat2 = dataFilt[,samplesTP],
metadata = FALSE,
Cond1type = "Normal",
Cond2type = "Tumor",
fdr.cut = filt.FDR.DEA,
logFC.cut = filt.FC,
method = "exactTest")
dataDEGs$Tumor <- rep(tumor, times = nrow(dataDEGs))
dataDEGs$Gene_Symbol <- rownames(dataDEGs)
dataDEGs <- dataDEGs[,c("Gene_Symbol", "logFC", "logCPM", "PValue", "FDR", "Tumor")]
# This function downloads or prepares somatic copy number alteration data matrices for further steps.
.getSCNAmatrix <- function(tumor) {
# If user does not provide a suitable cna.matrix, then we use GDC to download thresholded resulting one for the under analysis tumor.
gistic <- TCGAbiolinks::getGistic(tumor, type = "thresholded")
rownames(gistic) <- gistic[,1]
gistic <- gistic[,4:ncol(gistic)]
colnames(gistic) <- substr(colnames(gistic), start = 1, stop = 12)
# This function splits cohort by a gene's copy number in three groups: del, amp and neutro (diploid)
.selectDel <- function(new, cna.thr) {
if(cna.thr == "Deep") {
group.del <- new[new[,2] == -2, ]
}else if(cna.thr == "Shallow") {
group.del <- new[new[,2] == -1, ]
}else if(cna.thr == "Both"){
group.del <- new[new[,2] <= -1, ]
.selectAmp <- function(new, cna.thr) {
if(cna.thr == "Deep") {
group.amp <- new[new[,2] == 2, ]
}else if(cna.thr == "Shallow") {
group.amp <- new[new[,2] == 1, ]
}else if(cna.thr == "Both"){
group.amp <- new[new[,2] >= 1, ]
.selectNeutro <- function(new, cna.thr){
group.neutro <- NULL
if(cna.thr == "Deep") {
group.neutro <- new[new[,2] == 0, ]
}else if(cna.thr == "Shallow") {
group.neutro <- new[new[,2] == 0, ]
}else if(cna.thr == "Both"){
group.neutro <- new[new[,2] == 0, ]
.selectDiploid <- function(new, cna.thr) {
if(cna.thr == "Deep") {
group.neutro <- new[new[,2] == 0, ]
}else if(cna.thr == "Shallow") {
group.neutro <- new[new[,2] == 0, ]
}else if(cna.thr == "Both"){
group.neutro <- new[new[,2] == 0, ]
# This function sets the minimum number of patients to be analyzed
.setMinPat <- function(new, pat.percentage) {
min <- (nrow(new) * pat.percentage)/100
if(min >= 2) {
}else if(min < 2){
# This function compares if the genes is differentially expressed when SCN-altered in tumors.
.getDataDEGs_SCNA <- function(tumor, dataFilt, group.x, group.y, filt.FDR.DEA, filt.FC, gene) {
samplesNT <- rownames(group.y)
samplesTP <- rownames(group.x)
dataDEGs <- TCGAbiolinks::TCGAanalyze_DEA(mat1 = dataFilt[, samplesNT],
mat2 = dataFilt[,samplesTP],
metadata = FALSE,
Cond1type = "Diploid",
Cond2type = "SCN-altered",
fdr.cut = filt.FDR.DEA,
logFC.cut = filt.FC,
method = "exactTest")
dataDEGs$Tumor <- rep(tumor, times = nrow(dataDEGs))
if(gene %in% rownames(dataDEGs)) {
dataDEGs <- dataDEGs[gene, ]
#This function configures the new line for significant DEGs in SCN-altered samples.
.newSCNAline <- function(dataDEGs.SCNA, cond, SCNA.prop.pat, pat.ids) {
return(c(rownames(dataDEGs.SCNA), dataDEGs.SCNA[1,1], dataDEGs.SCNA[1,2], dataDEGs.SCNA[1,3], dataDEGs.SCNA[1,4], dataDEGs.SCNA[1,5], cond, SCNA.prop.pat, pat.ids))
# This function converts the SCNA DE resulting matrix into df
.convertToDF <- function(SCNA.DEG.result) {
SCNA.DEG.result <-
SCNA.DEG.result$log2FC.SCNAvsDip <- as.numeric(as.character(SCNA.DEG.result$log2FC.SCNAvsDip))
SCNA.DEG.result$logCPM.SCNAvsDip <- as.numeric(as.character(SCNA.DEG.result$logCPM.SCNAvsDip))
SCNA.DEG.result$p.val.SCNAvsDip <- as.numeric(as.character(SCNA.DEG.result$p.val.SCNAvsDip))
SCNA.DEG.result$FDR.SCNAvsDip <- p.adjust(as.numeric(as.character(SCNA.DEG.result$p.val.SCNAvsDip)), method = "fdr")
SCNA.DEG.result$Pat.percentage <- as.numeric(as.character(SCNA.DEG.result$Pat.percentage))
# This function combines dataDEGs and SCNA.DEG.result: 1) evaluated if dataDEGs is null or not and 2) creates a new integrated matrix with both data (if dataDEGs is null -> NAs introduced)
.mergeDEGs <- function(dataDEGs, SCNA.DEG.result, pat.percentage, genes, cosmic.genes) {
if(!is.null(dataDEGs) && nrow(dataDEGs[dataDEGs$Gene_Symbol %in% genes, ]) > 0) {
s <- merge(dataDEGs, SCNA.DEG.result, by = "Gene_Symbol", all = TRUE)
s$Condition <- as.character(s$Condition)
s$Pat.IDs <- as.character(s$Pat.IDs)
s$Tumor <- as.character(s$Tumor)
s$TCGA_Tumor <- as.character(s$TCGA_Tumor)
for(i in 1:nrow(s)) {
if($logFC[i])) {
s$logFC[i] <- 0
for(i in 1:nrow(s)) {
if($logCPM[i])) {
s$logCPM[i] <- 0
for(i in 1:nrow(s)) {
if($PValue[i])) {
s$PValue[i] <- 1
for(i in 1:nrow(s)) {
if($FDR[i])) {
s$FDR[i] <- 1
for(i in 1:nrow(s)) {
if($Tumor[i])) {
s$Tumor[i] <- as.character(s$TCGA_Tumor[i])
for(i in 1:nrow(s)) {
if($log2FC.SCNAvsDip[i])) {
s$log2FC.SCNAvsDip[i] <- 0
for(i in 1:nrow(s)) {
if($logCPM.SCNAvsDip[i])) {
s$logCPM.SCNAvsDip[i] <- 0
for(i in 1:nrow(s)) {
if($p.val.SCNAvsDip[i])) {
s$p.val.SCNAvsDip[i] <- 1
for(i in 1:nrow(s)) {
if($FDR.SCNAvsDip[i])) {
s$FDR.SCNAvsDip[i] <- 1
for(i in 1:nrow(s)) {
if($TCGA_Tumor[i])) {
s$TCGA_Tumor[i] <- as.character(s$Tumor[i])
for(i in 1:nrow(s)) {
if($Condition[i])) {
s$Condition[i] <- c("Not SCN-associated DEG")
for(i in 1:nrow(s)) {
if($Pat.percentage[i])) {
s$Pat.percentage[i] <- 0
}else if(is.null(dataDEGs) || nrow(dataDEGs[dataDEGs$Gene_Symbol %in% genes, ]) == 0) {
d <-, c("Gene_Symbol", "logFC", "logCPM", "PValue", "FDR", "Tumor")))
d$Gene_Symbol <- SCNA.DEG.result$Gene_Symbol
s <- merge(d, SCNA.DEG.result, by = "Gene_Symbol", all = TRUE)
s$Condition <- as.character(s$Condition)
s$Pat.IDs <- as.character(s$Pat.IDs)
s$Tumor <- as.character(s$Tumor)
s$TCGA_Tumor <- as.character(s$TCGA_Tumor)
for(i in 1:nrow(s)) {
if($logFC[i])) {
s$logFC[i] <- 0
for(i in 1:nrow(s)) {
if($logCPM[i])) {
s$logCPM[i] <- 0
for(i in 1:nrow(s)) {
if($PValue[i])) {
s$PValue[i] <- 1
for(i in 1:nrow(s)) {
if($FDR[i])) {
s$FDR[i] <- 1
for(i in 1:nrow(s)) {
if($Tumor[i])) {
s$Tumor[i] <- as.character(s$TCGA_Tumor[i])
for(i in 1:nrow(s)) {
if($log2FC.SCNAvsDip[i])) {
s$log2FC.SCNAvsDip[i] <- 0
for(i in 1:nrow(s)) {
if($logCPM.SCNAvsDip[i])) {
s$logCPM.SCNAvsDip[i] <- 0
for(i in 1:nrow(s)) {
if($p.val.SCNAvsDip[i])) {
s$p.val.SCNAvsDip[i] <- 1
for(i in 1:nrow(s)) {
if($FDR.SCNAvsDip[i])) {
s$FDR.SCNAvsDip[i] <- 1
for(i in 1:nrow(s)) {
if($TCGA_Tumor[i])) {
s$TCGA_Tumor[i] <- as.character(s$Tumor[i])
for(i in 1:nrow(s)) {
if($Condition[i])) {
s$Condition[i] <- paste("Not SCN-altered in more than", pat.percentage, " ")
for(i in 1:nrow(s)) {
if($Pat.percentage[i])) {
s$Pat.percentage[i] <- 0
# This function returns for each copy number altered gene all those cosmic ones highly correlating: 1) CN-altered samples overlap > 70% and 2) DE correlation
.getSigPairs <- function(SCNA.DEG.result, cna, cna.thr, tumor) {
scn.degs <- as.character(SCNA.DEG.result[SCNA.DEG.result$log2FC.SCNAvsDip != 0, ]$Gene_Symbol)
mutMat <- cna[,scn.degs, drop = FALSE]
mutMat <- as.matrix(mutMat)
if(cna.thr == "Deep") {
mutMat[mutMat == '-1'] <- '0'
mutMat[mutMat == '1'] <- '0'
mutMat[mutMat != '0'] <- '1'
}else if(cna.thr == "Shallow") {
mutMat[mutMat == '-2'] <- '0'
mutMat[mutMat == '2'] <- '0'
mutMat[mutMat != '0'] <- '1'
mutMat[mutMat != '0'] <- '1'
mutMat <- as.matrix(mutMat)
print("Calculating the interactions...")
interactions = sapply(1:ncol(mutMat), function(i) sapply(1:ncol(mutMat),
function(j) {
print(paste(colnames(mutMat)[i], colnames(mutMat)[j], sep="_"))
f <- try(fisher.test(mutMat[, i], mutMat[, j]), silent = TRUE)
if (class(f) == "try-error")
else ifelse(f$estimate > 1, -log10(f$p.val), log10(f$p.val))
print("Calculating the odds ratio...")
oddsRatio <- oddsGenes <- sapply(1:ncol(mutMat), function(i) sapply(1:ncol(mutMat),
function(j) {
print(paste(colnames(mutMat)[i], colnames(mutMat)[j], sep="_"))
f <- try(fisher.test(mutMat[, i], mutMat[, j]), silent = TRUE)
if (class(f) == "try-error")
f = NA
else f$estimate
rownames(interactions) = colnames(interactions) = rownames(oddsRatio) = colnames(oddsRatio) = colnames(mutMat)
sigPairs = which(x = 10^-abs(interactions) < max(0.05), arr.ind = TRUE)
sigPairsTbl = data.table::rbindlist(lapply(X = seq_along(1:nrow(sigPairs)),
function(i) {
x = sigPairs[i, ]
g1 = rownames(interactions[x[1], x[2], drop = FALSE])
g2 = colnames(interactions[x[1], x[2], drop = FALSE])
tbl = = mutMat[, c(g1,g2), drop = FALSE], 1, paste, collapse = "")))
combn = data.frame(t(tbl$Freq))
colnames(combn) = tbl$Var1
pval = 10^-abs(interactions[x[1], x[2]])
fest = oddsRatio[x[1], x[2]]
d = data.table::data.table(gene1 = g1, gene2 = g2,pValue = pval, oddsRatio = fest)
d = cbind(d, combn)
}), fill = TRUE)
sigPairsTbl <- sigPairsTbl[sigPairsTbl$gene1 != sigPairsTbl$gene2, ]
sigPairsTbl <- sigPairsTbl[sigPairsTbl$gene2 %in% all_cosmic_genes(), ]
sigPairsTbl$Event <- ifelse(test = sigPairsTbl$oddsRatio > 1, yes = "Co_Occurence", no = "Mutually_Exclusive")
sigPairsTbl$pair = apply(X = sigPairsTbl[, c('gene1', 'gene2')], MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x) paste(sort(unique(x)), collapse = ", "))
sigPairsTblSig <- sigPairsTbl[order(as.numeric(sigPairsTbl$pValue)) & !duplicated(sigPairsTbl$pair), ]
sigPairs.cosmic <- sigPairsTblSig[sigPairsTblSig$gene1 %in% all_cosmic_genes() | sigPairsTblSig$gene2 %in% all_cosmic_genes(), ]
sigPairs.cosmic$TCGA_Tumor <- rep(tumor, nrow(sigPairs.cosmic))
colnames(sigPairs.cosmic)[1] <- "Gene_Symbol"
colnames(sigPairs.cosmic)[2] <- "Gene_Symbol_COSMIC"
# This function returns for each copy number altered gene all those cosmic ones highly correlating: 1) CN-altered samples overlap > 70% and 2) DE correlation
.getOverlapCOSMIC <- function(SCNA.DEG.result, genes, cosmic.genes) {
int.matrix <- .setRowMatrix(0, colnames(SCNA.DEG.result))
input <- SCNA.DEG.result[SCNA.DEG.result$Gene_Symbol %in% genes & SCNA.DEG.result$log2FC.SCNAvsDip != 0, ]
cosmic <- SCNA.DEG.result[SCNA.DEG.result$Gene_Symbol %in% cosmic.genes & SCNA.DEG.result$log2FC.SCNAvsDip != 0, ]
colnames(cosmic) <- paste(colnames(cosmic), "COSMIC", sep="_")
if(nrow(input) > 0 & nrow(cosmic) > 0) {
for(j in 1:nrow(input)) {
for(k in 1:nrow(cosmic)) {
if(input$TCGA_Tumor[j] == cosmic$TCGA_Tumor[k] & as.character(input$Condition[j]) == as.character(cosmic$Condition[k])) {
a <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(input$Pat.IDs[j]), ","))
b <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(cosmic$Pat.IDs[k]), ","))
int <- intersect(a, b)
a.l <- length(a)
b.l <- length(b)
int.l <- length(int)
prop.gene.cosmic <- (int.l/a.l) * 100
prop.cosmic.gene <- (int.l/b.l) * 100
if(prop.gene.cosmic >= 70) {
line <- cbind(as.vector(input[j,]), cosmic[k, ])
line$PROP_GENE_COSMIC <- prop.gene.cosmic
line$PROP_COSMIC_GENE <- prop.cosmic.gene
int.matrix <- rbind(int.matrix, line)
if(nrow(int.matrix) > 0) {
int.matrix <- .setRowMatrix(nrow = 0, c("Gene_Symbol", "log2FC.SCNAvsDip", "logCPM.SCNAvsDip", "p.val.SCNAvsDip", "FDR.SCNAvsDip", "TCGA_Tumor", "Condition", "Pat.percentage", "Pat.IDs", "Gene_Symbol_COSMIC", "log2FC.SCNAvsDip_COSMIC", "logCPM.SCNAvsDip_COSMIC", "p.val.SCNAvsDip_COSMIC", "FDR.SCNAvsDip_COSMIC", "TCGA_Tumor_COSMIC", "Condition_COSMIC", "Pat.percentage_COSMIC", "Pat.IDs_COSMIC", "PROP_GENE_COSMIC", "PROP_COSMIC_GENE"))
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