#' @include MultiAssayExperiment-subset.R
.warnnomatch <- function(type, values) {
warning("'", type, "': ",
paste(BiocBaseUtils::selectSome(values), collapse = ", "),
"\n could not be matched")
.sampleMapFromData <- function(colData, experiments) {
samps <- colnames(experiments)
assay <- factor(rep(names(samps), lengths(samps)), levels=names(samps))
colname <- unlist(samps, use.names=FALSE)
matches <- match(colname, rownames(colData))
if (length(matches) && all(is.na(matches)))
stop("No way to map colData to ExperimentList")
else if (!length(matches) && !isEmpty(experiments))
stop("colData rownames and ExperimentList colnames are empty")
primary <- rownames(colData)[matches]
autoMap <- S4Vectors::DataFrame(
assay=assay, primary=primary, colname=colname)
missingPrimary <- is.na(autoMap[["primary"]])
if (nrow(autoMap) && any(missingPrimary)) {
notFound <- autoMap[missingPrimary, ]
warning("Data dropped from ExperimentList (element - column):",
paste("\n", notFound[["assay"]], "-", notFound[["colname"]]),
), "\nUnable to map to rows of colData", call. = FALSE)
autoMap <- autoMap[!missingPrimary, ]
.sampleMapFromExisting <- function(colData, sampleMap, colnames) {
colmatches <- match(colnames, sampleMap[["colname"]])
notFounds <- which(is.na(colmatches))
if (!length(colmatches) || all(is.na(colmatches))) {
pmatch <- match(rownames(colData), colnames)
noPrim <- which(is.na(pmatch))
pnames <- colnames[na.omit(pmatch)]
if (!length(pnames) || all(is.na(pnames)))
stop("No 'colnames' in experiments could be matched:\n ",
paste(BiocBaseUtils::selectSome(colnames), collapse = ", "))
else if (length(noPrim))
.warnnomatch("primary", colnames[noPrim])
DataFrame(primary = pnames, colname = pnames)
} else {
if (length(notFounds))
.warnnomatch("colnames", colmatches[notFounds])
sampleMap[na.omit(colmatches), c("primary", "colname")]
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Getters
#' @describeIn ExperimentList Get the dimension names for an `ExperimentList`
#' using [`CharacterList`][IRanges::AtomicList]
#' @importFrom methods as
#' @export
setMethod("dimnames", "ExperimentList", function(x) {
as(lapply(x, function(g) dimnames(g)[[1]]), "CompressedCharacterList"),
as(lapply(x, function(g) dimnames(g)[[2]]), "CompressedCharacterList")
#' @describeIn ExperimentList Get the column names for an `ExperimentList`
#' as a [`CharacterList`][IRanges::AtomicList] slightly more efficiently
#' @importFrom BiocGenerics colnames
#' @inheritParams BiocGenerics::colnames
#' @export
setMethod("colnames", "ExperimentList",
function(x, do.NULL = TRUE, prefix = "col") {
as(lapply(x, colnames), "CompressedCharacterList")
#' @describeIn ExperimentList Get the row names for an `ExperimentList`
#' as a [`CharacterList`][IRanges::AtomicList] slightly more efficiently
#' @importFrom BiocGenerics rownames
#' @export
setMethod("rownames", "ExperimentList",
function(x, do.NULL = TRUE, prefix = "row") {
as(lapply(x, rownames), "CompressedCharacterList")
#' @describeIn MultiAssayExperiment Get the dimension names
#' for a `MultiAssayExperiment` object
setMethod("dimnames", "MultiAssayExperiment", function(x) {
#' @export
.DollarNames.MultiAssayExperiment <- function(x, pattern = "")
grep(pattern, names(colData(x)), value = TRUE)
#' @aliases $,MultiAssayExperiment-method
#' @exportMethod $
#' @rdname MultiAssayExperiment-methods
setMethod("$", "MultiAssayExperiment", function(x, name) {
#' @importFrom S4Vectors metadata
#' @rdname MultiAssayExperiment-methods
#' @exportMethod metadata
setMethod("metadata", "MultiAssayExperiment", function(x, ...) {
#' @importFrom S4Vectors metadata<-
#' @rdname MultiAssayExperiment-methods
#' @exportMethod metadata<-
setReplaceMethod("metadata", c("MultiAssayExperiment", "ANY"),
function(x, ..., value) {
.splitArgs <- function(args) {
assayArgNames <- c("mcolname", "background", "type",
"make.names", "ranges")
assayArgs <- args[assayArgNames]
altArgs <- args[!names(args) %in% assayArgNames]
assayArgs <- Filter(function(x) !is.null(x), assayArgs)
list(assayArgs, altArgs)
.mergeMAE <- function(x, y) {
if (any(names(x) %in% names(y)))
stop("Provide unique experiment names")
expz <- c(experiments(x), experiments(y))
sampz <- rbind(sampleMap(x), sampleMap(y))
coldx <- colData(x)
coldy <- colData(y)
cdatz <- S4Vectors::merge(x = coldx, y = coldy,
by = c("row.names", intersect(names(coldx), names(coldy))),
all = TRUE, sort = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
rownames(cdatz) <- cdatz[["Row.names"]]
cdatz <- cdatz[, names(cdatz) != "Row.names", drop = FALSE]
metaz <- c(metadata(x), metadata(y))
ExperimentList = expz,
colData = cdatz,
sampleMap = sampz,
metadata = metaz)
#' @describeIn MultiAssayExperiment Add a supported data class to the
#' `ExperimentList`
#' @param sampleMap `c` method: a `sampleMap` `list` or
#' `DataFrame` to guide merge
#' @param mapFrom Either a `logical`, `character`, or `integer`
#' vector indicating the experiment(s) that have an identical colname order as
#' the experiment input(s). If using a character input, the name must match
#' exactly.
#' @examples
#' example("MultiAssayExperiment")
#' ## Add an experiment
#' test1 <- mae[[1L]]
#' colnames(test1) <- rownames(colData(mae))
#' ## Combine current MultiAssayExperiment with additional experiment
#' ## (no sampleMap)
#' c(mae, newExperiment = test1)
#' test2 <- mae[[3L]]
#' c(mae, newExp = test2, mapFrom = 3L)
#' ## Add experiment using experiment name in mapFrom
#' c(mae, RNASeqGeneV2 = test2, mapFrom = "RNASeqGene")
setMethod("c", "MultiAssayExperiment",
function(x, ..., sampleMap = NULL, mapFrom = NULL) {
args <- list(...)
if (!length(args))
stop("Provide experiments or a 'MultiAssayExperiment' to concatenate")
if (
!is.null(sampleMap) && !is.list(sampleMap) &&
!is(sampleMap, "DataFrame")
"'sampleMap' must be a 'DataFrame', 'data.frame', 'list' or 'NULL'"
if (identical(length(args), 1L)) {
input <- args[[1L]]
if (is(input, "MultiAssayExperiment"))
return(.mergeMAE(x, input))
else if (inherits(input, "List") && !is(input, "DataFrame")
|| is(input, "list"))
args <- input
exps <- as(args, "ExperimentList")
xmap <- sampleMap(x)
cdata <- colData(x)
if (!isEmpty(exps)) {
if (!is.null(mapFrom)) {
warning("Assuming column order in the data provided ",
"\n matches the order in 'mapFrom' experiment(s) colnames",
call. = FALSE)
addMaps <- mapToList(sampleMap(x))[mapFrom]
names(addMaps) <- names(exps)
sampleMap <- mapply(function(x, y) {
x[["colname"]] <- colnames(y)
}, x = addMaps, y = exps)
} else if (is.null(sampleMap) || isEmpty(sampleMap)) {
sampleMap <- lapply(colnames(exps), .sampleMapFromExisting,
colData = cdata, sampleMap = xmap)
if (!is(sampleMap, "DataFrame"))
sampleMap <- listToMap(sampleMap)
newListMap <- rbind(xmap, sampleMap)
x <- BiocBaseUtils::setSlots(x,
ExperimentList = c(experiments(x), exps),
sampleMap = newListMap
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Converter - exportClass
.metasize <- function(metlist) {
atmos <- vapply(metlist, is.atomic, logical(1L))
sum(any(atmos), !atmos)
.chr2fxn <- function(fmt) {
sep <- switch(fmt, csv = ",", "\t")
cols <- switch(fmt, csv = NA, TRUE)
qme <- switch(fmt, csv = "double", "escape")
function(...) utils::write.table(..., sep = sep,
col.names = cols, qmethod = qme)
.sortMetadata <- function(object, objname, dir, fmt, ext, ...) {
metas <- metadata(object)
atmos <- vapply(metas, is.atomic, logical(1L))
metatxt <- metas[atmos]
fnames <- character(0L)
if (length(metatxt)) {
fpath <- file.path(dir, paste0(objname, "_META_0", ext))
if (!is.function(fmt))
fmt <- .chr2fxn(fmt)
fmt(as.data.frame(metatxt), fpath, ...)
fnames <- fpath
if (any(!atmos)) {
nonato <- metas[!atmos]
nonatos <- seq_along(nonato)
mpaths <- file.path(dir, paste0(objname, "_META_", nonatos, ext))
lapply(nonatos, function(i) {
fmt(as(nonato[[i]], "data.frame"), mpaths[[i]], ...)
}, error = function(e) conditionMessage(e))
fnames <- c(fnames, mpaths)
#' @export
object, dir = tempdir(), fmt, ext, match = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, ...
#' @describeIn MultiAssayExperiment Export data from class to a series
#' of text files
#' @param dir `character(1)` A directory for saving exported data (default:
#' `tempdir()`)
#' @param fmt `character(1)` or function() Either a format character atomic as
#' supported by `write.table` either ('csv', or 'tsv') or a function whose
#' first two arguments are 'object to save' and 'file location'
#' @param ext `character(1)` A file extension supported by the format argument
#' @param match `logical(1)` Whether to coerce the current object to a
#' 'MatchedAssayExperiment' object (default: FALSE)
#' @param verbose `logical(1)` Whether to print additional information (default
#' TRUE)
#' @aliases exportClass
#' @exportMethod exportClass
setMethod("exportClass", "MultiAssayExperiment",
function(object, dir = tempdir(), fmt, ext, match = FALSE,
verbose = TRUE, ...) {
if (missing(dir) || !dir.exists(dir))
stop("Specify a valid folder location for saving data files")
objname <- as.character(substitute(object))
if (isTRUE(match))
object <- as(object, "MatchedAssayExperiment")
nfiles <- sum(length(object), !isEmpty(colData(object)),
!isEmpty(sampleMap(object)), .metasize(metadata(object)))
if (missing(verbose) || !isFALSE(verbose))
message("Writing about ", nfiles, " files to disk...")
if (is.function(fmt) && missing(ext))
stop("Provide a valid file extention, see 'ext' argument")
if (!is.function(fmt) && !is.character(fmt))
stop("Invalid format type: must be 'character' or 'function'")
if (is.character(fmt)) {
if (missing(ext))
ext <- paste0(".", fmt)
fmt <- .chr2fxn(fmt)
coldatname <- paste0(objname, "_", "colData", ext)
sampmapname <- paste0(objname, "_", "sampleMap", ext)
exfnames <- file.path(dir,
c(paste0(objname, "_", names(experiments(object)), ext),
coldatname, sampmapname))
alists <- lapply(assays(object), as.data.frame)
lists <- c(alists, list(coldat = as.data.frame(colData(object)),
sampmap = as.data.frame(sampleMap(object))))
metafs <- .sortMetadata(object, objname, dir, fmt, ext)
invisible(Map(function(fname, lobject) {
fmt(lobject, fname, ...)
}, exfnames, lists))
c(metafs, exfnames)
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